I can’t believe …2nd ACT story in 45 minutes on ACT.
It was presented without any questioning of the narrative.
“Hoping to be 3rd in election”…no questioning of this claim.
They know people who push their stories onto the news.
Remember this party got 0% in the last opinion poll.
BTW Alan Gibbs sounds mad.
Please explain RNZ.
0% in opinion polls.
Where is the same focus on MANA? United Future? Maori Party? New Zealand First ?
All of these minor parties got more votes!
“The MSM are giving preferential treatment to far right parties.”
Their focus is shameless. Mana polls higher than ACT (easy to beat 0%!) yet there is no coverage for them…..or only anti Harawira framing on those rare occasions there is any coverage.
Alan Gibbs sounds mad. Having too much money can do that to you. You will likely get the obssessive disorder of Seeking for the Holy Grail and The Answer to Life, HMMIIEFM (How Much Money and Influence Is Enough For Me) which is virtually incurable, and will spread throughout the brain and body until it consumes them utterly.
Check out Wayne Brittendon’s “Counterpoint” yesterday.
His ilk really should get themselves some decent drugs (and prefeeably overdose – no doubt he would since he does everything to excess). Either that or take up running.
Far better than guilt, far better than being your stereotypical WASP-have you stopped beating your wife yet, far better than waking up when it’s too late to realise you can’t take it with you, far better than coming to realise (in your dotage) that the ‘product of YOUR/MY MY MY I I I loins) don;t actually give a fuck, far better than begging for sympathy by playing the victim role.
Alan fucking Gibbs! sorry folks – no sympathy forthcoming from this end. His only hope is that he’s got company – i.e. a ‘collective’. Something like the Cnuts Union (based on the Taxpayer’s Union’s ‘bizznisss plan’)
Oh Lordy, I feel for ya Al! (where can I take a piss?)
Alan Gibbs, in today’s Herald, says we should be more like Singapore, and then promptly shows his cognitive dissonance, by advocating the opposite of Singapore policies.
Privatise everything and unregulated “free enterprise” is exactly what Singapore did not do..
Hasn’t he even heard of Tamesek holdings?
Singapore is run as a giant, SOE.
With a degree of State regulation, even Muldoon wouldn’t accept.
And low taxes not because of “small Government”, but the opposite.
The Government gets an income from all the “fingers they have in pies” including land rents and SOE’s.
And, they export their welfare costs to their neighbours.
I wonder if the Herald reporters are really advertising ACT?
Maybe there is a bit of subversion happening and they are quietly showing everyone how totally nuts, ACT really are?
But then there is the article insinuating that there was something fishy about Cunliffe’s leadership campaign funding. Using the classic “when did you stop beating your wife technique”.
I think the RWNJs use Singapore as just a word. Before 1999 and China taking it back they would have used Hong Kong for the same purpose.
It’s a far away place that most people don’t know anything about and most wont check (including journalists) and so they figure that they can make shit up about it and thus seemingly have a concrete example of their ideology working. They really don’t care what it’s like in Singapore, they only care about the meme that they’re creating.
And how’s this little gem from ACT president, asked about ACT being an “angry old white man’s party”
It’s no secret we’ve always struggled with the female vote, but Jamie, I think, is, um, photogenic and has a charisma, so we’re going to be more than that.
Gee I wonder why they struggle with the female vote? They obviously totes take women seriously and everything 🙄
..(no..!..not invade bondi to protect/save ‘our’ people from this most recent example of discrimination/prejudice from that mongrel-australian abbott/govt..silly you..!..)
..he should rip his shirt off..get oiled up..
..and give that easily-turned/stimulated ‘female-vote’..
..a bit of nip/pec-action..
..maybe striking hunting-leftie poses..?..
..destroying some symbol of big-government..?..(a poster of brownlee..?..)
..and i reckon he should challenge chem-trails-col to a bare-chested/oiled-up..
Struggling with females in various wrestling holds is quite the popular sport with autocratic types. Or they can flip around and embrace S-M behaviour where they are dominated for a change. And then they can flip around and think about males. Which is a more complex turn of the screw for this fast revolving group with flexible amorals.
If they adopt that strategy as well as John Boscawen’s idea to mobilise the Asian vote (because he doesn’t generalise about other races, but Asians are innately Act voters, somehow) they’ll be unstoppable!
But it raises serious issues. Seems like Cunliffe took legal advice to avoid disclosing his donors. The question is “why?”. The inference is that Kim DC is involved.
Look forward to Matt’s principled explanation.
So it’s ok for cunliffe to use secret trusts to funnel money to his leadership campaign? christ if national were doing that you’d be screaming about the law changes needed…. oh wait….
The reason is a conflict between the Labour Party’s rules and those of the Register of Pecuniary Interests. As for needing law changes, it would seem that the Labour Party is aware of a need for it to be examined, as Cunliffe talked about raising the issue with the Standing Orders Committee. In light of that, your comment looks entirely redundant.
Agreed, any mechanism that a politician can use to hide who funds them needs to be banished all it does is raise suspicion. Just because you can it doesn’t mean you should…
Obviously you would set a threshold but how would you feel if for example a charter school provider was funding John Banks personally through a trust? Ok by you that this could currently be within the rules?
oh hans. trust a german not to appreciate not so subtle humour. nice attempt at the old wave along nothing to see here though. don’t think it’s going to work from what my sources at tv3 say. Gower thinks this goes a lot deeper
Oh sorry, I didn’t realise that the rules of the Labour Party trumped the rules of Parliament. Send a memo to the Speaker, i’m sure that will clear things up.
“Meanwhile, Cunliffe and his quietly spoken deputy David Parker seem determined to turn away a large and valuable chunk of the electorate – the business community.
Positioning yourself so far to the left that you don’t think business is worth fighting for is not a strategy that has worked for Labour since Norman Kirk. The Lange government took business with them, the Clark government at least convinced business that it represented a tolerable and temporarily necessary change.
A begrudging acceptance of change from the business community, even if most won’t change their vote, is something that reassures the nervous middle classes who do swing their votes.”
This point about Labour not taking business ‘with them’ seems to be being made a lot at the moment. David Farrar made the point in the lead up to the interview with Cunliffe on the Nation (‘Why don’t they run with Cunliffe’s business background???’); Josie Pagani made the same point (as felix noted in yesterday’s Open Mike, I think); and now Liam Dann says it as well.
And, the point about the Clark government convincing business that it was a tolerable and necessary change seems to fly against the ‘summer of discontent’ from business that practically amounted to a declaration of war by business leaders on the government (I can’t remember which of the three elections it occurred after, but it was sometime during that period).
Obviously, this line achieves a couple of mutually reinforcing rhetorical points. First, it supports the idea that Labour is ‘lurching to the left’ (and, hence, away from business). Second, it assumes that the announced Labour policies have to conform to the desires of (big) business in order to be ‘centrist’.
That last point is odd because I don’t hear many political journalists currently arguing that, clearly, John Key’s government is not centrist and has ‘lurched to the right’ because he isn’t ‘taking along’ the unions with him.
Many small business owners like myself understand full well that National is a political party for corporate business not small business.
But until Labour comes up with plans to seriously economically revitalise local communities and provincial centres (and I don’t mean watery R&D tax breaks etc), what use are they to small and medium enterprise owners?
The attacks by the media against Labour almost seem concerted, From this Liam dann article to Gower’s piece on Saturday’s 3ox News. My view is the media, particularly NZ Herald is incredibly worried about Labour’s CGT and what it would do to its Real Estate revenues. New Zealand’s wealthy have made most of their money through lazy Capital Gains not clever dynamic businesses. Even National’s number one cheer leader John Armstrong alluded to it in his last paragraph on his Saturday opinion piece.
As soon as labour announced the implementation of a CGT they must have known they would get this reaction from the right aligned media…I reckon its concerted, its certainly dodgy and something akin to a banana republic. Surely New Zealand’s reputation as a highly trust, high integrity place to do business doesn’t relate to its media.
Puddleglum: “I can’t remember which of the three elections it occurred after, but it was sometime during that period.”
Not long after the Clark Labour-Alliance Government was first elected in 1999. Mid-2000 to be exact – Big Business (with Roger Kerr as chief agitator) launched its massive “winter of discontent”.
Bit late to this, but it’s a response to the complaints about the media reporting on ACT in spite of the party polling 0%.
Like it or not, ACT are part of the government and as such it would be highly irresponsible of the media to not report what they do and say, including shenanigans, brain-farts and absurdities.
High property values are determined by the rental they command. More expensive houses are forcing more families out of the home ownership, increasing the need for more rentals, but higher prices also put greater costs on the investment buyers to service their loans to the banks who are the ones making the real killings.
Under the headline “Low rents deter home buyers” (the “buyers” obviously being referred to here, are the landlords seeking to make an investment income.) The society representing these investment landlords is claiming that rents should go even higher.
Are they crazy?
An NZPIF comparison of the costs a landlord, owner-occupier, or tenant would face for the same property, showed there was significant scope for rents to rise
stuff.co.nz Low Rents deter Home buyers
As most wages don’t meet current rental levels now. The impending collapse of the housing investment bubble is inevitable. That landlords may have to bear some of the pain that they have inflicted on their tennents will be little consolation to the families that still need to be housed properly and can’t afford to buy or rent.
The NZPIF estimated and compared the likely costs of owning or renting a house that cost $425,000 to buy, which was just under the REINZ’s national median selling price of $427,000 at the end of last year.
The rent was estimated at $450 a week, which means a tenant would pay $23,400 a year to live in it.
“At this point in the property cycle you would have thought that the cost of owning above renting wouldn’t be nearly as big as it is,”
“So it possibly suggests that there’s quite a bit of room for rents to increase.
“With things like rising interest rates, it’s much easier for any costs that affect the owners to be added to rents.”
Andrew King Executive Officer of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation (NZPIF).
At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.
No doubt when the whole tottering edifice falls over the taxpayer will be called on to bail out the banks.
At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.
Most landlords are not cash-flow positive and are subsidising from their own income, their tenants housing. That’s the point of the article you quote.
Therefore the squeeze is the other way around. The banks hike interest rates on the landlords, who in turn have little choice but to pass it on to their tenants.
RedLogix,”Most landlords are not cash flow positive and are subsidizing from their own income, their tenants housing”,unquote,
Your comment could be read as a claim of you deliberately using your income to provide Social Welfare from your own income,
Behind ever private Landlord though is another bout of house price inflation pushing forever upward the price of housing an thus the price of rentals in the private rental market,
Behind the above is the sell off of the States Housing stock creating ever more demand for rental housing pushing investment imperatives to even more prospective landlords and further pushing up prices,
A private landlord having bought an investment property at a price that the expected rents able to be obtained from the property does not match the costs of ‘owning’ the rental property might make a case that the tenant is being subsidized from the Landlord’s income,
But, such subsidy can hardly be said to be of benefit to the tenant…
I read that article recently and wondered who the author thought shi was kidding. As an Auckland renter I know rents are way too high compared with incomes. I have been looking around at potential places to move to in the next year or so, so I have an idea of what’s on offer.
The article is a clear call for landlords to raise rents. Shocking.
I’m torn between moving further out of Auckland as I approach full retirement, and trying to get closer to Auckland CBD and the centre of the public transport network. The latter option seems pretty unachievable on retirement income.
As an Auckland renter I know rents are way too high compared with incomes
And way too low compared with the costs of owning.
How do you solve that little poser?
(I agree with looking outside of Auckland. Lots of smaller provincial towns are really nice places to live and housing costs are a fraction. We lived in the Wairarapa for years and I miss it a lot.)
RedLOgix, what you describe is the result of too many people piling into what they see as a chance for them to use other peoples money, bank loans, to provide them an asset which in turn would use other peoples money, the tenants,to pay the cost of the original use of the first use of other peoples money,bank loans,
Those who bought into this passive investment scheme befor the herd piled in helping to create the current over-inflation in prices are probably enjoying a cash positive or cash neutral investment with a great rate of capital gain,
The others in the herd, slower to pile into this use of other peoples money might have some capital gain but do not enjoy a positive or neutral investment a situation soon to be aggravated by interest rate rises,
Herd mentality has by its own actions in forcing over-inflation on the passive investment made using other peoples money less than a positive or neutral investment…
Don’t we have a housing shortage and unless the Government or some generous donor is going to build all these houses it will fall on the private sector and if the profit/capital-gain isn’t there then the private sector will take there risks elsewhere, landlords have to factor possible interest rates rises into there sums if you don’t they soon go tits up, the monetary system is the main problem, stop beating up on the landlords this is exactly what the Banksters want.
Yeah we have a housing shortage alright,we also have crisis of affordability firstly brought about by the various Governments open slather lassiez fairre attitude to allowing population growth while leaving ‘the market’ to provide the necessary housing for population that has grown by a million souls in 30 years,
Secondly we have the monied middle class, ever upwardly mobile leaping aboard the ‘rental investment’ as a means of escaping the Sharks in the deregulated share and financial markets creating house price over-inflation in housing specially in the larger cities,
200,000 HOMES have made the transfer from being just that, homes, in the past 20 years to being rental investments and NO-ONE twisted the arm, nor put a gun to the head of those who piled into these rental investments as a Herd to get them to do so thus creating the over inflation of pricing for both buying and renting property,
The Banksters, with the ability to produce ‘debt’ from thin air have simply done so to cater for the Herd of investors who act as facilitators for those Banks inflated profit taking, all of this is rational decision making brought about by ‘self interest, such self interest has another title many of us would apply, ‘Greed’,naked uncaring greed where the herd of investors couldn’t really give a fuck what they are doing to house prices with relation to those wishing to purchase to buy an actual family home, nor would the same herd seem to give a fuck what their individual actions of rational self interest do to the affordability of housing within the rental market,
Government action or inaction, in the case of National, the ripping apart and selling off of the States housing stock, and, in the case of Labour both the seeming vows of silence over this issue and the refusal when in Government to treat a rebuild of State Housing to a sufficient number as a matter of the slightest urgency, (at least 100,000 homes of all sizes), simply encourages more of the same, more house price inflation in all sectors based upon the ‘rational self interest’ of that monied middle class,
Had that monied middle class chosen a slightly harder route to achieve their aims of control of their rational self interest decisions of investment in housing, by building their requirements for rental housing i might well have had some small,(with an emphasis on the small),cause to cast a little applause in their direction, the fact is they mostly did not, choosing instead to play Monopoly with the under-supply of housing…
There used to be glossy mags with lots of glowing reports about young people owning five houses and they are only 28. I don’t hear so much about that. But it reminds me of the old saying that when the taxi drivers start investing in the stock market it is time to get out. That sounds undemocratic and elitist but just emphasises I think that when everybody is having a punt, the norms get lost and things go a bit mad.
Stop the artificial inflation in house prices brought about by the private banks ability to create money. I suspect that you, and a lot of others, will whinge when house prices are brought back to two to three times the average wage though.
Oh, and produce enough state housing to ensure a 1% to 2% over-supply of housing.
Are there housing co-ops in Auckland? I wonder if a group with useful sums saved could combine and either buy a suitable house together with the right legal controls and shares, or leases to each other, and leaving and pay-out arrangements. There needs to be a way of getting together of people who meet at a cafe once a month so form a social group and get to know each other and share similar desires and disciplines so they could manage the project and live happily together. Individuals get picked off and overwhelmed by the players in the market, they need to combine and find their own solutions.
They are talking on Radionz about pre-fab houses. This could be good – standardised, modular housing and people who are looking at methods. Could be good. But would result in 20th century single storey homes which means lots of land spread. Pity that housing co-ops weren’t prominent here and could do their own developing building individual buildings to house multiple units say 4 2-bedroom or small apartments for say eight on two or three levels.
There is a body called Pre-Fab NZ with architects and industry members.
DTB and Redlogix Has much of the rental housing been bought on leverage, with the low deposit and pushing rents up to pay off the hefty mortgage? That has happened so what proportion of low deposit sales would fit this type?
And if banks borrow heavily overseas so as to expand their books so they have more money available to lend to the 10% of their books limit now set, won’t that increase demand for overseas dollars and flow back to a higher NZ exchange rate, making exports to a set world price less profitable because of a higher exchange rate?
Thanks for coming up with some ideas, gw. At my age a housing co-op doesn’t really appeal. I don’t have much hope of finding like minded people. Most people in my social and/or work circles are home owners.
The prefab homes may be a solution. But I’m hearing that they wouldn’t be financially viable on Auckland city sections, but for outlying areas with low land values. It doesn’t seem likely to break the cycle with inner areas of Auckland being colonised by the wealthy.
I am pondering moving out of Auckland, but I have a strong emotional attachment to central Auckland where I grew up – and don’t know a lot of people outside Auckland.
Hi Karol,
Earthsong is out your way.
I’ve heard it is very expensive, but I tend to expect to hear that about anywhere in Auckland.
I think you might find it an interesting place to visit re housing co-ops.
Thanks, js. I’m not the most needy of renters. Whatever happens, there are affordable options for me. I just don’t have the full range of choices that some on higher incomes have.
If I move out of Auckland, it would be northwards. I prefer the weather there and do have some (limited) family and other connections up there.
My point was that, I have some first hand awareness of how tough the rental situation is. This makes for a pretty dire situation for those on lower incomes.
And perhaps now, when you’re trying to find a rental in a particular area for a reasonable price, and can’t, you might appreciate why others choose to own homes in those areas, so that when they come to retire they can continue living there.
And perhaps now, when you’re trying to find a rental in a particular area for a reasonable price, and can’t, you might appreciate why others choose to own homes in those areas
Oh yes, those who CHOOSE to be able to afford a $100K, 20%, deposit for a $500,000 Auckland home were simply SO clever to think ahead of their retirement!!!
What dream world do you live in Lanth, that of a top 10% income household?
Oh yes, those who CHOOSE to be able to afford a $100K, 20%, deposit for a $500,000 Auckland home were simply SO clever to think ahead of their retirement!!!
I’m sure you’ll find that most people in the central parts of Auckland that own homes have owned them for 10+ years, ie before the recent price speculation frenzy.
It could be that there would be a number of people in a similar situation, looking for people they could co-habit with, sharing a small flat, having a room in a house, a bed-sit somewhere suitably placed to their lives.
What if there could be a group that met once a month somewhere socially but where there was a structured plan of meeting each other. A sort of speed chat idea, so all could talk to each other, get to know each other. It could perhaps be advertised on Facebook, get onto google even. They would besides socialising, also keep an eye out for possible places to share, or possible homeowners who wanted to stay in a bigger house, but could only do so by sharing costs.
