Written By:
IrishBill - Date published:
7:30 am, April 8th, 2011 - 9 comments
Categories: business -
Tags: nzpa
Danyl and Lew have already made very good posts about the end of NZPA. I’d only note that the closure is bad for our democracy as NZPA is one of the only media outlets that covered every bill and provided an encompassingly broad first draft of history.
It also means spindoctors have gained a little more power – without NZPA to draw on and with the need to fill column inches cheaply and quickly not abating we’ll only see more cut and paste press release journalism.
Of course for Fairfax it’s a good business decision. Not because their papers will get better without NZPA content but because their more widely spread stable will give them a competitive advantage over APN in an NZPA-less environment.
On a more personal note I’ve had a bit to do with NZPA journalists over the years and I hope that the company is doing right by them. Wire service work is a thankless job – a lot of pressure for good accurate copy but no byline or kudos for doing it well.
Update: between writing this and it being published I’ve heard that APN and the ODT are planning their own national service.
Time for a new commercial division of The Standard to take over the role of the NZPA as the observer, watchdog and conscience of New Zealand society.
I’ve often thought it would be a really good idea to create an independent daily/realtime news source outside the mainstream media. (Student/alternative radio does a bit of it, particularly bFM, but I’m thinking of an internet and maybe hardcopy service).
It needs people to be dedicated to acting as “duty journalist” and writing regularly when they’re rostered on. Otherwise it becomes hugely random, like Wikinews.
Good news that there is going to be a continuing news service working with members on independent regional newspapers. As for getting kudos, perhaps we could know names and follow the journalists.
Perhaps the Standard could have a roll of merit each year and the sites where such journalists’ work can be read? I have picked up the name of Martin Van Beynen with the Press, but trying to catch his latest I had trouble in my bumbling around google because I’m not sure of the right spelling of his name.
The good journalists should be as well known as Kerry Woodham, Lhaws, etc. These last are merely Blowin’ in the Wind, or passing it rather which apparently stand as major statements by the lowest common demoninator that wants merely wallpaper for their ears.
We don’t live in a democracy. We live in a covert police state which is controlled by global corporations.
Once they close down the Internet or put censureship in place they will progress to the next stage of control of society.
Based on this, I’m curious about the other “truths” you know.
Don’t ask that! You’ll find out the current price of Brent Crude…
Agreed – I know Brent and he is very very crude.
Well why not go all the way, dear National government? Like Mr Goebbels and others successfully did in Nazi Germany, close down all media that does report too much criticism and real news. Instead push for a standard radio receiver called “the people’s receiver”. Have a censor oversee all news to be presented, have the commercial interests offered tax reductions to report the commercials and remaining programs for the public in a more economic and self-serving manner and lock up all journalists that do not abide by the general code for decent and nationally constructive broadcasting.
With TV7 being closed down due to non available government funding, due to NZPA having to close and almost all media in NZ becoming commercialised and thus prone to lobbyist influence, we are heading down this way just suggested.
The time and reason to leave this country for good have never been better and more convincing. Leave it to the manipulators and the manipulated. But then, do we put up with this BS?
I wish more people would stand up and be counted.