Open mike 18/01/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, January 18th, 2016 - 101 comments
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101 comments on “Open mike 18/01/2016 ”

    • Whispering Kate 1.1

      An economist was speaking on RNZ this morning about how everything was pretty spiffy for NZ this coming year and I thought “what planet is he on and who is paying him to say such rubbish”. Just the same old same old coming out of RNZ morning news for the coming year methinks.

      Good luck with John Campbell though, looking forward to listening to him again.

      • Paul 1.1.1

        Chris Tennent Brown is the Chief Economist for the ASB.
        He appears utterly delusional.
        It’s as if the ‘concerning backdrop’ of collapsing oil prices, container ships stationery, the Chinese economy imploding and world stocks sliding 20%’ is just irrelevant.

        As soon as he said, ‘this sort of stuff happens fairly regularly’, I know he was on the radio to spin some bs for the banks. They are probably buying some time to sell off some of their own stock.

        As they did in 2008.

      • Paul 1.1.2

        Did you notice that the RNZ’s business editor, Gyles Beckford, did not challenge any of the myths that the banker said?
        Not one assumption that was challenged.
        It’s as if Chris Tennent Brown was spouting the gospel that could not be questioned.

        RNZ… an echo chamber for neo-liberal baking ideology.

        • Paul

          Look like Chris ‘this sort of stuff happens fairly regularly’, Tennent Brown was wrong……

          ‘NZ shares open week sharply down
          The New Zealand share market fell sharply in the opening minutes of trade this morning in response to weakness on the major markets last week, driven by ongoing concerns about the China’s economy and extremely low oil prices.
          After 10 minutes of trading, the benchmark NZX50 index was down 85 points or 1.3 per cent at 6084.7.
          The market has started 2016 on a weak note after finishing 2015 at a record 6324.26, and with the index having rallied by 13.2 per cent over the December quarter alone.
          “Financial institutions were hit pretty hard in the overseas markets and that’s started to flow through there,” Forsyth Barr equity analyst James Bascand said.’

          Gulf shares in free fall after oil rout, Iran deal

          Kuwait City (AFP) – Share prices in the energy-rich Gulf states nosedived Sunday following the sharp decline in oil prices as Iran prepares to resume crude exports after the lifting of sanctions.
          The plunge in the first day of trading in the Muslim week also follows heavy losses in global bourses on Friday, when Gulf exchanges were closed for the weekend.
          The price of oil, which contributes more than 80 percent to Gulf states’ revenues, shed more than 20 percent this year to drop below $30 a barrel. This follows a plunge of 65 percent in the past two years.
          The expected return of Iran to the oil market, following the implementation Saturday of its historic nuclear deal with world powers, will only worsen the production glut that has been the main reason for the oil price dive.
          All seven Gulf bourses saw a wave of panick selling, sending indices to multi-year lows.’

  1. Paul 2

    ‘Inflation tipped to drop to new low, mounting pressure on Reserve Bank to cut

    This will see the NZ dollar drop.

  2. Paul 3

    Clearly there was a conspiracy, based on its definition.
    It is clearly a conspiracy theory to believe that Obama Bin Laden organised 20 people to hijack 4 planes and bring down the Twin Towers.

    a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    “a conspiracy to destroy the government”
    synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal;

    Calling something a conspiracy theory is basically an intellectual scarlet letter. It’s a way of dismissing something you don’t like, of placing something outside the bounds of reasonable discourse. “That’s just a conspiracy theory” is a depressingly effective way of getting someone to plug their ears and turn their brains off.

    • Gosman 3.1

      I’m not sure why you point this out. Of course any concerted action by a group of people to achieve a particular end could be descibed as a ‘conspiracy’. What the term is generally used for in common parlance is to descibe complicated and secretative planning and actions by shadowy and ill defined groupings.

      • vto 3.1.1

        No that is only the way it is used by the likes of establishment types who fear for their own positions.

        John Key, for example, conspires every single day, as does every politician and government, yet he has the gall to admonish others for conspiring to achieve ends.

      • Paul 3.1.2

        I am commenting on the hijacking of language for political ends.

        • Gosman

          Except your suggested use of the term is so broad as to make the term almost meaningless as it would mean ANY organised plan and action to achieve that plan could be classified as a conspiracy. The term only becomes useful when it is applied to a specific situation involving shadowy or ill defined people attempting to implement secret plans. These can be either real or imagined.

