Paula Bennett was detained by Police this morning on her way Whenuapai Airport.
She was threatening to bash two English tourists, surnames Windsor, who are unashamed benefit rorters.
The one child family are know to claim millions in England and to live an extravagant lifestyle. Bennett was particularly enraged when she heard they would be claiming English benefit while on holiday and then claiming food, board and travel from NZ taxpayer. The Windsors are known to drink and watch flat screen TVs during the day.
Unfortunately Bennett will be released when the spongers leave the country to do nothing somewhere else.
Enjoyed Pagini’s disdain today for the ‘ God like’ Royals on Mora’s afternoon programme. His obvious discomfort with her disrespect. I wonder if her contract will be terminated.
A change from the obsequious fawning servility of the common media fearing for their jobs.
Unfortunately for the Woyals the weather in Wellington is dismal with fog/cloud down to sea level and there is a chance that they could be forced to land at Palmerston North…
A four way handshake with Key, William, Kate and George with a special lovely little Troty present for Key from George. Will help Key get some more votes for inviting them in an election year. How cool is that!
It just so happens that i have a good used asylum going cheap,the Woyals could spend years enjoying the comforts of its cells and straightjackets having spent years roll playing doing the doctors and nurses thing should come quite naturally to them…
Noticeably absent from our airwaves during this royal tour is the modern international youth anthem “We will never be Royals” by Lorde.
Instead of glorifying privilege, Lorde held up a light up to the nobility of those without money or privilege. But this not a message that John Key and his born to rule tories want us to hear in an election year, hence the need for this extravagant tax payer funded glittering royal tour. Where the modern kiwi MSM continue to grovel and tug its forelock in the traditional peasant way at this symbolic embodiment of enshrined privilege and inequality.
But that kind of love affair ain’t for us, we seek a different kind of buzz
But, seriously….I’m excited about the royals! Is nobody else feeling it?? They are the most level headed/sane of all of the bunch and they are gonna love it here : )
Are you sure you are not confusing ‘level headed’ with this pairs ability to adhere to the old adage ”better to keep the mouth firmly shut and be thought of as idiots than open it and provide proof”…
“But, seriously….I’m excited about the royals! Is nobody else feeling it??”
No Awww. I’m about as indifferent as that weather that bad12 is describing for Wellington today. Besides I descend from Irish and Scots, so the representatives of the English Crown are nothing to get excited about The only excitement they ever got in the past was fighting them.
The flat screen that Not a PS Staffer talks of though, may well be in their itinerary. During a tour of Government house we were informed by the tour guide that previously Wills had enjoyed being entertained in the whatever- it -was -called -room where there IS a large flat screen attached to a wall above a gas fire as well as billiard table and drinks cabinet. I think he was watching the world cup. I wasn’t really listening – I was more interested contemplating the future of the NZ wool industry having being inspired by the ultra plush carpet, made in Christchurch by Di Lana.
I don’t understand what you are looking forward to? Couldn’t you just read about them and others who make a career out of being themselves in the screeds of shallow magazines?
This is how to shut down the whole Royal nonsense .
In the 1930 the Irish Free State had not yet become a republic. DeValera won the 1932 election and when he had to appoint a new DG he appointed a shop keeper who remained behind his store counter!
“De Valera explicitly instructed Ua Buachalla as governor-general to keep a low public profile, and not to fulfil any public engagements. This was part of de Valera’s policy to make the governor-generalship an irrelevance by reducing it to invisibility. While he continued to give the Royal Assent to legislation, summon and dissolve Dáil Éireann and fulfil the other formal duties of the governor-generalship, he declined all public invitations and kept himself invisible, as advised by “his” Government. In fact in his period in office he performed only one public function: the receipt of the credentials of the French Ambassador in the Council Chamber, Government Buildings, 1933, on behalf of the King, George V. However, de Valera subsequently had that duty moved from the governor-general to his own post of President of the Executive Council. (One of the few other occasions Ua Buachalla was mentioned at all in public was when, in the aftermath of the death of King George V in January 1936, he had to reply to messages of condolence sent to the Irish people by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the United States Secretary of State Cordell Hull.)
On de Valera’s instruction, Ua Buachalla did not reside in the official residence of the governor-general, the Viceregal Lodge (now called Áras an Uachtaráin, the residence of the President of Ireland). Instead a house was rented for his use. The official English title Governor-General was largely replaced by the official Irish title Seanascal or its direct translation, Seneschal; however, Governor-General remained the legal form used in official English-language documents and proclamations.” Wiki.
(Since an oil spill would not be a natural disaster, giving an assurance that a natural disaster won’t occur due to deep sea oil and gas drilling is a pretty meaningless statement.) That climate change resulting from chasing down every last possible and remote and difficult and risky source of oil would also be a disaster makes the above statement doubly ridiculous.
Simon Bridges the government minister for energy says he is more than 100 percent confident that that oil would not spill onto New Zealand beaches.
Speaking on TV One’s Q+A programme this morning, the Energy and Resources Minister said he was “confident” oil would not spill on to New Zealand beaches.
Asked if he was 90 per cent or 100 per cent confident, he said: “Well, I’m more than that.”
So how confident is the minister that oil won’t spill on our beaches?
101 percent?
200 percent?
110 percent?
What on earth does this mean anyway?
In other idiocy Simon Bridges said:
“If you look at the permitting process, this is a two-way street – in one way, yes, we need those companies to come here, we want them to spend their money on that, but remember when they do come, when they do put in their application, they must be at best practice, we assess their financial capability, their technical capability and their experience, and if they’re not good enough in New Zealand’s interests they don’t make the cut.”
“They don’t make the cut”, really Minister?
Did even one of the companies that put in an application, have their application declined, did even one, “not make the cut”?
My guess is that every single company that applied got approval, which if true would prove that every single utterance that passes this minister’s lips is pure gooblygook meant to mislead and confuse.
Pleasingly little ex-Crown prosecutor Simon is looking somewhat harried and tired. Unpleasingly that will probably go only to exponentially advancing his hubris and bullshit. Watch ShonKey Python’s recently anointed Minister of Pacific Island Affairs Sam Lotu-Iiga for a simiar effect. Such biddable wee bullshitters and trough-guzzlers.
Top toxic sites among thousands that are part of the $5.15 billion settlement with Anadarko Petroleum Corp. with approximate amount of funding for cleanup efforts and details about the sites, as provided by the Justice Department:
—Henderson, Nev.: $1.118 billion for prospective cleanup costs.
Groundwater at a former chemical manufacturing facility in Henderson, Nev., has been impacted by hexavalent chromium and perchlorate, a chemical used to produce rocket fuel, due to the since the 1940s.
—Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines: $985 million for prospective cleanup costs.
Kerr-McGee left abandoned uranium mine sites, including contaminated waste rock piles, in the Lukachukai mountains of Arizona and in the Ambrosia Lake area of New Mexico. The Lukachukai mountains are located immediately west of Cove, Ariz., and are a culturally significant part of the Navajo Nation; the Ambrosia Lake area is just outside the Navajo Nation. The mining occurred from the late 1940s through the 1960s in the Lukachukai area and from the 1950s to the 1980s in Ambrosia Lake.
—Manville, N.J.: $217 million for past response costs; $4.5 million in natural resource damage penalties to be paid to New Jersey as natural resources trustee.
The proceeds the Environmental Protection Agency will receive for this site cover EPA’s past costs expended at the site. While they will not address ongoing threats to human health and the environment, they will reimburse the significant response costs EPA spent at the site out of the Superfund. From 1910 until the mid-1950s, the site was used as a wood treatment facility, which occupied approximately 50 acres in the Borough of Manville.
—Riley Pass, S.D.: $179 million for prospective work.
The site is located in the North Cave Hills area of Harding County, S.D., primarily on a series of bluffs within the Custer National Forest where strip mining of uranium-bearing lignite took place in the 1960s.
—Chicago (Lindsay Light Removal Sites, Streeterville Rights-of-Way and DuSable Park): $119 million for prospective work.
Beginning in 1904 and continuing through the mid-1930s, the Lindsay Light Chemical Co. processed ore to extract radioactive thorium and manufactured gas mantles containing radioactive thorium at three locations in an area in downtown Chicago known as the “Streeterville Area.” Lindsay Light merged with American Potash & Chemical Corp., which was acquired by Kerr-McGee.
—Columbus, Miss.: $67 million for prospective work.
The site is a former wood treatment facility, which began operations in 1928. Kerr-McGee purchased the facility in 1964 and operated it until its decommissioning in 2003. At the facility, wood products were treated with creosote, coal tar, and, until 1976, pentachlorphenol. Open ditches were used by Kerr-McGee for years to transport surface water runoff from the site to Luxapilila Creek. Numerous floods throughout the years spread the creosote contamination and polyaromatic hydrocarbons into the neighboring yards of residents.
With the arrival today of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge batten down the hatches for days and days of terminally obseqious yet sly arse-licking from soon-to-be Sir ShonKey Python of Grossbee-Texter-Upon-Knees.
A display to trump the gold standard in the same set by Rowan Atkinson’s Sir Edmund Blackadder in the court of a royal personage past. Madness marries Merill Lynch.
No offence intended to a calculatedly vaunted sweet couple, fabulously privileged and mercifully immune from the sociopathy of Hurrah Henry Cameron and ATOS.
Announcer: Welcome to your seats, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed the buffet dinner, but even if you didn’t, I know you’ll enjoy our guest speaker tonight who’s taken time off from his rigorous parliamentary schedule to be with us. We are very honored to welcome Sir Marcus Browning MP. Thank you.
Sir Marcus Browning: My Lord Mayor, my Lady Mayoress. My lords, ladies and gentlemen. There comes a time when we must all stand up and be counted. I am therefore standing up now and can be counted. One. To each of you I say you are a one. And ones are about to become singularly important. Because Britain is facing the gravest economic crisis since 1380. And you know many of us still remember that day. The eternal torment, worry, exesperation and all manner of (?). And if we are to quit the lights go out on our lives once more (?), we must ask ourselves crucial questions. Where are we? How did we get here? Why did we come? Where do we want to go? How do we want to get to where we want to go? How far do we have to go before we get to where we want to be? How would we know where we were when we got there? HAVE WE GOT A MAP? Why did we leave places to get to where we are? Where were we before that we had to leave to get to where we before we knew we’re going to go to where we want to be? Where would we end up if we had the choice? Where would we end up if we didn’t have the choice? What would we choose given the choice? Do we have that choice to choose? Or indeed can we be choosy about the choice choosings? What are the choosings? Choices! Do we want to stop now? (Rhetorical.) Or do we want to go right back to the beginning and start all over again. Perhaps not. But surely you can see my point. Because what I’m talking about is life. Because life is one of those things that most of us find it very difficult to avoid. In the words of (?) “life is uncertain.” My life certainly has a certain uncertainty about it. And I’m certain yours does too. So with my uncertainty and your uncertainty there’s certainly a certain degree of uncertainty about, of that we can be quite sure. So let’s buckle down, shall we? Purpose is what we’re striving for. We must have purpose. We mustn’t be purposeless. We mustn’s exhibit purposnessless. We must be purposelessnessless. Because we don’t want to end up, do we? Because we don’t want to end up, do we? Like the blind man in the dark room looking for the black cat that isn’t there.
How come simon bridges is 100%+ sure.
I can tell you the wheels have fallen off Nactionals drill it mine it at any cost policy.
Its dead in the water gone along with Anadarko no reoverable amounts of oil or gas have been found.
So bridges is desperate by expanding the exploration area is trying to rescue a Failed policy.
did you ctch the 6 billion payout anadarko is having to make for its fucking up of the environment in the US since about 1930? I would say they probably consider it money well spent…
Not a very good example given Anardarko was started in 1959 and only started activities outside of Texas in 1986. All those examples you listed earlier are historic superfund sites that Anardarko inherited through acquisitions. Your story is really more that “Anardarko owns sites they didn’t pollute in the first place, Anardarko pays to have the sites cleaned up under EPA settlement”. It ‘s likely that when Anardarko acquired a lot of these sites, they didn’t know the full potential liability. Interesting link here which kind of summarises how this generally works:
The real issue for allowing any entity foreign owned or not – to do anything in NZ is to have protections in place so they can’t pull a Union Carbide (or a Kerr-McGee from the above link) if something goes wrong. That’s where I think we need to be really careful. Anardarko is actually recognised as a pretty good corporate citizen – of course that may be relative praise rather than absolute.
It might have been an amount set for them to pay but now comes the extracting of the money, well, well, well that won’t be so simple – lot’s of delaying tactics will be resorted to. And probably some time meeting at resorts too.
And don’t be too nitpicky nadis. Andarko may not have owned them once, but now has them in its portfolio. The point is that An-ko is just a name and other firms doing their damage are just like Andarko and vice versa. The nature of the operation is destructive whatever company does it.
The only comment I would like to make about the visit by the Windsors is this. I understood a constitutional monarch was not allowed to get involved in politics. Black Rod and all that medieval crap. Why is it then they are opening the controversial Velodrome in Cambridge hosted by Wardell (he will get a knighthood for playing at life) where 80% of the ratepayers were against having rate payers money used to fund it, but the regional council aided and abetted by Keys pack of shits ignored what the ratepayers said and went ahead with it.
I think this sets a precedent, the Royals are being used politically by Key during an election year.
I assume “Keys pack of shits” = the New Zealand Government.
Just checking.
How are they being used politically? There are no conventions in New Zealand about royal visits in election year. Visits in 1981 and 2002 were both within 6 months of the elections in those years.
In 2002, the Queen visited Team New Zealand. Many on the Left and the Right had opposed funding for the Americas Cup. Was that the “royals being used politically” by the then Labour Government? No, of course not.
So stop drawing a long bow. Nobody cares much. Just enjoy Kate and the baby. It will take the bitter taste out of your mouth for a while. Maybe you can even enjoy life during the royal tour.
