National on student loans

Written By: - Date published: 12:57 pm, September 11th, 2008 - 9 comments
Categories: same old national, youtube - Tags:

9 comments on “National on student loans ”

  1. Short Shriveled and Slightly to the Left 1

    now thats a good video!!!

  2. Vanilla Eis 2

    For those of us that can’t view it at work?

  3. Stephen 3

    Pfft, if they backtrack on this promise, they won’t get to sell anything in the second term now will they?

  4. East Wellington Superhero 4

    Labour’s 2005 tax cuts

  5. East Wellington Superhero 5

    …also, Labour lied in the 1990 Budget about how much money there was

  6. Duncan 6

    East – could you be any more of a National Party hack?

  7. Joel 7

    I think you’ll find that in 1990 they didn’t yet have to disclose how much money there was.

  8. “Duncan
    September 11, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    East – could you be any more of a National Party hack?

    He also defends the Catholic Church

  9. Paul Williams 9

    I remember this like it was yesterday. I ended up dealing with Lockwood many years later; he simply wasn’t reliable then and I doubt anything’s changed since.