Written By:
- Date published:
6:55 pm, February 13th, 2011 - 87 comments
Categories: The Standard -
Tags: lprent
Given that Lprent has outed this news in comments, thought we should start a new thread and move the comments here:
I wound up in Auckland hospital with a heart attack yesterday morning. Survived due to Lyn’s quick actions.
Thanks from all of us to Lyn, who’s quick action probably saved Lynn’s life. Get well soon Lynn — and then take it easy for a bit eh?
[The comments moved from the other thread have not ordered properly, and comment numbering / indenting in general is completely messed up. Lynn’s original comment was at 5:15pm and and is now towards the end of this thread instead of the top.] [rocky: It was very scary to get a call from Mum yesterday morning telling me Lynn had had a heart attack. When she said she had some bad news my first thought was my Grandmother as she is also having heart problems. I guess they can share cardiologist reports now 😉When I arrived at the hospital things were fairly under control – they had already put a stent in to keep the artery open. Lynn was starting to wake up a bit, but as I understand is normal after a serious heart attack, he kept forgetting what had happened. Mum and Lyn got pretty good at telling him over and over again that he had had a heart attack and was in Auckland hospital. As the day went on we could see he was getting better as he took less and less time to understand what was happening each time he forgot. Late afternoon Lynn started asking for his iPad over and over again. That’s when I knew he must be ok! Lyn went home for a couple of hours in the evening and was going to get the iPad. Mum had to put up with Lynn forgetting every couple of minutes and asking where his iPad was. Lyn decided that while he could have the iPad to read books, it probably wasn’t wise to give him internet access in case he were to send people emails over and over again.
This afternoon when I went back in to see Lynn he was pretty well back to normal. He keeps moaning about his chest being sore from the bruised ribs caused by Lyn and the paramedics saving his life.
No doubt this was all caused by a combination of genetics and years and years of bad diet, smoking, and too much time in front of his computer screen. I understand the last 3 years have been a bit better with Lyn around making him eat better and stop smoking so much. He’s also been bussing to work and doing a bit of walking from the stops.
I guess now he’ll have to decide exactly how long he wants to live and make the necessary further lifestyle changes. I hope other middle aged men reading this can take the lesson the easy way – not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance!]
Prescient. I wound up in Auckland hospital with a heart attack yesterday morning. Survived due to Lyn’s quick actions. Umm a few post
I hope that’s a bad joke you’re trying out for laughs lprent ?
Lynn is not joking, he’s recovering from a serious heart attack (thank you Lyn!).
Lynn – you’ve found a way to get on line – why am I not surprised? But take it easy eh. Do as you’re told and put your energy into getting well soon…
Nope. Serious. Hell of a shock once they put the stent in and I returned more to normality. Btw: lyn tells me to get off the iphone
Do as you’re told Lynn. r0b and Irish are here everything is ok.
Hope you’re doing OK dude. Was it relatively major or relatively minor? I’m picking the latter unless you are blogging from the cardiac ward with an ipad. Darn good to still have you.
unless you are blogging from the cardiac ward with an ipad
I haven’t heard updated news for a while, but my understanding is that that is exactly the case.
No wifi, so I have to do it with the iPhone (and sneak it past Lyn)
Get of the phone!!!
The only reason I survived was Lyn thumping my chest and a really fast ambulance.
jeepers. Take it easy mate, and do what the doctors tell you.
Crikey, Lynn. That’s not good news, bro. Take it easy, ya hear, and kia kaha. Kudos to Lyn, too!
Glad to read you’re well enough to post, Lynn. Hope you’re recovering ok.
Hey mate, take it easy until you’re back to strength. There’s still a lot of righties for you to terrorise yet…
My God Lynn, get well soon. And take a well deserved break.
[deleted — r0b] I want to wish Lynn all the best and hope he has a quick and full recovery.
It’s really quite pathetic that a moderator would have to censor this. You really are low, bb.
Get well soon, Lynn.
I will transfer my own wishes for your speedy recovery Lynn from other post.
prism …
13 February 2011 at 6:44 pm
Take it easy, and keep well away from moderating for a while Lynn. No irritation or excitement, hope all the treatment goes well. The medicals turn you out good as new these days.
Someone else* said it too, use calm and peace in the mind to let the body recover. No exposure to mental calculations or irritants for a bit.
I am sure the rest of the team at The Std will take excellent care of things as they have been already. Best wishes always.