As ignorant of this topic as you are of real world economics, S Rylands.
In 2011 Prince William didn’t come to the Rugby World Cup because it was too close to the last election and while the Queen was in Australia that year she decided against crossing the Tasman.
I’m not drawing a line. I don’t care about the royal tour and I don’t see any reason why it should affect the election this year. Much fuss about something irrelevant to modern New Zealand.
Pete you should write for The Civilian. In fact whenever I see anything of yours longer than three lines I start thinking I am reading The Civilian. I particularly like this one although you can pretty much take your pick:
check the front cover of the womens weekly, mr & mrs key holding fluffy puppies (!!!) with the headline ‘john & bronaghs royal surprise’ & tell me again how this whole tour is not a publicity stunt for john key/national party.
(how can i ‘enjoy kate & the baby’ ‘enjoy?’ what a weird word in that context. celebrity culture, P.R, idiots gettting sucked in. i could not give a fuk about the royals, but i do give a fuk about the news being hijacked by this BS.)
@idlegus. Thought you were kidding about magazine cover until I went to buy the Woman’s Day and there they were!! That man has no class at all. What was the surprise? Was it a copy of steffi’s attempt at art of which mom and pop were so proud. Oh, and no, I did not buy the magazine, nor will I be in the near future, unless of course if it is featuring our new Prime Minister David Cunliffe.
I think this sets a precedent, the Royals are being used politically by Key during an election year.
We knew that from the day it was announced they were coming.
I was amused a few days ago to hear that John and Bronagh invited them to a “home cooked dinner” at their home but the D&D (very wisely) turned them down on the grounds “they wanted to get back to George in Wellington”. Can you imagine how he would have milked that little tete a tete for all it was worth. Fancy having the gall in election year to even issue the invitation.
is this the dinner key is cooking for John Campbell? After shopping at the market? Is that the Parnell market and la cigale or the Otara market?
I cringe whoever does it, Cunliffe, Hairdo anyone.
They say they dont want their private life as part of public scrutiny… unless it suits them…
IF politicians want to paint themsleves in a particulaar light through their private life then all bets are off imo. Children using class A drugs should be able to be written about. If going tot he market and letting cameras watch them cook dinner at home is ok, when it paints them as family and homely etc… then why not scrutinise their parenting via drugs and rinking transgressions of their kids?
Sycophancy to your betters and stepping on those below you, is all part of the National Party tory born to rule class culture that they are trying to stamp on the rest of us.
The sooner these agents of privilege and wealth leave our shores the better.
That wouldn’t be (Pete) George would it ? Wow Pete, you’re connected my bro’ ! Use that one well ya could probably squeeze a reasonable list placement outa ShonKey Python himself.
Nah, Wills and Kate couldn’t handle the prospect of a menu jam packed with the host’s ‘mince’ and “Georgie Pie tickle tickle tickle say hello to uncle”. Kid spews on that shit I’m told.
Seemingly though the final straw was the spot of preprandial tennis ShonKey planned for out the back at facsimile Gushing Meadows.
i havn’t got the link, but, someone on ‘open Mike’ as late as last week provided a link that showed far from the common perception the Queen does have power of veto over the English Parliament,
This power of veto has apparently been used numerous times, Yay for the good of society we all might think as the descendant of an Irish Piss Pot emptier refused to allow Legislation that would hurt the masses,
Hardly, it seems the only Legislated that attracts the Woyal veto is that which threatens the income stream of the Bludgers…
It appears that Her Maj was not consulted about the intentions of the Australian Governor General to dismiss the Whitlam Government, although appears may change in time as Government documents of a secretive nature become less secretive,
The claim is that after the ‘dismissal’ both Whitlam and the Australian Speaker of the House at the time contacted Buckingham Palace and were told the Queen would not intervene,(which begs the question why have a Queens representative if She will never either agree or disagree with such actions),
John Kerr, the Governor General who dismissed the Whitlam Government was on 30 March 1977 awarded the Knights Grand Cross an award only able to be bestowed by Her Maj, so She was obviously not displeased,
The constitutional arrangement is that the Queen doesnt intervene ever even though technically she is head of state. From memory the Whitlam situation was pretty cut and dried – his government could not pass matters of supply as they didn’t have a majority, and Whitlam being a complete cock refused to negotiate with any of the opposition. So the govt was dissolved. At the time I’m not sure anyone except his hard core supporters were offended. Wonnder what would have happened if he had continued to be recalcitrant. Trespass order banning him from parliament??
I attended a conference in Australia many years ago at which Whitlam spoke…and spoke and spoke. He came across to me as a self obsessed bore with very little social sensitivity. He argued at length that the behaviour of Australians towards Aborigines was evidence that Australians were not racist. An arse.
I would suspect thats hes already cooked his leadership goose. And as Mrs Collins doesnt have good long term prospects either, its either Jonny B Good staying on longer, or you get Steve Joyce.
And as the leader of the Nats is quite likely to also be the PM, who would you choose?
No it doesn’t. MANA was pretty unequivocal in rejecting an alliance last time. Gareth Morgan is also speaking at the AGM – don’t think he’s wanting to start a party. In any case I really can’t see MANA wanting to associate itself with a leering charicature of every egocentric arrogant rich prick capitalist ever. He’s basically just a larger version of John Key with more criminal convictions and less restraint.
Gareth might be looking for a political vehicle to promote His UBI theme, i can well imagine He could become a major donor to the Mana Party should they begin to openly campaign for such a major change to Welfare/Tax policy in New Zealand,
i would say the Mana/internet alliance is far from dead in the water, should DotCom cede welfare/housing/employment policy to Mana while Mana does the same adopting the Internet Parties internet policies then we have the foundations of a workable alliance of the two,
It then becomes a negotiation over how much resources DotCom and/or the Internet Party are willing to commit to such a Mana/Internet alliance and just as important WHEN,
Along with this will be the possibly more fraught negotiation over the divvying up of any electoral spoils after the election and just who the Internet Candidates who might enter the Parliament will be, as i doubt that the rules would allow both Mana and Internet to campaign as separate entities during the election and then combine their votes after the count,this will be the tough part of any negotiation,
I would suggest that Mana approach this part of the negotiation on a 2 to 1, 2 to 1 basis so that the first 2 seats would go to Mana the next one to the Internet Party and so on, so with four seats if that were the possible gain from this alliance Mana would have 3 seats and Internet 1 in the next Parliament,
Such an outcome would be one that i am very likely to vote for…
You only have a workable alliance of the two if MANA is going to completely chuck out the ideologies and values they are telling the voters they represent. I don’t have a problem with Labour doing that sort of thing because the shine came off their apple a long time ago and we urgently need rid of the Nats. MANA would look like they are cosying up to their token amoral capitalist cartoon for power over values, and that is entrely contrary to how they want to position themselves in the public view.
If mana had any self respect and internal consistency they should tell Dotcom we’ll do a policy deal but your guys come way down the list, like 10 at best. Do we really want individuals handpicked by Dotcom for their compliancy (to him) to potentially go into parliament. Lets not lose sight of the fact that the Dotcom party is a single issue party and that single issue is deportation.
Mind you #3 on the mana list is a low probability slot anyway.
I agree, I don’t see why a shallow flashy international multimillionaire with only a superficial connection to NZ should get to hand-pick mps based on their compliancy to him.
I’m getting a subtext here that its not ok for someone who has money to have any socialist leanings.
So following that line of thought David Cunliffe shouldn’t be in the Labour Party. So the Nats were right all along./sarc
“Do you believe in a welfare state?
yes. definitely.
Should a health system be free?
Should the rich pay a higher tax rate?
Given that the questions were from a left social democratic framework, then sure, not socialist. But a very long way away from unadulterated right wing tosh or even the pap fed us via mainstream media.
Yes, he prefers deregulation and decriminalisation of cannabis, with the former being arguably a right wing perspective and the latter…well, both a left and right perspective.
Mostly just the sources I was meaning to refer to felix 😉 The mainstream pap might not be as extreme as right wing tosh, but from my perspective, the difference is kinda irrelevant…they are on the same (to me, unacceptable) area of the traditional political spectrum.
the Queen HRH Elisabeth II is a Socialist, she lives very frugally and she hated Margaret Thatcher….. and her son Charles is a Greenie…not sure about the Duke though…he is a stirrer so he could be a Winnie type or a Trotskyite or a UFO expert ( say no more ) …under cover of course
really darhls !…money is such a burden …and having to be on your best behaviour ALL the time!!!!!….what a pain…no swearing in public ….no saying “sod off you bloody FUCKWIT”…no farting in public or picking your nose and …… it……and having to be polite about the IRA when they blew up your favourite uncle….no toe sucking at the beach, even if it is discreet …..or naughty conversations to your lover over the telephone…because the GCSB is sure to be watching with field glasses and listening in!!!!….but worst of all you may find your self on the front page of one of those scurrilous, disgusting rags that goes for British newspapers…
poor bastards….i feel sorry for them…..they earn their money as PR agents for the Realm and a certain order of ‘civilisation’ imo
The MSM headlines next weekend will predictably be dominated with the boring going ons of the gilded royal couple, with some mention of the Mana conference on the inside pages. But just as sure as the odious grovelling of the MSM will be dominated by news of the royals, the alternative and social media will be white hot with the goings on at the Mana conference.
Asset sales and the TPPA and even deep sea oil drilling may not have mobilised the young as they may have past generations. But internet use is central to their lives. A freerer, cheaper, faster internet, with less government interference, surveillance and spying, and with whatever other youth friendly policy concessions for the low paid that Mana will wring out of Dotcom, I imagine it could be quite a heady mix. Especially if backed up with Dotcom’s money and Mana’s activists.
And for those whinging about lack of TIP policy–there is some on their website–that looks pretty good compared to what the Key gang was originally elected on; a a few meagre A4 sheets of ‘bullet points’, barely a “policy” as we know it to be found. Thats how Crosby Textor and the Hollowmen operate.
Mana has already bumped TIP off supporting National, Te Mana Movement has had more publicity in the last month than the previous year. Mana members have even more reason to want to put the choker chain on the GCSB/SIS/Cops special ops etc than Kim does. And would support removing NZ from 5 eyes.
Hone has also spoken to some of the hard left in Mana about this initiative and a common position is a “sure talk, take it to the members, but no compromise on the social policies”. Sue Bradford may become an outlier on this one, and no disrespect to her being the only standard bearer for beneficiaries for years in parliament, but she is a leaver of organisations. She often leaves a group and then sets up a new one with her loyal coterie from People Centre days. Currently AAAP.
At the end of the day Mana members will determine this and it might not be via some kind of formal vote at Rotorua, may take a bit longer.
Gareth Morgan will also be at the Mana Rotorua conference and supports a form of UBI (though originator Keith Rankin imo seems to retreat further and obfuscate as time goes on and taxing the rich. Hone has no problem talking to rich white guys without wanting to become one.
“Gareth Morgan will also be at the Mana Rotorua conference and supports a form of UBI” Tiger Mountain
Gareth Morgan is also a noted advocate on promoting climate change issues, and I believe there is some policy motions to be voted on around climate change at this conference.
It is quite possible that Mana could steal the ground from under the Green Party on this issue as the Greens in line with the other mainstream parliamentary parties seem determined to do a repeat of their strategy at the last election, and play down climate change.
“The snake has swallowed the elephant in the room…..” election 2011
You know what really strikes me about climate change in the election? It’s the absence. It is as if climate change is nearly completely absent from the campaign. When climate change does pop up, it’s portrayed in simplistic soundbites.
The Greens say anthropogenic climate change is real and we have a detailed wonk-friendly exposition on our website, but for this election we are running with “jobs, kids, rivers”
No explicit talk of cutting back emissions, or stopping new coal mines, or deep sea oil.
Though fracking is mentioned this is all mute as the Green Party say they will have no bottom lines in their quest for cabinet positions.
In contrast to this, a motion to be voted at the Mana conference, and coming with the recommendation of the leadership, is that Mana will not seek to go into coalition with the Labour Party, leaving the Mana MPs free to push their issues and not bound by Labour’s majority in cabinet forcing them to go along with every issue that government imposes.
tiger mountain yes!!! & what bad12 said above, its makes sense that mana keep all the social & housing issues, & the internet party have some incredible & NEW ideas about the internet. & if anyone would cozy up to some rich guy & not get compromised imo it would be ppl like hone & annette sykes. i hope they go for it.
Odd broken link there Tiger. Try this On the face of it, given they’re a brand new party, the policy looks interesting.
“Hone has no problem talking to rich white guys without wanting to become one.”
Bear in mind who will be leading TVNZ’s election coverage this year and read and weep.
It’s less about bias than the awful combination of ego and lack of intelligence.
Generation Zero has given permission for their article to be reposted everywhere.
Is Mike Hosking the smartest man alive?
Apr 3, 2014 // by Jimmy Green // Uncategorized // No Comments
Did you see Seven Sharp on Tuesday?
Presenter Mike Hosking made a revolutionary announcement – that he doesn’t believe in science, and you shouldn’t either.
You can see it here – at 22:46
Referencing the recent IPCC report that outlines the current state of climate science, he said,
“That’s of course, if you believe them, which as it turns out I don’t.”
Mike went on to lay out his counter-argument, in an admirably bold attempt to overturn the entire global 20 year scientific consensus,
“I mean if Metservice struggles with the accuracy of a 5-day forecast I’m thinking a long range prediction that takes in 86 years might be a bit dodgy.”
What Mike apparently doesn’t know is that, believe it or not, short term weather forecasting and climate change science are two totally different things. People get this wrong a lot – check out these guys trying to dispel the myth using the powerful force of British humour! Scientifically, there’s as much certainty that humans are the main thing causing climate change as there is that smoking causes cancer. If a journalist just decided they didn’t believe that and told the people of New Zealand to go out and smoke to their hearts content, they’d probably get fired.”
