Only three days left before the US becomes an autocratic one party state.
And President Trump tells the US Congress; “You’re Fired!”
Not just Mexico will pay, the whole world will pay.
Trump: ‘There’s a good chance we’ll have to’ declare a national emergency to build the wall
President Donald Trump on Friday said, “I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to” declare a national emergency in order to appropriate the funds to build his border wall.
The remarks came as a specially created committee in Congress works to reach a compromise on border security before government funding expires on Feb. 15.
Asked if he was concerned about courts halting an emergency declaration, Trump said, “We have very, very strong legal standing to win,” adding it would be “very hard” for a court to enjoin the declaration.
Christina Wilkie – CNBC, February 1 2019
The Weimar Republic wasn’t such a barrel of laughs, either. The Weimar Republic were responsible for smashing in Rosa Luxembourg’s head, a fact that the German Left couldn’t get over. And when faced with a greater danger, they couldn’t see it. And couldn’t agree to a common front against fascism with the Social Democrats. Who they labeled as ‘Social Fascists’ How wrong they were.
You think it is going to be the same ol’, same ol’ ?
There is a difference between imperialism and naked imperialism
Interesting statistics. Listening to RNZ “National” this morning the disbelief with regards the poll was palpable. Espiner the Winston Slayer was more interested in Chinese whispering. Hawkesby over at aunty herald just can’t work out why Simon Bridges is so unpopular and she asks “what is it about Simon that voters don’t like”…….
Going to be very noisy when all those pennies drop.
Labour’s hold on Government is based on a 73 year old maverick MP
who’s party won 0 electorate seats and who 93%
of the country did not vote for.
National should cruise to victory in 2020.
When you pick your “facts” try and make them credible rata. Winston has won Northland and Tauranga electorates.
If National banks on your wisdom of winning an election by only contesting NZF, they are very very silly people.
Last Tuesday, Todd Muller wrote an op-ed piece in The New Zealand Herald about what he’s learned in his first year as the National Party’s climate change spokesperson. Rod Oram goes through Muller’s text point by point, giving a response to each.
Oram shows up a classic National Party MP for the useless conservative he is.
The National Party should really stop pretending to be progressive in any way. At least they would have integrity and credibility if they just came out and re-named themselves Conservatives.
They don’t do anything.
They can’t see the future.
They are conservative, and should simply take their place as the ballast in the hull of the ship.
Funny though that they always end up where the hippies were decades before – think Waiheke eh Michelle Boag …. or electric bikes, or organic food, or pottery (maybe not pottery)
conservatives – limited use. Keep in the fridge until needed.
Neo-Liberalism, Free Market has allowed the 1% to become very very rich. (Oxfam reporting that 82 percent of the wealth produced in 2017 went to the top 1 per cent of the population.)
The resistance to Climate change comes from the very very wealthy because the changes necessary to combat Climate Change will threaten the very very rich. For them it is not the Science it is the ideology.
Though real conservatives should perform the useful function of stopping us doing new things that will be stupid or counter-productive. So real conservatives in the late 1980’s would have opposed the privatization of public assets that were natural monopolies. They would have opposed the replacement of progressive income tax with regressive consumption tax, etc, etc.
So National are oddly useless even at being conservative. That’s because they oppose only those new things that will be good and vigorously support keeping on doing old things that will be bad (like exploring for new oil reserves). i.e., the complete opposite of what you really need in a conservative. Does this actually make them radicals rather than conservatives? God it’s confusing!
Actually the root of the word “Conservative” is the same as that for “Conservation”.
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘aiming to preserve’): from late Latin conservativus, from conservat- ‘conserved’, from the verb conservare (see conserve). Current senses date from the mid 19th cent.
And in the early days that was what right wing politicians actually tried to do.
It is ironic that those who call themselves conservative today, are in the main, the ones who by consistently maintaining their neoliberal free market led approach to the economy (which they perceive as being a superset to the environment, rather than a subset) are the very ones who are doing the most damage.
Thanks for that link, excellent stuff, Oram absolutely dismantles Muller, this is the sort of critical response we need to see, hear and read more of in our media, imagine applying the same robust logic to the ministers of housing or health today, exposing the inconsistencies of them desperately trying to cling on to their debunked economic ideology verses…the actual reality for most citizens.
“Greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide caused by the agricultural sector, by belching livestock and fertilisers, are thought to produce about half of all greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand.
So why did Kaikōura MP Stuart Smith take to Facebook last month to declare “Agriculture is NOT the major source of NZ’s greenhouse gas emissions”, refuting the stance of the Ministry for the Environment, Landcare Research, and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre.”
During some time we spent at Florida University in 1996 we were part of an environmental watchdog with Chemistry knowledge and found a term in a Oxford University reference book on scientific chemistry.
This term was described as “Substitution reaction” which was described as a common law of physics and was a chemical reaction between several ‘elements’ that are freely spread around our open air space today.
These three elements to produce an extremely toxic chemical once it is mixed in our air produces a banned chemical today that was called “Carbon Tetra-chloride that was used as a solvent and in fire extinguishers however the realisation that it is toxic has now been banned.
An example is the reaction between methane and chlorine that is stable when in the dark but when it is in sunlight when exposed to ultra-violet radiation or when they are heated they react.
The reaction produces a list of toxic alkanes as solvents such as ‘chloroform’and other highly toxic chemicals.
So we are really now living among so many dispersed chemicals that we are now living in a dangerous world sadly due to the actions called “substitution reaction”.
Toby Manhire has invented a new word: stinkerer. More significantly, he’s produced an unusual rabbit out of his hat. He articulates good reason to give Judith Collins some respect as a principled politician. Yeah, I know. Consider me the devil’s advocate. 😈 He quotes her, then draws his conclusion:
“At its best, politics is the contest of ideas. It shouldn’t be about playing the game. It shouldn’t be about doing anything to win. It’s only by galvanising the base, by giving people a reason to care, that those more centrist will give the party a chance. If a party’s base doesn’t see why they’re bothering, then why should anyone else. No matter what side of politics people are, it’s always easiest to sell policies that you believe in.”
What impresses me is that she reveals more than a principled motivation. She displays nous as to how to get votes from centrists while taking a stand on principle. Since centrists always determine our election results, this forces me to upgrade her to 7/10 as a viable contender.
Centrists in New Zealand will eventually fail, just like it is all over the world, all it will take is for that firebrand ‘somebody’ to come along who will firstly ignite some real fire into the belly of their traditional base, be that Left or Right, and then use them to mobilize at least a good part of the missing million….goodbye (so called) centre.
Liberal Centrism is already dead, it just doesn’t know it yet…and like any undead zombie, somebody will come along sooner or later and put a bullet in it’s head.
The point is that centrism leads to extremism as people slowly realise they are being politely and oh so nicely trode on..
People live hopeless miserable lives and die prematurely every day thanks to austerity budgets and centrist policies, its just they do it quietly in the suburbs no one visits and they smile nicely when they drop off our Amazon parcels or hand us a flat white or their bond for the new flat.
There is an interesting point about Chamberlains announcement of getting an agreement with Hitler. Apparently if he had come back and soon after declared war, the UK wasn’t ready for it. The following months enabled them to prepare and try to get planes particularly built in feverish haste.
I don’t know if it was a planned subterfuge but it worked for the UK.
It seems that managing something okay, is often down to quick thinking to remedy a possible blunder, micro managing in an emergency seems to be the most useful.
Well i thought badly of Chamberlain too, but then found out this other side of the situation. And I don’t think we were being unfair, but isn’t it amazing how there is often another side to something that is not known and unconsidered that changes the aspect. It’s good to get the background later from people in the know. The layers of info, fascinating.
I read recently of Churchill’s fondness for one of his secretaries, who spent a lot of time with him, and stayed in his home. Churchill’s wife Clementine? felt lumbered with him.
“Centrists” seem to be doing that rather well at present.
From children dying of the diseases of poverty, in one of the worlds most resource rich countries, per capita, environmental destruction causing natural disasters killing millions, bombing the shit out of the middle East, the “sensible” middle, are racking up significant ‘butchers bills.
If your principles are to threaten public servants, collude with venal attack bloggers, pressure police to changing crime numbers, and use tax-payer funded trips to promote your spouse’s business interests, then yes, she is principled.
Then the people were allowed to die by the zombie middle class.
(The middle class contains the potential thinkers with a livable income and those who still see and are still in touch with the lower class – though at a distance.)
Then the VIPs extended their lives with methods like scientific prophylactics.
( Book – Trouble With Lichen by John Wyndham,
Film Cocoon (
– Blurb – A fantasy to fill your heart. Fact: about some old people who want to
live for ever enjoying themselves on a dream planet in space and go, leaving their daughter and their grandchild behind them as less important!)
That hit a nerve with me as I was poisoned in an un-ventilated building working as a telephone technician for six months.
I came out as a vegetable afterwards, and someone said to me “you should have used the “Canary in the mine” sequence to tell you to get out if the canary died.
We are now all Canaries in a mine called ‘earth’.
So are the rich wanting us dead, so they can claim the planet for themselves?
I think a clever little quote covers that cleangreen.
Something like this would apply to the wealthy and their purposes.
‘Don’t get lost in the shuffle, shuffle along with the lost.’
Frankly Scarlett, they ‘don’t give a damn’.
(ex Gone with the Wind)
The cellular networks will use frequencies that carry a lot of information but don’t travel very far.
That means antennas need to be close together and will number in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. They’ll be closer to shops and homes than today’s arrays atop cell towers.
Loggerheads. it appears USA tech move to 5G ‘Out Of Control’. (And this was in 2018.) Republican states are pushing the for-big-business approach. Corporates are changing agreements and inserting their preferred enablers. They have also infiltrated the regulatory body, the Federal Communications Commission.
The effect of 5G is breaking new ground, and affects everybody. The 5G system is meant to replace today’s mobile wireless technology, making it easier to stream high-definition video anywhere and enable new kinds of apps.
