Maiden speeches continued

Written By: - Date published: 7:14 am, February 16th, 2012 - 2 comments
Categories: greens - Tags:

Denise Roche’s maiden speech deserves a special mention (hat-tip Felix):

2 comments on “Maiden speeches continued ”

  1. ropata 1

    Lianne Dalziel excoriates Key over his broken promise to support the people of Christchurch, CERA’s inertia, and pandering to big insurance co’s

  2. felix 2

    Yep she talks a big game and walks it too.

    What a contrast to the Nat maiden speeches tonight. I listened to the Nats’ celebrity keynote speaker Maggie Barry read a bunch of gardening puns and a couple of grey men reading right-wing platitudes and it all sounded like it was written by the same people.

    Do the Nats even write their MPs’ maiden speeches for them?

    The only bit that went off-script was when one of the greys proudly exclaimed that he doesn’t believe people have any rights.