Wow we agree on something. Yes it was fuckwited and shameful. We should debate the best response to climate change. But when some on the right simply say it is not happening, I shut down.
Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
Don’t criticize what you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
The old road is rapidly aging
So get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand
For the times they are a changing
“Bear in mind who will be leading TVNZ’s election coverage this year and read and weep.” Tracey
All good Tracey. It will hasten their demise, and accelerate the rise of the alternative media. The sooner the better.
This is a public meeting to discuss The Employment Relations Amendment Act and how the proposed changes will affect union members and workers. There will be three guest speakers followed by an open discussion on the changes and what action may be taken to prevent this anti worker bill being passed.
As as so often been the case in recent years, Peter Dunne holds the critical vote.
The meeting is being hosted by People’s Power Ohariu and is being held at the Uniting Church, 18 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington. All welcome!
Suppose it is a slow news day but Morning Report seem to drift aimlessly from one non-story to another non-story this morning. Even the Monday morning slot now dedicated to the flat sounding PM was a bit pointless. Tomorrow will be the weekly slot for David Cunliffe. Hope that is a bit sharper Guyon.
Maybe it is just me? Maybe I am so excited about the royal visit that everything else is so ordinary? Ha!
Luckily the dog was demanding his walk just as Espiner introduced the PM. I didn’t have to endure even a moment of the mangled whining that passes for comment from John Key.
You didn’t miss anything. The PM was maybe very tired having spent his sleepless night scheming of ways of getting his photos took multiple times – with those Windsor Beneficiaries. Baby kissing little George perhaps or a threeway handshake? That would work well.
Or he perhaps he had a hangover?
You have only a couple more hours to wait ianmac. The Royals arrive at noon and TV1 will be reporting it live – that is, if the blanket of fog lifts in time otherwise they’ll have to hot-foot it to Palmy? 🙂
In my day we kids were forced to line the streets and watch the Queen sweep past in a blur. We cheered but that was because we were given most of the day off school. Hooray! And then to curry favour NZ schools were given a Royal Public holiday as well. Hooray!
i heard that very boring rnz morning show too, def wasnt just you. seemed to be the same 3 stories over & over, & same information over & over. i turned off key, but heard some of the replays during the news, & he was all muffled. also a strange silence to the whole show, def needs some pepping up otherwise i might try some other monring station (i know radiolive sux but marcus lush at least puts a bit of effort into it).
Sixty years ago Grandad was a town councilor when he and Grandma were scheduled to greet Queenie at the local railway station. Reputedly Grandma refused saying – that woman’s family have already had two of my sons so I’ll be buggered if I’ll curtsey to the bitch.
Lolz, as kids we were all taken off to the local hall,an ex US army facility left over from world war 2, to watch the Saturday movie,
As they did in those long ago days, god Save the Queen was played befor the fillim got to roll, everyone including all the kids,obviously obeying their mum or dads instructions/example stood to attention while this drab dirge blared out of the speakers,
Except us four kids and 1 mum who kept their buttes firmly attached to their seats refusing to acknowledge there was any respect attached to the House of Windsor having not that many years previously dropped its German title in favor of the more English sounding one…
When we talk of the British royal family being German, aren’t we engaging in the very immigration bashing that liberals should despise (also for argument sake since I know what you’re like Bad12, I recognise that you didn’t actually call them German in that post but I’m speaking of several occasions on the Standard where I’ve seen people do this).
The current royal family are British. They were born in Britain. The last monarch who was actually born outside of Britain was George II in 1683. By the time George III came around, he was born in Britain, spoke English as his first language and never visited his ancestral homeland. The Royal Family have been British for nearly three hundred years. They’re no more German than every non-Maori person of New Zealand is the nationality of their European descent.
All this “they’re actually German” rubbish just reinforces the right-wing trope that immigrants can never truly become a part of their new country. Which leads to disquiet and unease and general negative attitudes towards immigration.
Words matter.
Also, even leaving out the immigration side of things, it is absolutely idiotic. They really aren’t German. The family has been British since before New Zealand was a country.
And Phillip, the grand-daddy of the current pair of bludgers arriving to sup at the New Zealand trough is the epitome of English breeding right Gallstone…
From 1714 to 1901 all those on the throne of Britain were German on the current seat warmers side of the family,
Obviously from both sides of His family the Husband of the current seat warmer was thoroughly German even if this was somewhat masked by His attachment to the Greek and Danish thrones,
The fact is that this ”oh so British royal family” celebrate Christmas not on the 25th of December as the masse of their ‘subjects’ do, instead as is the thoroughly German tradition they celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December,
Are they British, Pfft, they are British Germans just as Samoans born in New Zealand as a majority do not use the term New Zealander as a self descriptive preferring instead the term New Zealand Samoan…
Seriously? You’re saying that Queen Elizabeth and her children and grand-children are still German (albeit “British German”)?
If you are, I’m just flabbergasted. There’s no way I can even logically respond to such a stance. It’s absolute stupidity.
This is the entrenchment of national identities. When you’re having a dig at the Royals, it’s harmless. But when extended across society, this leads to all types of anti-immigration and xenophobia drivel.
And if you’re saying you only do it to the Royals, then it’s hypocritical.
Exactly Gallstone, they are Britons of German extraction, as i point out above they still retain at least one significant German custom,(and who knows how many more when ensconced behind closed doors),
Given a DNA test they all would show by genetics a strong line of German inheritance from the gene pool,
The fact that you are flabbergasted is of little surprise to me and since when has lack of logic prevented you from replying to anything,
Your illogic would include labelling me as a ‘liberal’, ask any of the Island Bay Italians for instance,(having already pointed out to you the New Zealand Samoans), they will happily describe themselves as Italian even where at least 3 generations have been born here in New Zealand and have never been to Italy…
My hybrid GB/NZ daughter, born here, considers herself to be 100% kiwi – Do I tell her she’s wrong, despite her passport and citizenship saying otherwise?
But that’s a straw man. It’s their right to culturally identify with what they culturally identify with.
That’s my whole point.
The Royal Family culturally identifies as British and have been born and lived in Britain for the past three hundred years. If they want to be British (and they do), then their British.
When you call them German, you’re removing the ability for them to determine what they feel most culturally akin to. Some immigrants (like myself) may regard ourselves still of the nationality we came from. Some other immigrants want to regard themselves of their new country.
All your talk of DNA and having the right grandparents is exceedingly xenophobic and conservative.
(Also, my family have opened one present on Christmas Eve. I guess I’m German as well now, even though I’ve never been there and have never identified with that part of my heritage (beyond opening a present on Christmas Eve).
Me, I’m English, for better or worse, ’til death do us part and all that, but my girl is as kiwi as the rest of yous 😉
As long as she doesn’t wear an all black jersey with it’s white feather logo in my house we’ll be good. At least she knows what to put on my headstone :smirk:
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England’s, breathing English air,
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.
And think, this heart, all evil shed away,
A pulse in the eternal mind, no less
Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.
Yes the Woyal family ‘claim’ to identify with all things British so as to ‘fit in’, that same family hastily changed their name from a German one to a British one in an attempt to hide that fact that two German Royal households, one in Germany and one in England were engaged in a war,
The English version of this German dynastic family are simply leeches bludging off of the fabric of the British people and have moved speedily to try and expunge any memory of their German Bloodlines….
@ bad
I can understand why they did that – it seems quite similar to highlighting a particular strand of whakapapa as opposed to another strand. Some of the nastiest fighting i can remember hearing/reading about were between relations – brothers, cousins and so on – all kin. All closely blood related.
The two statements are not contradictory. I couldn’t care less about the Royal Visit.
I would support keeping the monarchy. I know I’m an outlier being a Brit myself, but I suspect much like in Britain, there’s a fair few Kiwis who don’t buy into the personality cult of excitement of the royals daily lives while still supporting the system of the monarchy itself.
And to pre-empt the various arguments over how silly it is to keep the monarchy, I agree with you completely. But rather like my desire for Scotland to stay in the UK, it’s a heart over head matter.
I guess for me it comes down to why we need to have them here spending our money on hosting, travel, security. If they want to come, they can pay for everything.
They may be lovely people and every other nation that has become a republic remains int he Commonwealth. They attend the commonwelath games and the CW forum etc…
It’s merely a statement that we are our own nation.
I have no idea if it means Key would have to get s his knighthood or from Jerry or could still go to buckhouse to get it, like Doug Graham did.
I find the title system far more offensive than the queen as pretend head of state frankly.
I like the title system when it used correctly. Again, I’ll have to talk from my UK-centric perspective, but a while back the honours system was used to celebrate the unsung heroes of society. Sure, some celebrities and sports stars have always been honoured. But a lot of charity workers, community workers, authors and artists and so on were the recipients of honours. A small thanks for a life of service.
It’s only lately where it’s been given to bankers and footballers and so on that I feel the honours system has lost it’s way.
Again, heart over head matter. I like the trappings of history if we can avoid the baggage of it.
I don’t consider myself English or Scottish. I’m British. I was born in England. But my father was Scottish. A section of my ancestors were Scots. Another part was English. I spent time in both Scotland and England. I value both those culture together and regard myself as British. I love New Zealand, but Britain is still my home and my country. Ever since I was a little boy I was British. Despite the arguments in favour and against, I can’t really engage in the debate because all I can see is the tearing apart of my home.
It’s very much my heart taking charge of the debate.
I have empathy with Disraeli Gladstone’s viewpoint. My parents were English – born and bred. They arrived here the day NZ declared war on Germany in 1939. Despite the fact they spent most of their adult lives in NZ, they always regarded themselves as English. Its what you feel in your heart that matters, and there is no doubt that the generations of the British monarchy since George V at the least saw themselves as totally British.
Scottishness doesn’t have anything to do with it Tracy. I’m Scottish…born and bred there, both parents Scottish. But I don’t get to vote. Meanwhile, a woman born in Chelsea whose parents are Indian and English, but who lives in Scotland does get to vote. (Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh) And that’s how it should be.
It’s about economic and political power, not patriotism. And that principally affects only those who live there.
i have no reason to disbelieve what you say bill. i am surprised that born and bred scotts living in scotland see it as a political and economic decision only.
On 21 April 2008, New Zealand Republic released a poll of New Zealanders showing 43% support the monarchy should Prince Charles become King of New Zealand, and 41% support a republic under the same scenario.[76] A poll by the New Zealand Herald in January 2010, before a visit by Prince William to the country found 33.3% wanted Prince Charles to be the next monarch, with 30.2% favouring Prince William. 29.4% of respondents preferred a republic in the event Queen Elizabeth died or abdicated
The poll, by Curia Market Research, was commissioned by New Zealand Republic. It shows support for a New Zealand Head of State has risen to 44%. Support from people aged 18-30 is at now at 66%. Support for using the next British Monarch as our next head of state has fallen to 46%.
We might well laugh but sadly it is not too far from the reality. Have to get rid of those pesky teachers. All they seem to want to do is teach kids instead of balancing the books.
Mickey Mouse’s ears are freaky. Aside from being one of the most recognisable character icons ever created, did you know they are exactly the same in every image? This is regardless of Mickey’s posing. Be it a profile view, front of face or Mickey looking back over his shoulder at whatever mayhem Pluto is creating. They never change!
A photo in a 1999 USGS report on subsidence captures the drama vividly. It shows scientist Joseph Poland standing next to a utility pole outside Mendota. On the ground is a placard marked 1977. Twenty-eight feet overhead, another sign is nailed to the pole showing where crops once grew: It reads 1925.
As the land subsided, bridges slumped, levees sank and well casings failed. Canals sagged, too, inviting water to loiter in low spots and spill over banks. From 1955 to 1970, damages topped $1.3 billion (in 2013 dollars), according to a new report by the California Water Foundation. All kinds of water conveyance infrastructure was harmed, from pumping plants and canal berms in the Tulare-Wasco area to bridges, pipelines and drain inlets on the Delta-Mendota Canal west of Firebaugh. And then, thanks to massive volumes of surface water that arrived via state and federal aqueducts and canals, pumping slowed and subsidence largely stopped.
It’s amazing how people keep thinking that they can do whatever they like and there not be consequences despite those consequences having happened before. Oh well, I suppose it won’t be long before we see the end of Californian wine production.
Big question: Are we monitoring this stuff in NZ or are we doing the same as the Californians and just using it as if there’s no limit?
Okay, why do cyclists run reds? Well firstly they don’t
run reds, that would be quite legal as getting off the
bike and running carrying the bike over their heads is
quite legal.
Second, red light don’t detect cyclists and so cyclist
if they were to obey the rule would have to wait for
a car to drive up behind and flip the lights over.
Third, cyclists are slow, so not only do they have
more chance of being hit when slowing down (increase
cross sectional opportunity for a crash), but they
are also observed for long periods. Especially at lights and so
seen more often running them (even though car drivers
may well run lights more often). Fourth, cycle
lane turns left onto another cycle lane means
cycles only need worry about other cyclists, when red
and cyclist are slow moving and easily avoided,
so transition from lane to cycle lane without any
threat from cars.
Finally, cycle take longer to slow, take more effort
to get moving so cyclist have a predilection to not
stop, whereas red light car jumpers are just gunning
the lights (what cyclist would never do that since no way
could they win!!!)
And finally, finally, car drivers
who run lights are likely when they cycle themselves to also do,
so blame the culture of gunning lights by car drivers for cyclist
running reds.
Roads are designed for motor vehicles, cyclists have
no protection, are unstable at slow speeds (esp. on slopes),
roads have pot holes that effect them far worse,
and so cyclist should be given any benefit of the doubt.
A cyclist rides about twice as fast as a runner, its hardly
a competition between them and cars.
The idea that drivers have equal rights to cyclists is absurd and
abusive, since those disabled by using their own strength
without recourse to an engine, seat belts, power brakes, etc
are always going to come off worse, so drivers should always
err on their side, and be cautious.