*Oh yeah that was prism, good call mate.
My sympathies and I hope you will be fully recovered soon!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. [deleted – I’m going to be moderating this thread a bit harder than usual — r0b]
Keep on trucking & chill for a bit maybe. The site is a valued part of the NZ political scene and while no one is irreplaceable your comments to some irritants (not exempting myself here) have been unforgettable! Like Voice said, Kia Kaha.
Sincere best wishes – and well done Lyn.
All the very best Lprent.
My eldest brother is about your age, and about four months ago he had serious heart attack. He now looks like my kid brother – brimming with good health and chilled like he’s never had to learn to be before. So, go to the meetings and follow the heart-attack club instructions. It’s the elixir of youth is seems.
How awful for you – thank heavens Lyn had such wonderful presence of mind.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and return to full health.
My best wishes too, see you soon!
A speedy recovery and go well fella.
You shouldn’t need to be told that management of your own health is all that matters and that you put the least amount of stress on all those immediate family and friends. That said, you’re under orders to make a speedy recovery.
We have always been told that the anti-spam are random and pure coincidence, well, in order to aid that speedy recovery, given the time of this comment (20:05) you should follow the one that has thrown up this time.
captcha: sleeps
Wishing you well…
Please slow down Lynn. You’re too important to many people.
Thanking God for Lyn and for your survival lprent – you’re too important to NZ thought space to lose. Try to do as Lyn says so you recover well. Thinking hols. start now!
Political differences don’t matter at times like this. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recover Lynn, and whatever lifestyle changes are suggested, do them! You’ve had your warning, so don’t push your luck. Kia kaha.
Have a holiday from cares and worries, smell the roses etc. Look after yourself. On ya Lyn and Lynn.
Get well soon, Lynn. I hope both you and Lyn are recovering well, no doubt a scary experience for all involved.
Although I must say given the amount of commenting you’re doing that you seem remarkably chipper already.
Get well soon Lprent.
Who else is going to keep us trolls in line ;).
Kia kaha Lprent, hope you get well soon.
Iprent Dont know who you are
But Get well.
Love this blog,gives us normal working class a place to talk .
Bloody hell Monty and Bruv, have you no decency?
Anyway, get well soon Lynn. Just take is easy and relax, Put the fans on, drink the water, and stay off the internet. Im sure one of your lieutenants can run the site for a bit here.
Cheers Lyn. Sounds as if you have really good thumping skills and perhaps we should all be practising them.
Gee Lynn.
Get better soon. The left need you!
But please do take it easy and have a full recovery.
All the best Lynn, and take it easy – we need you back to full health!
As you can see from the comments above, the internet is not virtual, it’s full of very real, caring people.
All the very best Lynn.
All the very best Lynn. I guess that’s one way to experience first hand the state of NZ’s Health System. (Will there be a post to follow? 🙂 ) I chose a broken shoulder. Take care and take it easy.
I chose piles. Found the health system was fine, and was greatly relieved 🙂
Good luck Lynn. If you’re reading this, get some rest 😉
Cripes. Thoughts and prayers with you both, take a good long spell and pamper youself for a while – you most certainly deserve it. Step away from that screen!
Heck, this is terrible news. Best wishes for the fullest and speediest recovery possible!
I prescribe a relaxing holiday somewhere peaceful. Which means, not here, working and moderating! 😉
Take strength from all the concern…recover well
Take it easy lprent, your health is priority one.
You are in the best place to be under the circumstances. I wish both of you well, and you Lprent, a full and smooth recovery.
kia kaha lynn. good to see that you’re back to your old self so quickly but take it easy for a while bro.
Thanks for the excellent service you have given for this site, now it’s an opportunity to reassess priorities. Enjoy life!
Strewth! (I’ve clearly been in Australia too long)
Sane voices in the blogosphere are few and far between. If you’re going to keep inconveniencing the blogging public with these heart attacks, methinks the next spot of coding you work on should be an upload of yourself to The Standard’s server, Tron-style.
I’ve always felt “Get well soon” really only conveys sufficient gravitas for things like sniffles and vasectomies, but I wish it to you nonetheless.
Well fought Lynn and Lyn.
Sorry to hear this lynn, must have been very scary for you both. May your recovery be swift…
Good health Lynn. People with a second chance seem to flourish even more. Cheers.
Best wishes Lprent – I hope you are feeling much better soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and thoughts with your family too – you must’ve given your wife a heck of a fright!
