”Aotearoa New Zealand’ is being increasingly used to label our country, by parties, unions, organisations and companies, as well as in general use. To an extent this is probably by popular use, but is there a stealth campaign behind it as well?
I like Aotearoa as a name, and don’t have any empathy with ‘New Zealand’ – we are not new, and we have no obvious connection to Zealand, an island in Denmark.
But I think we should have an open debate about the name we want to use officially for our country, and make a democratic decision.
I think this should be done separately to and without the complications and delays of other decisions like flag, anthem, constitution and republic.
Whoever wrote that has put their galling ignorance on display and thus has lost any credibility in any debate about the name of Aotearoa – New Zealand.
@Incognito- my sentiments exactly. nearly lost my coffee at the mention of Denmark! We might have been taught a rather sanitised & incorrect version of NZ history in the state primary school system in the 70s, but I clearly remember learning the correct Zeeland origin even back then. I wonder where OP was educated?
I’m aware that Zealand (Denmark spelling) is a variation on Zeeland (Dutch spelling). Neither have much connection with Aotearoa, and no connection with the vast majority of inhabitants here.
Pretty sure James Cook wasn’t Danish, Pete. Cook was the one who Anglicised the Dutch name. You have heard of Cook, right? I only ask because you don’t appear to have heard of Abel Tasman, who was the first European to name our country.
btw, the Danish spelling of Zeeland/Zealand is actually Sjælland.
butbutbut there’s an island called “Zealand” that is Dutch Danish (lols muphry) and they’re spelled the same, they sound the same, so they must be the same.
We will make a movie of his discovery: it will be called The Secret of homoNym…
I wasn’t wrong about anything. I didn’t claim anything about the etymology of Zealand. You jumped in too quickly, or, knowing you, there could be a motive behind it, there often is when there’s attack-the-messenger type diversions here.
I didn’t claim anything about the etymology of Zealand.
Oh come on, pull the other one! FYI, etymology is the study and history of words and that includes names. Please give it a rest before you embarrass yourself even further.
This is not encouraging “some debate”, it is an one man’s trip into a world where words have no agreed meaning and common rules for debate have gone out of the window too. So, please stop bleating about people wanting to shut down your ‘debate’, as it only exists inside your head.
you balls it up peter – just admit that the whole thing was rubbish and let it go. You tried to stir and you got caught out by some basic NZ history – it could happen to anyone lol
Debate is good – look around, there have been hundreds of comments today yet it seems only you have packed a sad. Truth is you don’t really want a debate because if you did you would frame your comments to get that but you don’t do you. Even after years of people trying to help you, you still stubbornly think you know best and everyone else has to bow to you and you are still pretending everyone else is at fault when really we all know the truth.
I’ve advocated the same on this site in the past. Switching to Aotearoa is long overdue. I suspect the reluctance of many to embrace that vastly superior name for this land is due to their interior colonialist bias. You know who I mean. Anyone who pretends to be progressive yet fails to act accordingly.
Despite their identical names, the island [Sjælland] is not connected historically to the Pacific nation of New Zealand, which is named after the Dutch province of Zeeland.
“Despite their identical names”…”is not connected historically to the Pacific nation of New Zealand” – thanks for reiterating my point., which is a side issue to whether we properly consider a name change here.
Do you have an opinion on ‘Aotearoa’, and whether it should be openly and transparently debated?
You’re welcome, except I wasn’t; I was correcting your wrong attribution of the historical name of this country (New Zealand) to a Danish island (Sjælland).
Do you have an opinion on ‘Aotearoa’, and whether it should be openly and transparently debated?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do, which is why I pointed out to you that a genuine debate is based on information that everyone can and does agree on (AKA facts) and guided by principles of honesty and a willingness to listen and self-correct. So far, you have not proven yourself worthy of debate let alone kicking off one, IMO.
I’ll be honest with you Pete and say that you rubbed me the wrong way on a day I wasn’t feeling well. I suggest a pause and a reset.
Might be a bit tricky – I understand there are some issues with the provenance of Aotearoa – apparently not a word Cook encountered. I don’t know the details but knew a bloke who did quite a substantial project on it.
I gotta say, mozzie, you have an astonishing ability to take a completely unrelated topic as an invitation to whine about the Democrats. That’s a really extra special kind of stoopid.
To be fair Andre, the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia. (I don’t think they’ve figured out where their sore head’s coming from yet 🙂 )
Exactly which Democrats are taking “anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia” and how are they doing this? How about some attributed quotes, please?
The vast majority of the stuff I see in the news about Democrats are things like the fight against Kavanaugh, news about candidates like Ocasio-Cortez, healthcare, etc.
The Russia stuff in the news is coming from the news organisations own reporters, whether it’s reporting on Mueller related stuff or following back from social media fuckery to see where it leads.
As far as I can tell, the allegation the Dems are focusing on Russia is coming from Repugs, possibly trying to scare their base to vote in the midterms. The only Dems I’ve seen talking much about Russia are Adam Schiff and Mark Warner, who are the lead Dems in the House and Senate Russia investigations, so obviously they will reasonably have things to say about it.
Yeah, okay. The Democrats funded the likes of Steele to collude with Russians to dig dirt on Trump colluding with Russians…think about that for a second, aye?
As for “Russia stuff in the news is coming from the news organisations own reporters” – are you suggesting there is such a thing as the “fourth estate”, and a reasonable measure of investigative journalism left in the realms of mainstream media these days?
Or are you merely suggesting that stories aren’t spoon fed to journalists by politicians, their parties and various “think tanks” (like the Atlantic Council), who are in bed with identifiable political factions within parties who have axes to grind (particularly in the area of foreign policy)?
The Dems hired a research firm that hired Steele. They didn’t do it directly, and AFAIK they didn’t specifically ask about Russia stuff.
Are you seriously suggesting all the mainstream media can be considered the Democrats? And that there are no actual principled investigative journalists left? Really?
Now, let’s go back to your allegation that “the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia”. Are you able to back that up with actual attributed quotes from prominent Democrats?
So, the Democratic Party (elements of) hired Steele at “arms length” and didn’t request that he dig around for stuff connecting Trump to Russia, although that’s what Steele focused on? Okay.
No. I view mainstream media as being in the business of reflecting and promoting and excusing a liberal paradigm – not “democrat”.
And I think there are a few good investigative or thoughtful or principled journalists working within mainstream channels. Really.
You want me to dig out attributed quotes from prominent Democrats helping to build a picture by saying, suggesting, or giving credence to such notions as Russia meddled in the US Presidential election in favour of Donald Trump; that Donald Trump has had questionable dealings or meetings with Russians; that Russia may have him over a barrel?
So, the Democratic Party (elements of) hired Steele at “arms length” and didn’t request that he dig around for stuff connecting Trump to Russia, although that’s what Steele focused on? Okay.
Do your own googling: a rightwing website hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on dolt-45 and other republicans. F-GPS focussed on his business activities. When that contract got cancelled, F-GPS went doorknocking on the dems. Dems picked up the contract, and F-GPS (as part of looking into dolt-45’s businesses etc) hired a Russia specialist consultancy (Orbis business intelligence) to look at dolt-45’s Russian activities. Because he has businesses in Russia.
The fact that the sub-contractor turned up rumours of hooker piss-parties is just icing on the cake.
Is ‘dolt-45’ today’s new name for Trump? I’d have thought the idea would be to suggest an actual smoking gun…but maybe I’m missing something.
I’m aware it was Republican actors who initially retained the services of Fusion, and that some Democrats then picked up the baton and kept running with it…
To be honest, I’m not quite picking up on what it is you’re selling as the counter position to what I’ve written.
I’ve been using it for a while. Can’t even be bothered using his name, and “fascist fuck-knuckle” is too distracting. Bounced around a few others, but “dolt-45” seems adequate.
Anyway, his opponents hired a company to do opposition research. They didn’t say “look at russia”. They would have said something along the lines of “We need to know his weaknesses, and his strengths. Does he have any skeletons in the closet? What can we use against him, and what can he use against us?”.
Just as every US political campaign has done for decades.
“the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia” is your allegation and your burden of proof. I’m not sure why you expect me to substantiate it for you when you won’t.
Especially when I’m very confident the proportion of time prominent Dems spend talking about Russia-Trump stuff is very very low, with the possible exception of Warner and Schiff.
I left it on the park bench by mistake, three days before its natural release, some sort of early onset dementia. Read my lips, if govts are going to release early they will never cover up anything, we be invaded tomorrow. But this was just a mistake, real leaks never get this sort of press.
We have a massive issue with bullying in this country and you can quite see why when decent and respectful leadership processes are derided and described in this negative way. We should hang our heads in shame that we give such ignorant people space to spout their venom
Physically assisted someone?… I don’t think that is was is being claimed James. Another good reason to have an investigation and wait for the findings.
Yes it was a little weak of me to make capital out of your obv typo.
I don’t know how parliament works, is there anyone monitoring staff turnover??????parliamentary services???? I am sure the PM isn’t monitoring staff turn over as she has too much other stuff to attend to and it would be micro managing………………….
I said right from the start re the Meka issue that its not good and I didn’t try to c/p it to National’s track record.
I’ll say it again, the allegations aren’t good. They are worthy of some sort of investigation. Lets wait and see the results and then Ms Ardern can chose her course of action.
On a separate note I am very angry about the male broadcasters, many of them untrained who jumped on board criticizing Ardern re her trip to Nauru, and one who even suggested it was time she stopped breast feeding. Ms Ardern has be understandably effected by this and she was right to talk to the NY Times about this, where she might get a fair hearing. Right now they msm and Nats are trying to start a meme that Ardern is weak, which is bullshit……..
You see all I do is see them spouting their biased opinions……they get a lot of air space.
It bothers me because I hate what happened under National in terms of homelessness, housing and health mantaining a low wage economy to name a few. Those are the real issues for me and I want them fix. Someone who spouts cliches and sound bites needs to be challenged. That’s all I will ever see Hoskings et al as.
Trying to spin a poorly actioned leadership event “as a thoughtful and respectful decision making process” and then trying to silence any critique or opposition to that using fallacious mental health claims is the real bullying here.
Clare Curran showed repeated contempt for the norms of behaviour expected of ministers to perform their duties in a democratic and accountable way.
To say that the last lot were worse means nothing. This lot were supposed to have been better. Curran, as minister for open government, should have been the best. not the worst. So it’s inexcusable she thinks the pressure is unbearable, when really it’s her own mistakes that put the pressure on.
I think you will find a far greater “normal cross section of NZ Society” here on The Standard than you would in Hoskings world. If he is continuing to rage against our Prime Minister then she must be doing something right. I don’t ever watch or listen to Hoskings so I’ll have to take your word for what he is nailing these days.
The NZ Herald is the particular domain of a small part of the Auckland community. Mainly the parasitical bit that owns assets designed to extract rents from citizens.
It is representative largely of Remuera.
I don’t tend to read the fuckwit because he never seems to researches anything he writes. Instead he wank-writes something for his ratings.
By contrast there are people like Fran O’Sullivan who also writes in the Herald, who I mostly disagree with, but who usually has something worth reading.
Someone not choosing to give an audience to Mike Hoskings is not refusing to listen to others views, it is choosing not to pay attention to that particular predictably negative self puffing popinjay. You know nothing about who I communicate with so as usual you’re just making stuff up.
I really don’t understand why you and that other one who sounds like a kid on one of Thelwell’s ponies bother to blather on like this – haven’t you got a life?
Still, if that’s what gets you up in the morning!! However, your time might be better spent trying to be part of the solution, not part of the problem
I’ve tried my best to read other’s views (except Hosking and pals since all they seem capable of doing is ranting) but very few ever seem to deviate from their assigned/indoctrinated talking points and won’t engage with other points of view, or even agree to disagree. They often come across as completely inflexible and unable to back up said talking points with their own ideas. (Of course, if there are any you can link me to for some intelligent reading, then please do.) A bit like you James, and your fellow trolls here. I’m always interested in different views on a subject even if I’m not going to agree (eg I will NEVER in a million years agree with the RW stance on welfare) but I’d really like to engage in a non aggro, intelligent 2 way discussion as to why someone feels differently, without them going on the defensive everytime they get challenged.
Just wanted to say, it’s a bit rich of simon to call Jacinda weak, considering so many do not want simon to lead the country.
hosking and simon desperate to embed a word. They probably check in with each other every monday morning, to agree on the narrative to spin for the weak/week.
Mike Hosking is a dimwitted fool endowed with all of wisdom of bijon frise. He is also a simple parasite with a ego who appears to have never done anything useful in his life apart from a bit of barking to amuse simpletons. I guess you are one of them.
I’ve never been impressed by him and his ideas.
What I do find particularly annoying isn’t his mindless Labour bashing – after all the lazy fuckwit is a simple National tool. It is when Auckland has to suffer these dimwitted and unwanted migrants from Christchurch in our media trying to discuss Auckland and iot is clear the the dorks have never bothered to find out anything about the city. Roughan is the same.
Oh come on, iprent. Bijon frise are great little dogs, full of love and mischief, and they don’t drop hair everywhere. Mind you, their haircuts are more expensive than most human haircuts!
So, a lumbering, slobbering, drooling, noisy beast of no great intelligence, prone to socialisation, aggression and separation anxiety issues who takes up an awful lot of space, is difficult to train, and drops turds the size of coke bottles around the place.
Look they are great wee dogs. My sister has one. It is theoretically her purse dog suitable for apartments. But it is a real dog – loves to roll in seagull shit at the beach.
Among other attributes they have an intense loyalty to their owners – just like Hosking. They have an intense people orientated talking focus, no real ability to listen, no discipline, and absolutely no analytical abilities – just like Hosking. They are able to learn simple ticks and repeat them without thinking – just like Hosking.
I won’t go on about their genetically inbred expensive diseases. Suffice it to say that Hosking should keep these to himself and pay for himself.
I could go on – but basically they are a stupid kept animal with a lot of people pleasing personality, and so is Hosking. A non-working parasite…
My sister’s previous dog was a very long lived Jack Russell with an enormous mouth and teeth which protected the kids. That was a super smart working dog. She could and did intimidate anything outside of her family pack – regardless of size.
Well said. Now I get it! LOL.
I too have had many dogs over the years – all ‘second timers’ and many with previous bad experiences, fears etc. These have included several combinations of softie biggies and aggressive little ones – eg my last one was a 68kg Rottie/Mastiff cross whose best mate was a 6kg Maltese and they both had reverse personalities. The Maltese would take on anything to protect his Rottie (forget me) just like your sister’s Jack Russell. Sadly the big boy died last year, and the little one just two months ago, Now dogless for the first time for decades.
My foxy/miniature dachshund/chihuahua cross was a champion possum dog able to take on animals more than twice her size, and despite her adorable, butter wouldn’t melt demeanour around people, the tiny thuggette ruled the roost because she thought she was rottweiler.
Well, since we’re on to dogs… my sadly departed golden retriever was the most beautiful dog you ever saw – so beautiful people would stop and jump out of their cars to pat him. He was large with soft white fur and a lovely big head. Retrievers are regarded as one of the most intelligent dogs, but unfortunately the busy elves in the heavenly work-shop forgot to put one in my boy’s head.
15 year old golden lab at our place.
loves swimming, bringing stick back, and if there’s no stick at the river, she will put head under water and bring rocks back.
profoundly deaf and eyesight shady. wag muscle still going strong.
Soper has a similar view in the Herald too. I think this connection he makes is worth considering: “there’s something else these two have in common: attending the demise of them both was Clark’s former chief spin doctor and now Ardern’s chief of staff Mike Munro”.