And so when Moro again brings up the issue why is it so anti-cyclists,
why does Moro defend the strong against the weak and exposed?
1: that would be jaywalking
2: Press the button to cross, like I do on my motor scooter
3: But the percentage of cyclists observed seems to be quite high, in my experience. Compared to motor vehicles.
4: They don’t need to worry about the law? That’s how accidents happen.
finally1: gunning vs not stopping doesn’t make much difference when they’ve built up some downhill speed.
finally2: if car drivers jumped off a cliff, would cyclists? And as you point out, cars can brake quickly or gun the throttle if they misjudged while braking the law. Cyclists can’t. And cyclists are the least obvious and most vulnerable on the road. On a motor scooter, I have similar vulnerabilities – I choose to not take gambles.
Cyclists should also err on the side of caution, because they are the most vulnerable. And they’re choosing to take themselves into close proximity of heavy machinery that moves at speed and is often controlled by dickheads. If a car strikes a cycle, it’s usually the car driver at fault (or at least another vehicle driver that put the cyclist in front of the car), AFAIK. However, it’s the cyclist who always comes worse off. If you advocate for cyclists to break the road code, you’re opening the door (so to speak) for idiot vehicle drivers to use the same excuses for their illegal behaviour.
Cyclists who get off can walk their bike across any junction, lights or not. As long as they don’t cause an accident, which they wouldn’t since they would get hurt far worse than any car driver. And in that way cyclists are pedestrians, pedestrians cross roads, all the time, red lights or not. Put it another way, Cyclists, like pedestrians, are not motor vehicles that HAVE to OBEY red lights and can’t get out and push their vehicles through red lights.
I can do that on my motor scooter: a pedestrian with a 2 wheeled trolley.
But we’re talking about cyclists who just ride through the red lights. No walking involved.
If its safe its legal in my opinion because pedestrians do it all the time.
Its like noise. Its the source of the noise that has to turn it down. with respect of vehicles, its the source of engine power.
A Jogger can run as fast as a bike, its no different.
Child ride bikes on the pavement.
Posties do.
Its just a hangover from the motor industry using their abuse of power to deny
alternatives to their industry.
Its actually wrong to frustrate cyclists travel based on the false belief that somehow
someone has actually died from cyclist riding on the foot path. Its wrong because
forcing them into the road where that happens.
Cars have the power to stop, to speed, to evade, they have the safety, they have the technology, the have all the options. As long as a cyclist crosses safely I don’t see a problem. However its just political correctness gone mad to expect a cyclist to walk their cycle across a junction when they can ride across much more safely (quicker!).
As a cyclist growing up in Christchurch I assumed that every car was out to get me. That way I was alert to the potential of injury whenever a car in front or behind or across alerted my consciousness. As a small town NZ cyclist now, I still behave that way to stay alive if possible.
Have spent the day doing a bit of ‘royal watching’.
Wandering through various news sites, but mainly exploring the explosive multitude of Facebook pages that are covering the Tour, and reading the comments. The comments…. The comments…
I have witnessed clichés and melees, saw fracas and face offs and every page was rife with half-stated hate speech wallpapered over with carbon copy happy faces. My sincere and undeniable conclusion is an epidemic of cognitive dissonance is running rampant across New Zealand.
our friend Douglas Adams summed it up best
“Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
COINCIDENCE or INTUITION or DESTINY or KARMA?…An interesting Lotto story
A Takaka couple who won more than $7 million with Big Wednesday say it’s all thanks to trusting a woman’s intuition.
After doing the weekly shopping last week one of the winners had a sudden gut feeling that she should pick up a Big Wednesday ticket.
“As I walked to the car I thought, ‘I should get a Big Wednesday ticket’, but I couldn’t really be bothered. But as I walked away my intuition told me that I would regret not buying that ticket – so I popped back into the store and grabbed one,” said the winner, who wishes to remain anonymous. The couple watched Big Wednesday that night and soon knew they had won a big prize.
“I just started screaming,” said the winner. “I fell to my knees and shouted to my husband: ‘We’ve won!’ He grabbed the ticket, took one look and started screaming too.”
The winners double checked their numbers against the official results online before getting too excited.
“We jumped online to MyLotto and stared at the computer screen waiting for the results to come up. We were refreshing the page every couple of seconds . . . it was a painful wait.”
When their prize was confirmed, the couple say they got so excited that one of them hurt their leg jumping up and down.
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Three weeks in, and the 24/7 news cycle is not helping anyone feel calm and informed about the second Trump presidency. One day, the US is threatening 25% trade tariffs on its friends and neighbours. The reasons offered by the White House are absurd, such as stopping fentanyl coming in ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). Wherever you look, you'll hear headlines claiming we've passed 1.5 degrees of global warming. And while 2024 saw ...
Photo by Heather M. Edwards on UnsplashHere’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s politics and economy in the week to Feb 10 below. That’s ahead of live chats on the Substack App and The Kākā’s front page on Substack at 5pm with: on his column in The ...
Is there anyone in the world the National Party loves more than a campaign donor? Why yes, there is! They will always have the warmest hello and would you like to slip into something more comfortable for that great god of our age, the High Net Worth Individual.The words the ...
Waste and fraud certainly exist in foreign aid programs, but rightwing celebration of USAID’s dismantling shows profound ignorance of the value of soft power (as opposed to hard power) in projecting US influence and interests abroad by non-military/coercive means (think of “hearts and minds,” “hugs, not bullets,” “honey versus vinegar,” ...
Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
We may see a few more luxury cars on Queen Street, but a loosening of rules to entice rich foreigners to invest more here is unlikely to “turbocharge our economic growth”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
A few weeks ago I took a look at public transport ridership in 2024. In today’s post I’m going to be looking a bit deeper at bus ridership. Buses make up the vast majority of ridership in Auckland with 70 million boardings last year out of a total of 89.4 ...
Oh, you know I did itIt's over and I feel fineNothing you could say is gonna change my mindWaited and I waited the longest nightNothing like the taste of sweet declineSongwriters: Chris Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nate Mendel / Taylor Hawkins.Hindsight is good, eh?The clarity when the pieces ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 2, 2025 thru Sat, February 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Today, I stumbled across a Twitter Meme: the ending of The Lord of the Rings as a Chess scenario: It gets across the basic gist. Aragorn and Gandalf offering up ‘material’ at the Morannon allows Frodo and Samwise to catch Sauron unawares – fair enough. But there are a ...
Last week, Kieran McAnulty called out Chris Bishop and Nicola Willis for their claims that Kāinga Ora’s costs were too high.They had claimed Kāinga Ora’s cost were 12% higher than market i.e. private devlopersBut Kāinga Ora’s Chair had already explained why last year:"We're not building to sell, so we'll be ...
Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass - A Fellow at New Zealand IniativeLast week I half-joked that Stuff / The Post’s Luke Malpass1 always sounded like he was auditioning for a job at the New Zealand Initiative.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. For a limited time, subscriptions are 20% off. Thanks ...
At a funeral on Friday, there were A4-sized photos covering every wall of the Dil’s reception lounge. There must have been 200 of them, telling the story in the usual way of the video reel but also, by enlargement, making it more possible to linger and step in.Our friend Nicky ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government’s idea is that the private sector and Community Housing Providers will fund, build and operate new affordable housing to address our housing crisis. Meanwhile, the Government does not know where almost half of the 1,700 children who left emergency housing actually went. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong ...
Oh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youOh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youSongwriters: Alexander Ebert / Jade Allyson CastrinosMorena,I’m on a tight time frame this morning. In about an hour and a half, I’ll need to pack up and hit the road ...
This is a post about the Mountain Tui substack, and small tweaks - further to the poll and request post the other day. Please don’t read if you aren’t interested in my personal matters. Thank you all.After oohing-and-aahing about how to structure the Substack model since November, including obtaining ...
This transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser has not been verified.We’ve announced we are the ‘Yes Government’. Do you like it?Yes, Prime Minister.Dreamed up by the PR team. It’s about being committed to growth. Not that the PR team know anything about ...
The other day, Australian Senator Nick McKim issued a warning in the Australian Parliement about the US’s descent into fascim.And of course it’s true, but I lament - that was true as soon as Trump won.What we see is now simply the reification of the intention, planning, and forces behind ...
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
The infamous over-the-suit T-shirt worn by the PM at a Parliament barbecue has gone on sale to raise funds for children living in poverty, in a TradeMe auction. ...
MONDAYSheriff Seymour rode slowly down the main street of Dodge on his faithful white horse Atlas Network.He liked what he saw.Children were being fed free lunches prepared by kind people who collected the scraps from an offal rendering plant.“Very strongly flavoured liver, such as ox liver, can be soaked overnight ...
Once upon a time it was all about being an astronaut, a firefighter or doctor; but these days kids have their sights set on becoming vloggers or YouTubers.That’s according to a 2019 study by Lego that surveyed 3000 children between the ages of eight to 12 from the US, the ...
Madeleine Chapman reflects on the week that was. From the moment I started high school and realised almost every other girl in my year was at least partially interested in what the boys were up to, I realised that I would be single for life. The feeling wasn’t one of ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Selina Alesana Alefosio.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.On a bright Sunday morning from her grandparent’s home in Pito-one, I spoke with ...
The White Lotus star reflects on her life in TV, including the local ad reference that doesn’t work in Australia, and her bananas co-star on Neighbours.Morgana O’Reilly was scrolling her phone next to her sleeping son on an idle Saturday morning when she got the call confirming that she ...
Claire Mabey explores the pros and cons of puff quotes on book covers.In January, Publishers Weekly put out an article by Sean Manning – publisher of Simon & Schuster’s flagship US imprint – in which he said he’d “no longer require authors to obtain blurbs for their books”.The ...
New Zealand’s Entomological Society is hosting its annual bug of the year contest. Here are some of the insects in the running. For some reason – perhaps humans’ inherent competitiveness, the idealisation of democracy, the need to demarcate winners and losers – one of the best ways to get people ...
A journey along the border, with words and illustrations by Bob Kerr.The Spinoff Essay showcases the best essayists in Aotearoa, on topics big and small. Made possible by the generous support of our members.The Sunset Limited leaves Union Station New Orleans on time at nine in the morning. We ...
Neville Peat is the 2024 recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in nonfiction. He’s written 56 books, mostly on natural history; this excerpt is from The Falcon and the Lark: A New Zealand High Country Journal, first published in 1992. The falcon wintering on the Rock and ...
I was born in the back of my grandfather’s ute, by an overgrown windbreak in a remote place called Wahi-Rakauyou can’t find on a map. I was born a girl but given the man’s name Harvey, as my dad always wanted a violent-minded boy to one day help him ...
It was a light-hearted gesture Greta Pilkington will be forever grateful for – thanks to an Aussie rival who jumped in when the Olympic sailor couldn’t be at her own graduation.Pilkington, then 20, had been leading a double life – while qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics in the ILCA ...
“We’re not here to interfere in people’s property rights,” Ngāi Tahu’s Te Maire Tau has told the High Court.Tau, a historian, Upoko (traditional leader) of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, and a university professor of history, is the lead witness in a case designed to force the Crown to recognise the tribe’s rangatiratanga ...
Pacific Media Watch Trump administration officials barred two Associated Press (AP) reporters from covering White House events this week because the US-based independent news agency did not change its style guide to align with the president’s political agenda. The AP is being punished for using the term “Gulf of Mexico,” ...
By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Presenter/Bulletin editor France’s top diplomat in the Pacific region says talks around the “unfreezing” of New Caledonia’s highly controversial electoral roll are back on the table. The French government intended to make a constitutional amendment that would lift restrictions prescribed under the Nouméa Accord, which ...
By bringing these global voices to the fight for free expression in New Zealand, we’ll continue to protect and expand our culture of free speech, says Nathan Seiuli, the Free Speech Union's Events Manager. ...
The issue is no longer a hypothetical one. US President Donald Trump will not explicitly suggest death camps, but he has already consented to Israel’s continuing a war that is not a war but rather a barbaric assault on a desolate stretch of land. From there, the road to annihilation is ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cecelia Cmielewski, Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University To be selected as the artist and curator team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale is considered the ultimate exhibition for an artistic team. To have your selection rescinded, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening. It’s a monster storm of great concern to Western Australia. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Danielle Ireland-Piper, Associate Professor, ANU National Security College, Australian National University A Victorian government decision to allow dingo culling in the state’s east until 2028 has reignited debate over what has been dubbed Australia’s most controversial animal. Animals Australia, an animal welfare ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hassan Vally, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Deakin University Overnight, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was confirmed as the secretary of the US Health and Human Services Department. Put simply, this makes him the most influential figure in overseeing the health and wellbeing of more ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard eight hours of submissions.Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.It was another work from home day for the Justice Committee, the only people in Room 3 being security guards, committee ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Milad Haghani, Associate Professor & Principal Fellow in Urban Risk & Resilience, The University of Melbourne Juris Teivans/Shutterstock In Australia, fatal road crashes are climbing again, especially since the pandemic, and despite years of attempts to reduce road trauma, the numbers ...
In its eagerness to appease supporters of Israel, the media is happy to ride roughshod over due process and basic rights. It’s damaging Australia’s (and New Zealand’s?) democracy.COMMENTARY:By Bernard Keane Two moments stand out so far from the Federal Court hearings relating to Antoinette Lattouf’s sacking by the ...
“The reality is we’re getting poorer. The government this year is leaning heavy on chasing economic growth, which is absolutely the right thing to do.” ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Granta, $28) Han Kang’s astounding novel was based on an ...
This new docuseries about two single comedians looking for love is also a joyful celebration of female friendship. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here. “How many people do you think are boning right now?” Kura Forrester asks Brynley Stent as the bright ...
