Great to see the Labour candidates getting out to the regions, even into places where Labour hasn’t had traditional support. Last night Chris Hipkins, David Shearer and TKC Labour Candidate Penny Gaylor provided an outstanding public meeting at the Otorohanga Rugby Club. There needs to be more of this.
On another note: This mornings Fonterra GDT auction is down 8.9%, the NZ Dairy market price has essentially collapsed, if this price holds then we will see a dairy payout under $6 which will be a problem for many farmers.
I understand there are clinics planned in each of the community centres in the electorate, which is an excellent way of boosting visibility and interacting directly with the community. The first one kicks off in Newlands this Saturday. If you look at Lynn’s very thorough analysis, NZ First – the Kingmakers? and the link provided regarding Ohariu:
you can see that the area of central east, which includes Newlands/Paparangi are the biggest supporters of a Left vote in the electorate – a great place to start the clinics! We had a food bank open up in Newlands last year, which may indicate that the area is suffering under our current Government, so I’m sure there will be lots of issues the people will want to discuss with the candidate.
I’m not a Labour Party member and am not involved with the campaign in Ohariu but what I’ve been hearing is ALL positive. ……………. hey, just imagine unseating Dunne………………. 😀
We’ve been working really hard in Clutha-Southland. We’ve door knocked all over the electorate Tapanui, Queenstown, Balclutha, Milton, Gore, Mataura, Nightcaps and Kaitangtata. We’ve had a lot of support in the electorate to my pleasant surprise. I’m thinking we will be taking some votes of National in the electorate this time.
What about your Labour candidate Rob MCCann? Looks like they have an open invitation to a coffee and chat get together this Friday. You could go along and find out what’s happening!
Financial problems for many farmers are seen as opportunities for the Tories with access to finance, or wanting to sell to foreign capital while grabbing a commission. They want the farms concentrated in fewer hands.
I note various Zionist cheerleaders and apologists on this site objecting to the gross disproportionality of references to ‘genocide’.
I dare say like references were objected to when the yellow Star of David had its first European outing.
Well it wasn’t the fucking Yellow Rose of Texas was it ? As we all now know.
Ironic how the word “solution” has crept into the conversation. “There must be a sensible solution…..blah blah blah” from the likes of Sooth-Creep-Wayne, formerly of cabinet fame.
Former prime minister Jenny Shipley’s involvement with the latest Chinese banking giant to set up shop in New Zealand has been described by Winston Peters as “economic treachery”.
I agree with Winston.
Later on in the article..
“We found China’s largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), was also registered here last November, chaired by former politician and Reserve Bank governor Don Brash.”
These NACT politicians are selling our sovereignty away for their own personal gain.
We are rapidly losing control of our own country. And we know the people who have facilitated this.
Lange, Douglas, Moore, Bolger, Richardson, Shipley, Brash, Key,
Yes, and Bolger was cover for Richardson and Lange cover for Douglas.
They provided the cheery reassuring face, whilst the others stuffed the country behind our backs.
Lange was the clown who took credit for uranium based breath fresheners, while giving Douglas and co. carte blanche to go where Thatcher had feared to tread. He was not OK. He is as responsible as Douglas or Prebble for the state of Aotearoa today.
Bolger also did little to stop Richardson rubbing salt into the wounds inflicted by the first ACT government. To call either of them OK is to lower our expectations to nothing.
China Construction Bank New Zealand’s chairwoman, former Prime Minister Dame Jenny Shipley, said the bank’s initial focus would be on trade business, as well as “supporting high net worth individuals who are either present or wish to come to New Zealand and do business here”.
‘High net worth individuals?’
Maybe this is linked to this article. In May
Wealthy Chinese knock on NZ’s door.
“Wealthy Chinese who wanted to emigrate because of concerns over pollution and a crackdown on corruption who had previously considered Canada were now interested in New Zealand and Australia.”
‘High net worth individuals?’…aka wealthy Chinese who wanted to emigrate because of a crackdown on corruption .
‘This wave of emigration has left a bitter taste in the mouths of some who cannot leave. Wrote one user on microblogging platform Sina Weibo, “Capital is continuously being transferred abroad, leaving a mess at home.”’
‘In November, 2011, an opinion piece in the state-run People’s Daily,entitled “We Should Make It Harder for the Wealthy to Emigrate,” attracted a great number of readers and went viral on Chinese social media sites. The article proposed an “exit tax” on wealthy Chinese leaving the country. Many Web users agreed that such a measure would benefit the majority of Chinese while limiting capital outflow. One anonymous commentator complained, “Once you have money and power, you’re no longer patriotic. Think about it – where did your money and power come from? They’re practically peacetime traitors.”’
Sounds like they are seen as traitors just like Winston see the wealthy of New Zealand as economic quislings.
The 1% are the same. whatever the country.
‘Several of New Zealand’s major export fish species have been listed as unsustainably managed by the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).
Its warnings appear on its website and on mobile phone apps to use while shopping. They include red lights or do-not-shop for hoki, squid and shark from New Zealand.
“Overall, there have been significant improvements in farming and the industry is improving transparency due to the fact more people care about where their seafood comes from,” Tooni Mahto, AMCS’s marine campaigns officer, said.
“But there is still a lot of work to do. It still takes 2.5 kilograms of wild-caught fish, to be used as fish food, to create 1kg of farmed fish.”
On hoki AMCS said it should not be eaten. Although the New Zealand fishery was healthy “there are significant concerns over threatened species bycatch and habitat damage in this fishery”.
Fast-food companies like McDonald’s use hoki in their fish burgers.’
And who have the government chosen to sell these same policies to the Pacific Island nations? None other than Labour’s own former mouthpiece for unsustainability, the late grate Shane Jones.
From my wireless this morning, RadioNZ National, at an annual $6 a kilo for milk solids 20% of New Zealand dairy farms are only reaching break even,
The auctions for the rest of the financial year may well spell out the fate of those farms which carry the most debt,
While ‘stockpiling’ has been trotted out as the cause of the current slump in prices there is evidence that ‘boom’ may well be about to turn to ‘bust’ worldwide for the dairy industry,
For the first time one of the Chinese players in the market, Yili, has entered the top 10 of production companies, at number 10, suggesting that the ramping up of production there will begin to hurt Western producers deeply,
A situation of over-supply, some say that point is at hand, will collapse the market prices of dairy products across the world and force up to 20% of all individual farms into insolvency,
i doubt, the inclusion in the New Zealand economy of two of China’s major banking groups is simply an incidental progression, while there is antagonism toward foreign ‘ownership’ of our farming sector, a collapsing dairy price will give those banks ‘virtual ownership’ of a large part of the local industry via their ability to prop up the industry with cash loans…
Dairy should be part of the economic mix not a dominant commodity.
There is not enough room for many more cows than the current six mill unless kept indoors in ‘sheds’ as per the shelved South Island Mckenzie basin plan. Cattle are often diseased and stressed to get the yield as it is. Dairy workers in processing and logistics are well unionised but farm workers themselves remain appallingly treated in many cases.
Forest and sheep have been run down and overlooked in the gold rush scamper to dairy. If the Chinese and Latin Americans really get rolling with dairy Fonterra will be in for a major downsize. The small independents like Synlait, Dairyworks, LIC, Sutton Group, Gardians etc. that do niche products are where dairy will have to go to survive.
The cash cow may run dry eh, oh well good news for the waterways eventually then. The thing is to replace it with something that provides reasonable employment not just inflated payouts to industrial farm owners.
Why should one sector be protected. Farming as a stand alone business case do not stack up with their operating results. All they are is property companies in hiding. Their operating results allow, is a basis for how much debt they can carry, with the financial returns based on saleability and the appreciation of the farms and stock.
I feel for those who have recently entered the farming industry as the stress they are under is a real concern, especially with rising interest rates on the horizon coupled with reduced commodity prices, and the increase world wide if dairy capacity.
And re environmental deterioration they should be compelled like other industries to mitigate at source so that their are no adverse effects down steam.
Fully agree. The biggest concern here (outside of the environmental issues) is what happens if milk solid prices continue to fall and large numbers of our dairy farmers are then “underwater” ie. running at a loss and unable to service the substantial loans on property.
Clearly in the normal course of events the creditors step in and the assets/property are sold to recoup the loan exposure. Now where are the buyers of said land likely to eventuate from? NZ’ers with spare capital? Heck of a straw man I know but one possibly worthy of consideration.
This price is at the regular low end of the trading year. But there is a stark warning in it nevertheless that many commentators have been pushing for a long time. Rod Oram is one of them, and Keith Woodford another, as noted below:
Regrettably despite my high hopes for Fonterra at its inception, I now want Fonterra to decline slowly over the next decade. Farmers and smart partners will then replace it with a thousand predominantly locally-owned small companies with the will to form their own brands, and take on the great value-added challenge of New Zealand dairy.
Fonterra, and too many other dairy companies, enjoy surfing the bulk commodity wave while it lasts, and simply refuse to believe there will be the hard landing of debt servicing and long price troughs as bulk storage is so slow to use up.
Only the cushion of a great range of world-beating specialist high-value products with unique brands from a multitude of local companies will turn this slow disaster.
In the true NZ way what would ensue is a rapid race to the bottom with NZ farmers competing with each other on lowest price volume rather than value add… not to mention much easier for processors to screw down milk supply on a farmer by farmer basis…
That could follow, agreed.
But there are some who are not vulnerable at all, and aggregate into companies, form their own processing, and their own brands, and their own marketing.
The two extremes between the NZ milk industry and the NZ wine industry don’t need to be so extreme.
i doubt, the inclusion in the New Zealand economy of two of China’s major banking groups is simply an incidental progression, while there is antagonism toward foreign ‘ownership’ of our farming sector, a collapsing dairy price will give those banks ‘virtual ownership’ of a large part of the local industry via their ability to prop up the industry with cash loans…
Yep, we need that ban on foreign ownership now. And not just mild restrictions either.
My point. re: the Chinese banks setting up shop here is it is a simple means of bypassing messy questions of foreign ownership,
Why own the farm via a land title with all the negative connotations that this generates when you can buy up through bank loans all that production sitting in an air conditioned office in the Auckland CBD…
On planet Draco such a banning probably has a 100% probability, on this one the chances are an enlarged ZERO,
At some point i can see the Chinese, through these banks ability to lend to the individual dairy farms and the major production companies, making the decisions on how big our dairy production is and of course what price the economy can tolerate for the products,
i doubt that ‘they’ see any point in collapsing our economy,(while we are still ‘friendly),and, as it our methods and stock breeding ability which is enhancing their ability to become in time the biggest dairy producer in the world there is in fact an impetus for controlled,(by them),competition to keep occurring,
A cynic would suggest that as we milk the cows we are in turn about to be milked ourselves…
It would seem dicriminatory to refuse a licence to a Chinese bank when most ot our banking facilities are Australian owned. However, I must admit that I would like to see all overseas banks leave NZ.
I suspect the real problem is nobody can figure out how to bleed money out of the great unwashed like alcohol and tobacco when you can just throw in a row of it next to the tomatoes. They’ll think of something eventually – medical marijuana seems to be where they’re headed at the moment
i am hoping they byepass that halfway-house of medical-marijuana only..
..that solves none of the prohibition problems..(criminal-control of control over sales to minors name just two..)
..and that the move is to the (proven-successes) of the colorado-model of legalisation/regulation/taxation..
…this can be done in two ways..
1)..the actual colorado-model:
..where private-enterprise is licensed/regulated to grow/sell/administer the scheme..(with the state receiving license-fees + revenue from taxation at point of sale…)
2)..the uruguay-model:
..where in a determination to totally remove the criminal-element from the market..
..the far-sighted president of uruguay has mandated a state-run model..
..where employment is created from the state running the show..
..from growing to retail..
..and as his crim-killer..
..he has deemed that cannabis will be sold to the public @ $2 per gram…
..(i prefer the second of those two models..who wouldn’t love pot @ $2 per gram..?
Claudette Hauiti is making Aaron Gilmore look like a winner.
The Nats need to realise that putting all you diversity “ticks” in one box – Woman, Maori, Gay, and dare I say it “Intellectually challenged” hasnt worked so well for them.
We will all have to hope that this particular lady will be recycled out the door on 20 September.
The interesting thing is that this has been put into the public arena, and is being given top of the page NZH coverage. And the TaxpayersUnion is there getting the boot in.
Maybe the NActs aren’t keen to give her a high list placement? She slipped into the House from the list after the Nat resignations. She has been moved from standing as a south Auckland candidate, to Kelston, where she stands little chance against Carmel Sepuloni. My guess is that Hauiti’s political career will be pretty short. Not expecting a high list placement for her.
Have you ever watched her read a ‘question’ in the House? Each word delivered with careful deliberation as if there is some subtle nuance to impart. She stands tall and beams with the self-satisfaction that it is She that has been deemed worthy of asking if the Minister of Carousels has received any reports on whatever they are spinning that day?
”Don’t you know who i am”, such words, more fitting uttered from within a B grade mafia fillum could be said to have got MP ‘unhappy’ Aaron Gilmour the kick,
Readers could be forgiven uttering the same phrase when confronted with the name of ‘Unhappies’ replacement, Claudette Hauiti,
Given a naughty card for having hired on the ‘wife’ as an ‘issues assistant’ in Her electorate Office, Claudette could be said to have the perfect National Party sense of over-entitlement,
Buried in the pages of this morning is a little tale of Hauiti taking a trip on the parliament’s ‘P-Card’,(i kid you not),to Australia where She indulged of the ‘P-card’ for a pile of personal spending,
Claudette has apparently handed back the credit card to Parliamentary Services and will face no sanctions from the National Government for having indulged in the mis-spending in the first place,
If you or i indulged in such behavior, or lack of it, we could be assured of a date to face the Judge on fraud charges,
Slippery the Prime Minister is probably eying up this particularly large pile of overblown entitlement for promotion to a Ministerial position so as She can treat Herself at our expense in a way She feels She should become accustomed to…
That article is particularly odd for the fact it doesn’t once clearly state which party she is an MP for.
I had to Google to confirm is a Nat MP.
You can bet your arse if it’d have been a Labour MP, the fact it was Labour would be all over the article about the Labour MP & it’d have some throw away line from Key about tricky Labour refusing to punish their Labour MP.
and the only figure mentioned is “$200 and something” for a flight to Oz ??
That does seem a little low, or does the MP travel cattle class and found the very cheapest seat possible, which is understandable seeing as she is obviously so concerned with accounting for her expenditure. Then again, maybe the MP mistook her taxi chit for the flight ticket?
Hauiti herself is at least making a clear mea-culpa about it
“Of course it’s absolutely no excuse for not knowing the Speaker’s rulings. It is my responsibility and I didn’t do it.”
But also there is an absence of dates in both articles, while NZ Herald indicates the info comes from a recent Parliamentary Services release -> not an immediate mea-culpa but only once someone asked about it.
I find it incredulous a new MP has their card removed for $200 of spending.
Which is what the article suggests
She said the trip over Christmas last year and other questionable spending, including refreshments for a hui on a marae, had cost about $200, which she has since repaid.