The cellular networks will use frequencies that carry a lot of information but don’t travel very far. That means antennas need to be close together and will number in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. They’ll be closer to shops and homes than today’s arrays atop cell towers.
…cities, states, companies and interest groups together to devise guidelines for updating telecom infrastructure, a move that paves the way for self-driving cars and a world where every device connects to the internet.
Big corporates are pushing the regulators and legislators. A committee within the Commission was formed for corporates and cities to discuss the technology and come to terms about its use.
The group, with representatives of the business world outnumbering government officials four-to-one, may push for a vote on guidelines that have been under debate for more than a year.
Companies and the FCC have expressed desire for “shot clocks,” a basketball metaphor that would automatically give carriers permission to install beacons if negotiations with cities aren’t resolved in a timely manner.
“The problem with the debate is everyone is entrenched into their sides,” Bowles [replacement for Santosham (below) who has stepped down dissatisfied] said. “Every single member of the committee will have something in those documents that they don’t like. That’s what a compromise is. If AT&T is thrilled with it, then we didn’t do our job.”
Too often, officials say, AT&T got its way. As committee members were returning …they got an email from Douglas Dimitroff, a telecom attorney and chairman of one of the group’s city-focused subcommittees. “We have made substantial changes to the last version,” he wrote …Then he thanked Chris Nurse, a senior executive at AT&T who proposed hundreds of revisions, according to a copy of the draft.
[Sireen] Santosham [San Jose official and member of the FCC.] protested. Sam Cooper, a senior technology adviser to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, wrote: “Shotclocks. Object.” Even a telecom consultant said the revisions were unfair, tilted in favor of wireless companies like AT&T at the expense of cable providers like Comcast Corp. “AT&T has generally driven the bus,” said Angela Stacy, a committee member who’s vice president at a software company for cities called Connected Nation Exchange.
“The criticism speaks for itself — it’s baseless,” Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said Wednesday in an interview. “I’m not going any further.” FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly has accused some officials of trying to “impose their will or extract bounties from providers” and suggested San Jose was seeking “high rents and fees.” AT&T said in an emailed statement that the city-focused working group had unanimously consented to a plan that will be presented to the full committee on Wednesday….
The influence of Big Telecom inside the FCC has already spread into state capitols. More than a dozen states, mostly in Republican strongholds, have passed laws borrowing similar language from the 5G committee. U.S. lawmakers are drafting legislation along similar lines. “This is the biggest movement in broadband that we’ve seen in recent history,” Santosham said.
When reading such articles and industry PR there are a lack of even the subtlest acknowledgement to consideration of the environment and those who exist because of it…
Systems have evolved, life itself developed due to the universal frequencies which formed and shaped this incredible planet…over [however long]…
And the digital man-made frequencies and technology, are destroying and will continue to destroy all that was created by univsersal frequencies…
In the blink of an eye…
Technology is being deployed for the purpose of machines…not biological beings and earths inhabitants…
‘Thinking’ such as that which drives ‘tech progress’ is root cause…
The 5G thing was so interesting that I decided to read it right through and put up some main points. Bloody outrageous example of how these tech companies are becoming the looming monsters that you see in many computer games or on-line stories.
It might be mainstream for you but who has time to read all the stuff that comes at you and take an interest in people and take an interest in the environment as well. So need you to draw attention and explain things a little.
I did a moan on the one about 60Ghz? Just a few lines with some background names details so a reader can grasp the facts is needed. There is so much info to keep up with when one is interested in the people/techpolitics interface.
And the digital man-made frequencies and technology, are destroying and will continue to destroy all that was created by univsersal frequencies…
The ordinary person has never thought of the underwater sound and the frequencies situation. I wonder will the plovers be able to fly down from Russia any more.
The mad following that has been drummed into school kids that tech is the only way and your life revolves around it blah. There is no outdoors, no rest for the soul, you must take your cellphone everywhere and machines are everywhere allowed to menace and stress you when you walk.
There certainly are an unlimited number of angles that information can enter the consciousness from, GW…
Frequencies formed the universe, and they govern every facet of planet earths capacity to create life and to support life…life should be thriving…it has in times past…in natural cycles…
Life is no longer thriving on this planet…it’s being depleted and extinguished…population growth and life expectancy are a mirage obscuring the truth of degradation and ‘health conditions’ which, if the technology behemoths continue onwards, looks certain to lead to an uninhabitable planet…certainly from a biological organism viewpoint…
I’ve said it previously…the conveniently named 5G is designed for machines to communicate with machines..
The entire design is for machines to thrive…
Humans are the collatoral sold BS about faster internet, as if connectivity speeds are not already adequate for human purposes…
Capacity for the imagined ‘smart cities’ which are entirely machine based, imagined to monitor and manage all aspects of ‘life’…is inadequate so big tech has banked its future on trillions of dollars required to build…skynet…the financiers are invested…the sick care companies are standing by to profit from increased illness…the insurance companies are…well…not going to insure against 5G…
Better hope that physics pulls the plug…because the humans won’t…
Also, that the cumulative build up from man made polluting environments, is completely untested, while human illness and ‘health conditions’ increase at greater rates and in younger cohorts…
Something(s ) are causing the rapid rise in health related issues…
Perhaps we should seek to remove pollutants, including technological based systems from our environments, not argue the toss about which singular toxin is perhaps responsible for a singular ailment…while bring every more untested and toxic technologies into the environment…
Meanwhile, human health, the environment and natural worlds are deteriorating at rapid pace…
The technology is part of the problem, so when some here want to pretend to care about climate change…while endorsing the release of well documented damage causing technology….they are either ignorant or dishonest…
The Strange people who suck their way into “media” and into the “Gross ” party simply do not realise what a mess they have made.
It is not possible to Pay very low wages to your working slaves – and then to make sure they cannot ever afford a house – And then expect you biased RATS to be voted into power.
Nor is is possible to charge Rents that take every last dollar out of the pocket of your working slaves – And then expect you biased RATS to be voted into power.
You have bungled, scummed, and shat on the NZ Public for every day you have had Breath.
The women in the Media are marginally worse than the so called journalists. But Simon and the Angry Lille dishonest Collins won’t be seeing their names in Stars for very long.
Neither will Mrs Bennett.
All of you have taken Housing and Fair go – off Kiwis. The Public of New Zealand did not and do not deserve you Bastards.
No Question Time, with the PM making a statement (20 mins) then a debate of up to 13 hours, with other specified Party Leaders also given 20 mins each, then other Members, 10 min speeches.
Unless they go to extended hours, usual sitting hours for a Tuesday – 2-6pm then 7.30pm to 10pm. Same tomorrow and then Thursday, 2pm – 6pm only.
So on usual hours, provided they don’t debate any other business (eg legisiation) the 13 hours could be over by close of play tomorrow night or Thurs afternoon. I presume that there will be a Question Time plus general debate tomorrow (c. 2hrs total) plus Question Time on Thursday. If so, then the debate will probably finish by close of play Thurs.
According to Trevor Mallard on Parl TV online, the debate will begin with leaders’ speeches and then adjourn and onto BAU (Govt Orders of the Day) with Members’ speeches spread over the next few weeks.
Five endangered albatross die on one long line
Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 11:03 am
Press Release: Forest And Bird
Forest & Bird is appalled to learn that five critically threatened Antipodean albatross have died in a single long lining incident, only 24 hours after revelations that four endangered Hectors dolphins were killed in a trawl net.
Five Antipodean albatrosses and one Gibson’s albatross were killed when they were caught by a longline fishing vessel in the Bay of Plenty region between 2 December 2018 and 4 January 2019.
“Antipodean Albatross are as endangered as kakapo, and unless we fix our broken commercial fishing system, they will be extinct within 20 years. These needless and cruel deaths are appalling, and completely unacceptable,” says Forest & Bird Oceans Advocate Karen Baird.
“The albatross deaths were reported by an official MPI observer, but only a minority of fishing boats have observers on board. In the meantime, a few bad apples in the fishing industry are stalling the Government’s Cameras on Boats programme. This means no one has any idea how many precious native birds and dolphins are being killed in nets and on lines out at sea.
“MPI have pointed out that the fishing crew were operating entirely within the law. Imagine a law which permitted limitless accidental kakapo deaths at the hands of any industry. It is abundantly clear that a system which allows endangered species to be killed as ‘incidental by-catch’ by the fishing industry is completely broken.
“New Zealand must stand up to fishing companies like Talley’s and Te Ohu Kaimoana, who are pressuring the Government to delay the Cameras on Boats programme and keep New Zealand in the dark about their true impact on our native animals,” says Ms Baird.
“These albatross deaths are just the ones we know about. It is highly likely that many more deaths go unreported, and that New Zealand will be robbed of this majestic species by a few companies that only care about their own profit.”
How many fisherman have turned a gun on birds…. more than people realise…..birds are predators of fish.
Just make sure no gun pallets land in the fish bins. What goes on at sea stays at sea….
The fact that Peter Talley attended Winstons speech at the Motueka RSA just before the election spoke volumes to me. Never seen PT at any other candidates meetings over the years, he’s extremely private in that respect.
Two-faced criminals
Last year, in a desperate attempt to regain social licence, the fishing industry ran an expensive series of TV ads assuring us that they had nothing to hide. Meanwhile, they were furiously lobbying the Minister to oppose video monitoring of fishing boats:
At the same time as the seafood industry was placing adverts on television last year proclaiming it had “nothing to hide”, it was writing to the minister, Stuart Nash, expressing its “overwhelming opposition” to the idea of cameras on board its boats to monitor what they were up to.
The letter, released under the Official Information Act, said its purpose was to “dismiss any suggestion that the ‘New Zealand Seafood industry’ supports the current proposal”.
For the removal of any doubt the words “do not support” were underlined.
Some of the signatories were redacted but amongst those still visible are managers at Talley’s, Sealord, the Federation of Commercial Fishermen and Te Ohu Kai Moana, representing Māori fishing interests.
Forest and Bird spokesperson Karen Baird said it was a case of them saying one thing publicly while working towards a quite different outcome behind the scenes.