It could be very good for a big city, where people are rather atomised. The trick is to find each other, to join and make friends, and have it as a resource, that one might have to use in the near future. In the meantime it would act as social times, and also as a base to bring possible addresses to scope, and perhaps groups could form and reconnoitre the information provided. A bit like a hive of bees, busy and looking out for sites, and then returning and passing on the information. Happy Bees! Name for group? Casafino, Familias, Cheerfull.?
“I am pondering moving out of Auckland, but I have a strong emotional attachment to central Auckland where I grew up – and don’t know a lot of people outside Auckland.”
karol, that would be a real wrench to move away from an area that you love and has meaning to you. I hope you find something suitable.
However, If you were to move away, announce it to the TS crew and I’m sure you’d find like minded friends around the country supporting your adaptation to a new area.
PS: We have good public transport in all or most areas here in Wellington, except if you live it the very top of hill up a one lane road 🙂
‘At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.’
Which is why we need rent controls, to limit the capital gains from housing.
Just look at Dunedin student quarter. Old houses with 6 or so bedrooms, the students pay $140 each, that’s $840 for a very average house! And some of these landlords hoovered up the houses in the 90s for a fraction of what they are now.
The NZ taxpayer (and parents) funds this through student allowances and loans to pay living costs. So in part, we borrow from offshore, to pay for a ticket clipping bonanza.
While a good idea Ergo Robertina, instituting a regime of rent controls in the NZ housing market would be in terms of politics, impossible,
It is across the vast demographic of the NZ middle class where the ‘rental investment’ is to be found as the most loved of those with spare capital from their higher earnings,
It is also across that vast demographic of the NZ middle class from where the politics of the country, both Left and Right are controlled,(that is IF we are to consider Labour as part of the left of politics),
The only means of creating a rent controlled housing market would be with the ‘permission’ of this vast NZ rental property owning middle class would be as was suggested to me by one commenter recently to provide this middle class with a suitable CARROT,
Such a CARROT i would suggest, needed to gain the permission of that middle class would mean that the difference between the controlled rents on the private property and the costs of the private landlord would have to be met from the tax base,
The cost of subsidies to the private landlords through the current accommodation supplement is already said to be 1.5 Billion+ dollars annually, plus the cost of the right-off of taxation from the individual owners income of interest payments etc,
The cost of funding a CARROT to gain the agreement of those private landlords to agree to rent controls i would suggest would be one the current tax base could not afford,
Also, having an income in effect guaranteed by the State would drive even more of the middle class into rental housing which would simply drive house price inflation through the roof…
Well explained I think. Too true about rent controls. Very difficult. Perhaps the market needs to be affected on the supply-side.
And often beneficiaries helping each other mask the extent of the need for housing. This is where benes take in others – the pollies and strident bene haters also hate benes that rent out a room or space. Interestingly, considering that we have been short of housing for so long and the benefits have been ramped down for ages.
Suddenly they become money-grubbing, government-rorting, dishonest landlords, rather than budget-strained strugglers adding to their money resources to provide some other needy person with a place to stay. Cramped conditions with strangers even distant family boarding, checking to prevent waste heating, hot water, electricity, food etc. doesn’t make sharing accommodation an easy option.
I think the supply side in certain areas will be very difficult to address, part of what is driving Auckland is the scarcity of space in the inner suburbs. No one if they can afford it wants to travel on the motorways so they look to buy centrally currently there are enough moneyed people to drive the prices ever upwards this may plateau for periods but im not sure if they will ever drop.
Certainly at todays prices an interest only mortgage investment as a rental is unsustainable in the central suburbs from what I understand the investor types are now looking further afield where the prices are lower and the rent comparably a lot higher. Generally the are speculating as to where the working classes who previously inhabit Onehung Pt Chev etc will buy in the future..
Grey Warbler, too true, the only means of ‘fixing’ issues of affordability in either market, rental or ownership is to build a sufficient supply,
The obstacle to this of course are the current owners who if as Draco suggests housing supply in the bigger cities need become a norm of 1–2% over supply would begin to loose chunks of equity which i suggest would have negative effects for any sitting Government,
Its why i believe Slippery’s Government intends selling 20% of the States housing stocks so as to keep the over-inflation spiral on its upward trend thus pleasing the large demographic in the middle class by making them all feel richer,
Labour have the same problem, the Party is chocka with the rental investment owning middle class who have a vested interest in seeing that the number of State Houses in no way matches the need of the cohort of low waged workers and beneficiaries that in my parents time qualified to be housed by the State,
Such low wage workers are in monetary terms no better off than they were in my parents time, evidence would say a lot worse off, but 30 years of the Neo-Liberl experiment,(Winners and Losers),has simply created a beneficiary class even worse off than the low waged workers and thus making the beneficiary more qualified for State Housing than the low waged workers in a rationed ‘market’ for State Housing,
There is of course a ‘Fix’ to all this, which i must admit Labour are unlikely to entertain having already cast the die in favor of building 10,000 homes for the children of the middle class thus rewarding their parents for having indulged in the inflationary game of monopoly,(winners and losers again),
That is for Labour to allow those with the income to support a ‘new build’ home to in effect cash up their Working for Families payments so as to have the necessary deposit to enable a mortgage to be obtained for such ‘new builds’, and, put the resources of the State toward building either clusters or multi-storey State Housing on already existing property owned by the State…
Good ideas bad 12 and not untoward for Labour, they just have to get their heads around the idea that they have things to learn – that quoting slogans and saying encouraging things about the struggligh classes in a patonising way doesn’t cut the nmustard.
Another thing they can do is virtuous circles where the house gets sold at a reasonable rate that covers the costs plus administration and R&M, then is bought back at a value that gives a return of term deposit p.a. back to the owner who has to sell back to the state. This means that a group of good houses, keeps being available without the inflationary market-unhealthy prices building on each sale.
Lolz Grey Warbler, your quoting Green Party housing policy at me, Lolz again, yes of course besides houses owned by the State and rented to tenants at 25% of income the Green Party housing policy is of course the most forward thinking ever proposed here in NZ,
That magic circle is brilliant where upon the ‘owner’ for whatever reason not wanting/needing the house anymore any equity in the house is given back to the owner or the estate of the owner and the house has another family installed as owners which means that inflation as you say is kept out of the equation,
The real impediment to this type of mass housing is the lack of will from either of the large political party’s to produce its own capital,
Simply printing the capital to build the homes would create an excellent means of gathering revenue to the Government, with the repayments from the owners going into the Cullen fund we could kill two stones with one bird,
Way too forward thinking for the mass of people in NZ to get their nuts around in the here and now, give it 25-30 years and this will be the only means of affording house…
I actually didn’t know it was green party policy bad12. And should because that is the Party I go for though I’m also supporting Labour when I can.
But the housing idea would be good, and it only needs a bit of will to add it to the hosing mix that Housing NZ or whatever the bureaucrat/estate agents call themselves these days. It helps people to get into their own place, and off the state’s back. They put their own money into it, which might include some grant to be added to deposit, and then they should be able to get a mortgage from a bank.
That would fit people into the current credit set-up while intelligent people work out how to get the economy going from other sources of finance in other directions ir co-operatives and national funds for important purchases. The house should be self supporting and pay back to the government which should satisfy accountants’ balance sheets. .
Our media are not only a disgrace but they are too stupid to realise that approximately half of this country are not rightwing. I turned Radio Live on recently at 5.30am to hear James Coleman say he was the MC for the ACT conference. I turned the radio off – just as well they can afford to lose listeners.
I wont watch TV3 either as long as Patrick Gower is around.
Former CEO Of Kiwi Rail, Jim Quinn chooses to drive off into the sunset by car, not trusting to travel by rail or sea ferry as their both too unreliable for a safe getaway with taxpayer loot.
After pocketing more than 4 million dollars (courtesy of Key-National) for his 5 years work. We will be reminded of Quinn’s legacy for many years to come. In his final week ( last week) here are clear examples;
“The discovery of asbestos in KiwiRail trains built in China… 40 of KiwiRail’s locomotives were withdrawn from service following the discovery of the potentially deadly material in a soundproofing compound inside one of the vehicles on Friday.”
“KiwiRail at the weekend said the inclusion of asbestos in the trains was in breach of a contract specification which clearly stated the material should not be used.”
It’s an appalling record @Skinny by any measure. Just watch though …. if he’s not retiring, just watch him pop up somewhere else wreaking havoc in corporatesville as though he is the best thing since sliced bread.
Did you ever see the guy in the media btw? Fark!
I’ve dealt to him thru the media and the House *wink
Babbling Quinn carved up NZ Post then moved on to Kiwi Rail. Yeah he will pop up somewhere once the current heat subsides. He won’t get jack all peddling his CV around a Labour/Green camp.
Thanks Skinny for that list of Quinn’s transgressions. I have got gradually more frustrated as he has appeared on Radionz to spell out the latest excuses for bad management and bad policy along the cheapest is the best line (which line showed up in loss of railway line as they were shut down in his time.) It’s almost Blip-like in its straightforward display of ineptness, slippery thinking and bad business decisions.)
And Pasupial – did that newspaper item mention the interesting bit about Australian trains from the same Chinese firm also having asbestos? No doubt they specified against that or should have. And also this is another example of us being influenced by what Australians do instead of first checking our options, deciding what we want, looking then at what others have done, and then back to seeing whether we can do it ourselves for close to the price demanded elsewhere.
It wouldn’t have to be that much cheaper. There should be a government guarantee on any money raised which would keep the cost of NZ input to the rail improvement program down. We could do this now, if our government had any goolies, but if we join TPPA there would be more hurdles than an athletic event, and a high jump too far even.
@ Skinny I see further down you say Quinn carved up NZ Post!! And what a pathetic example of lost opportunities (for growing the business), poor public relations (ensuring that everything was done well and efficiently so they could tell people so, and not she’ll be right which led to the Queenstown debacle), and not following up customer criticism, complaints and feedback to ensure that confidence and support from the public continued. Instead they concentrated on selling their programs overseas to places that had a lesser service than we had, but in the process took their eyes of what we did have and so didn’t maintain it and also look to see where it could be improved and grown.
Oh yes thanks Grey Warbler well spotted, add closing Rail Lines to the list. The guy is a hatchet man he cut our Postal service beyond the bone and has done the same in Rail.
Lunatic’s like Quinn have not one blood cell of a moral compass in their entire body.
I listened to Quinn quite often on Radionz and he never seemed to doubt what he was doing, even when it turned out to be a Wrong Decision in anyone else’s mind.
And he is inclined to stutter, yet is so determined to say his piece that he can control it, and make his excuses for his management with hardly a tremor, just a slight hesitation. Great elocution. But a sign of the determination and drive that such managers of the Right bring to their task of advancing the policies of the Right, economic and social, and wrecking the people’s economy as a collateral damage to the Grand Plan.
The Ukraine crisis is going to end badly for the west, because all Putin is doing is exposing the desperate recklessness and naivety of western policy towards Russia’s ex-USSR “near abroad” since the 1990s.
First of all, the recklessness of western policy. People fail to understand the basis of Soviet – and Russian – foreign policy since 1945 has been a “never again” to an invasion from the west. In 1941 the USSR had a barrier of half of Poland, and they barely survived an unprovoked surprise fascist attack. In 1945 they built a buffer of client states in Eastern Europe to keep the Atlantic alliance at arms length. When the USSR collapsed there was a clear understanding that, in exchange for allowing German reunification, there would be no eastward expansion of NATO. Since 1990 12 new NATO members have done just that. The Baltic states are NATO members that already share a common border with Russia, albeit a short one and they small and weak nations. It should have been obvious to the west that Russia would not tolerate the Ukraine becoming a NATO partner/member with such a long shared border.
Another aspect of the recklessness of western policy is the encouraging of Russia’s near abroad like the Ukraine (and Georgia) to defy Russia when they are militarily to weak to resist a Russian retaliatory attack. Since these countries cannot defend themselves from Russian attack and the West is to terrified of Russia’s nuclear arsenal to confront Putin, When the Russians attack western diplomacy is inevitably exposed as little more than hot air and false promises. It just hands an easy win to Putin.
Secondly, the naivety. The aftermath of the second world war saw the largest ethnic cleansing in history. Forced population transfers and border readjustments ensured that racial tensions within nation states would no longer be an issue between nations. Whether we like it or not, this post WW2 ethnic cleansing worked in maintaining peace in Europe. The outbreak of vicious ethnic violence in the Balkans (where Yugoslavia had repressed minorities) in 1990s should have been a reminder of what happens in Europe when ethnically divided communites are forced to live together in the same country. Yet that is exactly what was set up in the Ukraine, with a strong Russian ethnic minority. A re-run of some variation of the 1990s Balkans crisis was inevitable in the Ukraine.
Interesting stuff in Ukraine where I have quite a few friends. Interestingly the people I know there are all Russian speaking and identify as Russian.
The whole thing is, of course, about controlling the energy pathway to Europe and Keery’s rubbish just shows the hypocracy of a country that invades anyone at the drop of a hat when it’s own energy interests are threatened.
..obama will come out of this looking like a pussy..
..putin/russia as the strongman of europe..
..as i said..
..the only other option is the unthinkable…war..
..(but i hafta say..there are disturbing echoes of both 1914..
..and the lead up to the second world war..
..and of course..cack-handed american-spook regime-change meddling is also a factor in this that should not be ignored/underestimated..(i have quite a bit of stuff on that at my place..)
Yup, but I think Russia may go a bit further than just Crimea. Maybe not as far as an invasion but take a leaf out of America’s book with a little “regime change”.
I think this Russian approach is equivalent to the USA approach to safety from reading your comment. The USA has ringed itself with island states with various warring and warning equipment. It doesn’t want to be attacked on its own ground. That why 9/11 was so much of a shock. It seems to me that the west particularly USA and its acolyte UK, seem to stir up trouble deliberately on any spurious ground they can. A sort of sabre-rattling which keeps a show of ready force apparent to Russia and now China.
This business of splitting ethnic minorities for the sake of better borders, resources and political allegiances for larger countries is problematic for stability in the smaller countries. Tibet to China which has increased Han Chinese settlement, Rigas in north west China, the Kurds in Turkey, new settlers in Israel, Russians settled in outlying neighbours to the former Soviet.
I dragged out my old large atlas that has so many political boundaries changed, and my notes about that, and a newer map beside to check today’s realities. But the geography is the same, and Russia I think really needs the Black Sea ports so it has southern access to oceans. Vladivostock on the east, used to be their only all-season port there, and is very distant from Moscow in the west. The northern ports are distant, often ice bound, or were. There is Estonia or Latvia on the west, and I don’t know what their relationship is now with Russia. So the Black Sea from Crimea is important to them. And if there are many Russians there I do not see how Ukraine can refuse to come to terms with Russia. Ukraine apparently supplies electricity to Crimea, but this does not give them the biggest bargaining chip. And now the Ukrainian Navy Chief has pronounced his allegiance to the Russians. Is there a way that Ukraine could connect with Europe as a trading bloc without being in NATO (which seems too hawkish for comfort)?
My old economic texts made a point that too much money was spent by the USA government on welfare and more should go on defence. I wonder if those brainy people now apply their fine minds to the opposite situation and find it also unsatisfactory?
The most obvious example of U.S. hypocrisy on this issue is the Munroe Doctrine. The United States simply regards any foreign power operating in the Americas as an act of aggression. Somehow, the NATO allies seem to think though that it is fine to recklessly meddle in the affairs of Russia’s near abroad.
The only people who can save the Ukranian now is the Ukrainians themselves, and I see they are calling up reserves and mobilising. If history teaches us one thing, it is that mobilisation usually means war. When they are ready, the Ukraine may attempt to re-capture the Crimea and that will lead to a general war with Russia. The Russians may be repulsed though. Although the Russian military is on paper much larger, so is Russia, and the Russian military was exposed in Chechnya as completely inept. Also, whereas the Ukraine can deploy its entire armed forces in such a fight, the Russians must retain troops in the far east and other places like Chechnya. To my mind the situation in such a war would be very dangerous. Should the Ukrainians initially repulse the Russians, the Russian military response will be similar to the tactically inept, brutally indiscrimate war they waged in Chechnya. The longer that goes on, the more likely it could develop into a wider war, for instance drawing Belarus in on the Russian side. And how long could the west put up with images of Russian brutality before it would succumb to temptation and try and intervene?
of course, it should never have come to this. Instead of formenting mischief the west should be encouraging Countries like the Ukraine to develop friendly relationships with Russia. Even a client state one insofar as security guarantees go. Ukraine could still be western orientated, just not western aligned.
It does seem a good idea for the west to encourage and assist Ukraine and Russia to have good relations. Is it possible that the people at the top are not interested in world peace? But perhaps fomenting trouble, that being a moral hazard in the position of having power in a state that has military pretensions, giant military – based industries and loves dressing up in military uniforms. (I really liked the hologram’s salute in Red Dwarf. What style, panache.)
As that excellent saying goes – Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.
OOh-er. What a clear diagram joe90. The political and economic implications for Russia of those pipelines flowing in multiple lines across their country mean that Russia must feel confident that it has good relations with Ukraine.
What can a smaller less economically powerful state do, when a larger one turns hostile and decides to flex its muscles in ways that are not compatible with the wishes and needs of the smaller one? For instance, New Zealand and Australia? I wonder what directions and actions NZ will take to improve its future options? There are pipelines of money flowing out of NZ across the Tasman. If we do anything to interrupt that flow would they bring political or armed pressure on us. The joint exercise under the aegis of the USA with some strangely prescient scenarios – could the joint be round about our kneecaps?
Yeah – not looking forward to this. Ultimately, it is a war for control of resources and would Europe sit idly by while Russia strengthens its grip on their fuel supplies.
Yep, says it all. Russia is in no mood to be pissed around on this. They are paranoid about the creep of NATO, they are deeply hurt by the rejection by a large part of Ukraine and they need to keep control of their energy distribution to the West.
The west does not understand the tough mentality of the Russian people. For them WWII is very real. The West being obsessed with criticism of Russia’s “Gay Rights” just emboldens Russia to make a stand as they see the West as weak.
A very good reason why the EU should [have] curbed its enthusiasm for courting Ukraine. Recent democracies in the east of Europe like Poland have interests in the East that are quite distinct from the established western European EU states.
I’d love to see a bit of reporting on the agreement, or not, that exists within the EU on the involvement in Ukraine.
I don’t disagree with the substance of what you are writing, except that this bit:
“In 1941 the USSR had a barrier of half of Poland, and they barely survived an unprovoked surprise fascist attack.”
is not really true.
The attack in 1941 might have been a surprise attack in the sense that the timing of it may have been surprising.
However, much of the literature of the mid-to-late 1930s is dominated by the looming threat of an inevitable war between Germany and Russia. The surprising thing was the Nazi/Soviet alliance formed to attack Poland in 1939; everyone expected that alliance to collapse eventually.
