Open mike 20/08/2014

Written By: - Date published: 6:20 am, August 20th, 2014 - 235 comments
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235 comments on “Open mike 20/08/2014 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    Campbell live had an amusing visit to Papakura last night and used blue whale Lillie’s to gauge support for the candidates. Labour’s Jerome Mika trounced Judith Collins. The media is full of negative comments about Collins. She won the seat last time by 9,800 and Mika is working very hard and is an effective campaigner. Papakura could be a seat to watch on election night.

    • Tracey 1.1

      I was driving to waiuku on sunday and between drury and waiuku we counted 12 national billboards and one ACT. Is that in papakura electorate? Anyway, if south auckland can be labelled as a single type (and it cant) , and that type has morality high on its scale, then national must be in trouble. I do wonder at the rural community stickly so steadfastly with national though…

      It is one thing for many in the electorate to have believed the bank rolled strategy to dupe them BUT once you know they duped you if you still vote for them you damage everyone.

      Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

      • Molly 1.1.1

        Hunua electorate – current MP Dr Paul Hutchinson.

        Very true-blue electorate. Key can do no wrong.

        • Tracey

          Thanks molly. Seems a waste of money on the billboards

          • ScottGN

            Talking about billboards – there’s not one Green Party billboard in Queenstown that I have seen. Come on Green Party! I know we’re in one of the most conservative electorates in the country but I’d wager there’s a decent chunk of Green Party support in the Southern Lakes area, after all loads of people here rely on our environment to make a living.
            I’m pleased though that there lots of Labour billboards and they aren’t getting trashed either.
            Unlike the National ones. Over near the airport in Frankton Mr Key is sporting a set of devil-horns and a big fat $ sign on his forehead and the silly little Todd Barclay ones they deliberately stick right in front of Liz Craig’s Labour billboards are routinely getting kicked over.

            • Tracey

              Intetesting cos the Greens are billboarding Epsom.

              On one corner all but ACTs signs are down.

              I wonder if any have been changed to

              Working for cameron slater

            • karol

              Why not contact your local branch and offer to help put up billboards?

              In Auckland billboards are being put up with a lot of volunteer support. A lot depends on the amount of local volunteers available. Sitting on the sidelines and criticising is not how it gets done.

              • ScottGN

                I wasn’t being critical karol – it was an observation really. The lack of any Green Party presence (so far) in Queenstown surprises me a bit since I reckon they could do quite well here.

            • outofbed

              If you want some GP billboards to put up

    • Enough is Enough 1.2

      Wishful thinking.

      Collins hasn’t changed her stripes. This is just confirmation of what she is like. Unfortunately there is a large amount of people out there who like her ‘crusher’ tactics.

  2. Alistair Connor 2

    Just looking at the Electoral Consortium stuff just put on line :

    There is a striking “bulge” in National’s electoral support in the 50 to 64 age bracket, and the profile is very different from 2011 :

    Percentage of population by age bracket supporting National December 2011
    18 to 24 – 38.4%
    25 to 34 – 36.2%
    35 to 49 – 46.7%
    50 to 64 – 38.9%
    65 plus – 44.4%

    Percentage of population by age bracket supporting National July 2014
    18 to 24 – 25.8%
    25 to 34 – 32.9%
    35 to 49 – 42.2%
    50 to 64 – 51.2%
    65 over – 44.6%

    Two remarks
    1) that’s a large constituency of people of roughly JK’s age who are fairly apolitical and identify with him (nice guy, winner)
    2) They are National’s “soft underbelly”… (sorry, couldn’t resist)
    Watch this demographic as the election approaches!

    • crocodill 2.1

      “…that’s a large constituency of people of roughly JK’s age who are fairly apolitical and identify with him (nice guy, winner)…”

      nice guy, winner…? oh right you mean hateful parasite.

      I see you’ve located “middle NZ”. Ahh yes, middle New Zealand, if only the world could be run by them, huh? Labour should totally try to attract those people. Oh wait, they are. Middle New Zealand, so balanced and reasonable and empathetic and aware of the consequences to their ambitions. Middle New Zealand, they’re “apolitical”. They don’t vote often, but when they do, they vote right.