Although I agree the PM hasn’t managed the perception side of things effectively, the reasons she gave for being economical with the truth were valid – as I’ve mentioned elsewhere here. Hosking remains an inept political analyst. He only seems capable of seeing one side of an issue. Elementary competence requires seeing the big picture.
Know I am offering an opinion that you are a troll.
Just like you are offering an opinion that Jacinda is spineless and Simon and Mike are trying to spin that she is weak.
What I am interested in is what they are doing to better the country.
So far I am happy.
I didn’t like what National did and I felt John Key was allowed to get away with “murder”. Eg Dirty Politics (have you read the book yet James?). Find out what was really going on in the PM’s office.
Anyway, note to myself …………don’t engage with James. It doesn’t go well. I don’t end up feeling further informed which is what I come on this website for.
There is an attempt to spin Jacinda as a weak leader. The msm want to get rid of her.
Fortunately she is an expert in using social media. A lot of people particularly young voters are likely to engage more with that than the likes of Hoskings……………………….
Behaving like an alpha-male is not our PM’s way of doing things James. Behaving like the bad-tempered screeching Simon Bridges is not her way either. She is a different personality and there’s more ways than one of dealing with issues.
I have personally witnessed Barry Soper having an almighty tantrum in public abusing someone, so have since had absolutely no respect for him and his views.
I object to you calling our PM “spineless”. She is a braver person with grace and humanity and nuance that the likes of you and your hang-ons would not know how to be. I am also aware you are here only to get a reaction, which you crave for in your mean nasty little world. One can only pity you.
And if she’d acted “tough” you’d be saying she was cold, a bully, etc.
Classic catch-22, either way she’s a bad PM according to your spin.
BTW, I don’t need to listen to Alex Jones to know with reasonable likelihood that he’s A) full of shit; and B) just after the clicks. Same with Hosking. The pathetic little man-child is just a nat cheerleader who has a wee tantrum when democracy forms a government supported by most of the people.
I will support you and agree that you are a splendiderofous commenter and BM too. You get everyone going like a dose of salts. I recommend for the purpose of not wasting time that everyone takes a toilet break every time these gentlemen’s names appear, and then talk about our problems in NZ which are manifold and to which there are no smart answers.
They do need persistent attention to detail and airing ideas with following comments that rectify faults until they are usable, doable and ready to slip in the government slot that is available to profit making entities. Slip ours in and give the nerds a fright!
The thing is james when people like hoskings and even yourself have a go at labour or the coalition government one thinks back to the fact that they have never said a single good thing about them .
Which means you can right off anything they utter as biased bullshit.
Held my breath so far, but that does it.
One WRITES in a diary, and one WRITES something off. Not ‘rights’.
How about some basic literacy, guys? Or are you all NCEA-bred texters?
Compulsory Te Reo in schools is likely to be worth at least a 5% drop in polls for the govt – if Peters really has agreed to state compulsion to enforce bilingualism on the populace then he’s obviously lost the plot. Any adults in the room?? Looks like none in Labour & the Greens on this issue. I’ve been watching to see if a credible rationale was being put forward in support but zilch so far. So much for multicultural reality in Aotearoa. Those trying to keep us in the 19th century bicultural yoke are using this device like a strait-jacket to control us. Will not end well!
I had compulsory French and Latin, and it was great for the standard European tours.
If I had done compulsory Maori, it would have ensured that I never made a dick of myself on a marae, and would also mean I could get by in the Cook Islands.
I think there’s a good chance National will support this.
The Hobson’s Pledge people will just keep dying off.
I would also soften the impact by simultaneously proposing Matariki Day as a national holiday. Almost no-one would oppose it.
I learned French at school, can read a reasonable amount. Did an adult education course in it when living in London. Still can’t hold a conversation with French people about every day things. Can use it in a muddled way to conduct some transactions in France.
I think would need to be using a language regularly over a long period to be able to hold everyday conversations in it.
But, my understanding of French, and the little bit I have learned of te reo, gives me a better understanding of those languages, other languages, and those cultures.
What advantage is there to speaking Maori?, you struggle to be understood, compare that to English where 99% of people understand what you’re saying.
The Maori language has to be used in daily life to be retained, which is why you can’t speak Maori even though you’ve done a course, that’s the issue, use it or lose it.
First and foremost language is about communication, people can communicate far easier in English than they can in Maori, so everyone uses English
The only way Te Reo will survive is if part of NZ breaks away, is under Maori rule and you’re only allowed to speak Maori.
What advantage is there to speaking Maori?, you struggle to be understood, compare that to English where 99% of people understand what you’re saying.
Let’s try this out but with some different languages;
In Denmark what advantage is there to speaking Danish?
In Greece what advantage is there to speaking Greek?
In Malaysia what advantage is there to speaking Malay?
Even if I agree with you that a language that less than 5.5% of the world speaks is the ‘unofficial world language’ you still haven’t answered the question of why other countries continue to teach their local language in the face of this ‘supremacy’ of english? Why did people revive Welsh or Irish?
God you are a weak bag of piss bm. Fucken glad you hang in the tron you’d be laughed out of everywhere down south. We dont tolerate weak giver uppers like you.
What that Dec 2017 Stuff article says has been supported more and more since then with apparently a two year waiting list for entry to many Te Reo Maori courses.
The reaction to this free course offered by a fish and chip shop owner in Christchurch (also a qualified Te Reo teacher) was massive, with over 600 people turning up for the first lesson leading to the course having to be moved to a school auditorium. Subsequent media reports (eg RNZ News) were that numbers of that level continued to show up to the weekly lessons and more courses are now being offered.
“English has become the unofficial world language”
Well Te Reo IS an official langauge of Aotearoa.
An understanding of indigenous culture.
The reo is from nowhere else.
A beautiful language with a musical quality.
The use of imagery to describe situations or people.
A reminder of a way of being that is sustainable.
(He tangata, he tangata, he tangata ).
Despite being Ngati Pakeha, I strongly support Te Reo Maori being as someone put it, an integral part of the curriculum (rather than talking about being compulsory) BUT it must go hand in hand with Maoritanga (and all of the subs of that) – as IMHO the two exist as integral and inseparable parts of one another.
I did French, Latin, and some German. The latter was useful for reading some geology papers (a lot of which are still published in German).
The others were useful for my fascination with functional languages. That I have never used the dead language of Latin to do more than read some classics is irrelevant. So Is my complete non use of french.
Since I left school I have learnt the varied languages of science, accounting, politics, engineering and above all my real obsession with computer languages.
I have learnt and used more than a hundred languages to tell computers how to do things. I hate to think how many library frameworks that I have dug through as well. Each of which is carries a language that says how you should perceive things.
Basically language is *the* art of accessing things. If you don’t have it then you’re limited in the ways that you can perceive knowledge. A lack of it makes people idiotic and inflexible.
It simply doesn’t matter that much if it is Te Reo or Latin
I did both French and Latin and I found Latin far more useful as an overall base in understanding many other languages, and also not only medical terms but also those for other forms of science (chemistry, biology, physics etc) – plus law, the arts etc.
I hated it at the time although it was one of my top subjects (I connected with its logic); but really appreciated having done it as I went on to tertiary education. I really wish it was still taught more for those reasons, but I am also a strong supporter of Te Reo Maori and Maoritanga being compulsory. One does not exist/make sense without the other.
And while I am at it, I had most of my secondary and the first three years of my tertiary education in the US and despite being a NZer who would be returning to NZ, still had to take all the compulsory US civics education courses to graduate from high school.
I strongly believe that civics education should also be compulsory here as I am really astounded at the lack of understanding of our form of democracy, how our Parliamentary and local government systems work – and thus the lack of interest in participating and voting. And that includes many people on here!
Why aren’t the USA people up on understanding their politics if civics is a compulsory thing in states. Has anyone done research to see whether it is the states that don’t give a good grounding in civics, that turn out for the celebrity presidents despite them being bad for the country.?
They do understand their civics, grey, but the US system is actually quite a different system to the version of the Westminster parliamentary system we have here in NZ, which itself has devolved into our own unique system, which also involves MMP based on the German system of MMP as opposed to other Westminster based system such as those in thea Uk and Australia for example.
The US is an indirect system via the electoral college and the personal identification with one of two main parties long before you get to vote. Anyway, would love to expand more but need an early night as have an early/long medical appointment tomorrow morning. Will try to find some time to get some links together for you. Kia kaha. I admire your interest to learn and your sometimes over the top/off this planet ideas – but don’t ever stop. We need your fresh thinking.
You will find this 1979 debate on the merits of Life of Brian highly entertainng. Very contrasting views.
‘Hosted by Tim Rice, a discussion was held about the then-new film Monty Python’s Life of Brian, which been banned by many local councils and caused protests throughout the world with accusations that it was blasphemous. To argue in favour of this accusation were broadcaster and noted Christian Malcolm Muggeridge and Mervyn Stockwood (the then Bishop of Southwark). In its defence were two members of the Monty Python team, John Cleese and Michael Palin’
You may need to educate yourself Dennis. This is a bi cultural country – get used to it. It will still be bi cultural after you’ve gone too. The adults are having the conversation the silly children are the ones disrupting and why? Simply fear, unjustified fear, just like children.
It’s very significant that 80% of Maori don’t speak Te Reo. Looks very much like they are exercising their freedom of choice. If such a huge majority don’t want to keep their own language alive, why should it be forced on everyone else?
Mark Richardson suggested Maori kids ought to have the option of choosing Maori instead of English at school. I agree. English ought not to be forced on them.
I am losing respect for you Dennis.
I thought you were better than the shit you’re putting up.
I have a nice big category that I’m not far off putting you in – Richardson and Hoskins is in there so plenty of company for you.
That 80% is 80% of all Māori from 0 years old to death. And the measure is being able to hold a conversation about everyday things in te reo, as answered on the 2013 census. So it means that probably far less than 80% speak or understand zero te reo.
The proficiency, as measured, increases as people get older. So the percentage of Māori over 25 years who can hold a conversation about everyday things in te reo, will be greater than 20%.
Ok, I’m guessing the problem is that you’ve got no one to talk Maori to and because you’re not using the language all the time you’ve forgotten most of what you learnt?
National cancelled those community education courses, BTW
Most of them served a community function. Which was of course, not relevant to National, who only want cheap cannon fodder for industry.
Te Reo was axed in Whangarei. Along with maritime safety, dance, music, small engine repair and a host of other “crap” courses, which bought people together, allowed learning of new skills, worked as a social venue for the elderly, keeping them out of hospital, acted as a pathway back into learning/work for many, and allowed the skilled to help their community.
Only had no value to those who believe, “there is no such thing as community”.
Dennis that is not a well thought out approach. Sort of top of ghe head, instant stuff. We enlarge our capacity for thought and deeper understanding of cultures when we learn their language. Maori is interwoven already into our language used daily, but needs to be kept alive because English in ruling the world or tryisng to, is killing off the beauty of other cultures thought and replacing it with this monoculture.
Interesting response. I was intrigued that you didn’t actually respond to either of the points I made but felt I was missing an essential part of the big picture.
Yes, I agree with your advocacy of that part. Not sure that I can agree that it is essential, however. Looks to me that it really belongs to those who are free to choose it as a lifestyle option. I do totally agree re monoculture=bad!
Dennis; imagine if Papatuanuku spoke to tangata whenua, sharing Her treasures and wisdom with them, then shut up when blunt, brutal and spiritually-deaf tauiwi arrived here; should the descendants of those colonisers remain deaf or strive to open their blocked ears?
Definitely open blocked ears & listen, Robert. That’s why I decided to support the Maori communal land stewardship tradition when I first encountered that ethic long ago. It’s the primary interface between ancestral Maori culture and the Green movement. I’ve never been able to get traction in the GP with translating that into policy. Too radical!
Dennis Frank: If your (metaphorical) peripheral vision were to expand a little, you might detect a kind of shadow version of the “New Zealand” you (think you) know well. One aspect of this realm involves resonances which spoken Te Reo Maori creates with, say, trees, birds and waterways in a process which promotes health and vitality for all involved.
Leaving the mystical behind, there are more prosaic ways in which Te Reo Maori can save us: Te Reo provides the most direct means of linking with a range of traditional Maori values which embody the healing properties our nation so desperately needs; physically, psychologically and spiritually. I’m talking about manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga, kotahitanga for example.
I’ll stop there. I’m not one to spoonfeed; I offer only the barest hint…
Compulsory Te Reo in schools is likely to be worth at least a 5% drop in polls for the govt
Which it really shouldn’t as multilingualism has been proven to increase creativity and personal development. If people really want the best education for their children then they should be fully supportive of this.
Those trying to keep us in the 19th century bicultural yoke are using this device like a strait-jacket to control us.
You do know that the colonial government tried really hard to kill the Māori language in the 19th and early 20th centuries right?
No worries that 5% will be dead before long leaving those behind to form a workable and respectful society pulling together to cope and having some enjoyable moments. This is as good as it get you grizzly me-first, entitled oldies; the rest can be part of and enjoy the rise and kindness of family and community.
Hey everyone let’s not take James bate cause that’s what he comes on here to do.
Isn’t it great 10,000 new houses in mt roskill and that under national 1 in 20 state house was empty. In just 9months tywford got it down to 1 in 50. Actions speak louder than right wingers in the media’s meme.
The government plans to build 10,000 new homes in Mt Roskill over the next 15 years, by demolishing 3000 existing state homes, and subdividing the sections.
The development includes 2400 modest, affordable KiwiBuild homes for first home buyers, plus 3000 to 4000 market homes, and more than 3000 new state homes.
The total cost will be about $4 billion, but Mr Twyford said the net cost to the government would be minimal.
“They are basically funded through the redevelopment of the land, we are taking advantage of Housing New Zealand’s balance sheet to do some of this work, but we’re not expecting to have to inject any additional finance from the government.”
Not really good news for renters, because they are just replacing the state homes and selling off the land which anybody with 2 years under their belt in NZ can buy up and compete with the Kiwis to buy.
Also probably not mentioned is that they will bring in thousands of migrants (35,000 new migrants just for construction has been bandied around as a figure in the past) to build them… so we will have even more of a housing shortage than before because they are bringing in more people apparently to solve the crisis…
The housing shortage can only be stemmed by stopping the demand side. But funny enough the government seems reluctant to touch that, both in allowing overseas sales of NZ property new builds as well as keeping massive low wage/property investment immigration full steam ahead.
The “comprehensive reforms” are taking private houses and landlords out of renting. So with the ‘demand’ side on fire so that the certain sectors of society addicted to low wages can have an endless pool of people to exploit while refusing to train/house/ or do anything themselves to retain valuable people and skills in this country.
So ho hum, NZ becomes part of Asia, huge inequality, homeless and beggars on the street, luxury and tents side by side and of course the obligatory leaky wrap everywhere, as why expect quality builders and construction in NZ, when there is an endless supply of ratepayers and tax payers and consumers to endlessly rebuild houses that no longer seem to last 50 years, let alone a decade without remedial work?
I don’t also see the government offering any sort of security to tenants, most of the headlines are temporary housing offered by the government. They are not offering state houses rates built pegged to increasing population and inequality rates for example.
Nor do I see any of the most vocal idealists of quality rentals offering to be landlords in parliament, aka all very well for the government to be critical of landlords but very hypocritical while being reluctant to make the government landlords pegged to population growth and also not being keen of becoming landlords themselves and offering quality accomodation to people in need which they could well do, on a parliamentary salary.
When the government demolishes all these state houses, where are those state house tenants going to go for the next 15 years while they “rebuild” them at what looks like levels from a much lower population level?
In real terms Labour/Greens/NZ First are getting the government out of renting, while also flogging over the private rental market at the affordable end and of course not going to become ‘rentier class’ themselves for the poor as against their principals.
