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- Date published:
7:45 am, October 17th, 2018 - 36 comments
Categories: by-election, class war, elections, national, political parties, Politics, uncategorized -
Tags: lance osullivan, national leadership
Hey, Tories!
Here’s some free advice; Dump Simon. He’s beyond saving.
Let Paula have a run. Sure she’s got no class, but then, she’s not Judith. And that counts for something, surely?
Write off 2020 and parachute the leader you want running against Jacinda Ardern in 2023 into the Botany by-election. He’ll have five years to prepare for a shot at the Prime Ministership, the same formula that worked for John Key.
Ok, it’s not really Married at First Sight. You’ve already met.
His name is Lance. He’s a doctor. He was New Zealander of the Year. He’s just moved his business to Auckland.
And if he’s not leading National in 2023, he might well be leading NZ First. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?
Ok, maybe it’ll end in tears, but surely it’s worth popping the question?
Definitely a contender. ” He attended school at Pakuranga College and Timaru Boys’ High School. Each school expelled him before his mother sent him to Hato Petera College as a boarder. O’Sullivan completed his high school education as dux, head boy, sports champ and a kapa haka star.”
Anyone with a track record of turning zero into hero will strike gold in politics. One obvious negative though. “O’Sullivan plans to enter politics in 2020. He considers himself apolitical and will seek the best way to achieve the social change he sees necessary. O’Sullivan has made no decision on which party he will choose; he has been in talks with The Opportunities Party about their leadership, and approached by the National Party, but is considering all parties. He was a supporter of the Māori Party and had intended to seek its leadership, however he wanted to be the sole leader and abandon the party’s co-leadership model.”
Anyone who rejects the principle of gender equity stands at the top of a steep slippery slope. On the other hand, acceptable to Maori aristocracy is a plus, progressive enough for TOP is a plus, open to all options means he’s an archetypal politician by instinct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_O%27Sullivan_(doctor)
Definitely Lance is a contender if he can keep his trap closed about vaccines. Otherwise he’ll be no improvement on Simon. 🙂
He is too wet for the Collin’s authoritarians on the (well funded by the Chinese) right.
BTW – all lefties ought to push heavily the whole “National, the best party that (Chinese) money can buy…”
“National, the best party that (Chinese) money can buy…”
I worry a bit that that money is not about ideology but is about buying influence with those in power, and that Labour as a whole hasn’t got enough spine to resist the temptation of that money when it comes sniffing for influence with them. Or even worse, they might (mistakenly) think they’ll be ok because they’ll be smarter about hiding it.
To be fair, both parties are guilty of shady practices around donations. But the Chinese taste for authoritarianism and love of one party rule means they early on picked a horse in our electoral race and so it is National that are largely the recipients of the largesse from Beijing, not Labour. Labour has the odd painting sold for suspiciously large amounts but it doesn’t get wads of cash in brown envelopes that they pick up from a Dominion road restaurants, or whatever.
Everyone knows the National party has oddles and oodles of cash it and used that money during the Key era to relentlessly out-spend Labour on polling and PR. Tt seems we are getting a glimpse of how the National party came to have so much money – it may be they have been heavily with laundered cash from the Chinese Communist party.
The issue of Chinese money influencing our politics needs to be seriously discussed. The generally reactionary media-led response to looking at state funding for political parties needs to stop, if only for reasons of national security.
I’ll grant that it seems fairly clear that the Nats have so far been the recipients of the lion’s share of Chinese money. But that may simply be a timing matter in that the Nats happened to be in power when Chinese money started getting tossed around much more freely. From my perspective, the Clark government displayed enough authoritarian tendencies for the Chinese to work with, if promoting authoritarianism is indeed a motivation.
Agree that current funding model of anonymous donations needs to change. But I can’t come up with any kind of state funding model that I can’t immediately pick apart again, mostly around issues of how to allocate the funding. At the moment, I lean towards incremental changes to the current model, banning donations to parties directly but setting up a Party Donations Authority that receives all donations that must be from an identifiable individual, aggregates them, passes them onto the intended party, and publishes the donors and amounts.
Andre, “Temptation of that money when it comes sniffing for influence with them” Why then is the coalition considering legislation to stop or control overseas investment in infrastructure?
