Written By:
- Date published:
6:28 am, October 7th, 2010 - 52 comments
Categories: Ethics, Media, racism, tv -
Tags: breakfast, paul henry, tvnz
More anti-Indian racism from Paul Henry…
and Paul Henry being racist about hispanics (you can tune out through the middle, but listen to the first and last few minutes)
We’re paying this guy $300,000+ a year for this. This is what TVNZ condones in continuing to employ Henry, despite it going against TVNZ and BSA standards. It’s typcial Paul Henry.
Andi Brotherston offered tender her resignation for claiming Henry is just saying what we’re all thinking (although it’s increasingly looking like that was just a PR move). So when will Henry be held to account?
Sign the online Fire Paul Henry petition.
Join the Boycott TVNZ until they sack Paul Henry Facebook page.
Lodge a formal complaint with the Broadcasting Standards Authority – the more there are, the harder it will be for TVNZ to justify having Henry back.
been monitoring Breakfast the last couple of days (no ratings box 🙂 ) and they just don’t get it.
They’re talking about the Commonwealth Game and Rawdon Christie can’t remember the name of one of the foreign competitors, and he bitterly says ‘better watch myself or I’ll get accused of racism’.
what a prick
yep, TVNZ really don’t seem to be getting it.
Actually he couldn’t remember the name of one of the NZ competitors – Simon Van Velthooven – is what gave him a bit of trouble.
Hope you didn’t fall into the trap of thinking that all New Zealanders have english sounding names.
Nevertheless it was a silly comment for him to make and does show they don’t get it.
sorry, I was half listening and heard him stumble on a name then make that comment 🙂
Free Paul Henry!
Paul Henry is brave speaker of power to truth, currently being oppressed by his employment in an organisation.
Free Paul Henry!
Free him from TVNZ maybe 😉
I think you mean Truth to Power. Oh, actually, probably not, as Henry is definately a European middle class male talking about people of colour, so power to truth is probably right!
(If that was an intentional joke, then my apologies for a sense of humour failure!)
All good Anton 🙂
That’s not a racist generalisation of European middle class males is it?
Please – yes free him,,,,,,, take him to an open green field and let him run wild.
He’s big on the “I can’t be racist cost I’m FROM a race” bullshit, ain’t he?
That’s like saying “I don’t hate mice coz I’m a cat and we’re both animals, ain’t we?” 😀
Sadly though, I think he can’t see the enormous logic hole down which his argument falls. While Henry has certainly figured out that a slightly politer version of flinging his own excrement around attracts attention – and the poor wee emotionally damaged boy thrives on attention – he’s just not that bright.
Don’t worry guys, he will soon be back on our screens attacking Labour and the Greens.
Thank goodness he brings balance to our media.
yeah, without Henry there would be virtually no bigots on TV representing the Big Bruvs of this world.
Come on Marty, you can muster up far more faux outrage than that.
There have been plenty of media personalities who have made the odd mistake, there have been plenty of left wing politicians who have done the same.
The truth (not a concept that the left deal well with) is that you want Henry silenced for no other reason than he attacks Labour and the Greens, the accusations of bigotry are simply the excuse you hide behind.
No, the truth is he peddles hate on a state-run morning television show.
What utter rubbish Tigger.
If you were genuinely concerned about those peddling hate then you would be all over the Maori party.
The left want to silence Paul Henry for no other reason than he attacks the left.
At least be honest about that.
So the ethnic minorities, gays, women and differently abled people he’s maligned are all left wingers?
Nice try to spin this as a political attack bb…feeling bad that your idol Key couldn’t even feign horror when presented with racism?
Would be interesting to know what the board of Fonterra think of this creep along with comments from the likes of Big Bruv. I understand they hope to engage in one of their biggest yet ventures – a cooperative in India.
Big Bruv – you are assuming that ‘minorities’ are all left wing voters. You are not alone in that, it seemed a theme among the right wing nutbars like “Redbaiter” at Kiwiblog. It really doesn’t make any sense nor is it confirmed by reality. For a start Anand Satyanand’s bio reads like a classic National voter.
Well there are certain types who will tolerate an ethnic individual with different skin colour. Typically as long as that individual dresses and behaves like a good white lad and has money. Or if you are serving them meals. But behind closed doors they will still laugh at you and run you down as a coloured. Reminds me of the signs on the gates of the ‘born to rule’ colonial embassies in early 20th century subjugated China: “No Dogs or Chinese Allowed Inside”.
No spin required Tigger.