So in two years, there is going to be a lot of renters complaining they don’t have a house at all, or any options while under this government, and what are they going to do, when every day before the next election there will be another story of another homeless person/family who earn an average wage or under with nowhere to live and those deemed suitable for renting under new rules are way out of their price range and in massively short supply, the rest sitting empty while being deemed too unsuitable to be rented and the state houses also empty while being demolished for rebuilding in up to 15 years?
Absolutely right KJT, and we missed an opportunity in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes to use the situation to trainbe apprentices.
Apprentices that would now be starting to employ other youngsters.
Incidentally my son is looking at doing a building apprenticeship next year.
He is asking around for Christmas holiday labouring.
A good chance to find out whether the building companies treat the apprentices as employees or as contractors.
Training costs and so all our businesses and business leaders don’t do it so as to boost profits for the bludgers and then complain to the government that we don’t have the needed skills and demand to be able to import them.
These two things lower wages as more people get pushed into low paid work and the decreasing development of our economy all of which has the collapse of our nation and our society as the end result. Exactly as has happened throughout history.
Agreed pity there is NO clear apprenticeship pathway https://bcito.org.nz/apprenticeships/about-apprenticeships/how-apprenticeships-work/
“Your employer will train you in the skills of the trade as you work. They’ll ensure your work is up to standard, and that you cover the required scope of work to complete your qualification.”
Sure this sounds good, yet I have 3 mates who’s sons are on their 3rd or 4th employee, as they are “released” as work loads reduce.
Wasn’t part of importing off shore talent that there was a requirement to train an apprentice ?
Long term solution https://www.labour.org.nz/immigration
“and introducing a KiwiBuild Visa for residential construction firms who train a local when they hire a worker from overseas.”
Why not with the construction of state houses, Kiwibuild or private developers e.g. Mt Roskill have a condition to train the workforce. But it is easier just to import to cover for shortages. https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/106868388/thousands-of-new-homes-promised-for-mt-roskill-development
NO more people coming in, until they “solve” the housing crisis and the transport crisis which if you stop people coming in to work here, will mean the government and industry have to actually pull finger, and use the existing youth and retrain and help people being made redundant and want to work in aged care or low waged areas or what have you.. can’t get any opportunity to do so?
Heard Fulton Hogan for example is bringing in 50+ migrants from the Phillipines. They also have someone going around getting them accomodation and making sure they have the right food so they stay.
Pity employers are not more concerned about making sure that people from NZ from Northland or the South Island that could be working for them have a person organising their accomodation and food and making sure they feel at home.
Of course it can also be something like getting people in on $40k instead of $90k for the same equivalent job in NZ….
Then we wonder why we can’t keep quality skills in NZ, and everything is such a balls up and costs 20x more than everywhere else.
There is a saying, do it once do it right. NZ has developed systems where there is subcontractors and middle men at every turn, taking margins and we actually don’t have quality ‘makers’ anymore, just bad middlemen employing the lowest common denominator actually doing the work.
Had a friend that worked for a very well known infrastructure firm. He was on $40k, he then sent his CV to OZ and got offered two jobs, his ticket to attend the interview and settled on a job offer worth $120k.
So we can train as many people as possible in NZ, but why employers are offering locals a fraction of what they are worth we will continue to have this problem of retaining them.
The problem has never been about a skills shortage, the problem in NZ has always been retaining the skills and that is why the current solutions from government will not work because the fundamental issue is bad wages and conditions in NZ and a culture of undervaluing and trying to save as much money as possible on wages while ignoring down stream effects that mean NZ is not productive and getting worse.
Having an endless supply of cheap workers in NZ are not going to make us more productive or creating quality offerings from construction, to hospitality to aged care, to IT or what have you. It instead creating more problems as existing people get poorer, taxes are spent on growing social problems, growing healthcare and education needs, while people coming here in real terms earn less and less than equivalent counter parts overseas.
Apprenticeship is the only possible path.
You cannot learn to build at a desk.
Some high schools were teaching trades building a house for sale at the same time. Another State school initiative for non academics where funding was removed to pay for, for profit, schools.
Actually the figures being bandied around are 50,000 migrants needed not even 35,000 in 4 years so where are they going to live? They are not builders coming in, anybody, from painters to tilers are being applied for and the excuse is that Kiwi’s are not applying for their jobs but when looking into it, so of course they can’t get anybody at their 5 star standard for pay rates of $20p/h which is the rate for students in NZ not experienced trades people.
Just to be clear the main occupations coming to NZ on these skilled categories and needing that housing from 2016/2017…
Main occupations for Skilled Migrant Category principal applicants, 2016/17
Occupation 2016/17
Number %
Chef 684 5.7%
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 559 4.6%
Retail Manager (General) 503 4.2%
Cafe or Restaurant Manager 452 3.7%
And among those who got (so-called) Essential Skills work visas
Number of people granted Essential Skills work visas by main occupations, 2016/17
Occupation Number %
Chef 2,178 6.6%
Dairy Cattle Farm Worker 1,617 4.9%
Carpenter 1,478 4.5%
Retail Supervisor 961 2.9%
Cafe or Restaurant Manager 942 2.9%
Retail Manager (General) 767 2.3%
Aged or Disabled Carer 748 2.3%
I think many of these are where the wink wink, $20k pay to get the job offer is coming from or job to get your relatives in… but clearly the whole thing is pathetic that the government is giving out these visas like lollies for fake low wage jobs that Kiwis, students, part time workers, disabled workers, people needing second chances and so forth can do, and are now unemployed instead. We can’t look after our own working poor, why the F would any sane government be piling more in to be looked after by government subsidies?
Right, so that’s the number of jobs that will be open in the next few years, not the number of migrants required to fill them.
I agree that industry wants to import workers to keep wages down, but we’re not necessarily looking at a shortage of people. Just an industry with new jobs opening up.
I also suspect that kiwibuild (like the old state house constructions) will have an element of standardisation that will make construction less labour-intensive.
And if we do import tens of thousands of workers, that’ll be against the main drive to lower immigration overall – so other industries won’t get preferred immigration status and overall immigration still drops.
It is good to read thoughtful analysis and not a load of emotional opinionated bollocks from the usual suspects.
Thanks McFlock and savenz and others too!
The demand side, ‘as you call it’ – is not a force of nature. You know perfectly well that our immigrant numbers are high and we haven’t run an intelligent housing policy for decades so we are not prepared for even a moderate population rise. Then there are the other facts of immigrants buying to hold their wealth and wait for capital accretion, and the market is really screwed.
A better and more reasoned approach is my demand to you. or are you a force of nature?
I would like to see minute mike have an on camera sit down with Jacinda to debate his opinion the she has no backbone. He obviously has buried all recollection of keys time in Government. I must say he is looking extremely haggard and sooooo irrelevant. Time he moved and let a younger person have a go. My seven year old grandaughter would run rings around him. It annoys me that he can put any old garbage out there with no right of reply from anyone. First time I have clicked on to mm. Wish I hadn’t.
Three of four NZ fish ‘staring extinction in the face’
“The data, which covered fish distribution and abundance trends, along with a key measure of water pollution called the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), showed more than three quarters of 25 analysed species were in decline.
About the same rate of decline was found in 20 native fish species – and in two thirds of cases, the drop was a significant one.
“We’ve gone from one species out of every five being in trouble to a situation where three species out of four are staring extinction in the face, and we’ve done it in one generation.”
“Given the study’s findings, he said, it was “bizarre” that there was little protection for native fish.
“And the fact that despite these declines and developed world’s worst proportion of threatened species we harvest them, the Department of Conservation [DoC] doesn’t protect them.”
Joy acknowledged a just-announced amendment to the Conservation Act aimed at native freshwater fish, but added this only covered protected areas.
“They have to get there first, through the polluted unprotected rivers.”
He was also sceptical of new guidelines around structures built in rivers and streams that could impede migrating fish, criticising them as guidelines only.
“Under the Freshwater Fisheries Act 1983, it is clearly stated it is illegal to block native fish passage – but there have been thousands of barriers put in since then and DoC has to my knowledge never used their powers under this act to do anything.”
the coalition supporters are getting really pissed off with the media in new zealand. it has become toxic with crypto tories like simon dallow, garna, merkin, hosking and soper duplicity alien being given free rein to peddle their views. time for the NZLP to start investing in line of sight micropulse radio stations. cheap as and just the thing for urban communication. if every tribesman in every valley in the hindu kush can do it then it is time for us to do it here to counter the slime being pushed out every day by the msm.
Good to see the Swedish general election hasnt seen the large swing to the hard right Democrats that the doomsayers were predicting.
So far The Democrats are up 14 seats ( 349 seat parliament) but thats been entirely at the expense of traditional centre right Moderate party.
The lead government party the Social Democrats are down 12 along with their partners the Greens down from 25 to 15 seats. However the other coalition party that rose were The Left ( once known as Communists) up 7.
Other centrist partys who improved were The Centre up 8 and Christian Democrats up 7.
It was a hung house the last time as well. The right (The Alliance) outside of the Swedish Democrats (the anti immigrant party) made minimal gains as they took it off each other. The social Democrats alliance made a slight loss.
The Swedish Democrats made slight gains that could put them in the kingmaker postlition except that both major parties said that they won’t work with them.
Dining all probability another minority government with support keeping the nutters out until they can prove that they aren’t.
Jacinda Ardern is a 37yr old young woman, with a fine personality, a major grasp of Dirty Capitalism; and a world wide reputation as a significant Politician. Jacinda is our Prime Minister.
Jacinda is all too much for little aging Mike Hosking. who has somehow inserted himself into the hearts and minds of Remuera – (Auckland’s Shallow Land) .
Hosking throws his meat cleaver into Jacinda Ardern every opportunity he gets. Complete with his mean shit. He did again this morning.
I don’t know exactly why most people on the Isthmus regard him as Shit in little Jeans – but I think it is because he can’t hold a candle to a person of the Carriage, the Looks and the Capability of Jacinda Ardern.
Hosking who has everything – has given nothing to slummy Auckland.
Hosking is a Disgrace. He lives as such with his microphone. He will likely die as such. A shallow Disgrace. The very definition of the Hollow man who hates and is hated.
He’s probably the only person alive who has to have a stepladder to get into his maserati or whatever Tonka toy he drives. He is an absolute waste of a minute. Tick tock. Zzzzzż!
Lost in all the crap that was written by the media and elsewhere (including on here!) about why the PM was wrong in only going to the Pacific island Forum in Nauru for one day, was this supportive and informative article by Fran O’Sullivan – yes in the Herald – on a visit to NZ that was barely reported and that Ardern would have missed if she had gone to Nauru for longer.
That was the visit of the high-profile Japanese parliamentarian Shinjiro Koizumi as the 2018 Prime Minister’s fellow. Koizumi is the second son of former Prime Minister Junichirō Koizumi (Japan’s leader from 2001-2006). He has been the Chief Deputy Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) since August 2017 and is seen as a future leader.
He was accompanied by two other parliamentarians who are also children of former prime ministers, with Takashi Yamashita, the Parliamentary Vice Minister of Justice, rounding up the delegation.
This is a really interesting article in relation to NZ’s future relationship with Japan through, amongst other things, commonalities arising from the similar age and interests of Ardern and Koizumi discussed in the article (human rights, renewable energy, phasing out of nuclear power); the re-energizing of the bilateral relationship with Japan; and strengthening co-operation in the delivery of our respective development assistance programmes in the Pacific.
O’Sullivan comments that she was initially of the view that Ardern should have gone with Peters earlier in the week, and that it was essential that she did go. However, she is now of the opinion that Ardern’s staying back for the Koizumi visit was money well spent.
The money was spent on more important things like the free tertiary education bribe, Peters 3 billion dollar re-election fund and government subsidised new first homes for the middle classes.
Number of people granted Essential Skills work visas by main occupations, 2016/17
Occupation Number %
Aged or Disabled Carer 748 2.3%
Ok, so the government won’t pay local people and they have to go to court to get minimum wages, but this has nothing to do with the skills shortage of aged or disabled carers as the 5th most imported in career category for essential skills…
don’t forget family members are not allowed to be paid to leave work and look after loved ones, from what I can make out… (might be wrong)… but getting someone on minimum wages from other side of world is a better option apparently…
What also really angers me, is that often the people are vulnerable when disabled or old and they are essentially being short changed in many areas from a system that is very punitive and has created a complicated system to save money when local people in this country pay taxes and ACC levies which should buy them quality care, not the cheapest care the government can subcontract to to also save money by employing the cheapest people from around the world who don’t ask too many questions from their employeer (even more laughingly appears to be on paper from what I understand it, the person needing care who might be intellectually disabled or completely unable in any real sense to be their employeer).
Thread about umpiring shenanigans makes it pretty damn clear that the Serena Williams debacle was motivated by sexism.
Djokovic Gets Into Argument With Same Umpire Carlos Ramos at French Open, multiple violations did not result in docked point or game. https://t.co/qkZv2SNE7O— Has The Umpire Been Fired Yet? (@AgentTinsley) September 9, 2018
Serena is just a disgusting bully. No sexism or racism or whatever ism. She said that having a child made here not a cheat?
She has history of abuse too. Telling a ballboy or girl that she was going to ram the f-ing ball down their f-ing throat.
No more despicable person than Serena. She lost, she played badly, was going to lose anyway and stole the show away from a humble gracious person that is Naomi Osaka.
Coward and bully.
Bit harsh.
McInroe was a bit of a dick.
And there’s, like, Rolf Harris…
I dunno. Sporty things aren’t my cup of tea – I get why the athletes get amp’d to the point of making really dickish choices, but I don’t see what the fans get worked up about, usually.
And umpires can have Very Bad Days, too – questionable calls should never decide a match. But people do seem to be pointing to equivalent behaviour that did not receive the same punishment, let alone decide the match.
Agreed, it was disgraceful. Serena not only ruined the match but the prize giving ceremony too by making it all about her. Osaka is a hero in comparison.
What a load of shit – she is a great champion – end of. Typical that some jumped up little man couldn’t take it and then lashed out to shit on the game and make it all about him.
The heads of the Women’s Tennis Association and USTA (which puts on the U.S. Open) sided with Serena.
Just another day in the workplace, sexism and double standards.
The WTA, however, backed up Williams’ claims of sexism regarding the way she was treated by Ramos with its chief executive, Simon, releasing a statement.
Simon said: “Yesterday brought to the forefront the question of whether different standards are applied to men and women in the officiating of matches. The WTA believes that there should be no difference in the standards of tolerance provided to the emotions expressed by men v women and is committed to working with the sport to ensure that all players are treated the same. We do not believe that this was done.”
Following the match, the United States Tennis Association, which runs the US Open, released a statement from its president, Katrina Adams, hailing Williams for her “class” and “sportsmanship”.
Appearing on ESPN, Adams also claimed there are double standards in terms of how umpires treat women and men. Adams said: “We watch the guys do this all the time, they’re badgering the umpire on the changeovers. Nothing happens. There’s no equality. I think there has to be some consistency across the board. These are conversations that will be imposed in the next weeks.
New article in the Herald by David Cormack re Claire Curran’s resignation. So much more intelligent, fair, reasoned and balanced than the Soper/Hosking rabid rants. Was a pleasure to read.
Specially liked David’s proposition that rapid coming down on errors makes for overcautious activity from the workers. “Don’t take risks” becomes “conservative to stay safe.”
Good morning The Am Show The police have changed under shonky rule they no longer serve te tangata they serve them selves they control the media they are on TV all day every day distorting the reality of there callous action’s bad story’s are covered up ??????????.
They have no complaint’s process they distort the course of justice by telling Lawyers not to represent people. Well I will file my class action myself stop that muppets.
