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1:57 pm, September 22nd, 2014 - 31 comments
Categories: national/act government, privatisation, same old national, vision -
National’s promises to you. #1.
1. “Lift student achievement by investing $359 million over four years to keep the best teachers teaching, encourage schools to work together and strengthen school leadership”.
Pay more to Teachers who toe the National party line, producing unthinking vocational cannon fodder.
Destroy the Teacher unions, because they oppose ideological child abuse.
Motivate Teachers by paying them less, and making their working conditions crap, because we need to to free up more money for the “executives”, so they will do their jobs..
Start more charter schools, because they have worked so well elsewhere they have been tried.
Give schools a bunch of highly paid executives, instead of more classroom Teachers, because that is just what education needs…
It has worked so well for power companies.
Ideological waffle from national – expect a lot.
Well, in three years, the entire left block will be able to say:
We told you so.
Because we did. National’s policies will destroy education in NZ. But I don’t suppose we should be surprised – their policies will destroy NZ.
I hope that the teachers don’t give in and that they dig their toes in at the onslaught that is coming their way.
The best thing that could happen is that this Govt ends up with a very serious shortage of teachers.
We are in for a very interesting time indeed.
The best thing that could happen to this government is a public interest coup d’etat like Bainimarama’s. There’s nothing democratic about the way #Teemkey operate and thus no loss using limited other means to remove them.
Sounds great! where do I sign up…..oh that’s right….already did along with the rest of centre NZ!!!!
Buyers remorse is already setting in, in Australia.
And in Sweden, where Charter schools have proven to be a costly disaster.
There are more teachers looking for work now than ever before, schools arent short of teachers either. We train too many due to the falling of roles – the demographic coming through is smaller still. There will never be a shortage of teachers (excepting Maths and Science), but I do agree there may be a shortage of quality teachers. Hence the investment by the Government in “Experts”. The hurt is strong in the left today.
Funny how most new Teachers now leave after two years.
The good ones first, because there is so much idealogical Government interference preventing them doing a good job.
“because there is so much idealogical Government interference preventing them doing a good job.” You have any evidence of this?
Every day.
Neil Kinnock said it all when Thatcher got in.
‘I warn you that you will have ignorance- when talents are untended and wits are wasted, when learning is a privilege not a right’
The internet changes everything. Schools are places to socialize, learn social skills, not places of learning, since learning happens to children quite naturally.
Its the higher institutions that have been mauled into profit centers.
The IES policy is not well understood I think. I don’t think parents realise how disruptive it will be to their child’s class if their child’s teacher is selected as one of these teachers. 2 days out of the classroom a week with relievers taking their place. Not conducive to the continuity of learning. Principals out of their school for 2 days a week placing pressure on the rest of the staff to maintain the running of the school.
Of course this policy can not be implemented without a change to the teachers collective agreement as it involves changes in remuneration, something the members of NZEI have already voted against. So the only way would be to break the collective agreement which may not be a good look for the government and the Ministry.
And Tony do we know if there is a budget for the relievers and as well?
I’m gonna start me a charter school, get the government to pay for the land with the ownership signed under my name, make sure it fails ,and flick the asset on at a tidy profit.
and sadly, you won’t be the first to do it fambo !
I love teaching. I’ve been doing it for about a decade. I lasted in the NZ public education system for less than ten weeks (temp contract), after two years of training. I still can’t believe the kind of bullshit I came across, starting at teachers’ college. Some teachers are thriving, but two years is shameful as an average before most new teachers drop out.
A key source of stress for beginning teachers is lesson planning. New teachers still really don’t know how to pace content, how to arrange lessons interestingly, and they sure don’t have a handle on how to work with curriculum or NCEA standards. In my experience, teachers’ college gives you little more than a foreshadowing of these problems. You can’t build Rome in a day, and it takes teachers many years to get really good at this stuff.
Why, then, do teachers have to spend so much time planning lessons? If I turn up to a school that has been around for decades, why don’t they have their lesson plans already on file, ready for me to pick up and adapt to my classes?
