Ngaro goes negative

I can understand Alfred Ngaro’s current frustration.  He was an important addition to National’s caucus and gave the party which has traditionally been very white and very conservative some needed diversity.

He is also a very conservative christian and fitted in easily into the god bothering faction of the party.

He was placed at 20 in National’s 2017 list.  Despite all the resignations and retirements he was dropped to 30 in National’s current list.  Collins said at the time that she was confident he could beat Phil Twyford.  I hate to break it to them both but on current polling there is absolutely no way this is going to happen.

So Ngaro has gone septic and accused Twyford of wanting to decriminalise all drugs and that he supports full term abortions as well as abortions based on gender and disability.

The full term abortion claim is one that has previously been said by other National MPs including Hareta Hipanga and Simon O’Connor during the passage of the recent Abortion Legislation bill.  They are only possible in a medical emergency, as they were previously.  Judith Collins herself voted for the law to be passed.

As for the claim that Twyford will support the legalisation of cannabis I think Ngaro should have thought this through more carefully.  Out west I sense that this is not an unpopular policy and besides we are all voting on the proposal in the referendum.

What really strikes me is the total lack of discipline being shown by National’s caucus.  It seems pretty clear that either there is no central vetting of what MPs are going to say or advertise or that discipline has broken down that much that they are saying what they think.

The advert has since been taken down.  Ngaro’s problem is that screen shots live forever.

I can confidently say that next week Ngaro will be unemployed.  Based on his outburst I think this is a good thing.

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