Open mike 13/08/2021

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, August 13th, 2021 - 36 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

Open mike is your post.

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Step up to the mike …

36 comments on “Open mike 13/08/2021 ”

  1. DB Brown 1

    I'm not interested in engaging with you Ad.

    "you had best come armed"

    "tens of thousands of drooling morons"

    There is little of good faith in what you've posted.

    [TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]

    • Incognito 1.1

      See my Moderation note @ 7:26 am.

    • Incognito 1.2

      Edit: my sincere apologies! I had not realised that it was your Guest Post and I thought you were trolling Ad, who’s regular Author on this site – blindsided in the back-end.

      Who’s moderating the Guest Post?

      • DB Brown 1.2.1

        I don't know who's moderating. Weka? The trolling seemed in reverse, from where I'm sitting. Had it been a well thought out post, rather than instantly demanding I 'come armed' and positing that farmers protests are merely tens of thousands of drooling morons…

        Yes, (some of) the group in the protests deserved some ire. They pissed me off as media loves an idiot to then stereotype a group with. Having hung out with regen-ag practitioners for years, I was also angry at the idiocy. But understanding did arrive.

        • Incognito

          Yeah, sorry, I got it badly wrong, several times (!), and I’ve spent most of the morning in damage control trying to clear up my own crap here; the Trash folder has grown considerably 🙁

          Didn’t recognise the name either, which made me extra ‘jumpy’.

          I hope another Moderator will take responsibility for your Guest Post, if/when needed.

          • DB Brown

            Sorry this caused you grief, certainly not my intention. I learned a few things myself, like being more careful with emotive language!

            • Incognito

              Absolutely no need to apologise. It was entirely my own doing and I was merely explaining. I was not and am still not in a good frame of mind today, but that doesn't excuse my stupidity here this morning.

              All the best with your Guest Post. It seems to attract many comments, which is generally (but not always) a positive sign.

  2. KSaysHi 2

    For goodness sake

    While police are investigating several of the incidents, there appears to be no formal overall response by the agencies responsible for domestic anti-terrorism and online harm.

    Netsafe says most of the threats are too serious for its mediation service to try to resolve. The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) says it is mainly focussed on extremists who might be plotting an attack, not individual threats. The Department of Internal Affairs’ Digital Safety Group referred queries back to police.

    In other words a gray area, leading to this..

    But as a result of what it says is a lack of action by authorities, community movement the Manaaki Collective formed in July to offer protection and support for those who found themselves targets of increased online harassment and violence.

    This includes fundraising for security services.

    But affected women like Watson say authorities need to act.

    [Unrelated – the use of 'mori' in the URL is annoying. They've been doing it for years but it seems particularly inappropriate with this story]

    Why isn’t more being done? Can’t they be traced to the origin of the threat? Sifted through software that links emails to the same person?

    • DB Brown 2.1

      Someone suggested killing James Shaw on FB yesterday, and FB said it did not violate their standards. Meanwhile I was blocked for 'hate speech' for using the phrase 'chink in their act' which admittedly is not the original term.

  3. Anker 3
    • “And should there be any evidence of criminal offending”. (The police)
    • surely threatening these women in this way is criminal offending?
    • I utterly feel for these women. It would be dreadful living in fear like this
  4. vto 4

    America's Cup – heading overseas for money

    LOTR – heading overseas for money

    How long until the All Blacks head overseas for money ? No tests in NZ, or maybe 1 in Auckland per year and the rest of NZ gets nothing.

    Its gonna happen

    For money

    • Ad 4.1

      Like in itself that's a bad thing. It isn't.

      Public capital will do its best to hold them as long as they can to keep their benefits distributing.

      It's bad when we are too poor to keep them, or too dumb to generate more awesome brands and companies.

      • arkie 4.1.1

        Basically, it’s hard to know if any investment made by the government is good, because it comes at the cost of another investment you’re not making. You can invest money in a lot of things – education, children, housing, green technology, a big pit, you could dig a big pit – and all of those things might provide a greater return to the people of New Zealand than paying foreign film companies to work here. So, once again – we have turned to the economists for answers, and they have charged us a lot of money to say, categorically, ‘we don’t know’.

        It is already too dumb to give money to US companies at the expense of local creatives.

    • David 4.2

      The UK is open now. We are not. Period. The COVID advantage we had in 2020 is gone in terms of international business. That’s a choice we’ve made to keep delta out.

      What we got yesterday is a plan to possibly open up NZ in 8 months to a lesser extent than the UK, Europe and North America are open right now. Whether that is right or wrong only time will tell. Either way there are benefits and costs to our stance. The LOTR is an example of the cost.

      • DB Brown 4.2.1

        It was what – 2000 jobs max – and we paid 20% of 1.43 billion – BILLION to Amazon? That's 286 Million Dollars. $143 000 to subsidise each job. But think of the tourism – LOL.

        Bye Amazon. Hope the door hits your ass on the way out.

        We've got amazing creatives here, give them the 286 million.

        • David

          Yep, we can keep kissing industries goodbye. A student industry here, tourism there, gas industry over there. Filming, we don’t like them. Bye. Billion bucks here. Billion bucks there. Bye bye. No problem

          Then in the same breathe we can complain about the housing crisis, beneficiaries not being paid enough, child poverty. No problem. Give them more.

