Not exactly Jon Stewart

A new facebook group has started up called “I am killing a kitten for every person who votes for the Green Party” (*)

This group is to encourage New Zealander’s to join the fight against hippies and social engineering by killing a kitten for every vote they receive this election, if we run out of kittens we will start using ducklings and hedgehogs.

It’s not outrageous, its clearly an attempt at humour, but it is sad what passes for humour among some. It speaks to a nasty worldview among these people. People like Emmy Gargiulo, National Secretary of Young Nats, Michael Mabbet, ex-Young Nat President, and youth activist/41 year old National Party pollster David Farrar.

So, if you’re thinking of voting National, remember the type of people who will be ticking the same box as you.

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