Good luck to you and yours 🙂
Get well 1stent.
Get well soon and look after yourself. Kia kaha to your family, it’s not easy dealing with something like this
Hope the recovery is good as someone must keep the red flag flying on the web in as proud a shape as this blog is.
I guess I should have a little sympathy but FFS!!! You have a heart attack and no doubt are in the ICU and what’s the first thing you do?? Turn on the bloody cell phone and start blogging!!! Nah, seriously, please, like Dr Felix says, do what you’re told.
Also, thanks Lyn, close call, huh? Hope you’re doing okay too.
My thoughts exactly. LOL!!!
But seriously Iprent. Heart attacks are your body’s way of saying I need some rest here. Get some potassium and magnesium in ya and take it easy for a while.
I would miss getting up your nose. And Lynn good on ya for having the presence of mind, thanks a bunch for keeping your mate with us for a bit longer. You take it easy too, ya hear.
My better half was the same BLiP; hospitalised (for a week, as it transpired) after an asthma attack and other complications, the first things she asked for were the cellphone and the laptop. We are all a long time dead, and I can’t see the point in hastening it!
Bad news and sorry to hear…make it an opportunity to turn the lifestyle around…we all want to go on reading you for a log time 🙂
All the best for a good recovery and good health following your recovery.
I appreciated your warm welcome when I discovered this site while doing some family tree research – my grandfather looked after the printing press for the original standard – and appreciated the time you took to email me over a few things.
Take it easy for a while – there’s work still to be done.
All the best for a speedy recovery Lynn. Your country needs you!
Thanks for your update rocky – much appreciated.
Get well soon Lynn! Best wishes…
All my thoughts go out to you. Get well soon
All joking aside…can i have your i-phone if you die ?
lose the attachment, lose the stress 🙂
Thank goodness you got through this. I hope you make a full recovery.
Good to hear that you made it through okay, and seriously, follow the doctor’s advise and take it easy.
Well done, Lyn. That’s inspired me to take a first aid course.
Take it easy, Lynn. A full recovery is the main focus right now.
Get well, Lprent. I’ve been a week recovering from major surgery, too, so cheers from a fellow recuperant.
Teenaa koe Lynn, a couple of stress free weeks in Rarotonga would be the answer – spent a few months in Akld Hospital after transplant and extreme complications, it worked for me.
This blog has bought balance and sanity to a lot of voiceless people on the left largely due to your efforts – methinks we’d be lost lost without you.
Take care of yourself – I wish you a long and healthIER life
Get well soon, recover thoroughly before you take too much on.
a little late, but get well wishes from me as well. i’m totally impressed with all the work you do here & at other places. wishing good things for you & yours.
Teenaa korua, Lyn and Lynn
Kia kaha to both of you. I would just like to reiterate what others have said; the blogosphere has been greatly enhanced by the existence of The Standard, and by its many contributors and initiators. Lynn look after that wonderful intellect of yours and get well.
Get well soon Lynn. You’ll be back in fighting form before you know it.
You must be dog weary after your heart attack. Rest up and feel better soon. 🙂
Thinking about you Lynn and Lyn, hope all is going OK, it will take as long as it takes. (My deep thought for the day). Someone mentioned Rarotonga – have you been there?
Back home again.
I take it that Lynn is making a speedy recovery?
I hope things are progressing along nicely.
Yep. Back home again. Thanks.
Good to hear. Take care.
Back home again with a stockpile of pills filling up a week of daily tubs and a new routine to learn.. Wake up, get coffee and breakfast, swallow pills, start breakfast, scan news on iPad, then kill the overnight trolls and spam.
I’m not allowed to drive for a couple of weeks, but I usually take the bus to work anyway. But there is a few kilometers of walking that I will need to avoid for those same weeks.
I will take it easy for the rest of the week and do some blog cleanup work that has been outstanding.
But I will move some test hardware home and setup remote access to svn. Back coding next week is fine.
Edit: I think that the first thing on my list should be something to fix the disordering of moved items
Hey good news! Sounds like you’re ramping up your workload again pretty fast though – how long do you have off work?
Haven’t discussed detail, but i suspect it will be whatever I need. The real issue is going to be what Lyn describes as my bored behavior.. I will start working on something. Work is as interesting and no harder than what I do anyway.
Btw: I just had a peek at the reading log on the pad. I have only read 9 books from Sunday to Wednesday – most o them yesterday. I must have been pretty crook on Sunday – one book.