    • Tracey 2.2

      Interesting observation. Thanks. Is that the group that has gained more under National or who havent but blindly believe they are “nearly there”?

      • Puddleglum 2.2.1

        They’re also the part of the population approaching retirement age – or it’s on their medium-term horizon.

        • Tracey


        • karol

          True. But it’s also the same group that made a slightly smaller bulge in 2011. As the 65+ group’s %age hasn’t changed, and the 35-49%age has dropped, I’d guess that the big support is coming from those nearer 50 than those about to hit retirement age: ie as crododill says – those around JK’s age.

          • Puddleglum

            Only the 47, 48 and 49 year olds in the 2011 35-49 year group would now be in the 50-64 year group so I’m not sure that, on their own, they could ‘transfer’ the bulge from the 35-49 group in 2011 to the 50-64 group in 2014, especially given that the bulge is rather larger this time.

            Having said that, I’m sure those born around the same time as John Key are more likely to have imbibed a similar approach to life as he apparently has.

    • Pasupial 2.3

      I’m a bit suspicious of the NZEDC due to; my general scepticism regarding polls, and particularly; the inclusion of iPredict and Exceltium (Hooton). Also, I have seen the numbers bounce around a fair bit overnight – when I looked last night via Scoop it had the Nats at 50 seats, now (12 hours later) they’re at 53.

      But they do have this Labour demographic data to contrast against the National numbers that A Connor reproduces:

      July 2014 support across population by age bracket

      27.2% of 18 to 24
      21.8% of 25 to 34
      20.7% of 35 to 49
      21% of 50 to 64
      24.8% of 65 and over

      2011 support across population by age bracket

      25.3% of 18 to 24
      24.8% of 25 to 34
      23.5% of 35 to 49
      23.8% of 50 to 64
      23.1% of 65 and over

    • Murray Olsen 2.4

      I wonder if that’s people worrying about waiting for super. I’m 58 and I have to think about it, although I don’t let the raising of the age make me vote NAct. I still think it’s just about the worst policy Labour could have come up with.

  3. Saarbo 3

    In regard to Nationals new TV advertisement, did National think about the fact that:
    Rowing Skiffs are tippy and lightweight, they kind of reflect our economy.
    Opposition are in a safe lifeboat probably unsinkable….interesting

    • karol 3.1

      And let’s hope the skiff’s don’t tip over, because under National the river won’t be swimable.

    • Ennui 3.2

      I was somewhat worried that the oldies in the boat might have a Whale come up underneath them.

        • Ennui

          Actually Phil, I reckon Whale is the wrong name for the scumball in question. I would suggest that Hagfish might be better, given the amount of slime they generate, but hey, its not nice to insult the humble hagfish with comparison.

    • Murray Olsen 3.3

      Labour needs to get an ad out quickly with a waka powered by proud working class Kiwis. Something local rather than something harking back to Oxbridge. Rowing is not quite as elite as polo, but it comes close.

  4. ScottGN 4

    According to Vernon Small on Stuff:

    “Collins’ woes and the fallout from Nicky Hager’s book Dirty Politics again dominated the campaign yesterday but National is hoping to move the debate on to its positive election message today with the release of its first campaign advertisement.”

    Yeah Right! The stink of desperation is getting unbearable.

    • Kiwiri 4.1

      “stink of desperation is getting unbearable”, that would be right.
      collins, the corpse flower.
      and withering under the glare of media.

  5. Tautoko Viper 5

    I hope the media get around to asking questions of those Nat MPs who employed Slater and Lusk to eliminate their opposition in the National Party candidate selection
    processes. Mandy Hager makes the point:

    “Where has been the discussion on the truly ghastly chapter about rigging candidate selection in order to bring in chosen far-right candidates? This has HUGE implications for our future – and people have a right to know who they are voting for and how they got to be there.”

    • Tracey 5.1

      Oh you mean undermining democracy¿ apparently everyones doing it.

