Latest opinion poll – Labour overtakes National

Written By: - Date published: 2:21 pm, January 17th, 2025 - 62 comments
Categories: act, Chlöe Swarbrick, chris hipkins, Christopher Luxon, greens, labour, maori party, national, nz first, political parties, Politics, polls, winston peters - Tags:

That grinding noise you can hear from the Parliamentary precinct is the sound of National backbenchers sharpening their knives getting ready for a change of leadership.

Because the latest Curia poll shows National has fallen behind Labour in the preferred party stakes. And that the force behind a change of Government is gaining momentum.

From the Herald:

Labour has surpassed National for the first time in nearly two years in the latest Taxpayers’ Union-Curia Poll, with Christopher Luxon’s party dropping into the 20s.

There’s also more bad news for the Government, with the right-wrong direction indicator taking a negative turn.

The results come ahead of the political year ramping up next week. National and Labour will hold their summer caucus retreats, both Luxon and Act’s David Seymour will deliver major speeches, and politicians will attend annual Rātana celebrations.

The poll, which was conducted between January 9 and 13, shows Labour at 30.9%, up 4 percentage points compared to December’s results. National has fallen by 4.6 points to 29.6%. This is the first time since April 2023 that Labour has been ahead of National in this poll.

Act is on 10.8%, down 2.2 points, the Greens are on 9.5%, up 1.2 points, New Zealand First is at 8.1%, up 2.7 points, and Te Pati Māori is on 5.3%, down 0.2.

The results suggest the following seat distribution:

  • Labour: 39 (+5)
  • National: 38 (-11)
  • ACT: 14 (+3)
  • Greens: 12 (NC)
  • NZ First: 10 (+2)
  • Te Pati Maori: 7 (+1)

The Government could hold onto power, just. But National is having its lunch eaten by Act and NZ First and it must have some very nervous backbenchers.

The poll suggests the minor party leaders are increasing their share of support. Chris Hipkins is down 4.6 points to 15.3% in the preferred Prime Minister stakes. Luxon is down 2.6 points to 24.5%, while Seymour is up slightly (0.5) to 6.3%, Winston Peters has jumped 3 points to 8.8% and Chlöe Swarbrick has jumped 4 % to 8.5%.

39% of participants believed the country was heading in the right direction compared to 53% who thought it was going in the wrong direction. This represents a 17 point change.

National will not be pleased. It has never previously been thrown out of office after one term. If this keeps up get ready for the spill.

62 comments on “Latest opinion poll – Labour overtakes National ”

  1. Stephen D 1

    Their problem being the alternatives aren’t much better.

    Willis?? Bishop?? Anyone else?

    My popcorn futures are looking good.

    • thinker 1.1

      I was just scrolling down to make the same comment.

      Personally, and I'm sure it doesn't keep him awake at night, I don't care much for Luxon and I don't think he's made the transition from businessman to politician very successfully.

      But I believe the biggest cause of this is voters seeing the two minor parties peeing all over Nationals parade. Unlike Luxon, for example, they can see National being dragged into a treaty debate it says it doesn't support. And heaps of other things.

      Plus, probably, those of lesser wealth feeling like turkeys who voted for an early Christmas.

  2. SPC 2

    They forget why Key ruled in the 9 years by increment to the right (and did not end WFF tax credits or the interest free loans).

    They would have lost in 1993 under MMP, or if New Labour and Labour had not divided.

    They only returned in 1996 because NZF divided the opposition and chose to partner with them.

    Hubris. Extremism. Pride and a fall. They are exposing who they are, and what their cause is to another generation of voters.

  3. Ad 3


    Cracking open a cold one to that this evening

  4. Curia is a discredited polling organisation – last year they were the only polling group that had National up and able to form government.

    Looks like this is a quick pivot and helps them build their brand, rather than a poll that matters.

    • Bearded Git 4.1

      Seems highly unlikely that ACT and NZF have 19% between them?

      Given Curia's usual bias, the Right is on the ropes here after only 15 months. The ferries will sink them.

    • Obtrectator 4.2

      Possibly a "tactical fake result" (my term), designed to panic the Nats into switching leaders now, rather than later?

