Written By:
- Date published:
5:43 pm, December 15th, 2013 - 17 comments
Categories: activism, class war, community democracy, democratic participation, political education -
Tags: activism, democracy, participation
So, coming off the back of comments made below Karol’s post of this morning, I’m proposing that anyone within the Dunedin area meet up (provisionally and weather permitting) on Saturday the 18th January 2014, around about one-ish in the afternoon by the band stand at the Botanic Gardens.
Bring your pseudonym or real name. Bring some food or drink if you have a mind to and whatever else you feel might augment the social aspect, of what I’d hope turns out to be, a serious initial step in moving political knowledge and opinion beyond these pages and into the real world in a way that is both effective and sustainable.
Meanwhile, given that I’m a bit of an obsessive on the small matter of democracy and in the interests of saving time and energy, I’m suggesting that the following very basic pre-requisites, essential for safeguarding democratic modes of organisation over the medium and long terms, get discussed here (I know, I know – it’s somewhat ironic given my intention that what follows is a numbered ‘buy in’ list, but hey….)
and to that end:-
(Hmm – wonder if that’s enough commas to be going on with?)
Anyway. If you’re up for it or have any thoughts to share….
One more bullet point … leave egos at the Garden entrance (where they should have been since Adam was a boy).
Best wishes Bill.
And to you Red. 🙂
The highly democratic General assembly process used by OWS may have tips.
Bearing in mind that OWS was well aware that the General Assembly process was infiltrated and spied on at every turn…
Think I’ve had previous and long discussions here and elsewhere on the massive flaws – including the democratic deficit – contained in the way ‘Occupy’ went about things. Besides, the initial numbers coming from thestandard will be small, meaning that meetings can have a fairly informal air to them as people find their feet and discover, discard and develop effective and democratic meeting processes.
sounds Fair.
“we commit to developing genuinely inclusive and democratic processes and inclusive/participatory environments.”
Have been meaning to ask you Bill if you would like to write a post on what you understand democracy is (have seen you referencing true democracy a few times, but am unsure what that means). Don’t want to derail this thread if you want to keep it just as an announcement thing, but would be interested in exploring the more general aspect of organising sometime.
Excellent initiative. I hope others follow with similar initiatives in other parts of the country.
Though Saturday is a work day for me, and I already have something important booked to do at work on the 18th Jan.
I’m keen. A stroll up the valley to the Gardens is always pleasant, weather permitting. Maybe a pint afterwards at the Inch Bar.
Il Conciliatore
I’m not in the Dunedin area Bill – and may well be out of the country on family business – but i wish this excellent initiative all the very best. Maybe something along similar lines could be started in the Auckland region…
Please keep all of those of us who are not in, or around, the Dunedin area, informed of how it goes, Bill. Ta.
Bugger, I’m in Auckland that weekend. Hope it is the first meeting of many!
Anthony / r0b
Good stuff Bill and a good initiative. Will be there in spirit and an Auckland equivalent is a good idea …
Yes I hope we will be able to do something similar in Auckland, and also in other centres. We need to maintain pressure on Labour to be the promised red Labour, and at the same time work toward ousting the Tories. Getting together and exchanging ideas would be a step in the right direction.
I’m in Brisbane and physically incapacitated. Depending on whom you ask, mentally as well. Have a great meet up.
the other centres too idea..is a good idea..
phillip ure..
Yes, am trending towards that emphasis myself philip ure.