McVicar’s homophobia

Remember the great crimewave that followed legalisation of homosexuality in the mid eighties?

Neither do I but Garth McVicar may remember otherwise. In his submission to the select committee on Louisa Wall’s marriage amendment bill, McVicar has declares


I see the marriage ammedment bill as being a further erosion of what

I consider to be esential basic values and morals that have stood the

test of time for centuries. Furthermore the bill represents a further

decay and erosion of the traditional family [mother & father] that

society has ben founded on. While many of the proponents of this bill

also decry the escalation of child abuse, domestic violence, violent

crime and corresponding prison population they fail [or choose to

ignore]to see the connection of the social demise caused by the

policies they promote and the outcomes.

While much good work has been done recently to reduce crime and

ensure better treatment of victims this bill has the abilty to

destroy that good work.

The marriage ammendment bill will not benefit society at all and will

ultimately have detremetal effect on crime at all levels.

Y’get that? All his good work will be undone by Teh Gayz! Frankly this submission is the work of a paranoid and perverse mind. But are we really surprised? This after all, is a man who came out in support of a child killer, and who may well be funded by private prison lobbyists.

It would be funny if it weren’t for the influence this creep has gained by exploiting crime victims families.

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