The situation in Idlib in the Middle East is shocking this is going to create a humanitarian crisis that will affect all the countrys in the region.
Condolences to the family of the lady who pasted in Bali death is all part of life.
There is a part of the story you are not telling they had the money why did they not fly her home .I guest that she was to sick to travel .
Mark its good you are trying to speak te reo I get mixed up because I know a lot of Ngati Porou I was rasied hearing that reo .Because I am tied up with the sandflys if not I would be studying te reo full time.
The process of retrieving our tipunas body parts has been going on for 50 years not 5 minutes Duncan. Your definition of nudge is not correct you are playing your little harp hard on the Bali subject
Harmony is what I back between Aotearoa’s 2 main cultures is what is needed not one side getting it’s cake and eating our’s as well.
Come on Duncan shonky sold off 49% of our power generators .
The transmission companies are over legislated and don’t get enough funding the generators and suppliers are under legislated this is the business first model shonky installed to benefit his share market m8’s at the cost of the common tangata milking it.
Most of the proffets from our natural resources flowing into foreigners pockets.
Ka kite ano P.S you mite think I should keep my move quiet but the sandflys are illegally monitoring all Eco Maori COM
A capital gains tax will be a good tax that taxes the wealthy who can afford to pay more.
A capital gains taxes people who make money from gain’s that have a little labour exerted to gain that money they are shares property business capital.
judith collins would prefer to raise GST to 20 % and lie that that’s a fair tax system when we know that that tax cost the poor common person who has to spend all there money just to survive she would lie like shonkys famous words I WILL NO RAISE GST .
Enough said link below ka kite ano
Here we go another attack on the rights of the commoners around Papatuanuku .
He is pandering to his dictator m8 and all the Wars that are raging around the world are about the wealthy lining there pocket’s at the expense of the common poor .
This ancient greedy un humane behavior has to be stopped. link below ka kite ano.
I have already put this person in his place what Eco Maori gets ——— about is these trolls with a silver spoon in there mouth still living off there mom an dad making stupid comments about Maori I can see they are raciest bigots
Lets get this straight maori are still getting the short end of the stick were are these privileges that you people say and lie about all I see is most Maori are broke working 60 a week just to survive we have no money to go on holiday or see the beautiful sites of our country . I look around and the only people driving vehicles that have had a 21 birth day are Maori. If our country was run by idiots like these trolls we would be treated like the Tangata whenua in Australia & America our tipuna have fort tooth and nail for what little rights and wealth we have so ——-off trolls in the comments on this story from this plastic maori.
Wot a big surprise. Not.
There are about 500,000 businesses in NZ but only 500 selected ones were surveyed. Wonder why their intentions are? Can’t guess.
Good evening Newshub there you go the power price for businesses has dropped by25 % in the same time frame household power price have gone up 79% we are subserdising business once again.
That storm Florence hitting America at the minute is mean be care full people.
Maori culture will be getting good exposure when our VIP guests arrive.
Those old timeers from Australia getting 50 million for there farm deserve there windfall Ka pai. They look like they worked hard all there life watch out for the vultures with no wings they will rip them off.
Ka kite ano P.S I had to switch devices the sandflys are stuffing with my computer once again muppets
Good evening The Crowd Goes Wild good reo James and Wairangi I have decided to refrain from commenting on our Aotearoa and Papatuanuku sport’s stars Ka kite ano
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It's election year for Wellington City Council and for the Regional Council. What have the progressive councillors achieved over the last couple of years. What were the blocks and failures? What's with the targeting of the mayor and city council by the Post and by central government? Why does the ...
Over the holidays, there was a rising tide of calls for people to submit on National's repulsive, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, along with a wave of advice and examples of what to say. And it looks like people rose to the occasion, with over 300,000 ...
The lie is my expenseThe scope of my desireThe Party blessed me with its futureAnd I protect it with fireI am the Nina The Pinta The Santa MariaThe noose and the rapistAnd the fields overseerThe agents of orangeThe priests of HiroshimaThe cost of my desire…Sleep now in the fireSongwriters: Brad ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkGlobal surface temperatures have risen around 1.3C since the preindustrial (1850-1900) period as a result of human activity.1 However, this aggregate number masks a lot of underlying factors that contribute to global surface temperature changes over time.These include CO2, which is the primary ...
There are times when movement around us seems to slow down. And the faster things get, the slower it all appears.And so it is with the whirlwind of early year political activity.They are harbingers for what is to come:Video: Wayne Wright Jnr, funder of Sean Plunket, talk growing power and ...
Hi,Right now the power is out, so I’m just relying on the laptop battery and tethering to my phone’s 5G which is dropping in and out. We’ll see how we go.First up — I’m fine. I can’t see any flames out the window. I live in the greater Hollywood area ...
2024 was a tough year for working Kiwis. But together we’ve been able to fight back for a just and fair New Zealand and in 2025 we need to keep standing up for what’s right and having our voices heard. That starts with our Mood of the Workforce Survey. It’s your ...
Time is never time at allYou can never ever leaveWithout leaving a piece of youthAnd our lives are forever changedWe will never be the sameThe more you change, the less you feelSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan.Babinden - Baba’s DayToday, January 8th, 2025, is Babinden, “The Day of the baba” or “The ...
..I/We wish to make the following comments:I oppose the Treaty Principles Bill."5. Act binds the CrownThis Act binds the Crown."How does this Act "bind the Crown" when Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which the Act refers to, has been violated by the Crown on numerous occassions, resulting in massive loss of ...
Everything is good and brownI'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends are close at handAnd all my inhibitions have disappeared without a traceI'm glad, oh, that I found oohSomebody who I can rely onSongwriter: Jay KayGood morning, all you lovely people. Today, I’ve got nothing except a ...
Welcome to 2025. After wrapping up 2024, here’s a look at some of the things we can expect to see this year along with a few predictions. Council and Elections Elections One of the biggest things this year will be local body elections in October. Will Mayor Wayne Brown ...
Canadians can take a while to get angry – but when they finally do, watch out. Canada has been falling out of love with Justin Trudeau for years, and his exit has to be the least surprising news event of the New Year. On recent polling, Trudeau’s Liberal party has ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Much like 2023, many climate and energy records were broken in 2024. It was Earth’s hottest year on record by a wide margin, breaking the previous record that was set just last year by an even larger margin. Human-caused climate-warming pollution and ...
Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)Every time I look around (look around)Every time I look around (every time I look around)Every time I look aroundIt's in my faceSongwriters: Alan Leo Jansson / Paul Lawrence L. Fuemana.Today, I’ll be talking about rich, middle-aged men who’ve made ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Hi,The thing that stood out at me while shopping for Christmas presents in New Zealand was how hard it was to avoid Zuru products. Toy manufacturer Zuru is a bit like Netflix, in that it has so much data on what people want they can flood the market with so ...
And when a child is born into this worldIt has no conceptOf the tone of skin it's living inAnd there's a million voicesAnd there's a million voicesTo tell you what you should be thinkingSong by Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour.The moment you see that face, you can hear her voice; ...
While we may not always have quality political leadership, a couple of recently published autobiographies indicate sometimes we strike it lucky. When ranking our prime ministers, retired professor of history Erik Olssen commented that ‘neither Holland nor Nash was especially effective as prime minister – even his private secretary thought ...
Baby, be the class clownI'll be the beauty queen in tearsIt's a new art form, showin' people how little we care (yeah)We're so happy, even when we're smilin' out of fearLet's go down to the tennis court and talk it up like, yeah (yeah)Songwriters: Joel Little / Ella Yelich O ...
Open access notables Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored, Ecker et al., American Psychologist:Recent academic debate has seen the emergence of the claim that misinformation is not a significant societal problem. We argue that the arguments used to support this minimizing position are flawed, particularly if interpreted (e.g., by policymakers or the public) as suggesting ...
What I’ve Been Doing: I buried a close family member.What I’ve Been Watching: Andor, Jack Reacher, Xmas movies.What I’ve Been Reflecting On: The Usefulness of Writing and the Worthiness of Doing So — especially as things become more transparent on their own.I also hate competing on any day, and if ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
Morena folks,We’re having a good break, recharging the batteries. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday period. I’m not feeling terribly inspired by much at the moment, I’m afraid—not from a writing point of view, anyway.So, today, we’re travelling back in time. You’ll have to imagine the wavy lines and sci-fi sound ...
Completed reads for 2024: Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola A Platonic Discourse Upon Love, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Of Being and Unity, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Giovanni Francesco Pico Three Letters Written by Pico ...
Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
Don't you cry tonightI still love you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightSong: Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so”, said possibly the greatest philosopher ever to walk this earth, Douglas Adams.We have entered the ...
Because you're magicYou're magic people to meSong: Dave Para/Molly Para.Morena all, I hope you had a good day yesterday, however you spent it. Today, a few words about our celebration and a look at the various messages from our politicians.A Rockel XmasChristmas morning was spent with the five of us ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
Ríu Ríu ChíuRíu Ríu Chíu is a Spanish Christmas song from the 16th Century. The traditional carol would likely have passed unnoticed by the English-speaking world had the made-for-television American band The Monkees not performed the song as part of their special Christmas show back in 1967. The show's ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia The world has watched in horror as fires continue to raze parts of Los Angeles, California. For those of us living in Australia, one of the world’s most fire-prone continents, the LA experience ...
Every story about the Ministry of Regulation seems to be about staffing cost blow-outs. The red tape slashing Ministry needs teeth, sure, but all we seem to hear about are teething problems, says axpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager James ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Carmen Lim, NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow, National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, The University of Queensland Visualistka/Shutterstock A multi-million dollar business has developed in Australia to meet the demand for medicinal cannabis. Australians spent more than A$400 million on it ...
Summer reissue: The tide is turning on Insta-therapy. Good riddance, but actual therapy is still good and worth doing. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Historian, Australian Catholic University Stained glass with a depiction of the martyred nuns, Saint Honoré d’Eylau Church, Paris.Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA The Martyrs of Compiègne, a group of 16 Discalced Carmelite nuns executed during the Reign of ...
Tara Ward wades bravely into one of the thorniest January questions: how late is too late to greet someone with a cheery ‘Happy New Year’? Every January, New Zealand faces a big problem. I’m not referring to penguins strolling into petrol stations or cranky seagulls eating your chips, but something ...
The proposed Bill cuts across existing and soon-to-be-implemented frameworks, including Part 4 of the Legislation Act 2019, which is slated to come into force next year, and will make sensible improvements to regulation-making. ...
Summer reissue: For all the spectacle of WoW, Alex Casey couldn’t tear her eyes off Christopher Luxon in the front row. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Pavlina Jasovska, Senior Lecturer in International Business & Strategy, University of Technology Sydney Multiculturalism is central to Australia’s identity, with more than half the population coming from overseas or having parents who did. Most Australians view multiculturalism positively. However, many experience ...
Treaty issues will dominate the first six months, but that’s not all, writes Stewart Sowman-Lund in the first Bulletin of 2025. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. ...
Summer reissue: The Kim Dotcom challenge to John Key culminated in an extravaganza joining dots from the US, the UK, Russia – even North Korea. And it got very messy. Toby Manhire casts his eye back a decade.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have ...
In our latest in-depth podcast investigation, Fractured, Melanie Reid and her team delve deep into a complex case involving a controversial medical diagnosis and its fallout on a young family. While Fractured is a forensic examination of this case here in New Zealand, the diagnosis that started it all is ...
Close to 2000 New Zealanders died carrying student loans in 2024, with the Inland Revenue Department having to wipe $28.8 million in unpaid debt.Both the number and value of loans being written off due to the holder dying has tripled over the past decade, government figures show. In 2014, $9 ...
Opinion: In late December we learned that, after a four-year battle with the Charities Services, Te Whānau O Waipareira Trust looks set to be deregistered as a charity. Most of what we know about the activities of Waipareira Trust, and the resulting Charities Services’ investigations, is due to tenacious reporting ...
Summer reissue: As homelessness hits an all-time high, New Zealand’s frontline organisations are embracing unconventional and innovative strategies. Joel MacManus takes a closer look at the crisis and meets the people who claim to have the cure.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;i.style.cursor='wait';i.style.opacity='0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','https://take.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/quiz-embed-v1.js','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Monday 13 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s Sunday “soft launch” of his campaign for election year was carefully calibrated to pitch to the party faithful while seeking to project enough nuance to avoid alienating centrist voters. It ...
Paula Southgate says she is not standing for re-election as she wants to make way for emerging leaders and spend more time with her friends and family. ...
The bipartisan support in parliament for the Foreign Interference Bill is a warning that there is no constituency in the New Zealand ruling class for the maintenance of basic democratic rights. There has been no critical reporting on the bill in the ...
Democracy Now!AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! As we continue our discussion of President Jimmy Carter’s legacy, we look at his policies in the Middle East and North Africa, in particular, Israel and Palestine.On Thursday during the state funeral in Washington, President Carter’s former adviser Stuart Eizenstat praised ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk France’s naval flagship, the 261m aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, is to be deployed to the Pacific later this year, as part of an exercise codenamed “Clémenceau 25”. French Naval Command Etat-Major’s Commodore Jacques Mallard told a French media briefing that ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Vaughan, PhD Researcher Sport Integrity, University of Canberra As the Australian Open gets under way in Melbourne, the sport is facing a crisis over positive doping tests involving two of the biggest stars in tennis. Last March, the top-ranked men’s player, ...
Summer reissue: New Zealand used to be a country of vibrant synthetic striped polyprop. Then we got boring – and discovered merino. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to ...
It was a mild, cloudy morning in May 1974 when Oliver Sutherland and his wife, Ulla Sköld, were confronted, on their doorstep, by one of the country’s top cops.The couple were key members of the group Auckland Committee on Racism and Discrimination (Acord), which had been pushing the government to ...
Summer reissue: With funding ending for Archives New Zealand’s digitisation programme, Hera Lindsay Bird shares a taste of what’s being lost – because history isn’t just about the big-ticket items. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please ...
Since the dramatic scenes at Kabul Airport in 2021 of thousands of Afghans desperately seeking to escape, fearful of what a new Taliban regime would mean for their lives and livelihoods, the focus on Afghanistan in New Zealand has predictably waned. New crises have emerged, with the conflicts in Ukraine ...
Summer reissue: Pāua, canned spaghetti, povi masima and taro: Pepe’s Cafe understands the nature of food as love and community. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a ...
Summer reissue: Rachel Hunter sold out a Christchurch school hall for a mysterious sounding ‘Community Event’. Alex Casey went along to find out what it was all about. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our ...
Summer reissue: Drinking wasn’t just a pastime, it was my profession – and it got way out of control. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;i.style.cursor='wait';i.style.opacity='0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','https://take.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/quiz-embed-v1.js','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Sunday 12 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Asia Pacific Report A Palestine solidarity advocate today appealed to New Zealanders to shed their feelings of powerlessness over the Gaza genocide and “take action” in support of an effective global strategy of boycott, divestment and sanctions. “Many of us have become addicted to ‘doom scrolling’ — reading or watching ...
”Aotearoa New Zealand’ is being increasingly used to label our country, by parties, unions, organisations and companies, as well as in general use. To an extent this is probably by popular use, but is there a stealth campaign behind it as well?
I like Aotearoa as a name, and don’t have any empathy with ‘New Zealand’ – we are not new, and we have no obvious connection to Zealand, an island in Denmark.
But I think we should have an open debate about the name we want to use officially for our country, and make a democratic decision.
I think this should be done separately to and without the complications and delays of other decisions like flag, anthem, constitution and republic.
More: https://yournz.org/2018/09/10/creeping-aotearoa-whakamokamoka-aotearoa/
nice post for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori peter?
