Memo from a muppet

So John Key thinks I’m a Muppet.

“[when I’m in Hawaii on holiday] they’ll send me stuff … those Muppets in the background who send it all to me”*

Well f#ck you, John.

While you’re off in Hawaii with your DPS pouring you drinks, I’ll be working. The days I do get on ‘holiday’ I have to be online and on-call to respond to the government’s latest stuff up. Christmas morning, first thing I’ll have to do is check the wires for any news I need to respond to or send off to the minister (if I can get hold of him). And, yeah, then I will sing Snoopy’s bloody Christmas with the kids, and I’ll have an eye on the phone the whole time.

I don’t get to go to Hawaii. I don’t get six weeks holiday a year. I don’t get your wage. I don’t get to bribe journalists to like me with fancy bottles of wine paid for by my taxpayer salary (and, yeah, we got an inflation adjustment this year, whoo hoo). But I do the work because it needs to be done and I believe in it. I’m proud to work for the people of New Zealand, John. I don’t need your insults, you lazy, showboating, do-nothing, weak excuse for a Prime Minister.

I work ten hours free overtime a week for you, John. I shill for your policies even though I think they’re crap. I do those things because I believe in public service. I do it because I believe that any democratically-elected government, even a government with ministers as bad as mine, deserves a hardworking and loyal public service. And this is the thanks I, and my colleagues, get.

Yeah. Maybe I am a Muppet. Look at who I’m letting pull my strings.

Merry Christmas.

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