Yep; both the Soviets and the Germans knew that war was inevitable, but both decided to delay the onset of hostilities for their own reasons. Hitler because he wanted to move into western Europe first, the Soviets because they knew that their forces were nowhere near ready.
The US has one very major weakness – Oil. They don’t have a lot of it anymore and they need oil to project power. Russia, on the other hand, has a lot of it. Then there’s the commercial reality – the US is no longer the productive hub of the world.
Both of these work to undermine the armed strength that the US has.
We did say this sort of shit would happen. Hell, substandard construction was specifically mentioned in the BERL report as to one of the reasons making the trains here would be a better option which the RWNJs poo-pooed and now we’re having to deal with their incompetence.
New Zealand joins the Ukraine and NATO in the Indian Ocean to (a href=”http://wp.me/p638n-4i4″>fight “piracy” in operation Ocean Shield but don’t worry we’re only partners and not members of NATO.
I think it will be a different, more popular regime. The guy just chucked out would be just too unpopular. I doubt that Russia will annex the whole of Ukraine, just the bit that identifies as Russian.
You need to realise that Russia hold Ukraine as the birthplace of Russia. They maintain that they “gave” that territory to Ukraine because of that special relationship.
It’s hard to know exactly what’s happening there, apart from the fact that a reconstructed Ukrainian fascist movement makes up a large part of what the West is supporting. I’ve seen some reports saying that many of the Ukrainian people are turning on the new government already, as they don’t really look forward to a fascist government that sells everything off either to Europeans, or the Ukrainian oligarchy. (Note that the movement uses the symbols and nationalistic hatreds of fascism, but is prepared to bow to foreign capital. It is a weak country type of fascism, such as we have previously seen in Central and South America) Jews in particular are getting a hard time, which will cause the seppos problems with AIPAC. There are reports that even ethnic Ukrainians are welcoming the Russian presence, and raising Russian flags.
Between Western supported fascists and authoritarian Russians, I hope the Ukrainian people, the workers and peasants, can find a way through to a sovereign and independent Ukraine. At the moment, it’s a mess made by leaders who are like maladjusted children playing with matches.
More Left attacking the Left…I just don’t understand this. Any Lefty that uses their valuable time to post an attack on another Lefty this close to an election is an absolute fuckwit as far as Im concerned.
I read lately in one of our newspapers that the opening of the new Velodrome at St Peters School at Cambridge has been delayed because jonkey wanted to do the opening. Why? Hasn’t he got enought to do. And is this good use of taxpayers money.? How much would this little photo op exercise cost?
I couldn’t give a shit if Mathers is deaf, if she’s been taking the tax payer for a ride, she needs a swift kick up the slats.
In this incident, it’s a bit of a storm in a tea cup and there’s no need for any one to lace up their kicking boots.
Yeah he missed the point alright, and failed to detect who’s really in need of “a swift kick up the slats”; could help take Jordans warped mind off the gunshot wound to his foot perhaps..
Williams is a little lawyer fellow seeking to be seen as earnestly principled by the public and possessed of safe biddable hands by those who make the bullets he fires. The sort baggage social climbing snob types get delirious to have for a son-in-law. There are hundreds of them around the edges of politics – Luigi Weweges with the law degree.
All risible, all with a sly eye to the personal mainchance and a spot at the guzzling trough. Which spot ultimately renders them grossly pompous, bloated, disgusting.
You watch. Jordy Boy will make it – High National Party office, appointment to some board or authority, “shoulder tapped” for Parliament, District Court judge perhaps. There’s a huge array of baubles out there for the well connected punk. Was about to say “a right little Wayne Mapp in the making” but that just might be a bit harsh on Wayne.
Certainly something of a coward however as remarked by one of the commenters on (I think) Geddis’s blog. The foray falls over………”No further comment”. What an arsewipe !
“If Mathers was doing a dodge”
She wasn’t. Nobody have even claimed that. Why aren’t you asking “If Key was doing a dodge” in relation to flyg him and his entourage down to the golf?
Actually, don’t bother answering that, because we all know the answer already: you’re a snivelling piece of shit who likes to pretend that opposition MPs are even half as corrupt as the poisonous regime for whom you’re shilling cut-rate propaganda.
A man is punched in the face and suffers broken teeth but – though the assault was caught on
a security camera the police didn’t follow it up.
Contrast that with the way that traffic police are being utilised to set up road blocks and check on your drinking, your personal details, details about your car – so they can see if your documentation is up to date. We might as well be under martial law.
When people themselves get attacked they may not get any protective police action. It is hard for women to protect themselves against male nutters, and sometimes vice versa, who would do them harm or kill them, or their children at the same time or even when the partner kills themselves.
Awful things are happening out there but the public are being preyed upon by nutters who won’t control themselves and who police won’t bring under control. Then add to that we also have to worry about police preying on us, hoping that we will be technical lawbreakers by catching us without some required certification.
I see garth mcvicar and the punishers were at the act conference. encouraging the non regulators to enforce even harsher penalties and build more prisons. I bet mcvicar has shares in serco.
@ Rhino …. I hope you were listening to the sage Mora during his musshin to Mars today.
Distinct change in tone when the geeeehest wanted to take Garrison Keillor with him. I think Jum at that point might have realised his guest could very well claim left wing creds.
I’m about to ‘off’ Mora – so I’m hopeing you’ll take up the listening (A herrr herrr herrr hahhhh hahhh hahhh hahhh hahhh a -herr herr hah! I’m thoroughly nice don;t ya know)….
Or as some of those Injuns over here on study visas (tied to specific employers – often who hold their passports and pay below minimum wage) would say – “I’m about to ‘close’ Afternoons with that nicest man on Erf)
B jesus ….. even his right wing bosses have discovered he’s so stale the mould is beginning to appear – shame he hasn’t yet realised ‘The Panel” needs a kick in the balls as well
Christ what a crock!
I’ve long ago given up listening to the almost-aptly named Mor[on]. I would destroy my keyboard and desk if I did again, and probably inflict permanent scars on my forehead. I really struggle to believe that anyone could be so stupid and vain as him, but apparently it’s true.
Paul, fascinating,especially the last link of the 3,and, i totally agree with most of the blokes analysis especially His insight into Putin in His current guise as the Russian Prez,
i am sure tho that fans of ‘Pussy Riot’ will have another view of the Russian Prez…
“Taking a more sober view, it may be more of a case of letting some hens back into the henhouse and frog-marching the foxes out; hardly a cause for general public alarm.”
Brian Edwards’ crazed ideas about the U.S. assault on Vietnam
This old codger is getting older, but not a whit wiser The Panel, Radio NZ National, Monday 3 March 2014
Jim Mora, Michelle Boag, Brian Edwards
Long time sufferers of this ever-worsening programme will be all too familiar with the ignorant and often rancorous contributions by such guests as Michael Bassett, Stephen Franks, Garth “Gaga” George, Nevil “Breivik” Gibson and Jordan Williams. But it’s not only the extreme right that spews nasty, foolish rhetoric on Jim Mora’s show. Today that old fool Dr Brian Edwards had a few ill-considered words to say about the crisis in the Crimea and Ukraine. He, naturally, is opposed to Russian aggression. Forty-something years ago, when he was posing as an educated broadcaster, he was apparently opposed to American aggression too. But not any longer. Today he made one of the stupidest statements to ever be uttered on the Panel.
I sent off the following email to Jim Mora…..
Destroying Vietnam was “a good outcome”? The U.S. tries to “export democracy”?!!??!?
Dear Jim,
Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.” Michelle Boag could not agree quickly enough with that hare-brained statement.
Then, a little later, you made the even more preposterous claim that the United States has been “trying to export democracy to the middle east.” Either you have absolutely no knowledge of what the U.S. has done and continues to do in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (to name just a half dozen of the worst examples) or you are exercising a particularly wicked sense of humour.
Are you going to reconsider and retract your “exporting democracy” claim? And if not, why not?
Yours in horror at the standards of discussion on The Panel,
Didn’t hear that bit but perhaps Brian will put me right on the tears I ran around a corner to weep – when after several days of giving money to crippled people in Ho Chi Minh City it dawned that these weren’t ‘merely’ disabled – these were people not even alive when it all ended, genetically fucked up by US agent orange – the other “gift “which came with the democracy “gift”.
If you want to know how I deduced disability unlike any other just think about your toes pointing backward rather than forward. Your elbow all back to front. And the back of your hand being the palm of your hand.
I certainly hope for Brian’s sake that the intended sale of his and Judy’s house (about which he burbled to Michelle’s rapt fascination – “lovely house….lovely house”) – doesn’t deliver the disastrous “good outcome” which so favours those lucky Vietnamese.
As usual Moz, you’ve got it wrong. Or you don’t know what the word ‘outcome’ means. Or both. Edwards didn’t say the war itself was a good outcome (presumably partially because he knows what the word means). What he actually said was that the Vietnam war had a good outcome. Which it did, given that the aggressor lost a war for the first time and the Vietnamese won a united country.
No doubt you’ll be writing to Mora to apologise. Would you mind publishing that? I like a laugh in these dimming autumn evenings.
If I got it all wrong, I’ll apologize immediately. If I misconstrued his remarks, which I only heard the tail end of, then that’s unforgivable. Utterly unforgivable.
Actually, Edwards is even more indolent than I first thought. I did not misconstrue him at all. Thanks for putting up that link, Te Reo—now YOU need to listen to the old fool sounding off. His complacency and woolly-mindedness are on a par with the likes of that incest-touting ACT leader.
He’s backed up enthusiastically all the way by his good friend Michelle Boag. This is commentary of the standard you would expect from the more deranged and drunken callers on NewstalkZB in the small hours of the morning….
Boag condemns Vladimir Putin for not being democratic. She regrets that Russia lacks our “Western values”. In a speech of breathtaking hypocrisy, she pontificates: “When you open up a country and give people access to freedom and free media, you can’t harness people… It’s a different WORLD now… People don’t like being constrained…” One wonders where Michelle Boag was as the U.S. and its vassals (Britain, Australia, Canada) defied overwhelming public opinion in the buildup to their illegal wars a decade ago. I cannot recall her uttering even one word of stern admonition against Bush, Blair, Howard and their cronies.
If some kid in a Year 9 class came up with something like Brian Edwards’ “analysis” of Putin, he or she would be mocked as particularly dull, and lazy…..
EDWARDS RE PUTIN: You can tell a lot about Putin just by looking at pictures of him. I don’t think I can recall a leader who is so perpetually grim and quite clearly has never smiled since birth and is quite clearly a dictator…. I think that was an excellent summary that Michelle just gave. …. It doesn’t matter what anybody says, you can’t do much against a dictatorship.
EDWARDS RE U.S. “INTERVENTIONS”: Well these outcomes have not been too bad. I mean, look at North Korea and South Korea. Would you wish to be living in North Korea at the moment? Although you can cast doubt on the motives of the Americans and the Brits and the New Zealanders, because we have been involved in a lot of it, the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole.
Just as outrageously, Michelle Boag took the opportunity to somehow use this to express her support for illegal government snooping and to belittle those who object to it.
BOAG: And I think it’s very difficult for us never having been in a regime where you are truly oppressed and you know we get rhetoric about you know the government is spying on us but ….
So you were wrong, Te Reo. I should have known better than to trust you.
Yeah, of course you are 🙄 Because that transcript clearly shows that “Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.”
I’ve transcribed part of the audio you so helpfully provided.
Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.”
does not equal your “transcript”
Well these outcomes have not been too bad. I mean, look at North Korea and South Korea. Would you wish to be living in North Korea at the moment? Although you can cast doubt on the motives of the Americans and the Brits and the New Zealanders, because we have been involved in a lot of it, the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole.
Well these outcomes have not all been too bad. I mean, you look at North Korea and South Korea. Would you want to be living in North Korea at the moment? um Or – I mean there’s a whole variety of places you could look at in this sort of way, North Vietnam South Vietnam and so on. So I think that Although you can cast doubt on the motives of the Americans and the Brits and the rest of us and the New Zealanders as well, because we have been involved in all this sort of thing, the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole.
“Clarify”? I got it right first time, erring only in not capturing precisely what that old fool Edwards said in his gouty rambling. I have now put up exactly what he did say—and it’s worse than anyone might have suspected.
And if “it’s worse than anyone might have suspected”, then how could your initial summary of it have been accurate? If you had started off being at all accurate, then what he did actually say would be a surprise to nobody.
You’re quibbling again. I was correct in my original assessment, as you know perfectly well. Yes, as you gleefully point out, I left out a couple of words in my hasty first take on that old poseur’s confused and wandery locution, but I got the essence of it just right.
I trusted Te Reo to have made a genuine criticism; he let us (and himself) down.
Oh fuck, now we’re back to arguing about whether a “transcript” is a record of what was said, or merely the essence of what you believe was said.
Your original assessment was “Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.””.
Thanks for that Phillip. I thought that Edwards’ wandery ruminations were along those lines, but I didn’t hear the whole thing. Te Reo has given me pause for thought, though: I shall listen to the transcript our friend has provided and get back to you later.
That’s the journey that a lot of privileged liberals take. There are distinct stages:
Progressivism: “Yeah, I’m against The Man, man.”
Acclaim: “Thank you, thank you… see, they’re thanking me!”
Comfort: “We have achieved so much, or I have… mostly me, dare I say it.”
Smugness: “You must listen to me, I am the elder statesman.”
Solipsism: “We had a wonderful dinner party last night and my friends agreed with me.”
Belated attempt to remind people of previous progressive gestures: “I’m cool, remember?”
Accommodation of reactionary forces in the guise of open-mindedness: “Now you must admit that he has a point and you shouldn’t be rude about him even if he does talk about concentration camps.”
Support for reactionary authority pretending to be progressivism: “We have to be realistic, even if it is unpleasant, that would be mature, like me.”
Unashamed reactionary authoritarianism and worship of dictators: “Get off my lawn!”
Edwards is now at the last stage and Russell Brown is getting pretty close now.
How about you get off Morrissey’s back McFlock and Te Reo ? Rhinocrates says it second @20.4 basically as Morrissey said it first.
And as for Edwards’ “……..the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole. ” – by what bloody standard ?
The standard that the US and its allies raped Vietnam for ‘only’ a decade or so ?
Or the standard that ‘only’ 3 million plus Vietnamese died rather than say 6 million ?
Or the standard that maybe not ‘every’ sibling of those I witnessed begging in the street in Ho Chi Minh City has five thumbs ?
Or the standards of a dotage enjoyed in a wing back chair and carpet slippers and bestie Michelle round for dinner………its warmth and security threatened only by the impending sale of a fucking house ?
Ah, I’ve got it. It’s the standard that Morrissey is so churlishly beastly that his comments re the revisionist ramblings of the “Waiting for God” duo Edwards/Bogue are just not permitted.
Check out the name and nature of the blog you both contribute to.
well, I like to see people get shit ripped from them for what they did actually say, rather than what some delusional idiot half-remembers what he believed he heard them almost say.
Personally, I think north vietnam was probably preferable to south vietnam, especially under diem. But edwards was right about the koreas. And he sure didn’t say that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.”
Frankly, I disagree with trp’s interpretation, too.
But edwards was talking about western states’ geopolitical shenenigans as a whole, not declaiming solely about the US in vietnam. Which makes morrissey’s complaint just so much marsh gas.
If Edwards knew ANYTHING about “the Koreas” he would know something about the United States’ destruction of the country in the early 1950s. The regime that emerged in the devastated north, like the regime that emerged a generation later in Cambodia, is a direct result of American total war.
But Edwards probably doesn’t know much about Korea at all; he boasts about his dislike and disdain for reading. And ignorant rants like we were subjected to yesterday are the result.
North, these two are on a mission. It doesn’t matter to them what they say, as long as they discredit me. Well, that’s what they intend to do.
It goes back to their utter fury at being called on their craven support for official black propaganda (i.e., lies) aimed at Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. They have never forgotten that; if supporting an ignorant radio opinionator is tactically necessary, they’ll swallow that slimy dead rat.
It’s actually much more simple.
If your delusional crap goes completely unchallenged,
Certainly I have made the odd slip-up with my rush transcripts. But, as proved to be the case yesterday, my initial reaction to them is usually spot on. Yesterday I misguidedly trusted that one of your partners in crime was telling the truth when he claimed that Edwards had not uttered an inane defence of America’s destruction of Korea and Vietnam. I trusted your comrade so much that I even issued a provisional apology to Edwards.
Of course, as the transcript you provided shows clearly, I was correct, and our friend Te Reo was (unwisely) attempting to be tricky. My provisional apology to that old fool has been revoked.
In your ideologically charged malice, you choose to portray the odd minor error of transcription as “delusional crap”. There was nothing delusional about my pinging that silly old codger for his depraved and ignorant comments, just as there was nothing delusional about my calling Chris “Haw Haw” Trotter for his windy oratory on behalf of the Florida jury that found Trayvon Martin’s executioner not guilty last year.
….you discredit everyone here by association.
I have discredited YOU, repeatedly. Or perhaps it’s more a case of you discrediting yourself.
No he is not right. He has unwisely waded in over his head yet again, and has been outed as a cynical, conscience-free liar for what must now be something like the twelfth or thirteenth time.* He is an ideologically charged zealot, who is quite happy to say anything at all in an attempt to belittle me. Unfortunately for him, and for his lesser supporters like yourself, he has been systematically shown to be a liar and a pettifogging quibbler so many times now that he has nothing left to offer other than bawling witlessly that anything he doesn’t like is “delusional crap”.
You talk a lot of shit and you claim it as fact. It’s a really bad look for the site if no-one calls you on it.
Your dismissive and flippant tone does nothing to alter the impression that you are out of your intellectual depth.
* Perhaps some Standardista with a little time on his/her hands might like to check on how many occasions poor old McFuck has been keelhauled over the last couple of years.
“keelhauled “?
sounds like a pwned argument to me.
[lprent: Nope. Just a particularly good reason to avoid the dutch navy. In this context more about the gruelling punishment than a peal of victory methinks. ]
I just thought that maybe you were under the delusion that maybe any punishment you’d inflicted upon me was by way of some manner of semantic victory.
But maybe you were instead referring to the sheer tedium of dealing with a delusional fuck who provides two different “transcripts” of what was said and then insists that both are completely accurate. Although in that case I still think that the term is somewhat overblown for a blog argument.
You obviously don’t even know what that means. I, and others, have exhaustively and frequently refuted your comments and those of your betters on this board for longer than would be necessary if you had any sense of shame or decency.