      NOT a peep k from societys so called conscience, the colin craig parry

      • You_Fool 5.1.1

        Actually, Colin should speak up, possibly a good chance to snatch up a good % of the vote, sure he is eating his masters, but you would think the powers that be would want that, as at least it wasn’t going left or to the great unknown, Winston. You would think that ACT would speak up too, personal responsibility and all…

      • yeshe 5.1.2

        and Christine Rankin didn’t make it the multi party meeting in Epsom last night .. very odd and missing in action …

      • Draco T Bastard 5.1.3

        I’m reasonably certain that CC wouldn’t know what a conscience was if it bit him. It’s why he has to go to a book to know the difference between right and wrong and he still gets it wrong.

  6. Morrissey 6

    The attacks on Julian Assange are as cruel and depraved as ever
    Al Jazeera, TV3, ITV and Radio NZ are as reliable as the Soviet news agency Tass

    In Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, Franco’s Spain, apartheid South Africa and many other brutal regimes of the past, truth-tellers were hounded mercilessly. “Reporters” for newspapers, radio and television rarely even pretended to be honest or impartial, and functioned as simply an extra arm of the state. Citizens who dared to speak out against state crimes were smeared—one of the favorites in Russia was and continues to be trumped-up sex charges—and harried into exile.

    Stalin, Mao, Franco, Vorster et al. are all dead now, but their doleful legacy lives on. The mainstream media in New Zealand, just as their equivalents overseas, continue to parrot state propaganda, “to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable”. As you read the following transcripts of what is nothing more than systematic character assassination, note the way these de facto state servants utter snide speculations about the dissident’s health and “what’s going on inside his mind”. That’s straight out of the Soviet playbook. Note also the ongoing gag about how “blond” the victim is; Cameron Slater’s friend David Farrar is as amused by it as Paul Henry is…

    Attack No. 1…..
    The Paul Henry Show, TV3, Monday 18 August 2014

    PAUL HENRY: This was an interesting move by Julian Assange. I have a word for Assange: “scurvy”. [snort] Ha ha ha!
    JANIKA TER ELLEN: It’s a sunlight problem. He doesn’t get enough sunlight in the Ecuadorian Embassy.
    PAUL HENRY: Well, he’s gone VERY blond! He he he he he he! It’s like being in a prison. I wouldn’t do the press conference thing like him. I’d just … walk out!
    JANIKA TER ELLEN: He’d be arrested wouldn’t he! By the Swedish police.
    PAUL HENRY: No they’d just say, “Who’s that? Shit, it can’t be him!” The alternative is going to the United States and having your fingernails pulled out. …[pause]… He he he he he he! And hooked up to a generator. He he he he he!
    JANIKA TER ELLEN: [dubiously] Mmmmmm….
    PAUL HENRY: We shouldn’t make light of him.
    JANIKA TER ELLEN: [giggling] YOU shouldn’t make light of him!

    Attack No. 2….
    Al Jazeera News, 11 p.m. (New Zealand time), Monday 18 August 2014

    Laurence Lee interviews Wikileaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson in front of the Ecuadorian Embassy.
    LAURENCE LEE: Now I just want to see what’s going on inside Julian Assange’s mind…

    The ticker tape at the bottom of the screen reads: “ASSANGE IS WANTED FOR EXTRADITION TO SWEDEN TO FACE SEX ALLEGATIONS.”

    Al Jazeera—which is, let us not forget, Qatar State Television—has consistently repeated the U.S.-U.K. line against Julian Assange. Its reporters and editors have never, to my knowledge, been permitted to utter a word of support for him. This ideological subservience contrasts starkly with their no-nonsense statements about the Egyptian junta’s jailing of three Al Jazeera reporters. In respect to its own persecuted reporters, Al Jazeera refuses to pretend the Egyptian government’s case against them has any substance, and routinely denounces their imprisonment as a travesty of justice.

    Attack No. 3….
    Firstline, TV3, 7a.m. news, Tuesday 19 August 2014
    This time, instead of someone from the TV3 stable wielding the machete, it’s an absurdly biased “report” from ITV. The English reporter, whoever he is, displays the same contempt for Assange and for the viewers as Paul Henry did the night before….

