Granny continues the Nat smear campaign online with trevitt and Bennett parroting 2 themes they will continue with till 20/9, disunity and honesty.
The staging of this is so obvious and shows how badly serviced the public have become by the MSM who are so far up the Nats butt in running the supplied attack lines.
What next I wonder from the govt shills and their veiled spin masquerading as journalism.
They have renewed my motivation to help out with volunteering for the Greens. Only a mass movement of the people can take on this corporate-neoliberal-MSM-wealth supporting dominance in the corridors of power.
And serious questions need to be asked about the fast tracking of foreign investors. They are not there for the benefit of the large base of kiwis doing it tough just to get by and live a reasonable life. They are not there for the benefit of worthy immigrants on low-middle incomes, who are also often marginalised.
karol did you get my reply to you last night on Lynn’s “Is that it?” post, re Tova O’ Brien? A moulded- into -the -shape -of- spin reporter is what you are dealing with.
For a real analysis of the sham and the media’s role in it, have a listen to Alistair Thompson this morning (post#3 below)
The real story is “Why has The NZ Herald become so supportive of The National Party”? …I put it down to CGT, most of New Zealand’s useless and lazy rich rich have gained their wealth through Capital Gains on land and buildings…implementing a Capital Gains Tax was never going to be easy. The New Zealand Herald itself has sections devoted to real estate. And of course Banks play a big part in real estate.
For the first time in nearly 50 years I am not listening to Morning Report, they even got JK to comment from Washington that it showed Cunliffe wasn’t to be trusted. The hypocrisy was taken with a straight face.
It’s not a news story at all – it’s a beat up by the right-wing aligned MSM. And they’re using their platform to attack Cunliffe and influence the election.
Morning Report is a bit like having a bowl of dirty brown water thrown over you first thing in the morning….to be avoided…you dont start the morning feeling shiney clean
Um, wait a moment. Banks resigns. He’s not there any more. And the nations’ major free press rag is running a smear campaign against the opposition leader.
After the issues of yesterday – there is a good chance you could end up in the teens. Nobody (even the most RW of RWNJ’s) would have seen Cunners being that unpopular.
I will have to go read the thread why National is so scared again to see what I am missing – because at the moment – Im thinking they love the guy.
Yeah, so they interviewed ‘at least’ 1000 people. I’m assuming that means they kept going until they got a positive indication from 1000 people. But how many people said they were undecided? There’s no indication of that anywhere. And unless that is factored in, any percentages are shockingly exaggerated and the whole picture horribly distorted..
Why the fck is it not standard practice to include the undecideds (mostly voters on the left) in calculations pertaining to these polls? I can’t see the relevant numbers for this poll, but in the Herald one, the undecideds accounted for 12.2% while the gap between Greens/Labour and National was only 8% when that was factored in. And National were well short of 50% when that 12.2% was included in calculations.
At 777 out of 1014, that is an increase in undecideds of 5% since last month, and 7% since February.
(If you hover over the polls, you’ll get the number of decided voters)
Yes I found it grim too. Is the IMP really turning voters off labour – I suppose labour going after the same middle voters as the gnats has its downside. If the IMP are taking votes from labour or the greens then that is okay imo – they won’t be this middle and therefore gives both labour and the greens the opportunity to go harder for their declared constituency. It wouldn’t worry me if they both made a dramatic statement or play to distance themselves from the IMP – I hope they do. It is time to set the vacuum cleaner to maximum suck to bring in as many as possible under a left wing government.
Well, I didn’t exactly hover to get the Undecided figures. I’ve set out how I obtained them in a comment at 8.1.1 of Stephanie’s The dirtiest election campaign backfires.
Very much looking forward to listening to the weekly Scoop report on Radio Active this morning to get Alistair Thompson’s take on the msm media supported Natz smear campaign/beat up against David Cunliffe.
Most Thursday’s Grant Robertson is in attendance. I hope he is this morning, so he can clear up the media’s propaganda that Cunliffe is going to resign……………….
Dude, the last thing the Labour Party needs is an opportunity to have, to quote you
“the unions/party-membership will turn on them like rabid dogs….and will tear them limb from limb..”
Im from the right so I know that my views count for squat over here, but our country needs an effective opposition – regardless of who is in power.
Talk of an absolute majority for the Nats is enough to make me vote elsewhere, and till he sold out to the German, my second pick was Hone. The guy had a raw honesty about him that I didnt see in other polys, and yes, I would probably have buggered off to watch the rugby in France too just like he did.
I may not agree with all he says and I may not agree with all he believes, but Im sure hes good for this country.
and i actually don’t see what the issue is about re cunnliffe..about a donation to the labour party when clark was in power..
..but of course key has gone on tv claiming liu has donated much more than $15 grand to labour..
..and if true..that will damage labour past more than cunnlife..(unless cunnliffes’ fingerprints are on it..)
..and if true..that damage could be lasting..firmly confirming the tweedle-dum/tweedle-dee of national/labour..(and them both being in the pocket of vested-interests..)
..and cd well lead to a collapse of their vote to greens-internet/mana..
Philip, you are correct that its a storm in a C cup, and Cunliffe is being hung out to dry, but the real problem is one of perception for the voters.
And perception becomes reality.
As you point out, currently, the media isnt too kind to the left, but I do recall a time when they loved Helen Clark and I would have said that they werent too kind to the right.
It seems that the media love a winner, but are quick to turn on them when the tide is turning. I guess writing for a paper or working for the radio or TV is a kind of job application for a ministerial press secretary.
So of course the media was wanting to back the new guy who would be dishing out the cabinet jobs that then lead to the press secretary jobs.
The media were very kind to Clark and her Govt for the first 7.5years. And not so kind for the last 18 months of it. I would bet lamingtons (my favourite betting currency) that if the Nats win in September, that within 18 months the media will have turned on them in a similar fashion.
Dopey thing was that the food in school tuck shops was actually a very good public health initiative. Any half decent media would have looked at the claimed diabetes risks and then talked to diabetes researchers and supported it.
It could be that the CT are trying to propagate the idea of the ABC rising up to further the idea of Labour in a shambles. They are feeding the Trevetts this line and unfortunately Trotter has picked up on that line.
This is the time for unity to be shown and the Labour caucus need to spell it out fully to the media that this is a beat up fabricated by the Government with a compliant media. If any member of the Labour caucus is not prepared to speak up for their leader on this issue, then they should resign immediately. Cunliffe has not done anything wrong. The questioning was a set up. The letter was innocuous and the lack of recall was not being used as a lie in the attempt to cover up incriminating behaviour (as in the cases of Key, Collins and Banks) but was a genuine lack of recall.
Crosby-Textor have decided who is the target. They are now trying to manufacture a “crime”.
I was thinking if CT hadn’t engineered the whole thing, including the double whammy Hone/KDC least trust worthy poll, burning the message of distrust them, trust me, even deeper into the heads of mum and dad NZ, then I might have to get Dr Evil and have ago myself for… … … One million dollars.
Remember collins and bennetts lies, misleading are covered by the cabinet manuals requiement for “highest ethical standards”but cunliffe should resign and is tricky. This last verdict from no less a comedian than double dipton and renewal of scf guarantee…bill english… But he doesnt need to siree, not even for pretending chchch rebuild will cost less so he can claim a surplus, or turning a grant into an interest free loan to create a surplus.. And blip has key covered. SO why do the public care if cunliffe is trustworthy if they dont care that the nats are perpetual liars…. It is perception, and who leads the shaping of it?
Nope, cunliffe needs to resign
Oh an liu is applying for a discharge without conviction for domestic violence
Looks game over before it’s even begun, according to msm.
I was wanting David, who was good with Campbell, come out swinging about the pm’s insider dealings, but if the tens of, or hundreds of dollars as implied is true, then agree he has to go.
I’m a bit disappointed, again if true, that it’s the only egg in the Labour basket gone. Scabs don’t even come into it.
John key says he knew a couple of weeks ago. English said no one in govt knew. So key told no one…so much for all clean and honesty and transparent. Not tellinghis own caucus, he must be worried some of them would undermine him
Looks game over before it’s even begun, according to msm.
I was wanting David, who was good with Campbell, to come out swinging about the pm’s insider dealings with this information, but if the tens of, or hundreds of thousands of dollars as implied are real, then agree he has to go.
I’m a bit disappointed, again if true, that it’s the only egg in the Labour basket gone. Scabs don’t even come into it.
Well done, David and the supporting caucus members who front-footed the issue so well this afternoon. This show of unity and strength was just what was needed and puts the ball back in National’s court.
In any event, it seems to be consistent with the themes that people have, rightly or wrongly, decided their votes upon
Labour will raise the retirement age. Not good for us blue collar fellas aye mate!
Labour wants us to have less in our pocket each week, with compulsory KiwiSaver, even though there’s no guarantee that money will be there when we retire. You just need to look at the 401K saver schemes in the USA and what happened with them in the GFC – values dropped dramatically. In some cases, by 90%.
Labour aren’t that interested in helping us out of Otara into our first home. $450,000 is more money that we’d ever dream of spending on a house
Baby bonus – eeeeh. I posit a lot of people would rather have subsidized dental care. Direct quote “My two teenagers have had two teeth out as that was cheaper than getting fillings”.
Labour want trucks banned from the inside lane of motorways. What neglible difference will that make?
Labour scrapping the registration fees for caravans. Well, wish I had a caravan!
Yeah, Labour are scraping the barrel when it comes to policy ideas. The biggest one by far is their plan to raise the age of retirement, and compulsory KS without guaranteeing the principal.
Making changes to the electoral system shouldn’t be partisan. By all means campaign for a referendum or a review on the subject but to make specific changes to the system part of your manifesto commitments should be avoided.
An appropriate method of doing it is to lay out clearly what you intend to push for in Parliament within your manifesto. Stating that you wish to drop the MMP threshold immediately to 4% or 3.5% as per non-partisan recommendations but that you will take it to a referendum in 2020 on a move to 3% or 2.5%.
These are moves which will help National gain support parties on the Right so agreement should be reachable.
We had a referendum, we had consultation and the result of that is that the majority of people want the threshold lowered. It’s only National that don’t.
Who represent around 45 – 50% of the electorate. A rather significant minority that needs to be brought aboard any plan for changing the electoral system. Labour forgot that the last time they messed with electoral law around campaign finance.
BS. If only 45% supported keeping MMP then National would have had a referendum within weeks to push the change to their preferred anti-democratic system and that would have been implemented in time for this election.
Labour forgot that the last time they messed with electoral law around campaign finance.
A law change that is still pretty much in place as all the media coverage of it was just more right-wing spin.
They should just remove the threshold and have it if you win enough percentage for a seat (1.2% I think but this would change over time) you get a seat. Coat tailing is not the issue. The threshold is the truly anti democratic bit.
I disagree. Anyone can pick up 1% by being a Nazi. The idea behind the threshold was to mirror the effort a MP in a constituent seat had to go to in gaining support. A MP should work both constituent and list, and not be unfairly rewarded. If they make the numbers in the seat then they win the seat. If the make the threshold on the list, then they get extra seats.
The great sin was ACT got extra list seat while NZF got more votes. That is wrong and Key has done nothing to change the situation. Its bloody stupid politics, since all NZF needs to do is miss the threshold and say Mana get extra list MPs and Key’s name will be dirt to political analysts and ethicists alike. Talk about leaving the barn gate open.
I mean, Key is a conservative, conservatives have a huge problem understanding that societies change, they progressive, and by not being progressives conservativists can’t fathom how a rule that used to work might now look tired, old and counter productive to their ends.
But, of course, its worse, Key is the child of the Thatcher revolution and they don’t believe in society. They would never have brought into twitter shares, their just clueless about social movements.
[lprent: Please resist the temptation towards Godwin’ing the debate. It always pisses me off, especially when heading into elections because it disrupts debate. When I get pissed off I tend to try to pass the feeling on. ]
if 1% of the population are “nazi” and can organise a party, campaign and get votes why shouldnt they be heard. To me the problem is if they get more than 1% influence on govt initiatives, as uf and act have. But thats democracy. Better to have extremists in the open where we can see them.
A 3-4 MP sized caucus is a productive, capable caucus capable of wielding serious Parliamentary influence and while being eligible for sufficient funding to do major work.
Hence a threshold of 2.5%, half the current, would be ideal IMO, i.e. the MMP threshold should be halved.
Quite simply, there is no reason for the threshold so why do we have one? The only answer is that it’s there to help keep the incumbents (National and Labour) in power.
Look you simply cannot be serious. It easier to pick up votes for a particular issue when you canvas the whole country. Whereas a geographical location is always going to have less of like minded people.
On the issue of hecklers. Of course if you want democracy to grind to a halt, please let everyone who can get 1% into parliament. I think it is good to have a bar for parties to get over.
As to the german extermist party, who got into power as a minority party, and then used the disfunction (they likely caused or certianly played up), it would be sensible to remember them and filter out some representatives and their parites.
James, the truck idea actually works in practice and will help lower congestion in Ak. It’s standard in Europe and makes for better traffic flows, particularly at peak periods. It also contributes to better driver manners, from my experience; a lot less frustration and rage evident.
So a new question arises: Who will be the leader of the opposition come Sept 21?
Mr Cunliffe or Mr Norman? Co leadership with Ms Turei?
The way Labour are going this might not just be in the realms of fantasy.
I see in the Herald they are saying that no one in the Labour caucus wants to replace Cunliffe prior to the election. If this is true and the further revelations about Liu’s donations to Labour come out what then?
Perhaps if Labour becomes a poisoned vote for lefties maybe the Greens need an influx of support?
So, Jimmie, why are the MSM going all out to cut DC down but have pretty much given all the rorting from National a free pass? Considering how far back they gone on DC they should also be bringing up Bill English’s rort of the housing allowance and how National’s rule change is actually costing us more, Richard Worth and Pansy Wong, John Key’s lies about his Tranzrail shares etc, etc.
Wish I had time to write a fuller post on this.
The real question that emerges from the Cunliffe story is one the media should be asking
‘Cui bono ?’
The neoliberal establishment has a lot to lose if a genuinely left wing party gets into power.
So anyone who threatens the elite’s privileged position is savagely attacked.
The wine box inquiry…Peters
The discovery of corruption and spying on NZ citizens…. Dotcom
A Labour leader elected by the rank and file…Cunliffe.
An activist who cares about people’s rights in this country and around the world….Minto
I am sure readers can think of many more smears, attacks and lies on honest citizens attempting to fight the elite’s stranglehold of the country.
The elite don’t want us to have any say in the running of this country.
They own it.
And the own the media, who pump out their propaganda and attack anyone who has the temerity to threaten their position.
I can’t beat George Carlin’s summary.
agreed….the Neolibs are running very scared…the stakes are high …it is the future democracy of New Zealand which is at stake here.
Key is playing dirty and trying to destroy Cunliffe …shows how scared he is !….Cunliffe is the one who will beat him!…there is no one else for the Labour Party leadership that comes within a bulls roar of Cunliffe ….and I believe that they know this and are behind Cunliffe!
( unless there is a fifth column of one or ,at the most, two)…and they should know , if they are there at all, that the eyes of Labour members and the Left are behind Cunliffe ….and are watching!)
Do not ever at the end of one decade write a standard form letter to a government department seeking prosaic advice of timeline on a constituent’s lawful application to that department.
