National gets a smacking on the housing crisis

Fair to say that Simon Bridges’ claim that there is no housing crisis has – not gone down well. Duncan Garner:

Crisis? What crisis?

Government Minister Simon Bridges says Auckland is not facing a ‘housing crisis’. He’s woefully out of touch.

Instead, Bridges prefers to call it a ‘top tier issue’, what ever than means — I prefer to call his position ‘bollocks’.

Government moves to slow the price rises have been pathetic. Indeed they have stoked the fire by allowing record immigration levels.

Entry level in Auckland is now $600,000 plus. You need a $120,000 deposit to enter the market. There are 59 $1 million-plus suburbs in Auckland.

Normal, working people, are priced out or have become slaves to 40-year mortgages. They have mountains of debt.

Simon Bridges and his mates are asleep at the wheel. He showed he was out of touch yesterday. He says it’s a top tier issue. I say that’s a meaningless side-step of the real issue. It’s slimy spin for crisis.

Ouch. Followed by Lachlan Forsyth:

Auckland’s housing market is broken and it’s a lie to deny it

I’m so sick of the dishonesty in this argument. The lies. The short-sightedness. The incompetency.

Younger generations are having their chance of home ownership snatched away, and those who have let it happen are doing bugger-all.

Too many critics choose to focus on the perceived failings and unrealistic expectations of those trying to enter the market, rather than acknowledging the teetering Ponzi scheme that is the New Zealand housing market.

Anyone denying it’s now harder to buy a house is lying, stupid, or quite possibly both.

Older generations, you know, the ones who received free healthcare, education, and superannuation for their ENTIRE LIVES, now sit snug in their homes, enjoying tax-free, triple-digit capital gains; while subsequent generations are being left out in the cold, watching helplessly as their home ownership dreams dissipate into the air.

Auckland is broken. And as younger people flee the city in search of a better life, of somewhere they can afford to live, prices around New Zealand will start to climb. It’s already started.

We have failed future generations. And our Governments, our councils, our decision-makers, continue to do sweet sod-all.

It is obscene.

Ouch! Concern and anger about housing is not going to go away. Hello National – you have a problem.

On the Nats’ pathetic attempts so far and Nick Smith’s massive fail in Auckland, late to the party but always worth waiting for, see Rob Salmond’s mysteriously titled Flaccid balloon, mite-ridden bees.

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