          • Paul

            Did you read this bit?

            ‘Calling something a conspiracy theory is basically an intellectual scarlet letter. It’s a way of dismissing something you don’t like, of placing something outside the bounds of reasonable discourse. “That’s just a conspiracy theory” is a depressingly effective way of getting someone to plug their ears and turn their brains off.’

            • Gosman

              That may be related to the fact that many of the conspiracy theories out there are truly bizarre and rather unbelievable.

  3. greywarshark 4

    On battery recycling – in the USA – from Google site. What do we do here with the millions of small batteries like the ones I am about to throw out? I will make enquiries first but I understand that they can be thrown in with ordinary rubbish when just a few, but any more, that creates a pocket of toxic stuff and they need to be handled separately. But I don’t know of anything like the USA system. We are so laid-back aren’t we, preferably on sun loungers, and we don’t bother with recycling many types of stuff because it’s not cost effective and the government might have to pay something to keep our environment as healthy as is possible. Too kostly.
    Recycling. Here’s another reason not to use alkalines: They’re harder to recycle than rechargeable batteries. Alkalines aren’t nearly as hazardous as NiCd’s, but they do contain useful metals, and it’s better for those metals to be reclaimed by recycling rather than strip-mining mountains.

    In Europe recycling is easy—every store that sells batteries must take them back for recycling too. In the U.S. it’s tougher: while recycling for NiMH, NiZn, and NiCd is widespread (see RBRC), there just aren’t nearly as many places to recycle alkalines. That’s because the process just isn’t as cost-effective for the recyclers. A handful of retailers collect do collect them, though I don’t know of any who collect them at all their nationwide stores.

    For most of us, that means our only option is to mail them to a recycling company, as well as pay a small fee to that company. I hope retailers who read this will start offering to collect alkalines from their customers as an extra service, and then ship the batteries to the recyclers by freight.

    In California, all batteries are considered hazardous materials, so they can’t just be thrown in the trash. Check with your county government about collection facilities in your area.

    Alkalines used to have a fair amount of toxic mercury, but Congress banned mercury in batteries except in trace amounts starting in 1996. (There’s an exception for button batteries, the circular kind that go in watches and calculators, which can still have mercury. Radio Shack accepts those for recycling.)

    • Draco T Bastard 4.1

      We really do need a law that ensures that all product is recycled. Sure, it will push the price up and may result in people using less of it but that’s actually what the pricing mechanism is for.

      People who say that we shouldn’t have to do this are saying that we shouldn’t have to pay the full price thus negating the purpose of the pricing mechanism.

      • Craig H 4.1.1

        I quite like the South Australia can method – include a fee in the sale price, to be refunded at the appropriate depots.

  4. Gosman 5

    Instead of wasting time and effort attempting to disrupt the signing and ratification of the TPPa why don’t anti-TPPA people simply direct their efforts to promoting parties that will withdraw from the agreement if they gain control of the government benches?

    • Paul 5.1

      Maybe you should find out

      Auckland Town Hall, 7pm Tuesday 26th January – including a panel of leading politicians

      Wellington St Andrews Church, The Terrace 7pm Wednesday 27th January

      Christchurch Cardboard Cathedral, 7pm Thursday 28th January

      Dunedin, Burns Hall, Morray Place at 7pm Friday 29th January

      These are free events. Get there early – the venues will fill up quickly. Donations to cover costs would be appreciated.

      • Rosie 5.1.1

        The talks are going out to the burbs and regions in Wellington. We’ve got talks organised by TPP Free Wellington in Otaki, Newtown, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and in Johnsonville we are lucky enough to get guest speaker, Fletcher Tabuteau from NZ First. That one is at the Uniting Church in Dr Taylor Tce, J Ville, 7pm, Wednesday, 20th Jan.

        I can’t find on online source for the dates and venues but if you live in any of those areas and want to attend, let me know and I can get the info out of my inbox.

    • Draco T Bastard 5.2

      Because we’re really pissed off that the government is signing against the peoples will. We are a democracy, not a dictatorship.

      Every party should be against the TPPA because that is the will of the people.

      Why do you RWNJs find dictatorship acceptable?

      • Paul 5.2.1

        I thought libertarians like gosman would be anti the TPP.
        Sadly, though, they seem just to be big corporations’ best friends.