Why the blanket ‘they do it too’. Guilt by association huh?
Well, there’s the sorry saga of William Yan (also goes by Bill Liu). Then there’s Donghua Liu, who seemed to have successfully curried favour with members of the Clark government (even though he seems to have grossly overstated how much he gave to Labour if he even gave any at all).
Those are just the first two instances that come to mind.
edit: Michael Reddell’s piece about the multipartisan disinterest in tackling Chinese influence is worth a read, too.
There’s this piece by Matt Nippert and David Fisher that’s worth a read, too (h/t Siobhan)
Chinese communist Party can buy
Nah. He’s not that great imo. I hope he stays out of politics. Already believes his own hype imo.
agree with mars he wont make it he is doctor not a politician and he is stupid if he goes anywhere near that rotten national lot he should stick to what he does bests.
I agree. I’d rate Lance about the same as I’d rate Bridges. A venn diagram would have most of their characteristics and attributes in the same area.
‘Who wants another selloff national government back now’?
We have lost half of our long paid for state assets the previous generations had left for the future generations and national have gleefully sold them off without giving anything back to to those who had paid for the assets originally.
So leave national on the side of the plate for the next decade, and fix our broken country Labour NZF.
agree 100% with cleangreen
Labour NZF Greens. Fixed it for you.
Nats would sell their own children into slavery and chop up NZ territory for Chinese money… and they have already done so
for him to have a chance in botany, he will have to change his name to rance o surrivan
Really woodfart?
Using that criteria Jamie Lee-Ross would have had to change his name to Jamie Ree-Loss
(Ree: walled enclosure for sheep, cattle, or pigs; A state of befuddlement; intoxication. ………… [Oxford Dictionary and Wiktionary])
They don’t need to rely on the way people speak who have English as their second language. And Soimon can mangle it when its his first – impediment aside.
Lance Boyle O’Sullivan
he might fit in good then cause the national party need a boyle lanced
The next Maui Pomare perhaps?
Sheez – Sir Lancelot would be another disaster for the Natz and for the rest of us if he ever got to be PM!
Can someone point to some comprehensive info on Lance? All I’ve heard is that he’s strong on Māori health and anti-anti-vax. Surely it would be good to have at least one person in the Nats who isn’t a total f’wit?
Politics, What a waste of a good doctor that would be.
IMHO, he fits right in with the Nats. Deceiving self-serving asshat who has a very public mask but chases the money when out of view. He’s going to go into politics one way or another for the same reasons as most of them have, and would likely run the country into the ground to fund his pet projects.
His pet projects would in turn not entirely fit in with the Nats. Helping disadvantaged kids? Nope. Cutting health system costs and making one doctor cover 5000 kids? Yep. Not having to pay expensive doctors and nurses when volunteers can record the cases? Yep.
Disclaimer: I’ve worked with/for Lance for years, and seen public and private faces of him. I know a lot of the dirt that will get dished up if he goes for something like this, and I also know how much like Teflon John he can be…
Good to have your view from experience. Sounds like he could blend in with the current liberal version of the National Party, but they may cramp his style too much. Labour, on the other hand, are bunch of paralytic conservatives pretending to be progressive, so he’d probably fit in better with them.
However, given that TOP recently exhumed itself, I suspect the prospect of taking over the all-powerful centrist control position when Winston retires & NZF evaporates will be a better bet for him.
Not to mention the support from Winstons current Northland base from the time he has spent in Kaitaia and publicity he got up there. Admittedly for all his “campaigning” to bring jobs to the north he never got any progress made, even to the point of talking up his move to Auckland as a positive thing for Northland. How, I don’t know…
I went to school with Lance, he was a rebel like me. Don’t know him as an adult, but the Nats need another rebel like they need a hole in the head right now, Lol.
I have heard him inteviewed a few times on RNZ – he made a lot of sense and had a lot of concern about poverty and the disadvantaged in NZ.
Good general summary of LOS:
Lance OS on:
Charter Schools / Maori education:
His own family:
Hitching to National would be a disaster for Sullivan as National don’t believe in dealing with poverty National create poverty
He’d probably want compulsory vaccinations.