So I guess they do have something to hide after all. But what could it be? The illegal dumping of less-valuable fish? The criminal doctoring of records to understate catches? Or maybe the failure to report catching and killing endangered species? The problem here is that the fishing industry is pervasively criminal. They need to be treated as such, and monitored and prosecuted until they change their behaviour. Instead, our government – bought and paid for by Talley’s – is doing the exact opposite.
Posted by Idiot/Savant at 2/07/2019 01:53:00 PM
Getting what they paid for
A political party makes strong promises to regulate a destructive industry and prevent it from engaging in widespread criminal behaviour. They are elected to government. But their coalition partner includes an MP who was paid $10,000 by that industry. That MP argues from within government against regulation, and successfully prevents the government from enacting meaningful reform.
If this happened in Africa, or the Pacific Islands, we’d call it what it is: corruption. But it has happened here. The industry is the fishing industry. And the MP is Shane Jones, who took $10,000 from Talleys in 2017 in addition to large donations in the past, and has claimed responsibility for preventing any independent review of the fisheries industry. The government has recently shitcanned plans to use video cameras on fishing boats, and announced plans to lower criminal penalties when fishers break the law – and there is a suspicion that Jones is behind both of these moves too. So it looks like Talleys is very definitely getting what they paid for.
So how do we stop this? Fundamentally, we need to remove the ability of corporations to buy favourable treatment with large political donations. And that means moving to publicly funded political parties. Its either that, or allowing corruption to continue unchecked.
Interesting, as the shouty, handwaving performance/persona of 2018 has diminished. Miss Reasonable and can work with others, could even agree to a working group on the cannabis referendum etc
I still think that she thinks that she should/could be leader and that she may well make a play for the leadership in the near future …
She behaves a lot like Key in her dealing with the media. Forcefully positive with that great big plastic smile, and dominating the one on one with reporters from before she comes to a stop. She almost dares the media to challenge her, the individual, rather than the job she might be doing.
She has all of Key’s faults too. She’s dismissive and smarmy. Passionate, yet devoid of compassion.
Problem for her is that she doesn’t have the crystal clear backstory Key did. There are a few grubby holes which she has already had to use lawyers to close.
JA by comparison is an angel. This will always be the case.
I’ve noticed her shed her puppy fat – she’s been remodelled by someone smart from the ground up and is match fit I reckon. And with the drive to win and succeed.
I think you make an error in that judgment M. She reminds me of Trump. People have said that he’s a rotten businessman, he’s been bankrupt two or thee times. I say that he is a clever businessman and knows how to slide through all the loopholes and still ride high. Poorer will be the same, jump high with her wonderwoman smile over all obstacles.
An interesting encounter with a Winz office today which has left me feeling a tad encouraged although it will never be possible to completely relax around them given the 9 years of hell we had to endure.
This was my first face to face meeting with them since the new regime (couldn’t put it off any longer) and supposed introduced ‘compassion’. In a nutshell, not asked for ID once, at the door, reception or by case worker. Treated as a human being every step of the way, Case worker actually applied common sense and discretion where it was called for and clearly their computers are no longer rigged so it can’t be. Also offered me a food grant that I never asked for but certainly didn’t say no to given they’ve been illegally underpaying me for years.
I did start out very much on the defensive- automatic reaction to that place- but I did not leave a jibbering wreck, bawling my eyes out and likely to find myself hospitalised with some seizure drama a la last time I had to do some similar paperwork under the previous regime. So swallows, summer etc still have to apply, and I’m sure there’s still people in other parts of the country who are not being treated as well, for the first time 2009 I’m not terrified to have dealings with Winz. So it looks like the outward changes are kicking in, a small start but a long way to go.
So good to hear, Kay. Long may it last. I actually had the same experience mid-2018 when I had a meltdown with them but that was with Seniors section – massive improvement, and now have a personal case worker who I can ring and ask for him to call me, or I can directly email. Every time I have done so to date, he has been back to me within a couple of hours max. and things get sorted pronto.
IIRC you’re in SE Wellington aren’t you? If so, was that in Newtown or Willis St? I certainly have noted the difference the few times I have had to pop into one or other of those service centres with papers or have gone as a support person, although I haven’t done the latter very much recently.
Talking to other people both under 65s and over 65s who are ‘WINZ clients’ (plus some staff) , change is certainly on the way but, as you say, still a long way to go. Changing staff attitudes is a big part of that, but it seems that this is certainly underway with quite a few staff being moved on if they cannot adjust.
What I find interesting about your experiences Kay is that Winz staff seem to change their persona and perceptions according to whoever is in power.
When I was looking after my aged mother in the 1990s I copped the Christine Rankin years which were pretty bad.. At that time many professional people – who had lost their positions due to the restructuring of the Public Service – found themselves on the dole for a period. They and I were treated like ignorant malingerers and were accordingly dealt to by the Winz staff. After some 30 plus years in the P.S., I was scheduled to attend a workshop teaching me how to dress and speak properly at job interviews. I never turned up and told them in no uncertain terms why. They left me alone after that. 🙂
Years later under the Helen Clark govt., I had cause to visit the local Winz office and saw the same woman who had treated me like a malingerer… all smiles and helpfulness towards the client sitting opposite her.
There is a group of Media known as News ZB which claims to be the Premiere sauce of News in this Land. It also claims you can listen to it Free. Which perhaps is not entirely true.
A chap called Hosking, hosts news and Entertainment for ZB Media.
He and Mrs Hosking have recently shouted out that they have bought a low cost Millionaire slum House somewhere in shabby old Auckland. Yes the Same Auckland that is racing out to decent Pastures. Elsewhere.
Elsewhere doesn’t really want them. But that is beside the Point.
Mr Hosking has been rabbiting on for years. He has been one of many National Governments that have made sure NZ workers are paid Low Low Wages. No New Zealand worker can ever afford a House in New Zealand now or in the future. Thanks to ZB And its babySister – The Herald.
Also Mr Hosking is one of the many unstable National Governments which has Forced Chronically Expensive exorbitant Rents on people who own no homes.
Nice People the ZB Media. A crushing Cruel slob mob – News ZB. You should get to Know them.
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Is Rwanda turning into a country that seeks regional dominance and exterminates its rivals? This is a contention examined by Dr Michela Wrong, and Dr Maria Armoudian. Dr Wrong is a journalist who has written best-selling books on Africa. Her latest, Do Not Disturb. The story of a political murder ...
The economy isn’t cooperating with the Government’s bet that lower interest rates will solve everything, with most metrics indicating per-capita GDP is still contracting faster and further than at any time since the 1990-96 series of government spending and welfare cuts. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short in ...
Hi,Today is the day sexual assaulter and alleged rapist Donald Trump officially became president (again).I was in a meeting for three hours this morning, so I am going to summarise what happened by sharing my friend’s text messages:So there you go.Welcome to American hell — which includes all of America’s ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkI have a new paper out today in the journal Dialogues on Climate Change exploring both the range of end-of-century climate outcomes in the literature under current policies and the broader move away from high-end emissions scenarios. Current policies are defined broadly as policies in ...
Long story short: I chatted last night with ’s on the substack app about the appointment of Chris Bishop to replace Simeon Brown as Transport Minister. We talked through their different approaches and whether there’s much room for Bishop to reverse many of the anti-cycling measures Brown adopted.Our chat ...
Last night I chatted with Northland emergency doctor on the substack app for subscribers about whether the appointment of Simeon Brown to replace Shane Reti as Health Minister. We discussed whether the new minister can turn around decades of under-funding in real and per-capita terms. Our chat followed his ...
Christopher Luxon is every dismal boss who ever made you wince, or roll your eyes, or think to yourself I have absolutely got to get the hell out of this place.Get a load of what he shared with us at his cabinet reshuffle, trying to be all sensitive and gracious.Dr ...
The text of my submission to the Ministry of Health's unnecessary and politicised review of the use of puberty blockers for young trans and nonbinary people in Aotearoa. ...
Hi,Last night one of the world’s biggest social media platforms, TikTok, became inaccessible in the United States.Then, today, it came back online.Why should we care about a social network that deals in dance trends and cute babies? Well — TikTok represents a lot more than that.And its ban and subsequent ...
Sometimes I wake in the middle of the nightAnd rub my achin' old eyesIs that a voice from inside-a my headOr does it come down from the skies?"There's a time to laugh butThere's a time to weepAnd a time to make a big change"Wake-up you-bum-the-time has-comeTo arrange and re-arrange and ...
Former Health Minister Shane Reti was the main target of Luxon’s reshuffle. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short to start the year in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate: Christopher Luxon fired Shane Reti as Health Minister and replaced him with Simeon Brown, who Luxon sees ...
Yesterday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced a cabinet reshuffle, which saw Simeon Brown picking up the Health portfolio as it’s been taken off Dr Shane Reti, and Transport has been given to Chris Bishop. Additionally, Simeon’s energy and local government portfolios now sit with Simon Watts. This is very good ...
The sacking of Health Minister Shane Reti yesterday had an air of panic about it. A media advisory inviting journalists to a Sunday afternoon press conference at Premier House went out on Saturday night. Caucus members did not learn that even that was happening until yesterday morning. Reti’s fate was ...
Yesterday’s demotion of Shane Reti was inevitable. Reti’s attempt at a re-assuring bedside manner always did have a limited shelf life, and he would have been a poor and apologetic salesman on the campaign trail next year. As a trained doctor, he had every reason to be looking embarrassed about ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 12, 2025 thru Sat, January 18, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
After another substantial hiatus from online Chess, I’ve been taking it up again. I am genuinely terrible at five-minute Blitz, what with the tight time constraints, though I periodically con myself into thinking that I have been improving. But seeing as my past foray into Chess led to me having ...
Rise up o children wont you dance with meRise up little children come and set me freeRise little ones riseNo shame no fearDon't you know who I amSongwriter: Rebecca Laurel FountainI’m sure you know the go with this format. Some memories, some questions, letsss go…2015A decade ago, I made the ...