So a trip to Australia, ‘other questionable spending’ and hui refreshments cost only $200 ___ TUI TIME
This is not only outrageous – where does he think all the people living in these towns will go ?
But also it won’t solve inequality problems, and it shows little in the way of innovation, imagination
or ideas on how these towns could be re-built with a bit of central govt funding and support.
Its also contemptuous of the people who do now live in those towns – and who help support their local economy and their local communities.
I guess this is just one example of how National politicians view people who are not rich ! Yuk !
@Jenny Kirk
I’m thinking of this morning’s Radionz conversation with Transport Minister etc Gerry Brownlee about Northlands roads and their dire state and the pleas of Councils for action. Everything is going thru due process, and the main roads will be cleared to let emergency supplies through. But what about the other roads, the feeder roads into rural areas and distant farms? And the need to get all those logs through to Whangarei port that when it was dry caused dust storms and traffic to come to a halt till there was visibility, also dust overlying paddocks and crops and houses and animals and children and houses etc. Asthma territory, distress and horrible conditions.
Different than those enjoyed by those in Government and in the cosy Beehive and Bellamys. Who might not be so comfortable if they concentrated their minds on climate change and the forecast shift to changes in our weather with more tropical type moving south, a tendency for weather events to stay longer over one location, and a likelihood that some big event will happen not every century, but could be a number within a decade. Perhaps not nicely spaced out, but all in one year too. Time to build that old cathedral up in Christchurch and pray to bring back the past as well, when we still had hope and an economy earning and retaining money able to deal with disaster’s costs.
Urbane Mr Brownlee says that TNZ I think the acronym used was Transport NZ, is conferring with councils as to priorities and he was vague about government money being offered. The Council commentator referred to their roading being equivalent to that of Auckland City but is maintained with just a fraction of Auckland’s rating return. There is nothing in the Northland kete to cope with this damage.
And the answer by some economic moron here is just to shut towns down. A triumph of capitalism coupled with neo liberalism over human civilisation needs. In the USA cities have gone bankrupt. That is the sort of thinking that resulted in dead societies in the past. ‘Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” (Horace Smith/Shelley)
We actually have the brains and the technology and the experience to do something both intelligent and useful – the suitable quote I offer with earnest – from Baron Ernest Rutherford.
“We haven’t got the money, so we’ve got to think!”.
the cynical-spin put on this by the justify the holiday highway.. that opponents to the holiday-highway are somehow ‘hurting’ the people of northland…
..this is absolute bullshit..
(to believe that soon after this four-laner reaches holiday-home territory..that it will be nudging into kaitaia..would be taking cargo-cult beliefs to a whole new level..)
..and in nz we have rich/farming areas with roads like billiard-tables..(and they still scream for more more funding)..
..and northland is left with pot-holed cart-tracks as excuses for main roads..and major feeder-roads left unsealed..
..and haven’t those national electorate mp’s in northland for all these decades been really piss-weak in fighting for their with everything from the bastards currently ruling over is all lies/self-serving spin..
@phillip ure
roads like billiard tables. Try round Ashburton. Waiouru. What a dream to drive. Just some memories of when I looked round parts of the rohe.
Went through Kaeo a while ago. You might remember it small place in Far North – gets flooded regularly. It is built on the river probably because it was handy on the river bank for the old mission station that started it off. Now it needs some government funding to move the main part of town to a higher area. Perhaps just some land that can be leased long term, and a bit of regional funding as they move the shops and amenities.
The council have built up roads that act as barriers to the river but a storm coupled with high tide will flood them and so it goes on. Assistance to such rural and smaller areas, so they can improve their situations would be welcome from a sensible common sense government. Pity that sense isn’t common in government circles, or true concern for the people who need some help to make advances for themselves.
Can’t just blame the local MPs – they are up against others with bigger, brighter schemes. Probably the only way they could get in some punches would be if they could get some leverage or perhaps dirt on someone influential in the Party and use it as subtle blackmail. And that would have to be done quickly and carefully while there was a window of opportunity, and before something could be manufactured against them. It would need something that was a game get anything done. If you have ever read John Mortimer’s Titmuss series, I think that they give a feel of what it is like in political circles. Don’t know but this year’s NZ revelations seem similar.
@ phillip ure
I was just thinking of roads like billiard tables and really nice to drive on. Rich farmers wasn’t the point. I remember the areas I mentioned were outstanding for the motorist.
In reply to Phillip Ure, the “holiday highway” opponents know that it is not going to go anywhere near where the actual roading need is – the HH ends at Wellsford (that’s over 110kms from Whangarei) and the state highway from Whangarei north starts to deteriorate – and is now totally closed because of massive slip just south of Kawakawa – while any potlential alternative routes are unsealed, narrow, country roads.
Its a myth that the holiday highway will help the north ….. it will just help Aucklanders (and rich Nat PM and MPs) get as far as their holiday homes on the east coast, Omaha, Matakana, etc.
Hey – and the HH is years away. The north (that is, the north past Whangarei) needs govt support and roading finance NOW !
Yeah – to Phillip U – it would. Maybe if we can get a different govt in, we can then get some real strategic thinking and planning on what would really help the north …. here’s hoping !
@ jenny kirk
thats strange.
yesterday nathan guy and whats her name were on the teevee flashing their pearly whites and telling the nation just how much they were going to do for these people.
Read this and tell me if you still want NZ General Elections conducted online. Apart from being able to change online polls at will there’s this one:
“Ability to spoof any email address and send email under that identity” (CHANGELING)
Pretty handy stuff if you can get it.
• “Change outcome of online polls” (UNDERPASS)
• “Mass delivery of email messaging to support an Information Operations campaign” (BADGER) and “mass delivery of SMS messages to support an Information Operations campaign” (WARPARTH)
• “Disruption of video-based websites hosting extremist content through concerted target discovery and content removal.” (SILVERLORD)
• “Active skype capability. Provision of real time call records (SkypeOut and SkypetoSkype) and bidirectional instant messaging. Also contact lists.” (MINIATURE HERO)
• “Find private photographs of targets on Facebook” (SPRING BISHOP)
• “A tool that will permanently disable a target’s account on their computer” (ANGRY PIRATE)
• “Ability to artificially increase traffic to a website” (GATEWAY) and “ability to inflate page views on websites” (SLIPSTREAM)
• “Amplification of a given message, normally video, on popular multimedia websites (Youtube)” (GESTATOR)
• “Targeted Denial Of Service against Web Servers” (PREDATORS FACE) and “Distributed denial of service using P2P. Built by ICTR, deployed by JTRIG” (ROLLING THUNDER)
• “A suite of tools for monitoring target use of the UK auction site eBay (” (ELATE)
• “Ability to spoof any email address and send email under that identity” (CHANGELING)
• “For connecting two target phone together in a call” (IMPERIAL BARGE)
All a basic degree means is a certain minimal level of understanding in a fairly narrow subject area for a short period of time.
It’s a plank to build on, rather than a deep comment about the quality of the person – otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get one within three years of leaving school.
i wonder why the ‘expert’/pontificator on such not answer that skype/face-recognition software question/possible-solution to all the problems he listed..?
@Colonial Viper
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It’s a serious matter, and some people need to keep a clear head about IT technology. It is embraced so fervently as still the latest and best thing since sliced bread by so many people. But they only learn from it what they want to, not the down side. Not the findings of concerned people from other countries like the USA for instance, which show how it can be discombobulated in a big way.
And the thought chills me of government wanting to cut down personal interaction and physical presence with people a la HousingNZ and just use technological means to communicate with citizens. Using call centres perhaps not even in NZ (cf Fearfax and its admin from Manila)!
The toffs on the hill just need to cut the lines and how, where do you get to discuss things with your representatives in your local and central government? Or the people in private business which now supply what are government services to you who are rorting you. Sorry say gummint that’s an operational matter.
Sorry say the call centre our lines are busy today, phone again at 11pm when things are quieter or tomorrow possibly. Oh yes there is a long wait isn’t there, you didn’t like the music sorry, I have looked but can’t find your name in our databank sorry, you are not registered with us.
Who should you contact? Well there is a special help number run out of the Phillipines, but it costs $2 a minute and it can take 30 minutes of waiting before you can get through, so I recommend you phone about 3am our time as that is daytime over there. (This information may be incorrect but let’s face it who would care, and what are you going to do about it sucker, if we get to the scenario I have presented.)
Laughable from the Herald this morning, accessed online,(never paid for), a survey of a coupe of thousand shoppers who buy at the supermarket chains,
The headline: Big Backing for Sugarless,(checkout),Lanes,
34.1% of respondents want the checkout lanes to be free of all those sugar filled ‘treats’ that tempt us as we wait,
22% of those say that they would deliberately seek out supermarkets that provided such ‘sugar free checkouts’
70%,(snigger, welcome to the diabetes epidemic), of those surveyed basically couldn’t give a toss,(i can hear the masters at the food production companies quietly laughing up their sleeves as i type this),
The laughter???, i can well imagine Mum’s chagrin as She is cajoled,berated, and, implored by wee Janet or John, the offspring, at the supermarket checkout to include in the weekly shop one of the many sugar laden ‘rushes’ oh so conveniently placed by the cynical sugar rush industry at the checkout,
”No you cannot have that it will rot your teeth, and, you can have a nice healthy multi-grain bread sandwich when we get home” would be the usual standard reply from Mum,
What Mum tho doesn’t seem to know is that the loaf of bread She believes to be ‘oh so healthy’ is by the slice loaded with so much sugar that giving wee Janet or John a couple of slices each to make that sandwich is enough to have them breaching their daily recommended intake of sugar,
Mmmm, brown and multi-grain breads tho have got to be healthier for you right???, not a show, its all loaded with sugar, in the case of brown and multi-grain breads its worse,
All industrial produced flours are bleached white at the production stage of the flour,when it comes to making ‘brown bread, and, ‘multi-grain bread’ they add food coloring to make it look brown,
Eat a piece of bread raw and see just how ‘sweet’ it is, butter and other spreads simply act as masking agents to cover up that sugar load in each slice…
If you can hear sounds by reading what i write Draco i suggest you urgently consult your shrink,(i could suggest a couple of other personal delusions you might want to avail Her/Him of while your on the couch),
In 1997, 3000 deaths were reported in New Zealand due to complications brought about by overweight/obesity in the population,(news for you Draco, sugar when unused by the human body is stored as fat),
In 1996, 1500 deaths were recorded in New Zealand from complications surrounding diabetes, the vast majority of these deaths type 2 diabetes, these deaths are not from the human body having no ability to produce insulin, these deaths are from the amount of consumed sugar overpowering the individuals ability to produce enough insulin to cope with the overdose,
Those figures are ‘old’ and the death toll has since risen to yearly be more than that attributed to tobacco,(anyone with later figures, i would appreciate a look at them),
There are 50 new cases of type two diabetes reported daily in this country which in a few years will be costing the health system a billion dollars annually and some in the health field are speculating that on its current trajectory, by 2050, type 2 diabetes might feature in 50% of the population,
Off you go back to sleep Draco, dream your little fantasies while the masters load up your food with sugar…
Complain Draco, you will have to point out this complaining,
”Over the top harping on about sugar”, so opening up a discussion about the misuse of a product, Sugar, by the industrialized food industry which piles it into products with no care of the adverse health effects leading to the deaths of thousands on an annual basis and a soon to be billion dollar health bill in your words is ”over the top” and ”harping”,
That you see such deaths as nothing more than harping would have me viewing your latest comment on the subject as something that the likes of SSLands would be likely to publish…
So you have no actual debate in any regards about the question of the unnecessary loading of sugar into processed foods by those in control of this industry,who would have thunk that when asked the question you would expose the space in your cranium to be full of air,(an unkind person might insinuate shit),
Instead, and laughably, you want to debate about me, again who would have thunk that you contain such a paucity of intellect that such a serious subject as the poisoning of 1000’s of your fellow humans by the very foods they are encouraged to buy and consume fails to register in what passes for your mind,
my humility, Ha ha ha, prevents me from expounding upon just how great i am…
There was trailer on Radionz early news reports – something about what you do if your daughter wants to be a princess. Priceless!
In the past the people were denied such ‘bright and soft’ news. it wasn’t the custom to make it general news, it was just kept for the ladies page. Women were thought not willing or able to cope with the hard, gritty stuff. Now the public media wants to put everyone in this gormless condition. But it’s already covered by pulp fiction magazines fronted by attractive women gazing from supermarket shelves. An array of large mouths, unnaturally white teeth, hair like a pony’s tail with all the tips on how to look and behave. Let them cover the princess market FGS.
Possible past use of mood-enhancing snippets:
We regret to announce that we have declared war and keep listening for further news, in the meantime we have an item on how to become a princess.
The observers in Europe are shocked at the conditions in concentration camps and we will soon bring you tips on how to become a princess.
There are thought to be 29 miners remaining trapped in the Pike River Mine and we…
Military maneouvres are being practised by eleven countries (not however including China) in host country New Zealand and now we will bring….
I have to ask, did you actually listen to the “princess” section? I hear that title and wonder whether it would be light and fluffy (as you seem to assume) or actually an in-depth discussion of changing gender role models within society and how to deal with it if your daughter still likes pink and crowns…
We are progressive, young and educated, and we’ve figured out that the future doesn’t lie in old models, nostalgia or in running away from transformation. This means being brave. The Internet Party can be brave because we have no previous baggage. The Internet Party must be brave because what we represent is too important to shy away from.
I didn’t listen to it. I am using it as an example of the way that the media is constantly messing with the news, diluting it, fitting ads into it, stroking the wealthy in it, supporting their favourite side in it, appealing to the masses who can be sold something in it, blah blah and on and on.
And getting at the people who can’t think beyond princesses and adore style and looks and are put off by substance and don’t show any interest in reality. And it may have been a sly way of introducing something serious and important to people. But it sounded more about how some like to think life is instead of just when it’s dress up and carnival time.
That’s what is going through my head and the precise details of what was said and what the item was about is not my main concern so don’t take it too literally.
“The sales data released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for the year ending March 2014, shows the lowest annual price increase since 2001 at 2.3 per cent,” Mr Bridges says.
“The figures
annual price change in electricity, across all of New Zealand, in the year to March.
increase in lines charges for the June quarter.
decrease in energy charges for the June quarter.
$155 a year
Electricity Authority figures show consumers can save, on average, $155 a year by switching power retailers.
NZ Herald “
So one can spend hours constantly changing suppliers to save $155 per year??? Great work National 🙄
I know politics isn’t meant to be about personalities and should be all about the policy, stupid.
And I know we’ve had releases from our side, and it has to be said, some good one’s too.
And I know it’s the lull before the storm electioneering wise, but even as a committed voter to the cause, touching on recent comments I’ve made about timing and getting in people’s faces for maximum effect, I’m not getting a feel good vibes from our leaders.
If the game has partly or wholly changed to personality politics, then change you must, or you lose. That’s evolution and Darwinism in action.
If that hasn’t been realised (in both senses of the word) at the top tables, then someone best put the TV coaching they’ve had to good use and get their smiling faces front and center instead of grimacing and scowling at mum and dad New Zealand.