Whoever wrote that has put their galling ignorance on display and thus has lost any credibility in any debate about the name of Aotearoa – New Zealand.
Here’s something for their education:
Talking of the Dutch, the name of their country is synonymously The Netherlands or Holland; it reflects their history.
Pete George has been fence sitting for so long, his brain has been disconnected.
One day he might figure out why he has been getting those electric shocks.
Perhaps you should read before jumping to a stupid conclusion. My positions as expressed here are nothing like fence sitting.
All you’ve taken is take a lazy jump on the bash wagon, with brain disconnected from the issues, like a fence sitter perhaps.
@Incognito- my sentiments exactly. nearly lost my coffee at the mention of Denmark! We might have been taught a rather sanitised & incorrect version of NZ history in the state primary school system in the 70s, but I clearly remember learning the correct Zeeland origin even back then. I wonder where OP was educated?
Holland has a distinct identity within the Netherlands as ( now) 2 provinces,
having the main cities and large portion of the total population.
Lame attempt to try to shut down debate.
I’m aware that Zealand (Denmark spelling) is a variation on Zeeland (Dutch spelling). Neither have much connection with Aotearoa, and no connection with the vast majority of inhabitants here.
Pretty sure James Cook wasn’t Danish, Pete. Cook was the one who Anglicised the Dutch name. You have heard of Cook, right? I only ask because you don’t appear to have heard of Abel Tasman, who was the first European to name our country.
btw, the Danish spelling of Zeeland/Zealand is actually Sjælland.
Now you’re joining the dick brigade. Another petty and pathetic diversion. I thought you had grown out of it but apparently not.
Pete, you’re the one being the dick here. You were wrong about the etymology of Zealand, and can’t bring yourself to admit it. Sad, really.
butbutbut there’s an island called “Zealand” that is
DutchDanish (lols muphry) and they’re spelled the same, they sound the same, so they must be the same.We will make a movie of his discovery: it will be called The Secret of homoNym…
I wasn’t wrong about anything. I didn’t claim anything about the etymology of Zealand. You jumped in too quickly, or, knowing you, there could be a motive behind it, there often is when there’s attack-the-messenger type diversions here.
Two points: friend of mine moved to Ireland. Her house (not posh) is older than the country she was born in.
Secondly, the Danish island has nothing to do with our country’s name, so why bring it up?
Oh come on, pull the other one! FYI, etymology is the study and history of words and that includes names. Please give it a rest before you embarrass yourself even further.
This is not encouraging “some debate”, it is an one man’s trip into a world where words have no agreed meaning and common rules for debate have gone out of the window too. So, please stop bleating about people wanting to shut down your ‘debate’, as it only exists inside your head.
you balls it up peter – just admit that the whole thing was rubbish and let it go. You tried to stir and you got caught out by some basic NZ history – it could happen to anyone lol
I tried to encourage some debate, but you know that isn’t welcome here, is it mm. A bit sad really, but you seem to like it that way.
Debate is good – look around, there have been hundreds of comments today yet it seems only you have packed a sad. Truth is you don’t really want a debate because if you did you would frame your comments to get that but you don’t do you. Even after years of people trying to help you, you still stubbornly think you know best and everyone else has to bow to you and you are still pretending everyone else is at fault when really we all know the truth.
“only you have packed a sad.”
Very funny mm.
“Even after years of people trying to help you”
Even funnier. It was a joke, right?
You’re making some fairly stupid claims if you’re not taking the piss of yourself and TS.
Yep and there it is people – the reason Peter is a dickhead no mate loser.
I’ve advocated the same on this site in the past. Switching to Aotearoa is long overdue. I suspect the reluctance of many to embrace that vastly superior name for this land is due to their interior colonialist bias. You know who I mean. Anyone who pretends to be progressive yet fails to act accordingly.
Not shutting down debate, which is bigger than you in any case, just establishing your lack of credibility on this topic.
Unfortunately, you double-down by spouting more ignorance.
Here’s another link for your edification: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zealand
“Despite their identical names”…”is not connected historically to the Pacific nation of New Zealand” – thanks for reiterating my point., which is a side issue to whether we properly consider a name change here.
Do you have an opinion on ‘Aotearoa’, and whether it should be openly and transparently debated?
You’re welcome, except I wasn’t; I was correcting your wrong attribution of the historical name of this country (New Zealand) to a Danish island (Sjælland).
Yes, as a matter of fact I do, which is why I pointed out to you that a genuine debate is based on information that everyone can and does agree on (AKA facts) and guided by principles of honesty and a willingness to listen and self-correct. So far, you have not proven yourself worthy of debate let alone kicking off one, IMO.
I’ll be honest with you Pete and say that you rubbed me the wrong way on a day I wasn’t feeling well. I suggest a pause and a reset.
Might be a bit tricky – I understand there are some issues with the provenance of Aotearoa – apparently not a word Cook encountered. I don’t know the details but knew a bloke who did quite a substantial project on it.
…is there a stealth campaign behind it as well?
Dear Mr George,
It’s those Russian masterminds again.
Yours sincerely,
The Democratic National Committee brains trust
I gotta say, mozzie, you have an astonishing ability to take a completely unrelated topic as an invitation to whine about the Democrats. That’s a really extra special kind of stoopid.
To be fair Andre, the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia. (I don’t think they’ve figured out where their sore head’s coming from yet 🙂 )
Exactly which Democrats are taking “anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia” and how are they doing this? How about some attributed quotes, please?
The vast majority of the stuff I see in the news about Democrats are things like the fight against Kavanaugh, news about candidates like Ocasio-Cortez, healthcare, etc.
The Russia stuff in the news is coming from the news organisations own reporters, whether it’s reporting on Mueller related stuff or following back from social media fuckery to see where it leads.
As far as I can tell, the allegation the Dems are focusing on Russia is coming from Repugs, possibly trying to scare their base to vote in the midterms. The only Dems I’ve seen talking much about Russia are Adam Schiff and Mark Warner, who are the lead Dems in the House and Senate Russia investigations, so obviously they will reasonably have things to say about it.
Yeah, okay. The Democrats funded the likes of Steele to collude with Russians to dig dirt on Trump colluding with Russians…think about that for a second, aye?
As for “Russia stuff in the news is coming from the news organisations own reporters” – are you suggesting there is such a thing as the “fourth estate”, and a reasonable measure of investigative journalism left in the realms of mainstream media these days?
Or are you merely suggesting that stories aren’t spoon fed to journalists by politicians, their parties and various “think tanks” (like the Atlantic Council), who are in bed with identifiable political factions within parties who have axes to grind (particularly in the area of foreign policy)?
The Dems hired a research firm that hired Steele. They didn’t do it directly, and AFAIK they didn’t specifically ask about Russia stuff.
Are you seriously suggesting all the mainstream media can be considered the Democrats? And that there are no actual principled investigative journalists left? Really?
Now, let’s go back to your allegation that “the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia”. Are you able to back that up with actual attributed quotes from prominent Democrats?
…and AFAIK they didn’t specifically ask about Russia stuff.
Good Lord! We have a live one here, folks!
Or you could simply point to evidence that they did, in fact, ask about dolt-45’s connections to Russia.
“Dolt 45”.
Say, I like that!
I guess you can’t, then.
you’re just a sockpuppet slipped over a dick.
So, the Democratic Party (elements of) hired Steele at “arms length” and didn’t request that he dig around for stuff connecting Trump to Russia, although that’s what Steele focused on? Okay.
No. I view mainstream media as being in the business of reflecting and promoting and excusing a liberal paradigm – not “democrat”.
And I think there are a few good investigative or thoughtful or principled journalists working within mainstream channels. Really.
You want me to dig out attributed quotes from prominent Democrats helping to build a picture by saying, suggesting, or giving credence to such notions as Russia meddled in the US Presidential election in favour of Donald Trump; that Donald Trump has had questionable dealings or meetings with Russians; that Russia may have him over a barrel?
Google’s your friend Andre. Knock yourself out.
Do your own googling: a rightwing website hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on dolt-45 and other republicans. F-GPS focussed on his business activities. When that contract got cancelled, F-GPS went doorknocking on the dems. Dems picked up the contract, and F-GPS (as part of looking into dolt-45’s businesses etc) hired a Russia specialist consultancy (Orbis business intelligence) to look at dolt-45’s Russian activities. Because he has businesses in Russia.
The fact that the sub-contractor turned up rumours of hooker piss-parties is just icing on the cake.
Is ‘dolt-45’ today’s new name for Trump? I’d have thought the idea would be to suggest an actual smoking gun…but maybe I’m missing something.
I’m aware it was Republican actors who initially retained the services of Fusion, and that some Democrats then picked up the baton and kept running with it…
To be honest, I’m not quite picking up on what it is you’re selling as the counter position to what I’ve written.
I’ve always taken it as a riff on Colt 45, a cheap and nasty malt liquor particularly popular among, erm, less-privileged demographics.
I’ve been using it for a while. Can’t even be bothered using his name, and “fascist fuck-knuckle” is too distracting. Bounced around a few others, but “dolt-45” seems adequate.
Anyway, his opponents hired a company to do opposition research. They didn’t say “look at russia”. They would have said something along the lines of “We need to know his weaknesses, and his strengths. Does he have any skeletons in the closet? What can we use against him, and what can he use against us?”.
Just as every US political campaign has done for decades.
“the Democrats (and their fellow travelers) have displayed an astonishing ability to take anything and everything as a boomerang to throw at Donald Trump via Russia” is your allegation and your burden of proof. I’m not sure why you expect me to substantiate it for you when you won’t.
Especially when I’m very confident the proportion of time prominent Dems spend talking about Russia-Trump stuff is very very low, with the possible exception of Warner and Schiff.
I dont think morries the only one lol
I left it on the park bench by mistake, three days before its natural release, some sort of early onset dementia. Read my lips, if govts are going to release early they will never cover up anything, we be invaded tomorrow. But this was just a mistake, real leaks never get this sort of press.
I’m sure there are many in here who will disagree – but let’s face it this is not exactly a normal cross section of NZ Society.
But Hosking nails it this morning Jacinda is looking weak and weaselling with the truth.
We have a massive issue with bullying in this country and you can quite see why when decent and respectful leadership processes are derided and described in this negative way. We should hang our heads in shame that we give such ignorant people space to spout their venom
“We have a massive issue with bullying in this country“
Like a certain female labour minister who had been thru so many staff already – nothing was done until she physically assisted someone.
Physically assisted someone?… I don’t think that is was is being claimed James. Another good reason to have an investigation and wait for the findings.
Typo (Obv) however – why did it take so long – and an alleged assault before this was looked at.
The staff turn over and stories of verbal abuse are many for her short time in office.
Seems that Labour were happy to turn a blind eye to this – thus enabling the bully.
Hi James,
Yes it was a little weak of me to make capital out of your obv typo.
I don’t know how parliament works, is there anyone monitoring staff turnover??????parliamentary services???? I am sure the PM isn’t monitoring staff turn over as she has too much other stuff to attend to and it would be micro managing………………….
I said right from the start re the Meka issue that its not good and I didn’t try to c/p it to National’s track record.
I’ll say it again, the allegations aren’t good. They are worthy of some sort of investigation. Lets wait and see the results and then Ms Ardern can chose her course of action.
On a separate note I am very angry about the male broadcasters, many of them untrained who jumped on board criticizing Ardern re her trip to Nauru, and one who even suggested it was time she stopped breast feeding. Ms Ardern has be understandably effected by this and she was right to talk to the NY Times about this, where she might get a fair hearing. Right now they msm and Nats are trying to start a meme that Ardern is weak, which is bullshit……..
“On a separate note I am very angry about the male broadcasters, many of them untrained who jumped on board criticizing Ardern re her trip to Nauru”
untrained in what?
Well – they are qualified enough to get a job.
Qualified enough in what???????
You see all I do is see them spouting their biased opinions……they get a lot of air space.
It bothers me because I hate what happened under National in terms of homelessness, housing and health mantaining a low wage economy to name a few. Those are the real issues for me and I want them fix. Someone who spouts cliches and sound bites needs to be challenged. That’s all I will ever see Hoskings et al as.
Trying to spin a poorly actioned leadership event “as a thoughtful and respectful decision making process” and then trying to silence any critique or opposition to that using fallacious mental health claims is the real bullying here.
Clare Curran showed repeated contempt for the norms of behaviour expected of ministers to perform their duties in a democratic and accountable way.
To say that the last lot were worse means nothing. This lot were supposed to have been better. Curran, as minister for open government, should have been the best. not the worst. So it’s inexcusable she thinks the pressure is unbearable, when really it’s her own mistakes that put the pressure on.
I think you will find a far greater “normal cross section of NZ Society” here on The Standard than you would in Hoskings world. If he is continuing to rage against our Prime Minister then she must be doing something right. I don’t ever watch or listen to Hoskings so I’ll have to take your word for what he is nailing these days.
I love the number of people in here who won’t read others views then get all surprised when they find more people disagree with them than agree.
And in this case it’s the Heralds world not just Hosking
The NZ Herald is the particular domain of a small part of the Auckland community. Mainly the parasitical bit that owns assets designed to extract rents from citizens.
It is representative largely of Remuera.
I don’t tend to read the fuckwit because he never seems to researches anything he writes. Instead he wank-writes something for his ratings.
By contrast there are people like Fran O’Sullivan who also writes in the Herald, who I mostly disagree with, but who usually has something worth reading.
The Harold has devolved into a Nat party newsletter for the Remmers branch. Bring on the paywall.
Someone not choosing to give an audience to Mike Hoskings is not refusing to listen to others views, it is choosing not to pay attention to that particular predictably negative self puffing popinjay. You know nothing about who I communicate with so as usual you’re just making stuff up.
I really don’t understand why you and that other one who sounds like a kid on one of Thelwell’s ponies bother to blather on like this – haven’t you got a life?
Still, if that’s what gets you up in the morning!! However, your time might be better spent trying to be part of the solution, not part of the problem
Well we all know about Mikes approach don’t we. His former colleague came out about how he bullied her for a year, every day.
I’ve tried my best to read other’s views (except Hosking and pals since all they seem capable of doing is ranting) but very few ever seem to deviate from their assigned/indoctrinated talking points and won’t engage with other points of view, or even agree to disagree. They often come across as completely inflexible and unable to back up said talking points with their own ideas. (Of course, if there are any you can link me to for some intelligent reading, then please do.) A bit like you James, and your fellow trolls here. I’m always interested in different views on a subject even if I’m not going to agree (eg I will NEVER in a million years agree with the RW stance on welfare) but I’d really like to engage in a non aggro, intelligent 2 way discussion as to why someone feels differently, without them going on the defensive everytime they get challenged.
Just wanted to say, it’s a bit rich of simon to call Jacinda weak, considering so many do not want simon to lead the country.
hosking and simon desperate to embed a word. They probably check in with each other every monday morning, to agree on the narrative to spin for the weak/week.
Mike Hosking is a dimwitted fool endowed with all of wisdom of bijon frise. He is also a simple parasite with a ego who appears to have never done anything useful in his life apart from a bit of barking to amuse simpletons. I guess you are one of them.
I’ve never been impressed by him and his ideas.
What I do find particularly annoying isn’t his mindless Labour bashing – after all the lazy fuckwit is a simple National tool. It is when Auckland has to suffer these dimwitted and unwanted migrants from Christchurch in our media trying to discuss Auckland and iot is clear the the dorks have never bothered to find out anything about the city. Roughan is the same.
That first paragraph is classic. Brought a smile to my face.
That is ‘nailing it’ – thanks
Oh come on, iprent. Bijon frise are great little dogs, full of love and mischief, and they don’t drop hair everywhere. Mind you, their haircuts are more expensive than most human haircuts!