    ITV reporter: “Soon” in Wikispeak does not mean “imminent”, but “when we get what we want”…Julian Assange and his acolytes… So once again, Julian Assange has got the world’s media to turn up here and plead his case… He’s still holed up here. Meanwhile, the British taxpayer has paid seven million dollars and rising to make sure he doesn’t abscond.

    Attack No. 4….
    The Panel, Radio NZ National, Tuesday 19 August 2014
    Jim Mora, David Farrar, Chris Wikaira, Zara Potts

    JIM MORA: Two minutes to five. Not much time left to discuss a couple of things. Uh, Julian Assange. The press conference at the Ecuadorian Embassy. He’s leaving, weee-e-e-e-lll, n-n-nnot really, well not right now. What do you think is happening here? Do you think the Ecuadorians are getting a bit antsy and he’s making noises to placate them? What’s YOUR analysis?

    …[A brief pause while the Panelists ponder deeply]…

    CHRIS WIKAIRA: Sounds like he might’ve outstayed his welcome!
    MORA: What do YOU think, David?
    DAVID FARRAR: I’m not sure that’s the case, because, look, they’ve taken heat for having him there. And they’ve already taken that heat. Britain, Sweden, others are very annoyed with them for that. Kicking him out now won’t really restore them into the good graces. What it seems is there’s a mix of things. He seems to have health issues and you don’t really get good health care in an embassy. And he seems to be relying on a European Court ruling that he seems to think might be of benefit to him. And let’s be blunt here: it can’t be much fun in an embassy.
    MORA: No. And he’s very short of Vitamin D. You’d think there’d be a courtyard where he’d get some sun of an afternoon wouldn’t you. Cos he’s appeared on a balcony before, when he’s made his semi-papal appearances. Hasn’t he.
    Well he IS very blond! So, ha ha, maybe he’s not one that can handle the sun too much.

    David Farrar, Chris Wikaira, Jim Mora, Laurence Lee, Paul Henry and the “reporter” from ITV did not mention why the British and U.S. regimes are so hellbent on exacting vengeance on Julian Assange. Here it is once again, in case anyone has forgotten….

    • Daveosaurus 6.1

      Rape culture: you’re soaking in it.

    • Paul 6.2

      How does Farrar gets a platform on RNZ after the recent revelations?
      Shame on our public broadcaster.

      • Tiger Mountain 6.2.1

        Well it gets worse–Cactus Odgers and Josie Pagani are replacing Bryce Edwards at the NZ Herald for the election period. Bryce is no great analyst rather a blog link collator in my opinion and quick to deflate Labour when he can. But he is a marxist in comparison to the new pair of right opportunist and far right.

        For “balance” according to the Herald, but appears a blatant attempt to get ACT some presence while Pagani will likely do her best to undermine Labour and left bloc unity.

        • Tracey

          Are you joking?

        • marty mars

          Why anyone would read those two is beyond me – odgers is a disgrace and pagani is a, well, a nobody imo.

          • yeshe

            HERALD HAVE WITHDRAWN CATHY ODGERS ! apparently the story was from two weeks ago, pre-Dirty Politics publication.

            The Herald must be listening !

            Just read it from Bryce Edwards in a comment on Public Address .. see link on right hand side under heading HARD NEWS …

            “And as of a few minutes ago, the Herald’s Shayne Currie has announced: ‘Cathy Odgers has withdrawn’.” Bryce Edwards at about 10.30 am

            • Kiwiri

              NZ Herald have worked out that continuing to keep Cathy Odgers on would be more damaging to themselves, than using Josie Pagani as ‘the Left’ commentator would be to Labour.

              Meanwhile, a non-electorate highly-ranked Labour MP is pushing for a policy that is wrong on so many counts. My heart bleeds.

        • yeshe

          Tracey and Tiger .. should be a joke but it’s true. And Bryce Edwards has gone ..

          Audrey Young in Herald yesterday ..

          @Tracey .. can you advise how we might address Law Society re her activities ?

          • Tracey



            You can complain about lawyers or former lawyers. A former lawyer is someone like me who does not hold a current practsing certificate. You can only call yourself a “lawyer” if you hold a current practising certificate.