I simply pointed out the level of faux outrage aimed at Paul Henry by so many on this site, given that almost all of you remain tight lipped whenever John Harawira spouts his racist crap it proves that you have no real problem with people being bigots or racists just as long as they are on the left.
Everything on this site is political Tigger, it is what makes it such a laugh, some of the posts are hysterically funny in the way you seek to blame the Nat’s for the woes that face this nation (nearly all of which where created by Labour)
There is nothing wrong with being a supporter of one side of the other, the problem with you guys is that in doing so you turn a blind eye to the rampant corruption and dishonesty inside your own party.
As for Key, well he is no idol of mine Tigger, but, even you would have to admit that every time he is on breakfast TV with Paul Henry he gains support for the National party, if you guys were being honest you would admit that this is the reason you want Paul Henry shut down.
It must really burn you up that the public love Key, he remains the most popular PM in recent history, certainly far more popular than the last corrupt leader of our nation.
Never mind, you guys might get another chance at stuffing up the country again in twenty years or so.
his name’s Hone, Grosse Bruder. Don’t be a dipshit.
And the outrage is geniune, as it was from many on Hone’s comments, for instance http://thestandard.org.nz/harawira-offensive-dumb-no-excuses/
Ah yes…the double standard of “The Standard” showing through once again.
I would be banned for calling you a “dipshit” Bright Red (even if it is a statement of fact)
But then you guys are never happy on a level playing field are you.
Oh well, I suppose I should not hold you up, I suspect you have more ballot boxes to stuff or have another two or three hundred people to enrol at a single address.
[lprent: No – will you ever get this through your thick head.
You could be banned for that if (and only if) you didn’t it clear in your argument why you thought he was a dipshit. In this particular comment you haven’t done so. Bright Red did it correctly. He explained why he thought you were a dipshit…
Since you’ve asked (and obviously don’t seem to understand this pretty basic principle), I’m putting you into moderation so I can reinforce this lesson with some pertinent examples.
I’m pretty busy at present, so the release of your comments will be slow – no doubt to the great relief of everyone else. I get the impression that you have a long pent up demand to be heard. It is however affecting the quality of your comments. I suspect that you have spent too much time in places with laxer standards. ]
“I simply pointed out the level of faux outrage aimed at Paul Henry by so many on this site, given that almost all of you remain tight lipped whenever John Harawira spouts his racist crap it proves that you have no real problem with people being bigots or racists just as long as they are on the left.”
That’s not true of me, and I haven’t been here long enough to see whether other people here give Harawira a free pass, but I very much doubt it! Plus which – Harawira left? I really don’t think so…
who is John Harawira?
Hone Harawira as well as Paul Henry have very small …… so they have to compensate.
captcha: sizes (now that really is funny)
And, for the record, Hone is the puffer fish fruit of his mother’s loin and is rotting on the vine.
I don’t buy the whole ‘leaked email’ crap. This woman is a PR merchant. They’re spinning it like they’re taking responsibility and yet they allowed Henry to spout his bile for years.
see in the herald she says ‘ i didn’t mean it and neither did paul’. nuts
this resignation offer is like henry’s two weeks without pay – a meaningless act that looks like punishment and contrition.
What chance of including the clip where this sicko would hope that there is some form of “disaster” (mishap – not human suffering) that befalls the games – he repeatedly joked about it. “Something like the swimming pool draining…” I think it was part of the show where he had his fun with Dikshit.
It is obvious that Henry believes that India is unable to organise an event.
He appeared desperate a mishap might occur to vindicate his statements.
I can sympathize with with Henry on this one. Many petrol attendants simply do not have the basics skills of English. But on the other hand Henry should not have queried the pump attendant. He/she is but the worker. Henry should have got to the station manager but being the bully that Henry is there simply would not have been any ‘fun’ in that.
On the other side of the coin there is no better way of improving language skills than getting out into the work force. At least they are not sitting on their butts and taking the dole.
But Henry would not see this. all he sees is negativity in those that are different and do not share his views.
i don’t think it’s that. It’s the insulting way Henry apes the man’s indian-accented english
Paul Henry is great, sticks it to the PC mob. So he talks tosh sometimes – don’t you ? That Pippa lady talks tosh sometimes – are you whingeing about her ? What is the matter with you people – freedom of speech means the freedom to offend, is that too hard ? Racism, bigotry… all the usual Standard labels. Take care chaps, the words ‘racist’/’racism’ have been pretty well rendered meaningless by your frequent use and misuse.
Bring back Paul Henry, he’s an asset to TVNZ and brings in loads of dosh. Democracy is a real bugger isn’t it, having all these people making offensive comments, disagreeing with the Standard leaders of society ?