In 2017, when Ghahraman was elected to Parliament as a Green MP, she recounted both the highlights and challenges of her role -There was love, support, and encouragement.And on the flipside, there was intense, visceral and unchecked hate.That came with violent threats - many of them. More on that later.People ...
It gives me the biggest kick to learn that something I’ve enthused about has been enough to make you say Go on then, I'm going to do it. The e-bikes, the hearing aids, the prostate health, the cheese puffs. And now the solar power. Yes! Happy to share the details.We ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Can CO2 be ...
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesAnd his opinion so you'd never have to choosePretty soon, you'll be an old bastard tooYou get smaller as the world gets bigThe more you know you know you don't know shit"The whiz man" will never ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
This Friday afternoon, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced an overhaul of the Waitangi Tribunal.The government has effectively cleared house - appointing 8 new members - and combined with October’s appointment of former ACT leader Richard Prebble, that’s 9 appointees.[I am not certain, but can only presume, Prebble went in ...
The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
So what becomes of you, my love?When they have finally stripped you ofThe handbags and the gladragsThat your poor old granddadHad to sweat to buy you, babySongwriter: Mike D'aboIn yesterday’s newsletter, I expressed sadness at seeing Golriz Ghahraman back on the front pages for shoplifting. As someone who is no ...
It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
Note: This Webworm discusses sexual assault and rape. Please read with care.Hi,A few weeks ago I reported on how one of New Zealand’s richest men, Nick Mowbray (he and his brother own Zuru and are worth an estimated $20 billion), had taken to sharing posts by a British man called ...
The final Atlas Network playbook puzzle piece is here, and it slipped in to Aotearoa New Zealand with little fan fare or attention. The implications are stark.Today, writes Dr Bex, the submission for the Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment Bill closes: 11:59pm January 16, 2025.As usual, the language of the ...
Excitement in the seaside village! Look what might be coming! 400 million dollars worth of investment! In the very beating heart of the village! Are we excited and eager to see this happen, what with every last bank branch gone and shops sitting forlornly quiet awaiting a customer?Yes please, apply ...
Much discussion has been held over the Regulatory Standards Bill (RSB), the latest in a series of rightwing attempts to enshrine into law pro-market precepts such as the primacy of private property ownership. Underneath the good governance and economic efficiency gobbledegook language of the Bill is an interest to strip ...
We are concerned that the Amendment Bill, as proposed, could impair the operations and legitimate interests of the NZ Trade Union movement. It is also likely to negatively impact the ability of other civil society actors to conduct their affairs without the threat of criminal sanctions. We ask that ...
I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?And I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?Song: The Lonely Biscuits.“A bit nippy”, I thought when I woke this morning, and then, soon after that, I wondered whether hell had frozen over. Dear friends, ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Asheville, North Carolina, was once widely considered a climate haven thanks to its elevated, inland location and cooler temperatures than much of the Southeast. Then came the catastrophic floods of Hurricane Helene in September 2024. It was a stark reminder that nowhere is safe from ...
Early reports indicate that the temporary Israel/Hamas ceasefire deal (due to take effect on Sunday) will allow for the gradual release of groups of Israeli hostages, the release of an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails (likely only a fraction of the total incarcerated population), and the withdrawal ...
My daily news diet is not what it once was.It was the TV news that lost me first. Too infantilising, too breathless, too frustrating.The Herald was next. You could look past the reactionary framing while it was being a decent newspaper of record, but once Shayne Currie began unleashing all ...
Hit the road Jack and don't you come backNo more, no more, no more, no moreHit the road Jack and don't you come back no moreWhat you say?Songwriters: Percy MayfieldMorena,I keep many of my posts, like this one, paywall-free so that everyone can read them.However, please consider supporting me as ...
This might be the longest delay between reading (or in this case re-reading) a work, and actually writing a review of it I have ever managed. Indeed, when I last read these books in December 2022, I was not planning on writing anything about them… but as A Phuulish Fellow ...
Kia Ora,I try to keep most my posts without a paywall for public interest journalism purposes. However, if you can afford to, please consider supporting me as a paid subscriber and/or supporting over at Ko-Fi. That will help me to continue, and to keep spending time on the work. Embarrassingly, ...
There was a time when Google was the best thing in my world. I was an early adopter of their AdWords program and boy did I like what it did for my business. It put rocket fuel in it, is what it did. For every dollar I spent, those ads ...
A while back I was engaged in an unpleasant exchange with a leader of the most well-known NZ anti-vax group and several like-minded trolls. I had responded to a racist meme on social media in which a rightwing podcaster in the US interviewed one of the leaders of the Proud ...
Hi,If you’ve been reading Webworm for a while, you’ll be familiar with Anna Wilding. Between 2020 and 2021 I looked at how the New Zealander had managed to weasel her way into countless news stories over the years, often with very little proof any of it had actually happened. When ...
It's a long white cloud for you, baby; staying together alwaysSummertime in AotearoaWhere the sunshine kisses the water, we will find it alwaysSummertime in AotearoaYeah, it′s SummertimeIt's SummertimeWriters: Codi Wehi Ngatai, Moresby Kainuku, Pipiwharauroa Campbell, Taulutoa Michael Schuster, Rebekah Jane Brady, Te Naawe Jordan Muturangi Tupe, Thomas Edward Scrase.Many of ...
Last year, 292 people died unnecessarily on our roads. That is the lowest result in over a decade and only the fourth time in the last 70 years we’ve seen fewer than 300 deaths in a calendar year. Yet, while it is 292 people too many, with each death being ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob HensonFlames from the Palisades Fire burn a building at Sunset Boulevard amid a powerful windstorm on January 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The fast-moving wildfire had destroyed thousands of structures and ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Regulatory Standards Bill, as I understand it, seeks to bind parliament to a specific range of law-making.For example, it seems to ensure primacy of individual rights over that of community, environment, te Tiriti ...
Happy New Year!I had a lovely break, thanks very much for asking: friends, family, sunshine, books, podcasts, refreshing swims, barbecues, bike rides. So good to step away from the firehose for a while, to have less Trump and Seymour in your day. Who needs the Luxons in their risible PJs ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Panel and a director of Greater Auckland In 2003, after much argument, including the election of a Mayor in 2001 who ran on stopping it, Britomart train station in downtown Auckland opened. A mere 1km twin track terminating branch ...
For the first time in a decade, a New Zealand Prime Minister is heading to the Middle East. The trip is more than just a courtesy call. New Zealand PMs frequently change planes in Dubai en route to destinations elsewhere. But Christopher Luxon’s visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 5, 2025 thru Sat, January 11, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The decade between 1952 and the early 1960s was the peak period for the style of music we now call doo wop, after which it got dissolved into soul music, girl groups, and within pop music in general. Basically, doo wop was a form of small group harmonising with a ...
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists…And if you tolerate thisThen your children will be nextSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Do you remember at school, studying the rise ...
When National won the New Zealand election in 2023, one of the first to congratulate Luxon was tech-billionaire and entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk.And last year, after Luxon posted a video about a trip to Malaysia, Musk came forward again to heap praise on Christopher:So it was perhaps par for the ...
Hi,Today’s Webworm features a new short film from documentary maker Giorgio Angelini. It’s about Luigi Mangione — but it’s also, really, about everything in America right now.Bear with me.Shortly after I sent out my last missive from the fires on Wednesday, one broke out a little too close to home ...
So soon just after you've goneMy senses sharpenBut it always takes so damn longBefore I feel how much my eyes have darkenedFear hangs in a plane of gun smokeDrifting in our roomSo easy to disturb, with a thought, with a whisperWith a careless memorySongwriters: Andy Taylor / John Taylor / ...
Can we trust the Trump cabinet to act in the public interest?Nine of Trump’s closest advisers are billionaires. Their total net worth is in excess of $US375b (providing there is not a share-market crash). In contrast, the total net worth of Trump’s first Cabinet was about $6b. (Joe Biden’s Cabinet ...
Welcome back to our weekly roundup. We hope you had a good break (if you had one). Here’s a few of the stories that caught our attention over the last few weeks. This holiday period on Greater Auckland Since our last roundup we’ve: Taken a look back at ...
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in, The City of AngelsLonely as I am together we crySong: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Flea, John Frusciante.A home is engulfed in flames during the Eaton fire in the Altadena area. ...
Open access notablesLarge emissions of CO2 and CH4 due to active-layer warming in Arctic tundra, Torn et al., Nature Communications:Climate warming may accelerate decomposition of Arctic soil carbon, but few controlled experiments have manipulated the entire active layer. To determine surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and ...
It's election year for Wellington City Council and for the Regional Council. What have the progressive councillors achieved over the last couple of years. What were the blocks and failures? What's with the targeting of the mayor and city council by the Post and by central government? Why does the ...
Over the holidays, there was a rising tide of calls for people to submit on National's repulsive, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, along with a wave of advice and examples of what to say. And it looks like people rose to the occasion, with over 300,000 ...
The lie is my expenseThe scope of my desireThe Party blessed me with its futureAnd I protect it with fireI am the Nina The Pinta The Santa MariaThe noose and the rapistAnd the fields overseerThe agents of orangeThe priests of HiroshimaThe cost of my desire…Sleep now in the fireSongwriters: Brad ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkGlobal surface temperatures have risen around 1.3C since the preindustrial (1850-1900) period as a result of human activity.1 However, this aggregate number masks a lot of underlying factors that contribute to global surface temperature changes over time.These include CO2, which is the primary ...
There are times when movement around us seems to slow down. And the faster things get, the slower it all appears.And so it is with the whirlwind of early year political activity.They are harbingers for what is to come:Video: Wayne Wright Jnr, funder of Sean Plunket, talk growing power and ...
