Lhaws’ lhabours lhost

Michael Lhaws has done more to worsen ethnic relations in this country than, arguably, anyone else in the past decade. He chose the most racially divided city in the land and cynically exploited those divisions to get the attention his pathetic ego craves. Now, one of his greatest ‘achievements’ has been ruled illegal.

The Gang Patch Law was always a fraud. It didn’t accurately target people wearing patches and it didn’t do anything to discourage people being gang members. But those were never Lhaws’ real objectives. He was only after creating more racial division by dog-whistling (gang members = ‘bloody Maoris’). Same with his campaign over child abuse. More racial division means more votes for the head white racist and more media attention for an empty little man.

Lhaws was truly a terrible mayor. He failed to achieve anything but dragging Whanganui’s name down to his level in the eyes of the rest of the country (honestly, ask someone about Whanganui and ‘racist’ will be one of the first words out of their mouths). The people were getting sick of him and, according to rumour, polling was showing he could lose last year’s mayoral race. Hence, his decision not to run.

Now, the High Court has found that Lhaws’ Gang Patch Law is illegal.

Nice work, Lhaws, you wasted everyone’s time and who knows how much money on a law that didn’t even do what it purported to do, and now judicial resources have had to be wasted getting it overturned. So, you’re having a cry about the courts getting it wrong. Because it’s always someone else at fault when you fuck up, eh Lhaws?

Honestly, what a dick.

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