A new poem by Freya Turnbull. Hunger Song – After Kaveh Akbar (Untitled With Hunger And Matcheads) I hold my age in ripped fishnet hold an empty vessel oldyoung body cracks like gunshot like killa i was a father ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dominik Koll, Honorary Lecturer, Australian National University View of the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station.NASA Earth must have experienced something exceptional 10 million years ago. Our study of rock samples from the floor of the Pacific Ocean has found ...
Paula Bennett was detained by Police this morning on her way Whenuapai Airport.
She was threatening to bash two English tourists, surnames Windsor, who are unashamed benefit rorters.
The one child family are know to claim millions in England and to live an extravagant lifestyle. Bennett was particularly enraged when she heard they would be claiming English benefit while on holiday and then claiming food, board and travel from NZ taxpayer. The Windsors are known to drink and watch flat screen TVs during the day.
Unfortunately Bennett will be released when the spongers leave the country to do nothing somewhere else.
It has been said of the Windsors that they are the best paid social welfare beneficiaries in the world …
Enjoyed Pagini’s disdain today for the ‘ God like’ Royals on Mora’s afternoon programme. His obvious discomfort with her disrespect. I wonder if her contract will be terminated.
A change from the obsequious fawning servility of the common media fearing for their jobs.
Unfortunately for the Woyals the weather in Wellington is dismal with fog/cloud down to sea level and there is a chance that they could be forced to land at Palmerston North…
No! No! Anywhere but Palmerston North !
I wonder if johnny will make his car go really fast to get there in time?
He can ring Helen for instructions on how to get the driver to speed while not noticing. Only other option would be to get Lundy to drive
no, surely he would never drive too fast, that would be too heinous
betcha he manages to get a photo op of him holding george or at least trying to get a handshake on or near him…betcha
A four way handshake with Key, William, Kate and George with a special lovely little Troty present for Key from George. Will help Key get some more votes for inviting them in an election year. How cool is that!
A gilded cage is a cage nonetheless. The only compassionate response is to offer them asylum.
It just so happens that i have a good used asylum going cheap,the Woyals could spend years enjoying the comforts of its cells and straightjackets having spent years roll playing doing the doctors and nurses thing should come quite naturally to them…
Noticeably absent from our airwaves during this royal tour is the modern international youth anthem “We will never be Royals” by Lorde.
Instead of glorifying privilege, Lorde held up a light up to the nobility of those without money or privilege. But this not a message that John Key and his born to rule tories want us to hear in an election year, hence the need for this extravagant tax payer funded glittering royal tour. Where the modern kiwi MSM continue to grovel and tug its forelock in the traditional peasant way at this symbolic embodiment of enshrined privilege and inequality.
But that kind of love affair ain’t for us, we seek a different kind of buzz
which political party is “courting” her for it as their campaign song….
@ Jenny
That is an extremely cool comment
loling at your comment.
But, seriously….I’m excited about the royals! Is nobody else feeling it?? They are the most level headed/sane of all of the bunch and they are gonna love it here : )
Are you sure you are not confusing ‘level headed’ with this pairs ability to adhere to the old adage ”better to keep the mouth firmly shut and be thought of as idiots than open it and provide proof”…
“But, seriously….I’m excited about the royals! Is nobody else feeling it??”
No Awww. I’m about as indifferent as that weather that bad12 is describing for Wellington today. Besides I descend from Irish and Scots, so the representatives of the English Crown are nothing to get excited about The only excitement they ever got in the past was fighting them.
The flat screen that Not a PS Staffer talks of though, may well be in their itinerary. During a tour of Government house we were informed by the tour guide that previously Wills had enjoyed being entertained in the whatever- it -was -called -room where there IS a large flat screen attached to a wall above a gas fire as well as billiard table and drinks cabinet. I think he was watching the world cup. I wasn’t really listening – I was more interested contemplating the future of the NZ wool industry having being inspired by the ultra plush carpet, made in Christchurch by Di Lana.
I don’t understand what you are looking forward to? Couldn’t you just read about them and others who make a career out of being themselves in the screeds of shallow magazines?
What, is there a royal tour this year? Who won the “holiday in Enzed” this time?
I want to know how many contenders played Paper, Sissors, Rock – we know who lost.
Lols Not a PS Staffer 🙂
and they can afford to travel overseas. Have they stopped receiving income while overseas?
This is how to shut down the whole Royal nonsense .
In the 1930 the Irish Free State had not yet become a republic. DeValera won the 1932 election and when he had to appoint a new DG he appointed a shop keeper who remained behind his store counter!
“De Valera explicitly instructed Ua Buachalla as governor-general to keep a low public profile, and not to fulfil any public engagements. This was part of de Valera’s policy to make the governor-generalship an irrelevance by reducing it to invisibility. While he continued to give the Royal Assent to legislation, summon and dissolve Dáil Éireann and fulfil the other formal duties of the governor-generalship, he declined all public invitations and kept himself invisible, as advised by “his” Government. In fact in his period in office he performed only one public function: the receipt of the credentials of the French Ambassador in the Council Chamber, Government Buildings, 1933, on behalf of the King, George V. However, de Valera subsequently had that duty moved from the governor-general to his own post of President of the Executive Council. (One of the few other occasions Ua Buachalla was mentioned at all in public was when, in the aftermath of the death of King George V in January 1936, he had to reply to messages of condolence sent to the Irish people by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the United States Secretary of State Cordell Hull.)
On de Valera’s instruction, Ua Buachalla did not reside in the official residence of the governor-general, the Viceregal Lodge (now called Áras an Uachtaráin, the residence of the President of Ireland). Instead a house was rented for his use. The official English title Governor-General was largely replaced by the official Irish title Seanascal or its direct translation, Seneschal; however, Governor-General remained the legal form used in official English-language documents and proclamations.” Wiki.
While chumming up with the Nazis
Citation please.
Are you inferring that “neutrality” during WWII was tilted towards the Germans? It was not.
German submarines were allowed to use Irish ports – I don’t recall this privilege being extended to the Allies
Oh look, Pop1 going off half cocked about shit he knows not what of:
Blimey, that’s one for the books.
A natural disaster will not occur as a result of deep sea oil and gas exploration: Govt.
(Since an oil spill would not be a natural disaster, giving an assurance that a natural disaster won’t occur due to deep sea oil and gas drilling is a pretty meaningless statement.) That climate change resulting from chasing down every last possible and remote and difficult and risky source of oil would also be a disaster makes the above statement doubly ridiculous.
Simon Bridges the government minister for energy says he is more than 100 percent confident that that oil would not spill onto New Zealand beaches.
So how confident is the minister that oil won’t spill on our beaches?
101 percent?
200 percent?
110 percent?
What on earth does this mean anyway?
In other idiocy Simon Bridges said:
“They don’t make the cut”, really Minister?
Did even one of the companies that put in an application, have their application declined, did even one, “not make the cut”?
My guess is that every single company that applied got approval, which if true would prove that every single utterance that passes this minister’s lips is pure gooblygook meant to mislead and confuse.
Pleasingly little ex-Crown prosecutor Simon is looking somewhat harried and tired. Unpleasingly that will probably go only to exponentially advancing his hubris and bullshit. Watch ShonKey Python’s recently anointed Minister of Pacific Island Affairs Sam Lotu-Iiga for a simiar effect. Such biddable wee bullshitters and trough-guzzlers.
it’s this Anadarko Bridges defends, right?
“Top toxic sites in Anadarko Petroleum settlement
The Associated Press
Top toxic sites among thousands that are part of the $5.15 billion settlement with Anadarko Petroleum Corp. with approximate amount of funding for cleanup efforts and details about the sites, as provided by the Justice Department:
—Henderson, Nev.: $1.118 billion for prospective cleanup costs.
Groundwater at a former chemical manufacturing facility in Henderson, Nev., has been impacted by hexavalent chromium and perchlorate, a chemical used to produce rocket fuel, due to the since the 1940s.
—Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines: $985 million for prospective cleanup costs.
Kerr-McGee left abandoned uranium mine sites, including contaminated waste rock piles, in the Lukachukai mountains of Arizona and in the Ambrosia Lake area of New Mexico. The Lukachukai mountains are located immediately west of Cove, Ariz., and are a culturally significant part of the Navajo Nation; the Ambrosia Lake area is just outside the Navajo Nation. The mining occurred from the late 1940s through the 1960s in the Lukachukai area and from the 1950s to the 1980s in Ambrosia Lake.
—Manville, N.J.: $217 million for past response costs; $4.5 million in natural resource damage penalties to be paid to New Jersey as natural resources trustee.
The proceeds the Environmental Protection Agency will receive for this site cover EPA’s past costs expended at the site. While they will not address ongoing threats to human health and the environment, they will reimburse the significant response costs EPA spent at the site out of the Superfund. From 1910 until the mid-1950s, the site was used as a wood treatment facility, which occupied approximately 50 acres in the Borough of Manville.
—Riley Pass, S.D.: $179 million for prospective work.
The site is located in the North Cave Hills area of Harding County, S.D., primarily on a series of bluffs within the Custer National Forest where strip mining of uranium-bearing lignite took place in the 1960s.
—Chicago (Lindsay Light Removal Sites, Streeterville Rights-of-Way and DuSable Park): $119 million for prospective work.
Beginning in 1904 and continuing through the mid-1930s, the Lindsay Light Chemical Co. processed ore to extract radioactive thorium and manufactured gas mantles containing radioactive thorium at three locations in an area in downtown Chicago known as the “Streeterville Area.” Lindsay Light merged with American Potash & Chemical Corp., which was acquired by Kerr-McGee.
—Columbus, Miss.: $67 million for prospective work.
The site is a former wood treatment facility, which began operations in 1928. Kerr-McGee purchased the facility in 1964 and operated it until its decommissioning in 2003. At the facility, wood products were treated with creosote, coal tar, and, until 1976, pentachlorphenol. Open ditches were used by Kerr-McGee for years to transport surface water runoff from the site to Luxapilila Creek. Numerous floods throughout the years spread the creosote contamination and polyaromatic hydrocarbons into the neighboring yards of residents.
Read more here:“
A very telling set of incidents Tracey which are not often told. Now are we to be for whom the bell tolls?
With the arrival today of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge batten down the hatches for days and days of terminally obseqious yet sly arse-licking from soon-to-be Sir ShonKey Python of Grossbee-Texter-Upon-Knees.
A display to trump the gold standard in the same set by Rowan Atkinson’s Sir Edmund Blackadder in the court of a royal personage past. Madness marries Merill Lynch.
No offence intended to a calculatedly vaunted sweet couple, fabulously privileged and mercifully immune from the sociopathy of Hurrah Henry Cameron and ATOS.
Lols at you too North:-)
A royal tour with Sir Edmund Blackadder as the guest of honour would surely restore our love for the monarchy
King Edmund of New Zild, has a nice ring to it
baldrick was in town a week or two ago…
or Rowan Atkinson’s Marcus Browning, MP
You need to listen to the audio to get the best impact. For some reason I am put in mind of Dunne.
Listen here
Sir Marcus Browning MP
Announcer: Welcome to your seats, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed the buffet dinner, but even if you didn’t, I know you’ll enjoy our guest speaker tonight who’s taken time off from his rigorous parliamentary schedule to be with us. We are very honored to welcome Sir Marcus Browning MP. Thank you.
Sir Marcus Browning: My Lord Mayor, my Lady Mayoress. My lords, ladies and gentlemen. There comes a time when we must all stand up and be counted. I am therefore standing up now and can be counted. One. To each of you I say you are a one. And ones are about to become singularly important. Because Britain is facing the gravest economic crisis since 1380. And you know many of us still remember that day. The eternal torment, worry, exesperation and all manner of (?). And if we are to quit the lights go out on our lives once more (?), we must ask ourselves crucial questions. Where are we? How did we get here? Why did we come? Where do we want to go? How do we want to get to where we want to go? How far do we have to go before we get to where we want to be? How would we know where we were when we got there? HAVE WE GOT A MAP? Why did we leave places to get to where we are? Where were we before that we had to leave to get to where we before we knew we’re going to go to where we want to be? Where would we end up if we had the choice? Where would we end up if we didn’t have the choice? What would we choose given the choice? Do we have that choice to choose? Or indeed can we be choosy about the choice choosings? What are the choosings? Choices! Do we want to stop now? (Rhetorical.) Or do we want to go right back to the beginning and start all over again. Perhaps not. But surely you can see my point. Because what I’m talking about is life. Because life is one of those things that most of us find it very difficult to avoid. In the words of (?) “life is uncertain.” My life certainly has a certain uncertainty about it. And I’m certain yours does too. So with my uncertainty and your uncertainty there’s certainly a certain degree of uncertainty about, of that we can be quite sure. So let’s buckle down, shall we? Purpose is what we’re striving for. We must have purpose. We mustn’t be purposeless. We mustn’s exhibit purposnessless. We must be purposelessnessless. Because we don’t want to end up, do we? Because we don’t want to end up, do we? Like the blind man in the dark room looking for the black cat that isn’t there.
You would be a fan of How to Win an election or not lose by very much by lesley bricusse and co. I should think. And what I always say….
How come simon bridges is 100%+ sure.
I can tell you the wheels have fallen off Nactionals drill it mine it at any cost policy.
Its dead in the water gone along with Anadarko no reoverable amounts of oil or gas have been found.
So bridges is desperate by expanding the exploration area is trying to rescue a Failed policy.
tricledrown. I had forgotten how closely Simon Bridges words resemble the “Newspeak” of George Orwell’s novel.