Particularly when at the beginning of the second decade after that it is shown that said constituent has recently paid big bucks to the National Party and enlisted a National Party cabinet minister as personal police liaison officer in matters of domestic violence perpetrated by said constituent.
Such standard form letter writing is egregious and heavily corrupt – the antithesis of representative parliamentary democracy. It is behaviour heavily punishable by the NZ Herald acting on behalf of the National Party.
I’d say that it’s absolutely amazing how the MSM have gone gangbusters on this except that it’s not. It’s just showing their absolute double standards and right-wing bias.
Cunliffe seems caught between the rock and the hard place on this. To have to say what he has said below is not good imo
“…But he issued a warning aimed at anyone considering such a move last night: “I’ve tested directly and through others with a large number of my caucus colleagues that I have the support of my caucus and my party and our affiliates, and that we are driving to the line,” he said on Campbell Live.
“And in the Labour movement, you know, there are some words we use for strike breakers.”
and now key can spout his lies and pontificating bullshit
“Mr Key said that “on a number occasions in his leadership he has come up against the hurdle of trust and he seems to manage to be able to career into the hurdle rather than jump over it.”
“He is going to have to reconcile his answers to the New Zealand public with the facts and the two of them aren’t matched up.”
Mr Key also admitted today he’d known for some weeks that Mr Cunliffe had written a letter in support of Mr Liu.
It is almost impossible for cunliffe to fight off the gnats, their minions and also the short knives from his own team. This is his big test – right here, right now! I wish him well.
I don’t think Cunliffe coming out and threatening ministers within his own party wasn’t particularly smart, it just demonstrates what a mess labour is in
Facts are this is not a party no where near ready to govern.
Questions also have to be asked as to why Cunliffe can’t unite his caucus what are they seeing that the public isn’t.?
Collins is still in cabinet because it was a beat up and John Key could empathize with her after getting raked over the coals because of the GSCB/Dotcom bollocks.
He was lax and got punished for it, Collins was the same and like Key she’ll be sharper and better because of it.
It never hurt National because people think they’re doing a job job which well and truly overrides this beltway shit that Labour seems to enjoy wallowing in.
How do you account for news coverage of this versus, say, the herald leadingwith a story about mrs banks and mrs dotcom on the morning following his guilty verdict, and the eulogising by armstrong and compare it to their len brown coverage.
Cunliffe has to swing strongly Left. Labour has to break its Thorndon Bubble habit for paralytic caution and stridently put on it’s brightest red jersey, put forward Labour’s most forward thinking policies for full employment, energy transition and climate change mitigation, with the singular goal of making life purposeful, affordable and enjoyable for far more people and their kids.
When he was talking up a true red, real red Labour, the party was receiving polling in the mid 30% range without hesitation.
If he stays in the 3rd way centre ground of NZ politics he will keep getting smashed from both sides and core Labour support will go “meh”. The MSM have pulled Labour off the main game – scoring goals in the hearts and minds of NZers…and instead wrapped Cunliffe up in the drama of arguments with a biased referee over minor technical infringements that the crowd gives not one damn about.
Get out there and play the game for your own fans, not for the fans of the bloody other side! It’s a mere ~92 minutes (days) till the whistle blows.
The internal right wing of the Labour Party will also fall into line once that polling hits 35% and they hear the crowd cheering and chanting the entire team on from the stands.
So dunedin should be more like Auckland, where you can’t afford a house and the places where you can afford a house you cant afford the petrol to drive to work.
yeah good one
No I’m saying Dunedin is socialist through and through and just isn’t reflective of NZ.
I just had a look on wikipedia, there has only been one time since the 1930’s that National has won a Dunedin seat.
Facts are though most people are doing ok, which is why National is polling over 50% support, the vast majority of people do NOT want some 180 degree turn in the way the country is run.
The only way Labour will win is
1) They can demonstrate that they have the ability to run the country better than national without wavering too much from the status quo.
Your theory conveniently omits the people not voting. But even if you are right, you are only right for 50%. You can’t claim that most people are doing ok, unless what you really mean is roughly half the country is doing ok. What about the rest?
Just because some one votes greens or labour doesn’t mean they’re poor and living on struggle street.
I doubt if 20% of the other 45% of non national voters want the change that CV is describing.
The vast majority of people just want a center focused government with either a right or left flavor.
Most aren’t particularly bothered which one it is.
Just look at Helen Clark she wasn’t some hard left communist which is why she was popular and John Key isn’t some hard right capitalist which is why he is popular.
The problem is that if you look at the Fairfax poll, 63.1% said they think NZ is on the right track, and just 35.4 says it’s on the wrong track (1.5% people not knowing).
Those numbers are almost precisely the reverse of what’s encountered in the United States and Europe – where radicalism has a genuinely happy hunting ground.
Now, you might think this is an outlier and you’re probably right – though not to an extent that would make a material difference. But given the respondents are screened for age, gender, ethnicity and geography, I think there is more than a chance that most people just don’t feel disillusiioned or disenfranchised with our politics.
Which is not to say it’s entirely rational for people to feel that way. You could chalk it up to “false consciousness” or “bread and circuses” if you’re that way inclined. However, it’s assuredly a problem for anyone counselling a radical course of action, I think.
If the Labour Party can’t find the 15k alleged to have been paid by Liu ( if it had happened in my LEC we would have a record even if it was in an auction, shit we even have a record of a multiple thousands donation that was was refused because the offering industrialist is an arsehole ),then some questions arise.
Who thinks they knew about it?
Is it a complete fabrication?
Who told the Herald where to look?
Why didn’t Immigration say “fuck off , we’ve got better things to do with our time?
Was the letter leaked by someone in Immigration?
Who coordinated the ambush of questions to DC days ago?
Why now?
Is some new shit about to hit the fan about Nat/Liu?
Why the distraction while Key is in the US?
Can anybody else smell something here?
All good questions. Given that this is over 10 years old you have to ask who the source is, and whats in it for them?
On the note of not remembering, I meet heaps of people on a one off basis, I cant recall half of them after a few years. If David can do better, good on him, that to me is superman territory.
I think you will find it’s Liu himself hitting back at Labour for dragging his name through the dirt with attacks against National. He has access to his file and he certainly knows every cent he gave Labour. Expect more revelations.
Glass houses – stones?
Which then leads to the question about multi-millionaires directly interfering in our politics from Bob Jones, Gibbs, Crazy Colin Craig, DotCom to Liu. Not to mention a few other handfuls more.
grumpy, on my wireless just now, RadioNZ National news, Slippery the Prime Minister is quoted as saying He ”believes” that the amount donated by Liu to Labour was far far more than 15 grand,
100’s of thousands have apparently been bandied about by the PM spreading malicious gossip all the way from the US, when pressed tho on ”actual facts” the Slippery one simply shut it, refusing to answer,
This isn’t Liu having a go at Labour, this is an orchestrated smear campaign lead from the 9th floor of the Beehive based solely, as a fact, on an 11 year old letter that David Cunliffe failed to remember signing,(can you remember a specific comment you wrote 11 years ago)…
sucks to be a party donor getting special benefits from cabinet ministers when there’s an active opposition calling shenanigans on it, eh?
If Liu’s trying a KDC, I’m a bit surprised he hasn’t actually provided proof of payment yet. Really, all we have so far is the herald blowing the trumpet of an ejaculating cetacean.
When Key equivocates about “rumours” rather than following his usual MO of an outright lie, I’m suspicious about whether the claims are completely fabricated.
So far no one has evidence of the $15,000 donation. So who is the accuser and based on what?
The MSM has constantly said that Mr Cunliffe met and wrote the letter. DC says he cannot recall meeting the man. Could he have had the letter written and signed it without meeting the man? Yes. Happens all the time. Is some new shit about to hit the fan about Nat/Liu?
My guess is that someone will wait a day or so then produce a photo showing DC and Liu both in shot. Even shaking hands somewhere but this does not constitute a meeting as in discussion. It will be twisted to try and make DC seem dishonest.
Ok RWNJ’s – the shows over. You can quit your quivering excitement.
Grant Robertson has just stated on Radio Active that there is NO COUP. He said he is solely focused on campaigning hard in the next 3 months right up until the election.
Nothing more than a very calculated attempt to derail Cunliffe on behalf of the Natz in conjunction with the msm media.
Futhermore, after Grant hung up the phone and Alistair Thompson continued talking with the DJ they determined that what Grant said was for real and very clear with Alistair making the point that theres no way they the caucus would take such a risk prior to an election.
He also said to expect a few more days of attacks against David Cunliffe before it died down.
Grant isn’t stupid, no matter how ambitious He is, rolling the leader of any political party this close to an election has been shown to produce the same or worse result at the ballot box…
agreed Rosie…i dont detect any coup….this has John Key and his bottom drawer written all over it ….He is New Zealand’s very own John Edgar Hoover….dirty little spy!
I reckon the reporters in the media that have been promoting this line should really be taken to task for spreading BS and they should offer an apology for being a bunch of one eyed tr**ls. Alastair Thompsons view was that the press gallery had just got over “excited and agitated about it.” Maybe too excited to let the facts get in the way of a good bit of spin.
Was disappointed that even John Campbell kind of fell for it and tried to read into ‘that letter’ messages that weren’t there. Good on Cunliffe for remaining calm, firm and articulate during that interview even though you could tell he was really pissed off.
He just has to be our next PM. Grant Robertson’s prediction of the future under a third term of National was dire: “If you think the last six years have been bad, another three gives them the opportunity (words to that effect) to finish the job. Everything will be privatised”.
Hey Chooky, gotta say, when I read The Standard and I see Chooky has left her +100 mark dotted all over the pages it makes me smile. I love your positivity. 😀
yes means I am 100% for this…or in agreement with this!
( I note some people go 101% or +1,000 or more when they get very enthusiastic …but +100 suits me fine!)
btw …i kind of live in a NAT stronghold area …so this adds to my enthusiasm here… rest of the time I am a quiet little chooky, under cover…i think there are quite a few of us around the country!
Apparently to attract new donors, supporters and to demonstrate to funders that monies are being used “productively.” Numbers of suicide attacks, assassinations, etc for the last 12 months clearly laid out.
Who says that the corporate west isn’t teaching the Middle East anything useful?
More seriously, this group has serious organisation, internal structures and funding.
Russia and China now making no attempt to hide their moves away from dependency on the USD. As the USD becomes less used internationally over the next 10-20 years, the ability of the USA to continue to fund itself via money printing will signficantly diminish.
You missed the most interesting part of the story where he mentions the rumours that Labour have received hundreds of thousands in donations. That’s the same rumour Barnsley Bill stated yesterday on The Dim Post.
I deliberately ignored that aspect Lanthanide because donations to political parties in NZ are a corrupt mess and my views on that topic are best summed up by my presentation of the EDRNZ idea to reform donations with a central register.
eg: When National sells dozens of $5K a head dinner tickets then the restaurant donates the total as a single donation in the restaurant’s name ( and give honours to the restaurant owner) they are in no position to criticise others for not being open about their donations.
.Kathryn Ryan asked the hard questions of David Cunliffe and he came up squeaky clean…and very impressive!
Now all Labour MPs need to do it is bring out the ROTTWEILER and attack the rotten underbelly of John Key and NACT at every opportunity ( where is Trev?) ….and put some very impressive policies on the table.!
..(i understand trotter has had another attack of the vapours..(bless him..! dropped his knickers..and is claiming it is an ‘inside-job’…meh..!..he clearly hasn’t thought it thru..) why couldn’t hipkins..a long-time cunnliffe opponent..why couldn’t he just say that..?
..that is all i was noting..just marking his card..
the one thing worse than Radio New Zealand banging on about some letter from 11 years ago is them not answering the question of how they came to employ the whining little toad espiner.
they should answer for that before anything else.
With Labour expected to win Kelston,Christchurch Central and Napier how low does the party vote have to go till there are no list MP’s.
Now when you are faced with looming redundancy and unemployment why sit back and await your fate.
The Cunliffe is dead man walking.
With you on that view phil. On the contrary to the out of control spin cycle I think the way ahead is more motorway than bush track. Just need a full tank of fuel to floor it.
(with apologies for the carbon emission creating vehicle theme)
There is Fis as much truth and as much intelligence in this particular statement as the rest of what you choose to deliberately publish in your effete efforts at shit-stirring,
You would i suggest, gain far more traction if you were for instance, to start a ‘book’ taking bets on your ability to remain here commenting right through to the election,
Even opening a ‘gamble’ on my ability to remain doing the same would have some point to it, as there is NO chance that Labour will engage in a bout of electoral stupidity this close to the election,
The odds on the former proposition, that is you making it to the election are in my view pretty thin, the latter, my own ability to avoid such a spanking, in comparison to the odds on you, huge…
Wasn’t exactly overjoyed to hear Russell on the wireless yesterday,(RadionNZ National),saying that while compulsory Kiwisaver aint the Greens policy they will probably be open to a ‘trade’ after the election on something that is,(Green Party policy)…
what we know about the greens is unlike ACT, UF! or nzf, they have vowed to not seek policy implementation beyond their voting percentage. On that basis they have to compromise stuff. As a green supporter i am fine with that.
As a confirmed Green party voter in September, I’m hoping they pitch hard for Labours vote.
I think it’s there if they want it, and biggest party on the left, or at least a very close second, isn’t out of reach.
To a certain extent Alien i can see your point if you have dreams of the Green Party at some point in time becoming as big or bigger a political vehicle as the Labour Party,
In terms of Septembers election tho votes shifting from Labour to Green is simply shuffling the deck chairs,
The Greens last election did remarkably well in the National safe city seats,particularly the Auckland ones, the Party vote(from Alwyn’s memory Lolz, after laughably doing the research for me), went up by 50% in quite a number of them,
To keep building upon that success with a sustained effort in the provincial cities i would suggest, in terms of ‘the left’, would far better serve the Green Party in it’s efforts at growth, as it has been shown, should the Green’s secure the vote of youth in those National electorates, a pattern of voting is then started which is likely to continue,
Labour in my view, and based upon the ‘view’ of current public polling, have about plumbed the depths down to their rock solid Core support, and, should a part of such become fluid and move across to the Green Party, such fluidity is just as likely to see that support flow back again to Labour in the future…
the unions presumably get their ampaigning underway soon? They are pretty good at getting their message across which is why the right hates them so much.
Backbencher’s, a bit too late for most i should imagine, i had to subject myself last night as i awaited game 2 of Origin to appear on free to air,
Flavell the Maori Party co-Leader started off sounding like a member, of the human race that is, and, on the other side of the bookend we were treated to Brendan Who touting ”the Independents”(is it even registered as a political vehicle and if not why is it being given oxygen),
The National party Rep, not sorry But, where are they hiding all these MP’s that i just have no recognition of, Her and Labour’s Jacinda Adhern got a round of applause for pointing out that ‘Hair’ has about as much to do with the ability to learn at any edifice of education as this: 0,
Ever the deep thinkers Flavell and Brendan Who stuck to the ”We must have rules which you must obey” line, refusing to entertain for a moment the idea that this particular rule has all the logic behind it of being a rule for the sake of having a rule,
To the point tho, Mrs i didnt get your name and Jacinda both got the loudest applause for their ”ive been thinking” moments where the number of children ”living in poverty” was the kernal of wisdom on display,
Having spent enough time getting to the point, i propose to make this short, The Policy Jacinda, The Policy, we have heard ad nauseum ”800,000 kids living in poverty”,
Where is the Party Policy that directly alleviates or even begins to address the issue, the removal of all taxation from the benefits of families with children would be a grand start do you not think….