      • Gosman 5.2.2

        We live in a representative democracy where we elect MP’s to represent our views. National campaigned on support for the TPPA at the last election and won enough votes to form a government. Therefore there is nothing undemocratic about the TPPA being ratified. If you wish to change the electoral system then campaign for it but don’t claim what we have is undemocratic.

        • Paul

          I thought libertarians like you would be anti the TPP.
          Sadly, though, you seem just to be big corporations’ best friend.

          At the time of the election, the details of the TPP were secret.
          How could people make an informed decision?

          The TPP is not democratic.
          Stop kidding yourself.

          • Gosman

            I want international trade to have structure and rules so that the strong do not screw the weak. Whilst not perfect the TPPA goes a long way to allow this. The alternative is each nation jiust doing what is in their own best interests and smaller nations like NZ get shafted.

            • Paul

              ‘I want international trade to have structure and rules so that the strong do not screw the weak. ‘

              So you would be strongly opposed to the TPP then.

            • Draco T Bastard

              I want international trade to have structure and rules so that the strong do not screw the weak. Whilst not perfect the TPPA goes a long way to allow this.

              The TPPA goes a long way to entrenching the power of the corporations over the people so, according to you, you should be opposing it with every fibre of your being.

              The alternative is each nation jiust doing what is in their own best interests and smaller nations like NZ get shafted.

              False dichotomy and NZ will be thoroughly shafted under the TPPA.

        • Draco T Bastard

          We live in a representative democracy where we elect MP’s to represent our views.

          Which our MPs are failing to do.

          Therefore there is nothing undemocratic about the TPPA being ratified.

          Yes there is as the people don’t want the TPPA signed in their name.

          If you wish to change the electoral system then campaign for it but don’t claim what we have is undemocratic.

          If the present system brings about undemocratic results, which it does, then it is undemocratic.

      • Wayne 5.2.3


        National was quite clear during the 2014 election campaign that they would sign TPP. They were easily able to form the government following the election.

        Therefore the government has a democratic mandate.

        In contrast the idea, promoted by Byran Gould and others, that the GG should seriously entertain a petition to not sign any laws required to implement the TPP is highly undemocratic.

        If you want to change things all you have to do is get a govt elected that would withdraw from TPP. If people are as angry as you say that should not be too difficult.

        • Gosman

          Apparently the results of an election in a representative democracy such as NZ means nothing to hard core leftists like Draco. It is as if they think the elections only allow the party that wins to form the government but the policies they have to implement need to be assent4ed to individually.

          • Draco T Bastard

            It is as if they think the elections only allow the party that wins to form the government but the policies they have to implement need to be assent4ed to individually.

            Don’t think that at all. I don’t think parliament should be government at all. Parliament should not be able to do whatever they like and need to be constrained to what the people want.

            Doing it the way you and Wayne want gives us a dictatorship and not a democracy.

        • Paul

          No-one knew what was in the TPP.

    • Stuart Munro 5.3

      Instead of wasting the people’s time and resources whoring for foreign corporations, why doesn’t John the Traitor Key do what New Zealanders want for a change. We are a democracy – what we want is John’s job. And he’s absolutely useless at it. No growth, no jobs, no brains, no guts, no morals – and hordes of moran supporters.

    • Incognito 5.4

      Please remind us again of how, when, where, and by whom the TPPA will be ratified in NZ.

      The signing on 4th Feb in Auckland by the 12 Apostles of Greed Trade Ministers and equivalent is just a shambolic symbolic side show.

  5. Sabine 6

    people dying of cold. oh well, i guess that is what happens in countries that are slowly but surely turning into third wold status.

    oh well, but i am sure it can’t happen here cause gods own and National will safe us.

    • Sabine 6.1

      link to support the statement. 🙂

      Quote: The Big Six point out that they buy their fuel over extended periods, evening out fluctuations. But last summer the Competition Commission concluded that they were overcharging households by a staggering £1.2bn a year. An unofficial survey suggests it is now almost £3bn.

      You would expect top-level outrage, wouldn’t you? But the Prime Minister merely said last week that bills were “not falling as fast as I would like”. Admittedly, an inquiry is due shortly to propose ways to increase competition, but the Government’s real ire has been reserved for comparatively blameless renewables.

