National’s “major policy shift it talks about behind closed doors”

This revealing quote is buried in the middle of today’s Herald story by Fran O’Sullivan headed “All change on the gravy train”.

It does make one wonder where the real journalists are in that paper. If the Herald knows there is a major policy shift being talked about by National behind closed doors, why isn’t it telling the rest of us?

It does indicate however that the 50% of respondents to the TV1 Colmar Brunton who do not believe that National is being open about its plans have got it absolutely right.

Sources in the business community have been telling us for some time that John Key has been going around saying behind closed doors that National will “unpick” all Labour’s policies, contrary to what he has been saying in public.

According to Fran, “Power company berths are sought after”. This is not only because their chairs command higher directors’ fees, but also because the prospect of privatisation provides major windfall possibilities for inside directors and managers.

It’s high time the Herald stopped writing only for those who want to get back on the privatisation gravy train, and started informing Kiwi voters about National’s real plans.

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