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- Date published:
6:00 am, September 1st, 2024 - 8 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
Old stoner predicts the future: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-backs-floridas-recreational-weed-amendment_n_66d3397de4b0df043c6e6e39
I look forward to him rhapsodizing on the virtues of the magic herb when he addresses his multitudes. He could even do a bit of air guitar here & there, get people going.
I drove the Southern Motorway from ChCh to Rolleston at about 1pm last night.
I kept strictly to 100k the whole distance, for a total travel time of about 11 minutes.
When this stretch of road becomes 110k, I would save myself about a minute! Wow!
Even then, I was passed by several vehicles, clearly exceeding the speed limit – when it becomes 110k, will 120+k become acceptable?
It's a very safe and appears well engineered stretch of road – but inevitably there will be crashes – "the faster the speed, the bigger the mess!"
And I remember reading somewhere that ICE vehicles use proportionally more petrol at higher speeds. Someone more technical than me could confirm or deny this.
Conclusion – little Simeon has windmills in his head!
I still have doubts that Cluxon’s “it’s a case of slower to go faster” is the way forward on NZ methane emissions.
Welcome to CoC Zealand:
All in a little over a day. When you strike fear onto the population, and remove hope, this is the result.
TV1 News tonight – a mining barge stuck on a beach near Westport – 6 weeks after arriving in NZ.
It sure didn't take long for Shane Jones' 'best laid corrupt plans' to run aground!
He really is a blundering dilettante, pardon the tautology. Totally out of his depth, a bit like that barge.
Are there worse ministers than New Zealand First ministers?
Dunno, Mutton, but some of the ACT ministers would give them a run for their money, and Natz ones not far behind either! Goldsmith, for instance! And Louise Upton. And wee Simeon!
Just look at the people who left NZG because of Jonesy?
Tracy Martin
Ron Mark
For starters,
Ron Mark absolutely detests Jonesy! And thence he left NZF!
Can't speak for Tracy Martin.