Written By:
lprent - Date published:
9:20 pm, October 23rd, 2014 - 22 comments
Categories: Nanaia Mahuta -
Tags: Labour leadership
Also in the email from a few days ago. As people will have observed I have been more notable by my absence than my presence in the last few days. But I finally found some time to read back in my email today.
Weka particularly asked for this to be put up, and I see that a copy was put in OpenMike.
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Tēnā Koe Lynn
Our Future Together
As a member of the Labour Party you will soon be asked to make an important decision about which person you believe has the leadership qualities that will best take our Party and country forward.
I am seeking your support to lead the type of change that we as Labour members and New Zealanders can be proud of. As your Leader I will:
My goal is for Labour to be Government. To achieve this we must be an aligned team that is clear about its purpose to be a strong Opposition. We have to demonstrate that we are a credible stable alternative Government. We must earn the confidence of voters. We have work to do and it starts with us.
The Way Forward
Since 2005 our Party vote has steadily declined. We are not inspiring the confidence of voters and the serious perception is that we must do more to connect with New Zealanders and the issues that are important to them. To do this we must:
– Redefine the Party in order to return to core values that our public relates to and is proud to champion; and
– Unify our Party; our success depends upon our ability to work as a united team.
I would expect that every caucus member would see themselves as accountable to the Party to achieve our objective to become Government. That means a disciplined approach to connecting with people in their communities, getting alongside and leading campaigns for change, building organizational capacity to strengthen our ability to campaign, and be absolutely congruent to the values of the Labour Party. As your Leader I would require greater transparency to the Party for that activity and expect to deliver the same in return. We will be returning to a back to basics approach building from the grass roots up.
I am ready to lead a Labour Party that cares about the state of our environment, wants economic opportunity to benefit more people, supports opportunity and innovation, and helps hardworking people to get ahead.
About the Values I represent
I have long believed that Labour is a Party of aspiration and opportunity. We all have a Labour story that connects us to our working class roots and the opportunities that have emerged from applying our values of a fair and decent society where all people can climb the ladder of opportunity, and where we support growth for more people in an equal society.
I entered Parliament as a List MP in 1996 and have spent most of my adult life in politics. I have held ministerial portfolios and served on a raft of Select committees. As an MP I have successfully won my electorate five times, including in the aftermath of the foreshore and seabed issue which caused huge electoral damage to Labour. This period required transparent and accountable leadership to my electorate and the Party in a way that preserved the integrity of the changes I affected using the process available to me.
I maintain relationships with key decision-makers and influencers of change in my electorate which has weathered the ups and the downs of the political cycle. My leadership style is to build a team based on a common objective and maintaining focus on the important issues. My experiences have taught me that being able to listen, connect, problem solve, be decisive and draw on strengths of people are some of the essential elements to take people forward but, more importantly, authenticity of relationships are crucial to building trust and confidence.
Vote for Change
The election outcome was not the one we had hoped for, many people campaigned for the vision of a better life where more people could thrive, achieve, work and have security. I, like you, believe that when our country thrives we can all do well and no-one is left behind. We are all stronger when we work together.
Ngaa mihi.
NOTE: This paid advertisement was prepared by Nanaia Mahuta and is sent out to New Zealand Labour Party members in accordance with Rule 3.6.2 of the New Zealand Labour Party Leadership Election Rules (current). It is a service offered to all candidates and should not be seen as an endorsement from the Returning Officer or the New Zealand Labour Party.
” I have spent my entire adult life in politics” There lies the reason Nanaia you are not fit nor is your party to lead this country
You either can’t read or willfully misquoted what is in the email.
Actual quote: “I entered Parliament as a List MP in 1996 and have spent most of my adult life in politics.”
However I would read it in the context of what she said in the MSM interview the other day,
Mahuta is mother to two young children responsibilities outside Parliament with Tainui. Asked whether she’ll cut some of her tribal work if she is leader, she said she is a woman “and women multitask”.
“Women can do amazing things and still continue to be mums.”
She said she would wind back some of the tribal work if she was leader.
ie someone in her situation, spendingmost of her life in politics goes along with being a mother and being involved in her community. I think RD’s point was that a real leader would have had a real job at some point, not just politics, which is a fairly blokey perspective. Family and community are what Māori women do for a living.
NZ as a terrible reputation for business acumen… we have awesome mums though…
I’d suggest there is a strong correlation between our small minded businesspeople and our small minded businesspeople who become politicians in actual outcomes
Not sure if Nanaia Mahuta is the right candidate to lead the party to an election victory but so glad to see a woman and Maori running and wish her well
Poor RD so desperate for a disparaging insult. You appear to be a gravely damaged person, filled with bitterness and an overwhelming need to lash out. Truly sad that the only thing greater than your anger is your ineptitude.
Uh…so what do you think of our student politician, Grant Robertson?
Red delusion might be correct if hooton saying this is anything to go by (the fact this came from hooton, that is):
Tell it to Bill English, left the family farm and has been in politics for decades…is he unfit to be in government to Red Farce?
All 4 options are pretty poor, but if you have to pick one grant Robertson would be my choice, seems a half decent and competent
Barfly don’t let me get in your head Im not really that bad I just call it how I see it, can’t be bothered with niceties, your totally with in your rights to think it BS
“I just call it how I see it”
Nah you’re calling it as you make it up. Quote accurately if you want your calls to be taken seriously.
“I just call it how I see it”
Nah you’re calling it as you make it up. Quote accurately if you want your calls to be taken seriously.
You can say that again felix! Haha. At 1.47 am I think just getting one comment on is a marvel, two is beyond duty.
That was either a bit lazy or dishonest to misquote in quotation marks. You may call it as you see it – but if that is the case I think you may be legally blind.
thanks Lynn.
Q and A on Stuff
Comment From Michelle Nathan:
Nanaia Mahuta:
Those are good answers.
Labour needs something very different from what they’ve been doing. Nanaia Mahuta could well provide that. I believe her involvement in tribal affairs will help her work in the MMP environment which has proven so difficult for all the Labour blokes. She will also know that everyone in the waka needs to be paddling together, and which heads need paddles broken over them to ensure this happens.
With any of the others, it’ll just be more of the same. Labour needs someone who can do the job. She’s the best option. We all need Labour to get enough votes and be enough of a fighting party that the wider left can actually achieve something worthwhile.
One thing it would be good to know from the candidates is that for the next election Labour will be using all the legal options available to win government whether that involves interacting with other parties, standing down, standing up, lying sidewise whatever. Let’s not be outmanoeurved again, and lose as a result when we could have won, legally, or shown the true strength of sentiment for the Left.
(I draw attention to the humorous recording with the practical outlook written by Leslie Bricusse et al with Peter Sellers et al – How to Win an Election or Not Lose By Very Much.)
Labour does need able and energetic Maori in its leading sports. Unfortunately, Mahuta does not possess these qualities, AFAICS. While she might be a superb networker within iwidom (I have no idea whether she is or not), her qualities are not evident to those outside iwidom.
She’s saying the right things.
Whether anyone will vote for a forgettable journeyman professional politician who’s been there 20 years and never made much impact…?
saying the right things to the party faithful…which candidate isn’t.?You look for gold where its been found recently.