Hi,Right now the power is out, so I’m just relying on the laptop battery and tethering to my phone’s 5G which is dropping in and out. We’ll see how we go.First up — I’m fine. I can’t see any flames out the window. I live in the greater Hollywood area ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says the government has been taking the problem of economic growth seriously, and its work on that so far has been "significant". ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Marta Yebra, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Australian National University Picture this. It’s a summer evening in Australia. A dry lightning storm is about to sweep across remote, tinder-dry bushland. The next day is forecast to be hot and windy. A lightning strike ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Joanne Orlando, Researcher, Digital Literacy and Digital Wellbeing, Western Sydney University Wachiwit/Shutterstock Roblox isn’t just another video game – it’s a massive virtual universe where nearly 90 million people from around the world create, play and socialise. This includes some 34 ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nicole Lee, Adjunct Professor at the National Drug Research Institute (Melbourne based), Curtin University Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock Anecdotal reports from some professionals have prompted concerns about young people using prescription benzodiazepines such as Xanax for recreational use. Border force detections of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Judy Lundy, Lecturer in Management, Edith Cowan University Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock It’s been a significant day for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in the United States. Such initiatives are about providing equality of opportunity and a sense of being valued ...
Filmmaker Ahmed Osman reflects on the many challenges the screen industry is facing this year – and what needs to change. I grew up in front of the TV. For me, it was more than just background noise: it was connection. Shows like bro’Town, Street Legal, and Outrageous Fortune weren’t ...
The government last year created a new Ministry for Regulation, with ACT leader David Seymour in charge, to review regulations and, in Seymour’s words, “to look for red tape to cut.” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kimberley Connor, Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford Archaeology Center, Stanford University Sydney’s Hyde Park Barracks photographed in 1871, when the building served as a women’s immigration depot and asylum.City of Sydney Archives. Sydney’s Hyde Park Barracks was built between 1817 and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Robert McLachlan, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University NASA/Earth Observatory, CC BY-SA It’s now official. Last year was the warmest year on record globally and the first to exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This doesn’t mean ...
Analysis - The political year is kicking off with a flurry of gatherings and speeches after the Prime Minister used Wellington Anniversary weekend to get his team in order. ...
There’s been a major shake-up at the Waitangi Tribunal, with more than half of the current members, including some esteemed Māori academics, losing their places to make way for some controversial new appointments.Established in 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal investigates alleged Crown breaches of the promises made to Māori in ...
PFAS chemicals are omnipresent, enduring, and almost certainly in your bloodstream. Here’s a guide to where they come from, why there are concerns about their use and what regulations are in place to help you avoid exposure. Your raincoat, beading with water. The slippery smooth surface of your non-stick pans. ...
Opinion: With a freshly minted transport minister taking the helm this week, it’s a good time to consider why we lack a fair and objective conversation about transport in New Zealand.The main reason for opposing investment in public transport and rail is that these modes reduce the reliance on and ...
After 23 years following a black line at the bottom of a swimming pool, Aquablack and Olympian Helena Gasson has retired from competitive swimming on her terms.She now wants to share her expertise and give back to the sport after being the only New Zealander to compete at an Oceania ...
A temporary impasse between the executive and the courts over the Marine and Coastal Areas Act has now seen six more Māori groups granted customary rights by the High Court.The judge in the latest case says the courts can’t wait for what might eventuate from Parliament but must decide applications ...
Comment: If you’ve ever wondered how Omni Consumer Products became the government in the 1987 Paul Verhoeven film, Robocop, you’re about to find out. As Donald J. Trump, a convicted felon and a man who tried to violently seize power through a failed coup in 2020, begins his second term ...
Opinion: Austria is poised to become the next European country to fall to the far right. There is only one option for mainstream parties to break this cycle. The post Europe’s far-right dominoes knock down democracy appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Prime Minister Christoper Luxon has turned Finance Minister Nicola Willis into a ‘super minister’ by adding the rebranded economic portfolio to her plate and bolstering her ability to implement change.Luxon announced his decision to appoint Nicola Willis to the role of Minister for Economic Growth as part of a wider ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Wednesday 22 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
When I reflect on my life, I look at how everything changed on the evening of June 22, 1970.I was lying in bed when the phone went late one night. My father picked it up. He was on the phone for what seemed like an eternity, and I could tell ...
Opinion: After an exhaustive period of consultation spanning almost two years, the Privacy Commissioner, in the week before Christmas, released the draft version of the Biometric Processing Privacy Code he intends to issue under the Privacy Act.Biometric information, collected through the likes of facial recognition technology, is personal information covered ...
After sitting on the back benches as an MP for five terms, Lee was given the ethnic communities, economic development, and media and communications portfolios after the coalition government won the 2023 election. Lee was demoted from Cabinet in April last year, with Luxon stripping her of the media and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra After rejecting calls for months, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese finally summoned a Tuesday national cabinet meeting to discuss Australia’s rising wave of antisemitic attacks and other incidents. This followed the torching of a childcare ...
COMMENTARY:By Eugene Doyle A litmus test of Israel’s commitment to abandon genocide and start down the road towards lasting peace is whether they choose to release the most important of all the hostages, Marwan Barghouti. During the past 22 years in Israeli prisons he has been beaten, tortured, sexually ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Tessa Leach, Research Manager, Industry, at Climateworks Centre, Monash University Maksim_Gusev/Shutterstock Aluminium is an exceptionally useful metal. Lightweight, resistant to rust and able to be turned into alloys with other metals. Small wonder it’s the second most used metal in the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Samuel Garrett, Research Associate, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney In a piece of pure political theatre, Donald Trump began his second presidency by signing a host of executive orders before a rapturous crowd of 20,000 in Washington on Monday. ...
By Leah Lowonbu in Port Vila Vanuatu’s only incumbent female parliamentarian has lost her seat in a snap election leaving only one woman candidate in contention after an unofficial vote count. The unofficial counting at polling locations indicated the majority of the 52 incumbent MPs have been reelected but also ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Justin Keogh, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University Photo by cottonbro studio/Pexels If you’ve ever seen people at the gym or the park jumping, hopping or hurling weighted balls to the ground, chances are they ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By John Hawkins, Senior Lecturer, Canberra School of Politics, Economics and Society, University of Canberra Freshly elected US president Donald Trump has exercised his usual degree of modesty and named his newly launched cryptocurrency or memecoin, $Trump. And like the man himself, the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Samuel Garrett, Research Associate, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney In a piece of pure political theatre, Donald Trump began his second presidency by signing a host of executive orders before a rapturous crowd of 20,000 in Washington on Monday. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dominique Falla, Associate Professor, Queensland College of Art and Design, Griffith University JYP Entertainment A South Korean boy band you’ve probably never heard of recently made history by becoming the first act to debut at No. 1 on the US Billboard ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Emma Shortis, Adjunct Senior Fellow, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University Today, in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington DC, the 47th President of the United States was sworn into office. The second Trump era has begun. In his inaugural ...
Anna Rawhiti-Connell joins Duncan Greive to recap a big month for social media, and make some predictions for the year ahead. You could say it’s been an epochal month in the geopolitics of social media. As The Fold returns for 2025, The Spinoff’s resident social media philosopher queen, Anna Rawhiti-Connell, ...
Empire watch:
Only three days left before the US becomes an autocratic one party state.
And President Trump tells the US Congress; “You’re Fired!”
Not just Mexico will pay, the whole world will pay.
Trump: ‘There’s a good chance we’ll have to’ declare a national emergency to build the wall
President Donald Trump on Friday said, “I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to” declare a national emergency in order to appropriate the funds to build his border wall.
The remarks came as a specially created committee in Congress works to reach a compromise on border security before government funding expires on Feb. 15.
Asked if he was concerned about courts halting an emergency declaration, Trump said, “We have very, very strong legal standing to win,” adding it would be “very hard” for a court to enjoin the declaration.
Christina Wilkie – CNBC, February 1 2019
yeah, yeah, any minute now.
the us is already a totalitarian state. has been for some time now especially if you are person of color.
good grief, is this giving you a case of heavy giggles?
You don’t see it as a step change?
The Weimar Republic wasn’t such a barrel of laughs, either. The Weimar Republic were responsible for smashing in Rosa Luxembourg’s head, a fact that the German Left couldn’t get over. And when faced with a greater danger, they couldn’t see it. And couldn’t agree to a common front against fascism with the Social Democrats. Who they labeled as ‘Social Fascists’ How wrong they were.
You think it is going to be the same ol’, same ol’ ?
There is a difference between imperialism and naked imperialism
Latest Newshub Reid Research Poll:
(A few Stats)
————-2017 Election—-TV3 Poll Feb 2019—-Change
Labour——— 36.9 —————- 47.5 ————— Up 10.6
Green———- 6.3 ——————- 5.1 ————— Down 1.2
Lab+Green— 43.2 —————– 52.6 ————— Up 9.4
NZF————– 7.2 ——————- 2.9 —————- Down 4.3
Coalition——- 50.4 —————– 55.5 ————— Up 5.1
National——– 44.4 —————– 41.6 —————- Down 2.8
ACT————— 0.5 ——————- 0.4 —————– Down 0.1
Oppo———— 44.9 —————– 42.0 —————- Down 2.9
(All other Parties)– 4.7 ————– 2.5 —————– Down 2.2
Coalition leads Oppo by– 5.5 —— 13.5 ————— + 8.0
Coalition leads Right by— 5.2 ——- 12.4 ————– + 7.2
Preferred PM / Leader Performance
(Comparisons with same point into first terms of Clark & Key Govts)
Ardern more popular than Clark at the point into first term / Bridges less popular than Shipley the year she was rolled by the charismatic English
Feb 2001——————————————-Feb 2019
Preferred PM
Clark .. 30 .. (performing well 63) ———– Ardern .. 41.8 .. (performing well 68.3)
Shipley 13 .. (performing well 54) ———- Bridges …. 5.0 … (performing well 21.9)
——————————————————– Collins …… 6.2
Bridges less popular than Goff at the same stage:
Feb 2010
Key … 49.4 .. (performing well 73.5) …. Net …. plus 57.9
Goff … 8.2 …. (performing well 33.7) ….. Net .. minus 12.9
Feb 2019
Ardern… 41.8 .. (performing well 68.3) …. Net …. plus 51.5
Bridges … 5.0 … (performing well 21.9) …. Net .. minus 28.9
Interesting statistics. Listening to RNZ “National” this morning the disbelief with regards the poll was palpable. Espiner the Winston Slayer was more interested in Chinese whispering. Hawkesby over at aunty herald just can’t work out why Simon Bridges is so unpopular and she asks “what is it about Simon that voters don’t like”…….
