Open mike 07/11/13

Written By: - Date published: 7:27 am, November 7th, 2013 - 138 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


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138 comments on “Open mike 07/11/13 ”

  1. amirite 1

    It seems that the cops culture of contempt for rape victims has not changed:

    • weka 1.1

      Four complaints. Someone should be losing their job over this.

      “However a 15-year-old girl told 3News last night when she complained in 2011 about being sexually assaulted by two young men when she was 13, the line of questioning centred on the clothes she was wearing and why she had chosen to go out with the group.”

      That is straight out of the 80s. I thought we had at least put processes in place so that rape victims got appropriate support when they first approached police and weren’t subjected to that. At the very least now, after an inquiry, ALL police stations in NZ should be required to have a protocol in place that prevents this shit. Women need an outside advocate and they need to be interviewd by police who have training in sexual assault cases including how to not retraumatise victims.

      Would like to know where DSAC are in all this

      • Bill 1.1.1

        (Assuming I heard this guy on Radio NZ correctly – District Commander Bill Searle?) Nice to know that the difference between formal and informal complaints is entirely arbitrary and a matter that the police themselves decide.

        • Pascal's bookie

          Which utterly destroys their previous argument that their hands were tied by the lack of formal complaints.


          What station was the father of the rape group member working in?

          4 complaints. Nothing happened.

          Now, all of a sudden, they’ve issued search warrants.

          • Bill

            Search warrants that will turn up absolutely nothing. On the assumption those guys aren’t utterly thick, any hard drives etc will have been ‘lost’, ie smashed up and disposed of.

          • MrSmith

            Never fear Collins is having the ‘Independent’ Police Conduct Authority look into it, she is also having carpet and huge broom delivered as well.

            • Treetop

              Wairarapa, Rewa, Rotorua rape files just put into a filing cabinet. There were some recommendations by the IPCA regarding the Wairarapa and Rotorua files and the Rewa rape files are to be investigated.

              Once again another complaint is going to the IPCA regarding miscommunication of a rape file which has caused further distress to the complainant.

            • Rhinocrates

              It’s going to have to be a big carpet. Which galaxy do you think would provide a comparison?

            • Tim

              Oh fuck! As the self-appointed person in charge of Natzi leaving presents – I never thought of that.
              Maybe instead of thinking “what do I wish for” from the point of view of Natzis, I should be thinking in terms of the ‘ephermeral’ (see below)
              Good pint Mr Smith!
              I’ll take you contributions ‘on board’ (going forward).

              Yes yes …. a far better option for the hard-pressed Tex Pay-ya

              But then …. I know Pulla is rilly rilly ateched to them spots.

              Keep in touch fella – together: we can work it out – in the spirit of ‘ne – go – shay -shun’
              We shud talk – my agent will be in tuch

            • ghostrider888

              “Dust Busters”

      • Bill 1.1.2

        DSAC spokeswoman on Radio NZ seems to be of the persuasion that women and girls failing to negotiate the current fcked up culture of sex and sexuality is ‘sad’ and that education on how better to negotiate it is a solution. Now, maybe it’s just me, but that seems to in in parallel with ‘suggestions’ made by rape culture apologists to the effect that women and girls should behave differently, take more care, dress differently etc.

        Nothing about challenging patriarchy – it’s assumptions, values, impacts or how it exhibits and unfolds throughout our culture, society and institutions. Seems that absolutely necessary discussion is off the table. So, there will be a police inquiry…there may be some campaign on saying no…there will be internet bills and….yup, everything will carry on as before

        • miravox

          Did she use that term … “failing to negotiate”?

          But then, even if she didn’t, just putting across the idea that a 13 year-old has ‘failed’ her sexual education by not understanding the sexual vileness of older teens is a little bit too blamey for a DSAC isn’t it? Why would a young girl submit to a doctor who thinks she’s ‘failed’?

          Why isn’t she commenting on how young people are being failed by the belief that they can, with no consequences to themselves, use people… make fun of people… hurt people for self gratification? And yes, why isn’t she commenting on where that belief comes from?

          • Bill

            No, I’m not saying she used that term (she may have). My comment is my interpretation of or distillation of her position.

            As for DSAC not challenging patriarchy, I’m not actually surprised – I mean, the entire medical profession is extremely patriarchal. All our institutions are to one degree or other.

            Way I see it is that it’s so much in plain view as to be rendered invisible. Maybe, to borrow an analogy from one of the links Joe90 provided in the ‘Don’t Wring Your Hands’ thread, it’s as though, having been locked in a red room since birth we are then removed from it and asked to describe the colour ‘red’.

