Written By:
Tane - Date published:
10:41 am, October 10th, 2007 - 9 comments
Categories: activism, john key -
Tags: activism, john key
Looks like another batch of the infamous John Key posters has gone up all over central Wellington overnight, this time tackling John on privatisation.
My spies tell me Wayne Mapp was spotted this morning shaking his head and looking rather unimpressed. Hate to break it to you Wayne, but as one of John Key’s advisers put it, “They’re much better at this than us.”
Privatisation with rigourous competition and regulation makes sense. Privatisation as handled previously by National doesn’t.
How astonishing. Is the Exclusive Brethren behind this anonymous campaign?
IP: Yes, that’s what I hear. Word has it they’ve spent the princely sum of $25 on buckets, brushes and a packet of glue. But I guess that’s the price of democracy, eh?
Woohoo. The problem was under Leave a Reply – “Welcome back unaha-closp (Change).” Need to click on the “Change” for Capthca to operate. Otherwise it never activates but allows a post to appear on the screen. Then refresh and it has not stuck.
Sweet. Glad you could make it.
If only there was something to say.
Ha! I guess IrishBill has said all that needs to be said then?
Are your spies Brian Connell?
Why is Wellington the only place in NZ to be privy to these enlightening posters?