            I note your link to chchch lawyers complaining. Of note, to me, is they complain about a street naming NOT her conduct, or Odgers as revealled in recent times.

            Problem is she has not done any of this stuff as a lawyer per se… Possibly personally and possibly as a minister

            • Tracey

              Misconduct defined in relation to lawyer and incorporated law firm

              (1) In this Act, misconduct, in relation to a lawyer or an incorporated law firm,—

              (a) means conduct of the lawyer or incorporated law firm that occurs at a time when he or she or it is providing regulated services and is conduct—

              (i) that would reasonably be regarded by lawyers of good standing as disgraceful or dishonourable; or

              (ii) that consists of a wilful or reckless contravention of any provision of this Act or of any regulations or practice rules made under this Act that apply to the lawyer or incorporated law firm or of any other Act relating to the provision of regulated services; or

              (iii) that consists of a wilful or reckless failure on the part of the lawyer, or, in the case of an incorporated law firm, on the part of a lawyer who is actively involved in the provision by the incorporated law firm of regulated services, to comply with a condition or restriction to which a practising certificate held by the lawyer, or the lawyer so actively involved, is subject; or

              (iv) that consists of the charging of grossly excessive costs for legal work carried out by the lawyer or incorporated law firm; and

              (b) includes—

              (i) conduct of the lawyer or incorporated law firm that is misconduct under subsection (2) or subsection (3); and

              (ii) conduct of the lawyer or incorporated law firm which is unconnected with the provision of regulated services by the lawyer or incorporated law firm but which would justify a finding that the lawyer or incorporated law firm is not a fit and proper person or is otherwise unsuited to engage in practice as a lawyer or an incorporated law firm.

              Problem is she is not doing this dirty stuff as part of regulated services of lawyer, or giving legal advice.

              Her boss should be the one sanctioning. As minister of justice i believe she is responsible for tge Act governing the law society

            • yeshe

              Thanks Tracey .. is it worth noting she used her JudithCollinsLaw email address with Pleasants’ details for WO .. wondering does that mean she did it as a lawyer ?

              and to Collins being her governing ‘boss’ …. oh dear.

              • McFlock

                “conduct of the lawyer or incorporated law firm which is unconnected with the provision of regulated services by the lawyer or incorporated law firm but which would justify a finding that the lawyer or incorporated law firm is not a fit and proper person or is otherwise unsuited to engage in practice as a lawyer or an incorporated law firm.”

          • freedom

            Hi yeshe,
            just a heads up that your link goes to an article from July 28

            • yeshe

              thx freedom .. the link date seems odd and wrong … I read the story only yesterday, so it is current …. the link will take you through to yesterday’s story.

              • freedom

                The linked to article I see, is “Audrey Young: Policies and people all part of campaign” published July 28 when Audrey Young introduced the “Herald team @nzhpolitics” and discussed, amongst other things, how there was still three days left before parliament rises thus verifying the article’s date of July 28 as correct. Am I missing something ?

                • yeshe

                  freedom .. seemsthe date is correct, but maybe re-published yesterday… actually I have no idea ! But big news right now is Herald has Cathy Odgers announced as withdrawn from the team !

                  Click on HARD NEWS by Public Address on right hand links and scroll thru to comment by Bryce Edwards who states it …

                  “And as of a few minutes ago, the Herald’s Shayne Currie has announced: ‘Cathy Odgers has withdrawn’ ” by Bryce Edwards at about 10.30 am

                  • freedom

                    thanks yeshe, wasn’t having a dig, just wanted to confirm the article was the same one you were referring to …

                    excellent news about uprooting the cactus

                    • yeshe

                      didn’t think you were having a dig at all … it’s very odd re the date ! and uprooting the cactus .. a lovely turn of phrase 🙂

          • just saying

            They’ve taken a bit of a hit from the fallout of ‘dirty politics’ but it seems the (media) empire is striking back. The weakest link who isn’t even from the left versus the sharpest knife in Slater’s cesspool.

            That’ll make for really balanced and accurate commentating in the run-up to the election.