            • Ennui

              Plato and the cave?????

              • Rogue Trooper

                22.3 A prudent [person] sees danger and takes refuge, Yet the simple keep going (touching up the paint) and suffer for it.

            • weka

              “As for DSAC not challenging patriarchy, I’m not actually surprised – I mean, the entire medical profession is extremely patriarchal. All our institutions are to one degree or other.”

              Yes and no. DSAC were set up originally precisely because some doctors (and rape crisis people I think) saw the desperate need to have doctors do post-rape exams who knew what they were doing in being with a rape victim ie protecting them from the prevailing culture which was further traumatising women. I think it also ensured that women doctors were available.

              But yeah, medicine and the patriarchy.

      • Ant 1.1.3

        Aren’t they required by law to have a social worker (as advocate) in on those interviews with a child?

    • Draco T Bastard 1.2

      He refuted a suggestion there was a “culture of disbelief” of sex victims within the police.

      “I think what’s happened here is the police officers have done their very best…

      No, it sounds like the police have tried to sweep it under the carpet. IMO, that’s how they managed to lose four complaints.

      • fappity 1.2.1

        That and the rape culture we have in NZ backed up by the likes of idiots like yourself.

        • Bill

          From what I can see, DTB was referring to the age of consent. As such, nothing to do with rape, unless the argument is that the consenting person is unable to consent due entirely to their age and regardless of the law deeming them to be person capable of consent.

          • tinfoilhat

            Hi Bill

            I’ve just read the link and I must say I’m concerned that we on the left can’t bring ourselves to condemn underage sex as outlined in the link.

            As a grandparent I’m having bug problems coming to terms with what has come out in the media over the last few days from the stupification and rape of teens to the apparent almost indifference of the police and the defence of the gang who did this by the group of girls who were their school friends.


            The female friends of the Roast Busters told 3 News that Facebook anarchy is now the norm, so too is drunken “group sex”.
            “People send it on Snapchat, who cares […] it’s normal in west Auckland, its normal here […] Not for everybody though it’s just the young ones 13- to 15-year-olds – that’s what they do.”

            Am I out of touch with today’s society being outraged that I don’t care what the situation is that I’m appalled and consider it to be rape ?

        • NickS

          Please check your targets in future…

          • Rogue Trooper

            and adjust your sights. Objections may appear larger in the rear-vision mirror. 🙂

      • weka 1.2.2

        “He refuted a suggestion there was a “culture of disbelief” of sex victims within the police.

        “I think what’s happened here is the police officers have done their very best…”

        See that would have a modicum of credibility if he didn’t refute, but instead said somethign like yes there are very real issues here and we need to look at what has failed these young women. We believe police did their best so we need to look at what the problem is.

        He doesn’t at this stage have to admit specific culpability or assign blame, but at the very least should be expressing empathy with the victims who have been failed. As it is, it just sounds like butt covering and denial and ignorance in the extreme. Why are these people in charge?

        • Rhinocrates



          Any fool with a dictionary knows that to refute means to fully disprove. All that scumbag has done is make a denial.

          The official bullshit is going to be flying thick and fast around this. Watch for it and be quick to call it for what it is.

          • weka

            Are you taking about the journalist? I don’t carry a dictionary around with me and I took ‘refute’ in this context to mean deny (refuse to accept).

    • NickS 1.3

      Last night a girl told 3News she complained in 2011 when she just 13-years-old about being sexually assaulted by two young men.

      She said the line of questioning centred on the clothes she was wearing and why she had chosen to go out with the group.


      Pure Rape Culture this be.

      What’s to bet though the relevant authorities will just let this officer off with “training” and wont even bother with establishing much needed fucking training for officers on how to deal with rape victims…

      • Treetop 1.3.1

        I really would like someone from the police to tell me what has changed in 20 years in processing a sexual assault?

  2. Morrissey 2

    Mediocrity Watch No. 8: ED SHEERAN

    Our taxes paid for this crap. Sheeran shared on Twitter that he played all of the instruments himself on the track, except for the cello. This display of Sheeranian versatility does nothing to improve what is a dire and unlistenable dirge—quite possibly the worst movie song ever….

    Mediocrity Watch aims to keep you informed of—or, to quote the epically mediocre Simon Dallow, to be “right across”—the shoddiest, least professional, most insulting journalism and taxpayer-subsidised-sensitive-singer-songwriting from all over the world, but especially New Zealand. It is produced by DeakerWatch®, a division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.