I note that even after I call you on your vacuous repetition of the “talking shit” reflex—that’s ALL you have to contribute to any discussion, I note—you continue to employ it. That’s more than sad. Standardisti might care to consult a thesaurus and find a more colorful synonym than “loser” to describe this bloke. I just can’t be bothered.
Except I WILL say this: our abuse-spraying friend “felix” should not be on the internet, digging ever deeper into his deep hole of shame. He should be in a ditch somewhere, or under a hedge, licking his wounds. The sad thing, though, is that he is too insensate to even recognize what desperate straits he is now in.
I see that one “felix” has made quite a duffer of himself recently….
To combat Breen, I would have thought you’d try to match wits with him. “Yawn” indicates that you lack the wherewithal to do anything. Not a compelling start.
“In this instance I used it to mean that you have provided the demonstration for me.”
You failed to do anything of the sort.
“You can’t link to a single example of anything you claim.”
Breen has done exactly that, on more occasions than you, certainly, like to recall. A quick Boolean exercise shows that only too clearly.
“Just talking shit, as usual…”
Again, that’s an abject admission of not only your own lack of wit, but of complete and utter defeat.
As Breen did the other day, I warmly commend you to retire behind a hedge somewhere and salve your rather embarrassing wounds.
Doesn’t matter how many logins you use to type the same non-arguments, you’re still just stating opinions as if they were self-evidently true and I still have no interest in responding to your dull insults.
one thing i find hilarious about edwards-the-elder is his getting all sniffy/pretentious at anyone suggesting he is a p.r-trout/spinner/master of those dark-arts..as he clearly is..
..he so much prefers to be referred to as a ‘media adviser’…eh..?
..one persons’ ‘spinner’ is clearly anothers’ ‘media-adviser..
Email from GENESIS ENERGY received today – just proves they think their customers are really thick!!!
Dear Customer,
We’re writing to let you know that your electricity prices are changing and to explain how these changes will affect your energy bill.
Your bill reflects a variety of costs, including generation and transmission costs, metering charges and our own business costs. Some of these costs we pass on to you such as those from your local network company Wellington Electricity and various industry levies.
We have recently reviewed our electricity prices in your area and from 6 April 2014 your electricity prices at xx xxxxxx Road, xxxxxxxxx will increase. Our prices have been adjusted to reflect the changing costs outlined above. Details of your new electricity prices are outlined in the Pricing Table below.
The weighting of the two components of your pricing plan has also changed. The daily fixed charge (the fixed cost of supplying energy to your property) and the variable charge (the cost of electricity you use) have been aligned to better reflect the cost structure used by your network company.
If you switch plans prior to 6 April 2014 your new plan’s prices will also change on 6 April 2014.
Our goal is to provide competitive products and services to all our customers. If you would like more information about this price change or have any other questions you can visit genesisenergy.co.nz or please call us on 0800 300 400, Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm. Alternatively you can email us at customercare@genesisenergy.co.nz.
Wellington got a 6.8% rise. After the big storms last year the lines coy said it would need to put up prices to get the cost of the line fixing back. It took 6 days to get power back on in some parts of Berhampore so it doesn’t look like they are doing any maintenance. Owners is just pocketing monoploy cash and I saw somewhere not even paying much in the way of taxes. A complaint to ComCom might be worth it – monopoly gouging by overseas owner perhaps?
Agree. I would have to search out the references but I’m sure I have remembered it correctly. And six days to get the power on in an inner suburb , the lines must be in dreadful repair. There were some pretty upset people in the businesses in Wellington central too.
We need something like the one power buyer for the lines coy’s too or they will just keep shoveling up the prices.
Sounds like a job for the “Taxpayers’ Union” considering it’s expected to cost taxpayers about $750,000, the same amount it cost to have his daddy here last year.
Labour, representing US interests since 1945. How can Mumblefuck talk about respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and ignore the $5 billion the seppos spent on promoting the coalition of the disgusting, while pointing the finger at Russia? How long before they’ll be standing beside Abbott, telling Putin to back off?
People need to be more informed. Maybe Shearer and NZ’s media should listen to this guy before repeating the news they’ve been told to tell.It’s not such a one sided story as were being told.
Golly, we could make a very insightful statement about the Ukraine from a combination of two or three writers here on TS.. I must have a practice and see if I could write a David Shearer type comment that just repeats the truisms and memes around expressed in such an objective way.
Given the seriousness of the situation we support the withdrawal of Tim Groser from negotiations over the free trade agreement with Russia.
Given the seriousness of the situation the US will not stop importing weapon’s grade plutonium from Russia (albeit used for generation),or stop importing the rocket engines that support the heavy lift capability for Military,and surveillance satellites on Platforms such as ATLAS 5.
Tomorrow afternoon, if things go really really badly, I may find myself down to one eye. People who used to sneer at me on Twitter will no doubt say So what's changed? Nothing, that's what, you one-eyed lefty.I don’t mean to be dramatic, it’s just a routine bit of cataract ...
A few weeks ago an invitation dropped into my email inbox to attend a joint Treasury/Motu seminar on recent, rather major, changes that had apparently been made to the discount rates used by The Treasury to evaluate proposals from government agencies. It was all news to me, but when ...
All your life is Time magazineI read it tooWhat does it mean?PressureI'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationaleBut here you are with your faithAnd your Peter Pan adviceYou have no scars on your faceAnd you cannot handle pressureSongwriter: Billy Joel.Christopher Luxon is under pressure from all sides. The reviews are ...
After seeing yet-more-months of political debate and policy decisions to ‘go for growth’ by pulling the same old cheap migration and cheap tourism levers without nearly-enough infrastructure, or any attempt to address the same old lack of globally conventional tax incentives for investment, I thought it would be worth issuing ...
The plans for the buildings that will replace the downtown carpark have been publicly notified giving us the first detailed glance at what is proposed for one of the biggest and best development sites in the city centre. The council agreed to sell the site to Precinct Properties for $122 ...
With the Reserve Bank expected today to return the Official Cash Rate to where it was in mid-2022 comes a measure of how much of a psychological impact the rate has. Federated Farmers has published its latest six-monthly farm confidence survey, which shows that profit expectations have fallen and risen ...
Kiwis Disallowed From Waiting Lists Based on Arbitrary MeasuresWellington hospital are now rejecting patients from specialist waiting lists due to BMI (body mass index).This article from Rachel Thomas for The Post says it all (emphasis mine):A group of Porirua GPs are sounding alarm bells after patients with body mass indexes ...
The Prime Minister says he's really comfortable with us not knowing the reoffending rate for his boot camp programme.They asked him for it at yesterday’s press conference, and he said, nah, not telling, have to respect people's privacy.Okay I'll bite. Let's say they release this information to us:The rate of ...
Warning 1: There is a Nazi theme at the end of this article related to the disabled community. Warning 2: This article could be boring!One day, last year, I excitedly opened up a Substack post that was about how to fight back, and the answer at the end was disappointing ...
This may be rhetorical but here goes: did any of you invest in the $Libra memecoin endorsed and backed by Argentine president and darling of the global Right Javier Milei (who admitted to being paid a fee for his promotion of the token)? You know, the one that soared above ...
Last week various of the great and good of New Zealand economics and public policy trooped off to Hamilton (of all places) for the annual Waikato Economics Forum, one of the successful marketing drives of university’s Vice-Chancellor. My interest was in the speeches delivered by the Minister of Finance and ...
The Prime Minister says the Government would be open to sending peacekeepers to Ukraine if a ceasefire was reached. The government has announced a $30 million spend on tourism infrastructure and biodiversity projects, including $11m spent to improve popular visitor sites and further $19m towards biodiversity efforts. A New Zealand-born ...
This is a re-post from The Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler “But what about when the sun doesn't shine?!” Ah yes, the energy debate’s equivalent of “The Earth is flat!” Every time someone mentions solar or wind power, some self-proclaimed energy expert emerges from the woodwork to drop this supposedly devastating truth bomb: ...
This post by Nicolas Reid was originally published on Linked in. It is republished here with permission.In this article I look into data on how well the rail network serve New Zealanders, and how many people might be able to travel by train… if we ran more than a ...
Hi,Before we get into Hayden Donnell’s new column about how yes, Donald Trump is definitely the Antichrist, I wanted to touch on something feral that happened in New Zealand last week.Members of Destiny Church pushed and punched their way into an Auckland library, apparently angry it was part of Pride ...
Despite delays, logjams and overcrowding in our emergency departments, funding constraints are limiting the numbers of nurses and doctors being trained. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Tuesday, February 18 are:A NZ Herald investigation ...
Now that the US has ripped up the Atlantic alliance, Europe is more vulnerable now than at any time since the mid-1930s. Apparently, Europe and Ukraine itself will not have a seat at the table in the talks between US President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin that will ...
Olivia and Noah and Hana are going to the library!It is fun to go to the library. It has books and songs and mat time and people who smile at you and say, Hello Olivia, what have you been doing this morning?The library is more fun than the mall. At ...
New World Orders: The challenge facing Christopher Luxon and Chris Hipkins is how to keep their small and vulnerable nation safe and stable in a world whose economic and political climate the forty-seventh American president is changing so profoundly.IT IS, SURELY, the ultimate Millennial revenge fantasy. Calling senior Baby-Boomer and Gen-X ...
“This might surprise you, Laurie, but I reckon Trump’s putting on a bloody impressive performance.”“GOODNESS ME, HANNAH, just look at all those Valentine’s Day cards!”“Occupational hazard, Laurie, the more beer I serve, the more my customers declare their undying love!”“Crikey! I had no idea business was so good.” Laurie squinted ...
In 2005, Labour repealed the long-standing principle of birthright citizenship in Aotearoa. Why? As with everything else Labour does, it all came down to austerity: "foreign mothers" were supposedly "coming to this country to give birth", and this was "put[ting] pressure on hospitals". Then-Immigration Minister George Hawkins explicitly gave this ...
And I just hope that you can forgive usBut everything must goAnd if you need an explanation, nationThen everything must goSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Today, I’d like to talk about a couple of things that happened over the weekend:Brian Tamaki’s Library Invasion and ...
New reporting highlights how Brooke van Velden refuses to meet with the CTU but is happy to meet with fringe Australian-based unions. Van Velden is pursuing reckless changes to undermine the personal grievance system against the advice of her own officials. Engineering New Zealand are saying that hundreds of engineers ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the Employment Relations (Employee Remuneration Disclosure) Amendment Bill. This Bill represents a positive step towards addressing serious issues around unlawful disparities in pay by protecting workers’ rights to discuss their pay and conditions. This Bill also provides welcome support for helping tackle the prevalent gender and ...
Years of hard work finally paid off last week as the country’s biggest and most important transport project, the City Rail Link reached a major milestone with the first test train making its way slowly though the tunnels for the first time. This is a fantastic achievement and it is ...
Engineers are pleading for the Government to free up funds to restart stalled projects. File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Monday, February 17 are:Engineering New Zealand CEO Richard Templer said yesterday hundreds of ...
It’s one of New Zealand’s great sustaining myths: the spirit of ANZAC, our mates across the ditch, the spirit of Earl’s Court, Antipodeans united against the world. It is also a myth; it is not reality. That much was clear from a series of speakers, including a former Australian Prime ...
Many people have been unsatisfied for years that things have not improved for them, some as individuals, many more however because their families are clearly putting in more work, for less money – and certainly far less purchase on society. This general discontent has grown exponentially since the GFC. ...
A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 9, 2025 thru Sat, February 15, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report shows worsening food poverty and housing shortages mean more than 400,000 people now need welfare support, the highest level since the 1990s. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and ...
You're just too too obscure for meOh you don't really get through to meAnd there's no need for you to talk that wayIs there any less pessimistic things to say?Songwriters: Graeme DownesToday, I thought we’d take a look at some of the most cringe-inducing moments from last week, but don’t ...
Please note: I’ve delayed my “What can we do?” article for this video.The video above shows Destiny Church members assaulting staff and librarians as they pushed through to a room of terrified parents and young children.It was posted to social media last night.But if you read Sinead Boucher’s Stuff, you ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is sea level rise exaggerated? Sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate, not stagnating or decreasing. Warming global temperatures cause land ice ...
Here is a scenario, but first a historical parallel. Hitler and the Nazis could well have accomplished everything that they wanted to do within German borders, including exterminating Jews, so long as they confined their ambitious to Germany itself. After all, the world pretty much sat and watched as the ...
I’ve spent the last couple of days in Hamilton covering Waikato University’s annual NZ Economics Forum, where (arguably) three of the most influential people in our political economy right now laid out their thinking in major speeches about the size and role of Government, their views on for spending, tax ...
Simeon Brown’s Ideology BentSimeon Brown once told Kiwis he tries to represent his deep sense of faith by interacting “with integrity”.“It’s important that there’s Christians in Parliament…and from my perspective, it’s great to be a Christian in Parliament and to bring that perspective to [laws, conversations and policies].”And with ...
Severe geological and financial earthquakes are inevitable. We just don’t know how soon and how they will play out. Are we putting the right effort into preparing for them?Every decade or so the international economy has a major financial crisis. We cannot predict exactly when or exactly how it will ...
Questions1. How did Old Mate Grabaseat describe his soon-to-be-Deputy-PM’s letter to police advocating for Philip Polkinghorne?a.Ill-advisedb.A perfect letterc.A letter that will live in infamyd.He had me at hello2. What did Seymour say in response?a.What’s ill-advised is commenting when you don’t know all the facts and ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff has called on OJI Fibre Solutions to work with the government, unions, and the community before closing the Kinleith Paper Mill. “OJI has today announced 230 job losses in what will be a devastating blow for the community. OJI needs to work with ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff is sounding the alarm about the latest attack on workers from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, who is ignoring her own officials to pursue reckless changes that would completely undermine the personal grievance system. “Brooke van Velden’s changes will ...
Hi,When I started writing Webworm in 2020, I wrote a lot about the conspiracy theories that were suddenly invading our Twitter timelines and Facebook feeds. Four years ago a reader, John, left this feedback under one of my essays:It’s a never ending labyrinth of lunacy which, as you have pointed ...
And if you said this life ain't good enoughI would give my world to lift you upI could change my life to better suit your moodBecause you're so smoothAnd it's just like the ocean under the moonOh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from youYou got the ...
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright, New Zealand the majority’s possession. WAITANGI DAY commentary see-saws manically between the warmly positive and the coldly negative. Many New Zealanders consider this a good thing. They point to the unexamined patriotism of July Fourth and Bastille Day celebrations, and applaud the fact that the ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump’s administration over Gaza and Ukraine; on the ...
Up until now, the prevailing coalition view of public servants was that there were simply too many of them. But yesterday the new Public Service Commissioner, handpicked by the Luxon Government, said it was not so much numbers but what they did and the value they produced that mattered. Sir ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and ...
In a moment we explore the question: What is Andrew Bayly wanting to tell ACC, and will it involve enjoying a small wine tasting and then telling someone to fuck off? But first, for context, a broader one: What do we look for in a government?Imagine for a moment, you ...
As expected, Donald Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's illegal theft of land, while ruling out any future membership of NATO. Its a colossal betrayal, which effectively legitimises Russia's invasion, while laying the groundwork for the next one. But Trump is apparently fine with ...
A ballot for a single member's bill was held today, and the following bill was drawn: Employment Relations (Collective Agreements in Triangular Relationships) Amendment Bill (Adrian Rurawhe) The bill would extend union rights to employees in triangular relationships, where they are (nominally) employed by one party, but ...
This is a guest post by George Weeks, reviewing a book called ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin AshtonBook review: ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin Ashton (2015) – and what it means for Auckland. The title of this article might unnerve any Greater Auckland ...
This story was originally published by Capital & Main and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. Within just a week, the sheer devastation of the Los Angeles wildfires has pushed to the fore fundamental questions about the impact of the climate crisis that have been ...
In this world, it's just usYou know it's not the same as it wasSongwriters: Harry Edward Styles / Thomas Edward Percy Hull / Tyler Sam JohnsonYesterday, I received a lovely message from Caty, a reader of Nick’s Kōrero, that got me thinking. So I thought I’d share it with you, ...
In past times a person was considered “unserious” or “not a serious” person if they failed to grasp, behave and speak according to the solemnity of the context in which they were located. For example a serious person does not audibly pass gas at Church, or yell “gun” at a ...
Long stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, February 13 are:The coalition Government’s early 2024 ‘fiscal emergency’ freeze on funding, planning and building houses, schools, local roads and hospitals helped extend and deepen the economic and jobs recession through calendar ...
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen is sold off to wealthy foreigners. Even selling the right to residency seems a bit dubious, when so many migrants who are not millionaires get turned away or are made to jump through innumerable hoops – simply ...
A new season of White Lotus is nearly upon us: more murder mystery, more sumptuous surroundings, more rich people behaving badly.Once more we get to identify with the experience of the pampered tourist or perhaps the poorly paid help; there's something in White Lotus for all New Zealanders.And unlike the ...
In 2016, Aotearoa shockingly plunged to fourth place in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Nine years later, and we're back there again: New Zealand has seen a further slip in its global ranking in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). [...] In the latest CPI New Zealand's score ...
1. You’ve started ranking your politicians on how much they respect the rule of law2. You’ve stopped paying attention to those news publications3. You’ve developed a sudden interest in a particular period of history4. More and more people are sounding like your racist, conspiracist uncle.5. Someone just pulled a Nazi ...
Transforming New Zealand: Brian EastonBrian Easton will discuss the above topic at 2/57 Willis Street, Wellington at 5:30pm on Tuesday 26 February at 2/57 Willis Street, WellingtonThe sub-title to the above is "Why is the Left failing?" Brian Easton's analysis is based on his view that while the ...
Salvation Army’s State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year’s ...
Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Correction: On the article The Condundrum of David Seymour, Luke Malpass conducted joint reviews with Bryce Wilkinson, the architect of the Regulatory Standards Bill - not Bryce Edwards. The article ...
Tomorrow the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meet and agenda has a few interesting papers. Council’s Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport Every year the council provide a Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport which is part of the process for informing AT of the council’s priorities and ...
All around in my home townThey're trying to track me down, yeahThey say they want to bring me in guiltyFor the killing of a deputyFor the life of a deputySongwriter: Robert Nesta Marley.Support Nick’s Kōrero today with a 20% discount on a paid subscription to receive all my newsletters directly ...
Hi,I think all of us have probably experienced the power of music — that strange, transformative thing that gets under our skin and helps us experience this whole life thing with some kind of sanity.Listening and experiencing music has always been such a huge part of my life, and has ...
Business frustration over the stalled economy is growing, and only 34% of voters are confidentNicola Willis can deliver. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 12 are:Business frustration is growing about a ...
