Even Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee and Cabinet fixer Steven Joyce seemed to suffer early from “campaign brain” – Joyce has been the talk of the Beehive after losing his rag on TV3’s The Nation in a debate with Labour’s Grant Robertson,
Are you for real pu? The bollocks you threw my way for saying exactly the same thing, makes you out to be a untrustworthy flake.
me “davis did not ask them for the donations..”
pu “two of the donations were from whaleoil and farrar….and in the pitch for the site..a ‘plus’ was cited that ‘national party members wd contribute’….to this cause of taking out harawira..”
me “Though it doesn’t say he solicited them from the bloggers directly, or KD knew who was donating. Obviously they outed themselves, but that proves no culpability on KD’s part.”
pu “the allen shd not mistake a factcheck of his bullshit..for an opening of dialogue..…i wd rather bash my cock against a nail-studded stump…”
“no..davis has said he has the money from farrar/slater…”
If you want to retract the points you made yesterday about KD, and support the one’s I made (which you now accept as fact), do so, but show some respect and act like a bloke with a couple of balls.
There are no contradictions in my words, unlike yours. Again, you must be having a laugh considering your about face. How do you hold your head up with such self inflicted embarrassing contradictions less than 24 hours apart?
Slinging even more insults when you’ve just been exposed as a bullshirt merchant isn’t doing it for me.
You can claim thick as a doorknob, but I’ve not done the 180 back track.
Disingenuous and spiteful pu. “I’m a political commentator, that’s what I do” lol
Outline the basic facts and show the “glaring contradictions in his own words”, though I’ve just done that in the post above.
“i wd change not a word i said yesterday..or today..”
So you see no quandary over slagging me off for holding a position, then espousing the same position a day later?
That makes you as credible as you are informed self proclaimed political observer.
That really is a joke look to the illuminati of the political world you seek to ingratiate and align yourself with.
phillip u and The Allen
Why don’t you conduct a measured retreat and rethink and set an example for Israel and Palestine to follow? You would be achieving something intelligent in human relationships for yourselves and a big step for mankind as well. Go on – give it a go.
Phil is being a hypocrite, today using the position I outlined yesterday, which he attacked me for.
Shonky political commentating, which apparently, is what he does.
“Seems I missed out on some entertainment though……”
philip youre party needs coalition partners focus on youre party of the left this is MMP how many times have i read you denigrating right whingers for not understanding MMP.
you must be worried about loosing the coattails!
The sugardaddy comments get under youre skin!
Lailla should retort That John Key is a Sexist Dandy who has borrowed Bainimaramas Media Methods.
Focus on attacking National not frigging your own it will back fire
In Nelson last night Laila was pretty direct about what she thinks will happen just after election night but she said it with grace and poise and enough power to light up the CBD.
To be fair to aim for National supporters purses – “it’s not aimed at traditional supporters, honestly I think national supporters may contribute” – and not consider that such an approach might attract the spinners from the Nats -like flies to a bad smell – one would have to be a completely short sighted, unthinking idiot.
Actually, I found that to be a good and robust interview with excellent tough but valid relevant questions being asked. Cunliffe was very clear and answered very well. True, Espiner at times was interrupting even before Cunliffe could finish his answer or sentence . That was irritating and rude pointing to the ‘ego’ and self imposed importance of the interviewer rather than the importance/seriousness of the question.
But all in all, I thought it was a good interview and Cunliffe came out very well.
It is always easy for an interviewer to ask rapid set of all kinds of questions thrown in left, right and centre, but pretty hard for a leader to respond well on the spot for all of them, especially when there is also constant badgering and off putting interruptions in between! I think Cunliffe does quite well and he did well here too.
Hidden in this article below the editor’s headline.
One Direction and all directions on PM’s campaign trail
“But voters wanted to talk about other issues. They wanted to know when house prices would come down, how National planned to address child poverty, and when Resource Management Act reforms would get back on track.”
Wonder how Key dodged all those curly questions…..
You have to wonder if the NZHerald runs a secret school for producing journalists hell bent on dumbing down the political discourse in this country,
The writer of this piece of ”soothie” journalism Isaac Davidson chooses to ‘shield’ Slippery the Prime Minister by what is not included in this piece which simply screams ”Sluuu–uuurp”,
Here’s some of the pointed questions asked of our Prime Minister by:
The Porirua Chamber of Commerce,
Discovery School Porirua,
Kapiti College,
*Would the PM intervene in Israel,
*When will the price of housing come down,
*What is He doing about the gap between rich and poor,
*How did He plan to address child poverty,
*Will He raise the minimum wage,
Not an indication in sight of an answer from Slippery the Prime Minister according to the Heralds Isaac Davidson obviously acting to protect the PM’s image,
i am tho heartened by the list of questions put to the PM and by whom those questions were asked, being a kid from Porirua it’s what i would expect,(although the local chamber of commerce expressing such concerns is a bit of an eye-opener),
Lift your game Granny-Herald, that is a pathetic piece of journalism, the questions were posed and any journalist worth paying should have included in the published piece the frigging answers…
For this PRIME MINISTER of the country to descend to the Wh Oil gutter standard by saying that Kim Dot Com is Laila Harre’s ‘Sugar daddy’ and we should ask her ‘what she is exchanging with him’ is extremely disgusting, rude, defamatory, sexist and really very crass. I think Key thought he would score some votes by this bottom feeding comment. But I think it will back fire. That cheap statement of Key alone should cost Key and National at least 3% of votes, in my opinion.
I agree – it shows how low and scum-like key is and also how desperate and worried they are about IMP. Women have fought for years and years to be treated with respect and key spits on all women and men who have worked for true equality.
Expect more of these lines from key he is reaching his tipping point.
What an insulting creep this Key is. I find it hard to believe that a PM of Aotearoa would sink so low.
However at least Lalia Harre is not licking the arse of War mongering Uncle Sam.
So insulting is this remark that I would suggest that all women who vote for this creep are traitors to womens causes. What ever have we done to deserve such an arrogant dick as this present PM.
The woman hating filth seeping out of TradeMe, Kiwiblog and Whaleboil shows how spot on Laila Harré is in her opinion of the Prime Minister. If this misnamed leader keeps putting women down (eg Tania Billingsley) for speaking up it sends three messages;
to ‘real’ radiolive men: go for it, talented women are bitches
to women: don’t vote for me
to men that make an effort: don’t vote for me
Key has a very nasty side that is going to appear more often in the campaign. He is happy to slag off Laila on good ’ol boy radio but won’t debate her face to face at a candidates meeting at Kumeu Baptist Church.
Hearing about this on the radio this morning made me make a double take; I couldn’t believe that the leader of our country would be so offensive to women. Then I remembered who was the current leader and realised that it was A) Par for the course, and B) that he would probably not really think of it as an insult because he has no empathy or understanding of real people.
“To be at peace with a troubled world: this is not a reasonable aim. It can be achieved only through a disavowal of what surrounds you. To be at peace with yourself within a troubled world: that, by contrast, is an honourable aspiration. This column is for those who feel at odds with life. It calls on you not to be ashamed.”
“So, if you don’t fit in, if you feel at odds with the world, if your identity is troubled and frayed, if you feel lost and ashamed – it could be because you have retained the human values you were supposed to have discarded. You are a deviant. Be proud.”
Yep, immediately put me in mind of Malcolm Evans when I heard about it, Moz.
And, at the time, the small, local, loosely-organised Israel Lobby couldn’t even get their rationale straight. They were by no means singing from the same songbook. You had Israel’s Honorary Consul, David Zwartz, saying the objections had nothing to do with Evans’s criticism of Israel per se, but it was simply his use of the Star of David to symbolise Israel which was apparently deeply deeply offensive and borderline racist , implicitly attacking the whole Jewish Culture (I can only assume that Zwartz therefore went on demand the Star of David be removed from the Israeli flag so that this sort of anti-Semitism through conflation no longer arose ?).
Unfortunately, at precisely the same time, David Cohen, the New Zealand MSM’s most high-profile Israel apologist, neo-conservative bore and would-be Internationally Celebrated Man of Letters, was (through his NBR column and on TVNZ’s Eating Media Lunch) pushing precisely the opposite spin to Zwartz. This was apparently all about Evans’s unhealthy obsession with Israel……Evans, as Cohen argued, had been asked by The Herald management to desist from drawing cartoons critical of Israel but was apparently unable to comply (with Cohen’s unspoken implication being – that’s because he’s an anti-Semite).
But it gets worse, because you then had the NZ Jewish Chronicle insisting on a third and entirely different rationale for why Evans needed to be sacked – apparently Evans had drawn the Israeli Ambassador bending down to answer a question about Israel’s killing of Palestinian children from a small kiwi child. And this, to The Chronicle implied he had a bent back and wasn’t that sort of stooped pose precisely the sort of imagery that German anti-Semitic/Nazi cartoonists favoured in the 30s ?
And then a fourth rationale popped up, as with Le Lievre now, Evans was accused of drawing Israelis with large noses.
Actually, if memory serves me right, the Sydney Morning Herald cartoonist in 2003 was either fired or censured for precisely the same thing, drawing a cartoon critiquing Sharon’s murderous attack on the West Bank and employing Israel’s national symbol to do it.
Morning Report a short while ago – Little Guyon ‘Spinner darting around like an angry attack puppy snapping at Cunliffe’s trouser legs over Lochinver. Little Guyon firmly put in his place though with a sharpish recommendation to get himself clued up about NZ’s free trade agreements.
Then not 15 minutes later the unmistakeable bias reflected in the RNZ 7.30 am news bulletin – “David Cunliffe says whatever about Lochinver but admits he hasn’t even read the OIO application……” A wilfully dishonest synopsis of what Cunliffe said and how he said it. Who the hell wrote that ?
Let the cold wind of imminent joblessness fly right up that snapping little Young Nat’s bum-freezer jacket. I’ve never ever heard him go off at TheGodKey like that – ‘skim-the-surface’ soundbite mumblings……”thank you Prime Minister.”
Morning Report is an important organ for accountability in a healthy, transparent democracy. It should not be in the hands of this contemptible, hubristic Young Nat.
@North 7.58
I have decided that Guy Le Spinner (I got that from someone else here) is an annoying little shit who gets in the way of elucidating (that’s probably not in his lexicon) the actual information we want to hear. He will interrupt as someone goes to answer his question, and appears to be doing so in a direct manner, and Guy will say ‘Well is it, what do you say, let us hear it’ etc etc and delay and smother the answer, apparently hoping to befuddle and shake up his respondent. I had hoped that he was going to develop a mature, clever approach but nah.
If he is around for too long he will have run out of any goodwill that is left in the minds of determined citizens requiring good information coverage, Someone will push him at the top of some steps. This is how right wingers deal with people that annoy them, and lefties may find the temptation to copy irresistible.
North- Espiner’s interview with David Cunliffe was a good robust interchange.
Cunliffe proving to be a formidable positive debater, presenting facts and refusing to be baited by Espiner’s pre-loaded , “you’re saying blah blah.”.techniques.
He even managed to avoid using David Lange’s humorous put downs.
When David Lange was confronted with this technique he’d reply with something
like. ” No. I’m saying what I just said. What part didn’t you understand? ”
I’d agree with you that Espiner probably wouldn’t have the courage to interview the PM in the same way.
“Just been politely but firmly thrown out of the Mangere WINZ office. Ive been at the advocacy Impact at Mangere WINZ, talking with the advocates about the extent to which beneficiaries are still not getting their full entitlements. Then on the advice from the Ministers office, management asked that I leave. Protocols and all that. But for just this one hour I was transported back 25 years when I was doing this work. Nothing has changed for the better for people in need of some help. And needing help should not be an excuse for being treated like a second class citizen.
We will roll back these cruel welfare reforms. We will restore the principles of decency and justice in social security. National is hurting families. We have to make them stop.”
–From Metiria’s fb.
Applause to Metiria, good to see She has gone back to the coal-face for a reminder of where it all began,(where i first met Her),
All beneficiaries are behind the inflation curve by at least 50 bucks and solo parents by at least $100, addressing this fundamental shortfall in the benefit levels cannot simply be by means of ”work will set you free”,
It is obvious to Everybody now that no matter what the economic settings are within the current economic paradigm there will be at least 200,000 working age Kiwi’s reliant on benefits All The Time, whether or not they are long or short term recipients,
This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop,
We can keep playing the inflation game where wages go up and those in control of commerce, rental housing, etc etc simply move the price of such commerce up to in effect ‘steal’ the wage rise,
i prefer the ‘other way’, cut the biggest cost, Rent, for those who struggle with low incomes to 25% of their income…
“Applause to Metiria, good to see She has gone back to the coal-face for a reminder of where it all began”
Elections being so close now, is an added incentive to go there.
“This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop,”
I agree with that even though you ended it with a comma.
Should you preferably say, “a maximum of 25%” of household income?
Lolz Clemeopin, is that a criticism, hell its kissing babies time also known as the election so Mets and everyone else will be out in the real world and the hope is there that She has the issue of ‘welfare’ front and center in Her mind in any coalition negotiations…
I have what I consider, as a much better option re rents. I prefer not to state it here today as I have sent my ‘great’ idea to the Labour party for their consideration and if I state that idea here now, some other two bit party may try to steal it and try to steal some votes off Labour. We wouldn’t want that, would we! Would you?
@ Tiger M 8.03
Your piece about Metiria Turei’s treatment reminds me of something that Georgina Beyer related at the IMP meeting I went to last night.
She was asked to leave her new job as a salesperson in Michael Hill because she had made the comment that she might stand for, I think, local government. The manager said that he didn’t like the sound of that, and she might then be leaving sometime in the future, and so put her out of her job under the 90 days fire at will regulations. So then she had to apply for unemployment.
She said it was quite a turn around from when she has been in those offices in her official capacity. (But the problem for her is that she doesn’t have the right connections that the right has, that enable them to swan off. And she said that the pollies super has changed to less than the public perception, though didn’t specify how.)
“and so put her out of her job under the 90 days fire at will regulations”
You are of course aware that this claim by Beyer is impossible?
She left Michael Hill in 2010 and this law didn’t come into existence until 2011.
Oh well, one never expected reality to intrude in Georgina’s world.
Yes they are.
Here is the claim by Georgina. It is not directly the one greywarbler heard but it is the same claim. Note that the local body election was in 2010 so it had to be that year that she left Michael Hill:
@ alwyn 5.40
Thanks. Great we can rely on you to correct all the irrelevant facts hope you can help with the relevant ones.
And my impression of Georgina’s meaning was just that. I may have got it wrong. Or she may have been fired within the 90 day period of her starting, even though that Bill had not been passed. It would then presumablyhave had some other grounds needed to justify sacking.
It’s what could happen now though, so regard it as a possible example of the sad lack of controls for workers. Her, or me, being not correct doesn’t mean everything is hunky dory.
I am afraid I learned a long time ago that what Georgina says and what actually happened don’t have much relationship to each other. If we are expected to support a party based on what they say in their speeches I think that the fact that they are telling fairy stories is of some moment.
I would like to think that the fact that they are telling porkies is always relevant, wouldn’t you?
Queues stretching around the block. Crowds flocking to enter a building on the hope that their meagre subsistence can be increased by an uncaring Government Department, whilst the Minister, resplendent in luxury as an Apparatchik, claims that there is no issue. People getting frustrated as there are hundreds of people to be seen by a handful of volunteers and not enough time to see everyone
We are not talking about North Korea. This is not Soviet Russia. This is New Zealand today, 7 August 2014.
Before we begin, let me clarify. Last year when I was helping at the New Lynn WINZ office, I had the single mum who was sexually violated. She had her child, and WINZ wrongly started deducting the $20 per week for not naming the father. This was an error, as rape is the exemption, but this error had deducted $20 per week for ten years for being a victim. We managed to secure her a $10,000 rebate at a time that she needed the break!
The second question is where? I know AAAP is trying to keep it non-political, but where are our Politicians? Metiria Turei swung by yesterday, much to the horror of the WINZ office. I am here as a private person, though I am on the Labour Party List. We have Green and Labour interest, which is fantastic, but if all is well in the Kingdom of Benefit, where is the Minister to tell us and John Campbell that all is well?
David Cunliffe godd and strong and angry on Morning Report despite Espiner’s futile terrier ankle attack!
The sale of New Zealand land is something that concerns ALL New Zealanders and could cost John Key the Election.
‘How Lochinver Station costs Key the election, our free market land ownership madness and China backlash’
By Martyn Bradbury / August 7, 2014
“The announcement of the $70million Lochinver Station sale to a hulking Chinese company is probably the last thing John Key would have wanted this week.
The idea of Chinese companies buying up large tracts of NZs farming asset is perceived as worse than wealthy investors because state backed Chinese companies are effectively an arm of the Chinese Government. Allowing another country to have that level of influence over vital sections of your economy is as disquieting as John Key signing our economic sovereignty away to the Americans with the TPPA….
John Key is broadcast making statements on National Radio. But when was the last time he was interviewed/challenged on any of those statements?
Every Opposition Leader is challenged and every little detailed aggressively explored. But Key gets a free pass. Isn’t this how Putin retains his position?
Key has his morning back rub and hot towel session while talking to Guyon E’Spinner on Morning Report which has been put in my “don’t bother listening live” slot after all these years. It used to be riveting radio for politics junkies, Kim Hill slicing into a duplicitous hungover minister early in the morning. And in later years Geoff Robinson keeping some dignity and paying attention to detail.
Now it is run to a script literally. I just play the occasional audio that others link to or I spot on the RNZ app.
I think Putin would be jealous as hell of Key. Putin has to apply a certain amount of, ah, pressure to get the media to behave like tame poodles for him. Key apparently just has to exist and the media can’t offer to shine his shoes for him fast enough.
Even in a country as small as New Zealand you’d think there would be some enterprising media person willing to break with the pack for an advantage. Because you get such delicious reactions out of Dear Leader when he is challenged. He basically throws a huge wobbly when he is not treated with the adoration he believes he deserves.
Key is not interviewed in-depth on serious issues. Not enough anyway, often superficially and is given a much easier ride, an unfair and shameful Prime Ministerial deference, compared to how the opposition leaders are treated, especially Labour!! We have a crap unbalanced set of idiot journalists in this country. That should be pretty obvious to most people watching the media with an open mind, I think.
The flip side is that Cunliffe can come across as a better and stronger performer! So, all good!
“This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop”
So Bad 12, does that mean that landlords will need to see the last years income from IRD for their new tenants? Or that they can ay “rent is $500 so house is only available to those with proven income of $100,000 pa?”
Either way, the low paid will struggle to get any half decent housing in half decent areas.
Option two is that the Landlord sets the rent at $600, (place went up in value aye) and the tenant pays $125 (quarter of their income) and the State pays the balance of $475.
How how the hell will the tenant ever make the jump from tenant to property owner when he/she/they have to pay maybe $800 per week in repayments…..
Talking on Radionz about sale of land to foreign owners. The speaker thinks about 10% of productive land plus possibly housing though the firm figure appears to be 8.7%. In 2005 Labour altered the tracking method by wiping the statistics gathering. Something that they can rectify when they get into government!
+100 greywarbler …good to hear Kathryn Ryan interviewing Murray Horton…that guy is one smart cool dude…always has been…calling for a moratorium on the issue is a good idea
Good red blooded stuff from Cunliffe on Lochnvar Station.
It’s one of those moves that will get several percentage of undecideds off the fence for Labour. Every leftie party should get behind this with no equivocation.
If anyone is worried about interfering with the evaluative process, lets firstly remember Key’s neck-deep interference in the Sky City and Lord of the Rings deals (such “interference” is in a Prime Ministers’ job description), and secondly let’s remember this: it’s an election. DC’s preferences will rise when bespeaks from the gut not the notes.
And finally, there’s nothing wrong with just a smidgen of patriotic appeal from Labour. It’s time they took back more of this ground – many New Zealanders would respond if he stood for more strong moves.
Foreign sales (I would include business too) are Ok if ANY one of the following conditions are met:
[1] The buyer first becomes a citizen of NZ or permanent resident.
[2] The sale for foreigners or foreign entities can NEVER be on an outright ownership basis, but only on a lease basis if there is definite demonstrable economic and substantial employment opportunities for Kiwis for the long term and Kiwi entrepreneurs/investors are unable to provide that.