Going to be very noisy when all those pennies drop.
46 seconds to laugh and cry.
Labour’s hold on Government is based on a 73 year old maverick MP
who’s party won 0 electorate seats and who 93%
of the country did not vote for.
National should cruise to victory in 2020.
When you pick your “facts” try and make them credible rata. Winston has won Northland and Tauranga electorates.
If National banks on your wisdom of winning an election by only contesting NZF, they are very very silly people.
A scathing critique.
Yep, that is certainly scathing.
Oram shows up a classic National Party MP for the useless conservative he is.
The National Party should really stop pretending to be progressive in any way. At least they would have integrity and credibility if they just came out and re-named themselves Conservatives.
They don’t do anything.
They can’t see the future.
They are conservative, and should simply take their place as the ballast in the hull of the ship.
Funny though that they always end up where the hippies were decades before – think Waiheke eh Michelle Boag …. or electric bikes, or organic food, or pottery (maybe not pottery)
conservatives – limited use. Keep in the fridge until needed.
Neo-Liberalism, Free Market has allowed the 1% to become very very rich. (Oxfam reporting that 82 percent of the wealth produced in 2017 went to the top 1 per cent of the population.)
The resistance to Climate change comes from the very very wealthy because the changes necessary to combat Climate Change will threaten the very very rich. For them it is not the Science it is the ideology.
So writes Dr Neal Curtis.
(Dr Neal Curtis is head of media and communication at the University of Auckland.)
No wonder National downplays Climate Change!
Though real conservatives should perform the useful function of stopping us doing new things that will be stupid or counter-productive. So real conservatives in the late 1980’s would have opposed the privatization of public assets that were natural monopolies. They would have opposed the replacement of progressive income tax with regressive consumption tax, etc, etc.
So National are oddly useless even at being conservative. That’s because they oppose only those new things that will be good and vigorously support keeping on doing old things that will be bad (like exploring for new oil reserves). i.e., the complete opposite of what you really need in a conservative. Does this actually make them radicals rather than conservatives? God it’s confusing!
Actually the root of the word “Conservative” is the same as that for “Conservation”.
And in the early days that was what right wing politicians actually tried to do.
It is ironic that those who call themselves conservative today, are in the main, the ones who by consistently maintaining their neoliberal free market led approach to the economy (which they perceive as being a superset to the environment, rather than a subset) are the very ones who are doing the most damage.
Thanks vto that put as smile on my face.
“conservatives – limited use. Keep in the fridge until needed”.
Thanks for that link, excellent stuff, Oram absolutely dismantles Muller, this is the sort of critical response we need to see, hear and read more of in our media, imagine applying the same robust logic to the ministers of housing or health today, exposing the inconsistencies of them desperately trying to cling on to their debunked economic ideology verses…the actual reality for most citizens.
“Greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide caused by the agricultural sector, by belching livestock and fertilisers, are thought to produce about half of all greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand.
So why did Kaikōura MP Stuart Smith take to Facebook last month to declare “Agriculture is NOT the major source of NZ’s greenhouse gas emissions”, refuting the stance of the Ministry for the Environment, Landcare Research, and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre.”
The answer may surprise you – I thought he was just a thick, dim, dull gnat…
he is…or deliberately obtuse
During some time we spent at Florida University in 1996 we were part of an environmental watchdog with Chemistry knowledge and found a term in a Oxford University reference book on scientific chemistry.
This term was described as “Substitution reaction” which was described as a common law of physics and was a chemical reaction between several ‘elements’ that are freely spread around our open air space today.
These three elements to produce an extremely toxic chemical once it is mixed in our air produces a banned chemical today that was called “Carbon Tetra-chloride that was used as a solvent and in fire extinguishers however the realisation that it is toxic has now been banned.
An example is the reaction between methane and chlorine that is stable when in the dark but when it is in sunlight when exposed to ultra-violet radiation or when they are heated they react.
The reaction produces a list of toxic alkanes as solvents such as ‘chloroform’and other highly toxic chemicals.
So we are really now living among so many dispersed chemicals that we are now living in a dangerous world sadly due to the actions called “substitution reaction”.
Tulsi Gabbard takes on Rep and Dem war machine….’NeoCons / NeoLibs never tire of WAR’
Toby Manhire has invented a new word: stinkerer. More significantly, he’s produced an unusual rabbit out of his hat. He articulates good reason to give Judith Collins some respect as a principled politician. Yeah, I know. Consider me the devil’s advocate. 😈 He quotes her, then draws his conclusion:
“At its best, politics is the contest of ideas. It shouldn’t be about playing the game. It shouldn’t be about doing anything to win. It’s only by galvanising the base, by giving people a reason to care, that those more centrist will give the party a chance. If a party’s base doesn’t see why they’re bothering, then why should anyone else. No matter what side of politics people are, it’s always easiest to sell policies that you believe in.”
“It seemed to me then, and still does now, as nothing less than a personal manifesto.”
What impresses me is that she reveals more than a principled motivation. She displays nous as to how to get votes from centrists while taking a stand on principle. Since centrists always determine our election results, this forces me to upgrade her to 7/10 as a viable contender.
Centrists in New Zealand will eventually fail, just like it is all over the world, all it will take is for that firebrand ‘somebody’ to come along who will firstly ignite some real fire into the belly of their traditional base, be that Left or Right, and then use them to mobilize at least a good part of the missing million….goodbye (so called) centre.
Liberal Centrism is already dead, it just doesn’t know it yet…and like any undead zombie, somebody will come along sooner or later and put a bullet in it’s head.
Extremists get people killed Ady. Most of us don’t fancy that too much.
The point is that centrism leads to extremism as people slowly realise they are being politely and oh so nicely trode on..
People live hopeless miserable lives and die prematurely every day thanks to austerity budgets and centrist policies, its just they do it quietly in the suburbs no one visits and they smile nicely when they drop off our Amazon parcels or hand us a flat white or their bond for the new flat.
Centrism is extremism in my opinion.
Say extremism in drag perhaps.
“Centrism is just a mask for “please don’t scare the horses”.
Chamberlain’s approach.
Fell grossly short in the face of emerging disaster.
We can have “peace in our time” and watch human civilization disappear, along with the environment, or we can fight. There is no middle ground.
There is an interesting point about Chamberlains announcement of getting an agreement with Hitler. Apparently if he had come back and soon after declared war, the UK wasn’t ready for it. The following months enabled them to prepare and try to get planes particularly built in feverish haste.
I don’t know if it was a planned subterfuge but it worked for the UK.
It seems that managing something okay, is often down to quick thinking to remedy a possible blunder, micro managing in an emergency seems to be the most useful.
Yep. Judgement in hindsight is often unfair.
Well i thought badly of Chamberlain too, but then found out this other side of the situation. And I don’t think we were being unfair, but isn’t it amazing how there is often another side to something that is not known and unconsidered that changes the aspect. It’s good to get the background later from people in the know. The layers of info, fascinating.
I read recently of Churchill’s fondness for one of his secretaries, who spent a lot of time with him, and stayed in his home. Churchill’s wife Clementine? felt lumbered with him.
She was great too.
I see it more cyclical or even the yin and yang of each other. Each lead to the other.
“Centrists” seem to be doing that rather well at present.
From children dying of the diseases of poverty, in one of the worlds most resource rich countries, per capita, environmental destruction causing natural disasters killing millions, bombing the shit out of the middle East, the “sensible” middle, are racking up significant ‘butchers bills.
Not to mention enabling the rise of Trump’s.
If your principles are to threaten public servants, collude with venal attack bloggers, pressure police to changing crime numbers, and use tax-payer funded trips to promote your spouse’s business interests, then yes, she is principled.
While the US is led by an oil gimp there are many states acting independently to work on climate change initiatives.§ion=Climate%20and%20Environment
When people ignore poor leaders and act independently for the common good… The groundswell is beginning.
Nice. Fuck the Feds.
First the people allowed the bees to die.
(What can we do to prevent this?)
Then the people were allowed to die by the zombie middle class.
(The middle class contains the potential thinkers with a livable income and those who still see and are still in touch with the lower class – though at a distance.)
Then the VIPs extended their lives with methods like scientific prophylactics.
( Book – Trouble With Lichen by John Wyndham,
Tv film Cold Lazarus by Denis Potter (
and Dennis Potter (
Film Cocoon (
– Blurb – A fantasy to fill your heart. Fact: about some old people who want to
live for ever enjoying themselves on a dream planet in space and go, leaving their daughter and their grandchild behind them as less important!)
“First the people allowed the bees to die”.
That hit a nerve with me as I was poisoned in an un-ventilated building working as a telephone technician for six months.
I came out as a vegetable afterwards, and someone said to me “you should have used the “Canary in the mine” sequence to tell you to get out if the canary died.
We are now all Canaries in a mine called ‘earth’.
So are the rich wanting us dead, so they can claim the planet for themselves?
I think a clever little quote covers that cleangreen.
Something like this would apply to the wealthy and their purposes.
‘Don’t get lost in the shuffle, shuffle along with the lost.’
Frankly Scarlett, they ‘don’t give a damn’.
(ex Gone with the Wind)
A partially loaded oil tanker from Saudi Arabia, Abqaiq, is due to arrive in Venezuela in the next 24 hours.
The tanker can carry up to two million barrels of oil. It is the first time the kingdom is sending an oil tanker to Venezuela in two years
Does this undermine the sanctions from USA? We all know trump is close to the Saudi’s and how slippery the saudi’s can be.
Is the tanker delivering or collecting from Venezuela? If it’s delivering, then what’s on board…. light oil or something else?
Might be nothing in it…then again…..
Short clip 5 mins
Some yanker getting a real bargain.
“It’s often lost on the public just how badly they’re being screwed”
The cellular networks will use frequencies that carry a lot of information but don’t travel very far.