I accept wrongs should be righted and ministers held to account, but if you’re only getting limited airtime you can’t afford to waste it. Honest John won’t when he has to front up to Campbell when he comes home from holiday, again.
Hope JC points out, unlike the last time, when JK says you aren’t paying attention, he has the balls and the info to say “actually, yes I have, and here’s what we know”.
“actually, yes I have, and here’s what we know” and Campbell proceeds, for the duration of the show, to read aloud the entirety of Blip’s List . . . before the screen suddenly goes blank
Someone should. Would be great if Campbell opened with it after saying hello. Seven uncomfortable minutes until the ad break, or if he doesn’t walk out or chicken out or both, the full show. I’m sure the two headed tortoise piece can wait for another day, and serious as the issue of flooding in sunken Christchurch suburbs is, and how special blue paint is great and all, when all the people want is to just live where it won’t flood for ever more, thirty minutes of gotcha would be riveting stuff. It would certainly make up for the Herald and TV3’s discredit agenda.
I’d do it myself, but they’ve never responded before. I think it’s my user name that puts them off.
I’d miss the Simpsons for that any day, except maybe for a new Halloween episode. He’d have to convince in the last adverts before seven. Come on John, do it. lol.
I keep an eye on Slater’s blog to see what the right is doing.
Today he has come up with a conspiracy theory which is quite unique in that you don’t to whether to be more amazed at how crazy it is or more offended at how misogynist it is. He is claiming that Tania Billingsley was some sort of trap for the Malaysian diplomat …
The screaming question to his vapid opinion is if as Mr Slater contends, the diplomat has not been charged, then why would the Malaysian Government ask our Government to drop all charges?
(+ wtf is that Bush Tucker rubbish meant to be about)
that’s… rather special.
“The evidence is out there”???
Very X-Files.
Let along the comment list with such gems as “Is Billingley a real person or a puppet?”.
But most of the rest of the screenshot reminds me to avoid that place like the plague.
After finding the story I grabbed the shots of, I admit I did not look further as I did not imagine even the sewer would stoop so low on a topic of such real consequence.
Shows how wrong a person can be. The site is simply poison.
Reading the full ‘article’, my only reaction is not printable
Give some people enough rope. A good link to use in demonstrating how rape complainants and survivors are put on trial – and CS is asking for info that would likely be part of a court case. Unbelievable.
I am so angry and the thoughts of how best to deal with this scum have actually triggered a full on anxiety attack and I have had to take meds for the first time in over a year.
I cannot imagine how Tania Billingsley must be reacting.
To all those who are supporting Tania,
Thank you and may you all be safe
Take care. It maybe should have a trigger warning on that post… and the site.
Yes, it shows what Tania Billingsley is having to put up with.
That post also reminds me why I rarely go to the WO site. And I am beyond understanding why anyone in the National Party, let alone the PM, want to be associated with it.
or if they do understand, they simply expose how vile large portions of our communities are and how lost they really have become.
Not sure which is of greater concern.
Slater’s faecal writing has hit the fan on website ‘Femnist Aotearoa’ who have published his rubbish fully so women don’t have to look at his site and contribute to his already inflated hit list ego.
My feminist friends are angry, very angry.
I have sent them a photo of Key and Slater hugging each other to publish on their site.
It may well be that Key loses every New Zealand woman’s votes and Cam loses a key close friend.
I guess it depends on how widely the Slater-Key relationship is publicized..
I have noticed Labour candidates doing a bit too much self promotion of themselves opposed to promoting the party vote. The one candidate I’ve noticed getting it right is Tamati Coffey. Well done mate!
To those who should know better wake the hell up, this had a big part in last elections hiding!
Cyclists are pedestrians. Cycles are parked up everywhere, from hallways to fences, to assorted street furniture. There are no dedicated cycle parking spaces next to the road, no fines for parking. Bicycles are like rollerskating, a tool for pedestrians to get around.
Now I think its very harmful to view bicycles as road vehicles, or their equivalent. Take the recent panelist on Moro who said that he was deeply concerned at cyclists joining the traffic from anywhere. Since we all know that cars come out of obvious side roads, obvious road junctions, obvious car parking spaces. They have indicators, are large, are deeply entrenched in road laws to maintain safety. Bicycles are not, there can be locked up everywhere, and pedestrians hop on the everywhere and anywhere to join traffic JUST LIKE PEDESTRAINS who seek to cross traffic.
Because we need to see Cyclists as Pedestrians, and keep our distance, slow down. They are just as vulnerable as any other pedestrian. As to accidents, accidents will not occur if you see a bicyclist joining the traffic, and the more there are, the more you will see them, and get used to them turning up, and so lowering your speed where you know where cyclists are (town centers). And the idea that cyclists are dying because they enter traffic and surprise car drivers is false, since the accidents that kill, like the women who swerved to avoid a car door and was run over by a truck, or the child avoiding the street work bollard and was run over by a truck, or the family in Rotorua out cycling and run over by a truck, in none of these cases were they entering the road, they were there already and for some time.
Moro panelists are a joke sometimes, saying that it angered him that cyclists enter traaffic that it causes accidents, NO, cyclists have very much more to lose, and there are bad cyclists and bad drivers who get unnecessarily concerned about cyclists sharing ther road with them. Since if that were the case, anger is not the answer, slowing down and keeping your distance, as they RE PEDESTRIANS!!
a ‘fixation on righteous eating’ which causes people to ‘become consumed with what and how much to eat, and how to deal with “slip-ups,”‘ according to the American National Eating Disorders Association.
I tend not to get too much into foodie debates. I am for healthy lifestyles… but also for a fair amount of flexibility and the maxim “everything in moderation”… and the other “a little bit of what you fancy”.
Hi Karol, love your work. I learnt via Freedoms links above that there are some frothing at the mouth right wingers who are incredibly frightened by your superior intellect to the degree that they call you names. And the chief imbecile (Slater) thinks that because you said “Billingsley, and I had no confidence that they would follow through…” that you must be involved in some elaborate conspiracy.
Keep up the great work, watching these frothers disappear under their own froth is entertaining…
Slater mentioned me? * raises eyebrows * … and thinks I’m involved in some conspiracy with Billingsley ?…. *wide grin of disbelieve on my face *
Well, there you go…. if I needed any further evidence to be cynical about anything published on the WO blog…. journalist indeed!
PPS: Ah, I see there’s a misread of my quote. In fact, there should be another comma after “and I”. I have not now, nor ever had any communication with Billingsley, ….. nor Jan Logie, nor any Green Party people about Billingsley. I only have gone on what I read online.
I am not a Green Party member. I vote Green. I have offered to help as a foot soldier in their election campaign – you know… like delivering leaflets, etc.
And now it makes me think twice about participating as a volunteer. I have just been thinking I need to do more than participate via blog posts and comments.
No. He suffers from delusions of mediocrity-or just delusions.
There are plenty of journalists out there who are biased, stupid or just incompetent but when they have delusions, there is usually an editor (or a shrink) who can stop their delusions being published. Unfortunately in Mr Slater’s case there is no one to do this.. except perhaps the women of New Zealand.
Actually, I never buy and cook meat. Occasionally I buy and cook fish. I only eat meat at restaurants and when it’s dished up to me at people’s places.
But, like I pretty much said. I’m not very strict about my eating. There’s pros and cons for eating many things.
I am more concerned with the macro/institutional aspects of business practices re environmental sustainability, and cruel practices.
As I said, I’m not a foodie, and am not into spending very much time on such debates.
Do you see ‘orthorexia’ to be a pejorative term karol, i would suggest in terms of Fats/Sugars in our foods we all need to become a little orthorexic,
The correlation between Fats/Sugars in our health statistics is becoming glaringly apparent,(at least to me), the annual death toll rivaling that attributed to tobacco use,
As continual overdose of Sugar in the diet is metabolized by the body into stored Fat the two categories of health issues, obesity/diabetes, cannot be viewed in any way as separate issues, and while no political action is taken to curb the mis-use of sugar in all processed foods the death toll will rise,
50 new diabetes cases reported in New Zealand each and every day,
I would have thought that, rants about sugarism or veganism or high fructose corn syrup aside, the very existence of the word orthorexia simply reminds us that the healthiest method of eating is moderation in all things (including worrying about health).
“..the healthiest method of eating is moderation in all things..”
i’m calling ‘bullshit!’ on that one.. me one reputable dietician saying eat more red-flesh/animal-fats..
..that’s ‘cos that shit is bad 4 u..that’s why..
(..and cd i just dissolve that chimera that because i advocate on this subject..that i am sitting in judgement on everyone else..
..once again..’bullshit..!..i just don’t do that..i mean..f.f.s..!..i’m an ex-junkie/ex-con..i don’t make blanket judgements on people for matters thus/addictive-habits,,..
..idiots..? that’s another story..i sure as hell feel fucken superior to them.. could you not..?..
..i am just laying out the undeniable facts of the situation..and advocating on the behalf of the animals..
..and if being faced with/confronted by those uncomfortable facts makes people uneasy..and maybe makes them think..(lash out..?..with the only argument-option to hand..attack the messanger..)..
Yes, bad, the term does have pejorative overtones, although, it also highlights the dangers of extremism over food. I think part of the problem is in guilt-tripping individuals about the food they eat. There are so many individual differences about how foods interacts with metabolism and lifestyle limitations.
Many of the problems, like that of the sugar industry, can be dealt with at an institutional/system level. The problem is with the sugar industry, and the way they promote their products and infiltrate all kinds of food products.
Some people can eat a fair amount of sugar with no side effects. Most people can eat some sugary stuff as a treat, now and then.
I’ve seen it in my own family – 1 totally against sugary food, sweet things, and another who ate a fair amount of it. Guess who had the longest healthiest life?
Ditto for the consumption of, and industrial approaches to animal food. Humans have eaten animals since way back. I can’t see it ending any time soon. In NZ, there is probably, on average, too high a consumption of some animal products. But again, the issue is with the industry and their processes of production and marketing.
Leave individuals to make their own choices.
Guilt-tripping individuals does more harm than good. And, as I said, I go for moderation in most issues around food, and not getting too obsessive about it.
Relax and enjoy. As on many other issues, there’s also a place for encouraging an informed understanding. Ultimately, though, advice does keep changing, but nutritionists and others do keep talking about moderation, and the importance of a diverse diet.
”Leave individuals to make their own choices”, to believe in such ‘individual choice’ you would have to believe that there is no silent Obesity/Diabetes epidemic killing people every day???,
‘Choices’ are largely made around ‘education’ and ‘economy, i see little of this education occurring, and, what ‘choice’ do the poor have but the ‘poorest of food’ , how many people know such a simple piece of information as the daily recommended sugar intake for children and adults????,
Your argument about longevity has been applied to those who use tobacco, you favor Government action against tobacco use do you not???…
Of course individuals have limited choices – some more limited than others. That’s part of why I’m not into focusing on indiviuals’ choices and into focusing on the industries and their marketing.
Not tobacco USE (except when the use of the product impacts on the air others breathe – the tobacco industry and its marketing. Ditto the booze industry and marketing.
There is quite a bit of info around about the problems with sugar.
”There’s quite a bit of information around about the problems with sugar”,
Rather glib don’t you think karol, couple the above with the ‘fact’ that 20% of people have escaped the education system as functional illiterates, then add in the fact that this 20% will have the poor economy and thus in the majority have little ‘choice’ but the ‘poor diet’ with a high percentage of these being brown, and, such ‘information’ might as well be smoke signals…
But Karol doesn’t change come from the flax roots? How will macro/institutional change be effected without this?
Individuals can only make good choices if the underlying settings are right.
An example is the new ‘healthy food star rating’ system coming our way. Trim milk will score 5/5 while full-fat milk will get 3.5/5, according to the NZ Herald. Orange juice will rank higher than full fat milk. It’s an industry friendly regime, all to enable the consumer to make ‘good choices’ of course.
Changes do come from the grass roots. But it won’t be a change for the better if it just involves guilt-tripping individuals rather than being focused on industry and institutional change.
I see a lot of the issues being to do with a rampant consumer society – they are issues that focus on increasing consumption over working towards the social good.
The lack of balance in our approach to diet (as a society) is due to both free market forces, and academics whose ego driven research needlessly stigmatised fats.
I agree guilt-tripping does nothing to change the settings, and that food is tied in with our way of living, working, and consuming. But it’s a route into the wider issues: consumerism, the environment, health, the way we work – rather than something that is just bundled into the bigger progressive picture without too much thought. It is no coincidence those most affected by the obesity and type 2 diabetes disaster are also most hit by the smashing of the unions, flexibility of labour markets, and high cost of healthy food.
But finding a way to talk about it constructively is quite difficult.
It challenges everything that we thought we knew about politics—upending the idea that we get our beliefs solely from our upbringing, from our friends and families, from our personal economic interests, and calling into question the notion that in politics, we can really change (most of us, anyway).
reminds me of the old story of someone who went into a shop looking for a particular product, and the sales assistant said something like “I keep having to tell people, we don’t stock it because there’s no demand for it”.
I.e. the columnist drew enough comments about his lack of positive comments about labour’s performance that he had to justify it by saying that he didn’t think they were doing well, cf: the polls. But if this assessment (compared with the nats) were truly fair, he wouldn’t need to justify it.
The Deputy Leader of N.Z. First is pushing for charter schools, so I was told by a
Nat voter who is thinking of voting NZ First as a protest against Key. I just dont trust Winnie.
I wouldn’t trust your Nat source. Here is some info from the NZ First
18 Jun 2014
Taxpayers’ Money At Risk In Charter Schools
Tracey Martin
It is unlikely the government will ever recover money from a charter school’s land and buildings if the school fails, says New Zealand First.”
I think I do trust my nat source at this stage. Wouldn’t be the first time Winnie has said he would do one thing and did the opposite. However I hope I am wrong and he goes with the left.
New Zealand First is strongly opposed to “charter” or “partnership” schools; public funding for these privately owned profit making opportunities would be ended by New
Zealand First.
wail boil is actually a paranoiac.
he attributes all his perversions and deviancy to others in the vain hope that he will escape notice by deflecting attention elsewhere..
the thing is with paranoids is that when they think you know their secret then they will try and kill you!
watchout for the “THING”.
Meanwhile in the same poll, Labour is down 4.5% and National is up 3%.
It seems like the soft Labour vote may be starting to pick their side as the election looms closer. Most of it is shifting to the Greens but a smaller amount is shifting towards National.
Labour and the parties to the left of Labour have a busy couple of months ahead to raise their vote.
I am STILL confident of a Labour led coalition government forming.
Here are the reasons:
The Labour’s dismal 23% I suspect is the superficial but temporary reaction to Cunliffe’s ‘ashamed to be a man’ quote. That was on July 4th. The poll period was June 30 to July 13. People misunderstood the serious reason for his statement. Labour will bounce back to over 30% by election date.
National’s current 51% will collapse to around 44%.
NZF will cross 6%.
So will Internet-Mana to about 5% with two electorate wins.