[3] or it could be on an almost equal partnership basis, with the ownership of foreign citizens/residents limited to 49% with the majority 51% partnership being with a local Kiwi.
I think they are fair and smart conditions,
I am petty sure no country can object to such patriotic and wise rules.
Why would they? Don’t THEY have similar rules?
“..Guess Which Country the UN Says Is the World Leader at Smoking Marijuana..
..The people of Iceland are the happiest on Earth –
according to an academic study reported by the Guardian in 2006.
The UN’s latest Human Development Index ranking showed Iceland topping the charts as far as its economic and social issues go (wealth – healthcare – and education).
You ran this story a month ago, claiming NZ/Aus were the biggest pot smokers per capita.
If you remember, I corrected you because you had it wrong.
Dodgy memory, pu? Ever wonder why? lol
Yes Greyw. Good discussion The man from Landcorp (Chris Kelly?) started off by saying that foreign ownership was a mere 1.7% of NZ land and that Lochinver Station, whilst large was not a big deal.
His “facts” were demolished by Murray Horton of CAFCA in a stunning display of someone who has all the real figures at his fingertips The true figure of foreign ownership is in excess of 8%. I will acknowledge that Kelly finally agreed with everything that Horton had to say.
Yes David came across as a leader on this mornings interrogation by Guyon Espiner.
Karyn Hay and Andrew Fagan are having a policy only night on each Thursday until the election at 7pm – 10pm. Policies only to be discussed, Tonight’s episode is finance with David Parker, Joyce and the other parties finance spokesperson.
I find Karyn and Andrew to be fair most of the time when it comes to politics. The rest of Radio Live not so much.
Recently a mature member of my whanau attended a 20-25 person WINZ seminar in South Auckland. Opening words (directive) from the ‘race = other’ facilitator – “This is MY house….you abide MY rules….or you LEAVE !”
My whanaunga’s sense of a multi-generational turangawaewae in South Auckland was of course immediately lit up by this gratuitous intimidation (“shut your mouth or no benefit….”). This rough appropriation of an entirety in which my whanaunga is generationally rooted; this risible invoking then distortion by manuhere (visitor) of the concept of turangawaewae; this bullying display of negative predisposition. He expressed in a non-aggressive observational way. He was ordered to leave. Straight to the ‘race = other’ next up the ladder who condescended to non-listen. Straight to the Health and Disability Commissioner. No outcome yet.
These ungifted, inept people must be fought at every turn. They are cheap bullies so artless in their functionality as to defeat such purpose as these ‘events’ are fantastically calculated to achieve. Cowardly ciphers ‘following orders’ in a chain of command notionally directed to upliftment but in fact deploying and celebrating social thuggery as the norm.
Notably my whanaunga reports that after such ‘events’ discussion between attendees, while identifying risible ‘stroke-of-the-pen’ verbiage, focuses not on that which is nominally sought to be imparted but rather on the arrogance and disrespect to which attendees are subject.
Who knows how much resource is squandered in this dark, vengeful social engineering ?
Kinda makes a mockery of the “cultural sensitivity” requirement during employment processes for government depts. Perhaps yet another case of… what did you call it… “race=other” appropriating the words, but never intending to comprehend the intent? On the upside, I’m happy to hear that your whanau still values the kind of things that people need to come together peacefully, and are not afraid to pursue them. Pretty rare these days. The bullies won’t last.
Sorry to repeat myself but I’m still bemused at realising (thanks to Mike Hoskings) that the title name of the right wing blog,
‘Whale Oil- Beef Hooked’ if said quickly is contrived acronym for, “Well I’ll be f*cked”.
I think this as an example of John Key’s good friend and confidante’s humour should be explained to mums and dads and grandparents who might still believe in that nice Mr Key.
“There is an irony in the debate over the exorbitant salaries paid to top management and the cuts in top income tax rates. These trends are often justified by the need to ensure these people are motivated and work harder. Such logic is seldom applied to the wages paid to the lowest income earners in the economy.”
I don’t think most of the left are anti-semites (at least i hope not) but when you have someone like KDC inciting young people well you reap what you sow…
The links are of images posted on Whaleoil not commentary however I do understand that its easier to ignore rather than confront such appalling behaviour from some sections of the left
the first image is of Key in a Nzi uniform. How is that anti-semitic? It looks to me like someone is comparing Key with the Nzis.
the image is refenced back to kiwiblog, who make his usual smeary kind of accusations, which basically amount to someone on the interwebs putting up a request on FB for donations to get the poster printed and getting 41 likes. How you think that is an example of widespread anti-semitism within the left is beyond me.
Needless to say, I’m not bothering clicking through to WO to check the other images.
More positive press for Labour and the Greens in the past few days than I’ve seen for quite a while.
It’s warming to note while the nats embroil themselves with kdc’s lapdogs over sugar daddies and the unprincipled opportunist extreme left wing, the traditional center and green left are looking more and more electable.
35%+15% isn’t beyond reach at all. More good policy and an honest campaign free of being tainted by the dotcom parties could well be enough to really celebrate come election night. The sensible left in NZ will rightfully rejoice.
Tell your friends, we’re really close. Vote green/red if you want to change the government in September.
But they are, aren’t they? They’re not the party of flakes once portrayed. They are credible and electable being the point. Good work by all in the party to achieve such a positive turn around.
It would be a shame if personal mip idealism got in the way of a plus for Green politics.
“But they are, aren’t they? They’re not the party of flakes once portrayed. They are credible and electable being the point. Good work by all in the party to achieve such a positive turn around.”
That’s missing the whole point. The GP were never the flakes they were portrayed as. Ditto IMP. It’s normal for new parties to make newbie mistakes. It’s also normal that when parties like the GP that were once more radical gain enough power to move into the mainstream that this opens space on the edge for something else. We need all the voices, and this marginalisation of the people on the edge sucks. The edge has always led the way. You think that AGW is on the agenda now because the mainstream wanted it there? Or that the Māori rennaissance in NZ happened because middle NZ wanted it? Or that women got the vote, homosexuality was decriminalised, we have a welfare state, we have some environmental protections… you think all those things happened because one day the mainstream decided they were good? What really happened was the radicals and people on the edge pushed the agenda on those issues until the mainstream shifted and accepted them as normal. Then things changed. That’s how politics works in this country.
This whole ‘radical = extremism = should be disenfranchised’ thing is shit, and very disappointing to see it coming from lefties (not just you, there’s been a bit of it here this week).
“This whole ‘radical = extremism = should be disenfranchised’ thing is shit, and very disappointing to see it coming from lefties (not just you, there’s been a bit of it here this week).”
We can’t all be wrong, wood for trees etc… though radical/extremist doesn’t = disenfranchised.
I’ve not argued you (if that’s how you identify yourself) shouldn’t have a voice, just be accepting that you are fringe and you can’t control debate if you don’t have the numbers. You have an equal voice, sure, but it’s disproportional representation when it’s shouty.
Another reason to thank IMP – the Greens though hmmm a few at the IMP meeting last night who i know are Greenies maybe moving the IMP way. Personally I hope we get a strong Green voice in there – that’ll get up winnies nose more than anything.
The leaking fart sack also known as Alien can’t help itself, i suppose we are going to be subjected to this failure’s raving diatribe of hatred all the way to the election,
What ‘it’ is obviously intent on promoting is a ‘flame’ between InternetMana and Green supporters here on the Standard,
In doing so ‘it’ will feel as if ‘it’ has campaigned really hard for the party ‘it’ supports, the fact is the Green Party are more than happy to have InternetMana as part of the electoral landscape,
InternetMana being there means the heat usually directed at the Green Party is focused by the ‘wing-nuts’, Alien included, on the InternetMana alliance and less so on the Green Party,
Obviously everyone supporting InternetMana wants to respond to Alien’s attempts at flame starting, but, doing so for the next 8 weeks is going to wreck the flow of ‘Open Mike’ and i would suggest responding to ‘it’ thus 🙄 🙄 🙄 ,
‘It’ is here not for the imparting of useful info, ‘it’ is here solely to shit stir…
Wanting a green lab government is now ‘raving diatribe of hatred”.
With the greatest of respect, your insults show you to be a bit one dimensional.
To start crying over my overt disdain for mip exposes you as a bit of a hypocrite, given your responses to anyone who disagrees with your views, especially the ones you labour over and over again like nobody heard you the first time.
I won’t trade insults with you, so you’ll just have to take that like a man, but remember, you are the political minority with an equal voice, no need to insult and shout me down.
Yep, he nailed it, just like anyone with half a brain would have foreseen coming.
Harre wouldn’t be there without kimmies money, just like hh would have anything to do with him either.
But to be clear, I think key agreed with me, rather than the other way around.
“sorry mispelled meant greezer”
You also didn’t use ‘misspelt’, but I got your back, bro.
Harres taken KDCs coin so now she has accept that people see her as bought and paid for, Key also agreed that KDC was also Harawiras sugar daddy as well
If KDC wasn’t bankrolling the whole thing she wouldn’t be there so unfortunately for her people will vote with their heads not their hearts 🙂
Rubbish and complete double standards mate – key donates to a charity called the gnats and he’s as pure as driven snow?
The line was either scripted by key who used it deliberately in a sexist way or he stuffed up and let his mouth dribble too much and said what he finks. Either way the desperate rats/gnats are spitting, swarming and spinning – the true face of key being revealed daily and oh how unpleasant that real face is.
you wanted a trader – you got him – only he’ll trade you and everyone else to protect and enhance his own skin – welcome to reality…
you wanted a trader – you got him – only he’ll trade you and everyone else to protect and enhance his own skin – welcome to reality…
Being that his personal popularity is the stuff of Cunliffes dreams and Nationals been voted back twice now i’d say I’m comfortable with him remaining leader as is enough intelligent kiwis
Mate you’ll be comfortable right up to the moment you get ‘put’ on the wrong side and then it will get very uncomfortable. But it’s all good – we will get who we vote for.
“Harres taken KDCs coin so now she has accept that people see her as bought and paid for,”
evidence that Harre is bought and paid for like a prostitute? See, I thought she was on a salary, had an employment contract, and was a strong, intelligent, articulate politician capable of making her own decisions and being part of a team that worked together.
You do realise that the term sugar daddy refers to women who trade sex for money or gifts?
*and of course there is the convoluted smear, because Key wants to make out that there is something morally wrong with prostitution and thus there is something wrong with Harre, despite the fact that sex work in NZ is legal. He’s a sexist idiot, and so are you PR. Shall we all now start referring to Key as the US One Percenter’s bumboy?
It’s not sexist, it just doesn’t portray saint Harre in a good light, which understandably you don’t like, but not sexist when taken in a political context.
Sure allen twist and shout all you like but Laila knew exactly the meaning that key intended and so do a lot of people. She is the leader of a political party, 6 weeks from an election, being subjected to disgusting sexist abuse from the Prime Minister and you agree with him – shame on you
stop being obtuse Al1en. Those services are sexual, that’s the general meaning of sugar daddy. Key’s clear implication was that not that Harre was being paid for being a good politician, but that she was selling herself somehow to a rich man in a way that society deems to be less than moral. Which is pretty rich coming from him lolz, but then we know that he doesn’t give a shit.
Even with your interpretation, there is no evidence that Harre has been ‘bought’. You just like to see her that way because of your antipathy towards KDC. That says more about you than anything.
She wouldn’t be there without kim’s cash. Call it for what it is, even if you want to soften it up and call it political expediency.
You can’t convince me it isn’t true so you attack the messenger.
If I have to state Harre isn’t a prostitute for the record I’ll do so, but she’s only there because of the cash, in my opinion, so make of it what you will, like key did.
How the fuck would you know? You are just making it up to fit your right-wing agenda. Laila’s has done more for this country and the people than you ever will even in your dreams but you are happy to abuse her and sully her motives for what? Your infantile personal agenda against IMP – what a little person you are.
Yep laugh away at all the hard won rights for women and others disadvantaged in society – what a hero you are.
and I’m quite happy to cry anytime I want and I do when I see arseholes like you ‘apparently’ voting for the Greens – lol no, I beeelieve you, I really do lol
“Yep laugh away at all the hard won rights for women and others disadvantaged in society – what a hero you are.”
Setting that agenda again, bro. Sling enough sh!t and hope some of it sticks. Great philosophy, and probably why you’re a 1.5 percenter and always will be.
“and I’m quite happy to cry anytime I want and I do when I see arseholes like you ‘apparently’ voting for the Greens – lol no, I beeelieve you, I really do lol”
Consistent all the way through in my voting intentions.
I want a green/Lab government and you don’t. Using your logic, gtfo tory.
Class. Lulz.
Anyway, what did you say about kimmy and his twitter ‘joke’ in which Batman shoots a prostitute?
Any more/less offensive than a political sugar daddy jibe?
Where do you stand on that?
What does that mean? That she is there ONLY because she is getting paid lots of money by KDC ie she isn’t there because she believes in the cause or IMP’s policies, it’s simply the money.
Or, that without KDC’s money the IMP wouldn’t exist and she wouldn’t have a job. If it’s that, then how is that any different than any other politician who is dependent on other people’s money for their income?
My opinion, I believe she passionately cares for the internet party, it’s causes and goals… 1. Because of the money. 2.Because she has to now, because of the money.
well you believe that she is only in it for the money, and has sold out her own personal values and politics, and that it’s ok to use a whore analogy to refer to her, so why not call her a whore?
As I think marty has pointed out, there is of course absolutely no evidence to support your belief, which is what makes it so interesting. I alluded to this the other day, that your antipathy towards KDC is seriously skewing your view on things related, but the more I read the more I am inclinde to think that the antipathy towards KDC is adjunct to other things not the cause.
You claim it’s a whore analogy, key made the comment, I agree with the sentiment behind it that she’s only in it for the money in a political context.
You can make up some sexist sh!t and pretend to be all offended and have a little crusade til the cows come home, but ultimately it will change nothing.
Enjoy it, it’s been a long time between drinks for you.
You’re the one trying to shut me up, not the other way round.
If you are resting your defence (defense?), you won’t need to follow my posts again, right?
Let’s see how that works out for you 😉
I’d love to shut you up but your types love the sound (geddit?) of your own voice – nevermind right wingers always turn into right whingers after a time as you have done 🙂
you’ve got form guv – first attack and try to sully a 17 year old successful woman trying to get young people to vote even though she can’t. And then agree with sexist remarks about the female leader of a political party that you don’t like. A real stand up bloke eh? err nay.
Whilst you’re believing, you can always answer the question about kimmies tweeted Batman kills prostitute ‘joke’.
So much hatred for not supporting mip. What losers some of you guys are turning out to be.
Is that really the voice of the far left in NZ? No wonder you’re marginalised.
sorry allen i just don’t believe your bullshit especially when you crow about it on the net as a device to gain sympathy for yourself – that is weak and sad
“crow about it on the net as a device to gain sympathy” 🙄
Actually it was more like therapy and very cathartic it was too. Thanks for that TS.
I recall stating I was on meds at the time, so interesting your take on interactions with sufferers of mental illness. Very enlightened of you. That’s really quite outrageous, and for a supposed caring leftie too.
And all because I don’t like mip. Now remind me of weak and sad again.
I thought you were taking time out allen – I agree with you that you may need to – all the best – go into nature, that’s what I do when I need to centre myself again, and listen to sounds of nature – the water, the wind, the sea – it really helps me and may be of use to you.
Yes I know your shocked I get that. I’m not going to engage with you anymore but you have interpreted incorrectly – I was attacking you but not because of your mental condition, your prescriptions or anything like that – it was because I just don’t believe what you say or your reasons for saying what you say – that’s it – no more or less. My advice – take the time out – we all need it and we all gain value from it.
35% for Labour ??? – You’re joking, right ?
32% if they’re very, very lucky.
That’s the best Labour can hope for now.
15% for the Greens ? Possible (especially if MSM presents election as all over bar the shouting) BUT still fairly unlikely, I would have thought. 12% yes, 13% yes, 14% quite possible, 15% unlikely.
By the same token, claims that IMP will take 5%, 7% even 10% border, I’m sorry to say, on the delusional. 2.5-3.0% rather more likely.
Just a little too much wishful-thinking going on, bereft of any kind of solid statistical grounding.
Nope 35+15 is a reachable target, especially with a good campaign.
Of course, factor in a bit of left shreddage to mip and they could easily screw up the plan, which would mean the mips cause Labour and the Greens to coalesce with NZ1st.
Alien sets up the excuses for losing the 2014 election even befor the votes are cast, that’s you Alien, a leaking fart sack of anti-InternetMana invective,
A real loser,
Did you have to suffer much pain to contort so as to look up your posterior in such a fashion as to be able to see a Labour/Green Government,
When you have time to snap out of your delusion for a moment tell us wont you which polls show Labour/Green being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or InternetMana…
The leaking fart sack, what a font of wisdom, come on oh wise one, tell us, which poll shows Labour/Green anywhere near being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or IntenetMana,
What leaks from the fart-sack known as Alien is becoming more bizarre than Phillips most outrageous ravings…
Using the latest Roy Morgan, the Greens need 3% Labour 5%
If you think, like you constantly inform, mip will get another 2.5 -3.5%, why not my picks?
Polls historically narrow before elections, so all to play for.
No invective, no insults, no need for mip.
What’s childish is you Alien with the air whistling out of that fart sack of a mind of yours,
Take Labour for instance, how much of their coin this election will come from THE RICH, are Labour then bought and beholden to such donors,
The Green Party 60 thousand dollars from one very very RICH corporate, are the Greens now beholden to that bloke for His coin,
IF, we were to be getting ugly, which until you continued the diatribe i was trying to not get into, IF DotCom has bought InternetMana and you agree with Slippery the PM’s description of this you then have to IF you were being HONEST attribute the same BOUGHT and BEHOLDEN statement to EVERY RICH sponsor of Slippery’s own National Party, the Labour Party, and , the Greens,
In the case of the Green Party tho IF the same ugliness is applied about RICH sponsors as used by you and Slippery the PM you would have to add something else wouldn’t you,
Oh really Alien, want to know something, you and Phillip are one and the same with only one difference,
When your screws become loose as they have for the past couple of days with your ongoing diatribe attacking InternetMana the printed form of your screws loose text is far more readable than Phillips,
You have just retreated into classic Phillip Ure, Wah Wah Wah your covering your eyes now you cannot handle the detail of the debate,
Tell us all Alien, what the fuck is the difference of DotCom donating to InternetMana and the RICH donating to the Greens,
If such donations buy the Party then the Green Party sure as hell sold itself for small change didn’t it…
“If you think, like you constantly inform, mip will get another 2.5 -3.5%, why not my picks?
Polls historically narrow before elections, so all to play for.”
in response to
“tell us, which poll shows Labour/Green anywhere near being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or IntenetMana,”
And you ignore it and spew out attacks.
That’s not debate, that playground stuff.
“Tell us all Alien”
I did last time, remember?
But I’ll have another go. That link I posted from the election org place that shows donations over 30k. Only one for the greens.
kimmie splashing $3m+ and setting up a whole organisation is not the same as being a mere rich ‘donor’, it’s a completely different ball game altogether.
If you can’t or refuse to accept it, no worries, the brighter sparks will.
i have expropriated your name for the moment as a useful tool in pointing out to Alien that despite His own self perceived superiority He/it is no better than anyone else, even you…
Actually the RICH donor says 60 thousand Alien, so IF donations of money makes a Party bought and sold, the Greens were bought and sold really really cheaply,
The only difference i see is your envy, Greens sold out for a mere 60 grand must piss you off right…
“despite His own self perceived superiority He/it is no better than anyone else”
No need for the inferiority complex on my account, but I thought we were talking about red/green getting 35+15, before you changed the topic to Mr Mills giving 60k and equating it to the same as kimmie buying hone and Harre.