That means antennas need to be close together and will number in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. They’ll be closer to shops and homes than today’s arrays atop cell towers.
Loggerheads. it appears USA tech move to 5G ‘Out Of Control’. (And this was in 2018.) Republican states are pushing the for-big-business approach. Corporates are changing agreements and inserting their preferred enablers. They have also infiltrated the regulatory body, the Federal Communications Commission.
The effect of 5G is breaking new ground, and affects everybody.
The 5G system is meant to replace today’s mobile wireless technology, making it easier to stream high-definition video anywhere and enable new kinds of apps.
The cellular networks will use frequencies that carry a lot of information but don’t travel very far. That means antennas need to be close together and will number in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. They’ll be closer to shops and homes than today’s arrays atop cell towers.
…cities, states, companies and interest groups together to devise guidelines for updating telecom infrastructure, a move that paves the way for self-driving cars and a world where every device connects to the internet.
Big corporates are pushing the regulators and legislators. A committee within the Commission was formed for corporates and cities to discuss the technology and come to terms about its use.
The group, with representatives of the business world outnumbering government officials four-to-one, may push for a vote on guidelines that have been under debate for more than a year.
Companies and the FCC have expressed desire for “shot clocks,” a basketball metaphor that would automatically give carriers permission to install beacons if negotiations with cities aren’t resolved in a timely manner.
“The problem with the debate is everyone is entrenched into their sides,” Bowles [replacement for Santosham (below) who has stepped down dissatisfied] said. “Every single member of the committee will have something in those documents that they don’t like. That’s what a compromise is. If AT&T is thrilled with it, then we didn’t do our job.”
Too often, officials say, AT&T got its way. As committee members were returning …they got an email from Douglas Dimitroff, a telecom attorney and chairman of one of the group’s city-focused subcommittees. “We have made substantial changes to the last version,” he wrote …Then he thanked Chris Nurse, a senior executive at AT&T who proposed hundreds of revisions, according to a copy of the draft.
[Sireen] Santosham [San Jose official and member of the FCC.] protested. Sam Cooper, a senior technology adviser to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, wrote: “Shotclocks. Object.” Even a telecom consultant said the revisions were unfair, tilted in favor of wireless companies like AT&T at the expense of cable providers like Comcast Corp. “AT&T has generally driven the bus,” said Angela Stacy, a committee member who’s vice president at a software company for cities called Connected Nation Exchange.
“The criticism speaks for itself — it’s baseless,” Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said Wednesday in an interview. “I’m not going any further.” FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly has accused some officials of trying to “impose their will or extract bounties from providers” and suggested San Jose was seeking “high rents and fees.” AT&T said in an emailed statement that the city-focused working group had unanimously consented to a plan that will be presented to the full committee on Wednesday….
The influence of Big Telecom inside the FCC has already spread into state capitols. More than a dozen states, mostly in Republican strongholds, have passed laws borrowing similar language from the 5G committee. U.S. lawmakers are drafting legislation along similar lines. “This is the biggest movement in broadband that we’ve seen in recent history,” Santosham said.
I posted the Bloomberg link as it is mainstream…
When reading such articles and industry PR there are a lack of even the subtlest acknowledgement to consideration of the environment and those who exist because of it…
Systems have evolved, life itself developed due to the universal frequencies which formed and shaped this incredible planet…over [however long]…
And the digital man-made frequencies and technology, are destroying and will continue to destroy all that was created by univsersal frequencies…
In the blink of an eye…
Technology is being deployed for the purpose of machines…not biological beings and earths inhabitants…
‘Thinking’ such as that which drives ‘tech progress’ is root cause…
The 5G thing was so interesting that I decided to read it right through and put up some main points. Bloody outrageous example of how these tech companies are becoming the looming monsters that you see in many computer games or on-line stories.
It might be mainstream for you but who has time to read all the stuff that comes at you and take an interest in people and take an interest in the environment as well. So need you to draw attention and explain things a little.
I did a moan on the one about 60Ghz? Just a few lines with some background names details so a reader can grasp the facts is needed. There is so much info to keep up with when one is interested in the people/techpolitics interface.
And the digital man-made frequencies and technology, are destroying and will continue to destroy all that was created by univsersal frequencies…
The ordinary person has never thought of the underwater sound and the frequencies situation. I wonder will the plovers be able to fly down from Russia any more.
The mad following that has been drummed into school kids that tech is the only way and your life revolves around it blah. There is no outdoors, no rest for the soul, you must take your cellphone everywhere and machines are everywhere allowed to menace and stress you when you walk.
There certainly are an unlimited number of angles that information can enter the consciousness from, GW…
Frequencies formed the universe, and they govern every facet of planet earths capacity to create life and to support life…life should be thriving…it has in times past…in natural cycles…
Life is no longer thriving on this planet…it’s being depleted and extinguished…population growth and life expectancy are a mirage obscuring the truth of degradation and ‘health conditions’ which, if the technology behemoths continue onwards, looks certain to lead to an uninhabitable planet…certainly from a biological organism viewpoint…
I’ve said it previously…the conveniently named 5G is designed for machines to communicate with machines..
The entire design is for machines to thrive…
Humans are the collatoral sold BS about faster internet, as if connectivity speeds are not already adequate for human purposes…
Capacity for the imagined ‘smart cities’ which are entirely machine based, imagined to monitor and manage all aspects of ‘life’…is inadequate so big tech has banked its future on trillions of dollars required to build…skynet…the financiers are invested…the sick care companies are standing by to profit from increased illness…the insurance companies are…well…not going to insure against 5G…
Better hope that physics pulls the plug…because the humans won’t…
Bloody true that is One Two.
Our brain and body can only cope with a certain range of frequencies.
Also, that the cumulative build up from man made polluting environments, is completely untested, while human illness and ‘health conditions’ increase at greater rates and in younger cohorts…
Something(s ) are causing the rapid rise in health related issues…
Perhaps we should seek to remove pollutants, including technological based systems from our environments, not argue the toss about which singular toxin is perhaps responsible for a singular ailment…while bring every more untested and toxic technologies into the environment…
Meanwhile, human health, the environment and natural worlds are deteriorating at rapid pace…
The technology is part of the problem, so when some here want to pretend to care about climate change…while endorsing the release of well documented damage causing technology….they are either ignorant or dishonest…
The Gross Mess
The Strange people who suck their way into “media” and into the “Gross ” party simply do not realise what a mess they have made.
It is not possible to Pay very low wages to your working slaves – and then to make sure they cannot ever afford a house – And then expect you biased RATS to be voted into power.
Nor is is possible to charge Rents that take every last dollar out of the pocket of your working slaves – And then expect you biased RATS to be voted into power.
You have bungled, scummed, and shat on the NZ Public for every day you have had Breath.
The women in the Media are marginally worse than the so called journalists. But Simon and the Angry Lille dishonest Collins won’t be seeing their names in Stars for very long.
Neither will Mrs Bennett.
All of you have taken Housing and Fair go – off Kiwis. The Public of New Zealand did not and do not deserve you Bastards.
First sitting day for Parliament in 2019
Here is the Order Paper for today.
No Question Time, with the PM making a statement (20 mins) then a debate of up to 13 hours, with other specified Party Leaders also given 20 mins each, then other Members, 10 min speeches.
13 hours of debate… dang !!!
Not all today!
Unless they go to extended hours, usual sitting hours for a Tuesday – 2-6pm then 7.30pm to 10pm. Same tomorrow and then Thursday, 2pm – 6pm only.
So on usual hours, provided they don’t debate any other business (eg legisiation) the 13 hours could be over by close of play tomorrow night or Thurs afternoon. I presume that there will be a Question Time plus general debate tomorrow (c. 2hrs total) plus Question Time on Thursday. If so, then the debate will probably finish by close of play Thurs.
According to Trevor Mallard on Parl TV online, the debate will begin with leaders’ speeches and then adjourn and onto BAU (Govt Orders of the Day) with Members’ speeches spread over the next few weeks.
Thanks VV, coolies, I can work with that lololz 🙂
Doing jobs around the house over the next few days, parliament audio in the background. Swim break at the river when the girls get home from school 🙂
Five endangered albatross die on one long line
Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 11:03 am
Press Release: Forest And Bird
Forest & Bird is appalled to learn that five critically threatened Antipodean albatross have died in a single long lining incident, only 24 hours after revelations that four endangered Hectors dolphins were killed in a trawl net.
Five Antipodean albatrosses and one Gibson’s albatross were killed when they were caught by a longline fishing vessel in the Bay of Plenty region between 2 December 2018 and 4 January 2019.
“Antipodean Albatross are as endangered as kakapo, and unless we fix our broken commercial fishing system, they will be extinct within 20 years. These needless and cruel deaths are appalling, and completely unacceptable,” says Forest & Bird Oceans Advocate Karen Baird.
“The albatross deaths were reported by an official MPI observer, but only a minority of fishing boats have observers on board. In the meantime, a few bad apples in the fishing industry are stalling the Government’s Cameras on Boats programme. This means no one has any idea how many precious native birds and dolphins are being killed in nets and on lines out at sea.
“MPI have pointed out that the fishing crew were operating entirely within the law. Imagine a law which permitted limitless accidental kakapo deaths at the hands of any industry. It is abundantly clear that a system which allows endangered species to be killed as ‘incidental by-catch’ by the fishing industry is completely broken.
“New Zealand must stand up to fishing companies like Talley’s and Te Ohu Kaimoana, who are pressuring the Government to delay the Cameras on Boats programme and keep New Zealand in the dark about their true impact on our native animals,” says Ms Baird.
“These albatross deaths are just the ones we know about. It is highly likely that many more deaths go unreported, and that New Zealand will be robbed of this majestic species by a few companies that only care about their own profit.”
There needs to be camera’s on large vessels.
How many fisherman have turned a gun on birds…. more than people realise…..birds are predators of fish.
Just make sure no gun pallets land in the fish bins. What goes on at sea stays at sea….