There were 5.5% in the poll who did not specify which party would get their party vote. I suspect the bulk of those 5.5% will not favour the right wing.
Many major policies are yet to be announced. Campaign proper has not yet started. Debates have not yet happened. Party policy materials have not yet reached homes. Two months is a long time in politics.
All in all, there is a greater chance of a left wing coalition than a right wing one.
Yep, you’re on the money. If we needed any proof of the depth of misogynist feeling in NZ, this poll is it. Onwards and upwards, we’re still gonna win.
The ignorance of people, even well educated ones, about politics and the REAL issues is appalling. I see that in my own family and among some of my friends where they are clued on on superficial material stuff, silly sitcoms and dumbed down news stories far more than serious issues. There in lies Hash-Key’s advantage!
If you look at the TM graphs, you will see that during some of the serious debates such as the spying issues etc, National was as low as 41%. Now not so, because public memory and loyalty is very fickle! Slide your cursor over the National graph below at different months and see how low and high they have been at different times.
Yes, I agree. Labour has outstanding Policy, but people who I thought would be up with the play on current affairs are completely ignorant of what Labour are offering. I suspect that as we get into more campaigning people will see more and become more aware of Labour’s outstanding Housing Policy, Monetary Policy , Education Policy, CGT, re balancing of our economics…all of these policies will improve our nation as compared to how National is running the country.
One of the major problems is our useless main stream media, case in point: refer TV3’s 3rd Degree tonight, eight weeks from an election, I would have thought any half decent current affairs show would be considering Politics. Native Affairs does politics regularly. The NZH will always play down any Labour Policy.
23.5% is surprising, but when you consider the support from the MSM that National have, perhaps not. When full campaigning starts…Labour’s message is strong and will get through, and then our share of the vote will improve.
National (51%) increases election winning lead over Labour/ Greens (38.5%) as Prime Minister John Key heads off for 10 days holiday in Hawaii and Labour’s increased spending on education fails to convince the electors
Not really that surprising, although I would be surprised if Labour polls that low at the election itself.
The same trend is occurring overseas. It looks like the UK Tories have a good chance of getting back in, and Abbott and Harper rule in their respective countries for the foreseeable future. Quite why this is, I have no idea. I guess “the people” are just stupid.
The people aren’t stupid the leaders of the Left are disappointingly weak. In the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced all round the globe under pressure from the Right, Left leaders are rolling over to vested interest and the fossil fuel lobby.
We need Churchills and we are getting Chamberlains
A Netherlands court has just ruled that the state has responsibility for allowing the Srebrenica massacre to happen. Massive implications for peacekeeping forces around the world.
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In 2017, when Ghahraman was elected to Parliament as a Green MP, she recounted both the highlights and challenges of her role -There was love, support, and encouragement.And on the flipside, there was intense, visceral and unchecked hate.That came with violent threats - many of them. More on that later.People ...
It gives me the biggest kick to learn that something I’ve enthused about has been enough to make you say Go on then, I'm going to do it. The e-bikes, the hearing aids, the prostate health, the cheese puffs. And now the solar power. Yes! Happy to share the details.We ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Can CO2 be ...
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesAnd his opinion so you'd never have to choosePretty soon, you'll be an old bastard tooYou get smaller as the world gets bigThe more you know you know you don't know shit"The whiz man" will never ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
This Friday afternoon, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced an overhaul of the Waitangi Tribunal.The government has effectively cleared house - appointing 8 new members - and combined with October’s appointment of former ACT leader Richard Prebble, that’s 9 appointees.[I am not certain, but can only presume, Prebble went in ...
The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
So what becomes of you, my love?When they have finally stripped you ofThe handbags and the gladragsThat your poor old granddadHad to sweat to buy you, babySongwriter: Mike D'aboIn yesterday’s newsletter, I expressed sadness at seeing Golriz Ghahraman back on the front pages for shoplifting. As someone who is no ...
It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
Note: This Webworm discusses sexual assault and rape. Please read with care.Hi,A few weeks ago I reported on how one of New Zealand’s richest men, Nick Mowbray (he and his brother own Zuru and are worth an estimated $20 billion), had taken to sharing posts by a British man called ...
The final Atlas Network playbook puzzle piece is here, and it slipped in to Aotearoa New Zealand with little fan fare or attention. The implications are stark.Today, writes Dr Bex, the submission for the Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment Bill closes: 11:59pm January 16, 2025.As usual, the language of the ...
Excitement in the seaside village! Look what might be coming! 400 million dollars worth of investment! In the very beating heart of the village! Are we excited and eager to see this happen, what with every last bank branch gone and shops sitting forlornly quiet awaiting a customer?Yes please, apply ...
Much discussion has been held over the Regulatory Standards Bill (RSB), the latest in a series of rightwing attempts to enshrine into law pro-market precepts such as the primacy of private property ownership. Underneath the good governance and economic efficiency gobbledegook language of the Bill is an interest to strip ...
We are concerned that the Amendment Bill, as proposed, could impair the operations and legitimate interests of the NZ Trade Union movement. It is also likely to negatively impact the ability of other civil society actors to conduct their affairs without the threat of criminal sanctions. We ask that ...
I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?And I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?Song: The Lonely Biscuits.“A bit nippy”, I thought when I woke this morning, and then, soon after that, I wondered whether hell had frozen over. Dear friends, ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Asheville, North Carolina, was once widely considered a climate haven thanks to its elevated, inland location and cooler temperatures than much of the Southeast. Then came the catastrophic floods of Hurricane Helene in September 2024. It was a stark reminder that nowhere is safe from ...
Early reports indicate that the temporary Israel/Hamas ceasefire deal (due to take effect on Sunday) will allow for the gradual release of groups of Israeli hostages, the release of an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails (likely only a fraction of the total incarcerated population), and the withdrawal ...
My daily news diet is not what it once was.It was the TV news that lost me first. Too infantilising, too breathless, too frustrating.The Herald was next. You could look past the reactionary framing while it was being a decent newspaper of record, but once Shayne Currie began unleashing all ...
Hit the road Jack and don't you come backNo more, no more, no more, no moreHit the road Jack and don't you come back no moreWhat you say?Songwriters: Percy MayfieldMorena,I keep many of my posts, like this one, paywall-free so that everyone can read them.However, please consider supporting me as ...
This might be the longest delay between reading (or in this case re-reading) a work, and actually writing a review of it I have ever managed. Indeed, when I last read these books in December 2022, I was not planning on writing anything about them… but as A Phuulish Fellow ...
Kia Ora,I try to keep most my posts without a paywall for public interest journalism purposes. However, if you can afford to, please consider supporting me as a paid subscriber and/or supporting over at Ko-Fi. That will help me to continue, and to keep spending time on the work. Embarrassingly, ...
There was a time when Google was the best thing in my world. I was an early adopter of their AdWords program and boy did I like what it did for my business. It put rocket fuel in it, is what it did. For every dollar I spent, those ads ...
A while back I was engaged in an unpleasant exchange with a leader of the most well-known NZ anti-vax group and several like-minded trolls. I had responded to a racist meme on social media in which a rightwing podcaster in the US interviewed one of the leaders of the Proud ...
Hi,If you’ve been reading Webworm for a while, you’ll be familiar with Anna Wilding. Between 2020 and 2021 I looked at how the New Zealander had managed to weasel her way into countless news stories over the years, often with very little proof any of it had actually happened. When ...
It's a long white cloud for you, baby; staying together alwaysSummertime in AotearoaWhere the sunshine kisses the water, we will find it alwaysSummertime in AotearoaYeah, it′s SummertimeIt's SummertimeWriters: Codi Wehi Ngatai, Moresby Kainuku, Pipiwharauroa Campbell, Taulutoa Michael Schuster, Rebekah Jane Brady, Te Naawe Jordan Muturangi Tupe, Thomas Edward Scrase.Many of ...
Last year, 292 people died unnecessarily on our roads. That is the lowest result in over a decade and only the fourth time in the last 70 years we’ve seen fewer than 300 deaths in a calendar year. Yet, while it is 292 people too many, with each death being ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob HensonFlames from the Palisades Fire burn a building at Sunset Boulevard amid a powerful windstorm on January 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The fast-moving wildfire had destroyed thousands of structures and ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Regulatory Standards Bill, as I understand it, seeks to bind parliament to a specific range of law-making.For example, it seems to ensure primacy of individual rights over that of community, environment, te Tiriti ...
Happy New Year!I had a lovely break, thanks very much for asking: friends, family, sunshine, books, podcasts, refreshing swims, barbecues, bike rides. So good to step away from the firehose for a while, to have less Trump and Seymour in your day. Who needs the Luxons in their risible PJs ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Panel and a director of Greater Auckland In 2003, after much argument, including the election of a Mayor in 2001 who ran on stopping it, Britomart train station in downtown Auckland opened. A mere 1km twin track terminating branch ...
For the first time in a decade, a New Zealand Prime Minister is heading to the Middle East. The trip is more than just a courtesy call. New Zealand PMs frequently change planes in Dubai en route to destinations elsewhere. But Christopher Luxon’s visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 5, 2025 thru Sat, January 11, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The decade between 1952 and the early 1960s was the peak period for the style of music we now call doo wop, after which it got dissolved into soul music, girl groups, and within pop music in general. Basically, doo wop was a form of small group harmonising with a ...
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists…And if you tolerate thisThen your children will be nextSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Do you remember at school, studying the rise ...
When National won the New Zealand election in 2023, one of the first to congratulate Luxon was tech-billionaire and entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk.And last year, after Luxon posted a video about a trip to Malaysia, Musk came forward again to heap praise on Christopher:So it was perhaps par for the ...
Hi,Today’s Webworm features a new short film from documentary maker Giorgio Angelini. It’s about Luigi Mangione — but it’s also, really, about everything in America right now.Bear with me.Shortly after I sent out my last missive from the fires on Wednesday, one broke out a little too close to home ...
So soon just after you've goneMy senses sharpenBut it always takes so damn longBefore I feel how much my eyes have darkenedFear hangs in a plane of gun smokeDrifting in our roomSo easy to disturb, with a thought, with a whisperWith a careless memorySongwriters: Andy Taylor / John Taylor / ...
Can we trust the Trump cabinet to act in the public interest?Nine of Trump’s closest advisers are billionaires. Their total net worth is in excess of $US375b (providing there is not a share-market crash). In contrast, the total net worth of Trump’s first Cabinet was about $6b. (Joe Biden’s Cabinet ...
Welcome back to our weekly roundup. We hope you had a good break (if you had one). Here’s a few of the stories that caught our attention over the last few weeks. This holiday period on Greater Auckland Since our last roundup we’ve: Taken a look back at ...
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in, The City of AngelsLonely as I am together we crySong: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Flea, John Frusciante.A home is engulfed in flames during the Eaton fire in the Altadena area. ...
Open access notablesLarge emissions of CO2 and CH4 due to active-layer warming in Arctic tundra, Torn et al., Nature Communications:Climate warming may accelerate decomposition of Arctic soil carbon, but few controlled experiments have manipulated the entire active layer. To determine surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Carolina Quintero Rodriguez, Senior Lecturer and Program Manager, Bachelor of Fashion (Enterprise) program, RMIT University When a tennis player serves at 200km/h in 30°C heat, their clothing isn’t just fabric. It becomes a key part of their performance. Modern tennis wear ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jayashri Kulkarni, Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University Last week, Australian Open player Destanee Aiava revealed she had struggled with borderline personality disorder. The tennis player said a formal diagnosis, after suicidal behaviour and severe panic attacks, “was a relief”. But “it ...
Research methods in this project included healing Kauri trees through using "sonic samples of healthy whales to construct a tapestry of rejuvenation and wellbeing.” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Amy Hume, Lecturer In Theatre (Voice), Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne A24 The Brutalist has drawn attention this week for its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to refine some of the actors’ dialogue. Emilia Pérez, a ...
Welcome to The Spinoff Books Confessional, in which we get to know the reading habits of Aotearoa’s writers, and other guests. This week: Jenny Pattrick, playwright of Hope, which runs at Circa Theatre from January 25 – February 23.The book I wish I’d writtenHow to choose? Let’s say ...
SPECIAL REPORT:By Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson and Lilomaiava Maina Vai The Speaker of the House, Papali’i Li’o Taeu Masipau, decisively addressed a letter from FAST, which informed him of the removal of Fiame along with Deputy Prime Minister Tuala Tevaga Ponifasio, Leatinu’u Wayne Fong, Olo Fiti Vaai, Faualo Harry Schuster, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Marie Brennan, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Waikato Shutterstock/KV4000 Every day, about 48.5 tonnes of space rock hurtle towards Earth. Meteorites that fall into the ocean are never recovered. But the ones that crash on land can spark debates ...
New year, same friendly local politics podcast. The political year kicked off with a dramatic reshuffle that sees Shane Reti removed from health in favour of Simeon Brown, James Meager made minister for the fiefdom that is the South Island and Nicola Willis in the renamed role of minister for ...
Alex Casey and Tara Ward assemble a list of demands for James Meager, the first minister for the South Island. South islanders, rejoice, for there is now one man dedicated to ensuring that each and every 1,260,000 of us has our voices heard in parliament. This week Rangitata MP James ...
COMMENTARY:By Steven Cowan, editor of Against The Current New Zealand’s One News interviewed a Gaza journalist last week who has called out the Western media for its complicity in genocide. For some 15 months, the Western media have framed Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza as a “legitimate” war. Pretending ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says the government has been taking the problem of economic growth seriously, and its work on that so far has been "significant". ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Marta Yebra, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Australian National University Picture this. It’s a summer evening in Australia. A dry lightning storm is about to sweep across remote, tinder-dry bushland. The next day is forecast to be hot and windy. A lightning strike ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Joanne Orlando, Researcher, Digital Literacy and Digital Wellbeing, Western Sydney University Wachiwit/Shutterstock Roblox isn’t just another video game – it’s a massive virtual universe where nearly 90 million people from around the world create, play and socialise. This includes some 34 ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nicole Lee, Adjunct Professor at the National Drug Research Institute (Melbourne based), Curtin University Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock Anecdotal reports from some professionals have prompted concerns about young people using prescription benzodiazepines such as Xanax for recreational use. Border force detections of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Judy Lundy, Lecturer in Management, Edith Cowan University Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock It’s been a significant day for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in the United States. Such initiatives are about providing equality of opportunity and a sense of being valued ...
Filmmaker Ahmed Osman reflects on the many challenges the screen industry is facing this year – and what needs to change. I grew up in front of the TV. For me, it was more than just background noise: it was connection. Shows like bro’Town, Street Legal, and Outrageous Fortune weren’t ...
The government last year created a new Ministry for Regulation, with ACT leader David Seymour in charge, to review regulations and, in Seymour’s words, “to look for red tape to cut.” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kimberley Connor, Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford Archaeology Center, Stanford University Sydney’s Hyde Park Barracks photographed in 1871, when the building served as a women’s immigration depot and asylum.City of Sydney Archives. Sydney’s Hyde Park Barracks was built between 1817 and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Robert McLachlan, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University NASA/Earth Observatory, CC BY-SA It’s now official. Last year was the warmest year on record globally and the first to exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This doesn’t mean ...