“Backbencher’s, a bit too late for most i should imagine, i had to subject myself last night as i awaited game 2 of Origin to appear on free to air,”
It is for me but the good news is that Backbenches is available to watch on (A tip from Felix) You just need to provide your email and a password. A good option for those nights when theres nothing on TV, which is most of the time.
Psst, what else of Sky’s programming can we get at from there Rosie, my data cap doesn’t allow me to watch too much of any content from the teevee or ooo-tube without having the brakes turn the machine here into an exercise in frustrating slow-mo,
(Lolz, we should talk up Wellingtons weather more often, today is even more Summery, the threatened Southerly from last nights forecast seems to have done the disappear)…
Sorry, dunno bad, I haven’t looked into the rest of the programming apart from “Making NZ” or whatever it was called – a four part series looking at the building of NZ’s roads, rail, power stations and shipping. That was a good series.
Have you got $80 per month to splash on uncapped broadband from slingshot (which also includes the land line)?.
Lolz at Metservice for constantly over stating wintery forecasts. You could get sunburnt out there today!
Nyet at the moment on the increase in the data cap Rosie, if i decide to get a bigger dose i have to according to the rules of Budgeting,(self imposed),have a lead in time for any major change of at least six months,
i simply refuse on principle to buy into the ”get a landline too” line that these people try as i have a cell-phone for communicating and the day that the Barons decide to stop robbing people and offer uncapped copper internet for a suitable price, like $50 a month, without the ability to use it as a phone line as well i will start buying off of them,
For now tho i will stick to my 1 gig off of Woosh and suffer the slow mo…
I pretty much go without a cell so need the land line for one of those rare times I actually speak to someone, who are usually bank workers or medical staff these days, no one interesting. (with absolutely no offence directed at above staff in regard to personality) The interesting people, I meet in person…….no flappy electronic ears that way 🙂
My “dumb phone” (do you know there is a dumb phone movement, coming out of Europe?), I use for the odd 2 cent text on pre pay and costs me about $20 every three months.
Good on him! He will retain essential social skills, smile at people, see whats in their eyes, note facial micro expressions and generally engage in all manner of ways that get lost via constant reliance on the (smart) phone.
We don’t need to be connected to the net all waking hours do we? Well some might need to but he must see the advantages in not doing so.
He will also benefit from not getting stiff neck muscles from all that looking down.
Speaking of which better get back out in that sun.
Policy? David says they will start rolling out policy at the rate of about 2 per week starting next week.
The List will probably be published on Sunday afternoon.
Suggestion for the day, inspired along the lines of one of kooky polls being run on Stuff, can someone on The Standard run a post on “Which is your favourite John Key lie”?
Theres too many Kiwiri! Although my personal fave would have to be “we will not raise GST”, simply because the GST increase has hurt all but a handful of people.
Ok. How about the plural then – “Which ARE your favourite John Key lieS”?
Actually, the effort to compile the extensive list has been undertaken by BLiP but it would be an opportunity now to recap by engaging more widely with those who read and comment online.
Did anybody body see that lame excuse for a human being Simon Power on Campbell last night? The halfwit who thinks it safe to drill for oil especially in Marine Reserves, who also signed off oil exploration in a Forest Park.
I am not surprised: what surprises me more is the common support for an administration so bereft and morally bankrupt. Judith Collins….Maurice Williamson…..John Banks….troughers one and all.
Simon …
You mean the Bridges that are too far to connect with the people of New Zealand?
Power jumped to the Nats-friendly bank and now has a better mental and career lifestyle.
“An open letter to left leaning voters and uncommitted voters:
The outcome of this election will impact us all, if we are to believe in the proportional representation model that we have in Aotearoa/New Zealand at present. The worst-case scenario, in my humble opinion, would be that the standing government be returned unilaterally. The best -case scenario would be a coalition of minority parties with a unified cabinet. What we will get it likely something in between.
I would say this: think locally, and get as many of those in your circle to get interested in voting for the MP that would be the best to represent the interests of your immediate community. Then, think about which party represents your own worldview. Make sure you are currently registered, and all of the eligible members of your circle are reminded of their potential. Vote. Take someone else with you when you do. This is called ‘people power.’ It is what we all really want. HATU”
PM Key Writes Off United Future, ACT and the Conservatives.
Sees no future for potential coalition partners in snub shock.
Commenting on the poll, Mr Key believed the fact National was polling more strongly was a reflection of the fact that middle New Zealand looked at a very left wing opposition grouping of Labour the Greens, and Mana and was becoming increasingly concerned.
“The stark reality this election will look like potentially on one side David Cunliffe, Metiria Turei, Russel Norman, Hone Harawira, Laila Harre, Kim Dotcom and on the other side, it’s National.”
The reason we liberalised our trade is because free trade provides benefits beyond a merely reciprical arrangement between two trading partners.
[lprent: Moved to OpenMike as it had nothing to do with the post which didn’t argue against free-trade as all. It was just pointing out the consequences. I was thinking about banning you for a diversion troll. Then I realised you hadn’t read the the post at all. ]
I wonder how this will play out and be used in the campaign – it certainly doesn’t fit the stated gnat agenda.
Mining industry leaders are in shock over the rejection of an application to mine ironsands from the ocean floor off the coast of southern Taranaki, and one is questioning whether the six month fast-track process administered by the Environmental Protection Authority is too swift for complex mining projects, where changes to plans are often a feature of obtaining consent.
A decision-making committee (DMC) appointed by the EPA yesterday rejected TransTasman Resources’ bid to mine up to 50 million tonnes of ironsands annually…
Co-developer of the F-16 Falcon says the new F-35 is a trillion dollar lemon
The reason – it is a compromised design trying to do too many things at once for too many services inside of a single airframe. Cannot loiter to support troops in the field, poor air combat manoeuvrability, and as a bomber can only carry two large bombs. Stealth features little more than PR hype (a long wavelength WWII style radar system will defeat this stealth technology).
Best quote – what is the true mission of the F-35: to spend money via Congress into the military industrial complex.
in q-time cunnliffe adroitly turned the attack onto national/key..(over the contradicting statements from key/english..over when they knew about this letter from 2003..)
..and kevin hague kicked arse with his studied/evidence-based takedown of bennett over/around child-poverty..
..(takeaway-fact:..academic research showing one child dies every week from the effects of poverty..
..and i wd add to that the race/racism–breakdown of one in six pakeha children living in poverty..
..and one in three maori/pasifika children living in poverty..
Yes phillip. David played that really well @ QT today. No backing off and embarrassing the smug English. Message? National leaking dirty tricks all over it.
Now Key is hinting from NY of huge money going to Labour from Liu. A smeary thing to do. As David says if you have the evidence show us up front.
Perhaps the Herald and Fairfax didn’t pay a big enough bribe to the Morgan pollsters?
The Morgan one seems reasonable and from next week policies will start rolling out from Labour- (and the Greens?) Only way is up and at ’em!
they wont be paying for imaginary numbers, its the questions asked, tge order they are asked and so forth. Sir humphrey appleby was very clear on how you get the results you want.
That more people want a change of govt than say they will vote for national is an important outcome, not least cos of how little focus the right bloggers are placing on it.
I still suspect someone is getting payback over oravida, and you know slater would let himself be used if he could practice some revenge.
Is it correct that key personally contracts crosby texter? If yes, perhaps its time for him to come clean with how much.
i should imagine Te Reo, if my reading of Morgan sticks to the pattern that the next one will have National slide again by another 2. whatever %, the one after that, zoom back up again,
Graph the thing,(Morgan Poll), using two old inches per 5% movement and compress the time-line into a quarter inch between each Morgan poll and see what National’s % of the polling does,
It all looks like the Rickety Scale did during the worst episodes of the Christchurch earthquakes…
Good points, Bad. One of the reasons I think the RM is the only trustworthy poll is exactly that ‘rickety scale’. Their regular polling, and good systems (landline and mobiles, for starters) means they do pick up the fortnight to fortnight shifts in public opinion. Ok, sometimes the movement is negligible and sometimes its seismic, but RM seem to reflect reality more than the self perpetuating and self serving efforts from the others. They’ve also got their heads around MMP of late and also have graphs showing the left/right blocs, which tell the truer picture of where things are at.
In theory Kerry will not be pushing for Nukes in NZ since he says
“Some people say ‘God, perish the thought because of what happened in Japan’.”
Nuclear just shouldn’t be built on an earthquake fault right next to the ocean, Kerry said.
NZ is all right next to the ocean & on an earthquake fault -> Nukes right out of the question for us. (likewise he should be advocating for Japan to shut down all its Nuke plants)
But years ago our Electricity generators ruled out Nuke as vastly too expensive anyway so if there is suddenly a push for it, its coming from nutty people who have no clue of the actual costs.
Chances of Key authorising Nuke ship visits if in power next time?
I mean, ships hardly ever run into rocks near NZ & certainly not Navy ships, besides if the worst happened we could always tow the bit left after the front fell off out of the Environment & everything will be just fine.
Edit: also a lie.
“[The United States navy] hasn’t lost one sailor in more than 70 years of the use of nuclear power, or had one accident on a ship.”
The loss of an atom bomb is not as rare an occurrence as one would hope. “The American Defense Department has confirmed the loss of 11 atomic bombs,” says Otfried Nassauer, an expert on nuclear armament and the director of the Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security. “It is believed that up to 50 nuclear weapons worldwide were lost during the Cold War.”
The Prime Minister may only grant approval for the entry into the internal waters of New Zealand by foreign warships if the Prime Minister is satisfied that the warships will not be carrying any nuclear explosive device upon their entry into the internal waters of New Zealand.
The Prime Minister may only grant approval to the landing in New Zealand by any foreign military aircraft if the Prime Minister is satisfied that the foreign military aircraft will not be carrying any nuclear explosive device when it lands in New Zealand.
Entry into the internal waters of New Zealand by any ship whose propulsion is wholly or partly dependent on nuclear power is prohibited.
For all their bitching about this policy, the US apparently did provide assurance that their military transport planes flying to Antarctica via CHCH do not carry Nukes.
Apparently Nuke Tomahawk was retired last year & all other non-strategic Nukes have been retired for some time.
With only Strategic Nukes ie SLBMs, ICBMs & air-launched Nukes left, about 250 US Navy ships other than the Subs & Carriers comply so could be allowed to visit without any problem.
Also rarely mentioned is its also our ban on Biological Weapons (but not Chemical Weapons), doesn’t actually ban Nuclear Power stations.
While I was grating carrots for the Vegan rissoles…
An interesting snippet from the Mora programme (incidentally usually full of silly old NACT fools like the silly laughy joker Mr Foxy David Slack who wants a hugely more populated New Zealand( but not in Auckland …just huge new cities sited around in places like Gisborne!)…and he wants this huge new population to come especially from China! …and grandparents from China!…But what is this going to do for the environment and scarce ecological and agricultural resources? …let alone health and education for New Zealanders?…and the crisis in housing?! and ….why doesnt Mr Slack go and live in China himself?…ooops he won’t, because he is setting up a DAVID’S PARTY full of Davids …i kid you NOT…now where is Morrissey?! …no wonder i dont listen to this programme)
BUT now for the REAL NEWS!!!:
A journalist following Colin Craig around at a country Field Day ( where incidentally Colin Craig was very popular) ….asked him whether Mr Key was trustworthy and he said “NO!”….My estimation of Mr Craig has gone up!….he also said he could and would work with Labour and the Greens!…..has this man got integrity or what?
Was I hearing correctly ?….this may be one Christian who has got integrity!…in which case good for him! …and the Left should be friendly …if not woo him!
that would be telling Mr Ure…i come from Maori sacred taniwha land
incidentally although i am a meat eater i found a very tempting Veganish cookbook…
‘Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cooking ‘ by Shubhra Ramineni….fully of yummy Indian flatbreads, pickles , chutneys, chillies, spices, curries, salads, drinks( oops lassis and chais..not so vegan) etc….with Indian cuisine I could almost be converted… least partially , with many many lapses ….to Veganism…
Electric bus can be charged in just 15 seconds. Although I suspect it’s probably more of the bus getting a full charge before leaving the station and then getting top up charges at dedicated bus stops. Still, would be far cheaper to install and run this system than trolley buses.
Seriously, CV? I doubt if there’s any Labour MP that would call themselves Blairite these days. A bit turn of the century, isn’t it? I think the problem may be that a few have no idea what they stand for at all.
I tell you what, while I’m OK with the process of selecting candidates, we probably need to look at term limits and proper succession planning. And if we don’t get over the line this election, the next stage of the rejuvenation of the party better be more direct and meaningful membership say on election policy. Bugger focus groups, we need to crowd source good answers to the issues that matter to Kiwis.
And if we don’t get over the line this election, the next stage of the rejuvenation of the party better be more direct and meaningful membership say on election policy. Bugger focus groups, we need to crowd source good answers to the issues that matter to Kiwis.
Seriously, CV? I doubt if there’s any Labour MP that would call themselves Blairite these days.
Third Way =! Blairite.
Like fucking UK Labour, about to cut the benefit to the young unemployed and boasting how many million quid it’ll save. It’s pragamatic centrism which will appeal to the comfortable middle classes don’t you know.
What is wrong with these bleeding useless Labour Parties world wide.
This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile telephone, with a NZ wide cross-section of 845 electors from June 2-15, 2014. Of all electors surveyed 5% (down 0.5%) didn’t name a party.
So the poll well started after the Harre joined the IMP and had John Banks decision in the early part of the sample period.
Today’s New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll shows a fall in support for National (49.5%, down 3%) but National are still well ahead of a potential Labour/Greens alliance (40%, up 2%).
Support for Key’s Coalition partners has fallen slightly with the Maori Party 1% (down 0.5%), Act NZ (0.5%, down 0.5%) and United Future 0% (unchanged).
Support for the Labour Party is down 1% to 28%, the Greens are up 3% to 12%, New Zealand First is 4% (down 0.5%) and the Mana Party 1.5% (up 1%). Mana Party alliance partners the Internet Party are at 1% (up 0.5%) – a combined 2.5% for the two parties while support for the Conservative Party of NZ is 1.5% (up 0.5%) and support for Independent/ Others is 1% (up 0.5%).
The expected falling back of National and rise back to normal of the Greens. No real advance by Labour. No particular minor party action.
I don’t like the long-term trend this year for Labour. However the Nats must be really worried about their disappearing coalition partners and that they can’t capture ALL of their support. They are simply not rising far enough.
Yes but this poll also won’t have any of the Liu issue for Labour as well so I’m guessing the next roy morgan poll (not even going to bother mentioning every other poll) that comes out will be even worse for Labour
It will be interesting. However I’m picking that won’t have too much effect on the polls. I think that much of this poll and the last one are still related to the budget in mid-May. So I’d be picking Labour to remain flattish, and the Nats to keep dropping, with a increasing pickup into the undecided and NZF/Green.
The problem for National with this Liu stuff is that it feeds well into their existing base, but after a few days when people digest it will have little impact on the Labour vote.
