Written By:
Dancr - Date published:
11:10 am, June 6th, 2010 - 2 comments
Categories: culture, humour, Media, youtube -
Straight from the Guardian – I loved the range (and left-field nature of this selection) so decided to share it here! From Jemima Kiss’ blog:
Warning, limited overt NZ political content.
There’s the odd day when I think I might be bored of Lady Gaga videos and then something like this comes along and I realise we are only at the beginning. This mighty, mighty effort is by the Librarians of the Future. God bless them all.
There are some wonderful moments in the World’s Slowest Porsche; I like the just-visible pedalling heels as he leaves the start line, the way the car is so quiet you can hear the cameraman breathing and the climactic smile. Just don’t mention Clarkson.
But this has been a bit of bumper week for video surprises, and I have to admit I think I had something in my eye when I watched this little treasure from New York. As an unusually lucid YouTube commenter said:
“Some guy needs to remove this. Every girl who watches it will have their proposal expectations raised through the roof …”
Yummmm . . . I’ve always had a “thing” for librarians and, I’m stunned . . . a German with a sense of humour đ
Database. Poker face. Why not this?
Just saying. Massive missed rhyme opportunity fail.