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Guest post - Date published:
12:00 pm, September 9th, 2011 - 17 comments
Categories: activism, farming, Satire -
Campaign members will be marching to defend our right to eat dirt cheap eggs and meat at the expense of all other animals. However, campaign scientitians will also be releasing the results of a recent study proving conclusively that hens are masochists. We look forward to revealing these results to New Zealand.
We hope to see you there.
(Founder of the Campaign to Save Factory Farming)
I can’t afford to eat ‘obscene’ amounts of eggs or meat already, wanker.
@clandestino – I think you should try and eat more of these, you need more iron(y).
You foul fiends….I will lose the chickens of war, my two rather large Orpington raptors with their fearsome peck. They scare the crap out of the local cats. Beware.
What? Is this satire?
Alex, if in doubt, check the category column at the top of the post. Yep, satire. There are other signs, they tell me…….
Bored, I hope you don’t lose your beautiful Orpingtons. Let them loose, though, and let them scratch away as nature intended.
“If god didn’t want us to eat animals, he would not have made them out of meat”… Sarah Palin
Children are also made of meat.
I do hope that Monsanto, BP, Shell, Exxon etc. are sponsoring this march. A decline in industrial agricilture will be vety bad for the profitability of transnational corporations.
Oops, I forgot; a decline in industrail agriclture is inenvitable because of peak oil, peak water and climate instability etc. Better not tell anyone; they might start preparing. That would be very bad for corporate profits.
Worked it out the other day, I consume 224 chickens a year. Yum yum.
That’s well over half a chicken a day. Do you eat anything else?
Is that KFC everyday or only when Mike Williams is paying?
9 September 2011 at 5:14 pm
“If god didn’t want us to eat animals, he would not have made them out of meat”… Sarah Palin
Just love that woman, George Bush should have fathered children with her ………
George Bush Snr Marries Sarah Palin Snr
Begets George Bush Jnr who, from his back door, can see Crafar Farms in China…
Voltaire said:
If animals could talk would we dare to kill and eat them?
New Zealanders eat too much (those that can afford to eat of course!)
We need to cut down our portion sizes and then we can afford (hopefully) free range food and the price of our groceries ends up the same.
Once you see the way these birds are caged and making a cage slightly bigger does nothing to alleviate that unnatural lifestyle, then you cannot eat eggs or chicken that come from these stinking, cruel places.
If the kids are starving, that’s different. Children always come first, but then I would suggest keeping laying hens. Many areas allow some hens but not roosters as they are too noisy.
Same with pigs; if we can’t give pigs a proper lifestyle we should not be eating pork. There are free range producers. Freedom farms, etc. Eat less bacon and the price ends up about the same.
It was a bit too far for me to attend the march. How did it go? Did any government members front up?
I’m pleased to say the march was a great success. People were so overjoyed with our leaflets showing conclusive evidence that hens are masochists some even literally laughed for joy.
I can even say I was only told to F*ck Off once, and we only had one regular heckler who started threatening one of our smaller scientitians. Infact this poor helpless girl had to hide behind Clucky the Masochist Hen to guarantee her safety.
Here is the link to the latest post with the photos if anyone is interested. There should be some videos up soon. There will even be a video of Clucky explaining why he’s voting to save factory farming this year and supporting our wonderful government.