30 Grand, $60 thousand, whats a few thou here and there, better get that ‘link’ back up boyo coz while Granny Herald aint the most reliable rag in the town they say the donation was $60k to the Greens and as much to Labour,
Gym boss donates $125k to Labour, Greens–NZHerald,
Laughable is your accompanying whine Alien, you do not get to choose how i debate and your attempt at telling me how to do so with its following smacks of the usual toy toss…
By the way Alien, after we sort out how much coin the mega-rich owner of Les Mills gyms fame slipped the Greens way lets have a really really nice little chat about who this bloke is actually fronting for,
Pure Advantage??? ‘the usual suspects’ a group of business people who are all seriously rolling in the filthy lucre lurk in the background of ‘Pure Adavantage’,
The likes of Fairfax New’s and Radio Live ex CEO Joan Withers springs to mind,
Lets have a wee discussion about why these people, reeking of deep National Party connections all want to ‘buy in’ to the Green Party,
“30 Grand, $60 thousand, whats a few thou here and there, better get that ‘link’ back up boyo coz while Granny Herald aint the most reliable rag in the town they say the donation was $60k to the Greens and as much to Labour,”
Exactly what I wrote. What’s your point?
“according to the elections site, one person gave over 30k to each totalling $60,000 G and $64,999 L. Labour also had another 50k and a 430k estate plus a union donation.”
“you do not get to choose how i debate and your attempt at telling me how to do so with its following smacks of the usual toy toss…”
There can’t be a debate if you ask a question, get an answer, ignore it and then move on to another unrelated point. That’s not how it works.
You can suspect what you like about their motives, but be prepared for the feral backlash, oh no wait, that only happens when you question the motive behind kimmies multimillion dollar buy up. lol
Oh is it size envy you have Alien, according to how you ascribe donations they are buying the politicians you have repeatedly pushed this view for the past couple of days,
This must be your view then, cost of Green Party sellout to business interests a miserably cheap all up 60 thousand dollars,
Cost of DotCom setting up Internet Party, millions, laugh out loud frigging millions Alien so eat your heart out you cheap little prick…
Like I’ve written before, if you can’t/won’t accept that spending $3m+ on setting up a political party and buying politicians to front it is different from a $60k political donation, then you’re being willfully incompetent or blissfully ignorant. I don’t mind or care which.
But getting back to the original point, if you expect mip to rise another 3 or so percent, why can’t labour and the greens, bearing in mind polls historically narrow in the lead up to an election?
That makes 35+15 a distinct possibility, as stated and hoped for.
It would be very good and sensible to have the Internet Mana that represents a different constituency in the country be part of the government support party too. The Labour led government will do well to implement a few of the good policies of the Greens, Internet-Mana and possibly NZF too for maximum good of the general public and the country. The only criteria would be that the tails should be constructive, sensible in negotiating and implementing doable policies and not try to hamstring or wag the dog too much, because if that happens, the voters will punish all these parties in 2014.
oops, meant ‘because if that happens, the voters will punish all these parties in 2017’ (not 2014. In 2014 there is a much bigger chance for Labour led Government, than a National led one!)
Wikipedia “Sugar daddy is a slang term for a man who offers to support a typically younger woman or man after establishing a relationship that is usually sexual.“
Key has made a mistake I reckon.
Exactly ianmac – the reference was explicitly sexual and this will bite him back quite hard i hope especially if the fire in Laila’s eyes last night, when she mentioned it, is any indication.
I think it would be a good idea to place a bag of sugar or a bottle of molasses on a chair on the stage in place of Key when he does not front up for candidate debates in Hellensville. What do you think?
Usually being the Key word however Harre can shriek as much as she likes but more of NZ will agree with John Key that shes put out for KDCs money than will agree with her
Hang on. Doesn’t every party depend on financing?
How about Mr Gibbs financing the ACT party. Is he a sugar daddy to Mr Whyte?
How about Mr Craig buying his mate Christine Rankin for the Conservatives. Is Colin Christine’s Sugar Daddy?
And National. Is Mr Key a Sugar Daddy to his Party?
Crazy really.
Key HELPED the Maori party with their big corporate bought donations from very rich people!
God knows how many shadowy rick pricks, crooked corporates, dodgy immigrants, shady multinationals, Hollywood executive gangs have given now millions in secret to National!
Going by the infestation of the National party election hoardings all over the road side, all over the country and even all over the country side, seems like they have spent millions of moola on those eye sores alone!
“A rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favours.”
When I first heard Key I didn’t think of the connotations Harre is going on about it. Key merely enunciated what everyone sensible is thinking. Dotcom has paid Harre (and Hone) for a service, they are now beholden to him in a master/servant relationship and he will want to collect. At one level, I actually would like to see what happens when the IMP demand the halt to Dotcom’s extradition as the price of a supply deal.
She has the right to be offended just as most of the population has the right to believe she is hypocrite (along with Hone). I think if we were watching a dance off between Key and Dotcom as to who is the sleaziest, Dotcom would win by a mile. Rape jokes on twitter anyone?
I’d like to see Key up the ante and call Hone “Dotcom’s b*tch – bought and paid for.” (now that Kelvin Davis isn’t allowed to say it).
Is it interesting though? Would you use it as the reason to vote one way or another? It could be said that Key has and will be a Rent Boy for his whole life. Is saying it an insult, or a really boring not quite distracting hyperbolic yawn?
It won’t change my vote. It tells me nothing I didn’t know about John Key (deep down he is a smart arse, he is very calculating, he is way smarter than the hopeful left paint him).
It tells me nothing I didn’t know about Laila Harre (she’s smart and calculating, she’s chosen to cry outrage here for marketing reasons, her entire role smacks of hypocrisy. If Dotcom hadn’t funded the party she’d be nowhere within a hundred miles of him, and would describe him as everything she despises about capitalism).
I don’t have a problem with either Key or Harre – they are politicians, and truth is the first casualty in anything they do.
This is a sideshow, but in light of how dotcom continuously inserts foot in mouth (the F John Key video) it just adds to the hypocrite label for Laila. Maybe won’t hurt her as the IMP core market of around 3% of the population won’t care but the 97% will harden their views against IMP.
“she’s smart and calculating, she’s chosen to cry outrage here for marketing reasons, her entire role smacks of hypocrisy. If Dotcom hadn’t funded the party she’d be nowhere within a hundred miles of him, and would describe him as everything she despises about capitalism)”
citation needed. I know you think you are expressing opinion, but when you say you know something about someone, it pays to be able to back it up. Please provide proof that Harre would otherwise despise KDC’s politics.
“Ms Harre said she had no problem with the video, adding that it was a spontaneous reaction and Kim Dotcom did not lead the chant.
“The video is a true representation of youth expression. We are on the road to engage with young people over politics. We are not about censoring the way that young people engage.””
Don’t need a poll when these chants go up from young people – nope time to put the barricades up and issue weapons, but that never saves them for long. You’ll be feeling triple puckish I suppose eh puck?
Bad PRAnd 66% of New Zealand believe KDC is not lying while only 33% believe Brain fade Key is telling the truth!
The next polls will show a huge surge of support for MIPespecially from the young who weren’t interested in politics or voting but like free downloads and faster internet speeds!
The young don’t get polled as much as the polls are mostly via land lines! Non busy home bound people will be over represented. After which the poll companies try to ‘adjust’ and make some funny ‘corrections’ Also, they ignore the undecideds!
anyone who knows or has observed Laila Harre’s career would know she is her own woman and money is not her first concern! …so it is a meaningless smear attempt…Laila Harre has asked for remuneration as befits her experience both as a lawyer and a political activist… and a very effective politician
….I wonder if Puckish Rogue and Nadis and John Key are speaking from experience …and have a hidden sugar daddy or sugar mummy?….maybe they have hidden puppeteers who call the shots?…….eh Pucky?
Poor PR Dodgy John Key NEW Zealands biggest benefit bludger Receiving $5 million in handouts a welfare cheque to save Merrill Lynch from the US government !
PuppetKey ie pinokeyo
Have you anything to say about the systematic poverty in New Zealand and how the National Party plans to deal with it?
Or is your politics just about personalities and polls?
nadis, email Slippery the PM and advise Him to use such a slur on Hone, make him up another one, just as ugly and abusive as the first you propose, for Annette Sykes,
Demand He broadcast them on prime time,
Watch the action that would then occur, InternetMana 5% off of the back of such abuse, easily…
Isn’t it what most people are thinking? If you really think about who Key and Harre are talking to, it is their core constituencies. Harre doesnt care if 97% of voters think she is a hypocrite, Key doesn’t care if 52% of voters think he is rude. No core supporter of either party will be turned off by this wee tete a tete
Not deliberately trying to be snide (though I have on several occasions been told it seems to come naturally).
There’s a difference nadis, most of InternetMana support is ‘hard’, not likely to be able to be chiseled away from the party leading into the election,
The total support for National, my pick despite the ‘polls’ tops out at 47%, i would suggest that at least 5–7% of that is ‘soft’ able to be swayed leading into the election,
Not swayed i might add in a straight line from National to InternetMana, but, such ugly language from Slippery towards Lailla might move some of National’s ‘soft’ support across to Labour,(from where it obviously came)…
I mostly agree with you except that voters wont go back to labour. Once they’ve left there there is no going back. Voters leaving National (which I don’t see this issue causing) would go to Winston First, not vote, or the conservatives. Can’t see any reason why Labour is attractive to someone who previously has left. Voters leaving IMP (which I don’t see this issue causing) would probably go to the Greens.
IMP hard support – maybe 2-3% – possible to get 4 or 5% on a good campaign?
The most critical thing in this election will be the overhang seats and this is where National has a huge advantage. They can potentially get 3 to 5 overhang seats depending on how the Maori party does. Whereas the left block will get nil overhang seats – even if Hone wins a seat he will do so with two or three percent which means no overhang seats. Overhang seats are way more valuable – to illustrate imagine a no overhang parliament with 59 right seats/61 left seats. Add in 3 overhang seats and you get 62/61. You guys should forget about adding the left block up to get to 50%. Three overhang seats with 0% of the party vote is worth nearly 2% to national.
This is where our version of MMP is flawed – why should someone living in Epsom or Te Tai Tokerau or Ohariu have a vote that is worth more than you or me?
Nadis, As a political scientist you make a very valid point about the over hang seats – they could well be the key. However, you assertion they will favour National is wrong. The have historically favoured the left and if Hone wins and IMP get 3-4.5% of the vote, then the left will benefit from 1-3 overhang seats.
The trust’s spokeswoman Ruth Money said in a statement this afternoon: “Garth has made a bold personal decision to seek a Parliamentary seat with the Conservative Party for the 2014 election.
“We’re very sorry to lose him. Garth has worked tirelessly over the past 13 or so years as an advocate for change to New Zealand’s offender-friendly legal system. He hopes to achieve more change through the political process.”
Of interest but not quite on the topic you raise here, the Supreme Court has just given back to such organizations the right to be considered ”charitable”,
GreenPeace i believe took the case to the courts in an effort to have their charitable status restored…
Re the unemployment figures – each region of the Labour party should state the local level.
Half of the new jobs are coming into Christchurch where unemployment is now under 3% (but with a smaller population than earlier).
Other regions will still be above 6% – and many now face the impact of falling dairy prices thus no prospect of any improvement under the policies of this government.
“Other regions will still be above 6%” – No. From Stats NZ Southland 4.4%, Otago, 4.8%, Tasman, Marlb/Nelson 5.0%. That was for March so I imagine they will be lower still.
Blue, sorry but yes applies in many regions. It is only a no for the South Island. And yes they are lower still in the June quarter (see Stats NZ Household survey tables).
June 2014
Northland 8.3%, Auckland 6.2%, Waikato 6.4%, Hawkes Bay East Coast 6.7%, Manawatu Wanganui 7%.
Taranaki is 5.2 and Wellington 5.4%.
Bay of Plenty is 5.6, but is a seasonal fall that happens each year – it rises in September and December quarters to its peak each year (anyone know why?) that is up to 2% higher than the June quarter figure.
This is very interesting. I think the giving Harre a hard time re the moral high ground is daft. It reminds me of when Harawira was first in parliament and wore causal clothes to work instead of a suit and tie, and got shit for that. Guess what powers that be? Democracy is for everyone, not just the people that look and talk like you. Young people at a rave chanting is normal. Using the word fuck is normal, esp to say ‘fuck you’ to someone else. What’s really scaring you is that someone in a political party is daring to do something that is outside the norm and lots of yoof are into it, and it’s on the internet for everyone to see and you can’t control it.
I’m seriously curious what is so wrong with saying ‘fuck John Key’. It’s not hate speech, it’s just common language expression of wanting to get Key’s govt out.
On the other hand, I am really glad that KDC is ineligble to stand for parliament. The whole celebrity bit makes me uncomfortable, and how many of the people in that crowd are going to go on to an indepth understanding of the politics of NZ, as opposed to chanting slogans because it is cool? Will the IP lead people to a better understanding, or lead them into a cult following?
On the other, other hand, when I was young I’d have loved that video, and been into it even though my politics were yet to form much depth.
btw, am pretty sure there is a cut in the middle of the video just before the chanting starts, which means we have no real idea of who initiated the chant. Could have been KDC or one of the organisers.
“I am really glad that KDC is ineligble to stand for parliament”
Me too. I heard him at the roadshow last night and he was very good but I trust Hone, Annette, John and I trust Laila and Miriam – Kim would be last on my list. He says he created the Internet Party as a thank you to the public of nz for helping him after the raids – that’s cool but for me, as a hardened leftie, I want lefties in there. He is learning and growing and I’d say changing in many ways as you would if you hang around with the IMP crew and I really hope that all continues but once again I say that I’m pleased he can’t stand for Parliament.
Exactly. It seems to me that while the political classes are tut-tutting over disrespect shown to the PM the IMP will be getting exactly the kind of exposure to the potential voters they are hoping to recruit.
+100…good on the students!… New Zealand youth have been fucked over …lets face it!
…and crippling student loans and interest when so young ( unless your parents are rich and can afford to put you through university) …is knee- capping the most talented and the future of New Zealand…creating an education class divide
…it is time students and youth got out and demonstrated against this John Key Nact government!
@ PU .. actually I dont think Helensville is a good idea for students to demonstrate at on reflection!…they could get caught up and into trouble on other issues…let Laila Harre and Penny Bright handle John Key and Helensville without any distractions from John Key’s performance
… I think it would be better if students concerned with education marched and demonstrated from their universities to the middle of their university town centres
1.)….that way they would get much bigger crowds and support from the general public and teachers…as well as media focus on their special youth issues
2.) they would be focussed on what matters most ….their education and their futures ( and showing how NACT have undermined their education and let them down badly)
3.) it would show New Zealand that their issue for youth rights and equality of opportunity is separate and special…and demanding of attention from ALL political parties
4.) it would be multi- political party in its reach and participation
Lets face it John Key and NACT and the Right wing spinners will make trouble if they can before the Election to swing voters away from legitimate concerns.
People are going to have to be very careful about how they demonstrate so it does NOT backfire and become a law and order or security issue
This Election ….there are high stakes …and some on the Right Wing will swing this Election whatever way they can..Here is just a taste of it .
‘ Faux outrage at “F**k John Key’ clip’
By Martyn Bradbury / August 7, 2014
“Oh here comes the faux outrage over a bunch of rowdy students chanting ‘Fuck John Key’…..
This i find a total mind blast, the biggest hoot to hit politics in one hell of a lot of years, these youngsters, the demographic most unlikely to cast a vote, have obviously found, in DotCom, a political vehicle and who among us over the past nearly 6 years hasn’t snarled at the Tee Vee or radio exactly that, ”Fuck John Key”, or words to that effect,(c’mon fess up),
Hell 2 days ago i was describing DotCom as a shy bloke at heart, suggested He should alter the message and did He what?,
Seriously, i don’t think that all that hall packed with young people are going to vote InternetMana on September 20, but, a significant number will,
From my perspective, being in the Mana camp of the InternetMana alliance those votes are still a vote for Mana, the sheer quixotic nature of this campaign, and remember, the fun has only just begun, has my interest piqued, so much so that i can’t wait to get out on the streets with the campaign,
What’s getting me is this huge divide, from a hugely divided New Zealand, of differing demographics turning out in support of InternetMana,
In Waiariki, the biggest political turnout in a decade was there when the ‘roadshow’ hit town, if you can move the locals up there in Roto-Vegas you can move em anywhere,
And so He does, this big fella, along with the crew,the roadshow, Lailla,Hone,Annette,Callum, the local candidates, here in Whanga-nui-a-Tara my thought was this is good, this might get quite big,
In the space of 3 days it got just that, Big, when a hall full of young people react like that at a political event you know its happening, with their social media habits 10’s of 1000’s who were not at the event will be partying all night Friday night and up and down New Zealand in places unimaginable they will bring the house down with that chant,
Here’s quixotic for you, listening to Jim Mora on my wireless this afternoon commenting on the Nelson leg of the ‘roadshow’, the local ‘bridge club’, i kid you not, according to Mora, interrupted proceedings to attend the roadshow, the local ‘bridge club’, i am if you will excuse me, in fucking awe,
i have been commenting ”i have a sniff of 5% for InternetMana in September”, another commenter, today yesterday?, sees 7%, it aint impossible, anything can happen here,
The fun has just begun, this has been a message from the future, you all know the rest, be there….
Good one bad – loving the enthusiasm. Nelson had over 200 people which was double what cunliffe and craig got to their events. The energy was electric and the crowd was eclectic – only bummer for me – no Hone.
4 members and 5% will do me – time to say fuck john key and fuck inequality and fuck those who don’t like the message.
Hi Weka,
My immediate reaction was similar. I thought good. Let’s say it how it is and fuck the ‘life’s sweet for me’ hypocrits and the desperate and frightened wannabes who keep ramping up the overdraught to keep reality at bay for as long as they can keep the illusion going. Why should we pretend and protect the comfort zone of the pampered middle? Things are shit for a whole lot of people and the only view is down the barrel of even deeper shit. That’s just how it is.
This whole psychology-of-voting-habits-and-manipulating-public-opinion thing exemplified by likes of Polity has been ruinous to the left. Two decades of advice from the marketeers about how we should present ourselves in order to get elected and it boils down to kow-tow to your betters and everyone will like you more. So we give in and we simper and we smile. And we get more and more shafted but we still keep taking the advice. Even though the result is the opposite of what we want we keep going because we’re told that it will be even worse if we don’t.
“I’m seriously curious what is so wrong with saying ‘fuck John Key’. It’s not hate speech, it’s just common language expression of wanting to get Key’s govt out.”
Key’s popularity is the only thing National has got going for them. They’re shit scared of this sort of sentiment being expressed in public.
There’s nothing more to it, and no rationale for their suddenly very strong feelings about “hate-speech” will be offered.
As the late great Lenny Bruce said, “If you can’t say fuck, you can’t say fuck the government”.
Heard on the Panel that after talking about Key and the wrongness of his “Sugar Daddy” remarks that the woman (Katherine?) said that a new name for Key is going the rounds:
“Smuggins.” Very apt I thought.
What are the National Parties policies to deal with systemic poverty in this country? Your leader seems a bit unwilling to debate, so I thought you’d be happy to explain the policies for us.
Are you willing/ able to discuss the actual issues ?
Or are you planning to focus on diversions, polls and personalities for the next month?
But his death notice here on The Standard, along with the mention of Parekura Horomia RIP at 63, clearly illustrates to me the section of society which would be most harmed by Labour raising the retirement age to 67.
..another very good reason for Labour keeping the retirement age as low as possible and as simple as possible ie blanket universal coverage without bureaucratic hoops to jump ( eg ..I think i might die in 6 months so i deserve it NOW!…gimme , gimme …who is going to go begging for it?…no they will just vote for the political party that gives them the best deal without having to beg for it!…Labour BEWARE!)
Personally I would have liked Virginia Andersen to win, but seems it would probably be just wishful thinking in reality as the Nats are obviously either very strong here or may be the voters of various hues have already made up their minds to gazump Dunne and kick him out by voting for Nat’s Hudson!
So, the BEST strategy for Labour and the Greens and any other anti National/anti Dunne party (IMP, NZF etc) under the circumstances is to STRATEGICALLY give their party vote to their own preferred party, but to give their ELECTORATE vote to NATIONAL’s HUDSON to be more sure of defeating the discredited Dunne and hence prevent National and Key being able to form the next destructive nasty RW government once again! That is my considered opinion anyway.
