Meta Caption Contest

Written By: - Date published: 2:14 pm, May 6th, 2010 - 15 comments
Categories: blogs, caption contest, humour - Tags:

15 comments on “Meta Caption Contest ”

  1. Lew 1

    One Caption Contest Per Child?

    (With apologies to Peter McCaffrey : )


  2. Rex Widerstrom 2

    As Farrar cunningly created a meta-meta caption contest with a screenshot from “The Standard”, the space time continuum began to warp dangerously…

  3. greenfly 3

    Why did Farrar choose an pear-shaped, overweight kiwi as a mascot?

    Oh …….!

    • Strangely fitting, when you look at the little icon version of it up by the address bar, without so much detail looks like a bit of an*ahem* “coiler” on a computer keyboard, how fitting is that!

    • Ari 3.2

      There are better things to be offended at about Farrar than his weight.

  4. To be fair to Farrar he says this:

    Congrats to Labour for their first birthday. I think it has been a great initiative, and have enjoyed interacting with Labour MPs there. I check it out almost every day. By comparison I check out the National MPs combined blog site around once a month, if that. I can only handle reading so many posts about the opening some local school hall without wanting to blow my brains out.

    Amen to that!

  5. lprent 5

    sprout, I have to say that sometimes you remind me of an evil genius….

    Classic stir. Easy stocking filler on both sites…

  6. Nate 6

    “hey guys, I hear John Key spiked our cake and blogged about it…”

  7. ghostwhowalksnz 7

    National caucus were told by Winz to dumb down their blog, as by being smart , connected and on top of their game they would make their front bench look bad

    • lprent 7.1

      Probably explains the deterioration at the sewer as well…. Oh no – that is Act rather than National, eh right!.

  8. Hamish 8

    With regard to the “Caption Contest” over at DPF’s blog,

    I think this comment wins:

    Typical Labour, Phil Goff in charge, yet invisible.


    Where’s Wally .found him.

    & finally;

    TradeMe advertisement: ‘For Auction: Failed Political Party (In)Action Figures, Mixed Set, Some Bent. Rare and Unusual Collection. Unlikely to be Repeated. No Reserve. Items guaranted to be Inflexable, Immovable and incapable of Thought.
    Vendor willing to negotiate on price very flexible may well add other items to collection. Contact: J Key C/-Parliament House, Wellington’

    “Rare and Unusual Collection” Ohh yes!
    “Unlikely to be Repeated” Look’s like it at the moment!

    • Draco T Bastard 8.1

      Perfect example of the right. Their assumption that they can actually sell people.