I have now lived long enough to see a cabinet minister go both barrels on their Prime Minister and not get sacked.It used to be that the PM would have a drawer full of resignations signed by ministers on the day of their appointment, ready for such an occasion. But ...
“The ACT Party can’t be bothered putting an MP on one of the Justice subcommittees hearing submissions on their own Treaty Principles Bill,” Labour Justice Spokesperson Duncan Webb said. ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Isaac Gross, Lecturer in Economics, Monash University Gumbariya/Shutterstock The Reserve Bank’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time in four years has triggered a round of celebration. Mortgage holders are cheering the fact their monthly repayments are now ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Housing supply in Australia will be a key battleground in the election campaign. With home ownership more and more out of reach for young and not so young Australians, red tape and low productivity are ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Korolev, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, UNSW Sydney The United States and Russia agreed to work on a plan to end the war in Ukraine at high-level talks in Saudi Arabia this week. Ukrainian and European representatives were pointedly ...
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"This is a crisis of the Government’s own making and the unit is another sign of desperation," said PSA acting national secretary Fleur Fitzsimons. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Francesca Perugia, Senior Lecturer, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University Australia’s housing crisis has created a push for fast-tracked construction. Federal, state and territory governments have set a target of 1.2 million new homes over five years. Increasing housing ...
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Comment: Crypto exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are making it easier for people to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum without having to handle digital wallets or private keys. These allow investors to buy and sell cryptocurrency through their regular brokerage accounts.This has opened the door for billions of dollars ...
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Another day, another story from the paper representing the 0% …….
…………that frames the opposition .
…………that distracts with celebrity
And why are RNZ running advertorials for the 0% party as part of their news?
I can’t believe …2nd ACT story in 45 minutes on ACT.
It was presented without any questioning of the narrative.
“Hoping to be 3rd in election”…no questioning of this claim.
They know people who push their stories onto the news.
Remember this party got 0% in the last opinion poll.
BTW Alan Gibbs sounds mad.
And an extended interview with Whyte.
Please explain RNZ.
0% in opinion polls.
Where is the same focus on MANA? United Future? Maori Party? New Zealand First ?
All of these minor parties got more votes!
@ paul..
..i get yr point..
..but i do see an upside to this saturation-coverage..
..namely..before whyte it was chem-trails-col..
..and haven’t we all seen enough of him now to know all we need to know..?
..and that is only down to that saturation coverage/bias..
..no matter what chem-trails-col ever says/does in the future..
..he will always be that figure of fun..in most peoples’ eyes..
..and now it is whytes’ turn..
..and in a very short space of time..
..he has gone from the great whyte hope..
..to jostling with chem-trails-col for space over in the idjits’-corner..
..so..welcome the scrutiny..
..sit back and enjoy the ride..
..and you can even congratulate that neo-lib apologist corporate/access-madia..for once..
..for however inadvertantly..
..having done their job..
..they have shown us all what utter gibbering-clowns key has to look to for coalition partners..
..so a (rare) chrs to them..
..(and i actually think whyte should push the radical-button a bit more..
..familial-polygamy/3rd-strike burglaries are not enough..
..he should go for compulsion with the family/marriage thing..
..and i reckon he should go for third-strike parking-offences..
..that’d make everyone sit up and take notice..
..phillip ure..
The MSM are giving preferential treatment to far right parties.
“The MSM are giving preferential treatment to far right parties.”
Their focus is shameless. Mana polls higher than ACT (easy to beat 0%!) yet there is no coverage for them…..or only anti Harawira framing on those rare occasions there is any coverage.
Alan Gibbs sounds mad. Having too much money can do that to you. You will likely get the obssessive disorder of Seeking for the Holy Grail and The Answer to Life, HMMIIEFM (How Much Money and Influence Is Enough For Me) which is virtually incurable, and will spread throughout the brain and body until it consumes them utterly.
Check out Wayne Brittendon’s “Counterpoint” yesterday.
His ilk really should get themselves some decent drugs (and prefeeably overdose – no doubt he would since he does everything to excess). Either that or take up running.
Far better than guilt, far better than being your stereotypical WASP-have you stopped beating your wife yet, far better than waking up when it’s too late to realise you can’t take it with you, far better than coming to realise (in your dotage) that the ‘product of YOUR/MY MY MY I I I loins) don;t actually give a fuck, far better than begging for sympathy by playing the victim role.
Alan fucking Gibbs! sorry folks – no sympathy forthcoming from this end. His only hope is that he’s got company – i.e. a ‘collective’. Something like the Cnuts Union (based on the Taxpayer’s Union’s ‘bizznisss plan’)
Oh Lordy, I feel for ya Al! (where can I take a piss?)
Alan Gibbs, in today’s Herald, says we should be more like Singapore, and then promptly shows his cognitive dissonance, by advocating the opposite of Singapore policies.
Privatise everything and unregulated “free enterprise” is exactly what Singapore did not do..
Hasn’t he even heard of Tamesek holdings?
Singapore is run as a giant, SOE.
With a degree of State regulation, even Muldoon wouldn’t accept.
And low taxes not because of “small Government”, but the opposite.
The Government gets an income from all the “fingers they have in pies” including land rents and SOE’s.
And, they export their welfare costs to their neighbours.
I wonder if the Herald reporters are really advertising ACT?
Maybe there is a bit of subversion happening and they are quietly showing everyone how totally nuts, ACT really are?
But then there is the article insinuating that there was something fishy about Cunliffe’s leadership campaign funding. Using the classic “when did you stop beating your wife technique”.
I think the RWNJs use Singapore as just a word. Before 1999 and China taking it back they would have used Hong Kong for the same purpose.
It’s a far away place that most people don’t know anything about and most wont check (including journalists) and so they figure that they can make shit up about it and thus seemingly have a concrete example of their ideology working. They really don’t care what it’s like in Singapore, they only care about the meme that they’re creating.
They used to come to NZ to do marine certificates, when we had one of the highest standards for marine qualification in the world.
All, I met then, wanted to live in New Zealand.
This was pre Rogernomics, of course.
And how’s this little gem from ACT president, asked about ACT being an “angry old white man’s party”
Gee I wonder why they struggle with the female vote? They obviously totes take women seriously and everything 🙄
Thanks Felix,
Didn’t have the stomach for reading that stuff myself, but that little gem gave me a good laugh. Hope Cactus Kate responds….
i think whyte has to ‘do a putin’..
..(no..!..not invade bondi to protect/save ‘our’ people from this most recent example of discrimination/prejudice from that mongrel-australian abbott/govt..silly you..!..)
..he should rip his shirt off..get oiled up..
..and give that easily-turned/stimulated ‘female-vote’..
..a bit of nip/pec-action..
..maybe striking hunting-leftie poses..?..
..destroying some symbol of big-government..?..(a poster of brownlee..?..)
..and i reckon he should challenge chem-trails-col to a bare-chested/oiled-up..
.(.or even better..a full body-wrestle..)
..i’d watch that..
..i’d even like to commentate the bout..
..phillip ure..
Phillip, A reaction to that image, from women everywhere and with apologies to readers for grossness (turn your speakers on)
personally..i wd like to see chem-trails-col in one of those wrestling-onesies..
..and i reckon that could help him win back the gay-vote..too..
..phillip ure..
Struggling with females in various wrestling holds is quite the popular sport with autocratic types. Or they can flip around and embrace S-M behaviour where they are dominated for a change. And then they can flip around and think about males. Which is a more complex turn of the screw for this fast revolving group with flexible amorals.
If they adopt that strategy as well as John Boscawen’s idea to mobilise the Asian vote (because he doesn’t generalise about other races, but Asians are innately Act voters, somehow) they’ll be unstoppable!
Everyone knows the wimmin will vote for the party headed by a photogenic wealthy guy.
But it raises serious issues. Seems like Cunliffe took legal advice to avoid disclosing his donors. The question is “why?”. The inference is that Kim DC is involved.
Look forward to Matt’s principled explanation.
Kim Dot com involved with David Cunliffe.?
That would defiantly be a bad look.
oh yes BM very defiantly</>!
grumpy what number are you replying to? Your comment doesn’t seem to follow close others.
Why would you want to do that???…..unless you already knew who they would be…..!
That doesn’t sound very nice.
Seems like Cunliffe took legal advice to avoid knowing who his donors were. FIFY
If he was within the rules I can’t see what the problem is.
Someone just needs to ask him
Did Dotcom donate?
So it’s ok for cunliffe to use secret trusts to funnel money to his leadership campaign? christ if national were doing that you’d be screaming about the law changes needed…. oh wait….
The reason is a conflict between the Labour Party’s rules and those of the Register of Pecuniary Interests. As for needing law changes, it would seem that the Labour Party is aware of a need for it to be examined, as Cunliffe talked about raising the issue with the Standing Orders Committee. In light of that, your comment looks entirely redundant.
Nah. It’s a bad look. The Party clearly didn’t think this through properly, or got poor legal advice.
Seriously, did no-one think to compare the Party rules with those for the Register of Pecuniary Interests?
And of course the sub-pontal wingnuts will make hay over it.
Another week, another gaffe from Cunliffe.
Lets hope McCarten can toghten the ship because things operations are shabby at the moment.
Agreed, any mechanism that a politician can use to hide who funds them needs to be banished all it does is raise suspicion. Just because you can it doesn’t mean you should…
Screw that, with people like Cameron Slater around I wouldn’t donate without a trust to protect my privacy.
Obviously you would set a threshold but how would you feel if for example a charter school provider was funding John Banks personally through a trust? Ok by you that this could currently be within the rules?
oh hans. trust a german not to appreciate not so subtle humour. nice attempt at the old wave along nothing to see here though. don’t think it’s going to work from what my sources at tv3 say. Gower thinks this goes a lot deeper
Oh sorry, I didn’t realise that the rules of the Labour Party trumped the rules of Parliament. Send a memo to the Speaker, i’m sure that will clear things up.
And this little gem as well from Liam Dann http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11212563 – at least the comments to date aren’t all in agreement.
I noticed this comment in your link, Jilly Bee:
“Meanwhile, Cunliffe and his quietly spoken deputy David Parker seem determined to turn away a large and valuable chunk of the electorate – the business community.
Positioning yourself so far to the left that you don’t think business is worth fighting for is not a strategy that has worked for Labour since Norman Kirk. The Lange government took business with them, the Clark government at least convinced business that it represented a tolerable and temporarily necessary change.
A begrudging acceptance of change from the business community, even if most won’t change their vote, is something that reassures the nervous middle classes who do swing their votes.”
This point about Labour not taking business ‘with them’ seems to be being made a lot at the moment. David Farrar made the point in the lead up to the interview with Cunliffe on the Nation (‘Why don’t they run with Cunliffe’s business background???’); Josie Pagani made the same point (as felix noted in yesterday’s Open Mike, I think); and now Liam Dann says it as well.
And, the point about the Clark government convincing business that it was a tolerable and necessary change seems to fly against the ‘summer of discontent’ from business that practically amounted to a declaration of war by business leaders on the government (I can’t remember which of the three elections it occurred after, but it was sometime during that period).
Obviously, this line achieves a couple of mutually reinforcing rhetorical points. First, it supports the idea that Labour is ‘lurching to the left’ (and, hence, away from business). Second, it assumes that the announced Labour policies have to conform to the desires of (big) business in order to be ‘centrist’.
That last point is odd because I don’t hear many political journalists currently arguing that, clearly, John Key’s government is not centrist and has ‘lurched to the right’ because he isn’t ‘taking along’ the unions with him.
Yeah it’s bollocks, the business community make these noises but are still tories so vote that way.
Way too broad an assumption.
Many small business owners like myself understand full well that National is a political party for corporate business not small business.
But until Labour comes up with plans to seriously economically revitalise local communities and provincial centres (and I don’t mean watery R&D tax breaks etc), what use are they to small and medium enterprise owners?
Agree Puddleglum.
The attacks by the media against Labour almost seem concerted, From this Liam dann article to Gower’s piece on Saturday’s 3ox News. My view is the media, particularly NZ Herald is incredibly worried about Labour’s CGT and what it would do to its Real Estate revenues. New Zealand’s wealthy have made most of their money through lazy Capital Gains not clever dynamic businesses. Even National’s number one cheer leader John Armstrong alluded to it in his last paragraph on his Saturday opinion piece.
As soon as labour announced the implementation of a CGT they must have known they would get this reaction from the right aligned media…I reckon its concerted, its certainly dodgy and something akin to a banana republic. Surely New Zealand’s reputation as a highly trust, high integrity place to do business doesn’t relate to its media.
Puddleglum: “I can’t remember which of the three elections it occurred after, but it was sometime during that period.”
Not long after the Clark Labour-Alliance Government was first elected in 1999. Mid-2000 to be exact – Big Business (with Roger Kerr as chief agitator) launched its massive “winter of discontent”.
Bit late to this, but it’s a response to the complaints about the media reporting on ACT in spite of the party polling 0%.
Like it or not, ACT are part of the government and as such it would be highly irresponsible of the media to not report what they do and say, including shenanigans, brain-farts and absurdities.
Talk about a vicious cycle….
High property values are determined by the rental they command. More expensive houses are forcing more families out of the home ownership, increasing the need for more rentals, but higher prices also put greater costs on the investment buyers to service their loans to the banks who are the ones making the real killings.
Under the headline “Low rents deter home buyers” (the “buyers” obviously being referred to here, are the landlords seeking to make an investment income.) The society representing these investment landlords is claiming that rents should go even higher.
Are they crazy?
As most wages don’t meet current rental levels now. The impending collapse of the housing investment bubble is inevitable. That landlords may have to bear some of the pain that they have inflicted on their tennents will be little consolation to the families that still need to be housed properly and can’t afford to buy or rent.
At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.
No doubt when the whole tottering edifice falls over the taxpayer will be called on to bail out the banks.
At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.
Most landlords are not cash-flow positive and are subsidising from their own income, their tenants housing. That’s the point of the article you quote.
Therefore the squeeze is the other way around. The banks hike interest rates on the landlords, who in turn have little choice but to pass it on to their tenants.
RedLogix,”Most landlords are not cash flow positive and are subsidizing from their own income, their tenants housing”,unquote,
Your comment could be read as a claim of you deliberately using your income to provide Social Welfare from your own income,
Behind ever private Landlord though is another bout of house price inflation pushing forever upward the price of housing an thus the price of rentals in the private rental market,
Behind the above is the sell off of the States Housing stock creating ever more demand for rental housing pushing investment imperatives to even more prospective landlords and further pushing up prices,
A private landlord having bought an investment property at a price that the expected rents able to be obtained from the property does not match the costs of ‘owning’ the rental property might make a case that the tenant is being subsidized from the Landlord’s income,
But, such subsidy can hardly be said to be of benefit to the tenant…
I read that article recently and wondered who the author thought shi was kidding. As an Auckland renter I know rents are way too high compared with incomes. I have been looking around at potential places to move to in the next year or so, so I have an idea of what’s on offer.
The article is a clear call for landlords to raise rents. Shocking.
I’m torn between moving further out of Auckland as I approach full retirement, and trying to get closer to Auckland CBD and the centre of the public transport network. The latter option seems pretty unachievable on retirement income.
ON RadioNZ Nine to Noon this morning, two major NZ home builders are set to discuss plans for them to branch out into supplying prefabricated housing,
Obviously a far more cost effective means of constructing housing this might make a good listen…
Then there are the houses built by Unitec building students. Currently about 125k relocated for a 3 bedroom.
A few families clubbing together in a provincial city to buy the land and then putting these on it could half their housing costs.
Then start up some sort of co-op. Hemp??
There is a company up here offering prefab factory houses, but I don’t think they have sold many.
As an Auckland renter I know rents are way too high compared with incomes
And way too low compared with the costs of owning.
How do you solve that little poser?
(I agree with looking outside of Auckland. Lots of smaller provincial towns are really nice places to live and housing costs are a fraction. We lived in the Wairarapa for years and I miss it a lot.)
RedLOgix, what you describe is the result of too many people piling into what they see as a chance for them to use other peoples money, bank loans, to provide them an asset which in turn would use other peoples money, the tenants,to pay the cost of the original use of the first use of other peoples money,bank loans,
Those who bought into this passive investment scheme befor the herd piled in helping to create the current over-inflation in prices are probably enjoying a cash positive or cash neutral investment with a great rate of capital gain,
The others in the herd, slower to pile into this use of other peoples money might have some capital gain but do not enjoy a positive or neutral investment a situation soon to be aggravated by interest rate rises,
Herd mentality has by its own actions in forcing over-inflation on the passive investment made using other peoples money less than a positive or neutral investment…
We can all fleece each other to riches beyond our wildest dreams!
Don’t we have a housing shortage and unless the Government or some generous donor is going to build all these houses it will fall on the private sector and if the profit/capital-gain isn’t there then the private sector will take there risks elsewhere, landlords have to factor possible interest rates rises into there sums if you don’t they soon go tits up, the monetary system is the main problem, stop beating up on the landlords this is exactly what the Banksters want.
The landlords and their desire for passive income are still at fault.
Yeah we have a housing shortage alright,we also have crisis of affordability firstly brought about by the various Governments open slather lassiez fairre attitude to allowing population growth while leaving ‘the market’ to provide the necessary housing for population that has grown by a million souls in 30 years,
Secondly we have the monied middle class, ever upwardly mobile leaping aboard the ‘rental investment’ as a means of escaping the Sharks in the deregulated share and financial markets creating house price over-inflation in housing specially in the larger cities,
200,000 HOMES have made the transfer from being just that, homes, in the past 20 years to being rental investments and NO-ONE twisted the arm, nor put a gun to the head of those who piled into these rental investments as a Herd to get them to do so thus creating the over inflation of pricing for both buying and renting property,
The Banksters, with the ability to produce ‘debt’ from thin air have simply done so to cater for the Herd of investors who act as facilitators for those Banks inflated profit taking, all of this is rational decision making brought about by ‘self interest, such self interest has another title many of us would apply, ‘Greed’,naked uncaring greed where the herd of investors couldn’t really give a fuck what they are doing to house prices with relation to those wishing to purchase to buy an actual family home, nor would the same herd seem to give a fuck what their individual actions of rational self interest do to the affordability of housing within the rental market,
Government action or inaction, in the case of National, the ripping apart and selling off of the States housing stock, and, in the case of Labour both the seeming vows of silence over this issue and the refusal when in Government to treat a rebuild of State Housing to a sufficient number as a matter of the slightest urgency, (at least 100,000 homes of all sizes), simply encourages more of the same, more house price inflation in all sectors based upon the ‘rational self interest’ of that monied middle class,
Had that monied middle class chosen a slightly harder route to achieve their aims of control of their rational self interest decisions of investment in housing, by building their requirements for rental housing i might well have had some small,(with an emphasis on the small),cause to cast a little applause in their direction, the fact is they mostly did not, choosing instead to play Monopoly with the under-supply of housing…
There used to be glossy mags with lots of glowing reports about young people owning five houses and they are only 28. I don’t hear so much about that. But it reminds me of the old saying that when the taxi drivers start investing in the stock market it is time to get out. That sounds undemocratic and elitist but just emphasises I think that when everybody is having a punt, the norms get lost and things go a bit mad.