Richgraham, the meaning of ‘Racism’ is perfectly clear.
It’s when you think a New Zealander isn’t a New Zealander.
So Richgraham, do you agree with Paul Henry or not?
Is that pronounced Bitch Graham? Tee hee. Well it should be. Tee hee. And its appropriate really. For a white person. See you’d be walking down the street like a Bitch-in-graham. Tee hee.
What do you mean racist? Don’t be so PC.
Paul Henry hass gotta be crap, he gets suspended for sticking it to the PC mob (costs him cash as well, I ask you how stupid is that)? So he talks tosh publically – unlike us who keep it off the airwaves and on the blog. That Pippa lady talks a lot of tosh aswell – we are fine with her though as she is a bit more careful with her descriptives and does’nt do outbursts as often. So what is the matter with us people – freedom of speech means the freedom to offend, which is fine- we can handle that so long as we are not paying for it, and that it keeps within the legal and regulatory areas for liable, broadcasting standards etc (which incidently apply to all of us). Racism, bigotry… all the usual Standard labels, we do take care chaps (and chapesses), the words ‘racist’/’racism’ have been pretty well rendered meaningless by the MSMs frequent misuse of the language, bit like the words “freedom” and “rights”: we all sure as hell know when its applied to us by some RWNJ.
However, lets bring back Paul Henry to a more appropriate station, he’s can see if he is an asset who can capture the “redneck talkback crowd’ (who are after all infinitely more attuned to Henrys type of wierdness: look at the following Kerry gets doing the same) and bring in loads of dosh to a purely commercial operator. So true Democracy is a real bugger when we have to pay for half wits to offend us (mind you theres another 120 I could mention there), but remember in Henrys case he is a state employee (of a state owned broadcaster) making offensive comments on our (the citizens) payroll. Yes his views disagree with the Standard leaders of society, but hell its really “free” here, after all you got to say what you did, and it did not cost anyone: hows that for “freedom”? he is welcome to post here as well.
“freedom of speech means the freedom to offend, which is fine- we can handle that so long as we are not paying for it, ”
Also as long as we are not being lampooned, criticised, or attacked ourselves.
It was said in USA that you don’t go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator. That’s what we have here. A television network was set up by government to provide information and entertainment to we NZs. To tell NZ what was going on here and elsewhere, give us locally made pieces along with clever stuff from overseas and sport and some easy-thinking rowdy stuff. A smorgasbord. Now its the last two that dominate, the rest tends to be flash and cash – no brain and gain.
This isn’t about freedom of speech – it is about a highly paid journalist acting in an unprofessional way. His employment by a state broadcaster is irrelevant. Paul Holmes got similar response with his “cheekie darkie” remark when employed by a private broadcaster.
It is about context: Steve Crow and his moronic “Boobs on Bikes” is about freedom of speech , this is not.
Mate, I talk absolute shit sometimes. But I’ve also done, I estimate, about 20,000 hours of live broadcasting. And I’ve never laughed at someone’s appearance or made stupid jokes about their ethnicity. Basically, I’ve never talked the kind of shit I might talk at the pub* on air. It’s called professionalism.
I’ve interviewed everyone from porn actresses to politicians and the only time I ever got a serious complaint made against me (a lawsuit, actually) was when I criticised a usurious bank (*waves at Ralph Norris*).
I’m not unique. Thousands of broadcasters say controversial things every day. But they don’t find puerile racism funny. Nor are they so blingingly stupid and ill-informed as to have to ask the Prime Minister whether the Governor General is a New Zealander or not. They might have… gee, I dunno… consulted Wikipedia so they knew a tad more than their audience. Specially if they’re paid $300k plus.
And that doesn’t just apply to those with whom I agree. I can’t listen to Chris Laidlaw for 5 minutes without wanting to throttle him. I think all that holds me back is that I can’t decide on my motive – is it his views, the fact he’s the most boring broadcaster ever let loose on the airwaves, or the fact that he doesn’t know it? But he’s not offensive, he’s not poorly researched, and he’s not completely incompetent.
Yes. She’s equally as dim, equally unsuited to the role, but just nowhere near as juvenile and offensive.
And your proof of this is…? Similar predictions of financial ruin were made when Holmes left. And, IIRC, predictions of untold riches were made for the channel which lured him away. Neither came to pass.
* Not that I make comments akin to Henry’s at the pub, or anywhere else. But I do talk some absolute shit 😀
Um, yeah. I did complain about the bimbo beside Henry – see link below.
