Open mike 09/02/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, February 9th, 2010 - 10 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


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Step right up to the mike…

10 comments on “Open mike 09/02/2010 ”

  1. 350ppm 1

    Here’s a chance for the Auckland Transition Agency to make itself useful to Auckland ratepayers: It can and should veto the bill for the $40million (& counting) Eden Park blowout

    • prism 1.1

      If something isn’t done about Eden Park and these other expensive venues needed for the World Rugby or whatever we are going to get so behind people will be working 24 hours a day to get ready so we don’t look like that favourite quote of the right “A banana republic or third world country”.

  2. winston smith 2

    Two days ago Zetetic turned feral on Cam Slater over name suppression:

    and by doing so, defended such scum as the Manawatu man convicted of downloading pornographic pictures.

    “Name suppression is there to protect the victim” thunders Zet…

    … turns out that Judge Mason granted name suppression because none of the thousands of children pictured were New Zealanders. Where’s the principle of open justice in that?

  3. Quoth the Raven 3

    This video is a must watch it’s very entertaining and educational. It’s not taking sides and it’s brilliantly executed.
    “Fear the Boom and Bust” a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem

  4. gingercrush 5

    RIP John Murtha. Democrat Representative of Pennsylvania. Stuck it to Bush. Hated by Fox News.

    • lprent 5.1

      Hated by Fox News.

      That has to be the ultimate accolade showing a high degree of personal intelligence and strong moral principles.

      Fox News always reminds me of Cameron flush with money, even fewer principles, and an even greater addiction to sensationalism.

  5. randal 6

    one more time now.
    we’re rednecks we’re rednecks we dont know our arse from a hole in the ground