Open mike 16/06/2012

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 16th, 2012 - 31 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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31 comments on “Open mike 16/06/2012 ”

  1. freedom 1

    Pete George, you have an important but exceedingly simple question awaiting your answer .. .. ..

    • Zorr 1.1


      Who thought PeteG might turn out to be the NZ Karl Rove? 😛

      • marsman 1.1.1

        He has replied to your original question 15 June.

        • Te Reo Putake

          He replied, but not in a conclusive way. Still waiting to see if he explicitly denies being the person who started the petition. Personally, I hope it’s not him, because even though distraction and dissembling are his stock in trade, Pete George doesn’t seem to be the kind of person to play the double agent.

        • freedom

          thanks marsman, I saw that he posted his response whilst i was writing the above reply, i consequently tried to delete the above reply but i see it is still there.


          • felix

            ^ irony.

            • Pete George

              Yes, one can guess that the post deleted here could have been similar to yesterday’s thread and was something about accusing me of deleting a post – that I didn’t delete.


              There’s no reason for me to delete anything or hide anything on this. It’s a simple answer for me, I have no idea who the “Peter G” is or why they have used that identity – probably because they have the same first name and the same surname initial.

              If they knew of my online presence (quite feasibly they wouldn’t) they could have made it clear they were someone different to avoid confusion – unless they wanted confusion.

              • freedom

                Pete i think we have both been played and if i had the resources i would damn well find out how and by whom. All i can say is sorry for my part in this aggravating, albeit minor fiasco. Peace.

              • North

                Jesus…….this is gripping……..on the scale of………”I did not have sex with that woman !”……..and all this from Peter Georgeous. I start to think that United Furure’s pretty hot………

          • freedom

            thankyou RL

  2. Dr Terry 2

    One hopes people are very alert to what is happening (in secret) through TPP. Refer to report from John Maynard which is highly alarming (including an American video which speaks of “a sneaky outrage” with “secrecy positions on top of normal secrecy”; it is an incredible corporate power tool in order to maximise corporate profits. I have to be brief, suggest people do the necessary research.

  3. Here is the financial system for dummies or why you should slow down if someone pushes you to make decisions fast.

  4. joe90 4

    Some reading for a cold and miserable Saturday afternoon.

    Bully Pulpit: An evangelist talk-show host’s campaign to control the Republican Party.


    edit: how the hell did this end up here in the page threading?.

  5. Herodotus 5

    Some claw back from the NZ’s super rich. – Great to see
    From the article I just love this comment
    “Mr Duff said the IRD focus on the high-wealth group was encouraging them to understand their tax obligations and meet them.” As if this group did not understand !!!!
    NZ does not need austerity measures. We just need an adequate and educated group of IRD investigators and a well thought out tax system that when exceptions/rorts are recognized legislation is altered accordingly. If only Labour targeted the trading of property during the boom.

  6. bad12 6

    Winston Peters today at the NZFirst annual conference saying a definite NO to raising the age of entitlement for NZ superannuation from 65 to 67,

    That makes the proposed raising of the age to 67 by David Shearer a LARGE problem for Labour and its/our hopes of forming the next Government,

    Peters says the 65 age of entitlement is affordable with ‘growth’,(presumably meaning that He sees economic activity rising again to pre-crash levels in the near future),

    Simply setting the taxation rates so as to reflect the reality of the Government spend would also go a long way to paying for the Pension,

    My view is that raising the age of entitlement on the Pension simply serves to lock out of the workforce more and more of those who would be finishing their education and seeking to move into the workforce at the time the age of entitlement was raised,

    There’s more to this than the mere counting of beans, economics cannot exist in a glass bubble without taking into account the needs of those such economics effect and we have to look at the life-styles of those in both the aged decile and the younger one when we consider such things as the age of entitlement,

    What we would be doing by raising the age of entitlement for the Pension and thus keeping more aged people in the workforce is simply disallowing the same number of younger people participation in the workplace, employment is finite in any economy and jobs do not magically appear simply because there are a number of available workers,