I suspect the answer is the death of canonicity and the rise of a naff individualism. Within our culture, there is no respect for any kind of canon. “Here’s what students need to know – the stuff that our culture deems excellent or important.” You don’t often see a commitment to that. Instead there’s too much focus on student centred learning – being responsive to each student, focusing on their needs and their development. This style of teaching shows insufficient appreciation of a society that a student can go on and contribute to.
A beginning teacher would be far less stressed if they rocked up to their first job and were shown exactly what to teach, as well as how. And after a few years of working through other people’s lesson plans, they’d be way more ready to contribute their own.
my very best friend left teaching 2 months ago following 27 years.
she is still education but not in school.
her experience knowledge and practical application is a big loss.
she has been replaced in a year 1 classroom by a teacher with 1 year teaching. half of these kids arrive with no english.
her comment on sunday morning? she would hate to be teaching in the next three years and noted a third of the staff at her primary school are actively seeking non teaching positions.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. National meddling with education is just a way of distracting the voters from the real issues like their lack of economic skills with bumbling double dipper bill at the helm. National may be loathsome but they are not stupid. Tried and proven strategy.
Now, they meddle with it, knowing teachers can’t strike like they used too, the backlash would be heinous if they did, as national would paint them as unionists and labourites as they do anytime teachers complain about off her trolley. It’s a big set up. To help make Labour look bad. National run a very deep strategy of dirty tricks, Time the left hardened up and got smarter.
Once upon a time a couple of decades ago or three, National would not have dared mess with teachers, or any unionised work force.
Yes the National will now set sail on the Titanic of education
And sink the future of our kids why does democracy allow party politics to wreck the rites of the educators to demand sense over this matter
We cannot continue to give way
and anyone who complains about it and who voted National because they like Key, or stability or rock star economy or .com or any other fuckwit reason, should be told you voted for it, you own it.
Make them eat crow every singly time.
maybe when it hits them instead of the peeps that are addicted to welfare (i was told that yesterday), or the single women who should have made better decisions (told a day before election) maybe then they will realise that what goes around comes around, and that the society we live in is a shared environment.
luckily for me I have no children, so don’t have a stake. I feel sorry however for the children.
I agree with your points. What the hell is wrong with the 48% of voters of this country blindly agreeing with the smiling assassin’s sweet sounding spin. What a historical tragedy for this country.
Not their fault.
The propaganda was deliberately and purposely planned to push peoples buttons.
Labour at least tried to convince people with policy.
Nationals campaign was a piece of very well funded, and cynical, “brand” advertising.
I read today that the Minister of Education got about 6,800 votes less than her electorate opponent. So they don’t want her but we’re going to have her and we’re going to get her bullshit idiot ideology. Yeah that makes sense.
The neo liberal theory on education is integral to re-programming and depoliticising the future workers/consumers. Education that makes people good critical thinkers is now another endangered species. This Election is up with the top ten worst experiences of my life. Poor children, dolphins, trees, farm animals, and workers. Capital Gains Tax wouldn’t have been that bad surely. Oh that’s right I forgot, now we have a NZ for all NewZealanders, except that is for…….the indigenous, the poor, the unemployed, the left, the environmentalists, people who have ethics, me, my family, my friends, people who read, think, care, love their country, don’t want the TPPA, appreciate free speech, think John Key is a little fibber……and so forth.
Well said mate. I was a teacher for twenty years and simply asked kids (little kids, Primary) moralilty questions without any particular set-up.
I was a very good teacher, long hair, guitar, madness and the wonders of language. I thought in my 20s innocence that adults were required to devolve acceptable code to their offspring and their students in my case. I guarantee you 48% of them did not vote fucking national in this election.
We need to stay strong don’t we. Even the Scots couldn’t fuck the village idiots.
Oh well Air New Zealand should have a good 3 years. Although it will be one off business….
Learn to fucking spell. “Nationals”. Jesus.
Thanks, and much appreciated, for the proof reading.
Want the job?
You have to be available 24 hours a day between my work times and you have a few minutes to proof before I have to get on a plane, or lose the internet, for hours, or days! Oh, and wait five minutes for the page to reappear each time.
While I have to stare at my mistakes with no way of getting on the site to correct them. Bugger
New Zealand is the titanic I can only hope the next sawn off shot gun finds the right target because I can only see misery ahead