Written By:
- Date published:
10:03 am, June 24th, 2020 - 95 comments
Categories: national, Nikki Kaye, same old national, todd muller -
Tags: covid, COVID 19, covid-19
You would think in the midst of a world pandemic that is threatening established countries everywhere that National would do the responsible thing and work constructively to resolve all of government issues.
If you do think this you are wrong.
It appears that National has decided to oppose every thing the Government is doing. And publicly trash efforts by claiming that the effort is a national disgrace while pretty well every country is looking at New Zealand and wishing they had achieved something similar. And I can’t help but wonder if some within National are secretly cheering for a second community outbreak to occur.
Harsh I know. But how else do you explain Michael Woodhouse’s decision to score political points rather than alert the government about what could have been a significant risk? That period of a day or so where clearly senior levels of the Ministry of Health did not know about the road trip could have been disastrous.
Or Nikki Kaye wading into the Stamford Plaza dispute which has resulted in the Hotel not being able to take returning kiwis going into quarantine and having to make a number of its workers redundant? Or Todd McClay’s bizarre claim that the Government was disrespecting Rotorua by not consulting with the city before sending returning kiwis to empty hotels there.
Things became really weird when Michael Woodhouse reported that a homeless man had managed to persuade the authorities that he was meant to be in lockdown and enjoyed two weeks in luxury isolation in the Auckland Crown Plaza hotel. A few of us hoped the story was true because this is heading towards peak Kiwiness.
But the story has been rubbished by Megan Woods and the Health Ministry. She has written to Woodhouse asking, politely, for him to back the story up. In as passive aggressive a passage you can ever imagine she said this in the letter:
I note that a considerable amount of resource has been dedicated to investigating this issue, which entailed working through the records of all 1,706 people who have been through the facility to date.
Given this, I write to request further information from you or your source which could shed further light on this alleged breach, and may assist response team inquiries into the issue.
In other words, put up or shut up.
The Herald has not been helping. Yesterday morning it has this bizarre story about how someone in detention had their breakfast delivered late. Meanwhile in Australia those in quarantine get no more than 15 minutes exercise out of their hotel room once a week. Missing out on breakfast does not seem to be the crime of the century.
The rest of the media also have chosen to accentuate the negative and have been sourcing individual stories from people suggesting that the border control system is not working perfectly. This is inevitable for a system where currently there are 4,148 people in quarantine. In a crowd there are people who will complain about anything.
This Facebook contribution from someone in quarantine should be compulsory reading for the naysayers. She starts by saying this:
If you’re complaining in any way about the New Zealand Government’s managed isolation plan, I assume you are incorrectly wearing your Covid-19 mask over your eyes.
No plan is perfect. Because no group of people is perfect. And for anyone who has never seen a movie or the news, it’s worth noting that it’s ACTUALLY QUITE DIFFICULT to contain a DEADLY, CONTAGIOUS VIRUS.
It is definitely annoying that those who behaved so well have to stay behind after class because of the naughty kids. 100%. There was a breach. Now it’s being learned from and dealt with, by the same group of people who led New Zealand to a complete eradication of Covid-19 for 24 days. It is both beautiful and maddening that people are demanding perfection here
She praises the treatment that she is receiving and the courtesy that she is being shown. She concludes with this statement:
For now, I’ll pour a another glass of backup wine and yell at the ungrateful people on TV who seem to have forgotten that a New Zealand passport is a fucking winning lottery ticket and that they should spend less time complaining about a quarantine situation they chose to enter and more time wondering what tomorrow’s sweet slice of the day is going to be.
And Siouxsie Wiles provides something that is important to this discussion, informed commentary. She says this:
After weeks of no new cases of Covid-19, in the last week we’ve recorded nine. That’s sounds pretty scary, but here’s why there’s no reason to panic.
For weeks now, almost every day there have been over 100,000 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 around the world. On two days last week that number topped 170,000. Sadly, it looks like the pandemic is accelerating. The director general of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has warned that the world is in a “new and dangerous phase”.
Yet here in Aotearoa we are at alert level one. We even had several weeks with no new cases. It was a great sign that all our hard work had paid off and our elimination strategy had succeeded.
Then came the news that two New Zealanders returning from overseas had tested positive. This wasn’t a surprise to me. With the pandemic not only raging but accelerating, we should expect to pick up cases at the border. This is why we have a 14-day managed isolation process in place. The more interesting question is: why didn’t we see any cases at the border in the few weeks before?
