Written By:
lprent - Date published:
8:55 am, June 6th, 2017 - 9 comments
Categories: admin, notices, The Standard -
The server will be shifted when its network link gets shunted to a new location. That will happen sometime
this morning.Wednesday (I hope – see comments). So the site will be offline when it does. I have to physically pick up the server and reconnect at the new location.
Coincidentally, I had organised time off to have an eye test as well this morning because my programming vision is changing again. Which could delay the move.
I’m at work Wednesday, which means that there will be significiant delays noticing the site being down (as when I work I ignore everything else), and then going home to shunt servers around.
So don’t get too worried if the site stays down for an hour or two.
Hopefully, it will get flipped overnight.
Waiting… Waiting.. .
Got the router. Plugged it in. Just waiting for the changeover at the exchange.
OK. Lets leave this to the gods of the local network. I have to head to work for a meeting.
I’m betting that the site will disappear off the net about the time that I sit down at the meeting 🙂
Nope. That wasn’t it. It hadn’t shifted over (damnit) but it did just glitch..
Looks to me like the provisioning has been done at the ISP, but not with Chorus.
However I took advantage of the outage to install an upgraded RAID card – now with a 40mm fan installed to reduce an overheating problem. Oldish adaptec card that should have had a fan installed in the first place.
The ISP came through at 1622 yesterday saying that it should have shifted over.
It still hasn’t.
Problem for tomorrow. However I have to be at work tomorrow, so my availability to come and lug servers around is going to be pretty constrained. Unless it happens overnight or they can tell me that it is a something that I can trigger from here. I’d expect a significiant outage sometime today.
Ok. Connection issue – turn the old router off. Plug the new router into the correct port.
was that break the transfer?
Yes. And let me tell you I’d forgotten how heavy that server is until I had to pick it up and carry it up 3 flights of stairs. Too many old 3.5″ drives in my data array.
Fortunately the backup system is a lot lighter. But I still have to move the UPSes 🙂
Terrific. Got a better basis for the busy election year. Thanks, are you a chess player? You seem to have all the moves covered before starting.
Nope. But that is the idea. To reduce downtime.
But in this case it was just because Lyn brought her own apartment and we have to live there for a while.