The biggest impact would probably be with the Labours use of the Liu Williamson revelations. However I think that has proven to be a bit of a dog anyway. The main effect has been to make National MPs to feel uncomfortable
Piketty is right that our political economy favors the growth of inequality, and that inequality in turn poisons our politics. But while we should aspire to create a society that shares its prosperity, we need to address a much bigger gap than the one between rich and poor. We need to address the gap between what’s demanded by our planet and what’s demanded by our economy.
The big issue, the one that the politicians refuse to address, is that our present use of resources is unsustainable.
Well, Cunliffe showed he will front foot attacks on him, and not be undermined. As for Bill English talking about Cunliffe’s lack of credibility…. !??!!
And really claiming Cunliffe deliberately tried to cover up having known Liu….. English and the rest of the right really are stretching credibility.
He knew Blinglish wouldn’t be able to help but mention the Donghua letter and that just widened the scope of the questioning which allowed DC to ask supplementary questions about John Key’s knowledge of said letter, weeks in advance.
He had the buggers on the hop! Patriarch Brownlee had to jump in quite a few times to help out the dipshit from dipton.
Tomorrow afternoon, if things go really really badly, I may find myself down to one eye. People who used to sneer at me on Twitter will no doubt say So what's changed? Nothing, that's what, you one-eyed lefty.I don’t mean to be dramatic, it’s just a routine bit of cataract ...
A few weeks ago an invitation dropped into my email inbox to attend a joint Treasury/Motu seminar on recent, rather major, changes that had apparently been made to the discount rates used by The Treasury to evaluate proposals from government agencies. It was all news to me, but when ...
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After seeing yet-more-months of political debate and policy decisions to ‘go for growth’ by pulling the same old cheap migration and cheap tourism levers without nearly-enough infrastructure, or any attempt to address the same old lack of globally conventional tax incentives for investment, I thought it would be worth issuing ...
The plans for the buildings that will replace the downtown carpark have been publicly notified giving us the first detailed glance at what is proposed for one of the biggest and best development sites in the city centre. The council agreed to sell the site to Precinct Properties for $122 ...
With the Reserve Bank expected today to return the Official Cash Rate to where it was in mid-2022 comes a measure of how much of a psychological impact the rate has. Federated Farmers has published its latest six-monthly farm confidence survey, which shows that profit expectations have fallen and risen ...
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The Prime Minister says he's really comfortable with us not knowing the reoffending rate for his boot camp programme.They asked him for it at yesterday’s press conference, and he said, nah, not telling, have to respect people's privacy.Okay I'll bite. Let's say they release this information to us:The rate of ...
Warning 1: There is a Nazi theme at the end of this article related to the disabled community. Warning 2: This article could be boring!One day, last year, I excitedly opened up a Substack post that was about how to fight back, and the answer at the end was disappointing ...
This may be rhetorical but here goes: did any of you invest in the $Libra memecoin endorsed and backed by Argentine president and darling of the global Right Javier Milei (who admitted to being paid a fee for his promotion of the token)? You know, the one that soared above ...
Last week various of the great and good of New Zealand economics and public policy trooped off to Hamilton (of all places) for the annual Waikato Economics Forum, one of the successful marketing drives of university’s Vice-Chancellor. My interest was in the speeches delivered by the Minister of Finance and ...
The Prime Minister says the Government would be open to sending peacekeepers to Ukraine if a ceasefire was reached. The government has announced a $30 million spend on tourism infrastructure and biodiversity projects, including $11m spent to improve popular visitor sites and further $19m towards biodiversity efforts. A New Zealand-born ...
This is a re-post from The Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler “But what about when the sun doesn't shine?!” Ah yes, the energy debate’s equivalent of “The Earth is flat!” Every time someone mentions solar or wind power, some self-proclaimed energy expert emerges from the woodwork to drop this supposedly devastating truth bomb: ...
This post by Nicolas Reid was originally published on Linked in. It is republished here with permission.In this article I look into data on how well the rail network serve New Zealanders, and how many people might be able to travel by train… if we ran more than a ...
Hi,Before we get into Hayden Donnell’s new column about how yes, Donald Trump is definitely the Antichrist, I wanted to touch on something feral that happened in New Zealand last week.Members of Destiny Church pushed and punched their way into an Auckland library, apparently angry it was part of Pride ...
Despite delays, logjams and overcrowding in our emergency departments, funding constraints are limiting the numbers of nurses and doctors being trained. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Tuesday, February 18 are:A NZ Herald investigation ...
Now that the US has ripped up the Atlantic alliance, Europe is more vulnerable now than at any time since the mid-1930s. Apparently, Europe and Ukraine itself will not have a seat at the table in the talks between US President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin that will ...
Olivia and Noah and Hana are going to the library!It is fun to go to the library. It has books and songs and mat time and people who smile at you and say, Hello Olivia, what have you been doing this morning?The library is more fun than the mall. At ...
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“This might surprise you, Laurie, but I reckon Trump’s putting on a bloody impressive performance.”“GOODNESS ME, HANNAH, just look at all those Valentine’s Day cards!”“Occupational hazard, Laurie, the more beer I serve, the more my customers declare their undying love!”“Crikey! I had no idea business was so good.” Laurie squinted ...
In 2005, Labour repealed the long-standing principle of birthright citizenship in Aotearoa. Why? As with everything else Labour does, it all came down to austerity: "foreign mothers" were supposedly "coming to this country to give birth", and this was "put[ting] pressure on hospitals". Then-Immigration Minister George Hawkins explicitly gave this ...
And I just hope that you can forgive usBut everything must goAnd if you need an explanation, nationThen everything must goSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Today, I’d like to talk about a couple of things that happened over the weekend:Brian Tamaki’s Library Invasion and ...
New reporting highlights how Brooke van Velden refuses to meet with the CTU but is happy to meet with fringe Australian-based unions. Van Velden is pursuing reckless changes to undermine the personal grievance system against the advice of her own officials. Engineering New Zealand are saying that hundreds of engineers ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the Employment Relations (Employee Remuneration Disclosure) Amendment Bill. This Bill represents a positive step towards addressing serious issues around unlawful disparities in pay by protecting workers’ rights to discuss their pay and conditions. This Bill also provides welcome support for helping tackle the prevalent gender and ...
Years of hard work finally paid off last week as the country’s biggest and most important transport project, the City Rail Link reached a major milestone with the first test train making its way slowly though the tunnels for the first time. This is a fantastic achievement and it is ...
Engineers are pleading for the Government to free up funds to restart stalled projects. File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Monday, February 17 are:Engineering New Zealand CEO Richard Templer said yesterday hundreds of ...
It’s one of New Zealand’s great sustaining myths: the spirit of ANZAC, our mates across the ditch, the spirit of Earl’s Court, Antipodeans united against the world. It is also a myth; it is not reality. That much was clear from a series of speakers, including a former Australian Prime ...
Many people have been unsatisfied for years that things have not improved for them, some as individuals, many more however because their families are clearly putting in more work, for less money – and certainly far less purchase on society. This general discontent has grown exponentially since the GFC. ...
A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 9, 2025 thru Sat, February 15, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report shows worsening food poverty and housing shortages mean more than 400,000 people now need welfare support, the highest level since the 1990s. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and ...
You're just too too obscure for meOh you don't really get through to meAnd there's no need for you to talk that wayIs there any less pessimistic things to say?Songwriters: Graeme DownesToday, I thought we’d take a look at some of the most cringe-inducing moments from last week, but don’t ...
Please note: I’ve delayed my “What can we do?” article for this video.The video above shows Destiny Church members assaulting staff and librarians as they pushed through to a room of terrified parents and young children.It was posted to social media last night.But if you read Sinead Boucher’s Stuff, you ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is sea level rise exaggerated? Sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate, not stagnating or decreasing. Warming global temperatures cause land ice ...
Here is a scenario, but first a historical parallel. Hitler and the Nazis could well have accomplished everything that they wanted to do within German borders, including exterminating Jews, so long as they confined their ambitious to Germany itself. After all, the world pretty much sat and watched as the ...
I’ve spent the last couple of days in Hamilton covering Waikato University’s annual NZ Economics Forum, where (arguably) three of the most influential people in our political economy right now laid out their thinking in major speeches about the size and role of Government, their views on for spending, tax ...
Simeon Brown’s Ideology BentSimeon Brown once told Kiwis he tries to represent his deep sense of faith by interacting “with integrity”.“It’s important that there’s Christians in Parliament…and from my perspective, it’s great to be a Christian in Parliament and to bring that perspective to [laws, conversations and policies].”And with ...
Severe geological and financial earthquakes are inevitable. We just don’t know how soon and how they will play out. Are we putting the right effort into preparing for them?Every decade or so the international economy has a major financial crisis. We cannot predict exactly when or exactly how it will ...
Questions1. How did Old Mate Grabaseat describe his soon-to-be-Deputy-PM’s letter to police advocating for Philip Polkinghorne?a.Ill-advisedb.A perfect letterc.A letter that will live in infamyd.He had me at hello2. What did Seymour say in response?a.What’s ill-advised is commenting when you don’t know all the facts and ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff has called on OJI Fibre Solutions to work with the government, unions, and the community before closing the Kinleith Paper Mill. “OJI has today announced 230 job losses in what will be a devastating blow for the community. OJI needs to work with ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff is sounding the alarm about the latest attack on workers from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, who is ignoring her own officials to pursue reckless changes that would completely undermine the personal grievance system. “Brooke van Velden’s changes will ...
Hi,When I started writing Webworm in 2020, I wrote a lot about the conspiracy theories that were suddenly invading our Twitter timelines and Facebook feeds. Four years ago a reader, John, left this feedback under one of my essays:It’s a never ending labyrinth of lunacy which, as you have pointed ...
And if you said this life ain't good enoughI would give my world to lift you upI could change my life to better suit your moodBecause you're so smoothAnd it's just like the ocean under the moonOh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from youYou got the ...
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright, New Zealand the majority’s possession. WAITANGI DAY commentary see-saws manically between the warmly positive and the coldly negative. Many New Zealanders consider this a good thing. They point to the unexamined patriotism of July Fourth and Bastille Day celebrations, and applaud the fact that the ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump’s administration over Gaza and Ukraine; on the ...
Up until now, the prevailing coalition view of public servants was that there were simply too many of them. But yesterday the new Public Service Commissioner, handpicked by the Luxon Government, said it was not so much numbers but what they did and the value they produced that mattered. Sir ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and ...
In a moment we explore the question: What is Andrew Bayly wanting to tell ACC, and will it involve enjoying a small wine tasting and then telling someone to fuck off? But first, for context, a broader one: What do we look for in a government?Imagine for a moment, you ...
As expected, Donald Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's illegal theft of land, while ruling out any future membership of NATO. Its a colossal betrayal, which effectively legitimises Russia's invasion, while laying the groundwork for the next one. But Trump is apparently fine with ...
A ballot for a single member's bill was held today, and the following bill was drawn: Employment Relations (Collective Agreements in Triangular Relationships) Amendment Bill (Adrian Rurawhe) The bill would extend union rights to employees in triangular relationships, where they are (nominally) employed by one party, but ...
This is a guest post by George Weeks, reviewing a book called ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin AshtonBook review: ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin Ashton (2015) – and what it means for Auckland. The title of this article might unnerve any Greater Auckland ...
This story was originally published by Capital & Main and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. Within just a week, the sheer devastation of the Los Angeles wildfires has pushed to the fore fundamental questions about the impact of the climate crisis that have been ...
In this world, it's just usYou know it's not the same as it wasSongwriters: Harry Edward Styles / Thomas Edward Percy Hull / Tyler Sam JohnsonYesterday, I received a lovely message from Caty, a reader of Nick’s Kōrero, that got me thinking. So I thought I’d share it with you, ...
In past times a person was considered “unserious” or “not a serious” person if they failed to grasp, behave and speak according to the solemnity of the context in which they were located. For example a serious person does not audibly pass gas at Church, or yell “gun” at a ...
Long stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, February 13 are:The coalition Government’s early 2024 ‘fiscal emergency’ freeze on funding, planning and building houses, schools, local roads and hospitals helped extend and deepen the economic and jobs recession through calendar ...
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen is sold off to wealthy foreigners. Even selling the right to residency seems a bit dubious, when so many migrants who are not millionaires get turned away or are made to jump through innumerable hoops – simply ...
A new season of White Lotus is nearly upon us: more murder mystery, more sumptuous surroundings, more rich people behaving badly.Once more we get to identify with the experience of the pampered tourist or perhaps the poorly paid help; there's something in White Lotus for all New Zealanders.And unlike the ...
In 2016, Aotearoa shockingly plunged to fourth place in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Nine years later, and we're back there again: New Zealand has seen a further slip in its global ranking in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). [...] In the latest CPI New Zealand's score ...
1. You’ve started ranking your politicians on how much they respect the rule of law2. You’ve stopped paying attention to those news publications3. You’ve developed a sudden interest in a particular period of history4. More and more people are sounding like your racist, conspiracist uncle.5. Someone just pulled a Nazi ...
Transforming New Zealand: Brian EastonBrian Easton will discuss the above topic at 2/57 Willis Street, Wellington at 5:30pm on Tuesday 26 February at 2/57 Willis Street, WellingtonThe sub-title to the above is "Why is the Left failing?" Brian Easton's analysis is based on his view that while the ...
Salvation Army’s State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year’s ...
Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Correction: On the article The Condundrum of David Seymour, Luke Malpass conducted joint reviews with Bryce Wilkinson, the architect of the Regulatory Standards Bill - not Bryce Edwards. The article ...
Tomorrow the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meet and agenda has a few interesting papers. Council’s Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport Every year the council provide a Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport which is part of the process for informing AT of the council’s priorities and ...
All around in my home townThey're trying to track me down, yeahThey say they want to bring me in guiltyFor the killing of a deputyFor the life of a deputySongwriter: Robert Nesta Marley.Support Nick’s Kōrero today with a 20% discount on a paid subscription to receive all my newsletters directly ...
Hi,I think all of us have probably experienced the power of music — that strange, transformative thing that gets under our skin and helps us experience this whole life thing with some kind of sanity.Listening and experiencing music has always been such a huge part of my life, and has ...
Business frustration over the stalled economy is growing, and only 34% of voters are confidentNicola Willis can deliver. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 12 are:Business frustration is growing about a ...
I have now lived long enough to see a cabinet minister go both barrels on their Prime Minister and not get sacked.It used to be that the PM would have a drawer full of resignations signed by ministers on the day of their appointment, ready for such an occasion. But ...
“The ACT Party can’t be bothered putting an MP on one of the Justice subcommittees hearing submissions on their own Treaty Principles Bill,” Labour Justice Spokesperson Duncan Webb said. ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
There is certainly plenty of room for better police training for dealing with protest activity that starts with a rights-based approach to ensuring people can fully exercise their human rights. ...