Btw, I don’t whinge. That’s for the spineless rightie chattering classes who don’t want to resource a humane start for all young New Zealand children in life and education or support women and some men to raise their children alone.
Henry has an agenda, as a failed ex-NAct candidate, to mislead voters into the 2011 election just as he did in 2008. He will be kept on no matter what garbage he spouts and it concerns me that anyone could defend his misogyny and political interference as harmless fun. It says more about them as lowgrade adherents of a low-grade public broadcaster’s standards. TVNZ is being set up to sell. This government is shafting New Zealanders.
I guess if people voted JKeyll and Hide into government and have since allowed them and their backers to line New Zealand local government up for the selling there is a low standard to broadcast to anyway.
Andi Brotherston – is just another employee /human being/mother doing her job. She would reflect what the corporate culture of TVNZ is. If heads must roll they need to be further up , a lot further up, where the culture is set.
And getting paid a lot, lot less than the ill mannered luvvies who she has to follow round with a bucket.
That’s why I’ve never shilled for a corporation. But then again, that’s why I don’t have two farthings to rub together.
The “he says what we’re all thinking” line isn’t original… it’s been trotted out on numerous occasions. She’d have been told to parrot it any time Henry caused his masters strife, and fell back on it without realising that this time, it was too serious for that.
She probably is mortified; and stuck between having done what she was ordered to do and being blamed for its failure.
I’m with John. Aim higher. Much higher. Better yet, as I said yesterday, sell the whole shooting match to a private operator and use the proceeds to build something worthwhile. It’s beyond redemption.
John gibson’s got it in one, TVNZ I could best describe as an abberation in the world we live in now overdue for the knackering yard.
Full of overpaid, arrogant, disconnected individuals full of their own over inflated sense of value/ability, Recycling Rick Ellis (aw come on back Ali/Jimmy etc I miss you)/Anthony Flannery/Rawdon Christie/Holmes/Mau…the list just goes on and on and on.
They don’t even produce any TV anymore as outside production houses do that now. Cut em adrift and float it I say……pity we missed the boom where the taxpayer could’ve netted a few billion or so maybe as Yellow pages/TV3 etc all sold for an unsustainable value.
Ellis’s team is driving it into the dust so what little value there is is reducing with every ill considered venture he undertakes….Tivo anybody ?
Has anyone asked Ravi Musuku what he thinks? That would be a nice story.
Paul Henry: Brought to you by the party who brought you Ravi Musuku until they thought he might have a shot of getting within 10,000 votes and then they ditched him for a TV presenter who was the pick of the PM…
So at least we’re clear on that: Indians, according to National, are not real New Zealanders.
good point
So, why isnt he allowed due process? If a union member was sacked outright without due process (as the many here calling for his sacking seem to want) surely there would be an outcry?
Yes, what he did was stupid. But isnt everyone entitled to due process, not just baying from the left for him to be sacked?
Or is it because he is – fearful shudder – of the right? Does that mean he is subject to different standards?
Nope Bob. Everyone thinks he is entitled to due process, but the people here calling for him to be sacked aren’t actually in a position to sack him you see. They can’t just walk up to him and say your fired and be done with him. Their ‘baying’ can’t possibly be a breach of any due process. What they can do is let his employers know that they think he should be sacked; that they think his behavior is unacceptable. What the employer chooses to do is up to them.
So, do you thinks its appropriate for a union – Unite – to be calling for him to be sacked? Because thats exactly what they did. Shouldn’t a union be calling for due process to be followed? To set the standard – so to speak?
Who is saying due process shouldn’t be followed? Do you imagine that there isn’t a clause in Henry’s contract giving TVNZ the right to sack him?
Are. you. a. bit. thick?
You do realise that Unions don’t automatically support a worker no matter what right? You do realise that they accept that unacceptable behaviour is unacceptable and that some behaviour can and should result in dismissal?
You see Bob, what the problem is; the rightwing PC deniers want their doodles to hang out and swing free in the breeze but then they get really upset when others follow up. You can’t go letting a doodle out of the bag and not expect others to jump on it can you, Bob (said quickly as in Blackadder).
Where is paul henry from his variation of the kiwi accent is plane disgusting(if our governor general ever sounds like this I will move to australia) it sounds like someone with a shaft in their nose. Kiwis usually sound more pleasant than this.That aside paul henry should be allowed to say in his own private TV show i.e. Anand stayanand comments but not while being paid buy my tax dollar.If he wants to make fun of people he should that this is the nature of his program (when it us privately owned )that way people will know whether they wish to be his guests or not.I personally wouldn’t be interested in an interview with him.