The fact that Peter Talley attended Winstons speech at the Motueka RSA just before the election spoke volumes to me. Never seen PT at any other candidates meetings over the years, he’s extremely private in that respect.
No right turns perspective.
Two-faced criminals
Last year, in a desperate attempt to regain social licence, the fishing industry ran an expensive series of TV ads assuring us that they had nothing to hide. Meanwhile, they were furiously lobbying the Minister to oppose video monitoring of fishing boats:
At the same time as the seafood industry was placing adverts on television last year proclaiming it had “nothing to hide”, it was writing to the minister, Stuart Nash, expressing its “overwhelming opposition” to the idea of cameras on board its boats to monitor what they were up to.
The letter, released under the Official Information Act, said its purpose was to “dismiss any suggestion that the ‘New Zealand Seafood industry’ supports the current proposal”.
For the removal of any doubt the words “do not support” were underlined.
Some of the signatories were redacted but amongst those still visible are managers at Talley’s, Sealord, the Federation of Commercial Fishermen and Te Ohu Kai Moana, representing Māori fishing interests.
Forest and Bird spokesperson Karen Baird said it was a case of them saying one thing publicly while working towards a quite different outcome behind the scenes.
So I guess they do have something to hide after all. But what could it be? The illegal dumping of less-valuable fish? The criminal doctoring of records to understate catches? Or maybe the failure to report catching and killing endangered species? The problem here is that the fishing industry is pervasively criminal. They need to be treated as such, and monitored and prosecuted until they change their behaviour. Instead, our government – bought and paid for by Talley’s – is doing the exact opposite.
Posted by Idiot/Savant at 2/07/2019 01:53:00 PM
Another elephant in Jacinda’s room.
Getting what they paid for
A political party makes strong promises to regulate a destructive industry and prevent it from engaging in widespread criminal behaviour. They are elected to government. But their coalition partner includes an MP who was paid $10,000 by that industry. That MP argues from within government against regulation, and successfully prevents the government from enacting meaningful reform.
If this happened in Africa, or the Pacific Islands, we’d call it what it is: corruption. But it has happened here. The industry is the fishing industry. And the MP is Shane Jones, who took $10,000 from Talleys in 2017 in addition to large donations in the past, and has claimed responsibility for preventing any independent review of the fisheries industry. The government has recently shitcanned plans to use video cameras on fishing boats, and announced plans to lower criminal penalties when fishers break the law – and there is a suspicion that Jones is behind both of these moves too. So it looks like Talleys is very definitely getting what they paid for.
So how do we stop this? Fundamentally, we need to remove the ability of corporations to buy favourable treatment with large political donations. And that means moving to publicly funded political parties. Its either that, or allowing corruption to continue unchecked.
Posted by Idiot/Savant at 2/05/2019 03:11:00 PM
No excuse for it – the setting protocol to stop longline albatross kills was well established back when I was MAF observing. Here’s a Mediterranean version:
Skippers used to be good about it – a hook with a bird on it never has a fish on it. Guess they got slack under the Key “administration”.
Seriously – stop the stupid bloody blackface bullshit.
“The turtleneck black wool balaclava jumper, which sells for US$890 ($1300) on one site, covers the nose and includes a red cut-out for the mouth. It was ridiculed on social media as insensitive and racist…”
”Katy Perry’s shoe label is the latest brand to come under fire for featuring items that resemble blackface.”
And for those that may think I’m over reacting check out what they look like from the links – so nad they’re lol
Why do you think ‘it’ keeps happening, marty ?
Unbearable sadness manifested in our reality as self hate externalised.
Unbearable sadness, conscious or not…
Human misery is the biggest business of all…
Well said, marty…so sad…but so accurate…
President Trump is holding a pro-wall rally in El Paso Texas. Next Monday.
Which is also home to Beto O’Rourke.
Rally and counter-rally planned.
Can anyone figure why Trump would hold a wall rally in a fully Democrat town?
Its like he’s baiting Beto to run against him.
Jacinda is delivering a stirring State of the Nation address.
Refreshing. Succinct. Inspiring.
And now Mr Bridges performing predictably. Oh dear.
The great watch is the Paula Bennett facial contortions. She must have very fit facial muscles.
Whats with simons tongue? It keeps flicking in and out of his mouth….it’s like a nervous tick.
And simon, how can the Southern Link in Nelson be cancelled if it was never approved?
Alien lizard?
It is an allergic response to bullshit , it happens all the time that and forgetting to take her medication
Winston as usual hugely entertaining. He is really demolishing Simons attempted speech.
+1 Ianmac
Love his style in the house and his extraordinary knowledge base, Winston is an outstanding orator.
Winston is totally owning simon, super funny.
Edit…. i think simon has run away lolz
Line of the day so far from the Greens Chloe Swarbrick to Simon Bridges: “We’re polling higher than you are!’
LMAO… too funny
She’s a future leader of the Greens, can’t say enough good things about Chloe.
Yes I think Chloe will have a long very successful career in politics.
Winston’s final words to the Opposition was that “when you realise that your net is full of holes, use a new net.”
Anyone watching Paula Bennett?
Interesting, as the shouty, handwaving performance/persona of 2018 has diminished. Miss Reasonable and can work with others, could even agree to a working group on the cannabis referendum etc
I still think that she thinks that she should/could be leader and that she may well make a play for the leadership in the near future …
She behaves a lot like Key in her dealing with the media. Forcefully positive with that great big plastic smile, and dominating the one on one with reporters from before she comes to a stop. She almost dares the media to challenge her, the individual, rather than the job she might be doing.
She has all of Key’s faults too. She’s dismissive and smarmy. Passionate, yet devoid of compassion.
She almost dares the media to challenge her,…,
That’s the mark of a bully which we all know she is.
Top of the class Muttonbird.
She’s preparing to step up, imo. And being groomed for the attempt. She’ll get it too.
Prime Minister Benefit has
niceodd ring to it.Problem for her is that she doesn’t have the crystal clear backstory Key did. There are a few grubby holes which she has already had to use lawyers to close.
JA by comparison is an angel. This will always be the case.
I’ve noticed her shed her puppy fat – she’s been remodelled by someone smart from the ground up and is match fit I reckon. And with the drive to win and succeed.
I think you make an error in that judgment M. She reminds me of Trump. People have said that he’s a rotten businessman, he’s been bankrupt two or thee times. I say that he is a clever businessman and knows how to slide through all the loopholes and still ride high. Poorer will be the same, jump high with her wonderwoman smile over all obstacles.
An interesting encounter with a Winz office today which has left me feeling a tad encouraged although it will never be possible to completely relax around them given the 9 years of hell we had to endure.
This was my first face to face meeting with them since the new regime (couldn’t put it off any longer) and supposed introduced ‘compassion’. In a nutshell, not asked for ID once, at the door, reception or by case worker. Treated as a human being every step of the way, Case worker actually applied common sense and discretion where it was called for and clearly their computers are no longer rigged so it can’t be. Also offered me a food grant that I never asked for but certainly didn’t say no to given they’ve been illegally underpaying me for years.
I did start out very much on the defensive- automatic reaction to that place- but I did not leave a jibbering wreck, bawling my eyes out and likely to find myself hospitalised with some seizure drama a la last time I had to do some similar paperwork under the previous regime. So swallows, summer etc still have to apply, and I’m sure there’s still people in other parts of the country who are not being treated as well, for the first time 2009 I’m not terrified to have dealings with Winz. So it looks like the outward changes are kicking in, a small start but a long way to go.
That’s really encouraging to hear Kay. Awesome news, thanks for sharing.
Great refreshing experience, thanks Kay.
So good to hear, Kay. Long may it last. I actually had the same experience mid-2018 when I had a meltdown with them but that was with Seniors section – massive improvement, and now have a personal case worker who I can ring and ask for him to call me, or I can directly email. Every time I have done so to date, he has been back to me within a couple of hours max. and things get sorted pronto.
IIRC you’re in SE Wellington aren’t you? If so, was that in Newtown or Willis St? I certainly have noted the difference the few times I have had to pop into one or other of those service centres with papers or have gone as a support person, although I haven’t done the latter very much recently.
Talking to other people both under 65s and over 65s who are ‘WINZ clients’ (plus some staff) , change is certainly on the way but, as you say, still a long way to go. Changing staff attitudes is a big part of that, but it seems that this is certainly underway with quite a few staff being moved on if they cannot adjust.
What I find interesting about your experiences Kay is that Winz staff seem to change their persona and perceptions according to whoever is in power.
When I was looking after my aged mother in the 1990s I copped the Christine Rankin years which were pretty bad.. At that time many professional people – who had lost their positions due to the restructuring of the Public Service – found themselves on the dole for a period. They and I were treated like ignorant malingerers and were accordingly dealt to by the Winz staff. After some 30 plus years in the P.S., I was scheduled to attend a workshop teaching me how to dress and speak properly at job interviews. I never turned up and told them in no uncertain terms why. They left me alone after that. 🙂
Years later under the Helen Clark govt., I had cause to visit the local Winz office and saw the same woman who had treated me like a malingerer… all smiles and helpfulness towards the client sitting opposite her.
When News is withheld
ZB Bunnys
There is a group of Media known as News ZB which claims to be the Premiere sauce of News in this Land. It also claims you can listen to it Free. Which perhaps is not entirely true.
A chap called Hosking, hosts news and Entertainment for ZB Media.
He and Mrs Hosking have recently shouted out that they have bought a low cost Millionaire slum House somewhere in shabby old Auckland. Yes the Same Auckland that is racing out to decent Pastures. Elsewhere.
Elsewhere doesn’t really want them. But that is beside the Point.
Mr Hosking has been rabbiting on for years. He has been one of many National Governments that have made sure NZ workers are paid Low Low Wages. No New Zealand worker can ever afford a House in New Zealand now or in the future. Thanks to ZB And its babySister – The Herald.
Also Mr Hosking is one of the many unstable National Governments which has Forced Chronically Expensive exorbitant Rents on people who own no homes.
Nice People the ZB Media. A crushing Cruel slob mob – News ZB. You should get to Know them.