Lolz Clem, i do not want to be disparaging of the Labour crew, but, they think they are going to ‘win’ Ohariu,
i have tried befor here at the Standard to convince everyone that to get rid of Dunne noses will have to be held and electorate votes cast for the National candidate in Ohariu,
i am thinking of doing a little advertising in Ohariu myself, along the lines of ‘retire Dunne’ and ‘i do not even support National, but, given the choice of Dunne or Hudson, lets vote for Hudson’…
Dunne won’t bring more mps in with him should he win, so net result voting Dunne or Hudson equals Nat +1.
Much better to campaign for Anderson electorate votes off the opposition parties in the hope of getting a net nat -1
What’s happened to the reply buttons? I was unable to reply to some right winger who was supporting Key in calling Laila Harré a bought woman. I would have said that Key goes to Bilderberg parties as an anal service slut, so just as well the buttons were missing.
Apart from the jerkoffs on Whalespew and a couple of their kin here, I don’t think many people will appreciate Key calling Laila a woman of negotiable virtue. I hope it costs NAct votes.
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
Thanks folks for your feedback, votes and comments this week. I’ll be making the changes soon. Appreciate all your emails, comments and subscriptions too. I know your time is valuable - muchas gracias.A lot is happening both here and around the world - so I want to provide a snippets ...
Data released today by Statistics NZ shows that unemployment rose to 5.1%, with 33,000 more people out of work than last year said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “The latest data shows that employment fell in Aotearoa at its fastest rate since the GFC. Unemployment rose in 8 ...
The December labour market statistics have been released, showing yet another increase in unemployment. There are now 156,000 unemployed - 34,000 more than when National took office. And having thrown all these people out of work, National is doubling down on cruelty. Because being vicious will somehow magically create the ...
Boarded up homes in Kilbirnie, where work on a planned development was halted. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 5 are;Housing Minister Chris Bishop yesterday announcedKāinga Ora would be stripped of ...
This week Kiwirail and Auckland Transport were celebrating the completion of the summer rail works that had the network shut or for over a month and the start of electric trains to Pukekohe. First up, here’s parts of the press release about the shutdown works. Passengers boarding trains in Auckland ...
Through its austerity measures, the coalition government has engineered a rise in unemployment in order to reduce inflation while – simultaneously – cracking down harder and harder on the people thrown out of work by its own policies. To that end, Social Development Minister Louise Upston this week added two ...
This year, we've seen a radical, white supremacist government ignoring its Tiriti obligations, refusing to consult with Māori, and even trying to legislatively abrogate te Tiriti o Waitangi. When it was criticised by the Waitangi Tribunal, the government sabotaged that body, replacing its legal and historical experts with corporate shills, ...
Poor old democracy, it really is in a sorry state. It would be easy to put all the blame on the vandals and tyrants presently trashing the White House, but this has been years in the making. It begins with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and the spirit of Gordon ...
The new school lunches came in this week, and they were absolutely scrumptious.I had some, and even though Connor said his tasted like “stodge” and gave him a sore tummy, I myself loved it!Look at the photos - I knew Mr Seymour wouldn’t lie when he told us last year:"It ...
The tighter sanctions are modelled on ones used in Britain, which did push people off ‘the dole’, but didn’t increase the number of workers, and which evidence has repeatedly shown don’t work. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, ...
Catching you up on the morning’s global news and a quick look at the parallels -GLOBALTariffs are backSharemarkets in the US, UK and Europe have “plunged” in response to Trump’s tariffs. And while Mexico has won a one month reprieve, Canada and China will see their respective 25% and 10% ...
This post by Nicolas Reid was originally published on Linked in. It is republished here with permission. Gondolas are often in the news, with manufacturers of ropeway systems proposing them as a modern option for mass transit systems in New Zealand. However, like every next big thing in transport, it’s hard ...
This is a re-post from The Climate BrinkBoth 2023 and 2024 were exceptionally warm years, at just below and above 1.5C relative to preindustrial in the WMO composite of surface temperature records, respectively. While we are still working to assess the full set of drivers of this warmth, it is clear that ...
Hi,I woke up feeling nervous this morning, realising that this weekend Flightless Bird is going to do it’s first ever live show. We’re heading to a sold out (!) show in Seattle to test the format out in front of an audience. If it works, we’ll do more. I want ...
From the United-For-Now States of America comes the thrilling news that a New Zealander may be at the very heart of the current coup. Punching above our weight on the world stage once more! Wait, you may be asking, what New Zealander? I speak of Peter Thiel, made street legal ...
Even Stevens: Over the 33 years between 1990 and 2023 (and allowing for the aberrant 2020 result) the average level of support enjoyed by the Left and Right blocs, at roughly 44.5 percent each, turns out to be, as near as dammit, identical.WORLDWIDE, THE PARTIES of the Left are presented ...
Back in 2023, a "prominent political figure" went on trial for historic sex offences. But we weren't allowed to know who they were or what political party they were "prominent" in, because it might affect the way we voted. At the time, I said that this was untenable; it was ...
I'm going, I'm goingWhere the water tastes like wineI'm going where the water tastes like wineWe can jump in the waterStay drunk all the timeI'm gonna leave this city, got to get awayI'm gonna leave this city, got to get awayAll this fussing and fighting, man, you know I sure ...
Waitangi Day is a time to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and stand together for a just and fair Aotearoa. Across the motu, communities are gathering to reflect, kōrero, and take action for a future built on equity and tino rangatiratanga. From dawn ceremonies to whānau-friendly events, there are ...
Subscribe to Mountain Tūī ! Where you too can learn about exciting things from a flying bird! Tweet.Yes - I absolutely suck at marketing. It’s a fact.But first -My question to all readers is:How should I set up the Substack model?It’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask since November ...
Here’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s political economy on politics and in the week to Feb 3:PM Christopher Luxon began 2025’s first day of Parliament last Tuesday by carrying on where left off in 2024, letting National’s junior coalition partner set the political agenda and dragging ...
The PSA have released a survey of 4000 public service workers showing that budget cuts are taking a toll on the wellbeing of public servants and risking the delivery of essential services to New Zealanders. Economists predict that figures released this week will show continued increases in unemployment, potentially reaching ...
The Prime Minister’s speech 10 days or so ago kicked off a flurry of commentary. No one much anywhere near the mainstream (ie excluding Greens supporters) questioned the rhetoric. New Zealand has done woefully poorly on productivity for a long time and we really need better outcomes, and the sorts ...
President Trump on the day he announced tariffs against Mexico, Canada and China, unleashing a shock to supply chains globally that is expected to slow economic growth and increase inflation for most large economies. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 9 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 3Politics: New Zealand Government cabinet meeting usually held early afternoon with post-cabinet news conference possible at 4 pm, although they have not been ...
Trump being Trump, it won’t come as a shock to find that he regards a strong US currency (bolstered by high tariffs on everything made by foreigners) as a sign of America’s virility, and its ability to kick sand in the face of the world. Reality is a tad more ...
A listing of 24 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 26, 2025 thru Sat, February 1, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
What seems to be the common theme in the US, NZ, Argentina and places like Italy under their respective rightwing governments is what I think of as “the politics of cruelty.” Hate-mongering, callous indifference in social policy-making, corporate toadying, political bullying, intimidation and punching down on the most vulnerable with ...
If you are confused, check with the sunCarry a compass to help you alongYour feet are going to be on the groundYour head is there to move you aroundSo, stand in the place where you liveSongwriters: Bill Berry / Michael Mills / Michael Stipe / Peter Buck.Hot in the CityYesterday, ...
Shane Jones announced today he would be contracting out his thinking to a smarter younger person.Reclining on his chaise longue with a mouth full of oysters and Kina he told reporters:Clearly I have become a has-been, a palimpsest, an epigone, a bloviating fossil. I find myself saying such things as: ...
Warning: This post contains references to sexual assaultOn Saturday, I spent far too long editing a video on Tim Jago, the ACT Party President and criminal, who has given up his fight for name suppression after 2 years. He voluntarily gave up just in time for what will be a ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is global warming ...
Our low-investment, low-wage, migration-led and housing-market-driven political economy has delivered poorer productivity growth than the rest of the OECD, and our performance since Covid has been particularly poor. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty this ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.As far as major government announcements go, a Three Ministers Event is Big. It can signify a major policy development or something has gone Very Well, or an absolute Clusterf**k. When Three Ministers assemble ...
One of those blasts from the past. Peter Dunne – originally neoliberal Labour, then leader of various parties that sought to work with both big parties (generally National) – has taken to calling ...
Completed reads for January: I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson The Black Spider, by Jeremias Gotthelf The Spider and the Fly (poem), by Mary Howitt A Noiseless Patient Spider (poem), by Walt Whitman August Heat, by W.F. Harvey Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White The Shrinking Man, by Richard Matheson ...
Do its Property Right Provisions Make Sense?Last week I pointed out that it is uninformed to argue that the New Zealand’s apparently poor economic performance can be traced only to poor regulations. Even were there evidence they had some impact, there are other factors. Of course, we should seek to ...
Richard Wagstaff It was incredibly jarring to hear the hubris from the Prime Minister during his recent state of the nation address. I had just spent close to a week working though the stories and thoughts shared with us by nearly 2000 working people as part of our annual Mood ...
Odd fact about the Broadcasting Standards Authority: for the last few years, they’ve only been upholding about 5% of complaints. Why? I think there’s a range of reasons. Generally responsible broadcasters. Dumb complaints. Complaints brought under the wrong standard. Greater adherence to broadcasters’ rights to freedom of expression in the ...
And I said, "Mama, mama, mama, why am I so alone"'Cause I can't go outside, I'm scared I might not make it homeWell I'm alive, I'm alive, but I'm sinking inIf there's anyone at home at your place, darlingWhy don't you invite me in?Don't try to feed me'Cause I've been ...
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts’ star is on the rise, having just added the Energy, Local Government and Revenue portfolios to his responsibilities - but there is nothing ambitious about the Government’s new climate targets. Photo: SuppliedLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate ...
It may have been a short week but there’s been no shortage of things that caught our attention. Here is some of the most interesting. This week in Greater Auckland On Tuesday Matt took a look at public transport ridership in 2024 On Thursday Connor asked some questions ...
The East Is Red: Journalists and commentators are referring to the sudden and disruptive arrival of DeepSeek as a second “Sputnik moment”. (Sputnik being the name given by the godless communists of the Soviet Union to the world’s first artificial satellite which, to the consternation and dismay of the Americans, ...
Hi,Back on inauguration day we launched a ridiculous RFK Jr. “brain worms” tee on the Webworm store, and I told you I’d be throwing my profits over to Mutual Aid LA and Rainbow Youth New Zealand. Just to show I am not full of shit, here are the receipts. I ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump over Gaza and Ukraine.Health expert and author David Galler ...
In an uncompromising paper Treasury has basically told the Government that its plan for a third medical school at Waikato University is a waste of money. Furthermore, the country cannot afford it. That advice was released this week by the Treasury under the Official Information Act. And it comes as ...
Back in November, He Pou a Rangi provided the government with formal advice on the domestic contribution to our next Paris target. Not what the target should be, but what we could realistically achieve, by domestic action alone, without resorting to offshore mitigation. Their answer was startling: depending on exactly ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guest David Patman and ...
I don't like to spend all my time complaining about our government, so let me complain about the media first.Senior journalistic Herald person Thomas Coughlan reported that Treasury replied yeah nah, wrong bro to Luxon's claim that our benighted little country has been in recession for three years.His excitement rose ...
Back in 2022, when the government was consulting internally about proactive release of cabinet papers, the SIS opposed it. The basis of their opposition was the "mosaic effect" - people being able to piece together individual pieces of innocuous public information in a way which supposedly harms "national security" (effectively: ...
With The Stroke Of A Pen:Populism, especially right-wing populism, invests all the power of an electoral/parliamentary majority in a single political leader because it no longer trusts the bona fides of the sprawling political class among whom power is traditionally dispersed. Populism eschews traditional politics, because, among populists, traditional politics ...
I’ve spent the last week writing a fairly substantial review of a recent book (“Australia’s Pandemic Exceptionalism: How we crushed the curve but lost the race”) by a couple of Australian academic economists on Australia’s pandemic policies and experiences. For all its limitations, there isn’t anything similar in New Zealand. ...
Mr Mojo Rising: Economic growth is possible, Christopher Luxon reassures us, but only under a government that is willing to get out of the way and let those with drive and ambition get on with it.ABOUT TWELVE KILOMETRES from the farm on the North Otago coast where I grew up stands ...
You're nearly a good laughAlmost a jokerWith your head down in the pig binSaying, 'Keep on digging.'Pig stain on your fat chinWhat do you hope to findDown in the pig mine?You're nearly a laughYou're nearly a laughBut you're really a crySongwriter: Roger Waters.NZ First - Kiwi Battlers.Say what you like ...
This is a re-post from the Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler Climate denial is dead. Renewable energy denial is here. As “alternative facts” become the norm, it’s worth looking at what actual facts tell us about how renewable energy sources like solar and wind are lowering the price of electricity. As ...
SIR GEOFFREY PALMER is worried about democracy. In his Newsroom website post of 27 January 2025 he asserts that “the future of democracy across the world now seems to be in question.” Following a year of important electoral contests across the world, culminating in Donald Trump’s emphatic recapture of the ...
The Government hasn’t stopped talking about growth since the Prime Minister made his “yes” speech at the Auckland Chamber of Commerce last week. But so far, the measures announced would seem hardly likely to suddenly pitch New Zealand into the fast-growth East Asian league. The digital nomad announcement hardly deserved ...
It's election year for Wellington City Council and for the Regional Council. What have the progressive councillors achieved over the last couple of years. What were the blocks and failures? What's with the targeting of the mayor and city council by the Post and by central government? Why does the ...
Someone defames you anonymously online. Can you find out who it is? Maybe. There are legal avenues to seek a court order that an internet host reveal the identity of the person. One of them is called a Norwich Pharmacal order, but as Hugh Tomlinson KC points out, it only ...
The results of the 2025 Mood of the Workforce survey have been released, with working people revealing deep concerns regarding their work lives, housing, health care, and perceptions of the coalition government in Aotearoa New Zealand.Christopher Luxon has signalled that National may campaign on asset sales in the next election, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s move to increase speed limits substantially on dozens of stretches of rural and often undivided highways will result in more serious harm. ...
In her first announcement as Economic Growth Minister, Nicola Willis chose to loosen restrictions for digital nomads from other countries, rather than focus on everyday Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay will travel to Australia today for meetings with Australian Trade Minister, Senator Don Farrell, and the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF). Mr McClay recently hosted Minister Farrell in Rotorua for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting, where ANZLF presented on ...
A new monthly podiatry clinic has been launched today in Wairoa and will bring a much-needed service closer to home for the Wairoa community, Health Minister Simeon Brown says.“Health New Zealand has been successful in securing a podiatrist until the end of June this year to meet the needs of ...
The Judicial Conduct Commissioner has recommended a Judicial Conduct Panel be established to inquire into and report on the alleged conduct of acting District Court Judge Ema Aitken in an incident last November, Attorney-General Judith Collins said today. “I referred the matter of Judge Aitken’s alleged conduct during an incident ...
Students who need extra help with maths are set to benefit from a targeted acceleration programme that will give them more confidence in the classroom, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “Last year, significant numbers of students did not meet the foundational literacy and numeracy level required to gain NCEA. To ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has announced three new diplomatic appointments. “Our diplomats play an important role in ensuring New Zealand’s interests are maintained and enhanced across the world,” Mr Peters says. “It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of these senior diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ...
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te Iwi – without a vision, the people will perish. The Government has achieved its target to reduce the number of households in emergency housing motels by 75 per cent five years early, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The number of households ...
The opening of Palmerston North’s biggest social housing development will have a significant impact for whānau in need of safe, warm, dry housing, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The minister visited the development today at North Street where a total of 50 two, three, and four-bedroom homes plus a ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the new membership of the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC), who will serve for a three-year term. “The Committee brings together wide-ranging expertise relevant to disarmament. We have made six new appointments to the Committee and reappointed two existing members ...
Ka nui te mihi kia koutou. Kia ora, good morning, talofa, malo e lelei, bula vinaka, da jia hao, namaste, sat sri akal, assalamu alaikum. It’s so great to be here and I’m ready and pumped for 2025. Can I start by acknowledging: Simon Bridges – CEO of the Auckland ...
The Government has unveiled a bold new initiative to position New Zealand as a premier destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) that will create higher paying jobs and grow the economy. “Invest New Zealand will streamline the investment process and provide tailored support to foreign investors, to increase capital investment ...
Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced the largest reset of the New Zealand science system in more than 30 years with reforms which will boost the economy and benefit the sector. “The reforms will maximise the value of the $1.2 billion in government funding that goes into ...
Turbocharging New Zealand’s economic growth is the key to brighter days ahead for all Kiwis, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. In the Prime Minister’s State of the Nation Speech in Auckland today, Christopher Luxon laid out the path to the prosperity that will affect all aspects of New Zealanders’ lives. ...
The latest set of accounts show the Government has successfully checked the runaway growth of public spending, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “In the previous government’s final five months in office, public spending was almost 10 per cent higher than for the same period the previous year. “That is completely ...
The Government’s welfare reforms are delivering results with the number of people moving off benefits into work increasing year-on-year for six straight months. “There are positive signs that our welfare reset and the return consequences for job seekers who don't fulfil their obligations to prepare for or find a job ...
Jon Kroll and Aimee McCammon have been appointed to the New Zealand Film Commission Board, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “I am delighted to appoint these two new board members who will bring a wealth of industry, governance, and commercial experience to the Film Commission. “Jon Kroll has been an ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has hailed a drop in the domestic component of inflation, saying it increases the prospect of mortgage rate reductions and a lower cost of living for Kiwi households. Stats NZ reported today that inflation was 2.2 per cent in the year to December, the second consecutive ...
Two new appointed members and one reappointed member of the Employment Relations Authority have been announced by Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden today. “I’m pleased to announce the new appointed members Helen van Druten and Matthew Piper to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) and welcome them to ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 Understanding Te Tiriti by Roimata Smail (Wai Ako Press, $25) No better time to get ...
The committee has published this list to inform the public about its work, and to give clarity to submitters who have contacted the committee asking if they will be invited to make an oral submission. ...
Alex Casey and Gabi Lardies dissect their Laneway 2025 experience. Gabi Lardies: Hi Alex :))))))) Congratulations on not getting sunburnt. Everyone I talked to at Laneway yesterday was braving the sun for one thing. Charli XCX. How was your brat experience?Alex Casey: We will talk about the rest of ...
The US President's suggestion, which sparked enormous debate globally, has been labelled as a threat, not a proposal, by the Federation of Islamic Associations. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Christine McCarthy, Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington Interior of Auckland South Men’s Prison.Getty Images Prisons are not colourful places. Typically, they are grey or some variation of a monochrome colour scheme. But increasingly, ...
FICTION1Tree of Nourishment (Kāwai 2) by Monty Soutar (David Bateman, $39.99)Interesting to note that the author of the biggest-selling New Zealand novel in Waitangi Week is Māori (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tai, and Ngāti Kahungunu).2 Kāwai: For Such a Time as This (Kāwai 1) by Monty Soutar (David ...
Remembering the renowned New Zealand writer, who died on February 5, 2025. The Stopover When the trout rise like compassion It is worth watching when the hinds come down from the hills with a new message it will be as well to listen. – Brian Turner Poet, environmentalist, sportsman, journalist, ...
Survivors can choose to have former High Court judge Paul Davison assess their individual claims to tailor payments to their personal circumstances. ...
Are we too modest when it comes to celebrating our putrid plant life?She’s beauty. She’s grace. She smells like a decaying corpse and lurks in the backrooms of Auckland Zoo, wallowing tragically in a bucket. In recent weeks an Australian corpse plant named Putricia has captured the noses and ...
