Written By:
lprent - Date published:
3:46 pm, November 16th, 2014 - 5 comments
Categories: admin, The Standard -
If you have seen a few outages over the weekend in NZ, it is because with Lyn off in India running classes (BTW: thanks for the great response* 🙂 ), I’ve been up at nights upgrading my old server to take The Standard and moving it off my development system.
So the ‘old’ motherboard is now on the server box. My development server has a hot (220W!) AMD processor and the data is properly protected with power supplies and replicated locally and offshore. But most importantly, I have my development server back so that I can
play games do some serious work like finishing the failover server in Sydney.
It was a real pain having the site on my development system because I couldn’t reboot the system as often as I needed to do. My server box runs things like mail systems and has minimal updating. But you’ll be pleased to know that I don’t tinker with that system a lot, because its screen is the TV.
* That was rather impressive. She spent the last few days before leaving last weekend chasing bargains from suppliers to make the extra money go a long way. Then discarding clothes so she could pack the gear in 🙂
That HOT breath you feel on the back of your neck,is not us coming to complain,but too give you a pat on the back,for a good site.Anyway,I’m sure you now how to deal with that dissent ,as Fred Dragg would have mused,with a thump of his foot,stating (all placings have being confirmed).
Might be a good time to start planning on getting out of AMD stuff. They have been losing money at fast rate. Last year they lost over 1 billion and the market is downgrading their rating. They had to sell their own building and lease it back. Intel has been forced to settle the lawsuit in AMD’s favour but not sure if that will help them at this stage
Eventually. However the price premium for equivalent Intel processors is way higher.
I find hyperthreading of limited use for the kinds of things I use because when I start needing cores then I really really need cores and they typically are playing around with data. Getting less than 30% performance off the hyperthread compared to a real core doesn’t cut it.
It means that I can buy a real 8 core processor from AMD with a nice quiet water cooler. for the same price as a equivalent 4 core Intel with a noisy fan.
Mainly because they fucked up big time with bulldozer by only having one floating point module per 2 cores, resulting in a product that was slower than the previous generation. However, their APU’s are now powering both Sony and Microsoft’s consoles and the desktop/laptop versions provide some significant advantages over intel’s offerings vis price and graphics power. Combine it with a strongly preforming GPU division (only issue is poor cooling due to crap reference designs) and the current problems aren’t as serious to AMD’s long term viability.
So they’re not dead yet, but we’ll likely not see a discrete CPU offering from AMD bar possibly the server market, which means intel can keep charging high premiums for their desktop and server CPU’s. Which ends up ironically creating a niche for AMD’s AM3+ socket offerings as the price/performance offered ends up looking pretty damn good if you’re budget is tight.
Mind you, once I get the Phenom X6 1055T rig together the next one will likely be an i5 one :/ Just need to get back to working fulltime once the current depressive episode subsides enough for the remaining parts…
By the way, Lynn
your a marvel,that replies button,great stuff,especially for a techno Phoebe.
Great 💡