“We are thrilled that this Bill is making its way through the House and looks set to become law,” said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Isaac Gross, Lecturer in Economics, Monash University Gumbariya/Shutterstock The Reserve Bank’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time in four years has triggered a round of celebration. Mortgage holders are cheering the fact their monthly repayments are now ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Housing supply in Australia will be a key battleground in the election campaign. With home ownership more and more out of reach for young and not so young Australians, red tape and low productivity are ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Korolev, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, UNSW Sydney The United States and Russia agreed to work on a plan to end the war in Ukraine at high-level talks in Saudi Arabia this week. Ukrainian and European representatives were pointedly ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Karleen Gribble, Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University BaLL LunLa/Shutterstock Sleep is the holy grail for new parents. So no wonder many tired parents are looking for something to help their babies sleep. A TikTok trend claims ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ranjana Gupta, Senior Lecturer, Accounting Department, Auckland University of Technology Jirsak/Shutterstock The profit made on every breakfast bowl of weet-bix is tax exempt, giving Sanitarium Health Food Company, owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, an advantage over other breakfast food companies. ...
A closer look at some of the homegrown talent currently commanding television screens around the globe. The new season of The White Lotus hit our screens this week, and with it a familiar face in New Zealand actor Morgana O’Reilly. To secure a role in one of the world’s most ...
"This is a crisis of the Government’s own making and the unit is another sign of desperation," said PSA acting national secretary Fleur Fitzsimons. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Francesca Perugia, Senior Lecturer, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University Australia’s housing crisis has created a push for fast-tracked construction. Federal, state and territory governments have set a target of 1.2 million new homes over five years. Increasing housing ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ash Watson, Scientia Fellow and Senior Lecturer, UNSW Sydney Shutterstock When we’re uncomfortable we say the “vibe is off”. When we’re having a good time we’re “vibing”. To assess the mood we do a “vibe check”. And when the atmosphere in ...
What’s up with the man from Epsom? The leader of the Act Party has been in plenty of headlines in the last two weeks, ranging from a controversial letter to police on behalf of constituent Philip Polkinghorne (written before David Seymour was a minister) to an attempt to drive ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Elise Stephenson, Deputy Director, Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, Australian National University Newly published research has found clear evidence that openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer+ (LGBTIQ+) Australian politicians were disproportionately targeted with personal abuse on social media at the ...
Gilmore Girls, Schitt’s Creek, even The Vampire Diaries – they’re all set in tight-knit neighbourhoods where everyone knows everyone. So what is it like to actually know your neighbours? My favourite television shows are set in tight-knit neighbourhoods where everyone knows everyone. Characters attend town meetings where they debate local ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Yanyan Hong, PhD Candidate in Communication and Media Studies, University of Adelaide IMDB On the surface, Ne Zha 2: The Sea’s Fury (2025), the sequel to the 2019 Chinese blockbuster Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child, is a high-octane, action-packed and ...
Wellington travellers say their buses are so hot they’re often forced to get off early and walk. Shanti Mathias explores the impact of non-functioning air conditioning on public transport. When Bella, a young professional living in Wellington, thinks about taking the bus, her first thought is “Ugh”. The bus might ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Annette Kroen, Research Fellow Planning and Transport, RMIT University The cleanup is underway in northern Queensland following the latest flooding catastrophe to hit the state. More than 7,000 insurance claims have already been lodged, most of them for inundated homes and other ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Subha Parida, Lecturer in Property, University of South Australia Carl Oberg/Shutterstock Houses and fire do not mix. The firestorm which hit Los Angeles in January destroyed nearly 2,000 buildings and forced 130,000 people to evacuate. The 2019–20 Australian megafires destroyed ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Bowman, Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire Science, University of Tasmania Tasmania has been burning for more than two weeks, with no end in sight. Almost 100,000 hectares of bushland in the northwest has burned to date. This includes the Tarkine rainforest ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Martin Loosemore, Professor of Construction Management, University of Technology Sydney This week, the Productivity Commission released its much-awaited report into productivity growth in Australia’s housing construction sector. It wasn’t a glowing appraisal. The commission found physical productivity – the total number ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Pascale Lubbe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Molecular Ecology, University of Otago Royal spoonbills are among several new species that have crossed the Tasman and naturalised in New Zealand. JJ Harrison/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA When people arrived on the shores of Aotearoa ...
Stats NZ’s head is stepping down over the agency’s failure to safeguard census data, and more officials may soon be in the firing line, writes Catherine McGregor in today’s extract from The Bulletin. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. An ‘absolutely unacceptable’ failure Stats NZ chief ...
Health NZ is under greater government scrutiny, with the new health minister setting up a unit he says will "drive greater accountability and performance". ...
Manurewa Marae acknowledges should have done better at handling completed census forms, following an inquiry into steps government agencies took to protect data. ...
Police failed to protect people from protesters at a high-profile rally and made unlawful arrests at another, the Independent Police Conduct Authority says. ...
Comment: Crypto exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are making it easier for people to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum without having to handle digital wallets or private keys. These allow investors to buy and sell cryptocurrency through their regular brokerage accounts.This has opened the door for billions of dollars ...
Granny continues the Nat smear campaign online with trevitt and Bennett parroting 2 themes they will continue with till 20/9, disunity and honesty.
The staging of this is so obvious and shows how badly serviced the public have become by the MSM who are so far up the Nats butt in running the supplied attack lines.
What next I wonder from the govt shills and their veiled spin masquerading as journalism.
Stuff shilling on concert re poll et al.
They have renewed my motivation to help out with volunteering for the Greens. Only a mass movement of the people can take on this corporate-neoliberal-MSM-wealth supporting dominance in the corridors of power.
And serious questions need to be asked about the fast tracking of foreign investors. They are not there for the benefit of the large base of kiwis doing it tough just to get by and live a reasonable life. They are not there for the benefit of worthy immigrants on low-middle incomes, who are also often marginalised.
karol did you get my reply to you last night on Lynn’s “Is that it?” post, re Tova O’ Brien? A moulded- into -the -shape -of- spin reporter is what you are dealing with.
For a real analysis of the sham and the media’s role in it, have a listen to Alistair Thompson this morning (post#3 below)
The real story is “Why has The NZ Herald become so supportive of The National Party”? …I put it down to CGT, most of New Zealand’s useless and lazy rich rich have gained their wealth through Capital Gains on land and buildings…implementing a Capital Gains Tax was never going to be easy. The New Zealand Herald itself has sections devoted to real estate. And of course Banks play a big part in real estate.
Vote Cunliffe up in the NZ Herald Poll NOW
And Radio New Zealand now a fully fledged member of the right wing corporate media as Espiner salivates over this beat up news
For the first time in nearly 50 years I am not listening to Morning Report, they even got JK to comment from Washington that it showed Cunliffe wasn’t to be trusted. The hypocrisy was taken with a straight face.
People love a good news story. Simple as that. If it was National in the same position, they’d be shitting on them too.
It’s all to sell a paper/ads/whatever.
Nah, National Radio has taken a clear pro-government editorial line. They never attacked Williamson or Collins in the same way.
It’s not a news story at all – it’s a beat up by the right-wing aligned MSM. And they’re using their platform to attack Cunliffe and influence the election.
Morning Report is a bit like having a bowl of dirty brown water thrown over you first thing in the morning….to be avoided…you dont start the morning feeling shiney clean
Um, wait a moment. Banks resigns. He’s not there any more. And the nations’ major free press rag is running a smear campaign against the opposition leader.
the media did not get banks..macready did..
phillip ure +100
and this poll was done before all this kerfuffle about Liu…
23% – WOW!
Thats huge (not in a good way) for you guys.
After the issues of yesterday – there is a good chance you could end up in the teens. Nobody (even the most RW of RWNJ’s) would have seen Cunners being that unpopular.
Yeah, so they interviewed ‘at least’ 1000 people. I’m assuming that means they kept going until they got a positive indication from 1000 people. But how many people said they were undecided? There’s no indication of that anywhere. And unless that is factored in, any percentages are shockingly exaggerated and the whole picture horribly distorted..
Why the fck is it not standard practice to include the undecideds (mostly voters on the left) in calculations pertaining to these polls? I can’t see the relevant numbers for this poll, but in the Herald one, the undecideds accounted for 12.2% while the gap between Greens/Labour and National was only 8% when that was factored in. And National were well short of 50% when that 12.2% was included in calculations.
apparently you can hover over the poll and it shows undecided. That is a WTF!
Hint from the dimpost
At 777 out of 1014, that is an increase in undecideds of 5% since last month, and 7% since February.
(If you hover over the polls, you’ll get the number of decided voters)
That’s 24%. Any stats people around to say how likely that is to be refelected across the whole population?
The post itself is grim reading 🙁 That IMP are scaring the horses from Labour to National.
Time for a change of government sits at 48% v 43%
Which is interesting if National has 56% support…
Yep, see my 12:10 pm comment on the Change of Government question at on Stephanie’s The dirtiest Election Campaign Backfires
Here (need to scroll down to 12:10 comment)…
Yes I found it grim too. Is the IMP really turning voters off labour – I suppose labour going after the same middle voters as the gnats has its downside. If the IMP are taking votes from labour or the greens then that is okay imo – they won’t be this middle and therefore gives both labour and the greens the opportunity to go harder for their declared constituency. It wouldn’t worry me if they both made a dramatic statement or play to distance themselves from the IMP – I hope they do. It is time to set the vacuum cleaner to maximum suck to bring in as many as possible under a left wing government.
Well, I didn’t exactly hover to get the Undecided figures. I’ve set out how I obtained them in a comment at 8.1.1 of Stephanie’s The dirtiest election campaign backfires.
Very much looking forward to listening to the weekly Scoop report on Radio Active this morning to get Alistair Thompson’s take on the msm media supported Natz smear campaign/beat up against David Cunliffe.
Most Thursday’s Grant Robertson is in attendance. I hope he is this morning, so he can clear up the media’s propaganda that Cunliffe is going to resign……………….
cunnliffe was good on paul henry last nite..
..he will clearly do well in the debates with key..
and if this does turn out to be the rightwing in labour trying to white-ant lose the election to regain control of the party in the aftermath.. will sound their death-knells..
..the unions/party-membership will turn on them like rabid dogs..
..and will tear them limb from limb..
(tho’..i don’t think it was an inside job..(even that sly/machiavellian duck wouldn’t be so stupid..
..rolling cunnliffe now wd be winning the(ir) battle..and losing the war..’s a national smear-number..
..and does set a new benchmark for storm-in-a-teacup..
..and now cd b a good time for labour to roll out one or two of those giant-killer/seachange-policies they are so keeping under wraps..’s time to fight this election on policies..not personalities..)
Dude, the last thing the Labour Party needs is an opportunity to have, to quote you
“the unions/party-membership will turn on them like rabid dogs….and will tear them limb from limb..”
Im from the right so I know that my views count for squat over here, but our country needs an effective opposition – regardless of who is in power.
Talk of an absolute majority for the Nats is enough to make me vote elsewhere, and till he sold out to the German, my second pick was Hone. The guy had a raw honesty about him that I didnt see in other polys, and yes, I would probably have buggered off to watch the rugby in France too just like he did.
I may not agree with all he says and I may not agree with all he believes, but Im sure hes good for this country.
haraunger..i’m..i’m..choking up here..!..(as i am sure wd hone..)..
..the sincerity/honesty of yr endorsement of harawira is touching..
..and you are yr ‘raw honesty’/’good for the country’ assessment..
..i am sooo excited about what harawira/harre/sykes..with a posse behind them..
..and the greens locked-in onside..
..will be able to achieve..
..and i do so hope labour decide to shed the(ir) past..
..and to also lock themselves into what is the best hope for nz..!..about 30 yrs..?
and i actually don’t see what the issue is about re cunnliffe..about a donation to the labour party when clark was in power..
..but of course key has gone on tv claiming liu has donated much more than $15 grand to labour..
..and if true..that will damage labour past more than cunnlife..(unless cunnliffes’ fingerprints are on it..)
..and if true..that damage could be lasting..firmly confirming the tweedle-dum/tweedle-dee of national/labour..(and them both being in the pocket of vested-interests..)
..and cd well lead to a collapse of their vote to greens-internet/mana..
..interesting times..
Philip, you are correct that its a storm in a C cup, and Cunliffe is being hung out to dry, but the real problem is one of perception for the voters.
And perception becomes reality.
As you point out, currently, the media isnt too kind to the left, but I do recall a time when they loved Helen Clark and I would have said that they werent too kind to the right.
It seems that the media love a winner, but are quick to turn on them when the tide is turning. I guess writing for a paper or working for the radio or TV is a kind of job application for a ministerial press secretary.
“..I guess writing for a paper or working for the radio or TV is a kind of job application for a ministerial press secretary…”
..for a very large number of them..that is the case..(side-bread-buttered-on etc..) (excuse the non-vegan metaphor..)
“..and I would have said that they werent too kind to the right…”
..but they were there when it’s run..(remember ‘showerheads’/nanny-state..?
..and key well and truly got them onside with his tax-cut promises to them..
..(and that was the first promise he broke..remember..?..he halved his promised cuts 5 mins after getting into office..)
But the tide had turned by then.
So of course the media was wanting to back the new guy who would be dishing out the cabinet jobs that then lead to the press secretary jobs.
The media were very kind to Clark and her Govt for the first 7.5years. And not so kind for the last 18 months of it. I would bet lamingtons (my favourite betting currency) that if the Nats win in September, that within 18 months the media will have turned on them in a similar fashion.
Dopey thing was that the food in school tuck shops was actually a very good public health initiative. Any half decent media would have looked at the claimed diabetes risks and then talked to diabetes researchers and supported it.
But the tide had turned by then.
to me..that sneering-accompanied ordering of junk-food/sugar-laden crap-drinks back into the school tuckshops.. me..
..couldn’t be a better synthesis of all that is wrong with key/this govt..
..(obesity-epidemic..?..what ‘epidemic’..?.)
..and key/national are just promising more of the same..
..but with a soupcon of moon-landing-denier craig..
..marbling everything..
It could be that the CT are trying to propagate the idea of the ABC rising up to further the idea of Labour in a shambles. They are feeding the Trevetts this line and unfortunately Trotter has picked up on that line.
This is the time for unity to be shown and the Labour caucus need to spell it out fully to the media that this is a beat up fabricated by the Government with a compliant media. If any member of the Labour caucus is not prepared to speak up for their leader on this issue, then they should resign immediately. Cunliffe has not done anything wrong. The questioning was a set up. The letter was innocuous and the lack of recall was not being used as a lie in the attempt to cover up incriminating behaviour (as in the cases of Key, Collins and Banks) but was a genuine lack of recall.
Crosby-Textor have decided who is the target. They are now trying to manufacture a “crime”.
and the hypocrisy/surreal-aspects of this peaked this morn..
..with judith ‘just-dropping-in-for-a-cuppa’ collins and her po-faced moralising/tutt-tutting all over cunnliffe on tvone breakfast.. about a fucken disconnect..
I do love a good left wing conspiracy theory.
it’s no theory..gossie..
..key admitted this morn he has known of this ‘for weeks’.. is an organised national party smear…
CT is pretty good at their job, gossie, this stuff is right up their street.
I was thinking if CT hadn’t engineered the whole thing, including the double whammy Hone/KDC least trust worthy poll, burning the message of distrust them, trust me, even deeper into the heads of mum and dad NZ, then I might have to get Dr Evil and have ago myself for… … … One million dollars.
These people can be trusted though…
Remember collins and bennetts lies, misleading are covered by the cabinet manuals requiement for “highest ethical standards”but cunliffe should resign and is tricky. This last verdict from no less a comedian than double dipton and renewal of scf guarantee…bill english… But he doesnt need to siree, not even for pretending chchch rebuild will cost less so he can claim a surplus, or turning a grant into an interest free loan to create a surplus.. And blip has key covered. SO why do the public care if cunliffe is trustworthy if they dont care that the nats are perpetual liars…. It is perception, and who leads the shaping of it?