Politicians from the coalition government received a frosty reception at Waitangi this year, but Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka says the pōwhiri that received so much attention was just one part of many events throughout the week. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jenny Allen, Postdoctoral research associate, Griffith University A humpback whale mother and calf on the New Caledonian breeding grounds.Mark Quintin All known human languages display a surprising pattern: the most frequent word in a language is twice as frequent as ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Justin Keogh, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University Jordan Mailata is an Australian-born NFL star who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles as an offensive left tackle. This position favours very tall, heavy and strong athletes who ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nigel Tucker, Research Associate in Environment and Sustainability, James Cook University TREAT volunteers planting treesTREAT Like ferns and the tides, community conservation groups come and go. Many achieve their goal. Volunteers restore a local wetland or protect a patch of urban ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Karyn Healy, Honorary Principal Research Fellow in Psychology, The University of Queensland Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock The start of the school year means new classes, routines, after-school activities and sometimes even a new school. This can be a really exciting time for ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kerrie Sadiq, Professor of Taxation, QUT Business School, and ARC Future Fellow, Queensland University of Technology The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) released a discussion paper this week on investment tax breaks. The study looks at whether tax incentives, such as instant ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Naomi Zouwer, Visual Artist and Lecturer in Teacher Education, University of Canberra Galleries and art museums can be intimidating and alienating even for adults. Imagine it from a child’s point of view. Stern security guards in uniforms stationed the doors, bags checked, ...
The clock is ticking in the great chain chase. 2025 is an election year in New Zealand. Not the general variation, obviously, but the local form. If you’re thinking of running, nominations open in just five months, and your chances are good – about 50% across the various races; in ...
Political aspects of Waitangi week may be moved in 2026, writes Anna Rawhiti-Connell for The Bulletin.To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. Celebration and on-the-ground politics For the third year in a row, I have returned from Waitangi full of food and deep regrets about not ...
Arriving at Ōnuku Marae, it was easy to see why Prime Minister Christopher Luxon chose the venue to mark Waitangi Day.Kayakers paddled around Akaroa Harbour under clear blue skies, with the marae barely a stone’s throw from the shore.Luxon’s decision to skip traditional events at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds this ...
Thanks to increased operating costs and new fare structures, many public transport users in Auckland are now paying more for trains, buses and ferries. Shanti Mathias explains what’s behind the changes. Schools are back around the country, but in Auckland, kids aren’t the only ones to have returned to a ...
In a special Waitangi edition of Gone By Lunchtime, Ātea editor Liam Rātana and politics reporter Lyric Waiwiri-Smith recap a politically charged few days at the Treaty Grounds. Our Waitangi 2025 coverage is possible because of the 13,000-plus Spinoff members who regularly pay to support our work. If you aren’t a member ...
Analysis: Waitangi Day belongs to Māori first, as mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga take centre stage.Our Waitangi 2025 coverage is possible because of the 13,000-plus Spinoff members who regularly pay to support our work. If you aren’t a member yet, now is the time.Walking around the treaty grounds, te reo Māori ...
Chart 1: An unfortunate starting pointComment: Far from fighting fit, the economy limps into 2025 carrying some baggage. Two years of rolling recessions have left per capita output 4.8 percent below the 2022 peak. That’s as at September. The December quarter is looking flattish.A return to growth beckons this year. ...
Val Smith reckons if you knew her in her 20s, she’d be the last woman you’d imagine taking up lawn bowls.Yet here she is, three decades later, retiring from the international game after playing an astounding 667 internationals for the BlackJacks.One of the true greats in New Zealand bowls history, ...
If you want to be a famous sport writer in New Zealand, you probably shouldn’t specialise in football.The beautiful game usually takes a back seat here … but that could all be changing.With two teams now in the Australian football league, vocal and growing crowds, and some fantastic players looking ...
Analysis: The international rules-based order has come under increasing stress and strain over the last decade and looks likely to continue on the same rocky path for the foreseeable future. In the Pacific, political tensions and competition between powerful states – the United States and its allies, and China – ...
Analysis: Growth trumps everything was the message from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s recent state of the nation address. His declaration came on the heels of similar announcements calling for growth at all costs from the new president of the USA and from many other world leaders. As usual news media ...
I think Mr. Savage was more a firm IMHO than a WTF. He knew WTF was going on. And he had a clear IMHO as what to do about it.
michael joseph savage looks at the labour party of 2014….
What smear agenda?
Interesting comment from Nat cheerleader, Tracy Watkins:
If Labour wants us to ‘vote positive’, their candidates shouldn’t associate with scum like Slater and Farrar.
davis did not ask them for the donations..
..so yr choice of the world ‘associate’..is loose to say the least..
“factcheck:..” “factfu*k more like.”
Are you for real pu? The bollocks you threw my way for saying exactly the same thing, makes you out to be a untrustworthy flake.
me “davis did not ask them for the donations..”
pu “two of the donations were from whaleoil and farrar….and in the pitch for the site..a ‘plus’ was cited that ‘national party members wd contribute’….to this cause of taking out harawira..”
me “Though it doesn’t say he solicited them from the bloggers directly, or KD knew who was donating. Obviously they outed themselves, but that proves no culpability on KD’s part.”
pu “the allen shd not mistake a factcheck of his bullshit..for an opening of dialogue..…i wd rather bash my cock against a nail-studded stump…”
“no..davis has said he has the money from farrar/slater…”
that one has real difficulties in grasping basic facts..
..and is pretty much a nuance-free zone..
..seemingly unable to see the glaring contradictions in his own words..
..and i thought he held the allure of his imminent departure under our noses..?
..or did i just dream that..?
If you want to retract the points you made yesterday about KD, and support the one’s I made (which you now accept as fact), do so, but show some respect and act like a bloke with a couple of balls.
There are no contradictions in my words, unlike yours. Again, you must be having a laugh considering your about face. How do you hold your head up with such self inflicted embarrassing contradictions less than 24 hours apart?
Slinging even more insults when you’ve just been exposed as a bullshirt merchant isn’t doing it for me.
You can claim thick as a doorknob, but I’ve not done the 180 back track.
Disingenuous and spiteful pu. “I’m a political commentator, that’s what I do” lol
Outline the basic facts and show the “glaring contradictions in his own words”, though I’ve just done that in the post above.
i wd change not a word i said yesterday..or today..
..thick as a sack full of door-knobs..
..my dick is hurting..over and out..
“i wd change not a word i said yesterday..or today..”
So you see no quandary over slagging me off for holding a position, then espousing the same position a day later?
That makes you as credible as you are informed self proclaimed political observer.
That really is a joke look to the illuminati of the political world you seek to ingratiate and align yourself with.
“my dick is hurting..”
Did you bang your head?
phillip u and The Allen
Why don’t you conduct a measured retreat and rethink and set an example for Israel and Palestine to follow? You would be achieving something intelligent in human relationships for yourselves and a big step for mankind as well. Go on – give it a go.
“..my dick is hurting..”
A curious statement to read over coffee and toast………….
That’ll be concussion setting in.
@ rosie..yesterday i said i wd rather bang my dick against a nail-studded stump..
.. than engage in dialogue with the simple one..
Thank you for the background on that phil, puts it all in context now.
I did see that yourself and Alien had a “conversation” yesterday but I didn’t read it, due my theme of the week being ‘feel the love’
Seems I missed out on some entertainment though…………
u missed nothing..
..the ‘nail-studded stump’ was the best comment of/from the encounter..
..(hence my reverential-reference..original material that good bears repeating..)
Phil is being a hypocrite, today using the position I outlined yesterday, which he attacked me for.
Shonky political commentating, which apparently, is what he does.
“Seems I missed out on some entertainment though……”
Not really, but stay tuned. 😉
OK, Gentlemen. The reply buttons have run out and today’s b and d session hasn’t even started………
Have fun though. You both come up with some real pearlers sometimes. Makes me smile.
And then there’s the politics!
@ Rosie 9.31
Feel the Love – good idea here’s the vid – enjoy
AWWW! Nice one Warbs, nice one!
The imagery would put me off coffee and toast forever, woe!
harden up there ennui..!
(see what i did there..?…)
philip youre party needs coalition partners focus on youre party of the left this is MMP how many times have i read you denigrating right whingers for not understanding MMP.
you must be worried about loosing the coattails!
The sugardaddy comments get under youre skin!
Lailla should retort That John Key is a Sexist Dandy who has borrowed Bainimaramas Media Methods.
Focus on attacking National not frigging your own it will back fire
To be fair, Davis wasn’t directly associating with Blubber boy from ‘wail oil’ and the evil baby lookalike Farrar,
Setting up an ‘attack’ web-page tho i would suggest is unbecoming of someone striving to become an MP,
What i found at the Wellington leg of the InternetMana roadshow was a singular lack of any criticism of either Labour or the Greens,
InternetMana know who the real enemy is, its a pity that that there are others who seem not to…
“What i found at the Wellington leg of the InternetMana roadshow was a singular lack of any criticism of either Labour or the Greens,”
Nice one bad, as it should be. Having some standards and with holding criticism of those who would be your allies (cough) is a respectful thing to do.
In Nelson last night Laila was pretty direct about what she thinks will happen just after election night but she said it with grace and poise and enough power to light up the CBD.
Were you there Marty, give us a ‘feel’ for the meeting down there, numbers and such, what you thought of ‘who’ the turnout is made up of…
To be fair Kelvin Davis never solicited any donations from Farrar and Slater etc. He was probably just as surprised as everyone else at their stunt.
three nominations for todays’ ‘to be fair’-award…
The time for ‘slicing and dicing’ if any is needed should in my opinion be after the vote on September 20…
+1 Amirite
…and an addition for those aiming at fairness:
To be fair to aim for National supporters purses – “it’s not aimed at traditional supporters, honestly I think national supporters may contribute” – and not consider that such an approach might attract the spinners from the Nats -like flies to a bad smell – one would have to be a completely short sighted, unthinking idiot.
Espiner’s interview of Cunliffe a total disgrace from a public impartial broadcaster.
He may as well just say Party Vote National.
We pay taxes for his outrageous bias.
Cunliffe dealt with him pretty well though. He finished strongly with his talking points.
And a public broadcaster should be treating both sides evenly.
Don’t expect Key to receive such venom.
Actually, I found that to be a good and robust interview with excellent tough but valid relevant questions being asked. Cunliffe was very clear and answered very well. True, Espiner at times was interrupting even before Cunliffe could finish his answer or sentence . That was irritating and rude pointing to the ‘ego’ and self imposed importance of the interviewer rather than the importance/seriousness of the question.
But all in all, I thought it was a good interview and Cunliffe came out very well.
It is always easy for an interviewer to ask rapid set of all kinds of questions thrown in left, right and centre, but pretty hard for a leader to respond well on the spot for all of them, especially when there is also constant badgering and off putting interruptions in between! I think Cunliffe does quite well and he did well here too.
Here is the audio:
OMG. Guyon E spinner channeling Steven Joyce!
Hidden in this article below the editor’s headline.
One Direction and all directions on PM’s campaign trail
“But voters wanted to talk about other issues. They wanted to know when house prices would come down, how National planned to address child poverty, and when Resource Management Act reforms would get back on track.”
Wonder how Key dodged all those curly questions…..
i think it’s more scary that his musical-tastes have ‘moved from easy-listening to one direction’..
..how can we possibly trust an easy-listening/one direction fanboy..?..f.f.s..!
..how can we even bear to have such a person in the same room as us..?
..and that if not a politician..he would like to chop up dead animals all day..(!)
..he would choose to be a butcher..
..(i mean..this is all coming perilously close to ‘too much information’..)
You have to wonder if the NZHerald runs a secret school for producing journalists hell bent on dumbing down the political discourse in this country,
The writer of this piece of ”soothie” journalism Isaac Davidson chooses to ‘shield’ Slippery the Prime Minister by what is not included in this piece which simply screams ”Sluuu–uuurp”,
Here’s some of the pointed questions asked of our Prime Minister by:
The Porirua Chamber of Commerce,
Discovery School Porirua,
Kapiti College,
*Would the PM intervene in Israel,
*When will the price of housing come down,
*What is He doing about the gap between rich and poor,
*How did He plan to address child poverty,
*Will He raise the minimum wage,
Not an indication in sight of an answer from Slippery the Prime Minister according to the Heralds Isaac Davidson obviously acting to protect the PM’s image,
i am tho heartened by the list of questions put to the PM and by whom those questions were asked, being a kid from Porirua it’s what i would expect,(although the local chamber of commerce expressing such concerns is a bit of an eye-opener),
Lift your game Granny-Herald, that is a pathetic piece of journalism, the questions were posed and any journalist worth paying should have included in the published piece the frigging answers…
For this PRIME MINISTER of the country to descend to the Wh Oil gutter standard by saying that Kim Dot Com is Laila Harre’s ‘Sugar daddy’ and we should ask her ‘what she is exchanging with him’ is extremely disgusting, rude, defamatory, sexist and really very crass. I think Key thought he would score some votes by this bottom feeding comment. But I think it will back fire. That cheap statement of Key alone should cost Key and National at least 3% of votes, in my opinion.
I agree – it shows how low and scum-like key is and also how desperate and worried they are about IMP. Women have fought for years and years to be treated with respect and key spits on all women and men who have worked for true equality.
Expect more of these lines from key he is reaching his tipping point.
I have a feeling that he knows that his time is finished and National will lose, is actually secretly glad and can’t wait to leave New Zealand asap!
What an insulting creep this Key is. I find it hard to believe that a PM of Aotearoa would sink so low.
However at least Lalia Harre is not licking the arse of War mongering Uncle Sam.
So insulting is this remark that I would suggest that all women who vote for this creep are traitors to womens causes. What ever have we done to deserve such an arrogant dick as this present PM.
Does that mean that he is Bronagh’s ‘sugar daddy’ one wonders?
The woman hating filth seeping out of TradeMe, Kiwiblog and Whaleboil shows how spot on Laila Harré is in her opinion of the Prime Minister. If this misnamed leader keeps putting women down (eg Tania Billingsley) for speaking up it sends three messages;
to ‘real’ radiolive men: go for it, talented women are bitches
to women: don’t vote for me
to men that make an effort: don’t vote for me
Key has a very nasty side that is going to appear more often in the campaign. He is happy to slag off Laila on good ’ol boy radio but won’t debate her face to face at a candidates meeting at Kumeu Baptist Church.
Hearing about this on the radio this morning made me make a double take; I couldn’t believe that the leader of our country would be so offensive to women. Then I remembered who was the current leader and realised that it was A) Par for the course, and B) that he would probably not really think of it as an insult because he has no empathy or understanding of real people.
Plus 1 TM
George Monbiot at his best.
‘Sick of this market-driven world? You should be’
Some highlights…
“To be at peace with a troubled world: this is not a reasonable aim. It can be achieved only through a disavowal of what surrounds you. To be at peace with yourself within a troubled world: that, by contrast, is an honourable aspiration. This column is for those who feel at odds with life. It calls on you not to be ashamed.”
“So, if you don’t fit in, if you feel at odds with the world, if your identity is troubled and frayed, if you feel lost and ashamed – it could be because you have retained the human values you were supposed to have discarded. You are a deviant. Be proud.”
Thanks Paul – good link.
I’ll be reading the book.
What an excellent article, Paul, thanks.
This is pretty much the same as happened to Malcolm Evans twelve years ago
Look what happened to a Sydney Morning Herald columnist who dared to speak out against Israel’s crimes. A fortnight of the foulest abuse….
Not being able to criticise Israel is pretty much a worldwide disease now.
university teaching offer withdrawn
a case in point
..and yet another appalling shambles unfolding in the middle east.
Yep, immediately put me in mind of Malcolm Evans when I heard about it, Moz.
And, at the time, the small, local, loosely-organised Israel Lobby couldn’t even get their rationale straight. They were by no means singing from the same songbook. You had Israel’s Honorary Consul, David Zwartz, saying the objections had nothing to do with Evans’s criticism of Israel per se, but it was simply his use of the Star of David to symbolise Israel which was apparently deeply deeply offensive and borderline racist , implicitly attacking the whole Jewish Culture (I can only assume that Zwartz therefore went on demand the Star of David be removed from the Israeli flag so that this sort of anti-Semitism through conflation no longer arose ?).
Unfortunately, at precisely the same time, David Cohen, the New Zealand MSM’s most high-profile Israel apologist, neo-conservative bore and would-be Internationally Celebrated Man of Letters, was (through his NBR column and on TVNZ’s Eating Media Lunch) pushing precisely the opposite spin to Zwartz. This was apparently all about Evans’s unhealthy obsession with Israel……Evans, as Cohen argued, had been asked by The Herald management to desist from drawing cartoons critical of Israel but was apparently unable to comply (with Cohen’s unspoken implication being – that’s because he’s an anti-Semite).
But it gets worse, because you then had the NZ Jewish Chronicle insisting on a third and entirely different rationale for why Evans needed to be sacked – apparently Evans had drawn the Israeli Ambassador bending down to answer a question about Israel’s killing of Palestinian children from a small kiwi child. And this, to The Chronicle implied he had a bent back and wasn’t that sort of stooped pose precisely the sort of imagery that German anti-Semitic/Nazi cartoonists favoured in the 30s ?
And then a fourth rationale popped up, as with Le Lievre now, Evans was accused of drawing Israelis with large noses.
Actually, if memory serves me right, the Sydney Morning Herald cartoonist in 2003 was either fired or censured for precisely the same thing, drawing a cartoon critiquing Sharon’s murderous attack on the West Bank and employing Israel’s national symbol to do it.
Morning Report a short while ago – Little Guyon ‘Spinner darting around like an angry attack puppy snapping at Cunliffe’s trouser legs over Lochinver. Little Guyon firmly put in his place though with a sharpish recommendation to get himself clued up about NZ’s free trade agreements.
Then not 15 minutes later the unmistakeable bias reflected in the RNZ 7.30 am news bulletin – “David Cunliffe says whatever about Lochinver but admits he hasn’t even read the OIO application……” A wilfully dishonest synopsis of what Cunliffe said and how he said it. Who the hell wrote that ?
Let the cold wind of imminent joblessness fly right up that snapping little Young Nat’s bum-freezer jacket. I’ve never ever heard him go off at TheGodKey like that – ‘skim-the-surface’ soundbite mumblings……”thank you Prime Minister.”
Morning Report is an important organ for accountability in a healthy, transparent democracy. It should not be in the hands of this contemptible, hubristic Young Nat.
i can’t listen to it any more..too too biased/govt. arse-kissing..
..and little different from the radio lives/newstalk zb’s of this world..
..espiner was hired because of his record in broadcasting as a rightwing-trout…
..the role of national radio is to hold those in power to account..no matter their political-brand..
..at this espiner/morning report fail…
I hope you’ve got an official complaint going.
@North 7.58
I have decided that Guy Le Spinner (I got that from someone else here) is an annoying little shit who gets in the way of elucidating (that’s probably not in his lexicon) the actual information we want to hear. He will interrupt as someone goes to answer his question, and appears to be doing so in a direct manner, and Guy will say ‘Well is it, what do you say, let us hear it’ etc etc and delay and smother the answer, apparently hoping to befuddle and shake up his respondent. I had hoped that he was going to develop a mature, clever approach but nah.
If he is around for too long he will have run out of any goodwill that is left in the minds of determined citizens requiring good information coverage, Someone will push him at the top of some steps. This is how right wingers deal with people that annoy them, and lefties may find the temptation to copy irresistible.
North- Espiner’s interview with David Cunliffe was a good robust interchange.
Cunliffe proving to be a formidable positive debater, presenting facts and refusing to be baited by Espiner’s pre-loaded , “you’re saying blah blah.”.techniques.
He even managed to avoid using David Lange’s humorous put downs.
When David Lange was confronted with this technique he’d reply with something
like. ” No. I’m saying what I just said. What part didn’t you understand? ”
I’d agree with you that Espiner probably wouldn’t have the courage to interview the PM in the same way.
I thought the interview was perfectly acceptable and appropriate.
Metiria Turei made to leave Mangere WINZ office! while visiting Auckland Action Against Poverty IMPACT action. https://www.facebook.com/metiria?hc_location=timeline
“Just been politely but firmly thrown out of the Mangere WINZ office. Ive been at the advocacy Impact at Mangere WINZ, talking with the advocates about the extent to which beneficiaries are still not getting their full entitlements. Then on the advice from the Ministers office, management asked that I leave. Protocols and all that. But for just this one hour I was transported back 25 years when I was doing this work. Nothing has changed for the better for people in need of some help. And needing help should not be an excuse for being treated like a second class citizen.