She points out that when we went to level one the trickle of returns to New Zealand increased dramatically.
In relation to there being no testing she says this:
People also haven’t been routinely tested before they left isolation after their 14-day stay. Judging by the posts I’ve seen on social media that’s freaked some people out a bit. It’s worth remembering that it’s the 14-day isolation that’s the important thing here. Once those days are up and people haven’t displayed any symptoms the evidence so far would suggest they aren’t a risk to anyone.
This point needs to be made again and again. Isolation is the best protection. If you have spent 14 days in isolation and develop no symptoms then the risk of you spreading the disease appears to be exceedingly small. The testing is helpful but is not the be all and end all of the policy.
The compassionate exemptions have clearly presented a problem. Other nations, such as Australia, have chosen to be much more brutal in their enforcement of the rules. I am not surprised that the Government has put this policy on hold.
We still have no current examples of community spread. Every single reported case in the country is from people in quarantine or isolation picked up through testing. In a world where daily infections are surging and advanced western countries are experiencing a second wave this is remarkable.
Maybe we will have a second wave of infections locally. To be frank I would be surprised if we do not.
National has two options. Contribute responsibly to the formulation of policy and the fixing up of real or perceived problems with the quarantine system. Or raise hysteria and trash the remarkable achievement that the country has managed in the past few months.
They remind me of the ex leper scene from the Monty Python film Life of Brian.
Each day that passes without any community transmission being apparent is another nail in the media and Mulehead Mullers collective hysterical coffin. 14 days is the number they all seem blind to!
That is true, but there is also a fair chance that there will be community transmission at some stage.
The problem for National is that if/when that happens, it will be a short-term gain and a long-term (election) loss. The more focus there is on keeping the border safe, then the less enthusiasm there will be for opening the border up. Which is the whole basis of National's economic "plan", and the point of difference they want(ed?) to campaign on.
When new arrivals are being allowed to mix with people during the current lot's 14 day isolation then your 14 days is kind of irrelevant.
Webb and Bloomfield explained how they did not mix. You are listening to the wrong people.
This is excellent thanks Micky, Gordon Campbell agrees with you.
well you don't know that because the testing hasn't been done.
"you don't know that because the testing hasn't been done."
Really? On June 16 we had the big news about the 2 women from UK who travelled to Wellington and returned positive tests.
Since then, more than 45,000 tests have been conducted.
Positives: Zero.
This is excellent Micky
Thank you.
I have the strong impression that it is individual DHB's who dropped the ball by way of supplying less than adequate instructions to the people on the ground, despite the fact the protocols were in place from the start.
I also have the strong impression Bloomfield and his team plus Ardern and her team are protecting them from public exposure.
That is foolish in my view. There is no need to name names, but the 'blame' should be sheeted home to those responsible for the lack of isolation testing.
Let’s remember who set up the DHBs in such a manner that any Tom, Dick or Harry/Harriet could end up running these health fiefdoms without the appropriate experience. So, what mandate do the Nats have to be critical of a situation they were responsible for creating.
It might seem foolish but it speaks to their core integrity by accepting responsibility but not blame. Jacinda showed this when asked repeatedly if she would apologise to which she reiterated her acknowledgement of the failure, that it should never have happened, whilst not accepting actual blame. Good on her for sticking to her guns. If she'd apologised then she'd have accepted that she could have done something to prevent it and she couldn't have. All the protocols and systems in the world don't prevent f*ckups – ultimately you have to trust people to do the right thing and sometimes they don't.
I am in total agreement that the prime minister had no cause to apologise, but I did expect specific confirmation of a series of mishaps within the health system which would give the public a clear understanding exactly what had happened.
Such a report did not have to name names or even particular DHBs, but as a member of the public I would like to know exactly what went wrong and where in the system it occurred. And I'm sure I would not be the only one.
Normally I'd be inclined to agree with you. I guess given the media have made it clear they'll twist everything into a disaster providing names and details simply gives them more fodder to mash up and feed to all the squawking social media nestling who'll dutifully swallow every drop whilst condemning Jacinda for pointing the finger.
There is possibly a simple explanation.
Pre 9 June they were not doing any testing. From then, they were to test people on day 3 and day 12.
The bureaucrats involved interpreted that to mean only those arriving after June 9 would be subject to the new regime.