    • Louis 4.3

      yes That's what I thought too @ Moutain Tui.

    • Muttonbird 4.4

      Yes, there's always a political angle with David Farrar, by definition. He is both a pollster (main source of income) and an aggressive political activist (main source of political agenda). This is a conflict of interest and he should not be able to do both. In fact, RANZ has adjudicated on this and decided he is not able to do both.

      There is nothing not manufactured in the way David Farrar does anything. This will be calculated and your suggestion it's a marketing exercise to get headline attention in the middle of the holidays in the middle of a RW term seems on point.

      That said, the economy is in freefall under Luxon and Willis, and people are very, very worried.

  5. Paul Campbell 5

    3% margin of error – with numbers this close they're a bit meaningless – TPU is obviously too cheap to have enough people interviewed for a real poll

    • Incognito 5.1

      Dead Right!

      They should have doubled the number of people polled and lowered the MoE to 2.2%, at the least.

  6. "

    The results suggest the following seat distribution:

    Labour: 39 (+5)
    National: 38 (-11)
    ACT: 14 (+3)
    Greens: 12 (NC)
    NZ First: 10 (+2)
    Te Pati Maori: 7 (+1)


    Not quite.

    You've omitted to factor in Special Votes. (A commonplace lapse throughout the mainstream media.)

    Once Special votes are counted and factored into overall results, National ends up losing TWO seats, re-distributed to Labour and/or Greens and/or Te Pāti Māori.

    Based on this poll, and including Special Votes and seat re-distribution, at "best" it's a hung Parliament.

  7. Adrian 9

    Don’t lose sight of the huge number of those who have left in the last year because of the Nat/Act win and decamped to Australia etc and the real possibility of some utu festering away and the only outlet being to cast a vote from afar.

    • Drowsy M. Kram 9.1

      … and the real possibility of some utu … and the only outlet being to cast a vote from afar.

      yes Hope departing Kiwis ‘glance’ backwards at election time, if they’re not too busy.

      Kiwi employment confidence lagging behind Australia for 2025
      [17 Jan 2025]
      Kiwi employment confidence is lagging behind Australia across the board, including the potential for pay rises, employment opportunities and the cost of living crunch, according to new data, but economists say that could lead to an even worse economy.

      The measure for job security was negative for the third straight quarter at -6.3, the worst recorded since 2005.

      The number of nurses leaving to work in Australia has soared to nearly 12,000 in the past year — a 53 per cent rise, figures from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation agency (Ahpra) show. [20 Dec 2024]

  8. Georgecom 10

    Not much related to this poll but did get a giggle from it, heard someome on radio today say their nickname for the PM is luxative

  9. Mike the Lefty 11

    I'm wondering who the Nats have got that could actually handle Peters and Seymour.

    Can't see any obvious candidate.

    I think it all depends upon if there are a sufficient number of Nat MPs who care about where their party is heading or whether they will just lie down and wait for Seymour and Peters to implement their wildest fantasies – which is just what many of them secretly want to happen but they never dared to hope – and just let the chips fall where they might.

    After all, government is just a game to them, a chance to play with some very big toys.

    • Drowsy M. Kram 11.1

      Rice defended the right of football players such as Grange, and tennis players such as Tilden, to make a living as professionals, but he also decried the warping influence of big money in sports, once writing in his column:

      Money to the left of them and money to the right
      Money everywhere they turn from morning to the night
      Only two things count at all from mountain to the sea
      Part of it's percentage, and the rest is guarantee

      After all, government is just a game to them…

      yes A game, yes, and a lucrative one. Remember, it's not how you play the game…;_it%27s_the_only_thing

  10. CD 12

    Who'd have thought that improving JP services and banning grey hound racing would turn the tide? wink

    Luxon never really cared about being PM. He just dropped into do some admin. No shame in that, I suppose. Why Curia and their client got impatient enough to take the risk of this so-called poll is a mystery. Greed and stupidity is seldom patient, but surely they have a plan no matter how dastardly. They might've got away with it, too, if it wasn't for those pesky journalists using the wrong headline. Now all they've gone and done is excite the voters into thinking there's a BBQ and free beer at Labour's house.

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