Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
12:17 pm, February 7th, 2010 - 49 comments
Categories: crime, national -
Tags: cameron slater
As surely an endorphin high fades, Cameron Slater was going to do something to get his name back in the media.
He’s been trying to test the boundaries for a few weeks. He’s been ignored. So, stepped it up a few gears.
He’s named another person on name suppression. He doesn’t care that the name suppression is there to protect the victims. He just wants the attention. Wants to see his name in print. It fills the hole inside for a while. But the thing is, every high leaves a bigger hole. The next rush has to be bigger than the last. Got to do something bigger.
Slater is threatening to post the names, phone numbers, and addresses of judges who issue suppression orders. It’s sick stuff. It’s an attempt to bully the judiciary. It’s facilitating people who want to harm judges. It says ‘you do what I want or I put you in danger’. That’s blackmail. That’s an imprisonable offence.
National’s Simon Power could only say it’s “probably not helpful”. Not good enough. Slater is National’s rabid dog. He is their responsibility.
Slater’s dad is John Slater head of Citizens and Ratepayers – the Nats’ local body arm – in Auckland. Slater boasted of working with the Nat research unit on smear campaigns before the election. The Nats still feed him stuff they can’t have the MPs or even Farrar use.
Conversation with Slater drove Lee to drink
This guy is not some lone freak. He is Nat through and through. They created him. They’ve got to get him under control before he does more damage.
If anything happens to a judge because of Slater releasing the details, it will be on National’s head.
Can’t see why you continue with this spiteful little bitch fest.
Can’t see why you continue with your hopeless bitching about this blog.
I can. Its reasonably enjoyable!
Hey Gitmo, so you did your job and sent a couple of criminals with a vengence to prison.
How about we release your details so they can see it? Sounds sweet? Cool! Thanks
Slater can just fuck off
What a ridiculous post. Slater is not national’s responsibility. His idiocy is between himself and the police.
Did anyone above actually read the post? Slater has often indicated his close links to National, even appearing on TV as their unofficial spokesperson – but National have done nothing to disassociate themselves from this idiot.
Put the boot on the other foot – the right are very happy to try and show implicate Labour by association when a leftie does something stupid.
I don’t think there was any expectation that Labour should step in and stop Minto.
Slater is being investigated by the police, it’s not the role of the govt to shut him down.
mind you, he’s just telling people what they don’t want to hear.
“Slater has often indicated his close links to National..”
Not the point though, is it? Has National ever publicly indicated close links to Slater…ie endorsed him? Maybe they have. I don’t know. I’d doubt it though.
And unless they had endorsed him, then any statement now to distance themselves from him becomes a retrospective endorsement, if you see what I mean.
So why would National associate themselves with him now by issuing statements of disassociation? They’ll just quietly cut him loose and the wider general public will be none the wiser…unless somebody wants to present and join the dots?
DPF posted a link to Slater’s site today, thus, a well known National Ltdâ„¢ stooge thinks WhaleOil is a site worth recommending to his own readers.
There are numerous links to WO posts on The Standard too, thus, a well known group of stooges think WO is a site worth recommending to their own readers.
Nah. We have a policy of not linking to that site. There are links to the MSM stories about him.
better check again IB, unless your policy has only been in place since this month.
I’ve got better things to do than search for links to your mate slater. If one or two have slipped through I don’t really care.
I tried to do a link but it went immediately into moderation.
I read WOBH occasionally but purely for amusement.
[lprent: I got tired of people link-whoring to his site more than a year ago to increase the number of his links, so they just go straight to moderation. It reduced the problem immediately. If people need to link there then it be released from moderation when a moderator gets to it, or not. It is the only site that we’ve had to do that with. ]
I agree.
I wonder why you don’t link to him? It seems to be normal blogging practice. He links to him. Perhaps you are scared that all your readers might read his blog and thus pass you on the bloggers ratings. Just a thought.
Oh, no, Its lu-KKK-as. Whenever I see you’ve been commenting its a bit like the feeling I get when, after a long drive, we pull into the rest area and find bird droppings on the picnic table: wearisome but to be expected when there’s foul (sic) about.
BTW, as usual, your logic is fucked up – there are no links to WO and do you really do think The Standard is a well known stooge for National Ltdâ„¢.
How dare you go on long drives, you are killing the planet. You bastard.
“BTW, as usual, your logic is fucked up there are no links to WO and do you really do think The Standard is a well known stooge for National Ltdâ„¢.”
Hitting the drink a tad early again?
Try reading my comment again.
IB & Blip you might want to tell Rocky about this rule
“Cameron Slater gets it wrong
Published by rocky on 10 June 2009 at 4:27 pm in uncategorized.