            Has there been any reason given for Helen Kelly being replaced on ‘The Nation’ at the last minute by Pagani in the immediate fallout of the book. Is intelligent left-wing analysis surplus to requirements in an emergency?

      • tc 6.2.2

        Its not a public broadcaster its nationals broadcaster like tvnz, toe the line or be shown the door.

      • phillip ure 6.2.3

        @ paul..that was a bit of a shocker..

        ..he was just given a platform upon which to spin his little heart out..

        ..why didn’t mora ask him about the ‘princess-parties’…

        “..The Young Nationals women were described as ‘retards’..

        ..and ‘just dirty girls who flip it up’..”

        ..farrar does this washing-of-his-hands of that far-right vileness uttered by that far-right scum…

        ..and that is utter bullshit.. on his blog..since forever..he has given the worst of them their head…

        ..they can say whatever they want..encouraged on by the urgings of the other denizens..and the non-demurring of their host..farrar..

        (and of course he has done ‘tricks’ like having a fake benificiary (maori..of course..!..)..tania heke was the name she was given..(oh..! they must have laughed..! up that little ‘wheeze’..)..

        ..this fake maori benificiary posted how she and her other benificiaries got drunk in the mornings/ate takeaway pizza..and laughed openly at their ‘mug’ they drove off to work..

        farrar posted this pack of lies on his site..

        ..this fake persona just feeding all those poor-hating sentiments/prejudices of the bottom-feeders that are farrars’-people..

        ..yellow-hate-journalism of the very worst sort…

        ..this toxic-poison/pus running thru/bursting like a lanced-boil from the national as much down to it is to the other major players..(his furious public-handwashing/wringing notwithstanding..)

        ..but wd mora ever call him out on all that evil-shit..?

        ..hell no..!

        ..and look..!..there’s jordan williams..!..that other dirty-politics/mora-panel-person..

    • Te Reo Putake 6.3

      I’m starting to feel sorry for Assange. All he did was little light raping and then run away and hide when the heat came on. Can’t we just move on? I’ve written to the Pope asking that he be made a saint. Ok, Assange isn’t a Catholic and nor am I, but I can’t help thinking it would bring some much needed sunshine into Julian’s life. Bless.

      • tricledrown 6.3.1


      • Morrissey 6.3.2

        I’m starting to feel sorry for Assange. All he did was little light raping and then run away and hide when the heat came on.

        No he did not. You are simply repeating official lies. I have refuted you over this so many times in the past that it’s redundant to administer yet another ass-kicking this time. (It’s your lucky day, Te Reo!)

        Can’t we just move on? I’ve written to the Pope asking that he be made a saint. Ok, Assange isn’t a Catholic and nor am I, but I can’t help thinking it would bring some much needed sunshine into Julian’s life. Bless.

        That was funny.


    • Simon 6.4

      Sober commentators at the time of Franco knew what was going on.Republican papers continued to
      be published in Madrid,in Valencia,and in Barcelona.
      The trouble was practically all of the diplomatic elite in Spanish Embassies around Europe were pro-Franco.So humanitarian enquiries were easily brushed away and quickly forgotten.

  7. crocodill 7

    MetService weather forecast for Auckland today:

    “Showers, frequent with chance of thunder from PM.”

  8. kenny 8

    John Key lies.

    John Key is a liar.

    Don’t forget it. Ever.

  9. Rich 9

    Yes well I’m going to point out today the record on the Companies Office for John Key as a Director, here

    13 Companies in total that he was the Director of. For 11 of those companies he resigned as Director on 20th March 1995, and 10 of those companies have since been struck off. Of the remaining 3 companies 1 more has also been struck off, leaving 2/13 companies still going.

  10. Tracey 10

    Jason Ede was last seen entering the Beehive with a security card. Anyone seen him come out?

    Slaters outburst on gives even more insight into Slater, imo. Anyone who thinks Slater does not have some pretty big underlying “issues” is kidding themselves. Apart from anything else, is this who he wants to present to his kids? I dont know how old they are, but this stuff doesnt stay secret.