      Since the election, ministers have implemented, or announced, at least nine measures to restrict them, from ending subsidies for onshore wind to scrapping targets for zero-carbon homes; from ending tax breaks for community renewables projects to slashing feed-in tariffs for rooftop solar power. The reason given? To keep down household energy bills. Quote end

      oh well its the same everywhere? All these people just simply not trying hard enough and expecting help from the government. Don’t they know that the government is not there too help? Really, what are they thinking.

      • Draco T Bastard 6.1.1

        The government helps the rich prey upon the poor which is why they’re getting rid of the renewables. Renewables would help the poor to become free of the rich and thus the rich would no longer be rich.

  6. Paul 7

    Further proof, if any was needed that capitalism is failing the people of the world.
    Unless you are one of the elite 62.
    Maybe the 1% isn’t an appropriate term to describe the elite.
    It should be the 0.000001%.

    ‘World’s rich getting richer, poor are definitely poorer
    Just 62 people own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population, as the widening of the gap between the rich and poor accelerates.
    As the business elite converge on Davos for the World Economic Forum, an Oxfam report shows wealth is becoming further concentrated, with the number of people owning the same amount as the bottom half of humanity falling from 388 to 62 in five years.
    It says a “broken” economic model underpinned by deregulation, privatisation and financial secrecy has seen the wealth of the richest 62 people jump by 44 per cent in five years to US$1.76 trillion ($2.74 trillion).
    In that time, the wealth of the poorest 3.6 billion people plunged by 41 per cent.’

  7. weka 8

    RNZ enabling Matthew Hooton telling lies on Nine to Noon again 🙄

    The other guy is quite good on calling him on some of it, the Labour stuff, but he really doesn’t get the GP.

    Maybe RNZ should have various commentators on to discuss the whole spectrum from the whole spectrum’s perspective instead of only a couple of left/right of centre embeds.

  8. Sabine 9

    This is an interesting link heavy diary from Daily Kos re Flint Michingan and how to poison a city.

    the last paragraph: Melissa Mays says after Flint switched its water supply her sons went from being straight-A students to struggling with basic studies. “And I worry because they’re gonna need tutors,” Mays said. “Because I don’t want them to just be set aside and (told) ‘Well okay, your IQ’s a little lower.’ No. I want them to be where they were before this happened.” Yet Mays says there’s little money available for tutors. Daily life in Flint has drained her family’s savings.

    “Our garbage disposal just corroded, so that’s another hundred bucks. Went through three water heaters and they’re $500 a pop. And that was…that was it. ‘Cause the rest of it’s gone towards medication. Me being off work and he’s had to miss work from time to time to take care of me and the kids. So yeah, we’re paycheck to paycheck at this point.”

    Ironically Mays says her water bills have skyrocketed. Refuse to pay them and the city will shut off the taps. On top of that, Child Protective Services could remove any children living in a house with no running water.


    surely this type of thing would never happen in gods own n’est pas?

  9. Smilin 10

    this how you fix an angry man dont send male policemen to talk to him you send strong good looking policewomen why its all on the outside thats why
    The cops still think that beating people up is how u fix angry men
    Because they are conditioned to violence being the area of expertise and the law of paid thuggery still survives in the police culture
    They really have to stop, the police that is being so dumb
    Why do the police take particulars when u call they dont use them unless its a criminal situation and if you make a false statement to get them there quicker alleging a crime in in progress you become the target for them if you are a male but women do get away with it
    You see the police are not civil servants they are a corporation that gets paid to keep the stats in favour of govt policy even though the police are blatantly underfunded by the taxpayer because of the expense of priorities like protecting the dodgy govt and those who have a real danger going on might as well swing for it
    Police psychology in understanding people is a joke its just ridiculous the fact that crime prevention is at an all time low in govt police policy because of the rate of incarceration is so important to achieve the maximum payout for the corporations running the prisons to return an international success rating that will kept people believing all is good
    absolute rot this system we have now will perpetuate rising crime and it will go undetected especially in theft because the police mostly deal with drugs and any thieved property is retrieved thru that and the daily theft of people’s money thru bad law governing financial institutions is a must especially when the govt is run by a very suspect member of that shall we say profession which it is not just a highly sophisticated theft ie tax policy that protects the rich no FTT BUT GST which is biased in favour of the rich and then theres the sharemarket and weve all seen that ponzi scheme and so it goes
    Dont rely on the law for any help it just aint there

    • OK I kind of get your point, though I could barely breathe trying to read it.