Analysis - The political year is kicking off with a flurry of gatherings and speeches after the Prime Minister used Wellington Anniversary weekend to get his team in order. ...
There’s been a major shake-up at the Waitangi Tribunal, with more than half of the current members, including some esteemed Māori academics, losing their places to make way for some controversial new appointments.Established in 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal investigates alleged Crown breaches of the promises made to Māori in ...
PFAS chemicals are omnipresent, enduring, and almost certainly in your bloodstream. Here’s a guide to where they come from, why there are concerns about their use and what regulations are in place to help you avoid exposure. Your raincoat, beading with water. The slippery smooth surface of your non-stick pans. ...
Opinion: With a freshly minted transport minister taking the helm this week, it’s a good time to consider why we lack a fair and objective conversation about transport in New Zealand.The main reason for opposing investment in public transport and rail is that these modes reduce the reliance on and ...
After 23 years following a black line at the bottom of a swimming pool, Aquablack and Olympian Helena Gasson has retired from competitive swimming on her terms.She now wants to share her expertise and give back to the sport after being the only New Zealander to compete at an Oceania ...
A temporary impasse between the executive and the courts over the Marine and Coastal Areas Act has now seen six more Māori groups granted customary rights by the High Court.The judge in the latest case says the courts can’t wait for what might eventuate from Parliament but must decide applications ...
Comment: If you’ve ever wondered how Omni Consumer Products became the government in the 1987 Paul Verhoeven film, Robocop, you’re about to find out. As Donald J. Trump, a convicted felon and a man who tried to violently seize power through a failed coup in 2020, begins his second term ...
Opinion: Austria is poised to become the next European country to fall to the far right. There is only one option for mainstream parties to break this cycle. The post Europe’s far-right dominoes knock down democracy appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Prime Minister Christoper Luxon has turned Finance Minister Nicola Willis into a ‘super minister’ by adding the rebranded economic portfolio to her plate and bolstering her ability to implement change.Luxon announced his decision to appoint Nicola Willis to the role of Minister for Economic Growth as part of a wider ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Wednesday 22 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
When I reflect on my life, I look at how everything changed on the evening of June 22, 1970.I was lying in bed when the phone went late one night. My father picked it up. He was on the phone for what seemed like an eternity, and I could tell ...
Great to see the Labour candidates getting out to the regions, even into places where Labour hasn’t had traditional support. Last night Chris Hipkins, David Shearer and TKC Labour Candidate Penny Gaylor provided an outstanding public meeting at the Otorohanga Rugby Club. There needs to be more of this.
On another note: This mornings Fonterra GDT auction is down 8.9%, the NZ Dairy market price has essentially collapsed, if this price holds then we will see a dairy payout under $6 which will be a problem for many farmers.
Great to hear from Otorohonga. Straight at them in the King Country.
Anyone else got good campaign stories this morning?
“Anyone else got good campaign stories this morning?”
Yes, I hear that Labour volunteers have been going hard on door knocking in Ohariu and the feed back gives us reason for hope:
“The vast majority of people I speak to are over Dunne.” From Virginia Andersen, Labour candidate.
I understand there are clinics planned in each of the community centres in the electorate, which is an excellent way of boosting visibility and interacting directly with the community. The first one kicks off in Newlands this Saturday. If you look at Lynn’s very thorough analysis, NZ First – the Kingmakers? and the link provided regarding Ohariu:
you can see that the area of central east, which includes Newlands/Paparangi are the biggest supporters of a Left vote in the electorate – a great place to start the clinics! We had a food bank open up in Newlands last year, which may indicate that the area is suffering under our current Government, so I’m sure there will be lots of issues the people will want to discuss with the candidate.
I’m not a Labour Party member and am not involved with the campaign in Ohariu but what I’ve been hearing is ALL positive. ……………. hey, just imagine unseating Dunne………………. 😀
We’ve been working really hard in Clutha-Southland. We’ve door knocked all over the electorate Tapanui, Queenstown, Balclutha, Milton, Gore, Mataura, Nightcaps and Kaitangtata. We’ve had a lot of support in the electorate to my pleasant surprise. I’m thinking we will be taking some votes of National in the electorate this time.
Great stuff Saarbo! Really good to hear.
Would be nice to know that there are more MP’s for Otaki than that moron Nathan guy.
What about your Labour candidate Rob MCCann? Looks like they have an open invitation to a coffee and chat get together this Friday. You could go along and find out what’s happening!
Nathan Guy has to go!
Financial problems for many farmers are seen as opportunities for the Tories with access to finance, or wanting to sell to foreign capital while grabbing a commission. They want the farms concentrated in fewer hands.
“We Have the Right to Defend Ourselves”
Part 2 ….
See also….
No. 1:
I note various Zionist cheerleaders and apologists on this site objecting to the gross disproportionality of references to ‘genocide’.
I dare say like references were objected to when the yellow Star of David had its first European outing.
Well it wasn’t the fucking Yellow Rose of Texas was it ? As we all now know.
Ironic how the word “solution” has crept into the conversation. “There must be a sensible solution…..blah blah blah” from the likes of Sooth-Creep-Wayne, formerly of cabinet fame.
Former prime minister Jenny Shipley’s involvement with the latest Chinese banking giant to set up shop in New Zealand has been described by Winston Peters as “economic treachery”.
I agree with Winston.
Later on in the article..
“We found China’s largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), was also registered here last November, chaired by former politician and Reserve Bank governor Don Brash.”
These NACT politicians are selling our sovereignty away for their own personal gain.
We are rapidly losing control of our own country. And we know the people who have facilitated this.
Lange, Douglas, Moore, Bolger, Richardson, Shipley, Brash, Key,
Nah Bolger was OK just as Lange was OK. Both their caucus had huge cadres of rabid neolibs though.
Yes, and Bolger was cover for Richardson and Lange cover for Douglas.
They provided the cheery reassuring face, whilst the others stuffed the country behind our backs.
Lange was the clown who took credit for uranium based breath fresheners, while giving Douglas and co. carte blanche to go where Thatcher had feared to tread. He was not OK. He is as responsible as Douglas or Prebble for the state of Aotearoa today.
Bolger also did little to stop Richardson rubbing salt into the wounds inflicted by the first ACT government. To call either of them OK is to lower our expectations to nothing.
China Construction Bank New Zealand’s chairwoman, former Prime Minister Dame Jenny Shipley, said the bank’s initial focus would be on trade business, as well as “supporting high net worth individuals who are either present or wish to come to New Zealand and do business here”.
‘High net worth individuals?’
Maybe this is linked to this article. In May
Wealthy Chinese knock on NZ’s door.
“Wealthy Chinese who wanted to emigrate because of concerns over pollution and a crackdown on corruption who had previously considered Canada were now interested in New Zealand and Australia.”
‘High net worth individuals?’…aka wealthy Chinese who wanted to emigrate because of a crackdown on corruption .
And it doesn’t sound like the wealthy of China are very popular in their own country.
‘This wave of emigration has left a bitter taste in the mouths of some who cannot leave. Wrote one user on microblogging platform Sina Weibo, “Capital is continuously being transferred abroad, leaving a mess at home.”’
‘In November, 2011, an opinion piece in the state-run People’s Daily,entitled “We Should Make It Harder for the Wealthy to Emigrate,” attracted a great number of readers and went viral on Chinese social media sites. The article proposed an “exit tax” on wealthy Chinese leaving the country. Many Web users agreed that such a measure would benefit the majority of Chinese while limiting capital outflow. One anonymous commentator complained, “Once you have money and power, you’re no longer patriotic. Think about it – where did your money and power come from? They’re practically peacetime traitors.”’
Sounds like they are seen as traitors just like Winston see the wealthy of New Zealand as economic quislings.
The 1% are the same. whatever the country.
Our fish are running out.
‘Several of New Zealand’s major export fish species have been listed as unsustainably managed by the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).
Its warnings appear on its website and on mobile phone apps to use while shopping. They include red lights or do-not-shop for hoki, squid and shark from New Zealand.
“Overall, there have been significant improvements in farming and the industry is improving transparency due to the fact more people care about where their seafood comes from,” Tooni Mahto, AMCS’s marine campaigns officer, said.
“But there is still a lot of work to do. It still takes 2.5 kilograms of wild-caught fish, to be used as fish food, to create 1kg of farmed fish.”
On hoki AMCS said it should not be eaten. Although the New Zealand fishery was healthy “there are significant concerns over threatened species bycatch and habitat damage in this fishery”.
Fast-food companies like McDonald’s use hoki in their fish burgers.’
And who have the government chosen to sell these same policies to the Pacific Island nations? None other than Labour’s own former mouthpiece for unsustainability, the late grate Shane Jones.
“It still takes 2.5 kilograms of wild-caught fish, to be used as fish food, to create 1kg of farmed fish.”
This just always comes across as completely barmy …. why not eat the 2.5 kgs directly ffs? I loves them little fishes …..
I guess it will be totally about the money as always. Useless humans.
Rockstar economy…
‘Global dairy prices plunge 8.9 per cent.’
And the underlying causes as pointed out by lprent and joe90
From my wireless this morning, RadioNZ National, at an annual $6 a kilo for milk solids 20% of New Zealand dairy farms are only reaching break even,
The auctions for the rest of the financial year may well spell out the fate of those farms which carry the most debt,
While ‘stockpiling’ has been trotted out as the cause of the current slump in prices there is evidence that ‘boom’ may well be about to turn to ‘bust’ worldwide for the dairy industry,
For the first time one of the Chinese players in the market, Yili, has entered the top 10 of production companies, at number 10, suggesting that the ramping up of production there will begin to hurt Western producers deeply,
A situation of over-supply, some say that point is at hand, will collapse the market prices of dairy products across the world and force up to 20% of all individual farms into insolvency,
i doubt, the inclusion in the New Zealand economy of two of China’s major banking groups is simply an incidental progression, while there is antagonism toward foreign ‘ownership’ of our farming sector, a collapsing dairy price will give those banks ‘virtual ownership’ of a large part of the local industry via their ability to prop up the industry with cash loans…
Dairy should be part of the economic mix not a dominant commodity.
There is not enough room for many more cows than the current six mill unless kept indoors in ‘sheds’ as per the shelved South Island Mckenzie basin plan. Cattle are often diseased and stressed to get the yield as it is. Dairy workers in processing and logistics are well unionised but farm workers themselves remain appallingly treated in many cases.
Forest and sheep have been run down and overlooked in the gold rush scamper to dairy. If the Chinese and Latin Americans really get rolling with dairy Fonterra will be in for a major downsize. The small independents like Synlait, Dairyworks, LIC, Sutton Group, Gardians etc. that do niche products are where dairy will have to go to survive.
The cash cow may run dry eh, oh well good news for the waterways eventually then. The thing is to replace it with something that provides reasonable employment not just inflated payouts to industrial farm owners.
Great summation of the situation.
Need a dairy shed workers union.
And govt needs to refinance all mortgaged dairy farms at 2% interest in exchange for strict environmental and employment standards.
Why should one sector be protected. Farming as a stand alone business case do not stack up with their operating results. All they are is property companies in hiding. Their operating results allow, is a basis for how much debt they can carry, with the financial returns based on saleability and the appreciation of the farms and stock.
I feel for those who have recently entered the farming industry as the stress they are under is a real concern, especially with rising interest rates on the horizon coupled with reduced commodity prices, and the increase world wide if dairy capacity.
And re environmental deterioration they should be compelled like other industries to mitigate at source so that their are no adverse effects down steam.
Fully agree. The biggest concern here (outside of the environmental issues) is what happens if milk solid prices continue to fall and large numbers of our dairy farmers are then “underwater” ie. running at a loss and unable to service the substantial loans on property.
Clearly in the normal course of events the creditors step in and the assets/property are sold to recoup the loan exposure. Now where are the buyers of said land likely to eventuate from? NZ’ers with spare capital? Heck of a straw man I know but one possibly worthy of consideration.
This price is at the regular low end of the trading year. But there is a stark warning in it nevertheless that many commentators have been pushing for a long time. Rod Oram is one of them, and Keith Woodford another, as noted below:
Regrettably despite my high hopes for Fonterra at its inception, I now want Fonterra to decline slowly over the next decade. Farmers and smart partners will then replace it with a thousand predominantly locally-owned small companies with the will to form their own brands, and take on the great value-added challenge of New Zealand dairy.
Fonterra, and too many other dairy companies, enjoy surfing the bulk commodity wave while it lasts, and simply refuse to believe there will be the hard landing of debt servicing and long price troughs as bulk storage is so slow to use up.
Only the cushion of a great range of world-beating specialist high-value products with unique brands from a multitude of local companies will turn this slow disaster.
In the true NZ way what would ensue is a rapid race to the bottom with NZ farmers competing with each other on lowest price volume rather than value add… not to mention much easier for processors to screw down milk supply on a farmer by farmer basis…
That could follow, agreed.
But there are some who are not vulnerable at all, and aggregate into companies, form their own processing, and their own brands, and their own marketing.
The two extremes between the NZ milk industry and the NZ wine industry don’t need to be so extreme.
Yep, we need that ban on foreign ownership now. And not just mild restrictions either.
My point. re: the Chinese banks setting up shop here is it is a simple means of bypassing messy questions of foreign ownership,
Why own the farm via a land title with all the negative connotations that this generates when you can buy up through bank loans all that production sitting in an air conditioned office in the Auckland CBD…
Banning foreign ownership would prevent the bank from setting up here in the first place.
On planet Draco such a banning probably has a 100% probability, on this one the chances are an enlarged ZERO,
At some point i can see the Chinese, through these banks ability to lend to the individual dairy farms and the major production companies, making the decisions on how big our dairy production is and of course what price the economy can tolerate for the products,
i doubt that ‘they’ see any point in collapsing our economy,(while we are still ‘friendly),and, as it our methods and stock breeding ability which is enhancing their ability to become in time the biggest dairy producer in the world there is in fact an impetus for controlled,(by them),competition to keep occurring,
A cynic would suggest that as we milk the cows we are in turn about to be milked ourselves…
That’s a different beast altogether DTB. It’s a sanction against foreign banks operating in NZ. Which means no Australian banks either.
Semantics 😛
But that is what we actually need to do – prevent all foreign owned businesses from setting up here.
And the treatment of existing foreign owned businesses?
They get to leave peacefully.
The banks make money, not the average farmer
It would seem dicriminatory to refuse a licence to a Chinese bank when most ot our banking facilities are Australian owned. However, I must admit that I would like to see all overseas banks leave NZ.
“..Even Republicans Support Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Law..”
Americans across party lines say they support Colorado’s marijuana legalization law – a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds.
And the poll results show the majority of Americans think efforts to enforce current marijuana laws are not worth the cost.
In the poll – 61 percent of Americans said they support the Colorado law – which as the poll described it –
Twenty-seven percent oppose it..”
(ed:..and of course recent polling here in new zealand showed that 45% of national party supporters support ending the prohibition of cannabis..)