Nope, cunliffe needs to resign
Oh an liu is applying for a discharge without conviction for domestic violence
Looks game over before it’s even begun, according to msm.
I was wanting David, who was good with Campbell, come out swinging about the pm’s insider dealings, but if the tens of, or hundreds of dollars as implied is true, then agree he has to go.
I’m a bit disappointed, again if true, that it’s the only egg in the Labour basket gone. Scabs don’t even come into it.
even if there were other past donations..
..that is not down to cunnliffe..
..that is down to the previous labour regime..
..i reckon this is going to backfire on key..
..he is showing himself up as a sleazemaster..
..not a good look for a prime minister..that one..
“..i reckon this is going to backfire on key..”
That’s right, if David fights the fight.
“even if there were other past donations..”
Unless they were to David, I agree
“..that is down to the previous labour regime..”
John key says he knew a couple of weeks ago. English said no one in govt knew. So key told no one…so much for all clean and honesty and transparent. Not tellinghis own caucus, he must be worried some of them would undermine him
Looks like they’re not asleep at the wheel after all
Denied an edit for some reason.
Meant to read:
Looks game over before it’s even begun, according to msm.
I was wanting David, who was good with Campbell, to come out swinging about the pm’s insider dealings with this information, but if the tens of, or hundreds of thousands of dollars as implied are real, then agree he has to go.
I’m a bit disappointed, again if true, that it’s the only egg in the Labour basket gone. Scabs don’t even come into it.
Well done, David and the supporting caucus members who front-footed the issue so well this afternoon. This show of unity and strength was just what was needed and puts the ball back in National’s court.
No where near as good as Shearer who was after him.
i disagree..shearer is too rightwing/status-quo protecting..
..he is not an agent for change..
..but he will do ok as a minister in his area of expertise..
..he was actually on henry last nite..talking iraq..
..proving his credentials for that foreign-affairs role..
..that..coalition negotiations notwithstanding..should be his post-election..
Stuff’s poll just seems so…. out of whack.
In any event, it seems to be consistent with the themes that people have, rightly or wrongly, decided their votes upon
Yeah, Labour are scraping the barrel when it comes to policy ideas. The biggest one by far is their plan to raise the age of retirement, and compulsory KS without guaranteeing the principal.
My vote is now firmly for the Greens.
I’d have some enthusiasm for the Greens if they took a position on significantly lowering the 5% MMP threshold (to between 2% and 3%)
perhaps some green lurking around here cd expain why they have not supported such a drop..?
..surely short-sighted/self-interest cd not be the reason..?
..(as in..we don’t need it any more..and things like an animal-rights party popping eat into our vote..?
..say it isn’t so..!..)
Making changes to the electoral system shouldn’t be partisan. By all means campaign for a referendum or a review on the subject but to make specific changes to the system part of your manifesto commitments should be avoided.
An appropriate method of doing it is to lay out clearly what you intend to push for in Parliament within your manifesto. Stating that you wish to drop the MMP threshold immediately to 4% or 3.5% as per non-partisan recommendations but that you will take it to a referendum in 2020 on a move to 3% or 2.5%.
These are moves which will help National gain support parties on the Right so agreement should be reachable.
Why would you want more fringe parties in there?
it’s called ‘democracy’
..remember how in good old fpp-days..national took power after winning only 39%(?) of the vote..?
..a lower threshold gives everyone their voice..
..(even if they are moon-landing-doubters/scared-of-chem-trails/think the world is only 10,000 yrs old..)
and what makes me laugh.. how key/national refusing to lower the threshold has come back to bite them on the arse.. it wd have helped their moon-landing-denier mate..
..and here’s the rub..!
..there wd have been no need for the internet and mana parties to come together..
There will be ‘party party’ around the country to pump up political pressure:
Declaration: I am not a member of the IP (yet) but I am always up for a good party.
We had a referendum, we had consultation and the result of that is that the majority of people want the threshold lowered. It’s only National that don’t.
Who represent around 45 – 50% of the electorate. A rather significant minority that needs to be brought aboard any plan for changing the electoral system. Labour forgot that the last time they messed with electoral law around campaign finance.
Wait Gossie.
The people in the referendum don’t need to go through a middle man National Party to decide for them.
They already decided for themselves directly – in the referendum.
BS. If only 45% supported keeping MMP then National would have had a referendum within weeks to push the change to their preferred anti-democratic system and that would have been implemented in time for this election.
A law change that is still pretty much in place as all the media coverage of it was just more right-wing spin.
They should just remove the threshold and have it if you win enough percentage for a seat (1.2% I think but this would change over time) you get a seat. Coat tailing is not the issue. The threshold is the truly anti democratic bit.
I disagree. Anyone can pick up 1% by being a Nazi. The idea behind the threshold was to mirror the effort a MP in a constituent seat had to go to in gaining support. A MP should work both constituent and list, and not be unfairly rewarded. If they make the numbers in the seat then they win the seat. If the make the threshold on the list, then they get extra seats.
The great sin was ACT got extra list seat while NZF got more votes. That is wrong and Key has done nothing to change the situation. Its bloody stupid politics, since all NZF needs to do is miss the threshold and say Mana get extra list MPs and Key’s name will be dirt to political analysts and ethicists alike. Talk about leaving the barn gate open.
I mean, Key is a conservative, conservatives have a huge problem understanding that societies change, they progressive, and by not being progressives conservativists can’t fathom how a rule that used to work might now look tired, old and counter productive to their ends.
But, of course, its worse, Key is the child of the Thatcher revolution and they don’t believe in society. They would never have brought into twitter shares, their just clueless about social movements.
[lprent: Please resist the temptation towards Godwin’ing the debate. It always pisses me off, especially when heading into elections because it disrupts debate. When I get pissed off I tend to try to pass the feeling on. ]
if 1% of the population are “nazi” and can organise a party, campaign and get votes why shouldnt they be heard. To me the problem is if they get more than 1% influence on govt initiatives, as uf and act have. But thats democracy. Better to have extremists in the open where we can see them.
‘extremists’ like the animal rights party..the a.r.p…
A 3-4 MP sized caucus is a productive, capable caucus capable of wielding serious Parliamentary influence and while being eligible for sufficient funding to do major work.
Hence a threshold of 2.5%, half the current, would be ideal IMO, i.e. the MMP threshold should be halved.
the a.r.p. could live with 2.5%..
An electorate MP can get into power with far less support than a list MP. That kinda proves you wrong on the effort bit.
Quite simply, there is no reason for the threshold so why do we have one? The only answer is that it’s there to help keep the incumbents (National and Labour) in power.
No (said in the Brownlee way in the house).
Look you simply cannot be serious. It easier to pick up votes for a particular issue when you canvas the whole country. Whereas a geographical location is always going to have less of like minded people.
On the issue of hecklers. Of course if you want democracy to grind to a halt, please let everyone who can get 1% into parliament. I think it is good to have a bar for parties to get over.
As to the german extermist party, who got into power as a minority party, and then used the disfunction (they likely caused or certianly played up), it would be sensible to remember them and filter out some representatives and their parites.
James, the truck idea actually works in practice and will help lower congestion in Ak. It’s standard in Europe and makes for better traffic flows, particularly at peak periods. It also contributes to better driver manners, from my experience; a lot less frustration and rage evident.
How does that work? All I can figure is that the trucks will annoy the snot out of folk over in the fast lane
How would they do that considering that they won’t be in the fast lane?
So a new question arises: Who will be the leader of the opposition come Sept 21?
Mr Cunliffe or Mr Norman? Co leadership with Ms Turei?
The way Labour are going this might not just be in the realms of fantasy.
I see in the Herald they are saying that no one in the Labour caucus wants to replace Cunliffe prior to the election. If this is true and the further revelations about Liu’s donations to Labour come out what then?
Perhaps if Labour becomes a poisoned vote for lefties maybe the Greens need an influx of support?
Perhaps Bill English or Judith Collins.
Quite likely Stephen Joyce.
While being away overseas, John Key is asking around for his next job post 20 Sep 2014.
So, Jimmie, why are the MSM going all out to cut DC down but have pretty much given all the rorting from National a free pass? Considering how far back they gone on DC they should also be bringing up Bill English’s rort of the housing allowance and how National’s rule change is actually costing us more, Richard Worth and Pansy Wong, John Key’s lies about his Tranzrail shares etc, etc.
Wish I had time to write a fuller post on this.
The real question that emerges from the Cunliffe story is one the media should be asking
‘Cui bono ?’
The neoliberal establishment has a lot to lose if a genuinely left wing party gets into power.
So anyone who threatens the elite’s privileged position is savagely attacked.
The wine box inquiry…Peters
The discovery of corruption and spying on NZ citizens…. Dotcom
A Labour leader elected by the rank and file…Cunliffe.
An activist who cares about people’s rights in this country and around the world….Minto
I am sure readers can think of many more smears, attacks and lies on honest citizens attempting to fight the elite’s stranglehold of the country.
The elite don’t want us to have any say in the running of this country.
They own it.
And the own the media, who pump out their propaganda and attack anyone who has the temerity to threaten their position.
I can’t beat George Carlin’s summary.
@ paul..
..+ 1..well said/tidily-summarised..
well said.
agreed….the Neolibs are running very scared…the stakes are high …it is the future democracy of New Zealand which is at stake here.
Key is playing dirty and trying to destroy Cunliffe …shows how scared he is !….Cunliffe is the one who will beat him!…there is no one else for the Labour Party leadership that comes within a bulls roar of Cunliffe ….and I believe that they know this and are behind Cunliffe!
( unless there is a fifth column of one or ,at the most, two)…and they should know , if they are there at all, that the eyes of Labour members and the Left are behind Cunliffe ….and are watching!)
Do not ever at the end of one decade write a standard form letter to a government department seeking prosaic advice of timeline on a constituent’s lawful application to that department.
Particularly when at the beginning of the second decade after that it is shown that said constituent has recently paid big bucks to the National Party and enlisted a National Party cabinet minister as personal police liaison officer in matters of domestic violence perpetrated by said constituent.
Such standard form letter writing is egregious and heavily corrupt – the antithesis of representative parliamentary democracy. It is behaviour heavily punishable by the NZ Herald acting on behalf of the National Party.
I’d say that it’s absolutely amazing how the MSM have gone gangbusters on this except that it’s not. It’s just showing their absolute double standards and right-wing bias.
Cunliffe seems caught between the rock and the hard place on this. To have to say what he has said below is not good imo
and now key can spout his lies and pontificating bullshit
It is almost impossible for cunliffe to fight off the gnats, their minions and also the short knives from his own team. This is his big test – right here, right now! I wish him well.
I don’t think Cunliffe coming out and threatening ministers within his own party wasn’t particularly smart, it just demonstrates what a mess labour is in
Facts are this is not a party no where near ready to govern.
Questions also have to be asked as to why Cunliffe can’t unite his caucus what are they seeing that the public isn’t.?
how many mps have resigned under keys watch? And how many for their behaviour? Afer you have answered then can you answer two questions
Why is collins still in cabinet
Why hasnt it hurt national
Collins is still in cabinet because it was a beat up and John Key could empathize with her after getting raked over the coals because of the GSCB/Dotcom bollocks.
He was lax and got punished for it, Collins was the same and like Key she’ll be sharper and better because of it.
It never hurt National because people think they’re doing a job job which well and truly overrides this beltway shit that Labour seems to enjoy wallowing in.
and there you have the world according to planet key.
How do you account for news coverage of this versus, say, the herald leadingwith a story about mrs banks and mrs dotcom on the morning following his guilty verdict, and the eulogising by armstrong and compare it to their len brown coverage.
you forgot to answer the first two questions…
You’re a disingenuous twat BM. Does National ever do wrong in your eyes?
I can’t remember that second line on Campbell Live.
Anyway pretty sure caucus can’t roll a leader, they just get to decide if there is a vacancy.
Cunliffe has to swing strongly Left. Labour has to break its Thorndon Bubble habit for paralytic caution and stridently put on it’s brightest red jersey, put forward Labour’s most forward thinking policies for full employment, energy transition and climate change mitigation, with the singular goal of making life purposeful, affordable and enjoyable for far more people and their kids.
When he was talking up a true red, real red Labour, the party was receiving polling in the mid 30% range without hesitation.
If he stays in the 3rd way centre ground of NZ politics he will keep getting smashed from both sides and core Labour support will go “meh”. The MSM have pulled Labour off the main game – scoring goals in the hearts and minds of NZers…and instead wrapped Cunliffe up in the drama of arguments with a biased referee over minor technical infringements that the crowd gives not one damn about.
Get out there and play the game for your own fans, not for the fans of the bloody other side! It’s a mere ~92 minutes (days) till the whistle blows.
The internal right wing of the Labour Party will also fall into line once that polling hits 35% and they hear the crowd cheering and chanting the entire team on from the stands.
Fucking hell, you’re completely delusional.
The socialist hell hole that is Dunedin is NOT a reflection of the rest of NZ, I think is is where you may be going badly wrong.
See, my point exactly. The more fucked off you are with this approach, the better it is. Thanks for taste testing.
“Fucking hell, you’re completely delusional … I think is [sic] is where you may be going badly wrong.”
That translates to:
Darn, please do not move left for the sake of ensuring a win for Nats.
So dunedin should be more like Auckland, where you can’t afford a house and the places where you can afford a house you cant afford the petrol to drive to work.
yeah good one
No I’m saying Dunedin is socialist through and through and just isn’t reflective of NZ.
I just had a look on wikipedia, there has only been one time since the 1930’s that National has won a Dunedin seat.
Facts are though most people are doing ok, which is why National is polling over 50% support, the vast majority of people do NOT want some 180 degree turn in the way the country is run.
The only way Labour will win is
1) They can demonstrate that they have the ability to run the country better than national without wavering too much from the status quo.
2)National self destructs.
They will not win by being radical.
Your theory conveniently omits the people not voting. But even if you are right, you are only right for 50%. You can’t claim that most people are doing ok, unless what you really mean is roughly half the country is doing ok. What about the rest?
Just because some one votes greens or labour doesn’t mean they’re poor and living on struggle street.
I doubt if 20% of the other 45% of non national voters want the change that CV is describing.
The vast majority of people just want a center focused government with either a right or left flavor.
Most aren’t particularly bothered which one it is.
Just look at Helen Clark she wasn’t some hard left communist which is why she was popular and John Key isn’t some hard right capitalist which is why he is popular.
It’s not hard to work out where the votes are.
how do you account for a poll saying more people want a change of govt than dont. The electorate isnt as black and white as you are assuming.
Sure they will. Why? Because the status quo is failing for too many people.
The problem is that if you look at the Fairfax poll, 63.1% said they think NZ is on the right track, and just 35.4 says it’s on the wrong track (1.5% people not knowing).
Those numbers are almost precisely the reverse of what’s encountered in the United States and Europe – where radicalism has a genuinely happy hunting ground.
Now, you might think this is an outlier and you’re probably right – though not to an extent that would make a material difference. But given the respondents are screened for age, gender, ethnicity and geography, I think there is more than a chance that most people just don’t feel disillusiioned or disenfranchised with our politics.