      Break it up with Paragraphs, use some comma’s and full stops, as it helps make what your saying, more readable and easier to comprehend.

      Your diatribe on the police makes me feel you had a recent interaction with them. Never a good idea, they have not a lot of sympathy, as doing their job and filling the courts is what they do.

      Get a lawyer, anyway possible, and ring him soon as whatever it is happens, the advice he will give you, will, I hope, help you out.

      I can’t argue with them, I gave up many years ago. It’s the nature of bullies and the stupid, to work in that sort of employment.

      Pedophiles want to work in childcare, Bashers want to work in the police force.

  10. Morrissey 11

    Never thought I’d say this, but: Bring Back Mike Williams.
    Stephen Mills flattered to deceive last month; he’s just another politician.

    Political Commentators, RNZ National, Monday 18 January 2016, 11:10 a.m.
    Lynn Freeman, Matthew Hooton, Stephen Mills

    Lynn Freeman is a far better, more thoughtful and tougher host than Kathryn Ryan, but the basic problem remains: the “Left” person is dodgy, to say the least. Not long ago, I praised Stephen Mills as superior to Mike “I Agree With Matthew” Williams, who had a monopoly on the “Left” seat for much too long. [1] I was impressed by the no-nonsense way that Mills had taken on Matthew Hooton; it seemed that here was someone, finally, who had the guts to actually contest what Hooton said.

    I’m sorry to say that my assessment of Mills was wrong. This morning, in the first program of the year, Hooton was immediately back into it; his little performance consisted of sneering at unions as “dinosaurs” and scoffing at the rise of politicians like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders.

    For any principled and alert commentator, that would have been the perfect opportunity to point out that Corbyn and Sanders are not outliers, as the likes of Hooton always insist they are, but are firmly in the tradition of democratic, centrist, sensible thinking. Mills, however, decided to reiterate the Labour Party political leadership’s line. I sent the following email to Lynn Freeman….

    Stephen Mills’ highly contentious claim about “most Labour voters”

    Dear Lynn,

    Stephen Mills (From the Left and Right) made the highly contentious assertion that “most Labour voters in New Zealand would support Hillary Clinton” and would regard a Jeremy Corbyn style leader as “inappropriate for New Zealand.”

    New Zealand Labour supporters are probably not much different from British Labour supporters, who overwhelmingly voted for Corbyn as leader. And Bernie Sanders, who Stephen Mills chooses to portray as some sort of extremist, advocates moderate, sensible, humane policies that are pretty much the same as Labour has represented in this country, at least until the Douglasite faction took control.

    The producers need to get a more rigorous and well informed representative of “The Left” for this program; we don’t need someone reiterating Matthew Hooton’s rhetoric like Mills did this morning.

    Yours in concern at the standard of commentary on RNZ,

    Morrissey Breen
    Northcote Point


    • Paul 11.1

      Here are some of Corbyn’s key policies.

      Renationalise railways to bring down fares. Franchises would be managed locally;
      Locally owned energy suppliers, emulating the German model;
      Integration of health and social care;
      Creation of a lifelong education service that would help retrain and reskill workers;
      Universal childcare;
      Repeal the Tory Trade Union Act;
      Fixed pay ratios for companies to stop top management earning many multiples more than lowest paid workers;
      Restriction on dividend payments for firms that don’t pay the living wage.

      How Mills could refute Corbyn is beyond me.

      • Morrissey 11.1.1

        People like Mills are the problem in the Labour Party. I have no doubt he actually supports Corbyn’s policies. But in the tiny, introspective bubble of Labour Party “strategy”, the only possible option is Blairite/Clarkite opportunism and “positioning”. The only views that matter for the likes of Mills, Stuart Nash, and whoever else is formulating “policy” for the Labour Party are the views of right wing political commentators like Hooton and the views of right wing business leaders.

        Mills knows as well as anyone else that Corbyn is far more popular than the Blairite rump that dominates Labour Party discourse, and that it is Hillary Clinton, not Bernie Sanders, that is the extremist candidate for the Democrats.

        I was very disappointed that he lacked the character to state that firmly and unequivocably this morning, instead opting for the nonsensical dogma of his Party leadership.

      • alwyn 11.1.2

        I wonder how Corbyn would be in dealing with the SNP, if what you say about his beliefs is correct?