I suspect the real problem is nobody can figure out how to bleed money out of the great unwashed like alcohol and tobacco when you can just throw in a row of it next to the tomatoes. They’ll think of something eventually – medical marijuana seems to be where they’re headed at the moment
i am hoping they byepass that halfway-house of medical-marijuana only..
..that solves none of the prohibition problems..(criminal-control of control over sales to minors name just two..)
..and that the move is to the (proven-successes) of the colorado-model of legalisation/regulation/taxation..
…this can be done in two ways..
1)..the actual colorado-model:
..where private-enterprise is licensed/regulated to grow/sell/administer the scheme..(with the state receiving license-fees + revenue from taxation at point of sale…)
2)..the uruguay-model:
..where in a determination to totally remove the criminal-element from the market..
..the far-sighted president of uruguay has mandated a state-run model..
..where employment is created from the state running the show..
..from growing to retail..
..and as his crim-killer..
..he has deemed that cannabis will be sold to the public @ $2 per gram…
..(i prefer the second of those two models..who wouldn’t love pot @ $2 per gram..?
..but cd live with the first..)
I just think you should be able to grow your own – there’s no black market or criminal element in tomatoes and lettuces, is there
of course that as well..
Philj asked (over on Dotcom thread)
“Whatever happened to transparency, accountability and higher standards? ”
Well, don’t ask Claudette Hauiti, it seems her knowledge on the topic is a bit light
Claudette Hauiti is making Aaron Gilmore look like a winner.
The Nats need to realise that putting all you diversity “ticks” in one box – Woman, Maori, Gay, and dare I say it “Intellectually challenged” hasnt worked so well for them.
We will all have to hope that this particular lady will be recycled out the door on 20 September.
The interesting thing is that this has been put into the public arena, and is being given top of the page NZH coverage. And the TaxpayersUnion is there getting the boot in.
Maybe the NActs aren’t keen to give her a high list placement? She slipped into the House from the list after the Nat resignations. She has been moved from standing as a south Auckland candidate, to Kelston, where she stands little chance against Carmel Sepuloni. My guess is that Hauiti’s political career will be pretty short. Not expecting a high list placement for her.
there is some very cool stuff in this one..
“..11 Simple Inventions That Could Change The World..
So what are the little-known technologies that hold the power right now to transform the world for the better?
We decided to find out – and give them their due..”
(ed:..the electric bike-wheel is very very cool…)
National’s lowest list position MP (replacement for Aaron Gilmore) defrauding the public:
They really are scraping the bottom of the talent barrel.
sorry guys I got the card down first 🙂
True, i will have to give you the deck, be careful with them the whole foundation of the ‘house’ sits on them…
Have you ever watched her read a ‘question’ in the House? Each word delivered with careful deliberation as if there is some subtle nuance to impart. She stands tall and beams with the self-satisfaction that it is She that has been deemed worthy of asking if the Minister of Carousels has received any reports on whatever they are spinning that day?
”Don’t you know who i am”, such words, more fitting uttered from within a B grade mafia fillum could be said to have got MP ‘unhappy’ Aaron Gilmour the kick,
Readers could be forgiven uttering the same phrase when confronted with the name of ‘Unhappies’ replacement, Claudette Hauiti,
Given a naughty card for having hired on the ‘wife’ as an ‘issues assistant’ in Her electorate Office, Claudette could be said to have the perfect National Party sense of over-entitlement,
Buried in the pages of this morning is a little tale of Hauiti taking a trip on the parliament’s ‘P-Card’,(i kid you not),to Australia where She indulged of the ‘P-card’ for a pile of personal spending,
Claudette has apparently handed back the credit card to Parliamentary Services and will face no sanctions from the National Government for having indulged in the mis-spending in the first place,
If you or i indulged in such behavior, or lack of it, we could be assured of a date to face the Judge on fraud charges,
Slippery the Prime Minister is probably eying up this particularly large pile of overblown entitlement for promotion to a Ministerial position so as She can treat Herself at our expense in a way She feels She should become accustomed to…
That article is particularly odd for the fact it doesn’t once clearly state which party she is an MP for.
I had to Google to confirm is a Nat MP.
You can bet your arse if it’d have been a Labour MP, the fact it was Labour would be all over the article about the Labour MP & it’d have some throw away line from Key about tricky Labour refusing to punish their Labour MP.
and the only figure mentioned is “$200 and something” for a flight to Oz ??
That does seem a little low, or does the MP travel cattle class and found the very cheapest seat possible, which is understandable seeing as she is obviously so concerned with accounting for her expenditure. Then again, maybe the MP mistook her taxi chit for the flight ticket?
Herald at least managed to start with ‘National MP’
Hauiti herself is at least making a clear mea-culpa about it
But also there is an absence of dates in both articles, while NZ Herald indicates the info comes from a recent Parliamentary Services release -> not an immediate mea-culpa but only once someone asked about it.
I find it incredulous a new MP has their card removed for $200 of spending.
Which is what the article suggests
So a trip to Australia, ‘other questionable spending’ and hui refreshments cost only $200 ___ TUI TIME
I see that Wayne Mapp over at Pundit is agreeing with the economist that “zombie towns” like Moerewa and Kaikohe should be closed down.
This is not only outrageous – where does he think all the people living in these towns will go ?
But also it won’t solve inequality problems, and it shows little in the way of innovation, imagination
or ideas on how these towns could be re-built with a bit of central govt funding and support.
Its also contemptuous of the people who do now live in those towns – and who help support their local economy and their local communities.
I guess this is just one example of how National politicians view people who are not rich ! Yuk !
@Jenny Kirk
I’m thinking of this morning’s Radionz conversation with Transport Minister etc Gerry Brownlee about Northlands roads and their dire state and the pleas of Councils for action. Everything is going thru due process, and the main roads will be cleared to let emergency supplies through. But what about the other roads, the feeder roads into rural areas and distant farms? And the need to get all those logs through to Whangarei port that when it was dry caused dust storms and traffic to come to a halt till there was visibility, also dust overlying paddocks and crops and houses and animals and children and houses etc. Asthma territory, distress and horrible conditions.
Different than those enjoyed by those in Government and in the cosy Beehive and Bellamys. Who might not be so comfortable if they concentrated their minds on climate change and the forecast shift to changes in our weather with more tropical type moving south, a tendency for weather events to stay longer over one location, and a likelihood that some big event will happen not every century, but could be a number within a decade. Perhaps not nicely spaced out, but all in one year too. Time to build that old cathedral up in Christchurch and pray to bring back the past as well, when we still had hope and an economy earning and retaining money able to deal with disaster’s costs.
Urbane Mr Brownlee says that TNZ I think the acronym used was Transport NZ, is conferring with councils as to priorities and he was vague about government money being offered. The Council commentator referred to their roading being equivalent to that of Auckland City but is maintained with just a fraction of Auckland’s rating return. There is nothing in the Northland kete to cope with this damage.
And the answer by some economic moron here is just to shut towns down. A triumph of capitalism coupled with neo liberalism over human civilisation needs. In the USA cities have gone bankrupt. That is the sort of thinking that resulted in dead societies in the past. ‘Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” (Horace Smith/Shelley)
We actually have the brains and the technology and the experience to do something both intelligent and useful – the suitable quote I offer with earnest – from Baron Ernest Rutherford.
the cynical-spin put on this by the justify the holiday highway.. that opponents to the holiday-highway are somehow ‘hurting’ the people of northland…
..this is absolute bullshit..
(to believe that soon after this four-laner reaches holiday-home territory..that it will be nudging into kaitaia..would be taking cargo-cult beliefs to a whole new level..)
..and in nz we have rich/farming areas with roads like billiard-tables..(and they still scream for more more funding)..
..and northland is left with pot-holed cart-tracks as excuses for main roads..and major feeder-roads left unsealed..
..and haven’t those national electorate mp’s in northland for all these decades been really piss-weak in fighting for their with everything from the bastards currently ruling over is all lies/self-serving spin..
@phillip ure
roads like billiard tables. Try round Ashburton. Waiouru. What a dream to drive. Just some memories of when I looked round parts of the rohe.
Went through Kaeo a while ago. You might remember it small place in Far North – gets flooded regularly. It is built on the river probably because it was handy on the river bank for the old mission station that started it off. Now it needs some government funding to move the main part of town to a higher area. Perhaps just some land that can be leased long term, and a bit of regional funding as they move the shops and amenities.
The council have built up roads that act as barriers to the river but a storm coupled with high tide will flood them and so it goes on. Assistance to such rural and smaller areas, so they can improve their situations would be welcome from a sensible common sense government. Pity that sense isn’t common in government circles, or true concern for the people who need some help to make advances for themselves.
Can’t just blame the local MPs – they are up against others with bigger, brighter schemes. Probably the only way they could get in some punches would be if they could get some leverage or perhaps dirt on someone influential in the Party and use it as subtle blackmail. And that would have to be done quickly and carefully while there was a window of opportunity, and before something could be manufactured against them. It would need something that was a game get anything done. If you have ever read John Mortimer’s Titmuss series, I think that they give a feel of what it is like in political circles. Don’t know but this year’s NZ revelations seem similar.
don’t mean to be picky..
..but ‘waiouru’..?..’rich-farmers’?..
@ phillip ure
I was just thinking of roads like billiard tables and really nice to drive on. Rich farmers wasn’t the point. I remember the areas I mentioned were outstanding for the motorist.
In reply to Phillip Ure, the “holiday highway” opponents know that it is not going to go anywhere near where the actual roading need is – the HH ends at Wellsford (that’s over 110kms from Whangarei) and the state highway from Whangarei north starts to deteriorate – and is now totally closed because of massive slip just south of Kawakawa – while any potlential alternative routes are unsealed, narrow, country roads.
Its a myth that the holiday highway will help the north ….. it will just help Aucklanders (and rich Nat PM and MPs) get as far as their holiday homes on the east coast, Omaha, Matakana, etc.
Hey – and the HH is years away. The north (that is, the north past Whangarei) needs govt support and roading finance NOW !
one that really puzzles me for not being the cross-road from sh1 to taipa..thru peria.. it wd make a perfect tourism-loop/experience..
..and if only for those’d think that shd get some priority..
Yeah – to Phillip U – it would. Maybe if we can get a different govt in, we can then get some real strategic thinking and planning on what would really help the north …. here’s hoping !
@ jenny kirk
thats strange.
yesterday nathan guy and whats her name were on the teevee flashing their pearly whites and telling the nation just how much they were going to do for these people.
The hand wringing over the price of milk proves Cunliffe’s point about diversifying the economy.
Yeah, but will the right-wing ever actually admit that?
NASA info on flyby of Pluto
GCHQ online dirty tricks toolkit+ programme code names
Read this and tell me if you still want NZ General Elections conducted online. Apart from being able to change online polls at will there’s this one:
“Ability to spoof any email address and send email under that identity” (CHANGELING)
Pretty handy stuff if you can get it.
..wd skype-ing votes..and facial-recognition software circumvent those hacking problems…?
Not sure that using thoroughly compromised software platforms and then adding additional layers of ad hoc complexity on top of them is the way to go.
sorry..excuse my dumbness..but is that answering my question..?
..surely facial recognition for a vote could only be done once..?
..and only by the person named on the electoral-role..? cd that be ‘compromised’..?
it wd also see a big uptake in those eligible to vote who are out of the country..
..they can just get ‘recognised’ online..and then vote..
..easy as..
..i repeat..given the perilous scenarios posited.. cd this be ‘compromised’..?
You cant be dumb Phillip, or do they hand out Uni degrees to the dumb these days…
Now that is flat hilarious.
Great spotting.
All a basic degree means is a certain minimal level of understanding in a fairly narrow subject area for a short period of time.
It’s a plank to build on, rather than a deep comment about the quality of the person – otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get one within three years of leaving school.
five years 4 a masters..
..and what you get taught is how to think…
and it shows you have the intellect/discipline to run that marathon successfully..
whatever, tofuboy
“sorry..excuse my dumbness”
What if we all started wearing V for Vendetta masks?
i wonder why the ‘expert’/pontificator on such not answer that skype/face-recognition software question/possible-solution to all the problems he listed..? was an honest question..not a piss-take..
CV answered your question at 14.1.1 above.
“..but is that answering my question..?”
Yes it is.
“..excuse my dumbness..”
Note that saying that in no way obliges him to do so.
no he didn’t..
@Colonial Viper
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It’s a serious matter, and some people need to keep a clear head about IT technology. It is embraced so fervently as still the latest and best thing since sliced bread by so many people. But they only learn from it what they want to, not the down side. Not the findings of concerned people from other countries like the USA for instance, which show how it can be discombobulated in a big way.
And the thought chills me of government wanting to cut down personal interaction and physical presence with people a la HousingNZ and just use technological means to communicate with citizens. Using call centres perhaps not even in NZ (cf Fearfax and its admin from Manila)!
The toffs on the hill just need to cut the lines and how, where do you get to discuss things with your representatives in your local and central government? Or the people in private business which now supply what are government services to you who are rorting you. Sorry say gummint that’s an operational matter.
Sorry say the call centre our lines are busy today, phone again at 11pm when things are quieter or tomorrow possibly. Oh yes there is a long wait isn’t there, you didn’t like the music sorry, I have looked but can’t find your name in our databank sorry, you are not registered with us.
Who should you contact? Well there is a special help number run out of the Phillipines, but it costs $2 a minute and it can take 30 minutes of waiting before you can get through, so I recommend you phone about 3am our time as that is daytime over there. (This information may be incorrect but let’s face it who would care, and what are you going to do about it sucker, if we get to the scenario I have presented.)
Scarey scenario, Grey Warbler ….. and like you, I think this is a possibility in the future.
I’m a bit worried about “CHANGELING”. I always thought his comments were quite sensible.
““For connecting two target phone together in a call” (IMPERIAL BARGE)”
Hmm what’s that about? Manufacturing ‘evidence’ of communication between two individuals?
this one is a head-bender..
two weeks ago..dynamo..on a sky sport show..
..predicted that germany wd win the world cup with a goal in the 113th minute…
..and that neymeyer wd be out with a back-injury..and wd not play in that final.. the fuck did he do that..?
Laughable from the Herald this morning, accessed online,(never paid for), a survey of a coupe of thousand shoppers who buy at the supermarket chains,
The headline: Big Backing for Sugarless,(checkout),Lanes,
34.1% of respondents want the checkout lanes to be free of all those sugar filled ‘treats’ that tempt us as we wait,
22% of those say that they would deliberately seek out supermarkets that provided such ‘sugar free checkouts’
70%,(snigger, welcome to the diabetes epidemic), of those surveyed basically couldn’t give a toss,(i can hear the masters at the food production companies quietly laughing up their sleeves as i type this),
The laughter???, i can well imagine Mum’s chagrin as She is cajoled,berated, and, implored by wee Janet or John, the offspring, at the supermarket checkout to include in the weekly shop one of the many sugar laden ‘rushes’ oh so conveniently placed by the cynical sugar rush industry at the checkout,
”No you cannot have that it will rot your teeth, and, you can have a nice healthy multi-grain bread sandwich when we get home” would be the usual standard reply from Mum,
What Mum tho doesn’t seem to know is that the loaf of bread She believes to be ‘oh so healthy’ is by the slice loaded with so much sugar that giving wee Janet or John a couple of slices each to make that sandwich is enough to have them breaching their daily recommended intake of sugar,
Mmmm, brown and multi-grain breads tho have got to be healthier for you right???, not a show, its all loaded with sugar, in the case of brown and multi-grain breads its worse,
All industrial produced flours are bleached white at the production stage of the flour,when it comes to making ‘brown bread, and, ‘multi-grain bread’ they add food coloring to make it look brown,
Eat a piece of bread raw and see just how ‘sweet’ it is, butter and other spreads simply act as masking agents to cover up that sugar load in each slice…
You’re starting to sound like phillip ure.