Doubleplus good, for reminding me.
did you ctch the 6 billion payout anadarko is having to make for its fucking up of the environment in the US since about 1930? I would say they probably consider it money well spent…
Not a very good example given Anardarko was started in 1959 and only started activities outside of Texas in 1986. All those examples you listed earlier are historic superfund sites that Anardarko inherited through acquisitions. Your story is really more that “Anardarko owns sites they didn’t pollute in the first place, Anardarko pays to have the sites cleaned up under EPA settlement”. It ‘s likely that when Anardarko acquired a lot of these sites, they didn’t know the full potential liability. Interesting link here which kind of summarises how this generally works:
The real issue for allowing any entity foreign owned or not – to do anything in NZ is to have protections in place so they can’t pull a Union Carbide (or a Kerr-McGee from the above link) if something goes wrong. That’s where I think we need to be really careful. Anardarko is actually recognised as a pretty good corporate citizen – of course that may be relative praise rather than absolute.
thank you for the correction.
It might have been an amount set for them to pay but now comes the extracting of the money, well, well, well that won’t be so simple – lot’s of delaying tactics will be resorted to. And probably some time meeting at resorts too.
And don’t be too nitpicky nadis. Andarko may not have owned them once, but now has them in its portfolio. The point is that An-ko is just a name and other firms doing their damage are just like Andarko and vice versa. The nature of the operation is destructive whatever company does it.
i think he goes to the same speech coach as parata.
The only comment I would like to make about the visit by the Windsors is this. I understood a constitutional monarch was not allowed to get involved in politics. Black Rod and all that medieval crap. Why is it then they are opening the controversial Velodrome in Cambridge hosted by Wardell (he will get a knighthood for playing at life) where 80% of the ratepayers were against having rate payers money used to fund it, but the regional council aided and abetted by Keys pack of shits ignored what the ratepayers said and went ahead with it.
I think this sets a precedent, the Royals are being used politically by Key during an election year.
I assume “Keys pack of shits” = the New Zealand Government.
Just checking.
How are they being used politically? There are no conventions in New Zealand about royal visits in election year. Visits in 1981 and 2002 were both within 6 months of the elections in those years.
In 2002, the Queen visited Team New Zealand. Many on the Left and the Right had opposed funding for the Americas Cup. Was that the “royals being used politically” by the then Labour Government? No, of course not.
So stop drawing a long bow. Nobody cares much. Just enjoy Kate and the baby. It will take the bitter taste out of your mouth for a while. Maybe you can even enjoy life during the royal tour.
As ignorant of this topic as you are of real world economics, S Rylands.
In 2011 Prince William didn’t come to the Rugby World Cup because it was too close to the last election and while the Queen was in Australia that year she decided against crossing the Tasman.
The Rugby World Cup was much closer to the election than this tour is to this year’s election.
The cup final was on October 23rd. The election was just over a month later on 26 November.
This royal tour is over four months from the upcoming election.
Where are you drawing the line, Pete?
4 months? 3 months? 6 weeks?
I’m not drawing a line. I don’t care about the royal tour and I don’t see any reason why it should affect the election this year. Much fuss about something irrelevant to modern New Zealand.
on this and the polls i think your are being very naive. of course journalists know they are cherrypicking polls, as do their editors.
you need to read more psychology and less politics to understand impact of winning rugby teams, royal visits and so on.
But Petey thinks the All Blacks have nothing to do with politics.
That must be why John Key doesn’t bother trying to associate himself with them, eh?
Key’s only interest in the Rugby World Cup was to touch the troty and do a three way handshake to make Nuzlind, and indeed the world, happy.
So you mean there is no time that would be too close to an election in your book?
If so then why compare the four months to the one month?
Pete you should write for The Civilian. In fact whenever I see anything of yours longer than three lines I start thinking I am reading The Civilian. I particularly like this one although you can pretty much take your pick:
i assume such a ‘pack’ includes you SSLands…
Nah, S Rylands is unelectable. He does his politics on the job.
True OAB, i was meaning more the inclusion in the ‘pack of shits’ for SSLands as 99% of what It writes here at the Standard is full of it…
check the front cover of the womens weekly, mr & mrs key holding fluffy puppies (!!!) with the headline ‘john & bronaghs royal surprise’ & tell me again how this whole tour is not a publicity stunt for john key/national party.
(how can i ‘enjoy kate & the baby’ ‘enjoy?’ what a weird word in that context. celebrity culture, P.R, idiots gettting sucked in. i could not give a fuk about the royals, but i do give a fuk about the news being hijacked by this BS.)
“tell me again how this whole tour is not a publicity stunt for john key/national party.”
Are you suggesting the royals are actively supporting John Key and National? That’s a long bow you are drawing.
id say it was the other way round. but i cannot think why else a royal celebrity would PR for NZ in an election year.
‘long bow’ … i love how our language is peppered with so many phrases from our history.
@idlegus. Thought you were kidding about magazine cover until I went to buy the Woman’s Day and there they were!! That man has no class at all. What was the surprise? Was it a copy of steffi’s attempt at art of which mom and pop were so proud. Oh, and no, I did not buy the magazine, nor will I be in the near future, unless of course if it is featuring our new Prime Minister David Cunliffe.
Labour has never been averse to the royal effect. Although Clark did break protocol and wear slacks to a dinner with the queen…
I hope Johnny is wearing incontinent pants when he meets them today, he will be so excited, they’r e like family to him.
We knew that from the day it was announced they were coming.
I was amused a few days ago to hear that John and Bronagh invited them to a “home cooked dinner” at their home but the D&D (very wisely) turned them down on the grounds “they wanted to get back to George in Wellington”. Can you imagine how he would have milked that little tete a tete for all it was worth. Fancy having the gall in election year to even issue the invitation.
is this the dinner key is cooking for John Campbell? After shopping at the market? Is that the Parnell market and la cigale or the Otara market?
I cringe whoever does it, Cunliffe, Hairdo anyone.
They say they dont want their private life as part of public scrutiny… unless it suits them…
IF politicians want to paint themsleves in a particulaar light through their private life then all bets are off imo. Children using class A drugs should be able to be written about. If going tot he market and letting cameras watch them cook dinner at home is ok, when it paints them as family and homely etc… then why not scrutinise their parenting via drugs and rinking transgressions of their kids?
Sycophancy to your betters and stepping on those below you, is all part of the National Party tory born to rule class culture that they are trying to stamp on the rest of us.
The sooner these agents of privilege and wealth leave our shores the better.
I am surprised that Key didn’t invite the queen for a game of golf.
(Or at least planking!)
That wouldn’t be (Pete) George would it ? Wow Pete, you’re connected my bro’ ! Use that one well ya could probably squeeze a reasonable list placement outa ShonKey Python himself.
Nah, Wills and Kate couldn’t handle the prospect of a menu jam packed with the host’s ‘mince’ and “Georgie Pie tickle tickle tickle say hello to uncle”. Kid spews on that shit I’m told.
Seemingly though the final straw was the spot of preprandial tennis ShonKey planned for out the back at facsimile Gushing Meadows.
i havn’t got the link, but, someone on ‘open Mike’ as late as last week provided a link that showed far from the common perception the Queen does have power of veto over the English Parliament,
This power of veto has apparently been used numerous times, Yay for the good of society we all might think as the descendant of an Irish Piss Pot emptier refused to allow Legislation that would hurt the masses,
Hardly, it seems the only Legislated that attracts the Woyal veto is that which threatens the income stream of the Bludgers…
The queens power of veto (as wielded by the governer general) was used in Australia in 1975 when the Whitlam Labour government was dissolved.
True, i must have a little look to see if She that wears the Crown and warms the seat had an actual involvement…
It appears that Her Maj was not consulted about the intentions of the Australian Governor General to dismiss the Whitlam Government, although appears may change in time as Government documents of a secretive nature become less secretive,
The claim is that after the ‘dismissal’ both Whitlam and the Australian Speaker of the House at the time contacted Buckingham Palace and were told the Queen would not intervene,(which begs the question why have a Queens representative if She will never either agree or disagree with such actions),>No64-August2005
John Kerr, the Governor General who dismissed the Whitlam Government was on 30 March 1977 awarded the Knights Grand Cross an award only able to be bestowed by Her Maj, so She was obviously not displeased,
The constitutional arrangement is that the Queen doesnt intervene ever even though technically she is head of state. From memory the Whitlam situation was pretty cut and dried – his government could not pass matters of supply as they didn’t have a majority, and Whitlam being a complete cock refused to negotiate with any of the opposition. So the govt was dissolved. At the time I’m not sure anyone except his hard core supporters were offended. Wonnder what would have happened if he had continued to be recalcitrant. Trespass order banning him from parliament??
I attended a conference in Australia many years ago at which Whitlam spoke…and spoke and spoke. He came across to me as a self obsessed bore with very little social sensitivity. He argued at length that the behaviour of Australians towards Aborigines was evidence that Australians were not racist. An arse.
They routinely interfere with the parliament.
Simon bridges is one of the few people who looks and sounds crap on Tv AND fact he sounds worse on radio than he looks on TV.
he sounds like john key
They are talking about him as a future National leader.
Shit they are desperate.
He is even more of a lightweight than the fool they have in charge now. Will they ever learn what turns off New Zealanders.
Smug, rich aresholes.
I would suspect thats hes already cooked his leadership goose. And as Mrs Collins doesnt have good long term prospects either, its either Jonny B Good staying on longer, or you get Steve Joyce.
And as the leader of the Nats is quite likely to also be the PM, who would you choose?
Kim Dotcom to speak at Mana AGM….looking GOOD for Mana and Kim Dotcom !
No it doesn’t. MANA was pretty unequivocal in rejecting an alliance last time. Gareth Morgan is also speaking at the AGM – don’t think he’s wanting to start a party. In any case I really can’t see MANA wanting to associate itself with a leering charicature of every egocentric arrogant rich prick capitalist ever. He’s basically just a larger version of John Key with more criminal convictions and less restraint.
Gareth might be looking for a political vehicle to promote His UBI theme, i can well imagine He could become a major donor to the Mana Party should they begin to openly campaign for such a major change to Welfare/Tax policy in New Zealand,
i would say the Mana/internet alliance is far from dead in the water, should DotCom cede welfare/housing/employment policy to Mana while Mana does the same adopting the Internet Parties internet policies then we have the foundations of a workable alliance of the two,
It then becomes a negotiation over how much resources DotCom and/or the Internet Party are willing to commit to such a Mana/Internet alliance and just as important WHEN,
Along with this will be the possibly more fraught negotiation over the divvying up of any electoral spoils after the election and just who the Internet Candidates who might enter the Parliament will be, as i doubt that the rules would allow both Mana and Internet to campaign as separate entities during the election and then combine their votes after the count,this will be the tough part of any negotiation,
I would suggest that Mana approach this part of the negotiation on a 2 to 1, 2 to 1 basis so that the first 2 seats would go to Mana the next one to the Internet Party and so on, so with four seats if that were the possible gain from this alliance Mana would have 3 seats and Internet 1 in the next Parliament,
Such an outcome would be one that i am very likely to vote for…
You only have a workable alliance of the two if MANA is going to completely chuck out the ideologies and values they are telling the voters they represent. I don’t have a problem with Labour doing that sort of thing because the shine came off their apple a long time ago and we urgently need rid of the Nats. MANA would look like they are cosying up to their token amoral capitalist cartoon for power over values, and that is entrely contrary to how they want to position themselves in the public view.
Thats a ridiculous statement PoP’s and deserves no other answer than Ha–Ha,what a load…
Are you saying that Dotcom isn’t a cliche stereotype of the egocentric amoral capitalist?
Nah, i am saying what a load, nothing unusual as far as what you produce goes tho…
Sill me – I forgot I was dealing with a purile little creep
Yes i understand your loathing having to deal with yourself on a daily basis must be a real struggle…
If mana had any self respect and internal consistency they should tell Dotcom we’ll do a policy deal but your guys come way down the list, like 10 at best. Do we really want individuals handpicked by Dotcom for their compliancy (to him) to potentially go into parliament. Lets not lose sight of the fact that the Dotcom party is a single issue party and that single issue is deportation.
Mind you #3 on the mana list is a low probability slot anyway.
I agree, I don’t see why a shallow flashy international multimillionaire with only a superficial connection to NZ should get to hand-pick mps based on their compliancy to him.
But that’s the National Party List for you, eh?
you sir, are on fire today.
Pop you are too too old!!!! fact methinks you could be fossilised
…I like the look of Hone and Kim( look like the Blues Brothers)….almost tempted to VOTE for HONEY’SKIM
….but us CHOOKS love our greens……however the teenage son will be voting for them.
pics of Blue Brothers cf Hone and kim
pics of Blue Brothers cf Hone and Kim
Populuxe1: “He’s basically just a larger version of John Key with more criminal convictions and less restraint.”
Ha, exactly right. As others have noted, if Key hadn’t ruined Dotcom’s life, he would’ve been Key’s biggest, most public, and richest supporter.
“Ha, exactly right. As others have noted, if Key hadn’t ruined Dotcom’s life, he would’ve been Key’s biggest, most public, and richest supporter.”
That wouldn’t have surprised me in the slightest
I’m getting a subtext here that its not ok for someone who has money to have any socialist leanings.
So following that line of thought David Cunliffe shouldn’t be in the Labour Party. So the Nats were right all along./sarc
Can you point to examples of DotCom’s socialist leanings?
From about 10:25 on.
Examples please.
I just played it and I didn’t hear anything that suggests he’s particularly socialist. Certainly no more socialist than any ordinary kiwi.
certainly no more socialist than national.
i think dotcom mistakenly thought banks was a libertarian.
“Do you believe in a welfare state?
yes. definitely.
Should a health system be free?
Should the rich pay a higher tax rate?
Given that the questions were from a left social democratic framework, then sure, not socialist. But a very long way away from unadulterated right wing tosh or even the pap fed us via mainstream media.
Yes, he prefers deregulation and decriminalisation of cannabis, with the former being arguably a right wing perspective and the latter…well, both a left and right perspective.
“But a very long way away from unadulterated right wing tosh or even the pap fed us via mainstream media.”