        “Franchises would be managed locally”
        “Locally owned energy suppliers”

        The SNP appear to want the opposite approach where they centralise control over everything. I suggest you have a look at this opinion piece.

        The SNP sounds like an organisation of the most rabid contributors to this blog and to WO.

        • Paul

          His problem is that the majority of the Scottish Labour Party sold out the Scottish people a long time ago, through years of Blairite treachery, so the Labour Party north of the border is toast.

        • Morrissey

          Alwyn, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

          • alwyn

            No dear.
            Somehow, having read some of your contributions(?) to reasoned(?) debate I wouldn’t regard you as a very good judge.
            Just what part of the article didn’t you approve of?

            • Stuart Munro

              He’s a great deal more lucid with you – why not just run along and play with the rest of juveniles on kiwiblog where you belong?

              • alwyn

                Do you, or Morrissey, actually have anything to say about Corbyn and the way he differs from the SNP?
                Or is your style of debate simply to make your childish remarks about people you don’t agree with because you are incapable of discussing things in a sensible manner?
                Now just what part of the article didn’t you agree with?
                And do you think that Corbyn will be able to get along with the SNP?

        • Paul

          Why are you so hostile to the SNP?

          • alwyn

            I have to go out in about 5 minutes so I can’t give this question the full attention it deserves.
            My main objections are
            (1) They lied to the people of Scotland about the referendum. They promised them that they could continue to use the pound. They promised that they would automatically become part of the EU. They promised that they would not have to take any responsibility for GB debts. They promised that things would be wonderful from the oil production. I don’t believe any of those were true.
            (2) They waste the money they get from Great Britain on things to buy them popularity. Meanwhile, although University education may be free, less low income students (as a percentage) go to university in Scotland than they do in England.
            (3) They try and dominate and suppress their opponents. I think they fit into the group of people, like the ones on this site, who would close down the NZ Herald because it is not faithful to what they believe. The Venezuelan Government would be proud of them.
            (4) They want central control of all national affairs. All things are to be under the control of central government.
            I suggest you read that article in the Economist I referenced. I agree with it.

    • Bill 11.2

      The ‘funny’ bit about that segment of 9 to noon, was that Matthew Hooten was way more on to it in terms of what prospective Labour and Green voters are saying than was Mills.

      Who is he by the way – this Stephen Mills? Ah….a pollster…a bear of few brains with lots of pieces of paper with conservative numbers on them in front of him – sigh.

      • weka 11.2.1

        He’s an improvement on Mike “I agree with Matthew” Williams, which I guess is something to be grateful for.

        I thought that about Hooton as well except I thought it was all carefully crafted to sound like he was on to it and oh so reasonable 😉 Very little comes out of that man’s mouth that isn’t via his forked tongue.

        • Bill

          Well, he (Hooton) is ‘on to it’ enough to read the more obvious social media sites. Now that’s a very fucking low bar. But it seems Stephen Mills cracks his numb, dumb skull on it nevertheless.

    • Sacha 11.3

      You seem to be conflating UK Labour *members* who elected Corbyn and their *voters* at the next election, a much larger group who may have different views. I imagine there has been polling about those.


    62 people in the world own more than 3.6b of the poorest. trickle down working as expected I see.

    A must read Oxfam study, ( Not sure of the quality of Oxfam research) But it makes you wonder for sure.

    • The Chairman 12.1

      The trickle down is failing to distribute the wealth required to sustain consumer demand, thus sustainable business growth and return. The consequences of which we are currently witnessing.

      New Zealand has the combination of capital flight (returns heading off shore) negatively impacting on our current, ultimately leaving us with less, coupled with insufficient wealth distribution.

      Yet, instead of addressing these problems, we exacerbate them. We continue to welcome offshore ownership and largely decimated the power of unions, which help keep incomes in check.

      Since the 80’s there has been years of reforms, new trade deals etc, yet we’ve failed to put our current account into surplus and have made little to no improvements in inequality.

      Local business leaders should be opposed to offshore ownership and supportive of unions. The more workers earn, the more they drive up consumer demand, thus business return.

  12. Morrissey 13

    If you have any spare dildos, send them to these guys

    • Ha! Well spotted, Morrissey.