    Check out these other third-raters….
    No.7: Paul Little: [Russell Brand] is “petulant, ungracious and unfunny” and a “cut-rate Chomsky”.

    No. 6: David Farrar: “Things were generally very relaxed in this area.”

No. 5: Jordan Williams: ““Capping rents seems like a recipe for disaster.”

    No. 4: Prof. Robert Patman: “Hezbollah is totally a creature of the Iranian regime.”

    No. 3: Jeremy Wells: “What evidence is there that secondhand smoking does any harm? Where is the evidence? WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?”

No. 2: Gavin Gray: “…never been any problems associated with the name King George.”

No. 1: Susie Ferguson: “If, as you say, this has all been done before, why do it all again?”

  3. Tracey 3

    Thank goodness, for everyones sake police interviews are recorded or videoed. Hopefully the media will focus on transcripts so as not to further divert this from the main issue unnecessarily. To clarify. The victim will be heavily traumatised and her perception of police conduct toward her may not be an entirely fair reflection.

    I am not a police apologist by any means.

    However if she made the complaint then as soon as they saw the facebook stuff they wld prolly have had enough to issue search warrants on the young mens digital equipment and to interview them.

    The assumption seems to remain that the victins word is not enough… hence up to 95% charged get off. That is purely about attitudes to women and an assumption that when it cones to sex their default position is to lie, exaggerate or have post coital remorse… as opposed to an assumption that guys lack self control sexually and see women as chattels.

    • JK 3.1

      Amirite and Tracey +100. Its just sickening. Finally after four complaints over the last two years the cops are waking up and doing something about it. Not much. But something at last. And the cops have the powers to (a) take the young men’s digital equipment and strip it right down to find everything they’ve now deleted (b) get that same evidence off Facebook and (c) make a case against those dreadful young trolls.

    • cnrjoe 3.2

      They’ve started calling the girls ‘ a group’ . Serial rape complainants?

      • Tat Loo (CV) 3.2.1

        Possibly preparing representative charges. I have no doubt that Bullshit Castle has been given a swift hard kick to take action, by someone by this point. At least, that’s the hope.

    • Lanthanide 3.3

      Bf made this point this morning that it is the police’s job to gather evidence and do an investigation.

      The way they’re behaving is if you don’t provide all necessary evidence up-front to them, they won’t do anything.

    • fappity 3.4

      I like this guy’s response to misogny in his workplace.

      Perhaps someone in our police force could do the same ?

  4. Tracey 4

    ” The Government also introduced legislation yesterday that would cut development contributions, which have soared from an average $3000 a section to $14,000 in the past decade.”

    I note the legislation doesnt include an obligation on developers to pass on the saving. They will do it cos its the right thing to do.


    • JK 4.1

      Development contributions are/were meant to help pay for all the things additional subdivisions cost a council – more roading, much greatly improved sewerage schemes, more parks for all the extra people, etc etc. More people into any area means more and more services which are paid for via the rates – so cutting development contributions means more costs to the average Joe and Joanna, and less cost to the rich – again !

      • MrSmith 4.1.1

        Exactly JK and next Tracey will be saying it’s the land prices, land is cheap on the outskirts of town lets build there, does she expects the existing rate-payers will be happy paying for the roads, sewer, storm-water, parks, footpaths, street-lighting etc that service these sections.

        • Ennui

          All these people we are forced to live next too! They cost us money, and I have to stand up on the bus. People, that’s the problem.

          • Draco T Bastard

            It’s the sprawl that costs us – more sprawl, most cost. If we want to lower rates and have cheaper living then we need to build upwards and not outwards.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Need to make it clear that building more subdivisions pushes up rates. That will upset National and the land-bankers.

  5. Philgwellington Wellington 5

    I can see Ben Uffendal’s headline
    ” Police need funding increase to pursue teenage sex case”

  6. Kevin Welsh 6

    My employers partner is just off the phone to her daughter in England who has just done her weekly grocery shopping for a grand total of £28

    Bacon 90p for 500g
    1 Dozen Egg 38p
    Feta Cheese 65p
    Blue Cheese £1.20
    Cucumber 65p
    Cheddar Cheese 500g £1.80

    …and on it goes.

    • Tim 6.1

      ….. and my daughter, just back from living there, tells a similar tale.
      There’s another thing a new government should review ….. the ineptitude of our Commerce Commission.

      • Tat Loo (CV) 6.1.1

        Commerce Commission has been deliberately starved, hamstrung and misdirected by the NATs. So not really their fault. I’m hoping Labour give it real teeth and increased independence, very soon.

