Open mike 18/07/2011

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, July 18th, 2011 - 31 comments
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31 comments on “Open mike 18/07/2011 ”

  1. Deadly_NZ 1

    Ky says they asked for him??? More of Meddling Murrays machinations methinks.

    • logie97 1.1

      This is not a good look. Someone who the PM considers unworthy to represent the people of his electorate is good enough to represent the country’s interests in Monaco? (Think McCully must have taken one too many bangs to the head at the bottom of one of those Parliamentarians Rugby Rucks that he plays in…?

  2. Tigger 2

    To be fair to Worth, we still don’t know why he left Parliament.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1

      Well, according to that article it was bad enough that Jonkey would have fired Worth if he hadn’t resigned. This tells me that it was probably criminal and the only thing saving him from police investigation is the fact that he was an MP and that he resigned.

  3. prism 3

    More revelations in the News of the World stooorry. The Chief personage in the British Metropolitan Police Force, knighted, has resigned. He employed a public relations chap who was previously employed by News of the World and paid him BrPounds1K a day. The advice was important obviously and you get what you pay for. Or sometimes you don’t pay. He enjoyed a relaxing recovery from a leg break at a health spa as a gift, normally worth BrP12K.

    The creeping nature of corruption started in the British Press decades ago though. The British commentator on Radionz I think it was Matthew Parrish, explained that it had been a long standing behaviour. And was widely known, including by the reading public no doubt. He talked about what methods could be classified as espionage. He said that sometimes important information of wrongdoing was obtained. He mentioned that hacking into the message systems of voicemail did not result in eavesdropping on actual conversations. It has taken the case of deleting some of the voice mail of the murdered girl which gave false hope that by this happening she must have been alive, and the hacking of the dead soldiers voicemail, for the ire of the public to scrutinise the practice.

    Snooping has become endemic there it seems. No one was prepared to firm up and draw a line controlling it. Let’s hope that something sensible will be done to set standards, but that revelations and leaks shouldn’t be repressed by swingeing censorship.

    • Colonial Viper 3.1

      Over 10,000 CCTV security cameras in central London. The Brits gave up on their rights to privacy over many years, with the IRA attacks and then fearmongering after 9/11.

      Ed Miliband has spoken about how over-intrusive the state has been allowed to become.

      The best stories are of local councils and primary school using private investigators to follow citizens around and make recordings of them, on the flimsiest grounds.

      • joe90 3.1.1

        Britain’s serious fraud office has begun a preliminary investigation of News International.

        • joe90

          The plot thickens.

          “Has Roger Ailes been keeping tabs on your phone calls?”

          That’s how began a post back in 2008, when a former Fox News executive charged that Ailes had outfitted a highly secured “brain room” in Fox’s New York headquarters for “counterintelligence” and may have used it to hack into private phone records.

          Even thicker with connections to the Bush regimes.

  4. For those of you beginning to feel an inkling of unease with the thought that Fairfax who owns most of the MSM papers in this country is owned for 10% by Murdoch and a such may be part of his world wide hold on what we read as “news”, here is a documentary about Libya’s system of governance and Kaddafi’s role as “the leader of the revolution”.

    • Bored 4.1

      Citizen Kane no less. See the red headed one has been arrested.

      • travellerev 4.1.1

        Well, she was rumoured to have a severance packet amounting some 3.5 million pounds. I guess she knew what was coming and made sure they paid her enough to keep schtum.

  5. Here are some links to European video’s on the subject of 9/11. One of them called Zero and made by a member of the European parliament for Italy was shown in Russia and watched by over 20 million people. Just because the films are not on MSM over here should tell you something about the tight control outside interests have over what is shown as news here.

    Here is another one from Dutch MSM investigating amongst others the 100 million in trades executed just before 9/11 by some very interesting banks.
    And last but not least here is a link to an article about how Goldman Sachs and other big American banks (BoA in which John Key holds millions of $ worth of shares) bet against the European countries they sold all their fraudulent derivatives too. Illegal and unethical and with his millions in shares John Key is possibly complicit in the biggest financial crimes ever and that is the man we want to re-elect as our PM?

    • Colonial Viper 5.1

      Thanks. I read something today about the different data records held by businesses in WTC 7. All destroyed now, apparently.