If you can hear sounds by reading what i write Draco i suggest you urgently consult your shrink,(i could suggest a couple of other personal delusions you might want to avail Her/Him of while your on the couch),
In 1997, 3000 deaths were reported in New Zealand due to complications brought about by overweight/obesity in the population,(news for you Draco, sugar when unused by the human body is stored as fat),
In 1996, 1500 deaths were recorded in New Zealand from complications surrounding diabetes, the vast majority of these deaths type 2 diabetes, these deaths are not from the human body having no ability to produce insulin, these deaths are from the amount of consumed sugar overpowering the individuals ability to produce enough insulin to cope with the overdose,
Those figures are ‘old’ and the death toll has since risen to yearly be more than that attributed to tobacco,(anyone with later figures, i would appreciate a look at them),
There are 50 new cases of type two diabetes reported daily in this country which in a few years will be costing the health system a billion dollars annually and some in the health field are speculating that on its current trajectory, by 2050, type 2 diabetes might feature in 50% of the population,
Off you go back to sleep Draco, dream your little fantasies while the masters load up your food with sugar…
Figures, no intelligence apparent in the latest comment either…
You complain to phillip over his veganism and his advocating for marijuana and yet, here you are with you’re over the top harping on about sugar.
Complain Draco, you will have to point out this complaining,
”Over the top harping on about sugar”, so opening up a discussion about the misuse of a product, Sugar, by the industrialized food industry which piles it into products with no care of the adverse health effects leading to the deaths of thousands on an annual basis and a soon to be billion dollar health bill in your words is ”over the top” and ”harping”,
That you see such deaths as nothing more than harping would have me viewing your latest comment on the subject as something that the likes of SSLands would be likely to publish…
Well, I suppose whinging might be more accurate.
So you have no actual debate in any regards about the question of the unnecessary loading of sugar into processed foods by those in control of this industry,who would have thunk that when asked the question you would expose the space in your cranium to be full of air,(an unkind person might insinuate shit),
Instead, and laughably, you want to debate about me, again who would have thunk that you contain such a paucity of intellect that such a serious subject as the poisoning of 1000’s of your fellow humans by the very foods they are encouraged to buy and consume fails to register in what passes for your mind,
my humility, Ha ha ha, prevents me from expounding upon just how great i am…
There was trailer on Radionz early news reports – something about what you do if your daughter wants to be a princess. Priceless!
In the past the people were denied such ‘bright and soft’ news. it wasn’t the custom to make it general news, it was just kept for the ladies page. Women were thought not willing or able to cope with the hard, gritty stuff. Now the public media wants to put everyone in this gormless condition. But it’s already covered by pulp fiction magazines fronted by attractive women gazing from supermarket shelves. An array of large mouths, unnaturally white teeth, hair like a pony’s tail with all the tips on how to look and behave. Let them cover the princess market FGS.
Possible past use of mood-enhancing snippets:
We regret to announce that we have declared war and keep listening for further news, in the meantime we have an item on how to become a princess.
The observers in Europe are shocked at the conditions in concentration camps and we will soon bring you tips on how to become a princess.
There are thought to be 29 miners remaining trapped in the Pike River Mine and we…
Military maneouvres are being practised by eleven countries (not however including China) in host country New Zealand and now we will bring….
I have to ask, did you actually listen to the “princess” section? I hear that title and wonder whether it would be light and fluffy (as you seem to assume) or actually an in-depth discussion of changing gender role models within society and how to deal with it if your daughter still likes pink and crowns…
good news..!..there is a god..!
..jeremy kyle got pepper-sprayed by a nightclub-bouncer..
..(‘good news’ for many..i feel..)
This may have already been linked to but I’ll put it up because it really made me feel great.
Make your choice – Miriam has, I have.
I didn’t listen to it. I am using it as an example of the way that the media is constantly messing with the news, diluting it, fitting ads into it, stroking the wealthy in it, supporting their favourite side in it, appealing to the masses who can be sold something in it, blah blah and on and on.
And getting at the people who can’t think beyond princesses and adore style and looks and are put off by substance and don’t show any interest in reality. And it may have been a sly way of introducing something serious and important to people. But it sounded more about how some like to think life is instead of just when it’s dress up and carnival time.
That’s what is going through my head and the precise details of what was said and what the item was about is not my main concern so don’t take it too literally.
“The sales data released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for the year ending March 2014, shows the lowest annual price increase since 2001 at 2.3 per cent,” Mr Bridges says.
Well done National
“New way of monitoring electricity prices”, similar to the crime statistics fraud by any chance…
“The figures
annual price change in electricity, across all of New Zealand, in the year to March.
increase in lines charges for the June quarter.
decrease in energy charges for the June quarter.
$155 a year
Electricity Authority figures show consumers can save, on average, $155 a year by switching power retailers.
So one can spend hours constantly changing suppliers to save $155 per year???
Great work National 🙄
Did you miss the part where it said lowest increase since 2001?
Wow, you’re proud that it took Bill English six years to do what Michael Cullen did in two?
While the pace of price rises has slowed, rates continue to outstrip inflation and push-up the cost of living
At minimum replace the Electricity Commission – bunch of softcocks
I know politics isn’t meant to be about personalities and should be all about the policy, stupid.
And I know we’ve had releases from our side, and it has to be said, some good one’s too.
And I know it’s the lull before the storm electioneering wise, but even as a committed voter to the cause, touching on recent comments I’ve made about timing and getting in people’s faces for maximum effect, I’m not getting a feel good vibes from our leaders.
If the game has partly or wholly changed to personality politics, then change you must, or you lose. That’s evolution and Darwinism in action.
If that hasn’t been realised (in both senses of the word) at the top tables, then someone best put the TV coaching they’ve had to good use and get their smiling faces front and center instead of grimacing and scowling at mum and dad New Zealand.
I accept wrongs should be righted and ministers held to account, but if you’re only getting limited airtime you can’t afford to waste it. Honest John won’t when he has to front up to Campbell when he comes home from holiday, again.
Hope JC points out, unlike the last time, when JK says you aren’t paying attention, he has the balls and the info to say “actually, yes I have, and here’s what we know”.
“actually, yes I have, and here’s what we know” and Campbell proceeds, for the duration of the show, to read aloud the entirety of Blip’s List . . . before the screen suddenly goes blank
Has anyone ever sent John Campbell a Blip’s list?
Someone should. Would be great if Campbell opened with it after saying hello. Seven uncomfortable minutes until the ad break, or if he doesn’t walk out or chicken out or both, the full show. I’m sure the two headed tortoise piece can wait for another day, and serious as the issue of flooding in sunken Christchurch suburbs is, and how special blue paint is great and all, when all the people want is to just live where it won’t flood for ever more, thirty minutes of gotcha would be riveting stuff. It would certainly make up for the Herald and TV3’s discredit agenda.
I’d do it myself, but they’ve never responded before. I think it’s my user name that puts them off.
I’d miss the Simpsons for that any day, except maybe for a new Halloween episode. He’d have to convince in the last adverts before seven. Come on John, do it. lol.
Laila Harré at Cape Reinga yesterday, she is really quite good on camera, this is only 1.40 min with a rather apt last line.
@ tiger mt..chrs 4 that..i’ve linked to it..
I keep an eye on Slater’s blog to see what the right is doing.
Today he has come up with a conspiracy theory which is quite unique in that you don’t to whether to be more amazed at how crazy it is or more offended at how misogynist it is. He is claiming that Tania Billingsley was some sort of trap for the Malaysian diplomat …
Big ups to you Micky for risking the health of your eyes…
Slater is a total arsehole to suggest such a thing, he likes to prove he can go lower and lower than anyone imagined possible.
The things I do for the left …
Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention mickysavage.
Let’s all make sure people know exactly how low Slater has gone
Here is a screenshot of the post for folk to share,
for those who do not want to go near Slater’s site
(2nd link includes comments)
The screaming question to his vapid opinion is if as Mr Slater contends, the diplomat has not been charged, then why would the Malaysian Government ask our Government to drop all charges?
(+ wtf is that Bush Tucker rubbish meant to be about)
thanks for the screenshots, i never go to that site, but jeez theres some unhinged nutters on there.
that’s… rather special.
“The evidence is out there”???
Very X-Files.
Let along the comment list with such gems as “Is Billingley a real person or a puppet?”.
But most of the rest of the screenshot reminds me to avoid that place like the plague.
Thanks freedom but would you believe there is a post that is even worse …
Bomber talks about it at
Best blogsite of the year, apparently…
Well slater was happy to reveal the name of a sexual abuse victim against her wishes to promote himself and his crusade de jour.
After finding the story I grabbed the shots of, I admit I did not look further as I did not imagine even the sewer would stoop so low on a topic of such real consequence.
Shows how wrong a person can be. The site is simply poison.
Reading the full ‘article’, my only reaction is not printable
but here is the ‘article’. I won’t share the comments this time
Give some people enough rope. A good link to use in demonstrating how rape complainants and survivors are put on trial – and CS is asking for info that would likely be part of a court case. Unbelievable.
I am so angry and the thoughts of how best to deal with this scum have actually triggered a full on anxiety attack and I have had to take meds for the first time in over a year.
I cannot imagine how Tania Billingsley must be reacting.
To all those who are supporting Tania,
Thank you and may you all be safe
Take care. It maybe should have a trigger warning on that post… and the site.
Yes, it shows what Tania Billingsley is having to put up with.
That post also reminds me why I rarely go to the WO site. And I am beyond understanding why anyone in the National Party, let alone the PM, want to be associated with it.
Slater and the cretins posting in support of his ‘article’ just show how little they understand of what they do .
or if they do understand, they simply expose how vile large portions of our communities are and how lost they really have become.
Not sure which is of greater concern.
Has gosman questioned him relentlessly? And slylands and puckish rogue
Slater’s faecal writing has hit the fan on website ‘Femnist Aotearoa’ who have published his rubbish fully so women don’t have to look at his site and contribute to his already inflated hit list ego.
My feminist friends are angry, very angry.
I have sent them a photo of Key and Slater hugging each other to publish on their site.
It may well be that Key loses every New Zealand woman’s votes and Cam loses a key close friend.
I guess it depends on how widely the Slater-Key relationship is publicized..
have you got a link to share?
not having much luck with google finding it
I hope you get a good electricity price on your hot water for your troubles there micky.
I have noticed Labour candidates doing a bit too much self promotion of themselves opposed to promoting the party vote. The one candidate I’ve noticed getting it right is Tamati Coffey. Well done mate!
To those who should know better wake the hell up, this had a big part in last elections hiding!
+1 Skinny
Cyclists are pedestrians. Cycles are parked up everywhere, from hallways to fences, to assorted street furniture. There are no dedicated cycle parking spaces next to the road, no fines for parking. Bicycles are like rollerskating, a tool for pedestrians to get around.
Now I think its very harmful to view bicycles as road vehicles, or their equivalent. Take the recent panelist on Moro who said that he was deeply concerned at cyclists joining the traffic from anywhere. Since we all know that cars come out of obvious side roads, obvious road junctions, obvious car parking spaces. They have indicators, are large, are deeply entrenched in road laws to maintain safety. Bicycles are not, there can be locked up everywhere, and pedestrians hop on the everywhere and anywhere to join traffic JUST LIKE PEDESTRAINS who seek to cross traffic.
Because we need to see Cyclists as Pedestrians, and keep our distance, slow down. They are just as vulnerable as any other pedestrian. As to accidents, accidents will not occur if you see a bicyclist joining the traffic, and the more there are, the more you will see them, and get used to them turning up, and so lowering your speed where you know where cyclists are (town centers). And the idea that cyclists are dying because they enter traffic and surprise car drivers is false, since the accidents that kill, like the women who swerved to avoid a car door and was run over by a truck, or the child avoiding the street work bollard and was run over by a truck, or the family in Rotorua out cycling and run over by a truck, in none of these cases were they entering the road, they were there already and for some time.
Moro panelists are a joke sometimes, saying that it angered him that cyclists enter traaffic that it causes accidents, NO, cyclists have very much more to lose, and there are bad cyclists and bad drivers who get unnecessarily concerned about cyclists sharing ther road with them. Since if that were the case, anger is not the answer, slowing down and keeping your distance, as they RE PEDESTRIANS!!
I learnt a new word today : orthorexia
I tend not to get too much into foodie debates. I am for healthy lifestyles… but also for a fair amount of flexibility and the maxim “everything in moderation”… and the other “a little bit of what you fancy”.
Hi Karol, love your work. I learnt via Freedoms links above that there are some frothing at the mouth right wingers who are incredibly frightened by your superior intellect to the degree that they call you names. And the chief imbecile (Slater) thinks that because you said “Billingsley, and I had no confidence that they would follow through…” that you must be involved in some elaborate conspiracy.
Keep up the great work, watching these frothers disappear under their own froth is entertaining…
Slater mentioned me? * raises eyebrows * … and thinks I’m involved in some conspiracy with Billingsley ?…. *wide grin of disbelieve on my face *
Well, there you go…. if I needed any further evidence to be cynical about anything published on the WO blog…. journalist indeed!
PPS: Ah, I see there’s a misread of my quote. In fact, there should be another comma after “and I”. I have not now, nor ever had any communication with Billingsley, ….. nor Jan Logie, nor any Green Party people about Billingsley. I only have gone on what I read online.
I am not a Green Party member. I vote Green. I have offered to help as a foot soldier in their election campaign – you know… like delivering leaflets, etc.
He suffers from Authorexia or Author-rectum-exia..
And now it makes me think twice about participating as a volunteer. I have just been thinking I need to do more than participate via blog posts and comments.
No. He suffers from delusions of mediocrity-or just delusions.
There are plenty of journalists out there who are biased, stupid or just incompetent but when they have delusions, there is usually an editor (or a shrink) who can stop their delusions being published. Unfortunately in Mr Slater’s case there is no one to do this.. except perhaps the women of New Zealand.
@ karol..
..the treatment of the animals you eat..before you eat them..doesn’t feature on yr radar..?
It does. I don’t each much animal food, especially not from factory-farmed animals. Don’t eat very much meat.
u wd b a potential customer for ethical/cruelty-free meat then…eh..?
Actually, I never buy and cook meat. Occasionally I buy and cook fish. I only eat meat at restaurants and when it’s dished up to me at people’s places.
But, like I pretty much said. I’m not very strict about my eating. There’s pros and cons for eating many things.