We will roll back these cruel welfare reforms. We will restore the principles of decency and justice in social security. National is hurting families. We have to make them stop.”
–From Metiria’s fb.
“Then on the advice from the Ministers office, management asked that I leave.”
….. mmmm, so they DO interfere in operational matters!
When it suits them – normally to hide something.
Applause to Metiria, good to see She has gone back to the coal-face for a reminder of where it all began,(where i first met Her),
All beneficiaries are behind the inflation curve by at least 50 bucks and solo parents by at least $100, addressing this fundamental shortfall in the benefit levels cannot simply be by means of ”work will set you free”,
It is obvious to Everybody now that no matter what the economic settings are within the current economic paradigm there will be at least 200,000 working age Kiwi’s reliant on benefits All The Time, whether or not they are long or short term recipients,
This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop,
We can keep playing the inflation game where wages go up and those in control of commerce, rental housing, etc etc simply move the price of such commerce up to in effect ‘steal’ the wage rise,
i prefer the ‘other way’, cut the biggest cost, Rent, for those who struggle with low incomes to 25% of their income…
“Applause to Metiria, good to see She has gone back to the coal-face for a reminder of where it all began”
Elections being so close now, is an added incentive to go there.
“This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop,”
I agree with that even though you ended it with a comma.
Should you preferably say, “a maximum of 25%” of household income?
Lolz Clemeopin, is that a criticism, hell its kissing babies time also known as the election so Mets and everyone else will be out in the real world and the hope is there that She has the issue of ‘welfare’ front and center in Her mind in any coalition negotiations…
I have what I consider, as a much better option re rents. I prefer not to state it here today as I have sent my ‘great’ idea to the Labour party for their consideration and if I state that idea here now, some other two bit party may try to steal it and try to steal some votes off Labour. We wouldn’t want that, would we! Would you?
@ Tiger M 8.03
Your piece about Metiria Turei’s treatment reminds me of something that Georgina Beyer related at the IMP meeting I went to last night.
She was asked to leave her new job as a salesperson in Michael Hill because she had made the comment that she might stand for, I think, local government. The manager said that he didn’t like the sound of that, and she might then be leaving sometime in the future, and so put her out of her job under the 90 days fire at will regulations. So then she had to apply for unemployment.
She said it was quite a turn around from when she has been in those offices in her official capacity. (But the problem for her is that she doesn’t have the right connections that the right has, that enable them to swan off. And she said that the pollies super has changed to less than the public perception, though didn’t specify how.)
“and so put her out of her job under the 90 days fire at will regulations”
You are of course aware that this claim by Beyer is impossible?
She left Michael Hill in 2010 and this law didn’t come into existence until 2011.
Oh well, one never expected reality to intrude in Georgina’s world.
+1, particularly if your dates are correct.
Yes they are.
Here is the claim by Georgina. It is not directly the one greywarbler heard but it is the same claim. Note that the local body election was in 2010 so it had to be that year that she left Michael Hill:
“In 2010, she aimed for the Masterton mayoralty while working for Michael Hill Jeweller in Masterton, but claims her interest in the contest led to her losing her job”
That is from
Here is the date of the 90 day trial bill
“From 1 April 2011 all employers will be able to employ new employees on a trial period of up to 90 calendar days.”
This is from the Department of Labour at
David Farrar also commented on this but I’ve given you sources you may regard as neutral.
Ok, thanks.
@ alwyn 5.40
Thanks. Great we can rely on you to correct all the irrelevant facts hope you can help with the relevant ones.
And my impression of Georgina’s meaning was just that. I may have got it wrong. Or she may have been fired within the 90 day period of her starting, even though that Bill had not been passed. It would then presumablyhave had some other grounds needed to justify sacking.
It’s what could happen now though, so regard it as a possible example of the sad lack of controls for workers. Her, or me, being not correct doesn’t mean everything is hunky dory.
I am afraid I learned a long time ago that what Georgina says and what actually happened don’t have much relationship to each other. If we are expected to support a party based on what they say in their speeches I think that the fact that they are telling fairy stories is of some moment.
I would like to think that the fact that they are telling porkies is always relevant, wouldn’t you?
Also a very good post about the impact by Simon Buckingham, on The Daily Blog:
David Cunliffe godd and strong and angry on Morning Report despite Espiner’s futile terrier ankle attack!
The sale of New Zealand land is something that concerns ALL New Zealanders and could cost John Key the Election.
‘How Lochinver Station costs Key the election, our free market land ownership madness and China backlash’
By Martyn Bradbury / August 7, 2014
“The announcement of the $70million Lochinver Station sale to a hulking Chinese company is probably the last thing John Key would have wanted this week.
The idea of Chinese companies buying up large tracts of NZs farming asset is perceived as worse than wealthy investors because state backed Chinese companies are effectively an arm of the Chinese Government. Allowing another country to have that level of influence over vital sections of your economy is as disquieting as John Key signing our economic sovereignty away to the Americans with the TPPA….
John Key is broadcast making statements on National Radio. But when was the last time he was interviewed/challenged on any of those statements?
Every Opposition Leader is challenged and every little detailed aggressively explored. But Key gets a free pass. Isn’t this how Putin retains his position?
Key has his morning back rub and hot towel session while talking to Guyon E’Spinner on Morning Report which has been put in my “don’t bother listening live” slot after all these years. It used to be riveting radio for politics junkies, Kim Hill slicing into a duplicitous hungover minister early in the morning. And in later years Geoff Robinson keeping some dignity and paying attention to detail.
Now it is run to a script literally. I just play the occasional audio that others link to or I spot on the RNZ app.
Kim Il Key. Dear Leader.
Personally I always found Geoff Robinson to be much more of a lightweight and more biased when interviewing politicians than Guyon is.
I think Putin would be jealous as hell of Key. Putin has to apply a certain amount of, ah, pressure to get the media to behave like tame poodles for him. Key apparently just has to exist and the media can’t offer to shine his shoes for him fast enough.
Even in a country as small as New Zealand you’d think there would be some enterprising media person willing to break with the pack for an advantage. Because you get such delicious reactions out of Dear Leader when he is challenged. He basically throws a huge wobbly when he is not treated with the adoration he believes he deserves.
Key is not interviewed in-depth on serious issues. Not enough anyway, often superficially and is given a much easier ride, an unfair and shameful Prime Ministerial deference, compared to how the opposition leaders are treated, especially Labour!! We have a crap unbalanced set of idiot journalists in this country. That should be pretty obvious to most people watching the media with an open mind, I think.
The flip side is that Cunliffe can come across as a better and stronger performer! So, all good!
“This historic shortfall in income can be addressed directly, or, indirectly, for example, at a point of Low Income,(insert amount), everybody, and by that i mean everybody including those working with low wages, should BY LAW, only be paying as rent 25% of their household income, full stop”
So Bad 12, does that mean that landlords will need to see the last years income from IRD for their new tenants? Or that they can ay “rent is $500 so house is only available to those with proven income of $100,000 pa?”
Either way, the low paid will struggle to get any half decent housing in half decent areas.
Option two is that the Landlord sets the rent at $600, (place went up in value aye) and the tenant pays $125 (quarter of their income) and the State pays the balance of $475.
How how the hell will the tenant ever make the jump from tenant to property owner when he/she/they have to pay maybe $800 per week in repayments…..
Rent controls work really well in my mind Haranguer…
Talking on Radionz about sale of land to foreign owners. The speaker thinks about 10% of productive land plus possibly housing though the firm figure appears to be 8.7%. In 2005 Labour altered the tracking method by wiping the statistics gathering. Something that they can rectify when they get into government!
Murray Horton is secretary/ organiser of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (Cafca)
+100 greywarbler …good to hear Kathryn Ryan interviewing Murray Horton…that guy is one smart cool dude…always has been…calling for a moratorium on the issue is a good idea
Good red blooded stuff from Cunliffe on Lochnvar Station.
It’s one of those moves that will get several percentage of undecideds off the fence for Labour. Every leftie party should get behind this with no equivocation.
If anyone is worried about interfering with the evaluative process, lets firstly remember Key’s neck-deep interference in the Sky City and Lord of the Rings deals (such “interference” is in a Prime Ministers’ job description), and secondly let’s remember this: it’s an election. DC’s preferences will rise when bespeaks from the gut not the notes.
And finally, there’s nothing wrong with just a smidgen of patriotic appeal from Labour. It’s time they took back more of this ground – many New Zealanders would respond if he stood for more strong moves.
+100 Ad…yes if Cunliffe carries on in this vein he will draw votes for Labour…this issue cuts across the whole political spectrum
Labour and the other left wing parties would, IMO, get a massive boost in the polls if they said that foreign sales would be banned outright.
No, that would be stupid.
Foreign sales (I would include business too) are Ok if ANY one of the following conditions are met:
[1] The buyer first becomes a citizen of NZ or permanent resident.
[2] The sale for foreigners or foreign entities can NEVER be on an outright ownership basis, but only on a lease basis if there is definite demonstrable economic and substantial employment opportunities for Kiwis for the long term and Kiwi entrepreneurs/investors are unable to provide that.
[3] or it could be on an almost equal partnership basis, with the ownership of foreign citizens/residents limited to 49% with the majority 51% partnership being with a local Kiwi.
I think they are fair and smart conditions,
I am petty sure no country can object to such patriotic and wise rules.
Why would they? Don’t THEY have similar rules?
And Cunliffe just did the right thing. Still a question of how far he and Labour will go on it though.
“..Guess Which Country the UN Says Is the World Leader at Smoking Marijuana..
..The people of Iceland are the happiest on Earth –
The UN’s latest Human Development Index ranking showed Iceland topping the charts as far as its economic and social issues go (wealth – healthcare – and education).
Last month Iceland won another top world ranking:
You ran this story a month ago, claiming NZ/Aus were the biggest pot smokers per capita.
If you remember, I corrected you because you had it wrong.
Dodgy memory, pu? Ever wonder why? lol
“..always/still the first with the best..eh..?”
Yes Greyw. Good discussion The man from Landcorp (Chris Kelly?) started off by saying that foreign ownership was a mere 1.7% of NZ land and that Lochinver Station, whilst large was not a big deal.
His “facts” were demolished by Murray Horton of CAFCA in a stunning display of someone who has all the real figures at his fingertips The true figure of foreign ownership is in excess of 8%. I will acknowledge that Kelly finally agreed with everything that Horton had to say.
Yes David came across as a leader on this mornings interrogation by Guyon Espiner.
Karyn Hay and Andrew Fagan are having a policy only night on each Thursday until the election at 7pm – 10pm. Policies only to be discussed, Tonight’s episode is finance with David Parker, Joyce and the other parties finance spokesperson.
I find Karyn and Andrew to be fair most of the time when it comes to politics. The rest of Radio Live not so much.
I thought that English was the Nat finance minister????
Joyce is currently Acting Finance Minister. English must be away somewhere?
+1 belladonna
Tiger Mountain @ 11 – Go Metiria !
Recently a mature member of my whanau attended a 20-25 person WINZ seminar in South Auckland. Opening words (directive) from the ‘race = other’ facilitator – “This is MY house….you abide MY rules….or you LEAVE !”
My whanaunga’s sense of a multi-generational turangawaewae in South Auckland was of course immediately lit up by this gratuitous intimidation (“shut your mouth or no benefit….”). This rough appropriation of an entirety in which my whanaunga is generationally rooted; this risible invoking then distortion by manuhere (visitor) of the concept of turangawaewae; this bullying display of negative predisposition. He expressed in a non-aggressive observational way. He was ordered to leave. Straight to the ‘race = other’ next up the ladder who condescended to non-listen. Straight to the Health and Disability Commissioner. No outcome yet.
These ungifted, inept people must be fought at every turn. They are cheap bullies so artless in their functionality as to defeat such purpose as these ‘events’ are fantastically calculated to achieve. Cowardly ciphers ‘following orders’ in a chain of command notionally directed to upliftment but in fact deploying and celebrating social thuggery as the norm.
Notably my whanaunga reports that after such ‘events’ discussion between attendees, while identifying risible ‘stroke-of-the-pen’ verbiage, focuses not on that which is nominally sought to be imparted but rather on the arrogance and disrespect to which attendees are subject.
Who knows how much resource is squandered in this dark, vengeful social engineering ?
Kinda makes a mockery of the “cultural sensitivity” requirement during employment processes for government depts. Perhaps yet another case of… what did you call it… “race=other” appropriating the words, but never intending to comprehend the intent? On the upside, I’m happy to hear that your whanau still values the kind of things that people need to come together peacefully, and are not afraid to pursue them. Pretty rare these days. The bullies won’t last.
Sorry to repeat myself but I’m still bemused at realising (thanks to Mike Hoskings) that the title name of the right wing blog,
‘Whale Oil- Beef Hooked’ if said quickly is contrived acronym for, “Well I’ll be f*cked”.
I think this as an example of John Key’s good friend and confidante’s humour should be explained to mums and dads and grandparents who might still believe in that nice Mr Key.
Excellent article by Peter Lyons here on Labour’s policy to increase the minimum wage by $2:
I particularly liked this bit:
“There is an irony in the debate over the exorbitant salaries paid to top management and the cuts in top income tax rates. These trends are often justified by the need to ensure these people are motivated and work harder. Such logic is seldom applied to the wages paid to the lowest income earners in the economy.”
Clear evidence National’s internal polling has turned real ugly for the Nacts:
Theres always been the hint of anti-semitism when it comes to the (irrational) hatred of John Key by the left
That was probably a gnat supporter – dirty tricks 101 mate.
citation needed PR. Anytime I’ve seen anyone on ts do the anti-semitism thing they get shit for it.
I don’t think most of the left are anti-semites (at least i hope not) but when you have someone like KDC inciting young people well you reap what you sow…
Sorry, but you can’t be expected to be taken seriously if all you can do is link to WO.
The links are of images posted on Whaleoil not commentary however I do understand that its easier to ignore rather than confront such appalling behaviour from some sections of the left
Are you really that stupid?
Needless to say, I’m not bothering clicking through to WO to check the other images.
As I said its the hint of anti-semitism, these people only want point out Keys jewish heritage then slink away like the cowards they are.
So theres one image of Key in a Nazi uniform which, considering what his mother faced, is in pretty poor form
One of Key looking like Hitler
A general image of anti-semetism from The Daily Blog
and a couple of Keys hoardings vandalised using jewish iconography
Theres a rotten underbelly in the left whether you want to acknowledge it or not
“So theres one image of Key in a Nazi uniform which, considering what his mother faced, is in pretty poor form
One of Key looking like Hitler”
Anti-semitic? Seems more like you’re offended by anti-fascist imagery.
“these people only want point out Keys jewish heritage then slink away like the cowards they are.”
Yeah that’s you, dude. That’s what you just did. No-one else gives a damn that Key is occasionally jewish.
puckish rogue of that rotten underbelly left and joined ACT and whyte power!
I agree – they dirty hounds will be given free rein now and they will debase us all with their disgusting tactics.
More positive press for Labour and the Greens in the past few days than I’ve seen for quite a while.
It’s warming to note while the nats embroil themselves with kdc’s lapdogs over sugar daddies and the unprincipled opportunist extreme left wing, the traditional center and green left are looking more and more electable.
35%+15% isn’t beyond reach at all. More good policy and an honest campaign free of being tainted by the dotcom parties could well be enough to really celebrate come election night. The sensible left in NZ will rightfully rejoice.
Tell your friends, we’re really close. Vote green/red if you want to change the government in September.
🙄 Trawling for the usual flame are you Alien 🙄
You have to admit it’s funny and ironical seeing the GP being presented as part of the sensible, reliable left, lolz.
But they are, aren’t they? They’re not the party of flakes once portrayed. They are credible and electable being the point. Good work by all in the party to achieve such a positive turn around.
It would be a shame if personal mip idealism got in the way of a plus for Green politics.
“But they are, aren’t they? They’re not the party of flakes once portrayed. They are credible and electable being the point. Good work by all in the party to achieve such a positive turn around.”
That’s missing the whole point. The GP were never the flakes they were portrayed as. Ditto IMP. It’s normal for new parties to make newbie mistakes. It’s also normal that when parties like the GP that were once more radical gain enough power to move into the mainstream that this opens space on the edge for something else. We need all the voices, and this marginalisation of the people on the edge sucks. The edge has always led the way. You think that AGW is on the agenda now because the mainstream wanted it there? Or that the Māori rennaissance in NZ happened because middle NZ wanted it? Or that women got the vote, homosexuality was decriminalised, we have a welfare state, we have some environmental protections… you think all those things happened because one day the mainstream decided they were good? What really happened was the radicals and people on the edge pushed the agenda on those issues until the mainstream shifted and accepted them as normal. Then things changed. That’s how politics works in this country.
This whole ‘radical = extremism = should be disenfranchised’ thing is shit, and very disappointing to see it coming from lefties (not just you, there’s been a bit of it here this week).
“This whole ‘radical = extremism = should be disenfranchised’ thing is shit, and very disappointing to see it coming from lefties (not just you, there’s been a bit of it here this week).”
We can’t all be wrong, wood for trees etc… though radical/extremist doesn’t = disenfranchised.
I’ve not argued you (if that’s how you identify yourself) shouldn’t have a voice, just be accepting that you are fringe and you can’t control debate if you don’t have the numbers. You have an equal voice, sure, but it’s disproportional representation when it’s shouty.
Another reason to thank IMP – the Greens though hmmm a few at the IMP meeting last night who i know are Greenies maybe moving the IMP way. Personally I hope we get a strong Green voice in there – that’ll get up winnies nose more than anything.
Sure you can spin it like that if you’re a knob head intent on pushing a minor party agenda.
zip it sweaty
The leaking fart sack also known as Alien can’t help itself, i suppose we are going to be subjected to this failure’s raving diatribe of hatred all the way to the election,
What ‘it’ is obviously intent on promoting is a ‘flame’ between InternetMana and Green supporters here on the Standard,
In doing so ‘it’ will feel as if ‘it’ has campaigned really hard for the party ‘it’ supports, the fact is the Green Party are more than happy to have InternetMana as part of the electoral landscape,
InternetMana being there means the heat usually directed at the Green Party is focused by the ‘wing-nuts’, Alien included, on the InternetMana alliance and less so on the Green Party,
Obviously everyone supporting InternetMana wants to respond to Alien’s attempts at flame starting, but, doing so for the next 8 weeks is going to wreck the flow of ‘Open Mike’ and i would suggest responding to ‘it’ thus 🙄 🙄 🙄 ,
‘It’ is here not for the imparting of useful info, ‘it’ is here solely to shit stir…
Wanting a green lab government is now ‘raving diatribe of hatred”.
With the greatest of respect, your insults show you to be a bit one dimensional.
To start crying over my overt disdain for mip exposes you as a bit of a hypocrite, given your responses to anyone who disagrees with your views, especially the ones you labour over and over again like nobody heard you the first time.
I won’t trade insults with you, so you’ll just have to take that like a man, but remember, you are the political minority with an equal voice, no need to insult and shout me down.
And it’s wrong to push the red/green vote now?
Goosey gander and all that.
Serious comment on the media and press perception, with genuine hopes for the 35% + 15%
Come on Greens and Labour.
lol – he’s not getting enough attention poor little wee fellow…
I’m fine, bro. You seem to be in a bit of a spin (pun intended) about it though.
sure geezer – btw do you agree with key about the sugardaddy thing?
sorry mispelled meant greezer 🙂
Yep, he nailed it, just like anyone with half a brain would have foreseen coming.
Harre wouldn’t be there without kimmies money, just like hh would have anything to do with him either.
But to be clear, I think key agreed with me, rather than the other way around.
“sorry mispelled meant greezer”
You also didn’t use ‘misspelt’, but I got your back, bro.
Cool, so you’re as sexist as john key – noted.
Harres taken KDCs coin so now she has accept that people see her as bought and paid for, Key also agreed that KDC was also Harawiras sugar daddy as well
If KDC wasn’t bankrolling the whole thing she wouldn’t be there so unfortunately for her people will vote with their heads not their hearts 🙂
Rubbish and complete double standards mate – key donates to a charity called the gnats and he’s as pure as driven snow?
