No more jobs for Nats’ old mates

Apart from keeping Don Brash well stocked with corned beef in his dotage, what exactly are we getting out of the Government’s half million dollar 2025 Taskforce?

The Brash Report is a joke. It reads like nothing so much as a collective ramblings of half a dozen geriatics who haven’t had a new idea in 20 years. Which is what it is, of course.

Incredibly the report provides no evidence that the slashing of public services, work rights, minimum wages, and taxes for the rich would have the desired effect. There’s no modelling, no forecasting, of what effects these changes would have on the economy. Are we simply meant to take Brash’s word and hand over the country to his failed ideas?

If, in fact, the changes Brash wants would boost our wealth by a third (which is what is needed to close the gap with Aussie) and that could be done without impoverishing people and wrecking the environment, then they would be worth looking at. The reality is that they would do no such thing. It didn’t work last time and no-one can show any evidence it would work this time.

So far, we’ve paid $400,000 to employ some rightwing old boys for a crap report that the government has binned as part of its political gamesmanship. It makes a lie of the government’s commitment to eliminate government waste.

We shouldn’t spend any more money on this rubbish when we could be using it to heat homes, hire teachers, or reduce borrowing.

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