Written By:
the sprout - Date published:
7:24 am, November 7th, 2009 - 8 comments
Categories: act, corruption -
Tags: hypocrisy, Louise Crome, perk buster, Rodney Hide
Hypocrisy is such a difficult tag to shake in NZ politics.
After blowing $50,000 of tax payer money on a trip with his girlfriend to visit her brother and wander around Disneyland, it seems like Rodney Hide has been caught yet again pilfering public funds to help with his romantic chances, this time another $10,000 for a trip for two to Hawaii.
You know they’re guilty when they pay it back.
Perkbusted again!
He’s going for the record get your copies of those cute Air NZ ads featuring Rodney and Hone as they are likely to not be around long. Air NZ is pushing it a bit though equating Hone’s level of perking to Rodneys extraordinary effort.
It’s a right wing conspiracy to get rid of MMP. Simply get Rodney of the 3.65% party to behave badly and it will be MMP’s fault in the minds of the populace thanks to the media hacks that sound bite the news or us (Paul Henry, leighton Smith, the e-spinners).
A highish spot on the National list awaits……
yes i had wondered about that 🙂
stevo – that’s right up there with UFO conspiracies!
Once again, Hide’s first questioned trip didn’t cost $50,000, having the girlfriend with him is now quoted as just $12,000 extra and the Hawaii trip was paid back but was part of the 90% subsidy that older MP’s have as a contractual right.
Perhaps The Standard could go back and look at the amount of holidays or even days off that Hide took pre-2009. You will be hard pressed to find anything and asking around advisors since 1996 all would without question state that the hardest part about working with Hide was that he never took any holidays or time away, leading to atrocious work-life balance.
[lprent: ‘The Standard’ is a pretty dumb program running on server. It does nothing unless I code it and I can’t code that particular course of action.
You should read the about to find out how this site operates and the policy under Rules about ascribing a mind to machine (which I consider is particularly dumb).
Perhaps you should ask an author? ]
Dear me.
Pb: excellent
Cactus: pathetic. truly pathetic.