The line was either scripted by key who used it deliberately in a sexist way or he stuffed up and let his mouth dribble too much and said what he finks. Either way the desperate rats/gnats are spitting, swarming and spinning – the true face of key being revealed daily and oh how unpleasant that real face is.
you wanted a trader – you got him – only he’ll trade you and everyone else to protect and enhance his own skin – welcome to reality…
you wanted a trader – you got him – only he’ll trade you and everyone else to protect and enhance his own skin – welcome to reality…
Mate you’ll be comfortable right up to the moment you get ‘put’ on the wrong side and then it will get very uncomfortable. But it’s all good – we will get who we vote for.
“Harres taken KDCs coin so now she has accept that people see her as bought and paid for,”
evidence that Harre is bought and paid for like a prostitute? See, I thought she was on a salary, had an employment contract, and was a strong, intelligent, articulate politician capable of making her own decisions and being part of a team that worked together.
You do realise that the term sugar daddy refers to women who trade sex for money or gifts?
*and of course there is the convoluted smear, because Key wants to make out that there is something morally wrong with prostitution and thus there is something wrong with Harre, despite the fact that sex work in NZ is legal. He’s a sexist idiot, and so are you PR. Shall we all now start referring to Key as the US One Percenter’s bumboy?
Shall we all now start referring to Key as the US One Percenter’s bumboy?
chris, you’re a moran. Key is the one playing the sexism.
It’s not sexist, it just doesn’t portray saint Harre in a good light, which understandably you don’t like, but not sexist when taken in a political context.
Calling a woman politician a prostitute is not sexist?
He didn’t call her a whore, but more to the point, neither did I.
Certainly rich benefactor expecting something in return sounds about right.
Urban dictionary.
“She uses her sugar daddy for his money, but he sure gets some service in return!”
I would say political service, not sexual, but you can read in to it what you will.
Point remains she wouldn’t be there without the money.
Sure allen twist and shout all you like but Laila knew exactly the meaning that key intended and so do a lot of people. She is the leader of a political party, 6 weeks from an election, being subjected to disgusting sexist abuse from the Prime Minister and you agree with him – shame on you
stop being obtuse Al1en. Those services are sexual, that’s the general meaning of sugar daddy. Key’s clear implication was that not that Harre was being paid for being a good politician, but that she was selling herself somehow to a rich man in a way that society deems to be less than moral. Which is pretty rich coming from him lolz, but then we know that he doesn’t give a shit.
Even with your interpretation, there is no evidence that Harre has been ‘bought’. You just like to see her that way because of your antipathy towards KDC. That says more about you than anything.
She wouldn’t be there without kim’s cash. Call it for what it is, even if you want to soften it up and call it political expediency.
You can’t convince me it isn’t true so you attack the messenger.
If I have to state Harre isn’t a prostitute for the record I’ll do so, but she’s only there because of the cash, in my opinion, so make of it what you will, like key did.
“She wouldn’t be there without kim’s cash”
How the fuck would you know? You are just making it up to fit your right-wing agenda. Laila’s has done more for this country and the people than you ever will even in your dreams but you are happy to abuse her and sully her motives for what? Your infantile personal agenda against IMP – what a little person you are.
I’ll call you and your mate john key sexist.
So not resting that “defense” after all 😆
“right-wing agenda.”
” sully her motives”
“you and your mate john key”
Dry your eyes mate. I want a Lab/Green government, you don’t.
Using your logic = gtfo tory sympathiser.
Yep laugh away at all the hard won rights for women and others disadvantaged in society – what a hero you are.
and I’m quite happy to cry anytime I want and I do when I see arseholes like you ‘apparently’ voting for the Greens – lol no, I beeelieve you, I really do lol
“Yep laugh away at all the hard won rights for women and others disadvantaged in society – what a hero you are.”
Setting that agenda again, bro. Sling enough sh!t and hope some of it sticks. Great philosophy, and probably why you’re a 1.5 percenter and always will be.
“and I’m quite happy to cry anytime I want and I do when I see arseholes like you ‘apparently’ voting for the Greens – lol no, I beeelieve you, I really do lol”
Consistent all the way through in my voting intentions.
I want a green/Lab government and you don’t. Using your logic, gtfo tory.
Class. Lulz.
Anyway, what did you say about kimmy and his twitter ‘joke’ in which Batman shoots a prostitute?
Any more/less offensive than a political sugar daddy jibe?
Where do you stand on that?
Stones in glasshouses, mars.
“She wouldn’t be there without kim’s cash.”
What does that mean? That she is there ONLY because she is getting paid lots of money by KDC ie she isn’t there because she believes in the cause or IMP’s policies, it’s simply the money.
Or, that without KDC’s money the IMP wouldn’t exist and she wouldn’t have a job. If it’s that, then how is that any different than any other politician who is dependent on other people’s money for their income?
My opinion, I believe she passionately cares for the internet party, it’s causes and goals… 1. Because of the money. 2.Because she has to now, because of the money.
ok, so you do basically think she is a whore. Good to know.
I do believe the money was the draw, yes, but that’s your word, not mine.
well you believe that she is only in it for the money, and has sold out her own personal values and politics, and that it’s ok to use a whore analogy to refer to her, so why not call her a whore?
As I think marty has pointed out, there is of course absolutely no evidence to support your belief, which is what makes it so interesting. I alluded to this the other day, that your antipathy towards KDC is seriously skewing your view on things related, but the more I read the more I am inclinde to think that the antipathy towards KDC is adjunct to other things not the cause.
You claim it’s a whore analogy, key made the comment, I agree with the sentiment behind it that she’s only in it for the money in a political context.
You can make up some sexist sh!t and pretend to be all offended and have a little crusade til the cows come home, but ultimately it will change nothing.
Enjoy it, it’s been a long time between drinks for you.
Nevertheless you still have absolutely no evidence to support your belief that Harre is only in it for the money and has sold out her values.
You win, it’s only my considered opinion.
Sorry that was wrong of me – John Key is as sexist as you.
Either or, you’re just being overly offended for political effect.
yeah I’d try and shut down the debate too if I was you
I’m not calling for you to stop anything, in fact, it’s exactly the opposite.
lol – “the defense rests m’lud”
You’re the one trying to shut me up, not the other way round.
If you are resting your defence (defense?), you won’t need to follow my posts again, right?
Let’s see how that works out for you 😉
I’d love to shut you up but your types love the sound (geddit?) of your own voice – nevermind right wingers always turn into right whingers after a time as you have done 🙂
Right winger 😆
That’s just stupid, but again, not unexpected.
“I’d love to shut you up”
You should learn how to debate your points more effectively, though to be fair, you need better points to begin with.
you’ve got form guv – first attack and try to sully a 17 year old successful woman trying to get young people to vote even though she can’t. And then agree with sexist remarks about the female leader of a political party that you don’t like. A real stand up bloke eh? err nay.
Got the sack for standing up to a dirty old man indecently assaulting a younger, female colleague.
Yeah, you got me, I’m a sick one alright 🙄
yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight I believe you I really really do…
Whilst you’re believing, you can always answer the question about kimmies tweeted Batman kills prostitute ‘joke’.
So much hatred for not supporting mip. What losers some of you guys are turning out to be.
Is that really the voice of the far left in NZ? No wonder you’re marginalised.
sorry didn’t mean to spoil storytime…
That’s incredibly weak.
First the sh!t slinging, then lame follow ups. That’s probably why you are a 1.5 percenter.
If you want to argue policy, go for it. If you want to argue your case for mip in government, do so.
Childish insults are a waste of bandwidth.
sorry allen i just don’t believe your bullshit especially when you crow about it on the net as a device to gain sympathy for yourself – that is weak and sad
“crow about it on the net as a device to gain sympathy” 🙄
Actually it was more like therapy and very cathartic it was too. Thanks for that TS.
I recall stating I was on meds at the time, so interesting your take on interactions with sufferers of mental illness. Very enlightened of you. That’s really quite outrageous, and for a supposed caring leftie too.
And all because I don’t like mip. Now remind me of weak and sad again.
Mate, feel free to bully and mock the sick. I’m all good and healed up, so no skin off my nose, but still, wow.
I thought you were taking time out allen – I agree with you that you may need to – all the best – go into nature, that’s what I do when I need to centre myself again, and listen to sounds of nature – the water, the wind, the sea – it really helps me and may be of use to you.
I am shocked that you’d resort to abusing the sick in a very personal attack, but like I wrote, I’m good.
Yes I know your shocked I get that. I’m not going to engage with you anymore but you have interpreted incorrectly – I was attacking you but not because of your mental condition, your prescriptions or anything like that – it was because I just don’t believe what you say or your reasons for saying what you say – that’s it – no more or less. My advice – take the time out – we all need it and we all gain value from it.
“35%+15% isn’t beyond reach at all”
35% for Labour ??? – You’re joking, right ?
32% if they’re very, very lucky.
That’s the best Labour can hope for now.
15% for the Greens ? Possible (especially if MSM presents election as all over bar the shouting) BUT still fairly unlikely, I would have thought. 12% yes, 13% yes, 14% quite possible, 15% unlikely.
By the same token, claims that IMP will take 5%, 7% even 10% border, I’m sorry to say, on the delusional. 2.5-3.0% rather more likely.
Just a little too much wishful-thinking going on, bereft of any kind of solid statistical grounding.
Nope 35+15 is a reachable target, especially with a good campaign.
Of course, factor in a bit of left shreddage to mip and they could easily screw up the plan, which would mean the mips cause Labour and the Greens to coalesce with NZ1st.
Alien sets up the excuses for losing the 2014 election even befor the votes are cast, that’s you Alien, a leaking fart sack of anti-InternetMana invective,
A real loser,
Did you have to suffer much pain to contort so as to look up your posterior in such a fashion as to be able to see a Labour/Green Government,
When you have time to snap out of your delusion for a moment tell us wont you which polls show Labour/Green being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or InternetMana…
I’m as anti mip as pu is lab/green/nz1st.
Piss off with the cry baby act, you’re meant to be a hard man or something.
The leaking fart sack, what a font of wisdom, come on oh wise one, tell us, which poll shows Labour/Green anywhere near being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or IntenetMana,
What leaks from the fart-sack known as Alien is becoming more bizarre than Phillips most outrageous ravings…
That’s just childish stuff, Bad.
Using the latest Roy Morgan, the Greens need 3% Labour 5%
If you think, like you constantly inform, mip will get another 2.5 -3.5%, why not my picks?
Polls historically narrow before elections, so all to play for.
No invective, no insults, no need for mip.
What’s childish is you Alien with the air whistling out of that fart sack of a mind of yours,
Take Labour for instance, how much of their coin this election will come from THE RICH, are Labour then bought and beholden to such donors,
The Green Party 60 thousand dollars from one very very RICH corporate, are the Greens now beholden to that bloke for His coin,
IF, we were to be getting ugly, which until you continued the diatribe i was trying to not get into, IF DotCom has bought InternetMana and you agree with Slippery the PM’s description of this you then have to IF you were being HONEST attribute the same BOUGHT and BEHOLDEN statement to EVERY RICH sponsor of Slippery’s own National Party, the Labour Party, and , the Greens,
In the case of the Green Party tho IF the same ugliness is applied about RICH sponsors as used by you and Slippery the PM you would have to add something else wouldn’t you,
Didn’t make it past the first insult bad.
Oh really Alien, want to know something, you and Phillip are one and the same with only one difference,
When your screws become loose as they have for the past couple of days with your ongoing diatribe attacking InternetMana the printed form of your screws loose text is far more readable than Phillips,
You have just retreated into classic Phillip Ure, Wah Wah Wah your covering your eyes now you cannot handle the detail of the debate,
Tell us all Alien, what the fuck is the difference of DotCom donating to InternetMana and the RICH donating to the Greens,
If such donations buy the Party then the Green Party sure as hell sold itself for small change didn’t it…
did someone take my name in vain..?..
I asked
“If you think, like you constantly inform, mip will get another 2.5 -3.5%, why not my picks?
Polls historically narrow before elections, so all to play for.”
in response to
“tell us, which poll shows Labour/Green anywhere near being able to form a Government without either NZFirst or IntenetMana,”
And you ignore it and spew out attacks.
That’s not debate, that playground stuff.
“Tell us all Alien”
I did last time, remember?
But I’ll have another go. That link I posted from the election org place that shows donations over 30k. Only one for the greens.
kimmie splashing $3m+ and setting up a whole organisation is not the same as being a mere rich ‘donor’, it’s a completely different ball game altogether.
If you can’t or refuse to accept it, no worries, the brighter sparks will.
i have expropriated your name for the moment as a useful tool in pointing out to Alien that despite His own self perceived superiority He/it is no better than anyone else, even you…
Actually the RICH donor says 60 thousand Alien, so IF donations of money makes a Party bought and sold, the Greens were bought and sold really really cheaply,
The only difference i see is your envy, Greens sold out for a mere 60 grand must piss you off right…
“despite His own self perceived superiority He/it is no better than anyone else”
No need for the inferiority complex on my account, but I thought we were talking about red/green getting 35+15, before you changed the topic to Mr Mills giving 60k and equating it to the same as kimmie buying hone and Harre.
“Actually the RICH donor says 60 thousand Alien”
I told you the amounts the other day and even provided you with the link. Wtf?
The rest of that post proves you’re a bit retarded or acting at it.
Now fuck off if you can’t/won’t debate properly.
30 Grand, $60 thousand, whats a few thou here and there, better get that ‘link’ back up boyo coz while Granny Herald aint the most reliable rag in the town they say the donation was $60k to the Greens and as much to Labour,
Gym boss donates $125k to Labour, Greens–NZHerald,
Laughable is your accompanying whine Alien, you do not get to choose how i debate and your attempt at telling me how to do so with its following smacks of the usual toy toss…
By the way Alien, after we sort out how much coin the mega-rich owner of Les Mills gyms fame slipped the Greens way lets have a really really nice little chat about who this bloke is actually fronting for,
Pure Advantage??? ‘the usual suspects’ a group of business people who are all seriously rolling in the filthy lucre lurk in the background of ‘Pure Adavantage’,
The likes of Fairfax New’s and Radio Live ex CEO Joan Withers springs to mind,
Lets have a wee discussion about why these people, reeking of deep National Party connections all want to ‘buy in’ to the Green Party,
It should be fun…
“30 Grand, $60 thousand, whats a few thou here and there, better get that ‘link’ back up boyo coz while Granny Herald aint the most reliable rag in the town they say the donation was $60k to the Greens and as much to Labour,”
Exactly what I wrote. What’s your point?
“according to the elections site, one person gave over 30k to each totalling $60,000 G and $64,999 L. Labour also had another 50k and a 430k estate plus a union donation.”
“you do not get to choose how i debate and your attempt at telling me how to do so with its following smacks of the usual toy toss…”
There can’t be a debate if you ask a question, get an answer, ignore it and then move on to another unrelated point. That’s not how it works.
You can suspect what you like about their motives, but be prepared for the feral backlash, oh no wait, that only happens when you question the motive behind kimmies multimillion dollar buy up. lol
Oh is it size envy you have Alien, according to how you ascribe donations they are buying the politicians you have repeatedly pushed this view for the past couple of days,
This must be your view then, cost of Green Party sellout to business interests a miserably cheap all up 60 thousand dollars,
Cost of DotCom setting up Internet Party, millions, laugh out loud frigging millions Alien so eat your heart out you cheap little prick…
Like I’ve written before, if you can’t/won’t accept that spending $3m+ on setting up a political party and buying politicians to front it is different from a $60k political donation, then you’re being willfully incompetent or blissfully ignorant. I don’t mind or care which.
But getting back to the original point, if you expect mip to rise another 3 or so percent, why can’t labour and the greens, bearing in mind polls historically narrow in the lead up to an election?
That makes 35+15 a distinct possibility, as stated and hoped for.
Swordfish, the smaller numbers are not hell of an important issue, i view the September contest thus: Labour 33%, Green 12%, InternetMana 5%,
Those numbers, IF either Hone or Annette Sykes win their electorate battles are pretty much interchangable,
Example: Labour 32%, Green 14%, InternetMana 4% plus 1 electorate = still the same result as my first proposition…
It would be very good and sensible to have the Internet Mana that represents a different constituency in the country be part of the government support party too. The Labour led government will do well to implement a few of the good policies of the Greens, Internet-Mana and possibly NZF too for maximum good of the general public and the country. The only criteria would be that the tails should be constructive, sensible in negotiating and implementing doable policies and not try to hamstring or wag the dog too much, because if that happens, the voters will punish all these parties in 2014.
Hope wise heads prevail
Before kdc I would have liked to see an all inclusive coalition, but since then, no thanks.
It matters not what you or me r Key would like to see. What matters is what the majority, 51% of voters, want.
Well unless they all think like you, the point is moot.
I can, like always, only give a personal perspective, as I respect you have.
oops, meant ‘because if that happens, the voters will punish all these parties in 2017’ (not 2014. In 2014 there is a much bigger chance for Labour led Government, than a National led one!)
Wikipedia “Sugar daddy is a slang term for a man who offers to support a typically younger woman or man after establishing a relationship that is usually sexual.“
Key has made a mistake I reckon.
Exactly ianmac – the reference was explicitly sexual and this will bite him back quite hard i hope especially if the fire in Laila’s eyes last night, when she mentioned it, is any indication.
I think it would be a good idea to place a bag of sugar or a bottle of molasses on a chair on the stage in place of Key when he does not front up for candidate debates in Hellensville. What do you think?
I agree, good idea – but perhaps a bag of candy floss to fully encapsulate the key of key.
Splendid! What colour? Blue or Pink or yellow or something else?
All of those colours would work well – maybe yellow 🙂
Yep. That is one most apt!
Mistake or not, NZ deserves better from a Prime Minister.
Higher standard from a two-term, six-year, John Key, please.
Usually being the Key word however Harre can shriek as much as she likes but more of NZ will agree with John Key that shes put out for KDCs money than will agree with her
“more of NZ will agree with John Key that shes put out for KDCs money than will agree with her”
Politically put out, yes, I agree.
DC is so correct to distance himself. The voters won’t forget it.
I guess I should also add that I in no way suggest theres anything sexual between Harre and KDC
Slippery, all sweet fluff with no substance, hit the nail on the head there Marty…
Do you think NZ public are fools?
National voted in twice and most polls show labour under 30% so no I don’t the NZ public are fools
That is because Key is Nigel no friends!…except for some dead, revived or dying zombies!
Labour’s 30 to 35% with other worthwhile caring friends is WAY more valuable than Nat/Act/UF/Cons/Maori P’s 44 to 47%!!
Oh, dear how sad!
What parting gift does Key deserve after this election when he goes off at sunset to Hawaii, USA?
Yet hes won two elections and on track to win a third but don’t worry I’ll be here after Sep 20th just to say I told you so
What parting gift does Key deserve when he goes off at sunset to Hawaii, USA?
You sure you spelt ‘Arise’ correctly?
Is that rhetorical?
Hang on. Doesn’t every party depend on financing?
How about Mr Gibbs financing the ACT party. Is he a sugar daddy to Mr Whyte?
How about Mr Craig buying his mate Christine Rankin for the Conservatives. Is Colin Christine’s Sugar Daddy?
And National. Is Mr Key a Sugar Daddy to his Party?
Crazy really.
Key HELPED the Maori party with their big corporate bought donations from very rich people!
God knows how many shadowy rick pricks, crooked corporates, dodgy immigrants, shady multinationals, Hollywood executive gangs have given now millions in secret to National!
Going by the infestation of the National party election hoardings all over the road side, all over the country and even all over the country side, seems like they have spent millions of moola on those eye sores alone!
Yep, working for the wealthy alright!
or this from the OED:
“A rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favours.”
When I first heard Key I didn’t think of the connotations Harre is going on about it. Key merely enunciated what everyone sensible is thinking. Dotcom has paid Harre (and Hone) for a service, they are now beholden to him in a master/servant relationship and he will want to collect. At one level, I actually would like to see what happens when the IMP demand the halt to Dotcom’s extradition as the price of a supply deal.
