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6:00 am, December 11th, 2010 - 37 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step right up to the mike…
Page A6 this mornings Dom,
I told ya so )
Oh and London yesterday viva the revolution
Link, Robert? I can’t be arsed walking to the shop.
Can’t find it on Stuff yet – Future (oil) Shock by John McCrone it is the whole page.
Makes a big difference from when Tim Pankhurst was running the show, not only didn’t he cover Peak Oil he got a 2 year protection order out against me banning me from talking to any Dom employee
Robert my man, you certainly must have a full on approach to get a protection order against yourself for expressing an opinion. Interestingly the mainstream is finally stirring and they dont like what they are being told, happy happy joy joy (not). My advice, make your own provisions.
On the London riouts, somehow film of police batoning protestors from horse back actually made the MSM reports. I also saw some fairly full on violence from the protestors. The fascinating thing is that “black bloc” tactics seem to have the authorities stumped, they blame everything on a group of violent “anarchists”. The police must be very worried, their authority is now under extreme challenge in UK along with the legitimacy of the status quo. I think parliament reflected this, the bill to triple student fees only passed by 20 votes.
this is 1/3 of the article, they changed a few words but it is nearly the same as the Dom
Stephen Ching’s New Citizen Party has been registered.
The rules are at http://www.elections.org.nz/files/New_Citizen_Party_rules.pdf
Interesting …
The New Citizen Party looks like a front for Beijing and authoritarian deomcracy haters, a bunch of right wing fifth columnists who live here but dance for another master.
One of the main organisers, Paul Young, is a former Labour Party list candidate.
It doesnt matter though, they are no chance of making parliament.
“One of the main organisers, Paul Young, is a former Labour Party list candidate.”
I dont care, but Sanctuary was trying to brand them as right wing.
And? A lot of right wing people have come through the Labour party.
What’s your point?
Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble and a few others were also in Labour. Now they’re ACToids.
Michael Bassett, David Caygill, Brian Nicolle – also right wingers who came up through Labour.
Len Brown had a secret trust…..
I await the howls of protest from the left….
Any trust set up to deliver anonymous donations to a political figure is an example of corruption.
And here’s I/S @ NRT
Perhaps you could ask Len for a loan, Bludge. Then maybe you could pay your debts and lose some of the self loathing that comes with saying one thing and doing another.
I’m happy to add my howl of protest. All donations to political parties should be open and transparent.
Now what BB. Having raised the point do you agree or not? What is your stance?
Big name, small brain as usual BB. Banksie had anonymous donors also, 3 mayoral contenders spent around the half mill. The substantive point is that these candidates were within the parameters and entitled to do so. Your comment comes across as a belated impotent screech of denial.
When you look at the track record of trusts related to political financing the Natz Waitemata looms and smells largest.
“Banksie had anonymous donors also”
John Banks has revealed the name of everyone who donated $1,000 or more to his campaign.
“The substantive point is that these candidates were within the parameters and entitled to do so.”
Ha so I assume you were perfectly ok with the Exclusive Bretheran campaign which fell within the rules in 2005 and defended them when others objected? I assume that you were also ok with the National Parties secret trusts (which have now been banned at a national political level)?
Actually, they didn’t. Third parties are not allowed to collude with political parties to coordinate their campaigns.
don’t assume too much ff, my comments to the whimp BB stand.
Massive diappointment in Len Brown. Cronyism and secret trusts. One term mayor.
Well done John Key, politician of the year.
I am sure that everybody at the Standard will agree.
Hey BB, when is your photo op with Donkey? You sure as hell have earned it.
Just Armstrong kissing ass again.
Some links: Tax cuts don’t work.
Comparing Priorities In The Tax Deal.
Salon:Are the American people obsolete.
Cablegate Roulette.
The Crisis of Legitimation is a Public-Private Partnership.
Pretty good UK student speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U_gHUiL4P8
If folks didn’t seen Garth George get beat up on the tele the other night…
The GG bit is in part two, but watch the whole thing.
I almost felt sorry for him but I remembered that he occupies some of the most valuable journalistic real estate in the country. Just brutal though.
He looks like a dullard.
Why doesn’t Emily Perkins know what gratuitous means?
As I can’t see videos (I have dial up), can you tell me what it’s all about?
Just for you, Vicky32 – audio of the relevant bit:
(hope Russell doesn’t mind)
Thanks Felix! 🙂
That mining disiater in the US that peeps were saying was so similar to Pike River?
Digby has an update on how that has panned out for an individual:
So all is right in oligarchy. We can sleep well tonight.
He saw us thru the earthquake no major mucks up, he handled the pike river coal thing with dignity, unlike Goff, the economy is fairly stable while the rest of the world is going down, hes had a good year and has been a good leader so far.
I wonder how them flash undies of Tuku’s are holding up ?