What exposed it all was someone who arrived pre June 9 got out early and then tested positive. We now know others who arrived pre June 9 were also getting out without a test, demonstrating this was not a one-off case, hut how they interpreted it to only apply to those who arrived aftrer June 9.
If. as you suggest, it was a matter of an incorrect interpretation – and I think you could well be right – then there doesn't seem to me any reason why the powers that be couldn't front up and say so.
Of course the Nats would try to use it for their own ends but after the homeless man fiasco I doubt too many people would be listening.
"That period of a day or so where clearly senior levels of the Ministry of Health did not know about the road trip could have been.."
Missing text here? I can supply some.
"Economically destructive"
"The two days that spread the virus to thousands of people, requiring a second lockdown and putting every elderly, vulnerable, or immune-compromised person in NZ in mortal peril"
“A terrrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad example of putting the scoring of political points over the health and economic wellbeing of five million people”
There ya go, it’s all free.
[Oops I thought I had completed this. Will borrow “disastrous” TYVM – MS]
I'm assuming that I now get 0.01% of the massive revenue you derive from this blog.
Happy to give you 50%!
You can have 100% of the revenue if you like.. 100% of nothing is….
Now about the costs of running this site. Be happy to share those.
Have you considered a Patreon account or something? I cancelled my New York Times sub recently due to one of their reporters threatening to doxx the creator of a blog for an article he was writing even though the blog creator had threats against his life. As a result the blog's creator has had to pull down the site. Ethical reporting is dying 🙁
Anyway, I'd happily contribute to costs if you provide a means to do so.
This just reinforces the fact that I will NEVER give National my vote. No party are perfect but they are so corrupt and dishonest. Labour especially Jacinda have behaved with decorum and dignity, no mudslinging or dirty politics from them.
Muddler claims this will affect our ability to accept overseas students from which country .
Looking at the continuing outfall from the Canterbury earthquakes $ billions wasted on dodgy repairs and cutting Mental health funding in CHCH when it should have been increased.National would be no better most likely a lot worse.
That's how National do Math. Take $100 out of your wallet then give you $50 right before election time so they can point to their "generosity".
I'm sure someone reliable said they saw Woodhead on the steps of Parliament at 3am with a goat…
I am sure there is nothing to it and it is nothing but a vicious rumour …
According to Woodhouse, " if you can't prove it it must be true ..!! "Right?
fender @ (7) A reliable and confidential source said it was a sheep …. hang on it could have been a unicorn …
Woodhouse was talking to a reliable 'source.' Tomato no doubt.
I'm offended by that! Everyone knows tomatoes are honest. Far more likely it was that bloody secretive Big Mac sauce!
Us Mac's are never secretively saucy, nor Big- only in Amurrica.
Ohhh, double-down on the Mac Attack! Nicely done 🙂
National has gone very quiet of late about letting in thousands of students, apart from wanting them to go to Queenstown. They have also gone quiet about the trans-Tasman bubble. After weeks of demanding this happens.
As for the media, the constant negative carping is appalling. Megan Woods has been very impressive. Good to see her forthright manner.
Graeme Edgeler sums it up perfectly
If they keep this up, National will have to respond to their own rhetoric. You can't say the sky is falling AND nobody needs to take cover.
Oh lookee…
Someone here yesterday posited the view that National were desperate to see community spread of Covid 19 in NZ. Well, it looks like they were right. 🙂
National knew we were not testing preople before they left quarantine while at Levels 4, 3 and 2, and demanded an earlier move to Level 1, access open to foreign students and a bubble with Oz.
Now Muller "believes" there is community spread because people have left quarantine without a test.
And Nats say this might delay a bubble with Oz (actual community spread in Victoria does this) and the entry of foreign students (the resurgence in China around Beijing did that).
If that is what a considered response to our sutuation looks like, we dodged a bullet when NZF chose Labour.
It's almost getting to the stage that the nats are endangering lives.
We're already at the first stage, where people are terrified that we have community transmission. As soon as someone hears I work alongside the health sector, they ask about going back into L4 because of the new cases.
The next stage is for infected people to bust out of quarantine because "it's already out".
National is stoking those fears in a cynical attempt to get votes.
That might have been me on Monday evening Anne. I think that National are moving to an all-or-nothing strategy now. Woodhouse doubling down on the homeless man story is an example. Muller claiming that there is community transmission is another. Disruption is the name of the game.
So very crosby textor.