She has the right to be offended just as most of the population has the right to believe she is hypocrite (along with Hone). I think if we were watching a dance off between Key and Dotcom as to who is the sleaziest, Dotcom would win by a mile. Rape jokes on twitter anyone?
I’d like to see Key up the ante and call Hone “Dotcom’s b*tch – bought and paid for.” (now that Kelvin Davis isn’t allowed to say it).
Is it interesting though? Would you use it as the reason to vote one way or another? It could be said that Key has and will be a Rent Boy for his whole life. Is saying it an insult, or a really boring not quite distracting hyperbolic yawn?
It’s interesting in a prurient sense.
It won’t change my vote. It tells me nothing I didn’t know about John Key (deep down he is a smart arse, he is very calculating, he is way smarter than the hopeful left paint him).
It tells me nothing I didn’t know about Laila Harre (she’s smart and calculating, she’s chosen to cry outrage here for marketing reasons, her entire role smacks of hypocrisy. If Dotcom hadn’t funded the party she’d be nowhere within a hundred miles of him, and would describe him as everything she despises about capitalism).
I don’t have a problem with either Key or Harre – they are politicians, and truth is the first casualty in anything they do.
This is a sideshow, but in light of how dotcom continuously inserts foot in mouth (the F John Key video) it just adds to the hypocrite label for Laila. Maybe won’t hurt her as the IMP core market of around 3% of the population won’t care but the 97% will harden their views against IMP.
“she’s smart and calculating, she’s chosen to cry outrage here for marketing reasons, her entire role smacks of hypocrisy. If Dotcom hadn’t funded the party she’d be nowhere within a hundred miles of him, and would describe him as everything she despises about capitalism)”
citation needed. I know you think you are expressing opinion, but when you say you know something about someone, it pays to be able to back it up. Please provide proof that Harre would otherwise despise KDC’s politics.
“Ms Harre said she had no problem with the video, adding that it was a spontaneous reaction and Kim Dotcom did not lead the chant.
“The video is a true representation of youth expression. We are on the road to engage with young people over politics. We are not about censoring the way that young people engage.””
Don’t need a poll when these chants go up from young people – nope time to put the barricades up and issue weapons, but that never saves them for long. You’ll be feeling triple puckish I suppose eh puck?
Harre can say what she likes but KDC calls the shots and she does what he wants
like some sort of vulcan mind control thingy
More like an opening of the wallet kind of thing
it amazes me that some think money can buy anything – is this the prevailing attitude within teamkey?
Its probably not too dissimilar to what KDC thinks as well
nice one – I’ll give you that 🙂
Bad PRAnd 66% of New Zealand believe KDC is not lying while only 33% believe Brain fade Key is telling the truth!
The next polls will show a huge surge of support for MIPespecially from the young who weren’t interested in politics or voting but like free downloads and faster internet speeds!
The young don’t get polled as much as the polls are mostly via land lines! Non busy home bound people will be over represented. After which the poll companies try to ‘adjust’ and make some funny ‘corrections’ Also, they ignore the undecideds!
“Harre can say what she likes but KDC calls the shots and she does what he wants”
Back it up or it ain’t true.
+100 weka
anyone who knows or has observed Laila Harre’s career would know she is her own woman and money is not her first concern! …so it is a meaningless smear attempt…Laila Harre has asked for remuneration as befits her experience both as a lawyer and a political activist… and a very effective politician
….I wonder if Puckish Rogue and Nadis and John Key are speaking from experience …and have a hidden sugar daddy or sugar mummy?….maybe they have hidden puppeteers who call the shots?…….eh Pucky?
Poor PR Dodgy John Key NEW Zealands biggest benefit bludger Receiving $5 million in handouts a welfare cheque to save Merrill Lynch from the US government !
PuppetKey ie pinokeyo
Have you anything to say about the systematic poverty in New Zealand and how the National Party plans to deal with it?
Or is your politics just about personalities and polls?
nadis, email Slippery the PM and advise Him to use such a slur on Hone, make him up another one, just as ugly and abusive as the first you propose, for Annette Sykes,
Demand He broadcast them on prime time,
Watch the action that would then occur, InternetMana 5% off of the back of such abuse, easily…
exactly – that why he’s gone quiet. I wasn’t advising him to do it, I was suggesting it would be fun to watch if he did.
I’ve only ever emailed him once to say if the Govt further funds the Americas Cup challenge I’d never vote national again.
@ nadis 2.22
That’s all very snide. I thought you had wider vision than that.
Isn’t it what most people are thinking? If you really think about who Key and Harre are talking to, it is their core constituencies. Harre doesnt care if 97% of voters think she is a hypocrite, Key doesn’t care if 52% of voters think he is rude. No core supporter of either party will be turned off by this wee tete a tete
Not deliberately trying to be snide (though I have on several occasions been told it seems to come naturally).
There’s a difference nadis, most of InternetMana support is ‘hard’, not likely to be able to be chiseled away from the party leading into the election,
The total support for National, my pick despite the ‘polls’ tops out at 47%, i would suggest that at least 5–7% of that is ‘soft’ able to be swayed leading into the election,
Not swayed i might add in a straight line from National to InternetMana, but, such ugly language from Slippery towards Lailla might move some of National’s ‘soft’ support across to Labour,(from where it obviously came)…
I mostly agree with you except that voters wont go back to labour. Once they’ve left there there is no going back. Voters leaving National (which I don’t see this issue causing) would go to Winston First, not vote, or the conservatives. Can’t see any reason why Labour is attractive to someone who previously has left. Voters leaving IMP (which I don’t see this issue causing) would probably go to the Greens.
IMP hard support – maybe 2-3% – possible to get 4 or 5% on a good campaign?
The most critical thing in this election will be the overhang seats and this is where National has a huge advantage. They can potentially get 3 to 5 overhang seats depending on how the Maori party does. Whereas the left block will get nil overhang seats – even if Hone wins a seat he will do so with two or three percent which means no overhang seats. Overhang seats are way more valuable – to illustrate imagine a no overhang parliament with 59 right seats/61 left seats. Add in 3 overhang seats and you get 62/61. You guys should forget about adding the left block up to get to 50%. Three overhang seats with 0% of the party vote is worth nearly 2% to national.
This is where our version of MMP is flawed – why should someone living in Epsom or Te Tai Tokerau or Ohariu have a vote that is worth more than you or me?
“I mostly agree with you except that voters wont go back to labour. Once they’ve left there there is no going back’
Not correct! I know from real examples both from Jim Bolger’s time and from after the first term Key government!
Nadis, As a political scientist you make a very valid point about the over hang seats – they could well be the key. However, you assertion they will favour National is wrong. The have historically favoured the left and if Hone wins and IMP get 3-4.5% of the vote, then the left will benefit from 1-3 overhang seats.
True but how many swing voters or undecideds might be put off by Keys attack on harre or KDCs Nuremburg rally?
haha you brought up Nuremburg because he’s German. You’re so smart. Not racist at all. /sarc
+100 McFlock…Puckish Rogue trying to create trouble where there is none!
All day yesterday I kept on visualising those Gaza pictures pointed to by Miravox in Open Mike.
How do they survive and will those kids who live on be filled with love for the Israelis?
Garth McVicar to stand for Conservatives: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11305416
Don’t worry, you’ll get him back.
Hopefully that will push their vote up to 4.8%
I doubt it would reach that level even if they were to recruit Jesus Christ himself!
Hes committed to leading the labour party at least untill election night 😉
The judgement day is coming!
And there will be a second and a third coming too.
Repent my son, repent!
Of interest but not quite on the topic you raise here, the Supreme Court has just given back to such organizations the right to be considered ”charitable”,
GreenPeace i believe took the case to the courts in an effort to have their charitable status restored…
The thought of Christine Rankin and Garth McVicar in cabinet should be motivation enough to get people down to the polls to vote.
Another very good interview of David Cunliffe on matters of FARM SALE, FOREIGN OWNERSHIP, WINSTON and IMP.
Audio below:
It was a good interview though Smalley didn’t really press him very hard on anything much.
Re the unemployment figures – each region of the Labour party should state the local level.
Half of the new jobs are coming into Christchurch where unemployment is now under 3% (but with a smaller population than earlier).
Other regions will still be above 6% – and many now face the impact of falling dairy prices thus no prospect of any improvement under the policies of this government.
“Other regions will still be above 6%” – No. From Stats NZ Southland 4.4%, Otago, 4.8%, Tasman, Marlb/Nelson 5.0%. That was for March so I imagine they will be lower still.
Blue, sorry but yes applies in many regions. It is only a no for the South Island. And yes they are lower still in the June quarter (see Stats NZ Household survey tables).
June 2014
Northland 8.3%, Auckland 6.2%, Waikato 6.4%, Hawkes Bay East Coast 6.7%, Manawatu Wanganui 7%.
Taranaki is 5.2 and Wellington 5.4%.
Bay of Plenty is 5.6, but is a seasonal fall that happens each year – it rises in September and December quarters to its peak each year (anyone know why?) that is up to 2% higher than the June quarter figure.
So, the Fuck John Key video…
This is very interesting. I think the giving Harre a hard time re the moral high ground is daft. It reminds me of when Harawira was first in parliament and wore causal clothes to work instead of a suit and tie, and got shit for that. Guess what powers that be? Democracy is for everyone, not just the people that look and talk like you. Young people at a rave chanting is normal. Using the word fuck is normal, esp to say ‘fuck you’ to someone else. What’s really scaring you is that someone in a political party is daring to do something that is outside the norm and lots of yoof are into it, and it’s on the internet for everyone to see and you can’t control it.
I’m seriously curious what is so wrong with saying ‘fuck John Key’. It’s not hate speech, it’s just common language expression of wanting to get Key’s govt out.
On the other hand, I am really glad that KDC is ineligble to stand for parliament. The whole celebrity bit makes me uncomfortable, and how many of the people in that crowd are going to go on to an indepth understanding of the politics of NZ, as opposed to chanting slogans because it is cool? Will the IP lead people to a better understanding, or lead them into a cult following?
On the other, other hand, when I was young I’d have loved that video, and been into it even though my politics were yet to form much depth.
btw, am pretty sure there is a cut in the middle of the video just before the chanting starts, which means we have no real idea of who initiated the chant. Could have been KDC or one of the organisers.
“I am really glad that KDC is ineligble to stand for parliament”
Me too. I heard him at the roadshow last night and he was very good but I trust Hone, Annette, John and I trust Laila and Miriam – Kim would be last on my list. He says he created the Internet Party as a thank you to the public of nz for helping him after the raids – that’s cool but for me, as a hardened leftie, I want lefties in there. He is learning and growing and I’d say changing in many ways as you would if you hang around with the IMP crew and I really hope that all continues but once again I say that I’m pleased he can’t stand for Parliament.
Demands for polite language are usually made by the privileged and the powerful who don’t like to be reminded how disliked they actually are.
Exactly. It seems to me that while the political classes are tut-tutting over disrespect shown to the PM the IMP will be getting exactly the kind of exposure to the potential voters they are hoping to recruit.
+100…good on the students!… New Zealand youth have been fucked over …lets face it!
…and crippling student loans and interest when so young ( unless your parents are rich and can afford to put you through university) …is knee- capping the most talented and the future of New Zealand…creating an education class divide
…it is time students and youth got out and demonstrated against this John Key Nact government!
@ chook..
..or yr parents have ‘arranged their affairs’..into trusts and the like..
..so that often the richest are scamming a full student allowance..
..don’t get me wrong..i want free education for all..
..but that is just another example of how the richest fuck the rest of us over..
..in so so many ways..
..and those students should be invited to keys’ helensville meeting..
..they could mass outside…chanting..
yes all true …and a good idea
@ PU .. actually I dont think Helensville is a good idea for students to demonstrate at on reflection!…they could get caught up and into trouble on other issues…let Laila Harre and Penny Bright handle John Key and Helensville without any distractions from John Key’s performance
… I think it would be better if students concerned with education marched and demonstrated from their universities to the middle of their university town centres
1.)….that way they would get much bigger crowds and support from the general public and teachers…as well as media focus on their special youth issues
2.) they would be focussed on what matters most ….their education and their futures ( and showing how NACT have undermined their education and let them down badly)
3.) it would show New Zealand that their issue for youth rights and equality of opportunity is separate and special…and demanding of attention from ALL political parties
4.) it would be multi- political party in its reach and participation
Lets face it John Key and NACT and the Right wing spinners will make trouble if they can before the Election to swing voters away from legitimate concerns.
People are going to have to be very careful about how they demonstrate so it does NOT backfire and become a law and order or security issue
This Election ….there are high stakes …and some on the Right Wing will swing this Election whatever way they can..Here is just a taste of it .
‘ Faux outrage at “F**k John Key’ clip’
By Martyn Bradbury / August 7, 2014
“Oh here comes the faux outrage over a bunch of rowdy students chanting ‘Fuck John Key’…..
This i find a total mind blast, the biggest hoot to hit politics in one hell of a lot of years, these youngsters, the demographic most unlikely to cast a vote, have obviously found, in DotCom, a political vehicle and who among us over the past nearly 6 years hasn’t snarled at the Tee Vee or radio exactly that, ”Fuck John Key”, or words to that effect,(c’mon fess up),
Hell 2 days ago i was describing DotCom as a shy bloke at heart, suggested He should alter the message and did He what?,
Seriously, i don’t think that all that hall packed with young people are going to vote InternetMana on September 20, but, a significant number will,
From my perspective, being in the Mana camp of the InternetMana alliance those votes are still a vote for Mana, the sheer quixotic nature of this campaign, and remember, the fun has only just begun, has my interest piqued, so much so that i can’t wait to get out on the streets with the campaign,
What’s getting me is this huge divide, from a hugely divided New Zealand, of differing demographics turning out in support of InternetMana,
In Waiariki, the biggest political turnout in a decade was there when the ‘roadshow’ hit town, if you can move the locals up there in Roto-Vegas you can move em anywhere,
And so He does, this big fella, along with the crew,the roadshow, Lailla,Hone,Annette,Callum, the local candidates, here in Whanga-nui-a-Tara my thought was this is good, this might get quite big,
In the space of 3 days it got just that, Big, when a hall full of young people react like that at a political event you know its happening, with their social media habits 10’s of 1000’s who were not at the event will be partying all night Friday night and up and down New Zealand in places unimaginable they will bring the house down with that chant,
Here’s quixotic for you, listening to Jim Mora on my wireless this afternoon commenting on the Nelson leg of the ‘roadshow’, the local ‘bridge club’, i kid you not, according to Mora, interrupted proceedings to attend the roadshow, the local ‘bridge club’, i am if you will excuse me, in fucking awe,
i have been commenting ”i have a sniff of 5% for InternetMana in September”, another commenter, today yesterday?, sees 7%, it aint impossible, anything can happen here,
The fun has just begun, this has been a message from the future, you all know the rest, be there….
Good one bad – loving the enthusiasm. Nelson had over 200 people which was double what cunliffe and craig got to their events. The energy was electric and the crowd was eclectic – only bummer for me – no Hone.
4 members and 5% will do me – time to say fuck john key and fuck inequality and fuck those who don’t like the message.
In any case I doubt if the students were meaning it ‘literally’.
..no I am sure not…but spinners will put a fascist anti semite spin on anything if they can…and distract from the real issues
Hi Weka,
My immediate reaction was similar. I thought good. Let’s say it how it is and fuck the ‘life’s sweet for me’ hypocrits and the desperate and frightened wannabes who keep ramping up the overdraught to keep reality at bay for as long as they can keep the illusion going. Why should we pretend and protect the comfort zone of the pampered middle? Things are shit for a whole lot of people and the only view is down the barrel of even deeper shit. That’s just how it is.
This whole psychology-of-voting-habits-and-manipulating-public-opinion thing exemplified by likes of Polity has been ruinous to the left. Two decades of advice from the marketeers about how we should present ourselves in order to get elected and it boils down to kow-tow to your betters and everyone will like you more. So we give in and we simper and we smile. And we get more and more shafted but we still keep taking the advice. Even though the result is the opposite of what we want we keep going because we’re told that it will be even worse if we don’t.
“I’m seriously curious what is so wrong with saying ‘fuck John Key’. It’s not hate speech, it’s just common language expression of wanting to get Key’s govt out.”
Key’s popularity is the only thing National has got going for them. They’re shit scared of this sort of sentiment being expressed in public.
There’s nothing more to it, and no rationale for their suddenly very strong feelings about “hate-speech” will be offered.
As the late great Lenny Bruce said, “If you can’t say fuck, you can’t say fuck the government”.
Heard on the Panel that after talking about Key and the wrongness of his “Sugar Daddy” remarks that the woman (Katherine?) said that a new name for Key is going the rounds:
“Smuggins.” Very apt I thought.
Garry Moore was critical of Key too. Something about power going to his head with the “sugar-daddy” comment. Worth a listen here:
What are the National Parties policies to deal with systemic poverty in this country? Your leader seems a bit unwilling to debate, so I thought you’d be happy to explain the policies for us.
Are you willing/ able to discuss the actual issues ?
Or are you planning to focus on diversions, polls and personalities for the next month?
I did not know Dave Hereora RIP at 57.
But his death notice here on The Standard, along with the mention of Parekura Horomia RIP at 63, clearly illustrates to me the section of society which would be most harmed by Labour raising the retirement age to 67.
Actually I think it underlines the poor health outcomes for Maori generally and their shortened life expectancy.
..another very good reason for Labour keeping the retirement age as low as possible and as simple as possible ie blanket universal coverage without bureaucratic hoops to jump ( eg ..I think i might die in 6 months so i deserve it NOW!…gimme , gimme …who is going to go begging for it?…no they will just vote for the political party that gives them the best deal without having to beg for it!…Labour BEWARE!)
Chris Trotter makes the point that IMP could well make Cunliffe PM (despite Gower et al) here:
Some sinister shit been going on.
And this:
Sick puppies, those Israelis. Hope they get their beans eventually.
BREAKING NEWS: Next month’s news today!
Like SEMOUR of ACT in Epsom, DUNNE of UF too has LOST in Ohariu!
Watch this election result news here!
Hudson=(Nasty Nats)=37.2%
Dunne=(Unliked UF)=26.7%
Andersen(Lovable Labour)=24.4%
Woodley=(Goodness Greens)=11.6%
Personally I would have liked Virginia Andersen to win, but seems it would probably be just wishful thinking in reality as the Nats are obviously either very strong here or may be the voters of various hues have already made up their minds to gazump Dunne and kick him out by voting for Nat’s Hudson!
So, the BEST strategy for Labour and the Greens and any other anti National/anti Dunne party (IMP, NZF etc) under the circumstances is to STRATEGICALLY give their party vote to their own preferred party, but to give their ELECTORATE vote to NATIONAL’s HUDSON to be more sure of defeating the discredited Dunne and hence prevent National and Key being able to form the next destructive nasty RW government once again! That is my considered opinion anyway.
What do you guys think?
Lolz Clem, i do not want to be disparaging of the Labour crew, but, they think they are going to ‘win’ Ohariu,
i have tried befor here at the Standard to convince everyone that to get rid of Dunne noses will have to be held and electorate votes cast for the National candidate in Ohariu,
i am thinking of doing a little advertising in Ohariu myself, along the lines of ‘retire Dunne’ and ‘i do not even support National, but, given the choice of Dunne or Hudson, lets vote for Hudson’…
Dunne won’t bring more mps in with him should he win, so net result voting Dunne or Hudson equals Nat +1.
Much better to campaign for Anderson electorate votes off the opposition parties in the hope of getting a net nat -1
What’s happened to the reply buttons? I was unable to reply to some right winger who was supporting Key in calling Laila Harré a bought woman. I would have said that Key goes to Bilderberg parties as an anal service slut, so just as well the buttons were missing.
Apart from the jerkoffs on Whalespew and a couple of their kin here, I don’t think many people will appreciate Key calling Laila a woman of negotiable virtue. I hope it costs NAct votes.
They should be there except on mobile. The only case that they are not is when the comments have nested 10 deep.
I can see them today. I don’t do internet on a phone because I have macrodactylia.
I can see why. Those wee virtual keyboards are bad enough with normal sized fingers..