I am more concerned with the macro/institutional aspects of business practices re environmental sustainability, and cruel practices.
As I said, I’m not a foodie, and am not into spending very much time on such debates.
my mistake..there i was thinking you had kicked this debate off..
..did you take a seagull-approach to it..?
No. It’s the term orthorexia that caught my attention. You seem to have nothing to say about it..
‘about’ peoples’ obsessions with killing and eating animals..?..when they don’t have to..on so many levels..?
..and can’t imagine a life without masticating animal-flesh @ regular intervals..?
..once again..when they don’t have to..?
..others tell me i say far too much about that manifestation of orthorexia already..
..but if you insist…
“..others tell me i say far too much about that manifestation of orthorexia already..”
Yeah Lucy told me she’s sick of surviving on toast and lacks the energy to get off the blankie…
you should have seen her scooting thru the park about 40 mins ago…
..and she is 16 yrs old..and looks/moves/runs like a fit/healthy 5 yr old..
..she cd be a poster-child for the vegan diet for dogs…shiny coat and all..
..(btw..they just love fresh tofu..and so much more..toast is just a treat..)
..and yesterday at the park..there was someone with a 14 yr old dog..who could barely drag herself across the grass..
..his mind was blown when i told him lucy is 16…
..and lives on a vegan diet..
..the undeniable-evidence was right b4 his eyes..
..the only downside with lucy is that she is a terrible bully..
..and if i haven’t done things by the time she deems right..
..she gets quite antsy/standoverish..
..bordering on demanding..
she has been with me long enough to know what buttons to push.. get me to do her will..
..and i have been around/dug dogs all my life..
..i had my first dog b4 i cd walk..
..and she is the smartest/most clever/intuitive..of all those dogs..
Do you see ‘orthorexia’ to be a pejorative term karol, i would suggest in terms of Fats/Sugars in our foods we all need to become a little orthorexic,
The correlation between Fats/Sugars in our health statistics is becoming glaringly apparent,(at least to me), the annual death toll rivaling that attributed to tobacco use,
As continual overdose of Sugar in the diet is metabolized by the body into stored Fat the two categories of health issues, obesity/diabetes, cannot be viewed in any way as separate issues, and while no political action is taken to curb the mis-use of sugar in all processed foods the death toll will rise,
50 new diabetes cases reported in New Zealand each and every day,
By 2050 half of the population may be at risk of becoming type 2 diabetic,…/spread-of-diabetes-smouldering-fire
I would have thought that, rants about sugarism or veganism or high fructose corn syrup aside, the very existence of the word orthorexia simply reminds us that the healthiest method of eating is moderation in all things (including worrying about health).
“..the healthiest method of eating is moderation in all things..”
i’m calling ‘bullshit!’ on that one.. me one reputable dietician saying eat more red-flesh/animal-fats..
..that’s ‘cos that shit is bad 4 u..that’s why..
(..and cd i just dissolve that chimera that because i advocate on this subject..that i am sitting in judgement on everyone else..
..once again..’bullshit..!..i just don’t do that..i mean..f.f.s..!..i’m an ex-junkie/ex-con..i don’t make blanket judgements on people for matters thus/addictive-habits,,..
..idiots..? that’s another story..i sure as hell feel fucken superior to them.. could you not..?..
..i am just laying out the undeniable facts of the situation..and advocating on the behalf of the animals..
..and if being faced with/confronted by those uncomfortable facts makes people uneasy..and maybe makes them think..(lash out..?..with the only argument-option to hand..attack the messanger..).. be it..
..but how about arguing the case..?
..not just taking great assumption-leaps.. come to wrong/fanciful conclusions..
too garbled, didn’t read.
Yes, bad, the term does have pejorative overtones, although, it also highlights the dangers of extremism over food. I think part of the problem is in guilt-tripping individuals about the food they eat. There are so many individual differences about how foods interacts with metabolism and lifestyle limitations.
Many of the problems, like that of the sugar industry, can be dealt with at an institutional/system level. The problem is with the sugar industry, and the way they promote their products and infiltrate all kinds of food products.
Some people can eat a fair amount of sugar with no side effects. Most people can eat some sugary stuff as a treat, now and then.
I’ve seen it in my own family – 1 totally against sugary food, sweet things, and another who ate a fair amount of it. Guess who had the longest healthiest life?
Ditto for the consumption of, and industrial approaches to animal food. Humans have eaten animals since way back. I can’t see it ending any time soon. In NZ, there is probably, on average, too high a consumption of some animal products. But again, the issue is with the industry and their processes of production and marketing.
Leave individuals to make their own choices.
Guilt-tripping individuals does more harm than good. And, as I said, I go for moderation in most issues around food, and not getting too obsessive about it.
Relax and enjoy. As on many other issues, there’s also a place for encouraging an informed understanding. Ultimately, though, advice does keep changing, but nutritionists and others do keep talking about moderation, and the importance of a diverse diet.
”Leave individuals to make their own choices”, to believe in such ‘individual choice’ you would have to believe that there is no silent Obesity/Diabetes epidemic killing people every day???,
‘Choices’ are largely made around ‘education’ and ‘economy, i see little of this education occurring, and, what ‘choice’ do the poor have but the ‘poorest of food’ , how many people know such a simple piece of information as the daily recommended sugar intake for children and adults????,
Your argument about longevity has been applied to those who use tobacco, you favor Government action against tobacco use do you not???…
Of course individuals have limited choices – some more limited than others. That’s part of why I’m not into focusing on indiviuals’ choices and into focusing on the industries and their marketing.
Not tobacco USE (except when the use of the product impacts on the air others breathe – the tobacco industry and its marketing. Ditto the booze industry and marketing.
There is quite a bit of info around about the problems with sugar.
”There’s quite a bit of information around about the problems with sugar”,
Rather glib don’t you think karol, couple the above with the ‘fact’ that 20% of people have escaped the education system as functional illiterates, then add in the fact that this 20% will have the poor economy and thus in the majority have little ‘choice’ but the ‘poor diet’ with a high percentage of these being brown, and, such ‘information’ might as well be smoke signals…
But Karol doesn’t change come from the flax roots? How will macro/institutional change be effected without this?
Individuals can only make good choices if the underlying settings are right.
An example is the new ‘healthy food star rating’ system coming our way. Trim milk will score 5/5 while full-fat milk will get 3.5/5, according to the NZ Herald. Orange juice will rank higher than full fat milk. It’s an industry friendly regime, all to enable the consumer to make ‘good choices’ of course.
Changes do come from the grass roots. But it won’t be a change for the better if it just involves guilt-tripping individuals rather than being focused on industry and institutional change.
I see a lot of the issues being to do with a rampant consumer society – they are issues that focus on increasing consumption over working towards the social good.
The lack of balance in our approach to diet (as a society) is due to both free market forces, and academics whose ego driven research needlessly stigmatised fats.
I agree guilt-tripping does nothing to change the settings, and that food is tied in with our way of living, working, and consuming. But it’s a route into the wider issues: consumerism, the environment, health, the way we work – rather than something that is just bundled into the bigger progressive picture without too much thought. It is no coincidence those most affected by the obesity and type 2 diabetes disaster are also most hit by the smashing of the unions, flexibility of labour markets, and high cost of healthy food.
But finding a way to talk about it constructively is quite difficult.
Anyone wanting to see how corrupt our so called government has become:
@ sable..
..shit..!..thnx 4 the heads-up..
..i’ll link to it..
(they will probably try to rush this thru b4 the election…
..(is the will-never-be-passed-tpp just a stalking-horse for this sucker..?…)
That’s why peer review is so important. Since you can’t check your assumptions, we’re here to do it for you 😈
People on here think the herald its a right-wing paper while people over at whaleoil think its a left-wing paper
Or the monumental disasters and multiple deaths resulting from right wing climate denial and market fundamentalism.
So that means it’s necessary to look beyond the completing claims to the substance that they base their claims on.
And with that, slaters followers heads exploded.
May not work.
Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are…Conservative
reminds me of the old story of someone who went into a shop looking for a particular product, and the sales assistant said something like “I keep having to tell people, we don’t stock it because there’s no demand for it”.
I.e. the columnist drew enough comments about his lack of positive comments about labour’s performance that he had to justify it by saying that he didn’t think they were doing well, cf: the polls. But if this assessment (compared with the nats) were truly fair, he wouldn’t need to justify it.
Is that the same Liam Hehir that has taken to commenting on here and TDB, and is systematically corrected after posting half-baked ideas?
Don’t know, but his name anagrams to “Him, he liar”
Just saying.
What are you just saying? Why should I click on your link?
..if readers have any interest in the privatising of education.. charter-schools/vouchers etc.. is worth the read..
..sweden has more charter schools than anywhere in the world..
..and they have really fucked up..
..their international rankings have plummeted since they listened to milton friedman..
It’s about the failure of the Charter School system in Sweden.
The Deputy Leader of N.Z. First is pushing for charter schools, so I was told by a
Nat voter who is thinking of voting NZ First as a protest against Key. I just dont trust Winnie.
I wouldn’t trust your Nat source. Here is some info from the NZ First
18 Jun 2014
Taxpayers’ Money At Risk In Charter Schools
Tracey Martin
It is unlikely the government will ever recover money from a charter school’s land and buildings if the school fails, says New Zealand First.”
I think I do trust my nat source at this stage. Wouldn’t be the first time Winnie has said he would do one thing and did the opposite. However I hope I am wrong and he goes with the left.
NZFirst Manifesto (PDF)
You’ll find that on page 26.
Interesting but I wont shatter the nat voter’s illusions!
I don’t seem to get the ‘subscribe’/Confirm email these days.
Also, sometimes the ‘edit’ button does not work as it says ‘loaded successfully’ straight after posting.
Is anyone else having these problems ?
Have a look at the ‘cookies’ in your computer, the problem could be internal…
wail boil is actually a paranoiac.
he attributes all his perversions and deviancy to others in the vain hope that he will escape notice by deflecting attention elsewhere..
the thing is with paranoids is that when they think you know their secret then they will try and kill you!
watchout for the “THING”.
The Greens are on the up and up in the latest Roy Morgan.
……the Greens are 15% (up 3% – the highest since August 26-September 8, 2013)
Meanwhile in the same poll, Labour is down 4.5% and National is up 3%.
It seems like the soft Labour vote may be starting to pick their side as the election looms closer. Most of it is shifting to the Greens but a smaller amount is shifting towards National.
Labour and the parties to the left of Labour have a busy couple of months ahead to raise their vote.
I am STILL confident of a Labour led coalition government forming.
Here are the reasons:
The Labour’s dismal 23% I suspect is the superficial but temporary reaction to Cunliffe’s ‘ashamed to be a man’ quote. That was on July 4th. The poll period was June 30 to July 13. People misunderstood the serious reason for his statement. Labour will bounce back to over 30% by election date.
National’s current 51% will collapse to around 44%.
NZF will cross 6%.
So will Internet-Mana to about 5% with two electorate wins.
There were 5.5% in the poll who did not specify which party would get their party vote. I suspect the bulk of those 5.5% will not favour the right wing.
Many major policies are yet to be announced. Campaign proper has not yet started. Debates have not yet happened. Party policy materials have not yet reached homes. Two months is a long time in politics.
All in all, there is a greater chance of a left wing coalition than a right wing one.
Yep, you’re on the money. If we needed any proof of the depth of misogynist feeling in NZ, this poll is it. Onwards and upwards, we’re still gonna win.
The ignorance of people, even well educated ones, about politics and the REAL issues is appalling. I see that in my own family and among some of my friends where they are clued on on superficial material stuff, silly sitcoms and dumbed down news stories far more than serious issues. There in lies Hash-Key’s advantage!
If you look at the TM graphs, you will see that during some of the serious debates such as the spying issues etc, National was as low as 41%. Now not so, because public memory and loyalty is very fickle! Slide your cursor over the National graph below at different months and see how low and high they have been at different times.
Yes, I agree. Labour has outstanding Policy, but people who I thought would be up with the play on current affairs are completely ignorant of what Labour are offering. I suspect that as we get into more campaigning people will see more and become more aware of Labour’s outstanding Housing Policy, Monetary Policy , Education Policy, CGT, re balancing of our economics…all of these policies will improve our nation as compared to how National is running the country.
One of the major problems is our useless main stream media, case in point: refer TV3’s 3rd Degree tonight, eight weeks from an election, I would have thought any half decent current affairs show would be considering Politics. Native Affairs does politics regularly. The NZH will always play down any Labour Policy.
23.5% is surprising, but when you consider the support from the MSM that National have, perhaps not. When full campaigning starts…Labour’s message is strong and will get through, and then our share of the vote will improve.
Shallow minds and GUILTY FEET ain’t got no rhythm
Watch this and cringe.
Celebrities dance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Marilyn Milian, Rashida Jones, Jessica Biel, Carmen Electra, Drew Barrymore, Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Blunt, Christina Applegate, Pink, Heidi Klum, Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé Knowles, Michelle Obama, BARACK OBAMA, Jessica Lange, Will Smith, Drew Barrymore, Halle Berry, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx, John Travolta, Heidi Klum, Hilary Swank, Eva Longoria, Portia de Rossi, Hilary Duff, John Mayer, Mike Myers, Halle Berry, Jim Carrrey, Elle Fanning, Amanda Bynes, Teri Hatcher, Justin Timberlake, Chris Matthews, Halle Berry, Jaden Smith, Chris Brown, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, MC Hammer, Heidi Klum, Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Biel, Marisa Tomei, Hilary Swank, Madonna, Jonas Brothers, Slumdog Millionaire Cast, Emma Thompson and Ellen DeGeneres.
Song: Rihanna – Don’t Stop The Music (Deejay Scream Remix)
National (51%) increases election winning lead over Labour/ Greens (38.5%) as Prime Minister John Key heads off for 10 days holiday in Hawaii and Labour’s increased spending on education fails to convince the electors
Labour 23.5% ouch.
Not really that surprising, although I would be surprised if Labour polls that low at the election itself.
The same trend is occurring overseas. It looks like the UK Tories have a good chance of getting back in, and Abbott and Harper rule in their respective countries for the foreseeable future. Quite why this is, I have no idea. I guess “the people” are just stupid.
I see that David Cunliffe is really making his mark as Labour leader. All the way down to 23.5%.
Cunliffe really is the best thing that ever happened to the National Party.
I don’t think it’s his fault. It’s the same in other countries as well. The dumbs are taking over.
The people aren’t stupid the leaders of the Left are disappointingly weak. In the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced all round the globe under pressure from the Right, Left leaders are rolling over to vested interest and the fossil fuel lobby.
We need Churchills and we are getting Chamberlains
What is your issue with The Greens and Mana exactly? How do they not reflect the views you support?
I see that John Key is really making his mark as National leader. All the way down to Cameron Slater.
Key really is the best thing that ever happened to the Left.
A Netherlands court has just ruled that the state has responsibility for allowing the Srebrenica massacre to happen. Massive implications for peacekeeping forces around the world.
When will Nationals madness end
Uranium mining to occur in New Zealand – Nick Smith not bothered