        • Tim

          I Don’t disagree TL, but they have, over the years, allowed duopoly positions to emerge.
          I recall back in 2006, or 2007 some of those ‘bloody academics’ from Vic Uni showing that the structure in the supply chain by the ‘big 2’ meant small producers were being penalised.
          The CC should be commended on their recent decisions, but their ideas on what constitutes effective competition are sometimes pretty bloody suspect.

          They need ‘guidelines’ obviously. In my mind, there should never be a situation EVER where a NZ public pays a higher price for locally produced goods than does a foreign market.

          The NZ public will be expected to pay for whatever cleanup of shit infested waters is necessary whilst paying a premium for dairy products.

          These so called ‘free market’ principles really are a scam at times.
          I’ve seen NZ salmon sold a damn sight cheaper in Australia ffs! (even taking into account exchange rates and so on).

          Building materials …. how’s THAT ffs!
          Maybe there needs to be some sort of quota system applied to locally produced goods that must be sold locally – I don’t know but then the CC should be the experts

          • Draco T Bastard

            I recall back in 2006, or 2007 some of those ‘bloody academics’ from Vic Uni showing that the structure in the supply chain by the ‘big 2′ meant small producers were being penalised. The CC should be commended on their recent decisions, but their ideas on what constitutes effective competition are sometimes pretty bloody suspect.

            You can’t get effective competition in what amounts to natural monopolies:- Power, telecommunications, supermarkets…

            • Tim

              Nothing wrong with farmers markets though.
              I’m in two minds about supermarkets. The manner in which that supply chain has been constructed over the past few decades means that they’re now natural monopolies/duopolies I guess.
              Fuck em! I usually try to make a point of ONLY buying their loss leader items wherever possible. I wish more did, but for some – they’re now the new Town Hall and flirting venue.
              Certainly anything that constitutes a grid type arrangement – roads; rail; electricity, water, sewer reticulation; local loop and national/international backbone.
              (I’m a moderate doncha know) 😉

    • Lanthanide 6.2

      I’ve read various comments, eg on stuff, where poms say that in England it was soo much cheaper to eat at home, because the food was cheap and service in restaurants was a lot more expensive.

      Now living in NZ, they don’t see any reason to eat at home, because the food is expensive and service in restaurants is cheap.

    • Pete 6.3

      There’s a show on BBC Radio 4 called The Food Programme which looks at these kinds of issues. One episode looked at people feeding themselves for 10-15 pounds per week.

      Of course, there have beeen corners cut in British food as a result of the heavy price pressure – the horsemeat scandal in particular.

    • muzza 6.4

      With 50 units of local currency in the UK or Europe, you will be unable to get the shopping home without transport, preferable private. That includes the higher quality stores such as Waitrose and Marks n Spencer.

      In NZ, 50 units of currency gets you the basics, which requires little more than a two bags, or a number of bags filled with refined sugar/salt junk products.

      The UK, for example has a high number competition in the market, not to mention the 60m+ population base. They also have a wonderful selection of food, which far eclipse the shite we have on offer in the supermarkets here in NZ, which is pitiful in comparision. Should be reasons why people make use of farmers markets etc, move away from the supermarkets here, they are a bad joke!

      NZ has two channels , an effective monopoly, and 4.5 million people!

      Simple equations involved, but in NZ, we are getting completely ripped off over and above for every life sustaining necessity, food, water, energy, shelter, clothing…

      Great lifestyle here though, and how about those AB’s!

      • Tim 6.4.1

        +1 !
        We’ve been sold the coolaid for far too long.
        The examples are endless.

        How about “export quality meat”. Doesn’t that imply that we (as the producing country) should be expected to be happy with something less than export quality?
        Like err, maybe meat pumped with water, or with additives to ensure redness – all brought to us by people who are on wages that only just let them get by (unless of course they do as much overtime as they able, or maybe even 2 jobs).
        Eat, sleep, shit, do the laundry (so those nice little uniforms are spik & span), work….. eat, sleep, shit, etc.

        (They don’t know how lucky they are aye!!!! In my day I had to walk 5 miles to school every day and five miles home again and I didn’t complain – besides, that nice Mr Key is looking after them)

      • Ennui 6.4.2

        Just been in UK/Europe/USA….your points all valid. Lovely places but they don’t have the ABs. And they are too populous for me.

        Apart from their subsidised prices..they have one good thing in common …(except for the US) they all seem to have far more tolerant populaces than our standard Kiwi authoritarians dressed up as social liberals (there’s plenty on this site who would claim to be otherwise)….still despite the prices here is home.

        • Rogue Trooper

          ae, Nu Zillund is an authoritarian’s jet black cream.