Nothing like that idiot Hosking.
Dijon Freezers are particularly odious. Yap, yap, yap… incessantly. Annoying furr balls.
You shouldn’t talk about Ed like that.
LOL spurted my coffee with that one
No, Ed is a Great Dane.
So, a lumbering, slobbering, drooling, noisy beast of no great intelligence, prone to socialisation, aggression and separation anxiety issues who takes up an awful lot of space, is difficult to train, and drops turds the size of coke bottles around the place.
I’ll get me coat……
Um no. The key word was great.
That’s your second spelling error.
The first was “furr” above, and now this “great” should be “grate” – because he certainly does.
The mnemonic I’d use is Great Balls of Fury 😉
A Great Pain maybe
Look they are great wee dogs. My sister has one. It is theoretically her purse dog suitable for apartments. But it is a real dog – loves to roll in seagull shit at the beach.
Among other attributes they have an intense loyalty to their owners – just like Hosking. They have an intense people orientated talking focus, no real ability to listen, no discipline, and absolutely no analytical abilities – just like Hosking. They are able to learn simple ticks and repeat them without thinking – just like Hosking.
I won’t go on about their genetically inbred expensive diseases. Suffice it to say that Hosking should keep these to himself and pay for himself.
I could go on – but basically they are a stupid kept animal with a lot of people pleasing personality, and so is Hosking. A non-working parasite…
My sister’s previous dog was a very long lived Jack Russell with an enormous mouth and teeth which protected the kids. That was a super smart working dog. She could and did intimidate anything outside of her family pack – regardless of size.
Well said. Now I get it! LOL.
I too have had many dogs over the years – all ‘second timers’ and many with previous bad experiences, fears etc. These have included several combinations of softie biggies and aggressive little ones – eg my last one was a 68kg Rottie/Mastiff cross whose best mate was a 6kg Maltese and they both had reverse personalities. The Maltese would take on anything to protect his Rottie (forget me) just like your sister’s Jack Russell. Sadly the big boy died last year, and the little one just two months ago, Now dogless for the first time for decades.
My foxy/miniature dachshund/chihuahua cross was a champion possum dog able to take on animals more than twice her size, and despite her adorable, butter wouldn’t melt demeanour around people, the tiny thuggette ruled the roost because she thought she was rottweiler.
Well, since we’re on to dogs… my sadly departed golden retriever was the most beautiful dog you ever saw – so beautiful people would stop and jump out of their cars to pat him. He was large with soft white fur and a lovely big head. Retrievers are regarded as one of the most intelligent dogs, but unfortunately the busy elves in the heavenly work-shop forgot to put one in my boy’s head.
Nice – I had a newfoundland for 11.5 years – big, black and beautiful. He loved following his nose…
15 year old golden lab at our place.
loves swimming, bringing stick back, and if there’s no stick at the river, she will put head under water and bring rocks back.
profoundly deaf and eyesight shady. wag muscle still going strong.
That was a super smart working dog. She could and did intimidate anything outside of her family pack – regardless of size.
Just like you!https://thestandard.org.nz/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?_wpnonce=d7b33afd00&cid=1523089&pid=1797571
Soper has a similar view in the Herald too. I think this connection he makes is worth considering: “there’s something else these two have in common: attending the demise of them both was Clark’s former chief spin doctor and now Ardern’s chief of staff Mike Munro”.
Although I agree the PM hasn’t managed the perception side of things effectively, the reasons she gave for being economical with the truth were valid – as I’ve mentioned elsewhere here. Hosking remains an inept political analyst. He only seems capable of seeing one side of an issue. Elementary competence requires seeing the big picture.
That you are listening to Hoskings, tells me a lot about you.
When decency, fairness and proper process, is considered, weak! Tells me a lot about Hoskings. Including his fitness to be a public commentator.
“That you are listening to Hoskings, tells me a lot about you.”
I also read this site. It’s possible to real more than one view.
no you come to troll James, not to read this site
In your ever so humble opinion.
Yes that is my opinion James. Do you disagree with me?
you are the one making statements that you know what people do and why.
Know I am offering an opinion that you are a troll.
Just like you are offering an opinion that Jacinda is spineless and Simon and Mike are trying to spin that she is weak.
What I am interested in is what they are doing to better the country.
So far I am happy.
I didn’t like what National did and I felt John Key was allowed to get away with “murder”. Eg Dirty Politics (have you read the book yet James?). Find out what was really going on in the PM’s office.
Anyway, note to myself …………don’t engage with James. It doesn’t go well. I don’t end up feeling further informed which is what I come on this website for.
There is an attempt to spin Jacinda as a weak leader. The msm want to get rid of her.
Fortunately she is an expert in using social media. A lot of people particularly young voters are likely to engage more with that than the likes of Hoskings……………………….
My opinion too james – you are an odious tr0ll.
At school, people learn to read so that they can read to learn throughout life.
as a troll
Behaving like an alpha-male is not our PM’s way of doing things James. Behaving like the bad-tempered screeching Simon Bridges is not her way either. She is a different personality and there’s more ways than one of dealing with issues.
I have personally witnessed Barry Soper having an almighty tantrum in public abusing someone, so have since had absolutely no respect for him and his views.
“Behaving like an alpha-male is not our PM’s way of doing things James”
No – being like a spineless person, who is afraid of making a hard decision seems to be more like it.
Good to know that there’s hope for all spineless people who are afraid to make a hard decision: “one day, you can be PM of NZ too”.
a spineless person “in your humble opinion James” You would say that would you.
As Jacinda said “who in history has ever been sacked for failing to right something in their diary.
“As Jacinda said “who in history has ever been sacked for failing to right something in their diary.”
yes – but thats a gross minimisation of what she actually did – twice.
I object to you calling our PM “spineless”. She is a braver person with grace and humanity and nuance that the likes of you and your hang-ons would not know how to be. I am also aware you are here only to get a reaction, which you crave for in your mean nasty little world. One can only pity you.
And if she’d acted “tough” you’d be saying she was cold, a bully, etc.
Classic catch-22, either way she’s a bad PM according to your spin.
BTW, I don’t need to listen to Alex Jones to know with reasonable likelihood that he’s A) full of shit; and B) just after the clicks. Same with Hosking. The pathetic little man-child is just a nat cheerleader who has a wee tantrum when democracy forms a government supported by most of the people.
“And if she’d acted “tough” you’d be saying she was cold, a bully, etc.”
No Helen Clarke was ‘tough’ and I never called her those things. Jacinda isn’t even in the same ball park as a leader that Helen was.
Arden would make a far better kindy teacher, then PM.
She just doesn’t have it.
Why do you think that “Arden [sp] would make a far better kindy teacher”?
Suck it up mate only 3 more terms to go lol
I will support you and agree that you are a splendiderofous commenter and BM too. You get everyone going like a dose of salts. I recommend for the purpose of not wasting time that everyone takes a toilet break every time these gentlemen’s names appear, and then talk about our problems in NZ which are manifold and to which there are no smart answers.
They do need persistent attention to detail and airing ideas with following comments that rectify faults until they are usable, doable and ready to slip in the government slot that is available to profit making entities. Slip ours in and give the nerds a fright!
A nice claim that’s completely unverifiable.
But even if you personally are as pure as the driven snow, your tory mates would be spouting that line. As they did against Clark.
Hosking nails nothing, not even that ghastly wife of his.
John Key nails it.
*Citation needed
The thing is james when people like hoskings and even yourself have a go at labour or the coalition government one thinks back to the fact that they have never said a single good thing about them .
Which means you can right off anything they utter as biased bullshit.
Held my breath so far, but that does it.
One WRITES in a diary, and one WRITES something off. Not ‘rights’.
How about some basic literacy, guys? Or are you all NCEA-bred texters?
Bully boy troll
Compulsory Te Reo in schools is likely to be worth at least a 5% drop in polls for the govt – if Peters really has agreed to state compulsion to enforce bilingualism on the populace then he’s obviously lost the plot. Any adults in the room?? Looks like none in Labour & the Greens on this issue. I’ve been watching to see if a credible rationale was being put forward in support but zilch so far. So much for multicultural reality in Aotearoa. Those trying to keep us in the 19th century bicultural yoke are using this device like a strait-jacket to control us. Will not end well!
Just having people able to pronounce half of our place names should be enough reason.
Compulsory Reo in schools. About time.
You will get used to it.
BTW. We had Te Reo in my primary school social studies, in the 1960’s.
Did no harm, and a lot of good helping cultural understanding.
I had compulsory French and Latin, and it was great for the standard European tours.
If I had done compulsory Maori, it would have ensured that I never made a dick of myself on a marae, and would also mean I could get by in the Cook Islands.
I think there’s a good chance National will support this.
The Hobson’s Pledge people will just keep dying off.
I would also soften the impact by simultaneously proposing Matariki Day as a national holiday. Almost no-one would oppose it.
I think there’s a good chance National will support this.
No, they won’t.
I learnt French in high school.
Never used it, despite working with French speakers, but great for my understanding of English grammar, and living in a multicultural job site, later.
I learned French at school, can read a reasonable amount. Did an adult education course in it when living in London. Still can’t hold a conversation with French people about every day things. Can use it in a muddled way to conduct some transactions in France.
I think would need to be using a language regularly over a long period to be able to hold everyday conversations in it.
But, my understanding of French, and the little bit I have learned of te reo, gives me a better understanding of those languages, other languages, and those cultures.
I think would need to be using a language regularly over a long period to be able to hold everyday conversations in it.
That’s why the Maori language is struggling to survive.
That is why we need to again, have Te Reo at school.
How’s that going to help?
What advantage is there to speaking Maori?, you struggle to be understood, compare that to English where 99% of people understand what you’re saying.
The Maori language has to be used in daily life to be retained, which is why you can’t speak Maori even though you’ve done a course, that’s the issue, use it or lose it.
First and foremost language is about communication, people can communicate far easier in English than they can in Maori, so everyone uses English
The only way Te Reo will survive is if part of NZ breaks away, is under Maori rule and you’re only allowed to speak Maori.
Let’s try this out but with some different languages;
In Denmark what advantage is there to speaking Danish?
In Greece what advantage is there to speaking Greek?
In Malaysia what advantage is there to speaking Malay?
It’s called culture.
it’s called communication.
And so why not speak English in Denmark, Greece and Malaysia? They are all compelled to learn english at school?
Why not everyone in the world learn Esperanto for ease of communications?
Let’s just call it what it is and recognise you as yet another NIMBY, ‘western’-supremacy, Status Quo Warrior.
English has become the unofficial world language.
Finance and banking
The internet
That’s why those countries learn English, they have to if they want to be part of a global world.
Luckily for us, we already speak English!
It’s us who’re the deprived monolinguals BM. Many people speak English as a default global language and their own cultural language at home.
Personally I rather wish Te Reo had been taught at primary school when it would have been much easier to learn.
Even if I agree with you that a language that less than 5.5% of the world speaks is the ‘unofficial world language’ you still haven’t answered the question of why other countries continue to teach their local language in the face of this ‘supremacy’ of english? Why did people revive Welsh or Irish?
God you are a weak bag of piss bm. Fucken glad you hang in the tron you’d be laughed out of everywhere down south. We dont tolerate weak giver uppers like you.
Ohhhh you’re so manly MM, you’re making my nipples go a bit stiff.
Oh FFS! Get your nipples out of your icecream! What flavour is it, BTW?
BM is just in awe of awesomeness.
More and more people are learning it.
What a nonsense article, that proves nothing.
What that Dec 2017 Stuff article says has been supported more and more since then with apparently a two year waiting list for entry to many Te Reo Maori courses.
The reaction to this free course offered by a fish and chip shop owner in Christchurch (also a qualified Te Reo teacher) was massive, with over 600 people turning up for the first lesson leading to the course having to be moved to a school auditorium. Subsequent media reports (eg RNZ News) were that numbers of that level continued to show up to the weekly lessons and more courses are now being offered.
So you can cover your ears, BM, and keep saying No, BS etc but you can not stop the wave.
“English has become the unofficial world language”
Well Te Reo IS an official langauge of Aotearoa.
An understanding of indigenous culture.
The reo is from nowhere else.
A beautiful language with a musical quality.
The use of imagery to describe situations or people.
A reminder of a way of being that is sustainable.
(He tangata, he tangata, he tangata ).
+ 1 nicely put
As marty said, well put.
Despite being Ngati Pakeha, I strongly support Te Reo Maori being as someone put it, an integral part of the curriculum (rather than talking about being compulsory) BUT it must go hand in hand with Maoritanga (and all of the subs of that) – as IMHO the two exist as integral and inseparable parts of one another.
ironically enough the class that i took as a formal intro to the taonga of te reo, was cut by the tories…
I did French, Latin, and some German. The latter was useful for reading some geology papers (a lot of which are still published in German).
The others were useful for my fascination with functional languages. That I have never used the dead language of Latin to do more than read some classics is irrelevant. So Is my complete non use of french.
Since I left school I have learnt the varied languages of science, accounting, politics, engineering and above all my real obsession with computer languages.
I have learnt and used more than a hundred languages to tell computers how to do things. I hate to think how many library frameworks that I have dug through as well. Each of which is carries a language that says how you should perceive things.
Basically language is *the* art of accessing things. If you don’t have it then you’re limited in the ways that you can perceive knowledge. A lack of it makes people idiotic and inflexible.
It simply doesn’t matter that much if it is Te Reo or Latin
I have found Latin useful in understanding medical terms.
I did both French and Latin and I found Latin far more useful as an overall base in understanding many other languages, and also not only medical terms but also those for other forms of science (chemistry, biology, physics etc) – plus law, the arts etc.
I hated it at the time although it was one of my top subjects (I connected with its logic); but really appreciated having done it as I went on to tertiary education. I really wish it was still taught more for those reasons, but I am also a strong supporter of Te Reo Maori and Maoritanga being compulsory. One does not exist/make sense without the other.
And while I am at it, I had most of my secondary and the first three years of my tertiary education in the US and despite being a NZer who would be returning to NZ, still had to take all the compulsory US civics education courses to graduate from high school.
I strongly believe that civics education should also be compulsory here as I am really astounded at the lack of understanding of our form of democracy, how our Parliamentary and local government systems work – and thus the lack of interest in participating and voting. And that includes many people on here!
Why aren’t the USA people up on understanding their politics if civics is a compulsory thing in states. Has anyone done research to see whether it is the states that don’t give a good grounding in civics, that turn out for the celebrity presidents despite them being bad for the country.?
They do understand their civics, grey, but the US system is actually quite a different system to the version of the Westminster parliamentary system we have here in NZ, which itself has devolved into our own unique system, which also involves MMP based on the German system of MMP as opposed to other Westminster based system such as those in thea Uk and Australia for example.
The US is an indirect system via the electoral college and the personal identification with one of two main parties long before you get to vote. Anyway, would love to expand more but need an early night as have an early/long medical appointment tomorrow morning. Will try to find some time to get some links together for you. Kia kaha. I admire your interest to learn and your sometimes over the top/off this planet ideas – but don’t ever stop. We need your fresh thinking.
I have found Latin useful in understanding Monty Python’s Life of Brian 😉
Actually, that should be “appreciating” rather …
LOL – that too!
And loved your Great Balls of Fury also but no reply facility left. Had a similar bit of spelling fun yesterday in these exchanges – https://thestandard.org.nz/kremlin-killers/#comment-1521911
Yes, the joys of using and mis-using language are countless, endless, and infiniteless 😉
You will find this 1979 debate on the merits of Life of Brian highly entertainng. Very contrasting views.
