Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
12:00 pm, February 15th, 2011 - 45 comments
Categories: activism, democratic participation, election 2011, privatisation -
Tags: campaign hub 2011
Here’s our first flyer.
Below is the front page, the back page outlines the case against privatisation.
So, as with the hugely successful Campaign Hub 2008, the idea is that you and us print off the flyers from the pdfs and then distribute them around our neighbourhoods. It’s about getting out there and each of us doing our part in communicating with a wider audience the threat of a second National term in government.
You’re welcome to submit your own flyer designs to The Standard too. Remember, not too wordy, not shrill, accessible, and designed for black and white.
Shortly, we’ll get a dedicated page for campaign materials set up, like we had in 2008.
Also, as you can see, the production values on this flyer are pretty low. They’ve got to be printable on home printers in black and white but if anyone with design skills and software wants to help make them better, flick us an email.
PS. No authorisation statement? Yeah, National decided it should not be legally required until three months before election day and everyone knows that the trustees of The Standard Trust are Mike Smith and Lynn Prentice (currently taking it easy we hope).
Thank you for the “Not For Sale” poster campaign, I will print the poster and begin to put them around where I can.
The current design requires double-sided printing, which is a bit of mucking around with most printers. It also doesn’t work very well as a poster affixed to a wall as you’d only see 1 side.
Could you make a design that has the graphic on the left, and the words on the right? That way all the information fits onto a single side of an A4 sheet, and it can be stuck up as a poster – sticking it up on lamp posts outside local shopping areas would create a lot of visibility with minimum effort.
Note that with Lanthanide’s idea, printing double sided would still work.
No it wouldn’t. If you’re going to do posters then you only want to print one side so as to save on costs.
Yes, printing double-sided still works.
Right now we have a file that looks like this:
If we replaced the file with one that looks like this:
Then you can print it on a single side to get an A4 poster, or double-sided to get two double-sided A5 fliers.
just have to remember that national says it is the party of business but there is no new business.
so what have they done?
If anyone wants this idea:
“What did you spend your tax cut on?”
“Paying higher GST”
“Higher childcare fees”
“I didn’t get a tax cut because I lost my job in the recession”
How about a flyer that says
Ever had the feeling you’ve been had?
then listing what JK said vs What JK did
tax rip off
etc 6 – 8 key points of the many
basically try and hone in the John Key as talk, smile and wave vs what Nats have actually done
remember most NZ’ers don’t actually like what National stand for and are worse now off
The problem with this sort of poster is that they take far to long to read. The genius of the Iwi/Kiwi ads, like the Tui posters, is they can be taken in at a glance.
If you have to read them through to get the point they don’t work as people simply don’t stop to do so.
(Nb When I say the “genius” of the ads I am not commenting on the content, simply the presentation.)
That’s been National’s strategy all along so far. Key and Blinglish both present lying stats that sound perfectly reasonable on the face of it, but to explain why they’re misleading or flat out wrong takes a good 5 to 6 times longer that it does for them to blurt out the stats in the first place. No one, especially the media, has the attention span required to listen and understand the rebuttal, and the Nats have gotten away with this.
“Not for sale” on tui sized billboards alone would start the ball rolling
But i will print off as many as i can and deliver them when i walk my dogs 2nite
my area in paraparaumu is Labour anyway but every bit counts
alot of people i talk to @ the markets @ pram beach are sick of the lies and continuing spin from Nact
i know alot of people voted them in for the $50+ a week tax breaks (that they didnt get and what increase in wages has been swallowed up by GST increasing and food and power and rents and basically everything) and also the anti smacking bill had a lot to do with it
Hell my sister even voted National because of it- as she said They have no right to tell me i cant discipline my kids and I am sure she isnt the only one
I think ECE costs will be a big factor too. Having to pay an extra $20/week per child completely and utterly swallows up the tax cut that most families got, irrespective of GST and other cost of living increases.
National also timed the ECE cuts very poorly – at the start of election year, after everyone is back from holiday paying off their credit cards and see how far that tax cut really went for them.
makes me wanna smack yr sister for voting National who voted for the repeal
Hey possibly a good idea to put the authorisation on anyway so that don’t forget and incase someone prints some out before required to authorise and they are used afterwards.
Should be heading home sometime over the next couple of days. Making pages like that should get past the gatekeeper
We need a method of turning out normally apathetic mid and lower income voters.
If we can break the problem of low voter turn out for the left, NAT will be out of Government for a very very very long time.
I know alot of beneficiaries up here mostly mental health invalid beneficiaries- and they dont vote
however word is going round to make sure they get out and vote this year as alot of them have been deemed **fit ** for work
these are people on heavy anti pyschotic drugs- and they cant work,anything can set them off
I hope feral Bennet is happy with herself when they start losing the plot
Is she gonna step up to the plate and accept any responsibility?
doubt it
Both my sister and her boyfriend are clinical psychologists. There’s a lot of benefit to be attained from getting out and being employed, even if it’s only for 1 day a week.