        • Tim

          I hope to be in charge of leaving presents for departing Natzi MP’s.
          Pulla Bent, Judith (Jude to her mates), Soimun and a couple of others will be getting Jack Boots after a formal fitting in Northern Italy where a ‘fact finding musshun’ will have occurred, and both Jude and Pulla – just because of their EXTENSIVE contributions will be getting leopard or tiger skin fatigues fresh from the Philibit Tiger Reserve.
          In addition, they’ll all be getting Tiwai menyafekchard ledders mounted on bearings, equipped with flex rope from the Bay of Plenny that enables them to be pulled into an upright position – well away from ground level. There’s an ex-railway workshop in the deep south that’s putting in a tender that’ll hopefully come out cheaper than the Choinoise.
          Unfortunately Pulla, Jude and Soimun haven’t yet indicated their departure is imminent – so I’ve got a bit of time before I run out of life.’
          I’ve just got one problem so far though. The bloody ‘nargies’ don’t want a bar of it!
          They’re still a bit pissed off that a couple of their students who lodged formal complaints about employers ripping them off were ‘deported’.
          Never mind tho’ aye – a FTA is in the wind (like FUK!) (at least in terms of the definition of “free”)

          • Ennui

            The jobs yours: the image of Jude and Pulla in tiger skin fatigues scares the crap out of me. Nightmare on Queen St..

      • phillip ure 6.4.3

        @ ‘great lifestyles here’..

        ..and don’t forget ‘nz’s got talent’..!

        ( can think/dream about that while paying yr supermarket-bill..’ll help blunt the pain..a little…)

        ..phillip ure..

    • mikesh 6.5

      Does VAT apply to food in England?

    • Murray Olsen 6.6

      We had a visitor from Manchester who was appalled at Australian grocery prices. Someone is making a lot of money out of us all, and it’s not the farmers or growers. Maybe a future government could help establish a producers’ co-op to get food to people at reasonable prices, and without GST. Anyone who didn’t relish the taste of “socialist food” would be welcome to continue with the main supermarket chains.

  7. you_fool 7

    Apparently Key is a nice guy, it is that mean Mr English that does all the mean things

    No exception for first home buyers in LVR? That was Mr English that convinced Mr key to not fight for that.

    GST changes? Mr English again!

    However Mr Key managed to win a debate on labour law reforms

    • ianmac 7.1

      A pretty transparent interview by Audrey Young. Bad cop English versus Good cop Key the friend of the poor and the downtrodden. What a nice man that Key fellow is.

    • BLiP 7.2

      As sickening as that New Zealand Fox News Herald’s two-part hagiography was, it did highlight the fact that there’s still some considerable niggle between John Key and Blinglish. In the first part, John Key tries, as you point out, to deflect taking responsibility for further excluding first-home buyers from the market. (Yeah, right.) Then, in the second part, Blinglish says . . .

      . . . If a pime minister says “this is what we are going to do” , whether I might completely agree is irrelevant, particularly with a successful prime minister. If he says “I want this”, then that is what happens . . .

      . . . blatantly and completely undermining John Key’s earlier statement about the LVR. Classic, and another lie to add to John Key’s elephantine list. Thanks Blinglish. Also, good on you for finally realising that your own lie regarding your place of residence is no longer sustainable. I guess you’ve paid off the Karori mortgage now, eh Bill?

  8. Craig Glen Eden 8

    That National Party having been presenting a number of their cauacus as “nice people ” recently through the media. While they make Key out to be a good old boy they are attacking Cunliffe making out he cant be trusted.

    • Puckish Rogue 8.1

      Well the amount of flip flops Cunliffe has done means he cant be trusted

      • Tat Loo (CV) 8.1.1

        Flip flops? Do you mean the shoes?

        • BLiP

          Fuckish Rogue is probably referring to Cunliffe’s flip-flops on charter schools and SkyCity.

          • Puckish Rogue

            Well theres that as well as his clarification of what on his CV plus his ability to say one thing to one audience (the unions) then something different to another group (business)

            • Murray Olsen

              Do you watch all of Paula’s speeches in parliament? For someone as idiotic as you, they must be better than viagra. And that Collins? Be still, my beating heart.

              Guess what? When I was fixing bikes, I would talk about right side roller mains to a Triumph owner, and bushes to a BSA guy. I obviously couldn’t be trusted. More than that, when I went snapper fishing, I would talk about pilchards, mullet and squid with my fishing mate, but I was careful not to mention these while trout fishing.