  6. joe90 6

    A novel application of carbon nanotubes, developed by MIT researchers, shows promise as an innovative approach to storing solar energy for use whenever it’s needed.

  7. McFlock 7

    Nice. Peak oil plus a National Govt raising GST = Inflation reaches 21yr high

    And the jerks are still polling 50%, sample bias(es) or not. sigh.

    • logie97 7.1

      Those pesky Mums and Dads investors, who will be buying state assets next year, have been at it again.

      Apparently the dollar surged again this morning on the news of the rampant inflation only for investors to cash up and it has now fallen back.

      Now apart from the likes of Mr and Mrs Aldgate-Whitechapel, who else has got a few cool million to buy and sell on the financial markets?

    • Drakula 7.2

      Just commenting on Mc Flocks figure of the inflation rate soaring to a 21 year high. I am not in the least bit suprised in fact if you shop for plumbing equipment in Christchurch like I have you will find the prices are sky rocketing!!!!!!

      Those in the red zone who are about to be paid out by the Earthquake commission for replacement accommodation will not be able to afford replacement land because the land sharks are jacking the prices up daily. Those people may go over the ditch.

      The demand for skilled trades and labour are going to burden the districts around Christchurch yet local bodies like the Selwyn District Council are still going ahead with their luxury projects of building a swimming pool ($14 million +) at Rolleston. Note in the brackets I put a plus, that means they wre going ahead even when the contractors are jacking up the prices, for fear (or misguided advice) that tomorrows quote will be even higher.

      A 21 year high? that is going to be an understatement!!!!


  8. Draco T Bastard 8

    On NRT: Jenny Shipley’s crony appointment

    They show that
    * Brownlee had decided who he would appoint before the law had even been introduced to Parliament;
    * The appointment process does not seem to have followed SSC guidelines [PDF]. It does not seem to have been advertised, even in the broad sense used by SSC; no long or short-list of candidates was drawn up [PDF]; no interviews appear to have been conducted to confirm the suitability of the candidates. It appears as if Brownlee pulled these names out of his arse, and then imposed them on us. The people of Canterbury, of course, were not consulted.
    * To add insult to injury, having appointed these people with no proper process, Brownlee then decided to pay them at triple the normal rate [PDF], on the basis that “it will not be possible to secure their services under the current fees range”. No effort appears to have been made to find candidates who would do the work within the government’s budget. This was agreed to by State Services Minister Tony Ryall [PDF].

    National: Throwing our money at their rich mates.

    • Draco T Bastard 8.1

      On NRT: Privatisation undermines transparency

      Despite the government planning to retain a 51% silent share as a PR measure, these companies will be removed from the coverage of the Official Information Act. So, while we’ll own them in theory, we won’t be allowed to know what they’re doing.

      No matter how much the RWNJs try to paint partial sales as not being privatisation the lack of transparency included in the mixed-ownership model that NAct are following is endemic to capitalism and privatised assets.

      • travellerev 8.1.1

        Noam Chomski said it very well: “Privatisation does not mean you take a public institution and give it to some nice person. It means you take a public institution and give it to an unaccountable tyranny.”

        And while we’re at it here is a link to the film: the Corporation where he makes this statement.

  9. logie97 9

    So we are about to have a new burger chain in New Zealand.
    The franchise holder reasons that it will be hugely popular and of course will probably provide employment (get ready McCarten and Unite.)

    So where best to chase a dollar and have a successful launch?
    St Heliers?
    Probably none of those areas though not obvious why.

    How about Takanini or Manukau City and then Glen Innes?
    Apparently ideal.
    Now who will the target customers be?

  10. felix 10


    Has the National Party has thrown Epsom to ACT?

  11. Anne 11

    You forgot to add ‘weez good friendz too” CV

  12. rosy 12

    Good speech by Miliband on Sky News UK at the moment – linking hacking scandal, banking crisis and ministerial expenses scandal with lack of responsibility of the powerful. Well worth a listen if you can find it on the net.

  13. jackal 13

    Pimp Your Country

    John Key will spend the next few days talking free trade with American companies and Barack Obama. While the mainstream media paints a rosy picture concerning a free trade agreement with the United States through the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the truth of the matter is not being reported at all.