  11. Tracey 11

    National might be working for nz, but minister collins is too busy doing other things

      • yeshe 11.1.1

        the comments are worth a moment or two as well !! Folks is not happy with Crusher Coldslaw !

        • phillip ure

          a recent txt-poll had 73% for collins to be fired…

          ..i really can’t see key lugging this rotting albatross around his neck..all the way up to the election..

          ..collins’-futures are dropping in we speak..

          ..with the common-refrain now being:.’gee..!..collns must have something serious on key…for him not to have fired her yet’..

          ..this must be telling key he has to move..and soon…

 wd expect huge-promises re post-parliament life are being made to we speak..

          ..she who wd have been prime her own mind..

          ..(and guess who can barely keep from grinning at her the background..?..bennet and joyce..of course..!..being just two in national who will be happy to see collins being showen the door..)

  12. politikiwi 12

    I have to wonder whether the whole Key / Collins business is a total stalemate: Key knows what Collins and Slater are capable of. If he cuts her loose now, she might have the ability to totally humiliate him and drag him even further into the pit of depravity she and Slater inhabit, which will destroy his brand (which is all National have to win the election).

    At the same time, National know they can’t win without Key (who will they get to front the election? Steven Joyce??). So the calculation for them might be purely about their best chance at holding on to power: Having Collins around damages the credibility of National, but they can still win the election with her on board. If they sack her and she fingers Key as being a part of this whole thing, they have no chance of winning the election.

    Tories will do anything to hang on to power, no matter how dumb they might look in the process.

    • wyndham 12.1


      At the same time, National know they can’t win without Key (who will they get to front the election? Steven Joyce??).

      Anyone seen / heard from Joyce lately ?

      • politikiwi 12.1.1

        He fronted interviews on the day after Dirty Politics was released. I haven’t heard anything more from him since, it’s all been Key.

    • Kiwiri 12.2

      Key is intimately wedded to this Lady Macbeth of Dirty Politics. He is desperately keeping her on or he will go down too.

    • Bearded Git 12.3

      @ politikiwi-they are throwing Collins to the wolves-she is the scapegoat so that Key can appear Persil White. Even Claire Robinson is on-message today on MR saying Collins should resign.

      While Collins must go, Key is up to his neck in the Whale Oil slime at least as much as Collins.

      Ede needs to be outed on the MSM.

      • politikiwi 12.3.1

        For Key to appear clean he’d have to agree that her conduct is unbecoming of a Minister and sack her.

        He hasn’t done that, so either he thinks what she did was OK (and the guy is more than likely a psychopath so that might be case) or he knows sacking her will drag him down even further.

        And this whole defence of “she only provided his title, not his name” is total bollocks. Even if that’s true, she still knew what the information was going to be used for. If you read the book it’s clear that Collins and Slater share a mean streak and she knew full well what he was going to do with the information.

        Collins is as nasty as Slater, and Key has no politically viable option but to sack her. If he doesn’t, then this rabbit hole is much deeper than it looks

  13. Sanctuary 13

    I am not sure if this has been linked to before –

    It is a long, largely sympathetic and quite thought provoking piece on Kim Dotcom. It might even be worth a proper blog entry of it’s own on this site to bring it to a wider audience.

    Interesting as it is, it was a comment in the comments section that stopped me –

    “It wasn’t the biggest raid in NZ. That was in the Ureweras; another almighty cock up by our boys in blue. “Incompetent” doesn’t begin to describe the NZ police.
    And there is a load of corruption in NZ. Just not the brown envelope under the table type. More of a nod and a wink variety.”

    Yeah, by any measure our police ARE incompetent. So why isn’t anyone doing anything about even suggesting they need an overhaul and a kick up the backside?

    • Tracey 13.1

      Remind me who our last four ministers of police were. There may be a clue.

    • Rich 13.2

      Great article. Had to go to a leftish British newspaper to get it though, here most of his press seems to be negative.

      I have to say too, after many years away, that the journalists here are not exactly attack dogs.

    • i understand it was up on whoar back on the 18th..


      “..His father was an alcoholic and he and his mother were both beaten and abused.

