Man of the year and global leader of the year

Donald Trump is easily global leader of 2017, not just “man of the year” or whatever, because he:

– dissolved the Clinton and Obama legacy in a barrel of acid

– doesn’t give a damn and did it anyway

– accelerated US diplomatic isolation faster than Lindberg

– tore up treaties that were against his policies like he said he would

– forced North Korea to finally take notice of someone

– supported his base on all base issues like he said he would

– got Israel and Saudi Arabia to be firm allies

– held the mainstream media to account because someone had to

– was wildly unpopular and did it anyway

– fired staff at will like he said he would

– reduced Democrat POTUS challengers to ash

– dominated the whole world media better than even Reagan

– achieved transformational tax reform

– used strong diplomacy but little force

– repudiated the intelligence complex

– drained the swamp. Of Democrats

– mastered digital media

– defied the idea of hypocrisy by being open about his own self interest

– has control of all elected branches and a Supreme Court majority and is doing something with it

– pulling apart entire postwar progressive legacy along with most European leaders, Russia, China, and everyone except France

– governs by instinct not briefing therefore rules Washington

– trashed rhetoric and dominant jargon

– is brave

… and many other lessons the left need to learn…

From the master.

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