Tags: cameron slater, david farrar, rochelle rees, whaleoil.. 20 Comments.
Cameron Slater (WhaleOil) gets it wrong again in his post about me today”
This was linked
fair nuff – my bad
it’s just a policy, calm down.
I find it so adorable you’re pretending that the mere existence of a link is endorsement. Like the context of DPF saying “this is good reading” vs lprent saying “this tool is a wankstain” is irrelevant. I just want to pinch your cheeks, give you a cookie and then smack you upside the head.
Bill, who were the media bloggers driving the National Information Bus around the hustings before the last election – with full party endorsement and media fanfare? Answer Farrar and Slater?
The authorities may wish to carefully read all of his posts from today.
Quite an accusation, isn’t it?
I could not possibly comment.
Farrar is the spayed chihahua, Slater the rotweiler. Fair comparison.
Or – Farrar is the over fed pekingese in his master’s lap, Slater the starving mongrel out the back.
What do you have against Mongrels?
Slater is also now basically encouraging people to stalk MPs and send in to him where they have spotted them, then he anonmyises it and posts it on his site. Not healthy.
Re- the links between National and Whale Oil.
Of course they are not publicised. It’s Politics 101, the dirty work is done for you, but not by you, so deniability rules.
But sometimes, a text message goes astray, and the truth comes out:
“I leave this to Whale Oil” – John Banks.
I’ve never liked Slater myself, I hope the tool goes to jail.
You’d find near as many righties as lefties that think he’s a jerk. It’s a widely accepted view and beyond the handful of stories he pushed in 08 I always feel the MSM trots him out to make a mockery of the term ‘right wing blogger’.
The man is revolting. Why does he have his mouth hanging open in every photo, even when he’s not talking…he reminds me of a hound. One can just imagine him peering through the slats of his shed as he wipes his chin with his gun-hand.
All the while he calls others “5 chins”and “Pork chop”.
what would you have the govt do exactly?
in the past The Standard has set a particularly high bar when it comes to shutting down political protest.
[lprent: Since I don’t know what you mean, then you should provide instances or links.
However if you’re referring to people trolling the site then I refer you to the policy.
If people don’t want to follow the site rules then they should also expect to face the consequences. ]
i was refering to the tennis protests, telling people what they don’t want to hear and all that.
don’t push him…..’cause he’s…….close to the…..eeedge
He can’t go to jail, the law only allows for a fine.
Here is what I think will happen.
Slater will be heavily fined. He won’t be able to pay his fine, so he’ll paint himself as a martyr and say he “refuses” to pay it. Eventually, but only after much media to-do, the court will order his site shutdown and/or send him to jail for a contempt of some sort.
He will then present himself as an everyman heroic victim, persecuted by the faceless system.
My scenario fufills Slater’s craving for affirmation through attention and self-fufills his need to convert his own sense of failure and self-loathing into a narcissistic narrative of a lone, self-sacrificing hero.
I tell you right now, the guy is a David Gray waiting to go off.
He can go to jail for blackmail. And I’m sure threatening public officials is an offence too.
Can’t they just seize and auction his computers for non-payment of fines?
Or garnish his allowance from Daddy?
Or his guns. In fact they should be seizing his guns anyway.
Farrar seems to think the judge stuff is funny:
I dont think its good taste to call someone a dog.
Slater has called people worse.
Zetetic, you are missing the point on this one. This is not a defense of camerons activities around the abuse of the name suppression laws. Cameron is more than capable of defending his actions himself. However the case he posts about today is a complete outrage and the worst abuse by a judge of the suppression laws I have seen. He has granted a prominent Palmerston North resident citizen permanent name suppression after this winner was found guilty of having over 300,000 images deemed illegal on his PC. Now I am no computer expert (hopefully LPRENT can enlighten us here) but that seems an extraordinary number of images. He was caught after a tipoff by the FBI and the judge thinks that none of the images were of kiwi kids so it is not quite as serious!
WTF! How is that logic? abuse of foreigh kids bad but not very bad?
This one will grow legs and run when enough people find out what this criminals profession is and just pouring hate and vitriol on Slater will not help.
Calling the election 08 blogmobile a national party info bus is hilarious, trust me. It was parked in my driveway for a couple of days and the only thing they were interested in was eating their way from one end of the country to the other.
Re the 08blogmobile – Slater and Farrar had full approval from Nat. headquarters. And, if you need any further help, watch the interview with Hayes on youtube.
Two wrongs make a right??
Apparently they do here on the standard. Maybe it is in the “dreaded” policy. Everything seems to be there. 🙂 (I agree with your point brett btw)