Stop the artificial inflation in house prices brought about by the private banks ability to create money. I suspect that you, and a lot of others, will whinge when house prices are brought back to two to three times the average wage though.
Oh, and produce enough state housing to ensure a 1% to 2% over-supply of housing.
Are there housing co-ops in Auckland? I wonder if a group with useful sums saved could combine and either buy a suitable house together with the right legal controls and shares, or leases to each other, and leaving and pay-out arrangements. There needs to be a way of getting together of people who meet at a cafe once a month so form a social group and get to know each other and share similar desires and disciplines so they could manage the project and live happily together. Individuals get picked off and overwhelmed by the players in the market, they need to combine and find their own solutions.
They are talking on Radionz about pre-fab houses. This could be good – standardised, modular housing and people who are looking at methods. Could be good. But would result in 20th century single storey homes which means lots of land spread. Pity that housing co-ops weren’t prominent here and could do their own developing building individual buildings to house multiple units say 4 2-bedroom or small apartments for say eight on two or three levels.
There is a body called Pre-Fab NZ with architects and industry members.
DTB and Redlogix Has much of the rental housing been bought on leverage, with the low deposit and pushing rents up to pay off the hefty mortgage? That has happened so what proportion of low deposit sales would fit this type?
And if banks borrow heavily overseas so as to expand their books so they have more money available to lend to the 10% of their books limit now set, won’t that increase demand for overseas dollars and flow back to a higher NZ exchange rate, making exports to a set world price less profitable because of a higher exchange rate?
Thanks for coming up with some ideas, gw. At my age a housing co-op doesn’t really appeal. I don’t have much hope of finding like minded people. Most people in my social and/or work circles are home owners.
The prefab homes may be a solution. But I’m hearing that they wouldn’t be financially viable on Auckland city sections, but for outlying areas with low land values. It doesn’t seem likely to break the cycle with inner areas of Auckland being colonised by the wealthy.
I am pondering moving out of Auckland, but I have a strong emotional attachment to central Auckland where I grew up – and don’t know a lot of people outside Auckland.
Hi Karol,
Earthsong is out your way.
I’ve heard it is very expensive, but I tend to expect to hear that about anywhere in Auckland.
I think you might find it an interesting place to visit re housing co-ops.
Thanks, js.
It is out of my price range.
Also, I’m just not into home ownership, mainstream style, or by another name.
Home ownership seems to be such a dominant ideal in NZ, people just can’t seem to get their heads around that I don’t want any part of that.
Ouch. That is expensive.
Papakura way has cheaper rents afaik, but that’s a long way from home for you.
Feel free to join us in the South Island. We would welcome you with open arms
Thanks, js. I’m not the most needy of renters. Whatever happens, there are affordable options for me. I just don’t have the full range of choices that some on higher incomes have.
If I move out of Auckland, it would be northwards. I prefer the weather there and do have some (limited) family and other connections up there.
My point was that, I have some first hand awareness of how tough the rental situation is. This makes for a pretty dire situation for those on lower incomes.
And perhaps now, when you’re trying to find a rental in a particular area for a reasonable price, and can’t, you might appreciate why others choose to own homes in those areas, so that when they come to retire they can continue living there.
I always understood that, Lanth. It’s no reason to follow the herd along a route that is ultimately damaging to the greater good.
Oh yes, those who CHOOSE to be able to afford a $100K, 20%, deposit for a $500,000 Auckland home were simply SO clever to think ahead of their retirement!!!
What dream world do you live in Lanth, that of a top 10% income household?
I’m sure you’ll find that most people in the central parts of Auckland that own homes have owned them for 10+ years, ie before the recent price speculation frenzy.
Well lucky them. For everyone else…even if you are earning say $60K to $70K pa…too bad, you’re locked out.
Ooops just read it properly and you said you aren’t interested in co-ops.
It could be that there would be a number of people in a similar situation, looking for people they could co-habit with, sharing a small flat, having a room in a house, a bed-sit somewhere suitably placed to their lives.
What if there could be a group that met once a month somewhere socially but where there was a structured plan of meeting each other. A sort of speed chat idea, so all could talk to each other, get to know each other. It could perhaps be advertised on Facebook, get onto google even. They would besides socialising, also keep an eye out for possible places to share, or possible homeowners who wanted to stay in a bigger house, but could only do so by sharing costs.
It could be very good for a big city, where people are rather atomised. The trick is to find each other, to join and make friends, and have it as a resource, that one might have to use in the near future. In the meantime it would act as social times, and also as a base to bring possible addresses to scope, and perhaps groups could form and reconnoitre the information provided. A bit like a hive of bees, busy and looking out for sites, and then returning and passing on the information. Happy Bees! Name for group? Casafino, Familias, Cheerfull.?
“I am pondering moving out of Auckland, but I have a strong emotional attachment to central Auckland where I grew up – and don’t know a lot of people outside Auckland.”
karol, that would be a real wrench to move away from an area that you love and has meaning to you. I hope you find something suitable.
However, If you were to move away, announce it to the TS crew and I’m sure you’d find like minded friends around the country supporting your adaptation to a new area.
PS: We have good public transport in all or most areas here in Wellington, except if you live it the very top of hill up a one lane road 🙂
‘At a time of multi billion profits by the banks tenants are to be squeezed more by the investor landlords to give the bankers even more money.’
Which is why we need rent controls, to limit the capital gains from housing.
Just look at Dunedin student quarter. Old houses with 6 or so bedrooms, the students pay $140 each, that’s $840 for a very average house! And some of these landlords hoovered up the houses in the 90s for a fraction of what they are now.
The NZ taxpayer (and parents) funds this through student allowances and loans to pay living costs. So in part, we borrow from offshore, to pay for a ticket clipping bonanza.
While a good idea Ergo Robertina, instituting a regime of rent controls in the NZ housing market would be in terms of politics, impossible,
It is across the vast demographic of the NZ middle class where the ‘rental investment’ is to be found as the most loved of those with spare capital from their higher earnings,
It is also across that vast demographic of the NZ middle class from where the politics of the country, both Left and Right are controlled,(that is IF we are to consider Labour as part of the left of politics),
The only means of creating a rent controlled housing market would be with the ‘permission’ of this vast NZ rental property owning middle class would be as was suggested to me by one commenter recently to provide this middle class with a suitable CARROT,
Such a CARROT i would suggest, needed to gain the permission of that middle class would mean that the difference between the controlled rents on the private property and the costs of the private landlord would have to be met from the tax base,
The cost of subsidies to the private landlords through the current accommodation supplement is already said to be 1.5 Billion+ dollars annually, plus the cost of the right-off of taxation from the individual owners income of interest payments etc,
The cost of funding a CARROT to gain the agreement of those private landlords to agree to rent controls i would suggest would be one the current tax base could not afford,
Also, having an income in effect guaranteed by the State would drive even more of the middle class into rental housing which would simply drive house price inflation through the roof…
Well explained I think. Too true about rent controls. Very difficult. Perhaps the market needs to be affected on the supply-side.
And often beneficiaries helping each other mask the extent of the need for housing. This is where benes take in others – the pollies and strident bene haters also hate benes that rent out a room or space. Interestingly, considering that we have been short of housing for so long and the benefits have been ramped down for ages.
Suddenly they become money-grubbing, government-rorting, dishonest landlords, rather than budget-strained strugglers adding to their money resources to provide some other needy person with a place to stay. Cramped conditions with strangers even distant family boarding, checking to prevent waste heating, hot water, electricity, food etc. doesn’t make sharing accommodation an easy option.
I think the supply side in certain areas will be very difficult to address, part of what is driving Auckland is the scarcity of space in the inner suburbs. No one if they can afford it wants to travel on the motorways so they look to buy centrally currently there are enough moneyed people to drive the prices ever upwards this may plateau for periods but im not sure if they will ever drop.
Certainly at todays prices an interest only mortgage investment as a rental is unsustainable in the central suburbs from what I understand the investor types are now looking further afield where the prices are lower and the rent comparably a lot higher. Generally the are speculating as to where the working classes who previously inhabit Onehung Pt Chev etc will buy in the future..
Grey Warbler, too true, the only means of ‘fixing’ issues of affordability in either market, rental or ownership is to build a sufficient supply,
The obstacle to this of course are the current owners who if as Draco suggests housing supply in the bigger cities need become a norm of 1–2% over supply would begin to loose chunks of equity which i suggest would have negative effects for any sitting Government,
Its why i believe Slippery’s Government intends selling 20% of the States housing stocks so as to keep the over-inflation spiral on its upward trend thus pleasing the large demographic in the middle class by making them all feel richer,
Labour have the same problem, the Party is chocka with the rental investment owning middle class who have a vested interest in seeing that the number of State Houses in no way matches the need of the cohort of low waged workers and beneficiaries that in my parents time qualified to be housed by the State,
Such low wage workers are in monetary terms no better off than they were in my parents time, evidence would say a lot worse off, but 30 years of the Neo-Liberl experiment,(Winners and Losers),has simply created a beneficiary class even worse off than the low waged workers and thus making the beneficiary more qualified for State Housing than the low waged workers in a rationed ‘market’ for State Housing,
There is of course a ‘Fix’ to all this, which i must admit Labour are unlikely to entertain having already cast the die in favor of building 10,000 homes for the children of the middle class thus rewarding their parents for having indulged in the inflationary game of monopoly,(winners and losers again),
That is for Labour to allow those with the income to support a ‘new build’ home to in effect cash up their Working for Families payments so as to have the necessary deposit to enable a mortgage to be obtained for such ‘new builds’, and, put the resources of the State toward building either clusters or multi-storey State Housing on already existing property owned by the State…
Good ideas bad 12 and not untoward for Labour, they just have to get their heads around the idea that they have things to learn – that quoting slogans and saying encouraging things about the struggligh classes in a patonising way doesn’t cut the nmustard.
Another thing they can do is virtuous circles where the house gets sold at a reasonable rate that covers the costs plus administration and R&M, then is bought back at a value that gives a return of term deposit p.a. back to the owner who has to sell back to the state. This means that a group of good houses, keeps being available without the inflationary market-unhealthy prices building on each sale.
Lolz Grey Warbler, your quoting Green Party housing policy at me, Lolz again, yes of course besides houses owned by the State and rented to tenants at 25% of income the Green Party housing policy is of course the most forward thinking ever proposed here in NZ,
That magic circle is brilliant where upon the ‘owner’ for whatever reason not wanting/needing the house anymore any equity in the house is given back to the owner or the estate of the owner and the house has another family installed as owners which means that inflation as you say is kept out of the equation,
The real impediment to this type of mass housing is the lack of will from either of the large political party’s to produce its own capital,
Simply printing the capital to build the homes would create an excellent means of gathering revenue to the Government, with the repayments from the owners going into the Cullen fund we could kill two stones with one bird,
Way too forward thinking for the mass of people in NZ to get their nuts around in the here and now, give it 25-30 years and this will be the only means of affording house…
I actually didn’t know it was green party policy bad12. And should because that is the Party I go for though I’m also supporting Labour when I can.
But the housing idea would be good, and it only needs a bit of will to add it to the hosing mix that Housing NZ or whatever the bureaucrat/estate agents call themselves these days. It helps people to get into their own place, and off the state’s back. They put their own money into it, which might include some grant to be added to deposit, and then they should be able to get a mortgage from a bank.
That would fit people into the current credit set-up while intelligent people work out how to get the economy going from other sources of finance in other directions ir co-operatives and national funds for important purchases. The house should be self supporting and pay back to the government which should satisfy accountants’ balance sheets. .
Our media are not only a disgrace but they are too stupid to realise that approximately half of this country are not rightwing. I turned Radio Live on recently at 5.30am to hear James Coleman say he was the MC for the ACT conference. I turned the radio off – just as well they can afford to lose listeners.
I wont watch TV3 either as long as Patrick Gower is around.
I am convinced Gower is a paid up Nat.
His interview of Cunlife on the Nation was disgraceful
“I am convinced Gower is a paid up Nat.”
You’re not the only one……………..
“..A lethal ignorance: We could make drugs safer. We choose not to..”
.“Prohibition has led to the attempt to avoid prohibition –
and therefore the production of more toxic substances.”
phillip ure..
Former CEO Of Kiwi Rail, Jim Quinn chooses to drive off into the sunset by car, not trusting to travel by rail or sea ferry as their both too unreliable for a safe getaway with taxpayer loot.
After pocketing more than 4 million dollars (courtesy of Key-National) for his 5 years work. We will be reminded of Quinn’s legacy for many years to come. In his final week ( last week) here are clear examples;
Let’s look at some of his handy work.
He signs off on Chinese made trains and wagons.
Comes up with a turn around plan which;
Closes workshops sacking hundreds of
highly skilled workers.
Sacks hundreds of track maintenance workers.
Contracts track maintenance work to a Aussie/ Kiwi joint venture.
Imports thousands of rotting Peruvian hardwood sleepers.
Contracts electrification of the Auckland Metro to an Australian firm.
Signs off on electric trains to be built in Spain.
Contracts a major alteration to a ferry to an oversea’s shipyard.
Seems the only thing Quinn got right was the turn around plan released under the official information act which suggested “things will deteriorate”.
Look for fireworks in parliament this week!
Speaking of those Chinese made trains and wagons:
“The discovery of asbestos in KiwiRail trains built in China… 40 of KiwiRail’s locomotives were withdrawn from service following the discovery of the potentially deadly material in a soundproofing compound inside one of the vehicles on Friday.”
“KiwiRail at the weekend said the inclusion of asbestos in the trains was in breach of a contract specification which clearly stated the material should not be used.”
[edit; I see your first link covers it, the ODT article only really adds a Hillside closure/ jobs loss perspective]
It’s an appalling record @Skinny by any measure. Just watch though …. if he’s not retiring, just watch him pop up somewhere else wreaking havoc in corporatesville as though he is the best thing since sliced bread.
Did you ever see the guy in the media btw? Fark!
“have you ever seen him in the media”
I’ve dealt to him thru the media and the House *wink
Babbling Quinn carved up NZ Post then moved on to Kiwi Rail. Yeah he will pop up somewhere once the current heat subsides. He won’t get jack all peddling his CV around a Labour/Green camp.
Thanks Skinny for that list of Quinn’s transgressions. I have got gradually more frustrated as he has appeared on Radionz to spell out the latest excuses for bad management and bad policy along the cheapest is the best line (which line showed up in loss of railway line as they were shut down in his time.) It’s almost Blip-like in its straightforward display of ineptness, slippery thinking and bad business decisions.)
And Pasupial – did that newspaper item mention the interesting bit about Australian trains from the same Chinese firm also having asbestos? No doubt they specified against that or should have. And also this is another example of us being influenced by what Australians do instead of first checking our options, deciding what we want, looking then at what others have done, and then back to seeing whether we can do it ourselves for close to the price demanded elsewhere.
It wouldn’t have to be that much cheaper. There should be a government guarantee on any money raised which would keep the cost of NZ input to the rail improvement program down. We could do this now, if our government had any goolies, but if we join TPPA there would be more hurdles than an athletic event, and a high jump too far even.
@ Skinny I see further down you say Quinn carved up NZ Post!! And what a pathetic example of lost opportunities (for growing the business), poor public relations (ensuring that everything was done well and efficiently so they could tell people so, and not she’ll be right which led to the Queenstown debacle), and not following up customer criticism, complaints and feedback to ensure that confidence and support from the public continued. Instead they concentrated on selling their programs overseas to places that had a lesser service than we had, but in the process took their eyes of what we did have and so didn’t maintain it and also look to see where it could be improved and grown.
Oh yes thanks Grey Warbler well spotted, add closing Rail Lines to the list. The guy is a hatchet man he cut our Postal service beyond the bone and has done the same in Rail.
Lunatic’s like Quinn have not one blood cell of a moral compass in their entire body.
I listened to Quinn quite often on Radionz and he never seemed to doubt what he was doing, even when it turned out to be a Wrong Decision in anyone else’s mind.
And he is inclined to stutter, yet is so determined to say his piece that he can control it, and make his excuses for his management with hardly a tremor, just a slight hesitation. Great elocution. But a sign of the determination and drive that such managers of the Right bring to their task of advancing the policies of the Right, economic and social, and wrecking the people’s economy as a collateral damage to the Grand Plan.
The Ukraine crisis is going to end badly for the west, because all Putin is doing is exposing the desperate recklessness and naivety of western policy towards Russia’s ex-USSR “near abroad” since the 1990s.
First of all, the recklessness of western policy. People fail to understand the basis of Soviet – and Russian – foreign policy since 1945 has been a “never again” to an invasion from the west. In 1941 the USSR had a barrier of half of Poland, and they barely survived an unprovoked surprise fascist attack. In 1945 they built a buffer of client states in Eastern Europe to keep the Atlantic alliance at arms length. When the USSR collapsed there was a clear understanding that, in exchange for allowing German reunification, there would be no eastward expansion of NATO. Since 1990 12 new NATO members have done just that. The Baltic states are NATO members that already share a common border with Russia, albeit a short one and they small and weak nations. It should have been obvious to the west that Russia would not tolerate the Ukraine becoming a NATO partner/member with such a long shared border.
Another aspect of the recklessness of western policy is the encouraging of Russia’s near abroad like the Ukraine (and Georgia) to defy Russia when they are militarily to weak to resist a Russian retaliatory attack. Since these countries cannot defend themselves from Russian attack and the West is to terrified of Russia’s nuclear arsenal to confront Putin, When the Russians attack western diplomacy is inevitably exposed as little more than hot air and false promises. It just hands an easy win to Putin.
Secondly, the naivety. The aftermath of the second world war saw the largest ethnic cleansing in history. Forced population transfers and border readjustments ensured that racial tensions within nation states would no longer be an issue between nations. Whether we like it or not, this post WW2 ethnic cleansing worked in maintaining peace in Europe. The outbreak of vicious ethnic violence in the Balkans (where Yugoslavia had repressed minorities) in 1990s should have been a reminder of what happens in Europe when ethnically divided communites are forced to live together in the same country. Yet that is exactly what was set up in the Ukraine, with a strong Russian ethnic minority. A re-run of some variation of the 1990s Balkans crisis was inevitable in the Ukraine.