‘Hosted by Tim Rice, a discussion was held about the then-new film Monty Python’s Life of Brian, which been banned by many local councils and caused protests throughout the world with accusations that it was blasphemous. To argue in favour of this accusation were broadcaster and noted Christian Malcolm Muggeridge and Mervyn Stockwood (the then Bishop of Southwark). In its defence were two members of the Monty Python team, John Cleese and Michael Palin’
Aye and it greatly enhanced the enjoyment of Asterix.
Quis, quid, ubi, quibus, auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando???’
And can’t wait for someone in New Zealand to do the equivalent of this:
You may need to educate yourself Dennis. This is a bi cultural country – get used to it. It will still be bi cultural after you’ve gone too. The adults are having the conversation the silly children are the ones disrupting and why? Simply fear, unjustified fear, just like children.
It’s very significant that 80% of Maori don’t speak Te Reo. Looks very much like they are exercising their freedom of choice. If such a huge majority don’t want to keep their own language alive, why should it be forced on everyone else?
Mark Richardson suggested Maori kids ought to have the option of choosing Maori instead of English at school. I agree. English ought not to be forced on them.
That was a very childish answer.
Why does marky think it should be either/or and why do you agree franky?
I am losing respect for you Dennis.
I thought you were better than the shit you’re putting up.
I have a nice big category that I’m not far off putting you in – Richardson and Hoskins is in there so plenty of company for you.
franky could be Chairman of the category.
bit disappointing I have to say but it is what it is
That 80% is 80% of all Māori from 0 years old to death. And the measure is being able to hold a conversation about everyday things in te reo, as answered on the 2013 census. So it means that probably far less than 80% speak or understand zero te reo.
The proficiency, as measured, increases as people get older. So the percentage of Māori over 25 years who can hold a conversation about everyday things in te reo, will be greater than 20%.
I am sure that a great many of that 80% would like to.
As a mostly Pakeha, I would have liked to be more fluent in Maori also.
I suspect I am not the only one.
I know a lot of people, like me, who understand a lot of Maori words, but cannot hold a conversation.
What’s stopping you?
Go do a course if you’re that interested.
I did.
National cancelled those community education courses, BTW.
Some of us, however, work for a living.
We have limited free time,
Ok, I’m guessing the problem is that you’ve got no one to talk Maori to and because you’re not using the language all the time you’ve forgotten most of what you learnt?
National cancelled those community education courses, BTW
They’re still there.
Some of us, however, work for a living.
That’s why these courses are run at night.
In what planet are they still there.
Planet Key.
Certainly not here.
I used to Teach one. Not Maori obviously.
National took an axe to all the crap courses and retained the ones that had some value.
Most of them served a community function. Which was of course, not relevant to National, who only want cheap cannon fodder for industry.
Te Reo was axed in Whangarei. Along with maritime safety, dance, music, small engine repair and a host of other “crap” courses, which bought people together, allowed learning of new skills, worked as a social venue for the elderly, keeping them out of hospital, acted as a pathway back into learning/work for many, and allowed the skilled to help their community.
Only had no value to those who believe, “there is no such thing as community”.
Do you have evidence that the rate of hospital admissions for elderly have increased since the axing of these courses?
… because if you can start an argument about admission rates, you can ignore everything else. 🙄
Doesn’t need to attend any courses. He has finished his race and is just dithering and cluttering the exit. Only horses here, not asses.
Tautoko, KJT; I think BM cannot understand what you mean. No matter, carry on as if he doesn’t exist (it’s the only way).
If my Maori grandson learns Maori at Primary school, I will have someone to speak it with, won’t I?
My grandparents taught me to speak may native tongue…whats stopping you teach your grandson?
Read the thread before jumping in, then you might know why.
How does may native tongue go?
Dennis that is not a well thought out approach. Sort of top of ghe head, instant stuff. We enlarge our capacity for thought and deeper understanding of cultures when we learn their language. Maori is interwoven already into our language used daily, but needs to be kept alive because English in ruling the world or tryisng to, is killing off the beauty of other cultures thought and replacing it with this monoculture.
Interesting response. I was intrigued that you didn’t actually respond to either of the points I made but felt I was missing an essential part of the big picture.
Yes, I agree with your advocacy of that part. Not sure that I can agree that it is essential, however. Looks to me that it really belongs to those who are free to choose it as a lifestyle option. I do totally agree re monoculture=bad!
Dennis; imagine if Papatuanuku spoke to tangata whenua, sharing Her treasures and wisdom with them, then shut up when blunt, brutal and spiritually-deaf tauiwi arrived here; should the descendants of those colonisers remain deaf or strive to open their blocked ears?
Definitely open blocked ears & listen, Robert. That’s why I decided to support the Maori communal land stewardship tradition when I first encountered that ethic long ago. It’s the primary interface between ancestral Maori culture and the Green movement. I’ve never been able to get traction in the GP with translating that into policy. Too radical!
Dennis Frank: If your (metaphorical) peripheral vision were to expand a little, you might detect a kind of shadow version of the “New Zealand” you (think you) know well. One aspect of this realm involves resonances which spoken Te Reo Maori creates with, say, trees, birds and waterways in a process which promotes health and vitality for all involved.
Leaving the mystical behind, there are more prosaic ways in which Te Reo Maori can save us: Te Reo provides the most direct means of linking with a range of traditional Maori values which embody the healing properties our nation so desperately needs; physically, psychologically and spiritually. I’m talking about manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga, kotahitanga for example.
I’ll stop there. I’m not one to spoonfeed; I offer only the barest hint…
Yes, both your points are valid and I agree they ought to be included in any big picture view of the cultural interface. Thanks for the feedback.
Phantom – elegantly put. Yunkers, finding themselves somehow ejected from their nest, have to be spooned, or they’ll die…
Thanks Robert; it’s a rare day when I can string a few coherent sentences of prose together, though I do okay with poetry.
Which it really shouldn’t as multilingualism has been proven to increase creativity and personal development. If people really want the best education for their children then they should be fully supportive of this.
You do know that the colonial government tried really hard to kill the Māori language in the 19th and early 20th centuries right?
No worries that 5% will be dead before long leaving those behind to form a workable and respectful society pulling together to cope and having some enjoyable moments. This is as good as it get you grizzly me-first, entitled oldies; the rest can be part of and enjoy the rise and kindness of family and community.
Hey everyone let’s not take James bate cause that’s what he comes on here to do.
Isn’t it great 10,000 new houses in mt roskill and that under national 1 in 20 state house was empty. In just 9months tywford got it down to 1 in 50. Actions speak louder than right wingers in the media’s meme.
Yawn James
The government plans to build 10,000 new homes in Mt Roskill over the next 15 years, by demolishing 3000 existing state homes, and subdividing the sections.
The development includes 2400 modest, affordable KiwiBuild homes for first home buyers, plus 3000 to 4000 market homes, and more than 3000 new state homes.
The total cost will be about $4 billion, but Mr Twyford said the net cost to the government would be minimal.
“They are basically funded through the redevelopment of the land, we are taking advantage of Housing New Zealand’s balance sheet to do some of this work, but we’re not expecting to have to inject any additional finance from the government.”
Not really good news for renters, because they are just replacing the state homes and selling off the land which anybody with 2 years under their belt in NZ can buy up and compete with the Kiwis to buy.
Also probably not mentioned is that they will bring in thousands of migrants (35,000 new migrants just for construction has been bandied around as a figure in the past) to build them… so we will have even more of a housing shortage than before because they are bringing in more people apparently to solve the crisis…
The housing shortage can only be stemmed by stopping the demand side. But funny enough the government seems reluctant to touch that, both in allowing overseas sales of NZ property new builds as well as keeping massive low wage/property investment immigration full steam ahead.
Renters are provided for with other comprehensive reforms. No single land deal will deal with the rental shortage.
We need foreign builders because we’ve run out of them here.
The demand side, as you call it, is people who need houses. It will never stop, but we can make it better. That’s what the government is doing.
The “comprehensive reforms” are taking private houses and landlords out of renting. So with the ‘demand’ side on fire so that the certain sectors of society addicted to low wages can have an endless pool of people to exploit while refusing to train/house/ or do anything themselves to retain valuable people and skills in this country.
So ho hum, NZ becomes part of Asia, huge inequality, homeless and beggars on the street, luxury and tents side by side and of course the obligatory leaky wrap everywhere, as why expect quality builders and construction in NZ, when there is an endless supply of ratepayers and tax payers and consumers to endlessly rebuild houses that no longer seem to last 50 years, let alone a decade without remedial work?
I don’t also see the government offering any sort of security to tenants, most of the headlines are temporary housing offered by the government. They are not offering state houses rates built pegged to increasing population and inequality rates for example.
Nor do I see any of the most vocal idealists of quality rentals offering to be landlords in parliament, aka all very well for the government to be critical of landlords but very hypocritical while being reluctant to make the government landlords pegged to population growth and also not being keen of becoming landlords themselves and offering quality accomodation to people in need which they could well do, on a parliamentary salary.
When the government demolishes all these state houses, where are those state house tenants going to go for the next 15 years while they “rebuild” them at what looks like levels from a much lower population level?
In real terms Labour/Greens/NZ First are getting the government out of renting, while also flogging over the private rental market at the affordable end and of course not going to become ‘rentier class’ themselves for the poor as against their principals.
So in two years, there is going to be a lot of renters complaining they don’t have a house at all, or any options while under this government, and what are they going to do, when every day before the next election there will be another story of another homeless person/family who earn an average wage or under with nowhere to live and those deemed suitable for renting under new rules are way out of their price range and in massively short supply, the rest sitting empty while being deemed too unsuitable to be rented and the state houses also empty while being demolished for rebuilding in up to 15 years?
We need to train our kids to be builders.
We need foreign builders like we need a hole in the arse.
35000 Immigrants to build 10000 new houses? FFS.
Absolutely right KJT, and we missed an opportunity in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes to use the situation to trainbe apprentices.
Apprentices that would now be starting to employ other youngsters.
Incidentally my son is looking at doing a building apprenticeship next year.
He is asking around for Christmas holiday labouring.
A good chance to find out whether the building companies treat the apprentices as employees or as contractors.
Training costs and so all our businesses and business leaders don’t do it so as to boost profits for the bludgers and then complain to the government that we don’t have the needed skills and demand to be able to import them.
These two things lower wages as more people get pushed into low paid work and the decreasing development of our economy all of which has the collapse of our nation and our society as the end result. Exactly as has happened throughout history.
Agreed pity there is NO clear apprenticeship pathway
“Your employer will train you in the skills of the trade as you work. They’ll ensure your work is up to standard, and that you cover the required scope of work to complete your qualification.”
Sure this sounds good, yet I have 3 mates who’s sons are on their 3rd or 4th employee, as they are “released” as work loads reduce.
Wasn’t part of importing off shore talent that there was a requirement to train an apprentice ?
Long term solution
“and introducing a KiwiBuild Visa for residential construction firms who train a local when they hire a worker from overseas.”
Why not with the construction of state houses, Kiwibuild or private developers e.g. Mt Roskill have a condition to train the workforce. But it is easier just to import to cover for shortages.
+1 KJT
NO more people coming in, until they “solve” the housing crisis and the transport crisis which if you stop people coming in to work here, will mean the government and industry have to actually pull finger, and use the existing youth and retrain and help people being made redundant and want to work in aged care or low waged areas or what have you.. can’t get any opportunity to do so?
Heard Fulton Hogan for example is bringing in 50+ migrants from the Phillipines. They also have someone going around getting them accomodation and making sure they have the right food so they stay.
Pity employers are not more concerned about making sure that people from NZ from Northland or the South Island that could be working for them have a person organising their accomodation and food and making sure they feel at home.
Of course it can also be something like getting people in on $40k instead of $90k for the same equivalent job in NZ….
Then we wonder why we can’t keep quality skills in NZ, and everything is such a balls up and costs 20x more than everywhere else.
There is a saying, do it once do it right. NZ has developed systems where there is subcontractors and middle men at every turn, taking margins and we actually don’t have quality ‘makers’ anymore, just bad middlemen employing the lowest common denominator actually doing the work.
Had a friend that worked for a very well known infrastructure firm. He was on $40k, he then sent his CV to OZ and got offered two jobs, his ticket to attend the interview and settled on a job offer worth $120k.
So we can train as many people as possible in NZ, but why employers are offering locals a fraction of what they are worth we will continue to have this problem of retaining them.
The problem has never been about a skills shortage, the problem in NZ has always been retaining the skills and that is why the current solutions from government will not work because the fundamental issue is bad wages and conditions in NZ and a culture of undervaluing and trying to save as much money as possible on wages while ignoring down stream effects that mean NZ is not productive and getting worse.
Having an endless supply of cheap workers in NZ are not going to make us more productive or creating quality offerings from construction, to hospitality to aged care, to IT or what have you. It instead creating more problems as existing people get poorer, taxes are spent on growing social problems, growing healthcare and education needs, while people coming here in real terms earn less and less than equivalent counter parts overseas.
35k immigrants for 100k houses in ten years – and I’m not sure where the 35k immigrant figure came from.
Personally, I reckon a young ‘un dropping $20k on learning to be a builder now would be in good stead for a couple of decade’s work.
Or is apprenticeship the only path to getting a builders qual?
Apprenticeship is the only possible path.
You cannot learn to build at a desk.
Some high schools were teaching trades building a house for sale at the same time. Another State school initiative for non academics where funding was removed to pay for, for profit, schools.
Who said “desk”?
Polytechs don’t teach welding just at a desk.
Actually the figures being bandied around are 50,000 migrants needed not even 35,000 in 4 years so where are they going to live? They are not builders coming in, anybody, from painters to tilers are being applied for and the excuse is that Kiwi’s are not applying for their jobs but when looking into it, so of course they can’t get anybody at their 5 star standard for pay rates of $20p/h which is the rate for students in NZ not experienced trades people.
Applications for 200 Chinese migrant worker visas to finish luxury Auckland hotel
Just to be clear the main occupations coming to NZ on these skilled categories and needing that housing from 2016/2017…
Main occupations for Skilled Migrant Category principal applicants, 2016/17
Occupation 2016/17
Number %
Chef 684 5.7%
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 559 4.6%
Retail Manager (General) 503 4.2%
Cafe or Restaurant Manager 452 3.7%
And among those who got (so-called) Essential Skills work visas
Number of people granted Essential Skills work visas by main occupations, 2016/17
Occupation Number %
Chef 2,178 6.6%
Dairy Cattle Farm Worker 1,617 4.9%
Carpenter 1,478 4.5%
Retail Supervisor 961 2.9%
Cafe or Restaurant Manager 942 2.9%
Retail Manager (General) 767 2.3%
Aged or Disabled Carer 748 2.3%
Amazing numbers for retail there.Who would have thought that NZ needed to import skills in that vocation.
I think many of these are where the wink wink, $20k pay to get the job offer is coming from or job to get your relatives in… but clearly the whole thing is pathetic that the government is giving out these visas like lollies for fake low wage jobs that Kiwis, students, part time workers, disabled workers, people needing second chances and so forth can do, and are now unemployed instead. We can’t look after our own working poor, why the F would any sane government be piling more in to be looked after by government subsidies?
Right, so that’s the number of jobs that will be open in the next few years, not the number of migrants required to fill them.
I agree that industry wants to import workers to keep wages down, but we’re not necessarily looking at a shortage of people. Just an industry with new jobs opening up.
I also suspect that kiwibuild (like the old state house constructions) will have an element of standardisation that will make construction less labour-intensive.
And if we do import tens of thousands of workers, that’ll be against the main drive to lower immigration overall – so other industries won’t get preferred immigration status and overall immigration still drops.
It is good to read thoughtful analysis and not a load of emotional opinionated bollocks from the usual suspects.
Thanks McFlock and savenz and others too!