Which is not to say it’s entirely rational for people to feel that way. You could chalk it up to “false consciousness” or “bread and circuses” if you’re that way inclined. However, it’s assuredly a problem for anyone counselling a radical course of action, I think.
+100 CV
John Key lies and the NZHerald report it as truth. DC tells the truth and the NZHerald report it as lies.
If the Labour Party can’t find the 15k alleged to have been paid by Liu ( if it had happened in my LEC we would have a record even if it was in an auction, shit we even have a record of a multiple thousands donation that was was refused because the offering industrialist is an arsehole ),then some questions arise.
Who thinks they knew about it?
Is it a complete fabrication?
Who told the Herald where to look?
Why didn’t Immigration say “fuck off , we’ve got better things to do with our time?
Was the letter leaked by someone in Immigration?
Who coordinated the ambush of questions to DC days ago?
Why now?
Is some new shit about to hit the fan about Nat/Liu?
Why the distraction while Key is in the US?
Can anybody else smell something here?
Nope. Seems like the left are trying to find an excuse though.
All good questions. Given that this is over 10 years old you have to ask who the source is, and whats in it for them?
On the note of not remembering, I meet heaps of people on a one off basis, I cant recall half of them after a few years. If David can do better, good on him, that to me is superman territory.
I think you will find it’s Liu himself hitting back at Labour for dragging his name through the dirt with attacks against National. He has access to his file and he certainly knows every cent he gave Labour. Expect more revelations.
Glass houses – stones?
Which then leads to the question about multi-millionaires directly interfering in our politics from Bob Jones, Gibbs, Crazy Colin Craig, DotCom to Liu. Not to mention a few other handfuls more.
grumpy, on my wireless just now, RadioNZ National news, Slippery the Prime Minister is quoted as saying He ”believes” that the amount donated by Liu to Labour was far far more than 15 grand,
100’s of thousands have apparently been bandied about by the PM spreading malicious gossip all the way from the US, when pressed tho on ”actual facts” the Slippery one simply shut it, refusing to answer,
This isn’t Liu having a go at Labour, this is an orchestrated smear campaign lead from the 9th floor of the Beehive based solely, as a fact, on an 11 year old letter that David Cunliffe failed to remember signing,(can you remember a specific comment you wrote 11 years ago)…
sucks to be a party donor getting special benefits from cabinet ministers when there’s an active opposition calling shenanigans on it, eh?
If Liu’s trying a KDC, I’m a bit surprised he hasn’t actually provided proof of payment yet. Really, all we have so far is the herald blowing the trumpet of an ejaculating cetacean.
When Key equivocates about “rumours” rather than following his usual MO of an outright lie, I’m suspicious about whether the claims are completely fabricated.
So far no one has evidence of the $15,000 donation. So who is the accuser and based on what?
The MSM has constantly said that Mr Cunliffe met and wrote the letter. DC says he cannot recall meeting the man. Could he have had the letter written and signed it without meeting the man? Yes. Happens all the time.
Is some new shit about to hit the fan about Nat/Liu?
My guess is that someone will wait a day or so then produce a photo showing DC and Liu both in shot. Even shaking hands somewhere but this does not constitute a meeting as in discussion. It will be twisted to try and make DC seem dishonest.
rawdon christie is a vile-toad..getting his yucks! out/from a homeless person profile..
..the man is an odious oink..(even his co-compere was resiling from this latest gob from him..)
Ok RWNJ’s – the shows over. You can quit your quivering excitement.
Grant Robertson has just stated on Radio Active that there is NO COUP. He said he is solely focused on campaigning hard in the next 3 months right up until the election.
Nothing more than a very calculated attempt to derail Cunliffe on behalf of the Natz in conjunction with the msm media.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Oh, ok then.
Futhermore, after Grant hung up the phone and Alistair Thompson continued talking with the DJ they determined that what Grant said was for real and very clear with Alistair making the point that theres no way they the caucus would take such a risk prior to an election.
He also said to expect a few more days of attacks against David Cunliffe before it died down.
Grant isn’t stupid, no matter how ambitious He is, rolling the leader of any political party this close to an election has been shown to produce the same or worse result at the ballot box…
agreed Rosie…i dont detect any coup….this has John Key and his bottom drawer written all over it ….He is New Zealand’s very own John Edgar Hoover….dirty little spy!
I reckon the reporters in the media that have been promoting this line should really be taken to task for spreading BS and they should offer an apology for being a bunch of one eyed tr**ls. Alastair Thompsons view was that the press gallery had just got over “excited and agitated about it.” Maybe too excited to let the facts get in the way of a good bit of spin.
Was disappointed that even John Campbell kind of fell for it and tried to read into ‘that letter’ messages that weren’t there. Good on Cunliffe for remaining calm, firm and articulate during that interview even though you could tell he was really pissed off.
He just has to be our next PM. Grant Robertson’s prediction of the future under a third term of National was dire: “If you think the last six years have been bad, another three gives them the opportunity (words to that effect) to finish the job. Everything will be privatised”.
Hey Chooky, gotta say, when I read The Standard and I see Chooky has left her +100 mark dotted all over the pages it makes me smile. I love your positivity. 😀
yes means I am 100% for this…or in agreement with this!
( I note some people go 101% or +1,000 or more when they get very enthusiastic …but +100 suits me fine!)
btw …i kind of live in a NAT stronghold area …so this adds to my enthusiasm here… rest of the time I am a quiet little chooky, under cover…i think there are quite a few of us around the country!
ISIS Sunni insurgency issues regular annual investment reports (!)
Apparently to attract new donors, supporters and to demonstrate to funders that monies are being used “productively.” Numbers of suicide attacks, assassinations, etc for the last 12 months clearly laid out.
Who says that the corporate west isn’t teaching the Middle East anything useful?
More seriously, this group has serious organisation, internal structures and funding.
You reallyshould have seen the daily report last night on
The usa talking to
Saudi arabi
Over iraq
Russia and China now making no attempt to hide their moves away from dependency on the USD. As the USD becomes less used internationally over the next 10-20 years, the ability of the USA to continue to fund itself via money printing will signficantly diminish.
if china cashed up, what would happen to usa?
“Key revealed today that he was aware some weeks ago of the letter held on file showing Cunliffe had advocated on behalf of Liu.”
Naturally the reporter did not bother to ask Key how he came to be aware of the letter.
You missed the most interesting part of the story where he mentions the rumours that Labour have received hundreds of thousands in donations. That’s the same rumour Barnsley Bill stated yesterday on The Dim Post.
I deliberately ignored that aspect Lanthanide because donations to political parties in NZ are a corrupt mess and my views on that topic are best summed up by my presentation of the EDRNZ idea to reform donations with a central register.
eg: When National sells dozens of $5K a head dinner tickets then the restaurant donates the total as a single donation in the restaurant’s name ( and give honours to the restaurant owner) they are in no position to criticise others for not being open about their donations.
I’m pretty sure that there’s rumours going around that National have received millions in donations.
cunnliffe will be on nat-rad shortly/now..
(hipkins ‘won’t comment’ on the leadership-question..(!)..)
..kathryn ryan is just not letting him answer the questions she has asked..
..(her usual high-standards..)
ryan is working her egg-beater with all the energy/mania of a crack-head chef..
..just after a big pipe..
@ philip ure
.Kathryn Ryan asked the hard questions of David Cunliffe and he came up squeaky clean…and very impressive!
Now all Labour MPs need to do it is bring out the ROTTWEILER and attack the rotten underbelly of John Key and NACT at every opportunity ( where is Trev?) ….and put some very impressive policies on the table.!
..NZers NEED strong incentives to vote Labour!
phillip, see my post above at #12. There is no leadership question.
i don’t think there is either..
..(i understand trotter has had another attack of the vapours..(bless him..! dropped his knickers..and is claiming it is an ‘inside-job’…meh..!..he clearly hasn’t thought it thru..) why couldn’t hipkins..a long-time cunnliffe opponent..why couldn’t he just say that..?
..that is all i was noting..just marking his card..
A few months ago the Labour leadership was given the opportunity to present themselves to the country as the next government of New Zealand.
They rejected that.
the one thing worse than Radio New Zealand banging on about some letter from 11 years ago is them not answering the question of how they came to employ the whining little toad espiner.
they should answer for that before anything else.
With Labour expected to win Kelston,Christchurch Central and Napier how low does the party vote have to go till there are no list MP’s.
Now when you are faced with looming redundancy and unemployment why sit back and await your fate.
The Cunliffe is dead man walking.
I think the chances of Hone being gifted a seat are now slim to none.
I get the feeling Labours focus will be more on keeping the party alive than winning the election.
hone will win his seat..
..annette sykes will win her seat..
..the internet/mana coupling will receive a party vote that will leave all the pundits choking on past-predictions..
..and the two people who have planned how the labour campaign will roll out..are not fools..
..underestimating them will make you the fool..
..i am also expecting cunnliffe to take it to key in the debates..
..and that labour will roll out some circuit-breaking/attention-grabbing policies.. cunnliffe noted..their membership has doubled..volunteers have doubled..
..and the party is organisationly poised to ‘roll out the vote’ never before..
..national has every reason to be afraid..
..dateless/no coalition partners..5% behind in the polls than where they were at this time prior to the last election..
..the internet/mana campaign about to roll out..
..sucking up all the available oxygen..and more..
With you on that view phil. On the contrary to the out of control spin cycle I think the way ahead is more motorway than bush track. Just need a full tank of fuel to floor it.
(with apologies for the carbon emission creating vehicle theme)
too many mushies fis.
Your predictions are so off-kilter that “a few hours” means “four days”.
There is Fis as much truth and as much intelligence in this particular statement as the rest of what you choose to deliberately publish in your effete efforts at shit-stirring,
You would i suggest, gain far more traction if you were for instance, to start a ‘book’ taking bets on your ability to remain here commenting right through to the election,
Even opening a ‘gamble’ on my ability to remain doing the same would have some point to it, as there is NO chance that Labour will engage in a bout of electoral stupidity this close to the election,
The odds on the former proposition, that is you making it to the election are in my view pretty thin, the latter, my own ability to avoid such a spanking, in comparison to the odds on you, huge…
Does anyone know if there has been a reaction from the Greens to Labour’s woes?
Russell Norman said yesterday that the Greens were concentrating on their own Party efforts.
has norman been asked yet if the greens support a 3% threshold..?
..and if not..could he explain why not..?
Wasn’t exactly overjoyed to hear Russell on the wireless yesterday,(RadionNZ National),saying that while compulsory Kiwisaver aint the Greens policy they will probably be open to a ‘trade’ after the election on something that is,(Green Party policy)…
what we know about the greens is unlike ACT, UF! or nzf, they have vowed to not seek policy implementation beyond their voting percentage. On that basis they have to compromise stuff. As a green supporter i am fine with that.
why dont you email and ask them. I find them pretty responsive
As a confirmed Green party voter in September, I’m hoping they pitch hard for Labours vote.
I think it’s there if they want it, and biggest party on the left, or at least a very close second, isn’t out of reach.
To a certain extent Alien i can see your point if you have dreams of the Green Party at some point in time becoming as big or bigger a political vehicle as the Labour Party,
In terms of Septembers election tho votes shifting from Labour to Green is simply shuffling the deck chairs,
The Greens last election did remarkably well in the National safe city seats,particularly the Auckland ones, the Party vote(from Alwyn’s memory Lolz, after laughably doing the research for me), went up by 50% in quite a number of them,
To keep building upon that success with a sustained effort in the provincial cities i would suggest, in terms of ‘the left’, would far better serve the Green Party in it’s efforts at growth, as it has been shown, should the Green’s secure the vote of youth in those National electorates, a pattern of voting is then started which is likely to continue,
Labour in my view, and based upon the ‘view’ of current public polling, have about plumbed the depths down to their rock solid Core support, and, should a part of such become fluid and move across to the Green Party, such fluidity is just as likely to see that support flow back again to Labour in the future…
the unions presumably get their ampaigning underway soon? They are pretty good at getting their message across which is why the right hates them so much.
I understand the unions may be presenting their membership with solid cases for choosing either Labour or Greens. Not just one.
good. Its about getting a message across. I have to say helen kelly speaks to message very well, regardless of how little she may be reported.
It would be great to have her speaking for the left against hooton, if we cant have analysis by i dependents instead
Backbencher’s, a bit too late for most i should imagine, i had to subject myself last night as i awaited game 2 of Origin to appear on free to air,
Flavell the Maori Party co-Leader started off sounding like a member, of the human race that is, and, on the other side of the bookend we were treated to Brendan Who touting ”the Independents”(is it even registered as a political vehicle and if not why is it being given oxygen),
The National party Rep, not sorry But, where are they hiding all these MP’s that i just have no recognition of, Her and Labour’s Jacinda Adhern got a round of applause for pointing out that ‘Hair’ has about as much to do with the ability to learn at any edifice of education as this: 0,
Ever the deep thinkers Flavell and Brendan Who stuck to the ”We must have rules which you must obey” line, refusing to entertain for a moment the idea that this particular rule has all the logic behind it of being a rule for the sake of having a rule,
To the point tho, Mrs i didnt get your name and Jacinda both got the loudest applause for their ”ive been thinking” moments where the number of children ”living in poverty” was the kernal of wisdom on display,
Having spent enough time getting to the point, i propose to make this short, The Policy Jacinda, The Policy, we have heard ad nauseum ”800,000 kids living in poverty”,
Where is the Party Policy that directly alleviates or even begins to address the issue, the removal of all taxation from the benefits of families with children would be a grand start do you not think….
“Backbencher’s, a bit too late for most i should imagine, i had to subject myself last night as i awaited game 2 of Origin to appear on free to air,”
It is for me but the good news is that Backbenches is available to watch on (A tip from Felix) You just need to provide your email and a password. A good option for those nights when theres nothing on TV, which is most of the time.
Psst, what else of Sky’s programming can we get at from there Rosie, my data cap doesn’t allow me to watch too much of any content from the teevee or ooo-tube without having the brakes turn the machine here into an exercise in frustrating slow-mo,
(Lolz, we should talk up Wellingtons weather more often, today is even more Summery, the threatened Southerly from last nights forecast seems to have done the disappear)…
Sorry, dunno bad, I haven’t looked into the rest of the programming apart from “Making NZ” or whatever it was called – a four part series looking at the building of NZ’s roads, rail, power stations and shipping. That was a good series.
Have you got $80 per month to splash on uncapped broadband from slingshot (which also includes the land line)?.
Lolz at Metservice for constantly over stating wintery forecasts. You could get sunburnt out there today!
Nyet at the moment on the increase in the data cap Rosie, if i decide to get a bigger dose i have to according to the rules of Budgeting,(self imposed),have a lead in time for any major change of at least six months,
i simply refuse on principle to buy into the ”get a landline too” line that these people try as i have a cell-phone for communicating and the day that the Barons decide to stop robbing people and offer uncapped copper internet for a suitable price, like $50 a month, without the ability to use it as a phone line as well i will start buying off of them,
For now tho i will stick to my 1 gig off of Woosh and suffer the slow mo…
The telco’s in NZ are indeed robbers.
I pretty much go without a cell so need the land line for one of those rare times I actually speak to someone, who are usually bank workers or medical staff these days, no one interesting. (with absolutely no offence directed at above staff in regard to personality) The interesting people, I meet in person…….no flappy electronic ears that way 🙂
My “dumb phone” (do you know there is a dumb phone movement, coming out of Europe?), I use for the odd 2 cent text on pre pay and costs me about $20 every three months.
