Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
1:00 pm, May 27th, 2011 - 5 comments
Categories: budget 2011, corruption -
Tags: Tariana Turia
PEDA last year. Parents Inc this year. Ministers giving backhanders to their mates is a growing trend. $1.5m is being cut from the Community Organisation Grants Scheme that funds things like Rape Crisis. Instead of this democratic, accountable process, the money will go to four groups hand-picked by Turia. Dodgy as hell.
I thought the Auditor General and Treasury had some rules or at least guidelines about this sort of thing. Are they monitoring this?
Backhanders is how this lot work. Backhanders and cronyism. Look at the number of friends Finlayson has put on the bench and various boards throughout government.
That’s what happens when you have no moral compass.
Parenting in a box, prisoners in boxes, homeless Cantabrians in boxes on wheels. Is there some sort of theme here? Whatever the question the answer lies in a box for people who are not like them. Sure it’s less mentally taxing than basing policy on messy real world problems but really….
I hope for this government’s sake that no rich women are raped before 26 November, but no doubt their rich families can pay for private counselling.
This government has also removed charitable funding status for National Council of Women NZ, so there will be less funding for country-wide advocacy there too.
This government is shutting down women’s rights; it is shutting down women’s human rights; this government intends that women will once again be subservient to the needs of government because the less this government spends on women the more it can spend on its backers.
Many men may well get off on the idea of women losing their human rights so that they can be macho men in controlling them. To me that just makes men look weak.
Women may feel they have achieved little from centuries of fighting for the simple right to be equal; women may feel they have no right to be equal to men – it takes all types.
This election will no doubt show us all just how much women value themselves and their children, both girls and boys, because boys like to choose what sort of life they lead too (like the young man who wanted to join Plunket a few years back and did, because he cared about the best start in life for children but who would have been laughed out of mendom if this government had its way.)
I hope for this government’s sake that no rich women actually realise how low NAct view women; I guess these same women will think money enhances their power and influence; trust me, men are still laughing at them for protecting men who hurt them.
NActMU likes to keep women in their place, away from the power base. I’m sure the owner of the private hospital Diane Foreman, when she was receiving her business award for ice cream, knew it had little to do with her business acumen and more to do with her favours to Don Brash’s campaign, noted in The Hollow Men.
These budget backhanders prove that any doubts I may have had about the corrupt behaviour of this government are laid to rest.