          Ooops. The flow of international funds has drained to a trickle. We can just redistribute the internal wealth. Hire a few more grey suit boffins in Wellington working for government with their pocket calculator telling WEL to turn the electricity off. Yep, they distribute wealth. But they don’t grow the NZ Inc pie to pay for all the social ills many here complain about. That pie is shrinking as we say meh to each an every international industry we don’t like and shut the door to. Billion here. Billion there. Who cares.

          • DB Brown

            Hilarious. You think Amazon was paying us billions?

            You want to import students? We want to let our own people in – and stop using the education system for profit it's trashing the entire vibe, man.

            Everything's about dollars till nothing's left. You think you know how stuff works but all you know is fear and loathing from what I'm hearing.

            Beneficiaries are bad! But corporate beneficiaries, they're good… to the tune of $286 million dollars. The same dickheads who don't pay taxes, run by a dickhead who thinks space travel is the go for the planet right now.

            Gosh, nice speech, tell it to your mates at kiwi blog.

            You do know Hollywood poaches our talent because they're all out of ideas. Why do you think the 'biggest series ever' is a regurgitated old tale. They got nothing new.

            Give our locals the money, just watch them shine. Matter of fact it was our talent that attracted Hollywood here in the first place. More mug us.

            • David

              Good luck solving all your problems without $$$$.

              Oh, if you need $$$$ for emergency housing and the like ask yourself where the $$$$$ come from.

              Not sure what money you are talking about when you say give us locals money. Where does it come from, where did Jacinda get the borrowed $55 billion come from? How is she going to pay it back????

              • DB Brown

                Sure do love that $ sign don't ya. Good luck solving all your problems with it.

              • vto

                David, you sound like one of those people who seem to think that unless money comes into our economy from external sources then we have no money..

                .. that is not how economies work..

                .. if they did then here is a question for you… where does the world's money come from, if the world economy needs money from external sources? Mars ? Perhaps that is why Musk and Bezos are aiming for Mars ..

                the world is a domestic economy

                nz is a domestic economy

                both function absolutely fine without external money…

                I think you have bought into one of capitalism's great lies

                • David

                  Oh jeepers, it comes from productivity and trade!!! Has done since humans started living in social groups.

                  You want a device to enable you to use TS. We don’t make those. They come from China. Oh, but we can give them some milk. We trade. The global pot grows, no need for your Martian solution.

                  Yes, we could rely on the internal economy. We owe debt offshore. Money goes out but we cut the supply of money coming in (see my comments above if you don’t get it). North Korea is giving that option a go.

                  • vto

                    you missed the question – where does the world's money come from David? … you know… following the point you made above… and logic … the martian solution was yours

                    • David

                      I gave you the answer. Read the original post you are replying to if you still don’t get it.

                      Sorry, not spending may Saturday giving you an NCEA level 1 economics lesson. But there are some great online resources if you’ve got the time and want to learn.

                    • vto

                      it is you who needs the lesson fool… mantra-ing on about how the country would collapse and not have any money without it coming in from outside… doh… out

                      “Oh, if you need $$$$ for emergency housing and the like ask yourself where the $$$$$ come from”

                    • David []

                      Jeepers, you really really don’t get it.

                      I’ll try one last time with a really simple example. New Zealand is a paddling pool . It’s full of water. The kids love splashing around in it. Water tips out of the pool (those are the $$ leaving NZ to buy your device or pay our overseas debt). But there is no external hose to fill the pool. We’re quite happy within our pool. It’s getting ever less water. But the kids are happy for now.

                    • vto

                      yeah nah David, incorrect… and exactly my point

                      but have a good weekend .. i gotta head out for adventures in this southerly front sweeping past

                    • pat

                      You are arguing at cross purposes.

                      You are in a manner both correct but (once again) money is clouding the issue.

                      The controlling factors are resources and expectations.

                      What do we as an economy have and how do we want/need to make use of it? We may decide we can supply all we need from within or we may decide to trade without or a combination of the two.

                      Prior to the 80s reforms we were more weighted to autarky, post reforms we decided to heavily weight to open trade…both have upsides and downsides.

      • Gabby 4.2.2

        Some folk overseas have phones thank the lord Dave.

  5. Adrian Thornton 5

    In light of Climate Change and his unwavering moral and ethical fortitude, the UK's MSM media's assassination of Jeremy Corbyn will be remembered by future generations as one of the most selfish and short sighted collective acts in their blighted history..who else in western politics is defending Assange at this moment? none, because they are pretty much all short sighted cowards, Ardern no better than the rest…

    Corbyn joins protesters demanding release of Assange outside High Court

  6. Jester 6

    Good to see a judge has actually imposed a decent sentence (instead of home detention and permanent name suppression!) to these two.

    Serial paedophile and female enabler jailed for 'sickening' and 'depraved' offending |

    • Chris T 6.1

      Far out.

      Hadn't heard anything about them. What nasty pieces of filth, and oxygen theives.

      • Jester 6.1.1

        Totally agree. We may all differ on our political views, but I think we all agree these two certainly deserve a long jail sentence.

        • DB Brown

          I'm a bit pissed off at the minimums they might do. Just seems so horrific, pre-meditated, massively trauma inducing… What an utterly evil couple. I'd be happy if they never got out.