There’s a distinction between the pap and the tosh?
Mostly just the sources I was meaning to refer to felix 😉 The mainstream pap might not be as extreme as right wing tosh, but from my perspective, the difference is kinda irrelevant…they are on the same (to me, unacceptable) area of the traditional political spectrum.
And you actually believed .com was telling the truth? Or that any politician does? Naive.
Well Rodel. Obviously I was only listening to what he said. And since people were asking what it was that he said that indicated ‘leftness’…
perhaps you misused socialist in your first comment.
he did say he thinks the rich should pay more tax but he also said the ip is for the “tax savy”.
he believes in welfare.
mostly he believes in nz having a data and internet industry within which he can be an entrepreneur.
i agree with someone else, dotcom is mostly libertarianz and kim dotcomz
“Follow me….”
I’m waiting for you to explain what Dotcom’s “socialist leanings” might be – Not respecting IP sounds more libertarian to me.
the Queen HRH Elisabeth II is a Socialist, she lives very frugally and she hated Margaret Thatcher….. and her son Charles is a Greenie…not sure about the Duke though…he is a stirrer so he could be a Winnie type or a Trotskyite or a UFO expert ( say no more ) …under cover of course
really darhls !…money is such a burden …and having to be on your best behaviour ALL the time!!!!!….what a pain…no swearing in public ….no saying “sod off you bloody FUCKWIT”…no farting in public or picking your nose and …… it……and having to be polite about the IRA when they blew up your favourite uncle….no toe sucking at the beach, even if it is discreet …..or naughty conversations to your lover over the telephone…because the GCSB is sure to be watching with field glasses and listening in!!!!….but worst of all you may find your self on the front page of one of those scurrilous, disgusting rags that goes for British newspapers…
poor bastards….i feel sorry for them…..they earn their money as PR agents for the Realm and a certain order of ‘civilisation’ imo
The MSM headlines next weekend will predictably be dominated with the boring going ons of the gilded royal couple, with some mention of the Mana conference on the inside pages. But just as sure as the odious grovelling of the MSM will be dominated by news of the royals, the alternative and social media will be white hot with the goings on at the Mana conference.
Asset sales and the TPPA and even deep sea oil drilling may not have mobilised the young as they may have past generations. But internet use is central to their lives. A freerer, cheaper, faster internet, with less government interference, surveillance and spying, and with whatever other youth friendly policy concessions for the low paid that Mana will wring out of Dotcom, I imagine it could be quite a heady mix. Especially if backed up with Dotcom’s money and Mana’s activists.
And for those whinging about lack of TIP policy–there is some on their website–that looks pretty good compared to what the Key gang was originally elected on; a a few meagre A4 sheets of ‘bullet points’, barely a “policy” as we know it to be found. Thats how Crosby Textor and the Hollowmen operate.
Mana has already bumped TIP off supporting National, Te Mana Movement has had more publicity in the last month than the previous year. Mana members have even more reason to want to put the choker chain on the GCSB/SIS/Cops special ops etc than Kim does. And would support removing NZ from 5 eyes.
Hone has also spoken to some of the hard left in Mana about this initiative and a common position is a “sure talk, take it to the members, but no compromise on the social policies”. Sue Bradford may become an outlier on this one, and no disrespect to her being the only standard bearer for beneficiaries for years in parliament, but she is a leaver of organisations. She often leaves a group and then sets up a new one with her loyal coterie from People Centre days. Currently AAAP.
At the end of the day Mana members will determine this and it might not be via some kind of formal vote at Rotorua, may take a bit longer.
Gareth Morgan will also be at the Mana Rotorua conference and supports a form of UBI (though originator Keith Rankin imo seems to retreat further and obfuscate as time goes on and taxing the rich. Hone has no problem talking to rich white guys without wanting to become one.
Gareth Morgan is also a noted advocate on promoting climate change issues, and I believe there is some policy motions to be voted on around climate change at this conference.
It is quite possible that Mana could steal the ground from under the Green Party on this issue as the Greens in line with the other mainstream parliamentary parties seem determined to do a repeat of their strategy at the last election, and play down climate change.
And in this election as well….
No explicit talk of cutting back emissions, or stopping new coal mines, or deep sea oil.
Though fracking is mentioned this is all mute as the Green Party say they will have no bottom lines in their quest for cabinet positions.
In contrast to this, a motion to be voted at the Mana conference, and coming with the recommendation of the leadership, is that Mana will not seek to go into coalition with the Labour Party, leaving the Mana MPs free to push their issues and not bound by Labour’s majority in cabinet forcing them to go along with every issue that government imposes.
Hopefully Gareth can convince Dotcom to build a wind and solar farm to power a server farm in NZ…
tiger mountain yes!!! & what bad12 said above, its makes sense that mana keep all the social & housing issues, & the internet party have some incredible & NEW ideas about the internet. & if anyone would cozy up to some rich guy & not get compromised imo it would be ppl like hone & annette sykes. i hope they go for it.
Odd broken link there Tiger. Try this On the face of it, given they’re a brand new party, the policy looks interesting.
“Hone has no problem talking to rich white guys without wanting to become one.”
A crucial point.
Here’s their new logo:
Why the fuck would you want a progressive party to join forces with Dotcom.
Who is more important to the party, activists like Sue Bradford, or an overweight foreign capitalist thug??
Bear in mind who will be leading TVNZ’s election coverage this year and read and weep.
It’s less about bias than the awful combination of ego and lack of intelligence.
Generation Zero has given permission for their article to be reposted everywhere.
Is Mike Hosking the smartest man alive?
Apr 3, 2014 // by Jimmy Green // Uncategorized // No Comments
Did you see Seven Sharp on Tuesday?
Presenter Mike Hosking made a revolutionary announcement – that he doesn’t believe in science, and you shouldn’t either.
You can see it here – at 22:46
Referencing the recent IPCC report that outlines the current state of climate science, he said,
“That’s of course, if you believe them, which as it turns out I don’t.”
Mike went on to lay out his counter-argument, in an admirably bold attempt to overturn the entire global 20 year scientific consensus,
“I mean if Metservice struggles with the accuracy of a 5-day forecast I’m thinking a long range prediction that takes in 86 years might be a bit dodgy.”
What Mike apparently doesn’t know is that, believe it or not, short term weather forecasting and climate change science are two totally different things. People get this wrong a lot – check out these guys trying to dispel the myth using the powerful force of British humour! Scientifically, there’s as much certainty that humans are the main thing causing climate change as there is that smoking causes cancer. If a journalist just decided they didn’t believe that and told the people of New Zealand to go out and smoke to their hearts content, they’d probably get fired.”
Full story is here
remember herald columnist Rodney Hide also thinks weather is the same as climate.
Wow we agree on something. Yes it was fuckwited and shameful. We should debate the best response to climate change. But when some on the right simply say it is not happening, I shut down.
It had to happen eventually, statistically speaking 😉
Twice a day, metaphorically speaking…
Wow Mike Hoskings. Thats more face slam than face palm
Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
Don’t criticize what you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
The old road is rapidly aging
So get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand
For the times they are a changing
All good Tracey. It will hasten their demise, and accelerate the rise of the alternative media. The sooner the better.
Speaking of the vile Simon Bridges…………………..
This is a public meeting to discuss The Employment Relations Amendment Act and how the proposed changes will affect union members and workers. There will be three guest speakers followed by an open discussion on the changes and what action may be taken to prevent this anti worker bill being passed.
As as so often been the case in recent years, Peter Dunne holds the critical vote.
The meeting is being hosted by People’s Power Ohariu and is being held at the Uniting Church, 18 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington. All welcome!
Is Dunne attending?
He was invited Tracey, but we were informed he “had other engagements that evening”. There wasn’t a Party representative available to attend either.
Ah, Peter Dunne, the man of the people. I bet if he was suddenly asked to dine with kate and Wills, his diary would free up pronto.
yes he has a little sled pulled by a corgi pack. he should make it in time to palmy north. mush mush.
Suppose it is a slow news day but Morning Report seem to drift aimlessly from one non-story to another non-story this morning. Even the Monday morning slot now dedicated to the flat sounding PM was a bit pointless. Tomorrow will be the weekly slot for David Cunliffe. Hope that is a bit sharper Guyon.
Maybe it is just me? Maybe I am so excited about the royal visit that everything else is so ordinary? Ha!
Luckily the dog was demanding his walk just as Espiner introduced the PM. I didn’t have to endure even a moment of the mangled whining that passes for comment from John Key.
You didn’t miss anything. The PM was maybe very tired having spent his sleepless night scheming of ways of getting his photos took multiple times – with those Windsor Beneficiaries. Baby kissing little George perhaps or a threeway handshake? That would work well.
Or he perhaps he had a hangover?
You have only a couple more hours to wait ianmac. The Royals arrive at noon and TV1 will be reporting it live – that is, if the blanket of fog lifts in time otherwise they’ll have to hot-foot it to Palmy? 🙂
In my day we kids were forced to line the streets and watch the Queen sweep past in a blur. We cheered but that was because we were given most of the day off school. Hooray! And then to curry favour NZ schools were given a Royal Public holiday as well. Hooray!
i heard that very boring rnz morning show too, def wasnt just you. seemed to be the same 3 stories over & over, & same information over & over. i turned off key, but heard some of the replays during the news, & he was all muffled. also a strange silence to the whole show, def needs some pepping up otherwise i might try some other monring station (i know radiolive sux but marcus lush at least puts a bit of effort into it).
44% of repondents “not at all excited” by royal visit in today’s Herald poll (i.e. 50% plus in representative sample).
How does this stack up with Key’s “80% of population would support keeping the monarchy” reported on RNZ this AM?
Sixty years ago Grandad was a town councilor when he and Grandma were scheduled to greet Queenie at the local railway station. Reputedly Grandma refused saying – that woman’s family have already had two of my sons so I’ll be buggered if I’ll curtsey to the bitch.
Lolz, as kids we were all taken off to the local hall,an ex US army facility left over from world war 2, to watch the Saturday movie,
As they did in those long ago days, god Save the Queen was played befor the fillim got to roll, everyone including all the kids,obviously obeying their mum or dads instructions/example stood to attention while this drab dirge blared out of the speakers,
Except us four kids and 1 mum who kept their buttes firmly attached to their seats refusing to acknowledge there was any respect attached to the House of Windsor having not that many years previously dropped its German title in favor of the more English sounding one…
I have to ask.
When we talk of the British royal family being German, aren’t we engaging in the very immigration bashing that liberals should despise (also for argument sake since I know what you’re like Bad12, I recognise that you didn’t actually call them German in that post but I’m speaking of several occasions on the Standard where I’ve seen people do this).
The current royal family are British. They were born in Britain. The last monarch who was actually born outside of Britain was George II in 1683. By the time George III came around, he was born in Britain, spoke English as his first language and never visited his ancestral homeland. The Royal Family have been British for nearly three hundred years. They’re no more German than every non-Maori person of New Zealand is the nationality of their European descent.
All this “they’re actually German” rubbish just reinforces the right-wing trope that immigrants can never truly become a part of their new country. Which leads to disquiet and unease and general negative attitudes towards immigration.
Words matter.
Also, even leaving out the immigration side of things, it is absolutely idiotic. They really aren’t German. The family has been British since before New Zealand was a country.
And Phillip, the grand-daddy of the current pair of bludgers arriving to sup at the New Zealand trough is the epitome of English breeding right Gallstone…
So you’re saying that to be truly the part of a country, you must have four “pure” grandparents?
So you’re not a New Zealander unless all of your grandparents are also from New Zealand?
This is what you’re saying?
be fair, phillip is one of our twenty greatest living nzers, according to our leader.
From 1714 to 1901 all those on the throne of Britain were German on the current seat warmers side of the family,
Obviously from both sides of His family the Husband of the current seat warmer was thoroughly German even if this was somewhat masked by His attachment to the Greek and Danish thrones,
The fact is that this ”oh so British royal family” celebrate Christmas not on the 25th of December as the masse of their ‘subjects’ do, instead as is the thoroughly German tradition they celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December,
Are they British, Pfft, they are British Germans just as Samoans born in New Zealand as a majority do not use the term New Zealander as a self descriptive preferring instead the term New Zealand Samoan…
Seriously? You’re saying that Queen Elizabeth and her children and grand-children are still German (albeit “British German”)?
If you are, I’m just flabbergasted. There’s no way I can even logically respond to such a stance. It’s absolute stupidity.
This is the entrenchment of national identities. When you’re having a dig at the Royals, it’s harmless. But when extended across society, this leads to all types of anti-immigration and xenophobia drivel.
And if you’re saying you only do it to the Royals, then it’s hypocritical.
It’s incredibly sad.
(Furthermore, your link doesn’t even work.)
Exactly Gallstone, they are Britons of German extraction, as i point out above they still retain at least one significant German custom,(and who knows how many more when ensconced behind closed doors),
Given a DNA test they all would show by genetics a strong line of German inheritance from the gene pool,
The fact that you are flabbergasted is of little surprise to me and since when has lack of logic prevented you from replying to anything,
Your illogic would include labelling me as a ‘liberal’, ask any of the Island Bay Italians for instance,(having already pointed out to you the New Zealand Samoans), they will happily describe themselves as Italian even where at least 3 generations have been born here in New Zealand and have never been to Italy…
My hybrid GB/NZ daughter, born here, considers herself to be 100% kiwi – Do I tell her she’s wrong, despite her passport and citizenship saying otherwise?
But that’s a straw man. It’s their right to culturally identify with what they culturally identify with.
That’s my whole point.
The Royal Family culturally identifies as British and have been born and lived in Britain for the past three hundred years. If they want to be British (and they do), then their British.
When you call them German, you’re removing the ability for them to determine what they feel most culturally akin to. Some immigrants (like myself) may regard ourselves still of the nationality we came from. Some other immigrants want to regard themselves of their new country.