An excellent post which puts this whole hysteria and negativity which has been happening from the opposition and its media advocates, in perspective. In the middle of a major global pandemic, it is shameful that this is seen as an opportunity to point score politically instead of offering constructive criticism for the good of the nation. The Government, assisted by excellent advisors, has achieved a magnificent result in getting NZ to elimination status. There is currently NO community spread. There will be hiccups at the border with the numbers of people arriving, but the systems established will cope with this. We are the envy of many countries around the world. The Government continues to put the health of New Zealanders at the forefront of this fight so the negative carping needs to stop
The funniest Herald newtory was up on the Herald last night.
Apparently a woman arrived here on May 26 and so she was leaving managed isolation on either the 9th or 10th June. The requirement for testing on the 3rd and 12th day began on the 9th. She was released without a test. The headline was father furious daughter was not tested. If she had been tested it would have delayed her release and the headline would have been father furious daughter had to stay in quarantine longer than 14 days.
I'd rather see the testing treated as a no compromise thing and the 14 day isolation/quarantine as a minimum to be honest.
That is the policy now. But that requirement for testing before release did not exist when the person went into managed isolation on May 26.
Well said Micky. Thanks.
Just two things seem to be crucial:
1. The 14 days in isolation, (plus added help of testing)
2. There has been no community infection for weeks.
That is a great summation Micky. It puts the rabid media and Muller/Woodhouse in their place.
But so disappointed with Chris Trotter going along with the rabble.
Maybe he should read your post above and learn.
BG He is trying to bring an objective eye on this matter. Not go along all puffed up with our own sense of success and happiness, and perhaps fall on our noses. A sense of objectivity would have saved us from Labour's Big Great Idea and Leap Forward? back in 1984. So we can't afford to be happy for long – it's not over till the fat lady sings, as some people say who aren't PC. And PCness won't help us lefties win either.
Well I thought he was dumb where he said the border controls were a tangled mess and I thought it was dumb where he suggested Jacinda should goad NZF into a mistake to justify an early election and I thought it was dumb where he said putting Megan Woods in charge was a mistake; she is excellent.
But should those Eskimo ice-creams be banned?
Trotter doesn't have to be right about everything any more than Labour can be expected to be. This is what he said about Megan Woods. He did not say she was not good, he did not say she was not excellent. He thought that our PM Jacinda should stand up to the critics, and continue explaining what she was doing and why, and be seen to amend anything quickly that was a gap in the fine policies of defence against the virus. He wants to have her recognised as the PM who can, and does, and not only as someone who talks about kindness. He wants her to be seen to walk the walk, as well as talk.
You are missing his message BG and it is a pity. I thought you had a better grasp on politics and analysis than that.
Day 9/10 since 100,000 people went to the footy and several million got of their face at the pubs and clubs. Fingers crossed that nobody in that 50% of the population was a carrier otherwise people would have been presenting by now.
You don't read or hear that story in the media.
Muller and National would like to see the country on its knees so they could say I told you so. Muller should STFU.
The National Party are vicious and destructive – have been for years. Unfortunately their venom is at presen becoming more powerful. Soon it will be like Voldemort (saying his evil name brought fear) and Muller will be their slithery snake Nagini – as he nags on about how we HAVE managed to keep Covid-19 under control, that will seem so apt for him.
Yes we have done better than almost all the world, stick that up your druggie nostrils National and sniff it. You are drugged on money and power and utter selfishness. In a nation with so many don't-cares and wealthy fuck-ups, it's a miracle that only Labour could bring.
National? Well I repeat my first sentence, and when we were on our knees they would then find ways to hurt the strugglers more and squeeze money and advantage out of the economy for those well-off.
National lies, always have done so, always will do, its ingrained, their main gripe is that they want the Chineese students' (money money money). Thank goodness National Lies was not in power when Covid struck. As for the corporate press with self censored reporters bowing to the owners right wing policies that align themselves with the Natonal Lies party, what can you expect.
National's plan for the election is beginning to take shape and it's worse than Hooton's previous dabbling in Dirty Politics. It's deadly. They aren't a "loyal opposition" they are agent provocateurs trying to sabotage NZ in the midst of a crisis.
Under Herr Muller the Natz want to risk the safety of the country so their mates can pull a profit. In the face of Labour's inspired leadership & world renowned pandemic response, the gNats only road to government is an uncontrolled outbreak and consequent wreckage of the economy. Hooton and Muller want to foment chaos and mischief, and the media loves that shit.
