Written By:
- Date published:
11:52 am, March 2nd, 2009 - 34 comments
Categories: sexism, workers' rights -
Tags: women's rights
National/ACT’s record for women so far has been dismal . Their work rights have been slashed by the Fire at Will law (women are disportionality employed by small businesses), they were all but excluded from the Job Summit (despite women being the most heavily affected by job losses and reduced hours), they got only a paltry 9 cent an hour minimum wage increase, and, then, Tony Ryall rubbed salt in the wound bycancelling two pay equity inquiries because they would have led to more expensive pay rounds.
Well, stuff that.
The Hand Mirror have organised a Faxathon for the 6th of March to coincide with International Working Women’s Day on the 8th.
You can download the petition form here. Inevitably, there’s a Facebook group, too. So, get some names on the forms and then fax them into Minister of State Sexism Services, Tony Ryall on 04 817 6504 on March 6.
I would suggest that you send them through to Key as well (04 473 3689). Unlike Ryall, Key is worried about preserving his popularity.
In fact, I would suggest to the organisers that they should get a group together and hand over a pile of the petitions outside Parliament on the day, a la the s92(a) action – good for the cameras, so more likely to get coverage and prompt a back down. You’ll be able get some friendly MPs or, at least, the ever-opportunistic Peter Dunne to accept the petitions from you.
I swear to God if I see one more “but no one really discriminates against women employees! If women just worked as hard as men they’d be paid the same!” comment on this issue they’ll hear my screams in Picton.
A national working woman’s holiday is a great idea.
Jesus Brett. You’ve gone wrong.
Just what women need – another white-bread straight man with bad taste in clothes, no dance moves and who doesn’t help out around the house…
is that you in that brett?
Tigger, yeah fuck all those white bread straight men. All they do is fuck up everything and everyone they touch. They contribute nothing and quite frankly the world would so obviously be better off without them. God I loathe them.
Down with white bread men!
Whats wrong with that video, its starts out, playing on people’s prejudices that a woman should be the house wife, then shows, the woman is out working.
Do you think some sexist rap crap showing a woman shaking her ass poolside is a better reflective of what woman should aspire too?
I’m referring to your appalling taste in music.
Any self respecting Liberal, should love my taste in music, the songs are all about racial equality, woman’s rights, gay rights and environmental issues.
It’s still awful. And then there’s Billy Joel.
But I do remember you once listed some of your favourite comedians and I noticed that they were also my favourites so apparently there are some things we agree on.
There was bound to be something.
God brett – retarded inbred music for retarded inbred people i guess.
If you want some feminist music, made by feminists, which makes anyone with taste want to dance instead of puke, watch this video.
Retarded inbred music for inbred people?
I didnt post a rap video did I ?
Yes I love strong female music by artists such as Natalie Maines, Lucinda Williams, Martina McBride and Trisha Yearwood.
Their songs always feature strong woman, in their videos the woman are always fully clothed, unlike the sexist rap and rock crap that is in the mainstream media today.
That’s nice Brett. It’s still awful.
Cool video Roger.
It’s just so much easier not to talk about the actual issue of this thread isn’t it?
Thanks Steve for the promotion.
We’ve had a few people say they’d be keen on a bit of in-person activity on Friday, at Parliament. Personally I’m in Auckland and unable to organise that, and our people in Welly aren’t well placed to do it either, but if someone wanted to pick it up and run with it then that would be great. The idea is that the faxathon is a very flaxroots effort – people can do it in a way that suits them, make up their own fax, email instead, etc.
I guess music is a matter of taste. The music in that video seemed to be a bit studio created for my liking.
Brett – you don’t need a studio to programme in a few drum beats and sample some guitar riffs. All it takes is a computer and a little equpitment. That doesn’t mean the process is easy though. To do what le tigre does takes a highly developed aesthetic sensibility, and appreciation of performance art – plus, they kick arse.
The video you linked to is just god-awfully weak.
That mongoloid hillbilly music you linked to was also created in a studio, by on-the-clock session players who couldn’t give a crap about it.
I thought all the mongoloid Hillbillies lived down you way ?
We have our share.
Actually Sammy Kershaw doesn’t work that way.
Music is a matter of taste, personally I wouldnt call that link performance art, it could of been put together by someone in a high school band competition, but that is just my opinion.
Now here is a group of females that can really sing and play actual instruments.
Yes it’s a matter of taste, and yours is atrocious.
I’ll have to take your word about Sammy Slackjaw, but it sure sounds like mass-produced Nashville paint-by-numbers tripe to me.
I’m not even going to click that link, the last one left a permanent scar on my brain.
How can anyone knock the dixie chicks?
They are brilliant.
How? I’d use a car.
Why would you want to do anything to the dixie chicks?, they are liberal and great artists.
I’m sure they’re very nice people. I’d still feed them to Lemmy.
They do a lot of charity work, and were around about a decade before they got their first album deal, they have paid their dues.
That’s lovely Brett, good for them.
But boy do they suck.
In your opinion.
Brett – i didn’t say that the video i linked to was performance art (but the sequenced dancing was pretty cool). It was a live show – have a look at some of their other videos.
Felix is right of course – that song you linked to was cliched and lifeless. By the looks of things, Mr “Slackjaw” doesn’t have a creative bone in his body.
Kershaw is a good writer.
But well done on the name calling.
You need to get out more Brett –
If you’re looking for awesome country music performed by women you need go no further than gillian welch (screw that cliched cookie cutter yawn-fest that you’re into).
I am into Gillian Welch.
Thanks for posting the link!