    • marty mars 13.2


      “now’s the time for action”

      hit the trip wire there you’d think – I spose they have outlived their usefulness now…

    • Once was Tim 13.3

      Rest assured, if I had any spare they’d be going to a number of local politicians, their spin masters, and quite a few in the media. The ones they have must be nearing the end of their useful lives.
      I’m not sure whether this will take …. I’m possibly banned for thinking wishfully

      • greywarshark 13.3.1

        You like being banned don’t you Once Was Tim? It adds a bit of spice to your life I

  13. Wisdumb 14

    In November, MFAT issued a two-page summary of the estimated tariff and non-tariff trade gains from the TPP for the year 2030, when all agreed tariff changes should have been completed. In the column headed “Government treatment of results,” someone has slashed Goods NTBs in half, from $2,912 million to $1,456 million. This reduces the estimated total benefit to $2,704 million from $4,160 million. MFAT $$$ Summary Showing Arbitrary Cut

    Such a reduction is surprising – the government normally hypes up the value of the TPP. However, what we see is a bold new theory of economics – if you don’t like a number, don’t understand it, or don’t have the political guts to accept professionally prepared data, then reduce it by 50.00000%. Problem solved! Now we know why the TPP negotiations were so secret. Even Bill English did not know about it or he would have cleared the Budget Deficit years ago.

    In reality, of course, this 50% cut is completely arbitrary and completely dishonest because the Government is setting up to game us even further regarding the TPP. Readers might have noticed that recent government statements qualify the dollar benefits of the TPP by using use phrases such as “At least ….” . Rabbits out of hats will come.

  14. maui 15

    Just because everyone is dying to know the details of the PM’s son’s life. It will be good when this stops.

    • Paul 15.1

      It won’t
      It’s clickbait.

    • I’m John key trust me, I’m a family man. So out of touch with the common man it makes me wince. A daughter in Paris doing quite frankly soft porn sex shows. A poser of a son with the model hanging off his arms for those exceptional good looking publicity shots. This is NZ now, US style press and publicity. Gawd!

      Carefully scripted images. If he wasn’t taking them(max) I wonder which political publicist organized it thanks to the National party coffers.

      This is John Keys world.

    • greywarshark 15.3

      How’s Prince Harry’s love life going? Or did he get married while I was busy with something important to me? Or did I miss the news that some culture vulture unearthed that he is gay. and not likely to wed someone with a train as long as the Northern Express (if that exists)?

      We can’t let this homegrown mini-celebrity Max cut out our normal gossip lines.

  15. Well bugger, me the Herald posted three of my comments to Rodney hide and I was not polite at all.(no swear words )

    In all my days what happened did they get a new editor,,, and Frans piece attacking Messam has had the part where she called him Gormless removed. Think the lawyers may have been in touch there.

    Roughans piece has opened to comments, getting another hiding to nothing. But Frans remains closed no comments posted. Hmmm Frans made a boo boo this time me thinks.

  16. Tautoko Mangō Mata 17

    Can Josie Pagani and Phil Quinn apply for jobs at DPMC now please?

  17. Michael 19

    Bernie Sanders’ new tax plan will push the top marginal rate for the wealthiest to above 60 percent.

  18. sabine 20

    The shadow Banking System worth two trillion. 🙂 obviously, why not?

    ” One of the threats looming over the slowdown in China is the precarious state of a $2 trillion shadow banking system that grew up with the boom. If it crashes, the current Chinese stock market collapse could look like a picnic. ”

    oh dear

    quote: Chinese police have arrested hundreds of people suspected of running underground banks that illegally transferred more than Rmb800bn ($125bn) out of China into foreign currencies…..

    quote: Over the past year, officials have issued arrest warrants for 56 people, frozen 3,000 bank accounts, shut down 37 unlicensed financial institutions allegedly laundering money and reviewed over 1.3 million suspicious transactions, reported state media.
    Police busted another 10 unapproved banks this week, allegedly linked to about 51.6 billion yuan ($8.1 billion) in illegal transactions.

    this is just stunning, and I would expect this to happen globally not only china. China might just be the biggest or one of the biggest player in the game. Sometimes I wonder why we bother pretending.

  19. North 21

    Hairild. Second headline. Arrh Marr Gaaaaard Mar Gaaaaard !!! Me Brokin Brokin Brokin !!!……World’s to an end. Maxi Mini PM, and that girl, you know. OH NO !!! Faaaaark !!!