Muller wants to kill Grandma
NZ's relative Covid-19 success belongs to all of us, including opposition National party politicians and their supporters. But I fear that you're correct when you say certain right-wing politicians and their advisors are working to sabotage our success for a glimpse at political power – the machinations of these scumbags deserve a healthy public airing, before it's too late.
The language used in some comments on The Daily Blog is colourful, but I can’t disagree with the sentiments.
Yep, TDB is reliably OTT, but I mostly agree with their sentiments. National knows the cards are stacked against them, but if they f*ck things up as much as possible maybe a random fluke will enable them to steal the election
(like FRA v NZL 2007 rugby world cup)
yes really scary there are those in national and the media actively undermining the border controls for electoral gain. we all need to resist and expose in whatever way we can. its a matter of survival
Absolutely brilliant comment. Would that I could steal it away and use it on all my SM platforms. Exactly. Mulle wants to kill Grandma. They are beyond self serving. They are now a truly filthy political party.
IMO they are corrosive to the integrity of democracy in NZ
Look I'm really pleased with the way that quarantine loopholes have been tightened. And if our sole remaining weak points are the people who don't think the rules apply to them because they are over entitled and the neo lib employment practices of AirNZ (who need to get a real handle on this) then we are doing pretty well.
And my thanks to all those who have observed quarantine strictly.
This is a two headed monster. Muller presents the rational "kind" face using Jacinda's kindness and phrasing to present himself while attacking a perceived at risk Minister in Clark, and undermining confidence in Ardern and Bloomfield's border plans.
Muller said he would not attack for attacks sake…or that was the intent… now we have attack after attack.
The second head of the monster is a group of ministers led by Woodhouse who leak/tell stories to the press about violations of those plans. Woods has met fire with fire, her letter requires a written answer, and that coud cause Woodhouse some grief.
Yes all of this will play nicely to National's hard and fast base, but others now have a real Leader in Jacinda Ardern who has been recognised for her inclusive style world wide,
Who is Todd Muller? He has not managed to get more than 51% of his own caucus to vote for him, so he will find getting a winning margin from other voters in the upcoming election a trial by a 1000 cuts.
He will consider success more than 29%
The issue is not going to die down.
The numbers coming in will be beyond facilities available. National will attack the use of provincial centres, aided by nimbies who think there would be local risk.
The number of places that can be used is limited by the way managed isolation is practiced. If we moved to Oz style quarantine (in the rooms 24/7 – out once a week for individual walk with minder), we could use more hotels. Given that also eneded the risk of week 1 interface with week 2 people near release, it has to be the way going forward.
Today's update: one new case at border, arriving from India.
Still no community transmission 3 weeks after the marches and gatherings at Level 3, and 2 weeks after we moved to level 4.
Dr Todd will be disappointed.
The breathless attitude of Muller and his Deputy seemed to suggest that they are hoping to find community transmission.
Who knows, they might have one already hidden away waiting to spring out and yell, "Surprise! Told you so!"
Excellent article! I'm seriously at a point where I'm wondering whether my expectation of at least the appearance of objectivity in reporting is romanticised delusion on my part.
This article on stuff yesterday painting Muller in saintly garb and claiming National are taking the "high road" coupled with the constant criticism of Jacinda and Labour's handling of, well, everything, amounts to propaganda press IMO.
What is interesting about the article is how it comments on Muller's language of "love".
"Hence, his major speech at his hometown of Te Puna a week ago was littered with references to love – in fact, there were a staggering 17 mentions in all. Alongside this love-fest came assurances that he regretted the brutality of the economic reforms of the 80s and 90s and wouldn’t repeat them in the wake of Covid-19."
Is it possible he's taken this advice from Anat Shenker-Osorio? Is the National campaign one of getting others to smear shit whilst they come out smelling like roses?
I fully acknowledge my inner conspiracy theorist has been activated and welcome proof of the contrary.
Well said maggie
Lab/grn made child poverty an election issue, and the nats suddenly said the problem existed and they'd lift 100k kids out of poverty.
Now the PM says "be kind" and the nat leader is preaching love like a hippie on acid and eccy.
The more they complain about labour, the more the nats show how different they are. In a bad way. Uncomprehending charlatans copying a government that works for the people, not just the money.
Heh! Nice. Yes, it's sickening to those who can see the trail. I'm concerned that the media's obsession with click-baity info is going to taint public perception.