      • fender 8.1.2

        Gunna giv’em a taste of your stinkfist for wearing jandals too are you…

  9. bad12 9

    Lolz, a small chortle when having a scroll down the Herald online edition this morning, anyone else noticed this little gem,

    Scrolling down the page looking at the clickable links there’s a headline for:

    Politics Headlines:
    Top stories:

    And snigger i kid you not, a headline to a pile of clickable links: NZ National Party Headlines,

    The official voice of the NZ National Party, the Pravda of the South Pacific, the NZ Herald…

  10. Draco T Bastard 10

    Can’t say as I see this as a problem:

    Broadcaster MediaWorks has lost a string of high-profile shows like Homeland, Modern Family and Bones after the company’s new banker owners dumped an output deal with Fox.

    Now, if the government would step forward to support our ow artists we could fill the gaps with our own shows.

    • so..instead of ‘homeland’ about a drama based on the stresses/pressures/personalities/cliff-hanging/nail-biting happenings in.. say..a shearing gang..?

      ..oh..!..hang on..!

      ..and for modern familes..a comedy based around a dysfunctional-family..?

      ..having laffs/coping in the wake of a major earthquake..?

      ..(working title:..’shaky’..?..(geddit..?..geddit..?.)

      ..and i haven’t ever seen ‘bones’…

      ..but isn’t it a will/they/won’t they..ever fuck..again..kinda story/saga..(yawn..!..) could call that ‘the len and bevan show’..

      ..(this week..!..that conference in christchurch..!..will they..?..won’t they..?..

      ..will bevan take that ‘personal-assistance’ further than her job-description mandates..?

      ..and yes..!..we have body-fluids..!

      ..follow every sperm-dropping/clean-up moment..!

      ..on their bonking in sacred maori places tour of new zealand.. week:..’the waitangi-pole’..

      ..phillip ure..

      • greywarbler 10.1.1

        phillip u
        so..instead of ‘homeland’ about a drama based on the stresses/pressures/personalities/cliff-hanging/nail-biting happenings in.. say..a shearing gang or a gang of political bloggers. Drama, emotion, passion. girls with no clothes on. It couldn’t miss.

        • greywarbler

          I’m a fan of Wind in the Willows. A whimsical, kind little tale about friends and community and understanding each other. Toad is a lively character who gets focussed on one interest at a time and when it was motor cars, went round making car horn sounds ‘Poop, Poop’.

          Spring has sprung and I must spring into the garden shouting Poop, Poop. So I’ll go and wrestle with the convolvulus bindweed and vow to be responsible in future and never let it take over and get control again.

  11. AsleepWhileWalking 12

    Radio station needs help to sort out it’s rampant rape culture.
    This time it’s Radio Live’s nighttime DJ, Andrew Fagan:

    Another RadioLive host has come under fire, this time for an interview with a caller who said she was raped as a 14-year-old.

    Night-time host Andrew Fagan copped flak after the woman told how she had met a boy she fancied on the way home from school.

    At his house, she drank alcohol for the first time and woke up realising she had lost her virginity.

    Fagan asked her if it was consensual. “Did you not hear what I just said?” she replied. He replied: “Yes, but you said you fancied him.”

    • Tim 12.1

      Well he does fancy KH in a non-committed ‘open’ kinda way, so I guess there’s some sort of binary logic going on there where any sort of sex is OK as long as his partner “fancies” an object.

      • weka 12.1.1

        Logic? Rape culture actually. Which says: if a young woman is attracted to a man then the man has a right to have sex with her. What century are we living in?

    • fender 12.2

      Don’t know what Karyn Hay ever saw in this dickhead Andrew Fagan.

      He must have forgotten the lyrics he sung :
      Don’t walk away from me
      I’m not the kind that likes to be put down
      Don’t leave me standing here
      I’m not kind that likes to be the clown in the rain for the world who must sing

      Without you my life’s gonna be forever Tuesday morning

      I’m so alone inside I haven’t got the guts to go away……..etc.

      Maybe now he could find the guts to say sorry…..or go away, like the rest of that shit Radio Live.

      • North 12.2.1

        Fagan’s a loudmouth bullshitting wanker at the best of times.

        Heard him one night trying to stir up a hornet’s nest by stating as fact that Japanese military got washed up in the North during the war and disappeared into the population.

        Then started crapping on about Hone Harawira’s “features” ?

        • fender

          Yeah his bullshit ruined Kiwi FM too. He loves his own voice and Karyn constantly needs to reprimand him like he’s a child.

    • well joe..i followed yr link..

      ..and then investigated thorium fueled nuclear reactors a little bit more..