    We have to take account that the older set of workers will have by the time they have reached their 50’s ‘gotten to where they are going in life’, in other words the over 50’s have raised their families and wherever they may be, council flat, or, mortgage payed family home the NEEDS of the over 50’s could arguably said to be far less than those who having just gained their education will be setting out on their particular journey in life and their NEEDS could be considered to be far greater in an economic sense than the over 50’s,

    The ‘Pension’ is a retirement benefit and as the term retirement indicates it SHOULD be paid to those who RETIRE from the workforce and that is the only change I would support to the univeseality of superannuation payments,

    My view is that as has been discussed a lower form of retirement income be established,perhaps based upon the Invalids Benefits where those workers who choose to do so can retire early but in doing so would choose to enjoy a reduced level of payment for the duration of their retirement by doing so…

    • North 6.1

      So John, Mr Austerity but the reverse on super (he will not earn Posterity) and Winston, 65 or nothing – against virtually everybody else ??? That’s not a problem for Labour.

      Of everyone it’s a doozy of a problem for Key. Why ?……because we’re getting into “Emperor With No Clothes” territory. And also patently obvious it’s his ego is fucking him up here. He goes back on this, when the dogs in the street are screaming gotta look at ’67, he’s gotta resign. According to his own protestations. Bullshitting mouth finally got him into big trouble what ?

      Johnny continues to fuck-up. I reckon he’s just not himself. He’s got Regina Fever. Judith is clucking !

    • David H 6.2

      But I saw an interview with Winston where he said that its was not a problem as Labour policy did’nt kick in for another 3 elections. Prime I think or maybe tv 3.

    • Vicky32 6.3

      We have to take account that (sic)  the older set of workers will have by the time they have reached their 50′s* ‘gotten (sic)  to where they are going in life’, in other words the over 50′s (sic) have raised their families and wherever they may be, council flat, or, mortgage payed (sic)  family home

      Yeah. Right. That’s bollices that is. You say “the older set of workers will have by the time they have reached their 50′s ‘” – but that’s most unlikely to be true if they are single women, either widowed, divorced or never married, if they are male or female but have, for whatever reason, had a gap in their work lives, suffered illness, had children with disabilities or maybe have always had low earnings and/or high responsibilities. People in their 50s are not all the same, and more than people in their teens or 20s are (for instance, some people in their teens are capable of writing a paragraph in correct English…
      *NB – Plurals never take apostrophes, even if they are numbers.

  7. Freedom of the press is under attack in the US according to RT on sky,some jurno’s
    are spending time in court,some are being roughed up,some are doing time
    cleaning the streets as court ordered punishment, all they want to do is report on what
    is in the public interest and yet their right of passage is blocked by government rules
    with police enforcers.
    Is the true news in nz also being blocked by government press release rules?

  8. Draco T Bastard 9

    When scientists predict calamity, politicians plug their ears
    Th last sentence sums up the problem that we have:

    Unless we can get Will Smith to run for president, I’d say we are doomed.

  9. Logie97 10

    For those of you who are observers of rugby …

    If McCaw was wearing a white shirt with a red rose on it he would have sat most of the second half on the bench having been red carded. McCaw displayed filth in the full meaning of the rugby world tonight and got away with it …

    • Carol 10.1

      Arck! Some of us are just about to see the start of the match on Prime.

    • Logie97 10.2

      And now the arsehole cannot even acknowledge the opposition. It was all about the mistakes that the A/B’s made …

      • Logie97 10.2.1

        And so to the Australian game.
        Pocock acknowledges the Welsh team 3 times in the immediate post-match interview. the mark of real winners and champions …

    • Murray Olsen 10.3

      Sean Fitzpatrick was one of the filthiest players ever. I follow league anyway, not the government sponsored sport of the Tories.

  10. Jackal 11

    Gareth Morgan – Asshole of the Week

    The environment should not be collateral damage to try and repair the economy, which has been ruined by the greedy and ideologically blinded…