The masses haven't exactly proven themselves capable of delaying gratification for a click-thrill frothy-mouthed twitterbation long enough to form reasoned judgments though.
Maggie your antenna is working fine at detecting Nat BS!!
because it is a massive fuckup
there's no one I talk to who is not talking about it, and very angry about how its being handled.
Try to expand your social circle outside the party offices, then
Most of my mates are left wingers buddy – which is good. makes for some fun conversations.
How many believe in collective ownership of the means of production? Just trying to get an idea of your definition of "left wing", beyond "voted Labour in 1987".
How many of them are infected?
How do we know when they aren't tested, are you missing a few brain cells?
You talk a big game, infused, but is it really "massive"?
This is a “fuckup” – what might ‘MAGA Muller‘ make of it all? https://thestandard.org.nz/we-dont-know-how-lucky-we-are-3/#comment-1722320
Jeez, if this is a "fuck up" then how would one describe what's going on in the US?
Yes, the link describes a “fuckup” going on in the US – and that’s just one example.
We are just smaller scale, of course its a massive fuck up. We went days without testing, testing very few in isolation, even letting out 50 people just recently without testing.
Bare in mind, the govt were saying these tests were happening.
why do you think people are so pissed?
If you don't think this is a fuck up, you're frankly delusional.
Infused, what do you hope the outcome of this "fuck up" will be? If NZ dodges this "fuck up" bullet, who/what will we have to thank for that? The opposition National party? Thank God NZ dodged that "fuck up" bullet. Just imagine…
Bridges still has a foot in the National party ‘door‘ – for now.
“Once again, there is no community transmission in New Zealand.” – Ashley Bloomfield (during today’s RNZ’s 1 pm news bulletin)
Really infused? We are talking about the Nat's stories. Your statement is not backed up online. Very few expressions of anger. Well respected journalists are questioning the Nat's veracity and sense of community.
lol. ok.
I'm supposed to believe that a Nat government would magically be more competent at setting up a border quarantine system – basically from scratch, with extremely low tolerance for errors, and under intense time-pressure and political pressure from an opposition and media desperately slavering for a slip-up, and using the same people in the Ministry and DHBs?
When actually all the available evidence points at the Nats probably being worse – because at every stage they have called for a weakening of the rules – a less strict level 4 (remember the chorus of "Australia has got it right"?), a quicker step-down through the alert levels, more granting of compassionate exceptions to quarantine, a quicker opening of a trans-Tasman bubble, a quicker return of overseas students.
That's no reason for us not to be annoyed at the breach and expect it to be fixed quickly – but the Nat claim of superior competence is just preposterous.
make no mistake under national we would be too busy dealing with out of control community transmission to even think about setting up watertight borders
So let me get this clear, and someone help me out if I am missing something. Woodhouse claims a homeless guy got into a quantine hotel and made big of it. Now it seems that was only an urban myth and is not true. Woodhouse has not been able to back up his claim, what he was told.
So 'a bloke told Woodhouse in the pub that his mums neighbours friends hairdresser' said she had heard a homeless guy got into a quarantine hotel for 2 weeks. And Woodhouse simply regurgitated it verbatim. Is he resorting to some porkies and mischief making, or is he simply gullible enough to swallow any story he is told.
And he wants to be Minister of Health?
Muller says it was from a "reputable"source. Barry Soper (who loathes Labour and Ardern) said on RNZ Checkpoint it was from a reputable, professional source. Now for these guys, "reputable" may simply mean a member of the National Party and not lefty riff-raff. (The belief in natural hierarchies is strong in all conservatives). So the best approach, instead of outright denial, is to seek disclosure of the source, or of some information as to who the homeless person is – purely in the interest of contact tracing. If this is not forthcoming, then National (and what looks like their espionage network) are deliberately undermining the public health.
I always remember Brownlees "it was from the word of a gentleman" comment.
I will never forget the simmering rage on Soper's face when Jacinda and Labour won the election. He could barely conceal the savagery in his voice each time he tried to catch her out with a gotcha question. She answered him with supreme tranquility and a beautiful smile. I thought he was going to have a rage induced heart attack on the spot.
We should be so lucky…
No NO Geargecom. He got it from someone "Reliable" in the MOH. Lol Hopefully the person will be reliable enough to come forward.
Must be election time. Fiscal holes in 2017, homeless men in 2020.
The only time that homeless men feature in National politics is as an example of rort and blame and scorn.