      ..and what can i say..?

      ..i think as of about 1.45 pm this aft..

      ..(all things i read being true/up to scratch..

      ..i too..became a convert to the idea of thorium.. a/the(?) fuel for the future.. to build the first reactor..?

      ..i reckon northland..

      ..they need the jobs/economic-fillip this would bring..

      ..(and quick..!..flog the rest of the power companies off to the mug-elite..!..

      ..before they hear..

      (..those power companies will never be worth this much again..)

      ..and use some of that build the first thorium-reactor..

      ..mana/the greens should campaign on this..

      (and knock me down with an anti-nuke banner..!..if you told me when i woke up this morn..that i wd end the day a promotor of a branch of the nuke-family..

      ..i’d have said you were

      ..but good ideas are like

      ..they can be very infectious/caught quick….)

      ..phillip ure..

  12. joe90 14

    How user pays really works.

    A man’s house burned to the ground, but that wasn’t his only shock — because two weeks later, he received a bill for almost $20,000 from the private fire department that tried to fight it.


    Highlighted on the back of the subscription, it reads, “Response times will vary.” So with the options for people living here are: buy a yearly subscription, which is around $500 from Rural Metro for a service that is 20 miles away or take their chances and get a huge bill if their home burns. A third option is to form their own fire district. It can take months and ultimately a board will decide if they’ll contract out fire service or form a volunteer department.


    Rural Metro does have payment plans, but says it doesn’t give people the option to let their home burn


    • Tim 14.1

      Sounds like the perfect plan for all those disengaged from society that lock themselves behind the walls of the ‘gated community’. In their case – I’d make it mandatory. They can have their private security firms, police force, roading contractors, ambulances and most other infrastructure as well.

    • idlegus 15.1

      perfect storm soon? & then this hooton storming out of radiolive in disgust with willi & jt!

      • tinfoilhat 15.1.1

        Never thought I’d be on the same side of the argument as Hooten – but can’t fault him this time.

        • Pascal's bookie

          I think he says at one point that he has daughters, so blah blah.

          I’d fault that part of his argument.

          • tinfoilhat

            Who was the person that almost seemed to be arguing that it was too much to expect a 17/18 year old from west Auckland not to commit an assault…….. or did I mis hear ?

            • Pascal's bookie

              Fuck knows. Someone was saying something like that, but they all sounded like drunk middle aged punters at 1/2 hour to last drinks. “Yeah nah yeah yeah listen wait you said blah mate nah listen but wait on mate wait on a minute I was saying nah mate listen”

          • Matthew Hooton

            I didn’t say that on air and you are right it makes no difference – but it does make it a little more personal.

            • Pascal's bookie

              Yeah I was joking really, ‘if I had to quibble, it would be this’ sort of thing. You did good.

        • Ennui

          Aha, the libertarian left and right unite, I always thought the portraits mirrored! What hope now for rednecks?

      • fender 15.1.2

        “I agree with Matthew”

      • karol 15.1.3

        hmmm so Willie and JT claim Hooton is making middle class judgments and doesn’t understand the working classes.

        Reports of rape at elite private schools overseas:

        New South Wales

        Princeton, US.

        The class differences would be in the ability by the authorities to cover it up.

      • weka 15.1.4

        Didn’t think I would ever get some respect for Hooton. Good on him, and good on him for saying fuck you to Willie Jackson’s support of Clint Rickard.

        I didn’t hear any of the Radio Live stuff yesterday, but Tamahere and Jackson appear to be saying that brown boys have a hard life and therefore an excuse whereas white boys grow up good and therefore don’t rape. That doesn’t explain why they would be so unsympathetic to the women/girls. Hiding misogyny behind class.

        edit: snap karol.

      • Rhinocrates 15.1.5

        A stopped clock turns out to be right. Doesn’t excuse all of Hooton’s other misogynistic and racist statements that he’s cynically made for money. All it means is that they’re so revolting even Hoots is angry.

        • weka

          Completely agree. For a man with such repugnant morals otherwise it was surprising. I’m guessing he’s had some life experience that’s educated him.

          The other thing that stands out is the change of tone in Jackson’s voice when he tells Hooton to shut his mouth about Rickards.

          • joe90

            Yup, and I’d say the kids sit up and take notice when they hear it.

          • idlegus

            im probably being a little bit ungenerous but maybe hooton wants to be on the winning side? i mean, who wants to be a rape apologist? (not me!)

          • marty mars

            Yes that change in tone was very noticeable. Hooton is a hollowman but Jackson and Tamahere are hollow too. I don’t like any of them and that view has been reinforced again.