Interesting stuff in Ukraine where I have quite a few friends. Interestingly the people I know there are all Russian speaking and identify as Russian.
The whole thing is, of course, about controlling the energy pathway to Europe and Keery’s rubbish just shows the hypocracy of a country that invades anyone at the drop of a hat when it’s own energy interests are threatened.
Santuary, a very good summation of the situation. I agree completely.
Even the most Right of UK newspapers…
i give you this ‘cos you probably won’t get it anywhere else aside from my place..or where i found it..
“..Obama and Putin Engage in 90-minute Phone Call..”
“..President Obama spoke to Russia’s President Putin today for about 90 minutes –
and told him that he’s violating international law with Russian troops leaving their bases in Crimea to seize control of the Ukraine territory.
Both sides put out descriptions of the lengthy discussion.
First – here’s the White House’s explanation of how the call went..”
phillip ure…
Thanks Phil………
russia will take over crimea..
..the west will do nothing..
..ukraine will be divided..
..the other option is war..
..which the west will not do..
..obama will come out of this looking like a pussy..
..putin/russia as the strongman of europe..
..as i said..
..the only other option is the unthinkable…war..
..(but i hafta say..there are disturbing echoes of both 1914..
..and the lead up to the second world war..
..and of course..cack-handed american-spook regime-change meddling is also a factor in this that should not be ignored/underestimated..(i have quite a bit of stuff on that at my place..)
..phillip ure..
Yup, but I think Russia may go a bit further than just Crimea. Maybe not as far as an invasion but take a leaf out of America’s book with a little “regime change”.
I think this Russian approach is equivalent to the USA approach to safety from reading your comment. The USA has ringed itself with island states with various warring and warning equipment. It doesn’t want to be attacked on its own ground. That why 9/11 was so much of a shock. It seems to me that the west particularly USA and its acolyte UK, seem to stir up trouble deliberately on any spurious ground they can. A sort of sabre-rattling which keeps a show of ready force apparent to Russia and now China.
This business of splitting ethnic minorities for the sake of better borders, resources and political allegiances for larger countries is problematic for stability in the smaller countries. Tibet to China which has increased Han Chinese settlement, Rigas in north west China, the Kurds in Turkey, new settlers in Israel, Russians settled in outlying neighbours to the former Soviet.
I dragged out my old large atlas that has so many political boundaries changed, and my notes about that, and a newer map beside to check today’s realities. But the geography is the same, and Russia I think really needs the Black Sea ports so it has southern access to oceans. Vladivostock on the east, used to be their only all-season port there, and is very distant from Moscow in the west. The northern ports are distant, often ice bound, or were. There is Estonia or Latvia on the west, and I don’t know what their relationship is now with Russia. So the Black Sea from Crimea is important to them. And if there are many Russians there I do not see how Ukraine can refuse to come to terms with Russia. Ukraine apparently supplies electricity to Crimea, but this does not give them the biggest bargaining chip. And now the Ukrainian Navy Chief has pronounced his allegiance to the Russians. Is there a way that Ukraine could connect with Europe as a trading bloc without being in NATO (which seems too hawkish for comfort)?
My old economic texts made a point that too much money was spent by the USA government on welfare and more should go on defence. I wonder if those brainy people now apply their fine minds to the opposite situation and find it also unsatisfactory?
The most obvious example of U.S. hypocrisy on this issue is the Munroe Doctrine. The United States simply regards any foreign power operating in the Americas as an act of aggression. Somehow, the NATO allies seem to think though that it is fine to recklessly meddle in the affairs of Russia’s near abroad.
The only people who can save the Ukranian now is the Ukrainians themselves, and I see they are calling up reserves and mobilising. If history teaches us one thing, it is that mobilisation usually means war. When they are ready, the Ukraine may attempt to re-capture the Crimea and that will lead to a general war with Russia. The Russians may be repulsed though. Although the Russian military is on paper much larger, so is Russia, and the Russian military was exposed in Chechnya as completely inept. Also, whereas the Ukraine can deploy its entire armed forces in such a fight, the Russians must retain troops in the far east and other places like Chechnya. To my mind the situation in such a war would be very dangerous. Should the Ukrainians initially repulse the Russians, the Russian military response will be similar to the tactically inept, brutally indiscrimate war they waged in Chechnya. The longer that goes on, the more likely it could develop into a wider war, for instance drawing Belarus in on the Russian side. And how long could the west put up with images of Russian brutality before it would succumb to temptation and try and intervene?
of course, it should never have come to this. Instead of formenting mischief the west should be encouraging Countries like the Ukraine to develop friendly relationships with Russia. Even a client state one insofar as security guarantees go. Ukraine could still be western orientated, just not western aligned.
It does seem a good idea for the west to encourage and assist Ukraine and Russia to have good relations. Is it possible that the people at the top are not interested in world peace? But perhaps fomenting trouble, that being a moral hazard in the position of having power in a state that has military pretensions, giant military – based industries and loves dressing up in military uniforms. (I really liked the hologram’s salute in Red Dwarf. What style, panache.)
As that excellent saying goes – Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.
Why Ukraine matters.
OOh-er. What a clear diagram joe90. The political and economic implications for Russia of those pipelines flowing in multiple lines across their country mean that Russia must feel confident that it has good relations with Ukraine.
What can a smaller less economically powerful state do, when a larger one turns hostile and decides to flex its muscles in ways that are not compatible with the wishes and needs of the smaller one? For instance, New Zealand and Australia? I wonder what directions and actions NZ will take to improve its future options? There are pipelines of money flowing out of NZ across the Tasman. If we do anything to interrupt that flow would they bring political or armed pressure on us. The joint exercise under the aegis of the USA with some strangely prescient scenarios – could the joint be round about our kneecaps?
Yeah – not looking forward to this. Ultimately, it is a war for control of resources and would Europe sit idly by while Russia strengthens its grip on their fuel supplies.
Ah well… who needs international stability? >_<
Possibly not but do the EU actually have the ability to take on Russia militarily? I think not.
Google translation:
in / hr 4515 Bel’bek Sevastopol.Russkie shutrmuyut part trying to capture armory now!
Yep, says it all. Russia is in no mood to be pissed around on this. They are paranoid about the creep of NATO, they are deeply hurt by the rejection by a large part of Ukraine and they need to keep control of their energy distribution to the West.
The west does not understand the tough mentality of the Russian people. For them WWII is very real. The West being obsessed with criticism of Russia’s “Gay Rights” just emboldens Russia to make a stand as they see the West as weak.
Putin the strong man of Russia – I hope not a little Hateler.
…indeed….but Putin just reflects Russian attitudes. If not him, then someone else and they would probably not be as smart and open.
Thanks joe90. Says a lot.
A very good reason why the EU should [have] curbed its enthusiasm for courting Ukraine. Recent democracies in the east of Europe like Poland have interests in the East that are quite distinct from the established western European EU states.
I’d love to see a bit of reporting on the agreement, or not, that exists within the EU on the involvement in Ukraine.
I don’t disagree with the substance of what you are writing, except that this bit:
“In 1941 the USSR had a barrier of half of Poland, and they barely survived an unprovoked surprise fascist attack.”
is not really true.
The attack in 1941 might have been a surprise attack in the sense that the timing of it may have been surprising.
However, much of the literature of the mid-to-late 1930s is dominated by the looming threat of an inevitable war between Germany and Russia. The surprising thing was the Nazi/Soviet alliance formed to attack Poland in 1939; everyone expected that alliance to collapse eventually.
Yep; both the Soviets and the Germans knew that war was inevitable, but both decided to delay the onset of hostilities for their own reasons. Hitler because he wanted to move into western Europe first, the Soviets because they knew that their forces were nowhere near ready.
The US still thinks it’s a world power. I’m increasingly of the opinion that it’s not.
Hrrmph! I’ve got an assenal that proves you
The US has one very major weakness – Oil. They don’t have a lot of it anymore and they need oil to project power. Russia, on the other hand, has a lot of it. Then there’s the commercial reality – the US is no longer the productive hub of the world.
Both of these work to undermine the armed strength that the US has.
Brownlee wants answers? I’ll give him answers.
We did say this sort of shit would happen. Hell, substandard construction was specifically mentioned in the BERL report as to one of the reasons making the trains here would be a better option which the RWNJs poo-pooed and now we’re having to deal with their incompetence.
Or what rent hes getting for his fendalton and ilam homes.
What do John Banks and David Cunliffe have in common?
let me guess..
..a large german..?
..phillip ure..
New Zealand joins the Ukraine and NATO in the Indian Ocean to (a href=”http://wp.me/p638n-4i4″>fight “piracy” in operation Ocean Shield but don’t worry we’re only partners and not members of NATO.
That would be fight piracy of course!
wont russia be upholding the regime just run out of town… less a chane of regime more a reinstating.
I think it will be a different, more popular regime. The guy just chucked out would be just too unpopular. I doubt that Russia will annex the whole of Ukraine, just the bit that identifies as Russian.
You need to realise that Russia hold Ukraine as the birthplace of Russia. They maintain that they “gave” that territory to Ukraine because of that special relationship.
It’s hard to know exactly what’s happening there, apart from the fact that a reconstructed Ukrainian fascist movement makes up a large part of what the West is supporting. I’ve seen some reports saying that many of the Ukrainian people are turning on the new government already, as they don’t really look forward to a fascist government that sells everything off either to Europeans, or the Ukrainian oligarchy. (Note that the movement uses the symbols and nationalistic hatreds of fascism, but is prepared to bow to foreign capital. It is a weak country type of fascism, such as we have previously seen in Central and South America) Jews in particular are getting a hard time, which will cause the seppos problems with AIPAC. There are reports that even ethnic Ukrainians are welcoming the Russian presence, and raising Russian flags.
Between Western supported fascists and authoritarian Russians, I hope the Ukrainian people, the workers and peasants, can find a way through to a sovereign and independent Ukraine. At the moment, it’s a mess made by leaders who are like maladjusted children playing with matches.
As usual NRT is harsher than I would be, but this really isn’t a good look from Cunliffe.
….meanwhile Shane Jones makes every post a winner.
More Left attacking the Left…I just don’t understand this. Any Lefty that uses their valuable time to post an attack on another Lefty this close to an election is an absolute fuckwit as far as Im concerned.
I love David Cunliffe!
He is the gift that just keeps on giving. Do you think that Winston might let Cunliffe use his ‘NO’ sign?
Got any good cancer jokes today?
The great hunter-gatherer Jordan Williams must enjoy eating his own feet judging by how he shoots himself in the foot again
++ to Mr Geddis.
I read lately in one of our newspapers that the opening of the new Velodrome at St Peters School at Cambridge has been delayed because jonkey wanted to do the opening. Why? Hasn’t he got enought to do. And is this good use of taxpayers money.? How much would this little photo op exercise cost?
“And is this good use of taxpayers money.? How much would this little photo op exercise cost?”
Jordon Williams will no doubt look into that after he’s examined the costs involved in the items Frank Macskasy lists in his comment.
Let’s all pick on the deaf girl!
Why not?
I couldn’t give a shit if Mathers is deaf, if she’s been taking the tax payer for a ride, she needs a swift kick up the slats.
In this incident, it’s a bit of a storm in a tea cup and there’s no need for any one to lace up their kicking boots.
Once again, you skilfully use mental acrobatics to miss the obvious point.
As per usual.
Yeah he missed the point alright, and failed to detect who’s really in need of “a swift kick up the slats”; could help take Jordans warped mind off the gunshot wound to his foot perhaps..
Williams is a little lawyer fellow seeking to be seen as earnestly principled by the public and possessed of safe biddable hands by those who make the bullets he fires. The sort baggage social climbing snob types get delirious to have for a son-in-law. There are hundreds of them around the edges of politics – Luigi Weweges with the law degree.
All risible, all with a sly eye to the personal mainchance and a spot at the guzzling trough. Which spot ultimately renders them grossly pompous, bloated, disgusting.
You watch. Jordy Boy will make it – High National Party office, appointment to some board or authority, “shoulder tapped” for Parliament, District Court judge perhaps. There’s a huge array of baubles out there for the well connected punk. Was about to say “a right little Wayne Mapp in the making” but that just might be a bit harsh on Wayne.
Certainly something of a coward however as remarked by one of the commenters on (I think) Geddis’s blog. The foray falls over………”No further comment”. What an arsewipe !
@ north..
..+ 1..
phillip ure..
+1 North
Sure BM, you like to kick women whether they’re disabled or not. What a guy!!
No, I just don’t treat people with disabilities such as deafness as being inferior, deafness != get out of jail for free card.
If Mathers was doing a dodge, she should be done for it not excused because she’s deaf.
“If Mathers was doing a dodge”
She wasn’t. Nobody have even claimed that. Why aren’t you asking “If Key was doing a dodge” in relation to flyg him and his entourage down to the golf?
Actually, don’t bother answering that, because we all know the answer already: you’re a snivelling piece of shit who likes to pretend that opposition MPs are even half as corrupt as the poisonous regime for whom you’re shilling cut-rate propaganda.
It’s a nice change from trying to shoot himself in the face.
A man is punched in the face and suffers broken teeth but – though the assault was caught on
a security camera the police didn’t follow it up.
Contrast that with the way that traffic police are being utilised to set up road blocks and check on your drinking, your personal details, details about your car – so they can see if your documentation is up to date. We might as well be under martial law.
When people themselves get attacked they may not get any protective police action. It is hard for women to protect themselves against male nutters, and sometimes vice versa, who would do them harm or kill them, or their children at the same time or even when the partner kills themselves.
Awful things are happening out there but the public are being preyed upon by nutters who won’t control themselves and who police won’t bring under control. Then add to that we also have to worry about police preying on us, hoping that we will be technical lawbreakers by catching us without some required certification.
just because the law says you cant reveal your donors… but you would need the permission of those who already donated to release who they are…
is it a death knell to fundraising at this point to say from today onwards we will reveal our donors but not how much or variations thereof?
I see garth mcvicar and the punishers were at the act conference. encouraging the non regulators to enforce even harsher penalties and build more prisons. I bet mcvicar has shares in serco.
@ Rhino …. I hope you were listening to the sage Mora during his musshin to Mars today.
Distinct change in tone when the geeeehest wanted to take Garrison Keillor with him. I think Jum at that point might have realised his guest could very well claim left wing creds.
I’m about to ‘off’ Mora – so I’m hopeing you’ll take up the listening (A herrr herrr herrr hahhhh hahhh hahhh hahhh hahhh a -herr herr hah! I’m thoroughly nice don;t ya know)….
Or as some of those Injuns over here on study visas (tied to specific employers – often who hold their passports and pay below minimum wage) would say – “I’m about to ‘close’ Afternoons with that nicest man on Erf)
B jesus ….. even his right wing bosses have discovered he’s so stale the mould is beginning to appear – shame he hasn’t yet realised ‘The Panel” needs a kick in the balls as well
Christ what a crock!
I’ll hold em and you can kick em! Hope its the afternoon with edwards and boag on and we can get both of the banal poltroons in one go!
It’d be bloody noice if there was ekshly a mussin to Mars with Garrison Keillor on board.
The buggers would freak!
I’ve long ago given up listening to the almost-aptly named Mor[on]. I would destroy my keyboard and desk if I did again, and probably inflict permanent scars on my forehead. I really struggle to believe that anyone could be so stupid and vain as him, but apparently it’s true.
Some news and opinions from the Ukraine you won’t hear on the msm in NZ.
Listen from 5.20
Paul, fascinating,especially the last link of the 3,and, i totally agree with most of the blokes analysis especially His insight into Putin in His current guise as the Russian Prez,
i am sure tho that fans of ‘Pussy Riot’ will have another view of the Russian Prez…
“Taking a more sober view, it may be more of a case of letting some hens back into the henhouse and frog-marching the foxes out; hardly a cause for general public alarm.”
Puddleglum nails it (as per usual)…
Foxes, hens, the hard left and the myth of the time warp
Thanks, that’s a good read.
Brian Edwards’ crazed ideas about the U.S. assault on Vietnam
This old codger is getting older, but not a whit wiser
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Monday 3 March 2014
Jim Mora, Michelle Boag, Brian Edwards
Long time sufferers of this ever-worsening programme will be all too familiar with the ignorant and often rancorous contributions by such guests as Michael Bassett, Stephen Franks, Garth “Gaga” George, Nevil “Breivik” Gibson and Jordan Williams. But it’s not only the extreme right that spews nasty, foolish rhetoric on Jim Mora’s show. Today that old fool Dr Brian Edwards had a few ill-considered words to say about the crisis in the Crimea and Ukraine. He, naturally, is opposed to Russian aggression. Forty-something years ago, when he was posing as an educated broadcaster, he was apparently opposed to American aggression too. But not any longer. Today he made one of the stupidest statements to ever be uttered on the Panel.
I sent off the following email to Jim Mora…..
Destroying Vietnam was “a good outcome”? The U.S. tries to “export democracy”?!!??!?
Dear Jim,
Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.” Michelle Boag could not agree quickly enough with that hare-brained statement.
Then, a little later, you made the even more preposterous claim that the United States has been “trying to export democracy to the middle east.” Either you have absolutely no knowledge of what the U.S. has done and continues to do in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (to name just a half dozen of the worst examples) or you are exercising a particularly wicked sense of humour.
Are you going to reconsider and retract your “exporting democracy” claim? And if not, why not?
Yours in horror at the standards of discussion on The Panel,
Morrissey Breen
Northcote Point
Good stuff Morrissey.
Didn’t hear that bit but perhaps Brian will put me right on the tears I ran around a corner to weep – when after several days of giving money to crippled people in Ho Chi Minh City it dawned that these weren’t ‘merely’ disabled – these were people not even alive when it all ended, genetically fucked up by US agent orange – the other “gift “which came with the democracy “gift”.
If you want to know how I deduced disability unlike any other just think about your toes pointing backward rather than forward. Your elbow all back to front. And the back of your hand being the palm of your hand.
I certainly hope for Brian’s sake that the intended sale of his and Judy’s house (about which he burbled to Michelle’s rapt fascination – “lovely house….lovely house”) – doesn’t deliver the disastrous “good outcome” which so favours those lucky Vietnamese.
to moras’ credit..
…a couple of times he tried to bring up the regime-change machinations america has been involved in in the ukraine..
..edwards-the-elder just poo-pooed/ignored them..both times..
..if edwards-the-elders’ neck gets any redder..
..those waliking behind him will need to wear welders-masks..
..and if his views of complex geo-political situations get any more simplistic..
..he will need to be issued with crayons..
..phillip ure..
…. if his views of complex geo-political situations get any more simplistic..
He’ll be joining ACT next.
Too much time in Herne Bay rubbing shoulders with the elite.