Couldn't give a stuff about their plight, in government or without.
The only thing that National can do is; fake sympathy with someone in isolation who gets her breakfast late; exhibit faux outrage for some who have to be driven to other centres to get adequate housing in isolation; or use grossly misleading language like calamity, shambles, catastrophe to describe a situation better than anywhere in the world; make up stories.
but the 'source' is not reliable enough for Woodhouse to back up the claim
hence my comment about bloke at the pubs sisters neighbours boyfriends pussy cat hearing from someone that………
Woodhouse swallows any story he is given seems to be the conclusion
If Woodhouse was really concerned about information from a reliable source he could have gone to Clark or Ardern or whomever and passed on the information to be checked out. Rather he sought to make political capital from it. Time comes for him to substantiate the allegation and what we are left with is seemingly the 'bloke in the pubs aunties cousins neighbours plumber who got told by some joker who delivered courier parcels to the MOH that he overheard a conversation….."
The bottom line is that we have had only 22 deaths, and we're at level one while even Australia is still filling their stadia with cardboard cutouts and battling community transmission.
We need to stay vigilant, and not bow to selfish commercial and political interests.
It's now incredible and lets say convenient timing that whenever the NZ National Party in their pure 'holier than thou' hypocritical attitude towards things are negative towards the current Coalition government that remarkably and noticeably so so is the mainstream NZ media.
But then it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the mainstream NZ media is thoroughly and so deeply into the NZ National Party pocket that the so-called 'journalists' in the media will always be biased towards National. To me the mainstream NZ media is so deep into the National Party pocket that they(the media)just cannot see daylight.
According to the dislike-able likes of Mike Hosking and so many other biased towards National 'journalists' they will always pander to the whims and demands of their Masters in National because there is that probable financial pay-packet and potential 'job in politics' later on down the track.
Right now National and especially the mainstream NZ media sicken me. I only look at the NZ Herald for three parts of that tabloid media. These three being Sideswipe, the Horoscope and who that I may have known over the years that have died. The rest of the NZ Herald just doesn't merit reading. It's gone beyond being a respectable News source to being the Mouthpiece of the NZ National Party.
I am sure there have been all too numerous events in the past that the mainstream NZ media just did not raise a voice of concern to the actions of the previous National government. In fact I am sure Mike Hosking was all so throwing himself at the feet of the NZ National Party in praise and admiration of that party whilst appearing like a sycophantic idiot in the process.
And so their(the mainstream NZ Media)antics nowadays has resulted in me not bothering to listen to them. They sensationalise anything and everything that is negative towards the government because they are ONLY echo-ing what their Masters in National tell them to say and write.
Methinks the day of taking whatever the media says to us as Gospel has reached an end. Not whilst they delve deeper into the National Party pocket because that is all they are there to be.
And so well done to the mainstream NZ media. You have succeeded in demeaning yourselves to the same lowly level as the NZ National Party.
You need to get a grip. For months now the media have been fawning over Jacinda and the government.
The media has only recently turned with fuckup after fuckup over the testing.
If the govt did what they say and did proper testing, the media would still be bashing Muller for being a tard.
I see this every election cycle here. The media suddenly turns and the shrills of “the media are all owned by national”.
Take some ownership for your teams fuckups and call them out.
I’m on the team of 5 million and those untested team members let the team down but our Captain, Coach, and Team Doctor are dealing with it. Which team are you on?
I thought Hoskings' wife was considering running for Act?
The job of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in a Westminster parliamentary democracy, is to hold the Government Of The Day to account, not to be sychophantic, unlike the governance systems in socialist paradises. Last time I looked we were a constitutional monarchy and Westminster parliamentary democracy.
If the shoe was on the other foot and it was a National government doing this, you all would be screaming the roof down and beying for blood. But it isn't and in David Clark you have an incompetent Minister who doesn't have the the ability to recognise that he has well and truly overstepped the mark and the arrogance to presume that he hasn't made any mistakes executing his role as Minister. He's a millstone around the neck of Cabinet, is untrustworthy and no longer has any mana.
This government came into power promising much and delivering very little. Kiwibuild is a failure, the light rail in Auckland, Capital Gains Tax, free first year fees at university – lots of middle class and higher kids get that, but not for the poorer kids, and it hasn't had a lot of uptake.
You can't blame it all on Winston either, and if it wasn't for Winston you wouldn't be in government. Just be thankful that Winston has a hate for many in the National Party.