Mini “W”

George “W” Bush’s history (a fake WMD scare and legislation to intrusively monitor his own citizens) was arguably repeated as tragedy (in Tony Blair’s Britain) and is now, as predicted, being repeated as farce. John Key is morphing into Mini “W” before our eyes (ht emergency mike in comments).

At one level you have to admire the political skills. Caught out in lies, contradictions, leaked documents, and incompetent oversight of security. What to do, what to do? Go on the attack! Break out the “W” playbook and wave the WMD “threat”. Give sweeping new powers to your spies (oh and by the way force the private sector to comply). Just as Roger Douglas recommended, move quickly, get it done, before anyone has time to evaluate and respond.

Net result, the pressure on Key’s blunders relaxes as attention shifts to this blizzard of new developments, and increased powers to spy on your citizens. By the time the public wake up and realise they’ve been conned by WMD smoke and mirrors you’re long retired and relaxing on your ranch / Hawaiian beach front. Nice!

Are we going to fall for it? Fool me three times?…

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