        • emergency mike

          “All it means is that they’re so revolting even Hoots is angry.”

          Exactly, I think I’ll hold off on “Yay Matthew Hooten doesn’t like rape apologists” for now.

    • weka 15.2

      Wow. Did anyone see Bomber’s graphic?

  13. Dv 16

    Some one better warn imperator fish.

  14. Morrissey 17

    “He always looked pasty-faced!”
    The Panel briefly considers the death of Arafat

    Radio NZ National, Thursday 7 November 2013
    Paul Brennan, Rosemary McLeod, Tim Watkin

    Note Tim Watkin’s nervousness, and his skittish laughter, which undermines and trivializes his otherwise intelligent comments…..

    PAUL BRENNAN: It’s five minutes to five. All right, this next story. ….[uncomfortable pause]….It appears that the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned by radioactive polonium. Traces of the isotope have been found in his bones. What do you think of this?
    ROSEMARY McLEOD: It’s like a ghastly horror show.
    TIM WATKIN: Well, the Israelis held him as a virtual prisoner in his compound for the last few years of his life, didn’t they. That explains why he always looked pasty-faced! Ha ha ha ha ha!
    ROSEMARY McLEOD: Ha ha ha ha ha! It’s what the Russians gave to that chap a few years ago, isn’t it.
    TIM WATKIN: That’s right. Ha ha ha!
    ROSEMARY McLEOD: He started off as a very good-looking man, but he wasn’t when they’d finished with him.
    PAUL BRENNAN: [thoughtfully] Hmmmm. Poisonous stuff, that Polonium 125.
    ROSEMARY McLEOD: We don’t want it in our coffee!
    TIM WATKIN: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
    PAUL BRENNAN: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Okay, three minutes left, and there’s just time for our last story….

    • i couldn’t listen to brennan..

      ..this is the email i sent the show yesterday:

      “..i am listening from behind the sofa..chewing knuckles..scared..

      ..i think he is one of the worst people i have ever heard on radio..

      ..his faux-jollity just sets teeth on edge..

      ..and he clearly has an intellect that would drown in a petrie-dish..


      ..when he came on again today..

      ..i just turned him off..


      ..phillip ure..

      • Morrissey 17.1.1

        That’s a good summary of the man, Phillip.

        • fender

          Did you hear his comments about the living wage? I think he deserves some credit for supporting people getting paid enough to live on.

          • Morrissey

            Yes I did, fender, and I agree with you. The reason I posted that snatch of conversation was not to criticise Paul Brennan but to draw attention to the way Tim Watkin was afraid to state a grave truth clearly and unequivocally. His nervous little snicker only served to detract from and undermine what he said. This is understandable: no doubt Tim Watkin has suffered screeching insults in the past after daring to say anything critical of Israel.

            It’s still disappointing, however. Tim Watkin is an intelligent, well read and decent person, which makes him a rarity on radio chat shows. He should think about expressing his views clearly and courageously—which means not undercutting them by snickering nervously.

    • RedBaron CV 18.1

      Is there a list of advertisers somewhere up on the net. I’ll ring them and take my business elsewhere too –

  15. NickS 19

    The Stupid, It Burns.

    Why? Because it can decades to remediate nutrient pollution, particularly when dealing with slow flowing rivers and more so lakes, where the low over rate of flow + mud increase the residency time for nutrients added by human activity and can be released later by storms/floods. Which leads to flux that invasive species oft thrive with and kick the local ecosystem into a another state with subsequent (usually) negative ecological impacts to ecosystem health and human uses.


    We can haz science based government legislation noaw please?…

    Instead of limp-wristed bullshit to pander to federated farmers.

  16. joe90 20

    Half of all fossil fuels ever burned have been burned since the election of the forth Labour government.

    • Tat Loo (CV) 20.1


      Despite all the hissing and roaring about climate change and greenhouse gases in the last decade, fossil fuels are now being burnt at a faster rate than at any other time in human history. With the trend continuing to increase.

      I don’t think there is going to be a happy ending.

  17. greywarbler 21

    This is colourfully put – from latest Bowalley Road.
    That made Sir Roger and his followers the most dangerous cuckoos ever to take up residence in Labour’s nest, and it has taken the best part of 30 years to eradicate their legacy within the party organisation.

    Observing the party closely since the departure of Helen Clark in 2008 has been a little like watching Rip Van Winkle rousing himself from twenty long years of slumber.

  18. idlegus 22 very biting sarcasm here, no holds barred about ugly nz. “worldwide outrage” according to the huffington post, this has gone total global.

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