Having said that, though, there are some people for whom permanent employment is simply unrealistic.
i agree that there are benefits etc etc but some of the clients i used to care for are not suitable for work but have been deemed fit
I am talkin about people who end up in forensics Unit down in Porirua when they get ill
That’s what I have always liked about Labour and hated about National. There is no quick fix. Labour gets that. One person will never be the same as the next person. Until NAct get that, they should never be allowed to have any influence in New Zealand.
But NAct really does believe that there should be a poor ‘underclass’ to serve their needs. All their policies are geared towards that. They actually do have a ‘plan’. The scary thing is they haven’t told NZers what it is – to cripple Kiwis’ ability to have autonomy in their own country.
A person with crippled hands from arthritis being forced, by this government’s ‘one fits all’ policies, to stack shelves in a supermarket; it’s just sick! And it has happened.
If someone has copies of their 2008 flyers/billboards, you could write simple sentences next to them to say what has actually resulted.
There always is this as well to keep the pressure on
signed it yesterday and spammed all my friends with it 🙂
Maybe add a broken key to it 😛
A “brighter future” placard in the dustbin, along side the broken key, with a closed door & things like GST hike, cost of living tetc written on the door.
I’ve done a couple (coloured) some time back. So how do I get them to THE STANDARD?
There’s a contribute link on the top right of the menu bar, below the bigger Media and Politics links. Send them in there as attachments.
What a great idea. We in Christchurch have BOB PARKER .! who believes that ratepayers should pay lots of dosh for buying up tracts of land bailing out developers like Dave Henderson and those on TURNERS AND GROWERS OLD SITE. $ 21 MILLION PLUS !! Look at The Press Christchurch editorial today A SCATHING ATTACK!And you’ve given me an idea. broken key. another idea.
[lprent: please save the CAPS for punctuation or for those extremely rare times you want to frigging SHOUT or you will get silenced. Read the FAQ to see how to use something more subtle that doesn’t offend my FRIGGING eyes. ]
We should sell the North Island at least
Maybe just from Hamilton to Albany. I’d quite like to keep the Bay of Islands and the rest of Northland 😀
I would love to get designing some of these posters & flyers. We need a contest for some excellent points and skillful wording… ! I Agree with Awyn, they need to be sharp and to the point, and make people think..
Don’t need a contest – there’s nothing stopping you (or anyone else) designing them and making them available.
Yeah use the contribute button for now. I will have a few days of more enforced idleness after I get out of hospital tomorrow. So I will have a think about how to implement a better campaign system resource system than 2008
Maybe it should have:
Kiwis Not For Sale – Trafficking of Sovereignty under TPPA a Crime
Pictograms for ‘smile’, and ‘wave’.
text examples:
1) Once our power companies are sold, we can wave bye bye to them. (How many shares can you afford? )
2) Exporting our children won’t pay our debt. Make this a country they won’t wave good-bye to.
3) Feeling better off after your tax cut?
3) Feeling better off after your tax cut?
John Key – “I spent my tax cut on more holidays in Hawai’i, how about you?”
“I spent mine on higher GST”
“I spent mine on increased childcare costs”
“I spent mine on higher food, petrol and RUC costs”
“Mine got eaten by wages that didn’t match inflation”
“I bought a ticket to Australia”
Smiling on the South Pacific Titanic before nothing but waves,,,
Higher GST, so higher cost of living
Higher unemployment particularly for youth
Higher crime
Few areas of growth apart from welfare
A more unequal society
Cuts to education
Vastly reduced home care for the elderly
Higher power bills
Our environment for sale
Workers’ conditions reduced
National, I’m still not feeling the love.
Anti-spam: splitting, yes please do come 26 November
I’ve seen data that 45% of those convicted and sent to prison had no income earning job at the time.
High unemployment is completely corrosive to society. And with 40% of our prison population under 30, youth unemployment is particularly devastating.
Yes CV, completely devastating and so damned elemental that the inmates of the greatest free-range insane asylum, i.e. National, wouldn’t recognise it if it jumped up and slapped them around their heads.
For the really obtuse in National the old phrase ‘the devil finds work for idle hands’ springs to mind. I don’t blame the unemployed for eventually losing all hope and thinking that the basics the parliamentarians take as their due will never be theirs, so they need to find a means of funding these basics and it’s either benefit fraud or crime – not much of a choice.
Not a bad start for a poster campaign. A good idea.
Wellington Family Business Forced Out Of Wellington Airport:
Tuesday, 15 February 2011 10:09 am | Duty Free Stores
Wellington-based duty free company Duty Free Stores New Zealand this week advised its customers that it could no longer supply duty free to its Wellington customers following an increase in charges by Australian company JR/Duty Free.
JR/Duty Free, which runs the duty free shops at Wellington Airport, increased the prices it charges other duty free companies to hand out goods at Wellington Airport by 240%.
Aussie is so our friend, eh?
Double Dipton Does it Again:
Double Dip Recession for New Zealand
http://tppwatch.org/ TPPWatch is a network of concerned unions, groups and individuals formed to organise and support initiatives to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
also see: http://www.nznotforsale.org/