As usual Moz, you’ve got it wrong. Or you don’t know what the word ‘outcome’ means. Or both. Edwards didn’t say the war itself was a good outcome (presumably partially because he knows what the word means). What he actually said was that the Vietnam war had a good outcome. Which it did, given that the aggressor lost a war for the first time and the Vietnamese won a united country.
No doubt you’ll be writing to Mora to apologise. Would you mind publishing that? I like a laugh in these dimming autumn evenings.
Actual transcript here (Edwards from about 12 minutes in, the comment Moz misunderstood at about 14 minutes): http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2587632/the-panel-with-brian-edwards-and-michelle-boag-part-1
If I got it all wrong, I’ll apologize immediately. If I misconstrued his remarks, which I only heard the tail end of, then that’s unforgivable. Utterly unforgivable.
Here I am; feel free to come and have a shot at me, fellas…..
So I apologize to Dr. Edwards, assuming I got it wrong.
I’m trusting your integrity here, Te Reo.
you didn’t get it wrong..
..edwards essentially listed all the american invasions..recent and past..
..as having ‘good outcomes’..
..i mean..syria..?..libya..?..
..edwards is a fool..
..phillip ure..
Oh, Phil, so very very wrong. Actual transcript here (Edwards from about 12 minutes in, the comment Moz and Phil misunderstood/misreported at about 14 minutes): http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2587632/the-panel-with-brian-edwards-and-michelle-boag-part-1
Actually, Edwards is even more indolent than I first thought. I did not misconstrue him at all. Thanks for putting up that link, Te Reo—now YOU need to listen to the old fool sounding off. His complacency and woolly-mindedness are on a par with the likes of that incest-touting ACT leader.
He’s backed up enthusiastically all the way by his good friend Michelle Boag. This is commentary of the standard you would expect from the more deranged and drunken callers on NewstalkZB in the small hours of the morning….
Boag condemns Vladimir Putin for not being democratic. She regrets that Russia lacks our “Western values”. In a speech of breathtaking hypocrisy, she pontificates: “When you open up a country and give people access to freedom and free media, you can’t harness people… It’s a different WORLD now… People don’t like being constrained…” One wonders where Michelle Boag was as the U.S. and its vassals (Britain, Australia, Canada) defied overwhelming public opinion in the buildup to their illegal wars a decade ago. I cannot recall her uttering even one word of stern admonition against Bush, Blair, Howard and their cronies.
If some kid in a Year 9 class came up with something like Brian Edwards’ “analysis” of Putin, he or she would be mocked as particularly dull, and lazy…..
EDWARDS RE PUTIN: You can tell a lot about Putin just by looking at pictures of him. I don’t think I can recall a leader who is so perpetually grim and quite clearly has never smiled since birth and is quite clearly a dictator…. I think that was an excellent summary that Michelle just gave. …. It doesn’t matter what anybody says, you can’t do much against a dictatorship.
EDWARDS RE U.S. “INTERVENTIONS”: Well these outcomes have not been too bad. I mean, look at North Korea and South Korea. Would you wish to be living in North Korea at the moment? Although you can cast doubt on the motives of the Americans and the Brits and the New Zealanders, because we have been involved in a lot of it, the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole.
Just as outrageously, Michelle Boag took the opportunity to somehow use this to express her support for illegal government snooping and to belittle those who object to it.
BOAG: And I think it’s very difficult for us never having been in a regime where you are truly oppressed and you know we get rhetoric about you know the government is spying on us but ….
So you were wrong, Te Reo. I should have known better than to trust you.
Just to clarify, mos, where exactly was it that:
That was your claim. TRP said you were wrong.
Don’t hold your breath …
Don’t hold your breath …
I’ve transcribed part of the audio you so helpfully provided. So you can stop pretending I was wrong.
As is clear to anyone who listens to that godawful audio, I am right, and you are (yet again) wrong.
Yeah, of course you are 🙄 Because that transcript clearly shows that “Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.”
does not equal your “transcript”
which does not equal 14m10s
“Clarify”? I got it right first time, erring only in not capturing precisely what that old fool Edwards said in his gouty rambling. I have now put up exactly what he did say—and it’s worse than anyone might have suspected.
no, no you didn’t. and then, no you didn’t.
And if “it’s worse than anyone might have suspected”, then how could your initial summary of it have been accurate? If you had started off being at all accurate, then what he did actually say would be a surprise to nobody.
You’re quibbling again. I was correct in my original assessment, as you know perfectly well. Yes, as you gleefully point out, I left out a couple of words in my hasty first take on that old poseur’s confused and wandery locution, but I got the essence of it just right.
I trusted Te Reo to have made a genuine criticism; he let us (and himself) down.
Oh fuck, now we’re back to arguing about whether a “transcript” is a record of what was said, or merely the essence of what you believe was said.
Your original assessment was “Brian Edwards made the remarkable claim that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.””.
You made that up.
Thanks for that Phillip. I thought that Edwards’ wandery ruminations were along those lines, but I didn’t hear the whole thing. Te Reo has given me pause for thought, though: I shall listen to the transcript our friend has provided and get back to you later.
The only thing I got wrong was I underestimated just how cynical and hypocritical Boag and Edwards are.
Many years ago, Edwards never tired of telling his listeners and viewers how he hated reading, and almost invariably watched television instead.
Muddle-headed, ignorant, ill-informed opinionating like he indulged in this afternoon is the result.
That’s the journey that a lot of privileged liberals take. There are distinct stages:
Progressivism: “Yeah, I’m against The Man, man.”
Acclaim: “Thank you, thank you… see, they’re thanking me!”
Comfort: “We have achieved so much, or I have… mostly me, dare I say it.”
Smugness: “You must listen to me, I am the elder statesman.”
Solipsism: “We had a wonderful dinner party last night and my friends agreed with me.”
Belated attempt to remind people of previous progressive gestures: “I’m cool, remember?”
Accommodation of reactionary forces in the guise of open-mindedness: “Now you must admit that he has a point and you shouldn’t be rude about him even if he does talk about concentration camps.”
Support for reactionary authority pretending to be progressivism: “We have to be realistic, even if it is unpleasant, that would be mature, like me.”
Unashamed reactionary authoritarianism and worship of dictators: “Get off my lawn!”
Edwards is now at the last stage and Russell Brown is getting pretty close now.
How about you get off Morrissey’s back McFlock and Te Reo ? Rhinocrates says it second @20.4 basically as Morrissey said it first.
And as for Edwards’ “……..the outcomes seem to have been pretty good on the whole. ” – by what bloody standard ?
The standard that the US and its allies raped Vietnam for ‘only’ a decade or so ?
Or the standard that ‘only’ 3 million plus Vietnamese died rather than say 6 million ?
Or the standard that maybe not ‘every’ sibling of those I witnessed begging in the street in Ho Chi Minh City has five thumbs ?
Or the standards of a dotage enjoyed in a wing back chair and carpet slippers and bestie Michelle round for dinner………its warmth and security threatened only by the impending sale of a fucking house ?
Ah, I’ve got it. It’s the standard that Morrissey is so churlishly beastly that his comments re the revisionist ramblings of the “Waiting for God” duo Edwards/Bogue are just not permitted.
Check out the name and nature of the blog you both contribute to.
well, I like to see people get shit ripped from them for what they did actually say, rather than what some delusional idiot half-remembers what he believed he heard them almost say.
Personally, I think north vietnam was probably preferable to south vietnam, especially under diem. But edwards was right about the koreas. And he sure didn’t say that the United States’ devastating decade of attacking Vietnam was “a good outcome.”
yes he did..he said it was ‘a good outcome’..
..because vietnam got a united country..(!)
..he is almost at the stage of needing a note pinned to his jacket..
..to make sure he gets home again..
..phillip ure..
Use your nouns, phil
Frankly, I disagree with trp’s interpretation, too.
But edwards was talking about western states’ geopolitical shenenigans as a whole, not declaiming solely about the US in vietnam. Which makes morrissey’s complaint just so much marsh gas.
stop squashing yr sentences all up together..
..let them breathe..
..give each idea its’ own line..
..and edwards endorsed all american empire activities since forever..
..with vietnam as just one ‘good outcome’ example cited by him..
..why are you so nit-pickey all over morrissey..?
..do you two + trp have a ‘thing’ going on..or something..?..
..have you got a bit of a ‘bad’-complex/obsession with him..?
..phillip ure..
I get fucked off when people are repeatedly careless with the truth. Morrissey is just as bad as BM.
There’s enough shit in the world to get angry about without inventing fantasies.
If Edwards knew ANYTHING about “the Koreas” he would know something about the United States’ destruction of the country in the early 1950s. The regime that emerged in the devastated north, like the regime that emerged a generation later in Cambodia, is a direct result of American total war.
But Edwards probably doesn’t know much about Korea at all; he boasts about his dislike and disdain for reading. And ignorant rants like we were subjected to yesterday are the result.
North, these two are on a mission. It doesn’t matter to them what they say, as long as they discredit me. Well, that’s what they intend to do.
It goes back to their utter fury at being called on their craven support for official black propaganda (i.e., lies) aimed at Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. They have never forgotten that; if supporting an ignorant radio opinionator is tactically necessary, they’ll swallow that slimy dead rat.
It’s actually much more simple.
If your delusional crap goes completely unchallenged, you discredit everyone here by association.
It’s actually much more simple.
If your delusional crap goes completely unchallenged,
Certainly I have made the odd slip-up with my rush transcripts. But, as proved to be the case yesterday, my initial reaction to them is usually spot on. Yesterday I misguidedly trusted that one of your partners in crime was telling the truth when he claimed that Edwards had not uttered an inane defence of America’s destruction of Korea and Vietnam. I trusted your comrade so much that I even issued a provisional apology to Edwards.
Of course, as the transcript you provided shows clearly, I was correct, and our friend Te Reo was (unwisely) attempting to be tricky. My provisional apology to that old fool has been revoked.
In your ideologically charged malice, you choose to portray the odd minor error of transcription as “delusional crap”. There was nothing delusional about my pinging that silly old codger for his depraved and ignorant comments, just as there was nothing delusional about my calling Chris “Haw Haw” Trotter for his windy oratory on behalf of the Florida jury that found Trayvon Martin’s executioner not guilty last year.
….you discredit everyone here by association.
I have discredited YOU, repeatedly. Or perhaps it’s more a case of you discrediting yourself.
Nah, McFlock’s right. You talk a lot of shit and you claim it as fact. It’s a really bad look for the site if no-one calls you on it.
Nah, McFlock’s right.
No he is not right. He has unwisely waded in over his head yet again, and has been outed as a cynical, conscience-free liar for what must now be something like the twelfth or thirteenth time.* He is an ideologically charged zealot, who is quite happy to say anything at all in an attempt to belittle me. Unfortunately for him, and for his lesser supporters like yourself, he has been systematically shown to be a liar and a pettifogging quibbler so many times now that he has nothing left to offer other than bawling witlessly that anything he doesn’t like is “delusional crap”.
You talk a lot of shit and you claim it as fact. It’s a really bad look for the site if no-one calls you on it.
Your dismissive and flippant tone does nothing to alter the impression that you are out of your intellectual depth.
* Perhaps some Standardista with a little time on his/her hands might like to check on how many occasions poor old McFuck has been keelhauled over the last couple of years.
“keelhauled “?
sounds like a pwned argument to me.
[lprent: Nope. Just a particularly good reason to avoid the dutch navy. In this context more about the gruelling punishment than a peal of victory methinks. ]
pity 🙂
“keelhauled “?
Yes indeed….
morrissey, I was aware of the term, you dipshit.
I just thought that maybe you were under the delusion that maybe any punishment you’d inflicted upon me was by way of some manner of semantic victory.
But maybe you were instead referring to the sheer tedium of dealing with a delusional fuck who provides two different “transcripts” of what was said and then insists that both are completely accurate. Although in that case I still think that the term is somewhat overblown for a blog argument.
QED Moz.
Not a shred of reasoning or evidence to back up anything in that comment, and nary an example even.
Just talking a lot of shit and claiming it as fact.
You obviously don’t even know what that means. I, and others, have exhaustively and frequently refuted your comments and those of your betters on this board for longer than would be necessary if you had any sense of shame or decency.
I note that even after I call you on your vacuous repetition of the “talking shit” reflex—that’s ALL you have to contribute to any discussion, I note—you continue to employ it. That’s more than sad. Standardisti might care to consult a thesaurus and find a more colorful synonym than “loser” to describe this bloke. I just can’t be bothered.
Except I WILL say this: our abuse-spraying friend “felix” should not be on the internet, digging ever deeper into his deep hole of shame. He should be in a ditch somewhere, or under a hedge, licking his wounds. The sad thing, though, is that he is too insensate to even recognize what desperate straits he is now in.
Yawn. In this instance I used it to mean that you have provided the demonstration for me. You can’t link to a single example of anything you claim.
Just talking shit, as usual, and expecting everyone take your word for how omnipotent you are.
I see that one “felix” has made quite a duffer of himself recently….
To combat Breen, I would have thought you’d try to match wits with him. “Yawn” indicates that you lack the wherewithal to do anything. Not a compelling start.
“In this instance I used it to mean that you have provided the demonstration for me.”
You failed to do anything of the sort.
“You can’t link to a single example of anything you claim.”
Breen has done exactly that, on more occasions than you, certainly, like to recall. A quick Boolean exercise shows that only too clearly.
“Just talking shit, as usual…”
Again, that’s an abject admission of not only your own lack of wit, but of complete and utter defeat.
As Breen did the other day, I warmly commend you to retire behind a hedge somewhere and salve your rather embarrassing wounds.
Doesn’t matter how many logins you use to type the same non-arguments, you’re still just stating opinions as if they were self-evidently true and I still have no interest in responding to your dull insults.
one thing i find hilarious about edwards-the-elder is his getting all sniffy/pretentious at anyone suggesting he is a p.r-trout/spinner/master of those dark-arts..as he clearly is..
..he so much prefers to be referred to as a ‘media adviser’…eh..?
..one persons’ ‘spinner’ is clearly anothers’ ‘media-adviser..
..when they look in the mirror..
..phillip ure..
Email from GENESIS ENERGY received today – just proves they think their customers are really thick!!!
Dear Customer,
We’re writing to let you know that your electricity prices are changing and to explain how these changes will affect your energy bill.
Your bill reflects a variety of costs, including generation and transmission costs, metering charges and our own business costs. Some of these costs we pass on to you such as those from your local network company Wellington Electricity and various industry levies.
We have recently reviewed our electricity prices in your area and from 6 April 2014 your electricity prices at xx xxxxxx Road, xxxxxxxxx will increase. Our prices have been adjusted to reflect the changing costs outlined above. Details of your new electricity prices are outlined in the Pricing Table below.
The weighting of the two components of your pricing plan has also changed. The daily fixed charge (the fixed cost of supplying energy to your property) and the variable charge (the cost of electricity you use) have been aligned to better reflect the cost structure used by your network company.
If you switch plans prior to 6 April 2014 your new plan’s prices will also change on 6 April 2014.
Our goal is to provide competitive products and services to all our customers. If you would like more information about this price change or have any other questions you can visit genesisenergy.co.nz or please call us on 0800 300 400, Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm. Alternatively you can email us at customercare@genesisenergy.co.nz.
Yeah the same day petrol is said to have risen in price by 2 cents a liter my power co has also bumped it’s prices by 2 cents a unit…
Wellington got a 6.8% rise. After the big storms last year the lines coy said it would need to put up prices to get the cost of the line fixing back. It took 6 days to get power back on in some parts of Berhampore so it doesn’t look like they are doing any maintenance. Owners is just pocketing monoploy cash and I saw somewhere not even paying much in the way of taxes. A complaint to ComCom might be worth it – monopoly gouging by overseas owner perhaps?
If they’re using that excuse then they need to be done for fraud as that’s what the line charge is for.
Agree. I would have to search out the references but I’m sure I have remembered it correctly. And six days to get the power on in an inner suburb , the lines must be in dreadful repair. There were some pretty upset people in the businesses in Wellington central too.
We need something like the one power buyer for the lines coy’s too or they will just keep shoveling up the prices.
Two pertinent links:
Oh BTW – I can personally vouch for the numbers around the GWRC water network costs.
News to gush over, the descendants of a former Kings Piss Pot emptier are said to be coming, AND,they are bringing the newest descendant with them,
You may now indulge in an orgy of suitable gushing and fawning…
Sounds like a job for the “Taxpayers’ Union” considering it’s expected to cost taxpayers about $750,000, the same amount it cost to have his daddy here last year.
Was wondering how to avoid the impending media, sickening over-hype?
Oh, that’s easy. Don’t turn on the TV and put appropriate filters in Twitter.
Thank you I will, tastefully of course.
Drippy ignorant Hollywood “liberal” of the week
This guy is a dope. He would do well to read a few books and eschew the gin and coke circuit, from where he obviously draws his ideas….
More self-pitying bullshit from Hill-Cone. Apparently she’s the real victim, or so she thinks.
Really, does being a thick as shit narcissist a real job requirement there?
David Shearer on the Ukraine – so much for UN experience in providing insightful understanding what’s happening there, then?
Typical banality produced by an intern in Mumblefuck’s office though. I suppose that they can tick a box now.
Ever want to know why the UN is so ineffective? Because they employ people like Mumblefuck is the answer.
Shouldn’t you be commenting on the Mojo Mathers post?
Just my wee fixation about not promoting the language of disability abuse. I’m PC gone mad, I tells ya.
You’d have to be retarded to believe that’s what “mumblefuck” is.
Retarded is a terrible description for TRP. Differently intellectualised might please him more.
Oh I don’t for a moment believe that TRP meets the criteria in my comment.
Labour, representing US interests since 1945. How can Mumblefuck talk about respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and ignore the $5 billion the seppos spent on promoting the coalition of the disgusting, while pointing the finger at Russia? How long before they’ll be standing beside Abbott, telling Putin to back off?
People need to be more informed. Maybe Shearer and NZ’s media should listen to this guy before repeating the news they’ve been told to tell.It’s not such a one sided story as were being told.
Suddenly I get how the people were manipulated into WW1 in 1914.
Golly, we could make a very insightful statement about the Ukraine from a combination of two or three writers here on TS.. I must have a practice and see if I could write a David Shearer type comment that just repeats the truisms and memes around expressed in such an objective way.
Given the seriousness of the situation we support the withdrawal of Tim Groser from negotiations over the free trade agreement with Russia.
Given the seriousness of the situation the US will not stop importing weapon’s grade plutonium from Russia (albeit used for generation),or stop importing the rocket engines that support the heavy lift capability for Military,and surveillance satellites on Platforms such as ATLAS 5.