@ rosie.. son is part of the ‘dumb-phone’ movement here..
Good on him! He will retain essential social skills, smile at people, see whats in their eyes, note facial micro expressions and generally engage in all manner of ways that get lost via constant reliance on the (smart) phone.
We don’t need to be connected to the net all waking hours do we? Well some might need to but he must see the advantages in not doing so.
He will also benefit from not getting stiff neck muscles from all that looking down.
Speaking of which better get back out in that sun.
Policy? David says they will start rolling out policy at the rate of about 2 per week starting next week.
The List will probably be published on Sunday afternoon.
Suggestion for the day, inspired along the lines of one of kooky polls being run on Stuff, can someone on The Standard run a post on “Which is your favourite John Key lie”?
Theres too many Kiwiri! Although my personal fave would have to be “we will not raise GST”, simply because the GST increase has hurt all but a handful of people.
Ok. How about the plural then – “Which ARE your favourite John Key lieS”?
Actually, the effort to compile the extensive list has been undertaken by BLiP but it would be an opportunity now to recap by engaging more widely with those who read and comment online.
Did anybody body see that lame excuse for a human being Simon Power on Campbell last night? The halfwit who thinks it safe to drill for oil especially in Marine Reserves, who also signed off oil exploration in a Forest Park.
I am not surprised: what surprises me more is the common support for an administration so bereft and morally bankrupt. Judith Collins….Maurice Williamson…..John Banks….troughers one and all.
Only got to watch the Cunliffe interview last night Ennui. And Simon Power? Not Simon Bridges?
Simon Bridges makes my innards shrivel with disgust.
Yeah Bridges sorry. Such a cretin.
so how much was his payoff or kickback or brown bag or whatever for all that.
Simon …
You mean the Bridges that are too far to connect with the people of New Zealand?
Power jumped to the Nats-friendly bank and now has a better mental and career lifestyle.
did he know where the marine reserve is?
@ ennui..
..simon power is that former natty..
..whose political-footnote/marker is his armchair-warrior cry ‘all the way with george bush!’.. the time that national were jonesing to join in on the original invasion of iraq by shrub jnr/blair..
..i think he is ‘in banking’ now..
..simon bridges is permanently on the shortlist for the most puke-inducing national party mp..
..the current benchmark for snotty/elitist tory-attitudes..(junior division..)
Great open letter by Annette Sykes on facebook
I hope we are all doing this.
Headlines you’ll never see in the Herald, No. 94:
PM Key Writes Off United Future, ACT and the Conservatives.
Sees no future for potential coalition partners in snub shock.
Commenting on the poll, Mr Key believed the fact National was polling more strongly was a reflection of the fact that middle New Zealand looked at a very left wing opposition grouping of Labour the Greens, and Mana and was becoming increasingly concerned.
“The stark reality this election will look like potentially on one side David Cunliffe, Metiria Turei, Russel Norman, Hone Harawira, Laila Harre, Kim Dotcom and on the other side, it’s National.”
The reason we liberalised our trade is because free trade provides benefits beyond a merely reciprical arrangement between two trading partners.
[lprent: Moved to OpenMike as it had nothing to do with the post which didn’t argue against free-trade as all. It was just pointing out the consequences. I was thinking about banning you for a diversion troll. Then I realised you hadn’t read the the post at all. ]
Except for the fact that it doesn’t.
The loss from trade
Dubious Assumptions of Comparative Advantage
No society specialises and trade, especially over long distances, must increase costs.
I wonder how this will play out and be used in the campaign – it certainly doesn’t fit the stated gnat agenda.
The industry does seem quite shocked by the decision – time to build a bridge.
Co-developer of the F-16 Falcon says the new F-35 is a trillion dollar lemon
The reason – it is a compromised design trying to do too many things at once for too many services inside of a single airframe. Cannot loiter to support troops in the field, poor air combat manoeuvrability, and as a bomber can only carry two large bombs. Stealth features little more than PR hype (a long wavelength WWII style radar system will defeat this stealth technology).
Best quote – what is the true mission of the F-35: to spend money via Congress into the military industrial complex.
in q-time cunnliffe adroitly turned the attack onto national/key..(over the contradicting statements from key/english..over when they knew about this letter from 2003..)
..and kevin hague kicked arse with his studied/evidence-based takedown of bennett over/around child-poverty..
..(takeaway-fact:..academic research showing one child dies every week from the effects of poverty..
..and i wd add to that the race/racism–breakdown of one in six pakeha children living in poverty..
..and one in three maori/pasifika children living in poverty.. in three..)
Yes phillip. David played that really well @ QT today. No backing off and embarrassing the smug English. Message? National leaking dirty tricks all over it.
Now Key is hinting from NY of huge money going to Labour from Liu. A smeary thing to do. As David says if you have the evidence show us up front.
Latest Roy Morgan poll:
Nat 49.5
Lab 28
Green 12
Mao 1
Mana 1.5
Act .5
Unif 0
Con 1.5
inter 1
Othe 1
Potential Left block: Lab+Green+NZF+Mana+Int= 46.5
Potential Right block: National+Cons+Act= 51.5
NZF still the likely kingmakers.
But that can’t be right, it shows a 3% drop in support for the Nats. It’s almost like the Herald and Fairfax polls can’t be trusted.
Perhaps the Herald and Fairfax didn’t pay a big enough bribe to the Morgan pollsters?
The Morgan one seems reasonable and from next week policies will start rolling out from Labour- (and the Greens?) Only way is up and at ’em!
they wont be paying for imaginary numbers, its the questions asked, tge order they are asked and so forth. Sir humphrey appleby was very clear on how you get the results you want.
That more people want a change of govt than say they will vote for national is an important outcome, not least cos of how little focus the right bloggers are placing on it.
I still suspect someone is getting payback over oravida, and you know slater would let himself be used if he could practice some revenge.
Is it correct that key personally contracts crosby texter? If yes, perhaps its time for him to come clean with how much.
i should imagine Te Reo, if my reading of Morgan sticks to the pattern that the next one will have National slide again by another 2. whatever %, the one after that, zoom back up again,
Graph the thing,(Morgan Poll), using two old inches per 5% movement and compress the time-line into a quarter inch between each Morgan poll and see what National’s % of the polling does,
It all looks like the Rickety Scale did during the worst episodes of the Christchurch earthquakes…
Good points, Bad. One of the reasons I think the RM is the only trustworthy poll is exactly that ‘rickety scale’. Their regular polling, and good systems (landline and mobiles, for starters) means they do pick up the fortnight to fortnight shifts in public opinion. Ok, sometimes the movement is negligible and sometimes its seismic, but RM seem to reflect reality more than the self perpetuating and self serving efforts from the others. They’ve also got their heads around MMP of late and also have graphs showing the left/right blocs, which tell the truer picture of where things are at.
My rolling average of the last 5 Roy Morgans has Lab/Gr 41.5% Nats 47.7%
With IMP now polling 2.5% (3 seats) it’s all on.
That is useful thanks Bearded one. Shows consistency at least by Morgan.
4% for InternetMana at the election with some smart advertising, Probable, 5% unlikely but not impossible,
Don’t be surprised if 5%+ is the result…
I’m picking 3.5% to 4.0% i.e. 6 MPs or so
Nats down 3 points on previous RM, combined Lab+Green support up 2.
Compared to the latest Fairfax-Ipsos released on the same day…
Nukes/Nuke power on the agenda again.
In theory Kerry will not be pushing for Nukes in NZ since he says
NZ is all right next to the ocean & on an earthquake fault -> Nukes right out of the question for us. (likewise he should be advocating for Japan to shut down all its Nuke plants)
But years ago our Electricity generators ruled out Nuke as vastly too expensive anyway so if there is suddenly a push for it, its coming from nutty people who have no clue of the actual costs.
Chances of Key authorising Nuke ship visits if in power next time?
I mean, ships hardly ever run into rocks near NZ & certainly not Navy ships, besides if the worst happened we could always tow the bit left after the front fell off out of the Environment & everything will be just fine.
Edit: also a lie.
Not including bombs dropped I count 7 Naval specific accidents, 228 dead Sub crewmen.
Nuclear powered ships are allowed in NZ, just not nuclear weapons. IIRC.
The Nuclear Free legislation prohibits both, I believe.
They’ve lost a few too.
The loss of an atom bomb is not as rare an occurrence as one would hope. “The American Defense Department has confirmed the loss of 11 atomic bombs,” says Otfried Nassauer, an expert on nuclear armament and the director of the Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security. “It is believed that up to 50 nuclear weapons worldwide were lost during the Cold War.”
Yep, lots of bombs dropped in the water from planes in that list.
Not to mention all the testing at Bikini.
Bombs, Powered Ships but also Ships & Planes that may be carrying Nukes.
For all their bitching about this policy, the US apparently did provide assurance that their military transport planes flying to Antarctica via CHCH do not carry Nukes.
Apparently Nuke Tomahawk was retired last year & all other non-strategic Nukes have been retired for some time.
With only Strategic Nukes ie SLBMs, ICBMs & air-launched Nukes left, about 250 US Navy ships other than the Subs & Carriers comply so could be allowed to visit without any problem.
Also rarely mentioned is its also our ban on Biological Weapons (but not Chemical Weapons), doesn’t actually ban Nuclear Power stations.
While I was grating carrots for the Vegan rissoles…
An interesting snippet from the Mora programme (incidentally usually full of silly old NACT fools like the silly laughy joker Mr Foxy David Slack who wants a hugely more populated New Zealand( but not in Auckland …just huge new cities sited around in places like Gisborne!)…and he wants this huge new population to come especially from China! …and grandparents from China!…But what is this going to do for the environment and scarce ecological and agricultural resources? …let alone health and education for New Zealanders?…and the crisis in housing?! and ….why doesnt Mr Slack go and live in China himself?…ooops he won’t, because he is setting up a DAVID’S PARTY full of Davids …i kid you NOT…now where is Morrissey?! …no wonder i dont listen to this programme)
BUT now for the REAL NEWS!!!:
A journalist following Colin Craig around at a country Field Day ( where incidentally Colin Craig was very popular) ….asked him whether Mr Key was trustworthy and he said “NO!”….My estimation of Mr Craig has gone up!….he also said he could and would work with Labour and the Greens!…..has this man got integrity or what?
Was I hearing correctly ?….this may be one Christian who has got integrity!…in which case good for him! …and the Left should be friendly …if not woo him!
do you live in a very ‘white’ part of nz..?..there..chooky..?
..nelson..?..tauranga..?..anywhere in the sth island..?
that would be telling Mr Ure…i come from Maori sacred taniwha land
incidentally although i am a meat eater i found a very tempting Veganish cookbook…
‘Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cooking ‘ by Shubhra Ramineni….fully of yummy Indian flatbreads, pickles , chutneys, chillies, spices, curries, salads, drinks( oops lassis and chais..not so vegan) etc….with Indian cuisine I could almost be converted… least partially , with many many lapses ….to Veganism…
here ya go chooky..
..i’ll share my gourmet-vegan stash with you…’s all ya need…
thankyou phillip…but i am really only interested in the phillip ure Vegan Sausage
getting back to David Slack’s setting up of a ‘David’s Party’
…..will it have the Star of David as its flag?
….and as he is so keen on increasing NZ’s population hugely……will he be advocating open immigration for all Davids?
…in which case God help us!!!!…we dont need that sort of trouble!
Electric bus can be charged in just 15 seconds. Although I suspect it’s probably more of the bus getting a full charge before leaving the station and then getting top up charges at dedicated bus stops. Still, would be far cheaper to install and run this system than trolley buses.
I’m fine with it as long as the batteries last at least 5 years.
Properly looked after they should last ten or more. Of course, no one seems to be able to look after batteries any more.
Because Shearer was a green wet behind the ears backbencher still figuring out the rules of the House and how to look at a camera properly.
Labour still has a few minor issues though. Like a caucus thinking that the Third Way is still in vogue.
“Labour still has a few minor issues though”
Yeah that stuff 😀
Seriously, CV? I doubt if there’s any Labour MP that would call themselves Blairite these days. A bit turn of the century, isn’t it? I think the problem may be that a few have no idea what they stand for at all.
I tell you what, while I’m OK with the process of selecting candidates, we probably need to look at term limits and proper succession planning. And if we don’t get over the line this election, the next stage of the rejuvenation of the party better be more direct and meaningful membership say on election policy. Bugger focus groups, we need to crowd source good answers to the issues that matter to Kiwis.
And if we don’t get over the line this election, the next stage of the rejuvenation of the party better be more direct and meaningful membership say on election policy. Bugger focus groups, we need to crowd source good answers to the issues that matter to Kiwis.
I like that.
Nice one DTB
Third Way =! Blairite.
Like fucking UK Labour, about to cut the benefit to the young unemployed and boasting how many million quid it’ll save. It’s pragamatic centrism which will appeal to the comfortable middle classes don’t you know.
What is wrong with these bleeding useless Labour Parties world wide.
So the poll well started after the Harre joined the IMP and had John Banks decision in the early part of the sample period.
The expected falling back of National and rise back to normal of the Greens. No real advance by Labour. No particular minor party action.
I don’t like the long-term trend this year for Labour. However the Nats must be really worried about their disappearing coalition partners and that they can’t capture ALL of their support. They are simply not rising far enough.
Yes but this poll also won’t have any of the Liu issue for Labour as well so I’m guessing the next roy morgan poll (not even going to bother mentioning every other poll) that comes out will be even worse for Labour
It will be interesting. However I’m picking that won’t have too much effect on the polls. I think that much of this poll and the last one are still related to the budget in mid-May. So I’d be picking Labour to remain flattish, and the Nats to keep dropping, with a increasing pickup into the undecided and NZF/Green.
The problem for National with this Liu stuff is that it feeds well into their existing base, but after a few days when people digest it will have little impact on the Labour vote.
The biggest impact would probably be with the Labours use of the Liu Williamson revelations. However I think that has proven to be a bit of a dog anyway. The main effect has been to make National MPs to feel uncomfortable
mana/internet 2.5%..and they haven’t even started campaigning..
..and no poll ratings yet for the a.r.p..?..
..the animal-rights-party..?
What Piketty Forgot: The Crisis of Capitalism Isn’t Just about Inequality
The big issue, the one that the politicians refuse to address, is that our present use of resources is unsustainable.
Anyone else see Cunliffe in Question Time?
He showed some good mongrel spirit!
You mean this?
Well, Cunliffe showed he will front foot attacks on him, and not be undermined. As for Bill English talking about Cunliffe’s lack of credibility…. !??!!
And really claiming Cunliffe deliberately tried to cover up having known Liu….. English and the rest of the right really are stretching credibility.
“English and the rest of the right really are stretching credibility”.
putting it very mildly…..
Yep that’s it. Cool strategy from DC.
He knew Blinglish wouldn’t be able to help but mention the Donghua letter and that just widened the scope of the questioning which allowed DC to ask supplementary questions about John Key’s knowledge of said letter, weeks in advance.
He had the buggers on the hop! Patriarch Brownlee had to jump in quite a few times to help out the dipshit from dipton.
Barbeque at Grant Robertson’s 2pm Sunday BYO