All your talk of DNA and having the right grandparents is exceedingly xenophobic and conservative.
(Also, my family have opened one present on Christmas Eve. I guess I’m German as well now, even though I’ve never been there and have never identified with that part of my heritage (beyond opening a present on Christmas Eve).
Me, I’m English, for better or worse, ’til death do us part and all that, but my girl is as kiwi as the rest of yous 😉
As long as she doesn’t wear an all black jersey with it’s white feather logo in my house we’ll be good. At least she knows what to put on my headstone :smirk:
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England’s, breathing English air,
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.
And think, this heart, all evil shed away,
A pulse in the eternal mind, no less
Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.
Yes the Woyal family ‘claim’ to identify with all things British so as to ‘fit in’, that same family hastily changed their name from a German one to a British one in an attempt to hide that fact that two German Royal households, one in Germany and one in England were engaged in a war,
The English version of this German dynastic family are simply leeches bludging off of the fabric of the British people and have moved speedily to try and expunge any memory of their German Bloodlines….
British? You mean , Scots, Welsh as well can strongly culturally identify with these German-Anglo-Saxon hybrids?
@ bad
I can understand why they did that – it seems quite similar to highlighting a particular strand of whakapapa as opposed to another strand. Some of the nastiest fighting i can remember hearing/reading about were between relations – brothers, cousins and so on – all kin. All closely blood related.
Karol, the Queen Mother was a Bowes-Lyon, a very old Scottish family, and amny Scotts identified closely with Victoria.
Aye. My Scottish father and the Scots on his side of the family were the ones who always identified with the monarch most of all.
It was the English side of my family that were more indifferent to the Royal Family.
The two statements are not contradictory. I couldn’t care less about the Royal Visit.
I would support keeping the monarchy. I know I’m an outlier being a Brit myself, but I suspect much like in Britain, there’s a fair few Kiwis who don’t buy into the personality cult of excitement of the royals daily lives while still supporting the system of the monarchy itself.
And to pre-empt the various arguments over how silly it is to keep the monarchy, I agree with you completely. But rather like my desire for Scotland to stay in the UK, it’s a heart over head matter.
I guess for me it comes down to why we need to have them here spending our money on hosting, travel, security. If they want to come, they can pay for everything.
They may be lovely people and every other nation that has become a republic remains int he Commonwealth. They attend the commonwelath games and the CW forum etc…
It’s merely a statement that we are our own nation.
I have no idea if it means Key would have to get s his knighthood or from Jerry or could still go to buckhouse to get it, like Doug Graham did.
I find the title system far more offensive than the queen as pretend head of state frankly.
I like the title system when it used correctly. Again, I’ll have to talk from my UK-centric perspective, but a while back the honours system was used to celebrate the unsung heroes of society. Sure, some celebrities and sports stars have always been honoured. But a lot of charity workers, community workers, authors and artists and so on were the recipients of honours. A small thanks for a life of service.
It’s only lately where it’s been given to bankers and footballers and so on that I feel the honours system has lost it’s way.
Again, heart over head matter. I like the trappings of history if we can avoid the baggage of it.
when you say you are British and you want Scotland to stay a part of the UK, are you English? Or Scottish?
Why is it important if you are not Scottish?
I don’t consider myself English or Scottish. I’m British. I was born in England. But my father was Scottish. A section of my ancestors were Scots. Another part was English. I spent time in both Scotland and England. I value both those culture together and regard myself as British. I love New Zealand, but Britain is still my home and my country. Ever since I was a little boy I was British. Despite the arguments in favour and against, I can’t really engage in the debate because all I can see is the tearing apart of my home.
It’s very much my heart taking charge of the debate.
thanks for the answer.
my heritage on both sides is dads side leaving scotland not long after the clearances.
i cant recall a time when an unsung hero got knighted or damed.
I have empathy with Disraeli Gladstone’s viewpoint. My parents were English – born and bred. They arrived here the day NZ declared war on Germany in 1939. Despite the fact they spent most of their adult lives in NZ, they always regarded themselves as English. Its what you feel in your heart that matters, and there is no doubt that the generations of the British monarchy since George V at the least saw themselves as totally British.
Scottishness doesn’t have anything to do with it Tracy. I’m Scottish…born and bred there, both parents Scottish. But I don’t get to vote. Meanwhile, a woman born in Chelsea whose parents are Indian and English, but who lives in Scotland does get to vote. (Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh) And that’s how it should be.
It’s about economic and political power, not patriotism. And that principally affects only those who live there.
i have no reason to disbelieve what you say bill. i am surprised that born and bred scotts living in scotland see it as a political and economic decision only.
hmm…I wasn’t really claiming to second guess peoples’ perceptions or motivations as much as simply point out what the actual issue is.
So DG you would be happy with a monarchy that was never allowed to visit NZ then?
Monarchy of New Zealand
80% seems to be somewhat exaggerated.
john key exaggerated?
Ok, lied.
Latest poll:
Given that it was commissioned by New Zealand Republic and the questions were specifically leading, I’m not going to rush to anything.
on a non-royals related topic, here’s some (all too accurate) giggles
LOL, but the language is far too simple and clear for Parata!
We might well laugh but sadly it is not too far from the reality. Have to get rid of those pesky teachers. All they seem to want to do is teach kids instead of balancing the books.
and from John Key’s FB page is an image that makes one wonder, is “YES WE CAN” next?
note: link is to the image only, I won’t expose you to the bile-inducing hysteria that oozes off the page itself
if you look inside the 3 it looks like mickey mouse ears on their side…
Mickey Mouse’s ears are freaky. Aside from being one of the most recognisable character icons ever created, did you know they are exactly the same in every image? This is regardless of Mickey’s posing. Be it a profile view, front of face or Mickey looking back over his shoulder at whatever mayhem Pluto is creating. They never change!
On a wall in suburban Auckland, a young Tongan artist has turned the Nazi flag into a symbol of anti-racism and anti-imperialism. Kim Dotcom could learn a thing or two from him…
On a wall in suburban Auckland, a young Tongan activist and artist has created a new, anti-imperialist Nazi flag:
Maybe Kim Dotcom could learn something about history and politics from Benjamin Work…
Lots of ground water used in Canterbury too.
A photo in a 1999 USGS report on subsidence captures the drama vividly. It shows scientist Joseph Poland standing next to a utility pole outside Mendota. On the ground is a placard marked 1977. Twenty-eight feet overhead, another sign is nailed to the pole showing where crops once grew: It reads 1925.
As the land subsided, bridges slumped, levees sank and well casings failed. Canals sagged, too, inviting water to loiter in low spots and spill over banks. From 1955 to 1970, damages topped $1.3 billion (in 2013 dollars), according to a new report by the California Water Foundation. All kinds of water conveyance infrastructure was harmed, from pumping plants and canal berms in the Tulare-Wasco area to bridges, pipelines and drain inlets on the Delta-Mendota Canal west of Firebaugh. And then, thanks to massive volumes of surface water that arrived via state and federal aqueducts and canals, pumping slowed and subsidence largely stopped.
It’s amazing how people keep thinking that they can do whatever they like and there not be consequences despite those consequences having happened before. Oh well, I suppose it won’t be long before we see the end of Californian wine production.
Big question: Are we monitoring this stuff in NZ or are we doing the same as the Californians and just using it as if there’s no limit?
Okay, why do cyclists run reds? Well firstly they don’t
run reds, that would be quite legal as getting off the
bike and running carrying the bike over their heads is
quite legal.
Second, red light don’t detect cyclists and so cyclist
if they were to obey the rule would have to wait for
a car to drive up behind and flip the lights over.
Third, cyclists are slow, so not only do they have
more chance of being hit when slowing down (increase
cross sectional opportunity for a crash), but they
are also observed for long periods. Especially at lights and so
seen more often running them (even though car drivers
may well run lights more often). Fourth, cycle
lane turns left onto another cycle lane means
cycles only need worry about other cyclists, when red
and cyclist are slow moving and easily avoided,
so transition from lane to cycle lane without any
threat from cars.
Finally, cycle take longer to slow, take more effort
to get moving so cyclist have a predilection to not
stop, whereas red light car jumpers are just gunning
the lights (what cyclist would never do that since no way
could they win!!!)
And finally, finally, car drivers
who run lights are likely when they cycle themselves to also do,
so blame the culture of gunning lights by car drivers for cyclist
running reds.
Roads are designed for motor vehicles, cyclists have
no protection, are unstable at slow speeds (esp. on slopes),
roads have pot holes that effect them far worse,
and so cyclist should be given any benefit of the doubt.
A cyclist rides about twice as fast as a runner, its hardly
a competition between them and cars.
The idea that drivers have equal rights to cyclists is absurd and
abusive, since those disabled by using their own strength
without recourse to an engine, seat belts, power brakes, etc
are always going to come off worse, so drivers should always
err on their side, and be cautious.
And so when Moro again brings up the issue why is it so anti-cyclists,
why does Moro defend the strong against the weak and exposed?
1: that would be jaywalking
2: Press the button to cross, like I do on my motor scooter
3: But the percentage of cyclists observed seems to be quite high, in my experience. Compared to motor vehicles.
4: They don’t need to worry about the law? That’s how accidents happen.
finally1: gunning vs not stopping doesn’t make much difference when they’ve built up some downhill speed.
finally2: if car drivers jumped off a cliff, would cyclists? And as you point out, cars can brake quickly or gun the throttle if they misjudged while braking the law. Cyclists can’t. And cyclists are the least obvious and most vulnerable on the road. On a motor scooter, I have similar vulnerabilities – I choose to not take gambles.
Cyclists should also err on the side of caution, because they are the most vulnerable. And they’re choosing to take themselves into close proximity of heavy machinery that moves at speed and is often controlled by dickheads. If a car strikes a cycle, it’s usually the car driver at fault (or at least another vehicle driver that put the cyclist in front of the car), AFAIK. However, it’s the cyclist who always comes worse off. If you advocate for cyclists to break the road code, you’re opening the door (so to speak) for idiot vehicle drivers to use the same excuses for their illegal behaviour.
The laws are different for cyclists, cyclists are more like pedestrians, the idea that they are the same is what is causing the angst.
cyclists are allowed to run red lights?
Cyclists who get off can walk their bike across any junction, lights or not. As long as they don’t cause an accident, which they wouldn’t since they would get hurt far worse than any car driver. And in that way cyclists are pedestrians, pedestrians cross roads, all the time, red lights or not. Put it another way, Cyclists, like pedestrians, are not motor vehicles that HAVE to OBEY red lights and can’t get out and push their vehicles through red lights.
I can do that on my motor scooter: a pedestrian with a 2 wheeled trolley.
But we’re talking about cyclists who just ride through the red lights. No walking involved.
If its safe its legal in my opinion because pedestrians do it all the time.
Its like noise. Its the source of the noise that has to turn it down. with respect of vehicles, its the source of engine power.
A Jogger can run as fast as a bike, its no different.
Child ride bikes on the pavement.
Posties do.
Its just a hangover from the motor industry using their abuse of power to deny
alternatives to their industry.
Its actually wrong to frustrate cyclists travel based on the false belief that somehow
someone has actually died from cyclist riding on the foot path. Its wrong because
forcing them into the road where that happens.
Cars have the power to stop, to speed, to evade, they have the safety, they have the technology, the have all the options. As long as a cyclist crosses safely I don’t see a problem. However its just political correctness gone mad to expect a cyclist to walk their cycle across a junction when they can ride across much more safely (quicker!).
As a cyclist growing up in Christchurch I assumed that every car was out to get me. That way I was alert to the potential of injury whenever a car in front or behind or across alerted my consciousness. As a small town NZ cyclist now, I still behave that way to stay alive if possible.
Same for any pedestrians. All the horse power and human making mistakes, makes for caution.
Have spent the day doing a bit of ‘royal watching’.
Wandering through various news sites, but mainly exploring the explosive multitude of Facebook pages that are covering the Tour, and reading the comments. The comments…. The comments…
I have witnessed clichés and melees, saw fracas and face offs and every page was rife with half-stated hate speech wallpapered over with carbon copy happy faces. My sincere and undeniable conclusion is an epidemic of cognitive dissonance is running rampant across New Zealand.
our friend Douglas Adams summed it up best
“Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
Banks application thrown out – nz herald
Hah, John is now ever closer to the day that he ends His career in exactly the same way as old Archy did,
How true the old saying that the apple never falls far from the tree…
Lucky he has nothing to hide then!!!
No, but lots to fear.
Banks loses bid to have prosecution thrown out
And I suspect that’s it for his defense – next stop jail.
We can only hope
COINCIDENCE or INTUITION or DESTINY or KARMA?…An interesting Lotto story
A Takaka couple who won more than $7 million with Big Wednesday say it’s all thanks to trusting a woman’s intuition.
After doing the weekly shopping last week one of the winners had a sudden gut feeling that she should pick up a Big Wednesday ticket.
“As I walked to the car I thought, ‘I should get a Big Wednesday ticket’, but I couldn’t really be bothered. But as I walked away my intuition told me that I would regret not buying that ticket – so I popped back into the store and grabbed one,” said the winner, who wishes to remain anonymous. The couple watched Big Wednesday that night and soon knew they had won a big prize.
“I just started screaming,” said the winner. “I fell to my knees and shouted to my husband: ‘We’ve won!’ He grabbed the ticket, took one look and started screaming too.”
The winners double checked their numbers against the official results online before getting too excited.
“We jumped online to MyLotto and stared at the computer screen waiting for the results to come up. We were refreshing the page every couple of seconds . . . it was a painful wait.”
When their prize was confirmed, the couple say they got so excited that one of them hurt their leg jumping up and down.
John Banks is going to trial for electoral fraud – case starting Monday 19 May 2014 in the Auckland High Court:
Judgment of Wylie J available here:
Banks loses bid to have prosecution thrown out
Penny Bright