The demand side, ‘as you call it’ – is not a force of nature. You know perfectly well that our immigrant numbers are high and we haven’t run an intelligent housing policy for decades so we are not prepared for even a moderate population rise. Then there are the other facts of immigrants buying to hold their wealth and wait for capital accretion, and the market is really screwed.
A better and more reasoned approach is my demand to you. or are you a force of nature?
Why is it do fucking hard to NOT SELL THE ASSET, in this case the land.
Politicians are stupid. They know full well its a bad idea for NZ.
+100 Anker…James is here to distract from genuine debate on important issues…do not feed the Troll.
Abel Tasman
James Cook
Hi Morrissey
It is a pity you have no empathy with Abel Tasman or James Cook . But please don’t brush the rest of us with your petty likes or dislikes.
Hop back onto your lazy boy, and Contemplate that Zealand – is a strong bond with the Sea (ocean) and Aotearoa with the Sky.
We use the one to sail upon, the other to fly upon .
Do not wish either of them away! Thank you very much.
no you come to troll James, not to read this site
If you look to the right – there is a reply button.
If you click it – you post a reply to a comment as opposed to a new thread.
you can do it …
I would like to see minute mike have an on camera sit down with Jacinda to debate his opinion the she has no backbone. He obviously has buried all recollection of keys time in Government. I must say he is looking extremely haggard and sooooo irrelevant. Time he moved and let a younger person have a go. My seven year old grandaughter would run rings around him. It annoys me that he can put any old garbage out there with no right of reply from anyone. First time I have clicked on to mm. Wish I hadn’t.
“I would like to see minute mike have an on camera sit down with Jacinda to debate his opinion the she has no backbone.”
So would I.
All topics allowed.
Glad you agree. Never happen of course. He doesn’t have the backbone.
Why an earth would anyone listen to mike about how to be a boss/good leader. He to my knowledge has never managed staff. And he’s known to be a bully
Three of four NZ fish ‘staring extinction in the face’
“The data, which covered fish distribution and abundance trends, along with a key measure of water pollution called the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), showed more than three quarters of 25 analysed species were in decline.
About the same rate of decline was found in 20 native fish species – and in two thirds of cases, the drop was a significant one.
“We’ve gone from one species out of every five being in trouble to a situation where three species out of four are staring extinction in the face, and we’ve done it in one generation.”
“Given the study’s findings, he said, it was “bizarre” that there was little protection for native fish.
“And the fact that despite these declines and developed world’s worst proportion of threatened species we harvest them, the Department of Conservation [DoC] doesn’t protect them.”
Joy acknowledged a just-announced amendment to the Conservation Act aimed at native freshwater fish, but added this only covered protected areas.
“They have to get there first, through the polluted unprotected rivers.”
He was also sceptical of new guidelines around structures built in rivers and streams that could impede migrating fish, criticising them as guidelines only.
“Under the Freshwater Fisheries Act 1983, it is clearly stated it is illegal to block native fish passage – but there have been thousands of barriers put in since then and DoC has to my knowledge never used their powers under this act to do anything.”
Capitalism kills.
And the neoliberal variety of the disease kills virulently.
the coalition supporters are getting really pissed off with the media in new zealand. it has become toxic with crypto tories like simon dallow, garna, merkin, hosking and soper duplicity alien being given free rein to peddle their views. time for the NZLP to start investing in line of sight micropulse radio stations. cheap as and just the thing for urban communication. if every tribesman in every valley in the hindu kush can do it then it is time for us to do it here to counter the slime being pushed out every day by the msm.
“the coalition supporters are getting really pissed off with the media in new zealand. ”
Didnt know you were their spokesperson – but congrats on getting the job.
Love your idea – they should run with it – I have no doubt it will be a great success.
Time for a major shakeup to the corporate media.
We should follow Corbyn’s ideas.
The time of the billionaire media barons will end.
Good to see the Swedish general election hasnt seen the large swing to the hard right Democrats that the doomsayers were predicting.
So far The Democrats are up 14 seats ( 349 seat parliament) but thats been entirely at the expense of traditional centre right Moderate party.
The lead government party the Social Democrats are down 12 along with their partners the Greens down from 25 to 15 seats. However the other coalition party that rose were The Left ( once known as Communists) up 7.
Other centrist partys who improved were The Centre up 8 and Christian Democrats up 7.
Overall a slight edge to the existing coalition, who as before dont have a majority
Good to hear. I’ll congratulate my Swedish work colleagues..
All the overseas news sites I’ve looked at has the far right making gains, and holding the balance of power in a hung government (Riksdag).
It was a hung house the last time as well. The right (The Alliance) outside of the Swedish Democrats (the anti immigrant party) made minimal gains as they took it off each other. The social Democrats alliance made a slight loss.
The Swedish Democrats made slight gains that could put them in the kingmaker postlition except that both major parties said that they won’t work with them.
Dining all probability another minority government with support keeping the nutters out until they can prove that they aren’t.
What you get from Hosking.
Jacinda Ardern is a 37yr old young woman, with a fine personality, a major grasp of Dirty Capitalism; and a world wide reputation as a significant Politician. Jacinda is our Prime Minister.
Jacinda is all too much for little aging Mike Hosking. who has somehow inserted himself into the hearts and minds of Remuera – (Auckland’s Shallow Land) .
Hosking throws his meat cleaver into Jacinda Ardern every opportunity he gets. Complete with his mean shit. He did again this morning.
I don’t know exactly why most people on the Isthmus regard him as Shit in little Jeans – but I think it is because he can’t hold a candle to a person of the Carriage, the Looks and the Capability of Jacinda Ardern.
Hosking who has everything – has given nothing to slummy Auckland.
Hosking is a Disgrace. He lives as such with his microphone. He will likely die as such. A shallow Disgrace. The very definition of the Hollow man who hates and is hated.
Good Bye Hosking
Wambulance anyone?
He’s probably the only person alive who has to have a stepladder to get into his maserati or whatever Tonka toy he drives. He is an absolute waste of a minute. Tick tock. Zzzzzż!
Master Minute Mike vs Jacindarella in an open public debate ?
Yes, let’s do this, with MH as MC. Oh wait, …
Lost in all the crap that was written by the media and elsewhere (including on here!) about why the PM was wrong in only going to the Pacific island Forum in Nauru for one day, was this supportive and informative article by Fran O’Sullivan – yes in the Herald – on a visit to NZ that was barely reported and that Ardern would have missed if she had gone to Nauru for longer.
That was the visit of the high-profile Japanese parliamentarian Shinjiro Koizumi as the 2018 Prime Minister’s fellow. Koizumi is the second son of former Prime Minister Junichirō Koizumi (Japan’s leader from 2001-2006). He has been the Chief Deputy Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) since August 2017 and is seen as a future leader.
He was accompanied by two other parliamentarians who are also children of former prime ministers, with Takashi Yamashita, the Parliamentary Vice Minister of Justice, rounding up the delegation.
This is a really interesting article in relation to NZ’s future relationship with Japan through, amongst other things, commonalities arising from the similar age and interests of Ardern and Koizumi discussed in the article (human rights, renewable energy, phasing out of nuclear power); the re-energizing of the bilateral relationship with Japan; and strengthening co-operation in the delivery of our respective development assistance programmes in the Pacific.
O’Sullivan comments that she was initially of the view that Ardern should have gone with Peters earlier in the week, and that it was essential that she did go. However, she is now of the opinion that Ardern’s staying back for the Koizumi visit was money well spent.
I have heard on RNZ that the state is stalling doing the right thing in paying family who are care givers. Can’t find a link.
They have spent millions on legal fees, unsuccessfully defending their position in courts. With more litigation to come.
Stop throwing good money after bad and do the correct thing. Pay these people. It is to comply with court rulings and morally right to do so.
No money left for caregivers.
The money was spent on more important things like the free tertiary education bribe, Peters 3 billion dollar re-election fund and government subsidised new first homes for the middle classes.
See link above one of the
Number of people granted Essential Skills work visas by main occupations, 2016/17
Occupation Number %
Aged or Disabled Carer 748 2.3%
Ok, so the government won’t pay local people and they have to go to court to get minimum wages, but this has nothing to do with the skills shortage of aged or disabled carers as the 5th most imported in career category for essential skills…
don’t forget family members are not allowed to be paid to leave work and look after loved ones, from what I can make out… (might be wrong)… but getting someone on minimum wages from other side of world is a better option apparently…
What also really angers me, is that often the people are vulnerable when disabled or old and they are essentially being short changed in many areas from a system that is very punitive and has created a complicated system to save money when local people in this country pay taxes and ACC levies which should buy them quality care, not the cheapest care the government can subcontract to to also save money by employing the cheapest people from around the world who don’t ask too many questions from their employeer (even more laughingly appears to be on paper from what I understand it, the person needing care who might be intellectually disabled or completely unable in any real sense to be their employeer).
Here you are – link to latest article. Other recent related article are on the right.
thanks vv.
got my blood boiling reading it.
Thread about umpiring shenanigans makes it pretty damn clear that the Serena Williams debacle was motivated by sexism.
Serena is just a disgusting bully. No sexism or racism or whatever ism. She said that having a child made here not a cheat?
She has history of abuse too. Telling a ballboy or girl that she was going to ram the f-ing ball down their f-ing throat.
No more despicable person than Serena. She lost, she played badly, was going to lose anyway and stole the show away from a humble gracious person that is Naomi Osaka.
Coward and bully.
“No more despicable person”?
Bit harsh.
McInroe was a bit of a dick.
And there’s, like, Rolf Harris…
I dunno. Sporty things aren’t my cup of tea – I get why the athletes get amp’d to the point of making really dickish choices, but I don’t see what the fans get worked up about, usually.
And umpires can have Very Bad Days, too – questionable calls should never decide a match. But people do seem to be pointing to equivalent behaviour that did not receive the same punishment, let alone decide the match.
I wouldn’t go that far bj, but everything obviously is all about her.
Agreed, it was disgraceful. Serena not only ruined the match but the prize giving ceremony too by making it all about her. Osaka is a hero in comparison.
What a load of shit – she is a great champion – end of. Typical that some jumped up little man couldn’t take it and then lashed out to shit on the game and make it all about him.
The heads of the Women’s Tennis Association and USTA (which puts on the U.S. Open) sided with Serena.
Just another day in the workplace, sexism and double standards.
The WTA, however, backed up Williams’ claims of sexism regarding the way she was treated by Ramos with its chief executive, Simon, releasing a statement.
Simon said: “Yesterday brought to the forefront the question of whether different standards are applied to men and women in the officiating of matches. The WTA believes that there should be no difference in the standards of tolerance provided to the emotions expressed by men v women and is committed to working with the sport to ensure that all players are treated the same. We do not believe that this was done.”
Following the match, the United States Tennis Association, which runs the US Open, released a statement from its president, Katrina Adams, hailing Williams for her “class” and “sportsmanship”.
Appearing on ESPN, Adams also claimed there are double standards in terms of how umpires treat women and men. Adams said: “We watch the guys do this all the time, they’re badgering the umpire on the changeovers. Nothing happens. There’s no equality. I think there has to be some consistency across the board. These are conversations that will be imposed in the next weeks.
New article in the Herald by David Cormack re Claire Curran’s resignation. So much more intelligent, fair, reasoned and balanced than the Soper/Hosking rabid rants. Was a pleasure to read.
Yes Reality. I wonder why his column was not included in Bryce Edwards “neutral” column?
Specially liked David’s proposition that rapid coming down on errors makes for overcautious activity from the workers. “Don’t take risks” becomes “conservative to stay safe.”
Why not put David Cormack’s wisdom on the Standard as an antidote?
Bryce Edwards has morphed into an establishment tool.
Definitely Ed.
Good morning The Am Show The police have changed under shonky rule they no longer serve te tangata they serve them selves they control the media they are on TV all day every day distorting the reality of there callous action’s bad story’s are covered up ??????????.
They have no complaint’s process they distort the course of justice by telling Lawyers not to represent people. Well I will file my class action myself stop that muppets.
The situation in Idlib in the Middle East is shocking this is going to create a humanitarian crisis that will affect all the countrys in the region.
Condolences to the family of the lady who pasted in Bali death is all part of life.
There is a part of the story you are not telling they had the money why did they not fly her home .I guest that she was to sick to travel .
Mark its good you are trying to speak te reo I get mixed up because I know a lot of Ngati Porou I was rasied hearing that reo .Because I am tied up with the sandflys if not I would be studying te reo full time.
The process of retrieving our tipunas body parts has been going on for 50 years not 5 minutes Duncan. Your definition of nudge is not correct you are playing your little harp hard on the Bali subject
Harmony is what I back between Aotearoa’s 2 main cultures is what is needed not one side getting it’s cake and eating our’s as well.
Come on Duncan shonky sold off 49% of our power generators .
The transmission companies are over legislated and don’t get enough funding the generators and suppliers are under legislated this is the business first model shonky installed to benefit his share market m8’s at the cost of the common tangata milking it.
Most of the proffets from our natural resources flowing into foreigners pockets.
Ka kite ano P.S you mite think I should keep my move quiet but the sandflys are illegally monitoring all Eco Maori COM
A capital gains tax will be a good tax that taxes the wealthy who can afford to pay more.
A capital gains taxes people who make money from gain’s that have a little labour exerted to gain that money they are shares property business capital.
judith collins would prefer to raise GST to 20 % and lie that that’s a fair tax system when we know that that tax cost the poor common person who has to spend all there money just to survive she would lie like shonkys famous words I WILL NO RAISE GST .
Enough said link below ka kite ano
Here we go another attack on the rights of the commoners around Papatuanuku .
He is pandering to his dictator m8 and all the Wars that are raging around the world are about the wealthy lining there pocket’s at the expense of the common poor .
This ancient greedy un humane behavior has to be stopped. link below ka kite ano.
This what I think of polls there used by people to put the common person off voting
Link below Ka kite ano
The BBC should admit they get climate change wrong because of the money from oil barons
next link
I have already put this person in his place what Eco Maori gets ——— about is these trolls with a silver spoon in there mouth still living off there mom an dad making stupid comments about Maori I can see they are raciest bigots
Lets get this straight maori are still getting the short end of the stick were are these privileges that you people say and lie about all I see is most Maori are broke working 60 a week just to survive we have no money to go on holiday or see the beautiful sites of our country . I look around and the only people driving vehicles that have had a 21 birth day are Maori. If our country was run by idiots like these trolls we would be treated like the Tangata whenua in Australia & America our tipuna have fort tooth and nail for what little rights and wealth we have so ——-off trolls in the comments on this story from this plastic maori.
https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/opinion/106878277/mori-succeeding-in-parliament-just-fine-without-need-to-entrench-seats .
Here’s a surprise: A business group’s survey about the employment law changes asked a loaded question that skewed the results.
Shocked, shocked I tells ya.
edit – argh shit wrong OM lol
Wot a big surprise. Not.
There are about 500,000 businesses in NZ but only 500 selected ones were surveyed. Wonder why their intentions are? Can’t guess.
Good evening Newshub there you go the power price for businesses has dropped by25 % in the same time frame household power price have gone up 79% we are subserdising business once again.
That storm Florence hitting America at the minute is mean be care full people.
Maori culture will be getting good exposure when our VIP guests arrive.
Those old timeers from Australia getting 50 million for there farm deserve there windfall Ka pai. They look like they worked hard all there life watch out for the vultures with no wings they will rip them off.
Ka kite ano P.S I had to switch devices the sandflys are stuffing with my computer once again muppets
Good evening The Crowd Goes Wild good reo James and Wairangi I have decided to refrain from commenting on our Aotearoa and Papatuanuku sport’s stars Ka kite ano