      To this day he says he can’t bear to see a man display any sort of violence to a woman.

      ‘And I’ve never drunk a drop of alcohol. I’ve never wanted to know if that was in me’..”

  14. fambo 14

    Good news for Labour in the Wairarapa electorate. Ron Mark has announced he is standing for NZ First. The Carterton mayor is pretty popular amongst some quarters in the electorate and is certain to take away a few thousand votes from the National candidate Alaister Scott who isn’t running a particularly strong campaign. Most of Mark’s votes will come from erstwhile National voters which should greatly increase Keiran McAnulty’s chances of winning the electorate for Labour

    • Tracey 14.1


      Anyone else wondering if nationals candidate for palmerston north is a product of tge lusk/slater strategy, or is he too old?

      • Te Reo Putake 14.1.1

        The candidate, Jono Naylor, is a liberal(ish) christian who has been a tad underwhelming as mayor for the last few years. He has name recognition and a small but helpful boundary change in his favour, but Iain Lees-Galloway has been a good MP and he has a very effective campaign team around him.

        The one odd thing I hear about Naylor is the rumour that he donated to Labour at the last election. If so, his candidature might be a case of mutual dead rat swallowing.

      • yeshe 14.1.2

        I wondered same, but for sure the two very young tobacco boys must be .. Clutha/Southland and Hutt South. Questions need to be asked. Also I think Rodney voters need to ask meaningful questions now of how Mark Mitchell got the nomination. ( And why are the losers in Rodney nominations not complaining ?)

        I tell myself it is all taking time … took the Herald a week to verify the veracity of Whaledump .. I have to trust there are machinations everywhere.

        • bad politics

          “I tell myself it is all taking time … took the Herald a week to verify the veracity of Whaledump .. I have to trust there are machinations everywhere.” Exactly how I feel!

    • Bearded Git 14.2

      @fambo. While I accept that having a good local MP is nice, and at the risk of sounding boring, it is worth repeating that it is the PARTY VOTE that really matters.

  15. Tracey 15

    if any journalist whi isnt cowering under pressure from slates dirt, or whose editor isnt cowering under fear such dirt, please ask MrKey

    “Given you wont dismiss ms collins for lying about aspects of her trip to china, appointing mr bhatnagar to a paying directorship, giving personal details of a public servant to a viscious blogger, does this mean you consider the cabinet manual a worthless joke of a guide?”

    Oh, and let people know the cabinet manual requires the highest ethical standards, cos the public wouldnt have any reasonto think such a requirement exists under this PM.

    If he blusters, tell him policy is made and implemented by CMinisters, so people deserve to know who is trustworthy.

    And when he blusters again, put his 2008 lecture to helen clark to him.

    I wont hold my breath

  16. yeshe 16

    delicious encapsulating cartoon this morning in Herald …

  17. aj 17

    Proverbs 22:8 8 Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end.” (Whaledump)

    Campbell Live last night had a segment about the tragedy the hit that family on the West Coast, which Slater described as ‘feral’
    It was mentioned that the son that died in the crash was an IT student and it left me wondering if some of his IT mates are the ones who hacked Slater and are now putting the boot into him.
    It ties in well – the family has a tragic history of young sons dying (including one at Pike river) and I would salute anyone who is seeking specific revenge on that repulsive person.

    • Tracey 17.1

      The hacker has said it is not politically motivated

    • ianmac 17.2

      Somehow Slater has left many with the impression that the family was wild and ummm “feral.” This excellent piece totally undid that impression and the father was a sad credible man who had lost 4 sons through a series of tragic accidents. The final death was Judd, a young man who was studying IT and had a steady job. He was the back seat passenger in a car driven by a drunk friend.
      The first item in:

      • vto 17.2.1

        That sort of impression ianmac will only be made on people who live in a bubble

        unfortunately that is probably an awful lot of people

      • yeshe 17.2.2

        And the death of their son lost just before Judd was in Pike River mine explosions, where his father also worked but had some time off. It is an almost incomprehensible series of tragic events in just one family. The mother’s anger and despair in her phone calls to Slater are to be understood and forgiven in the ugly circumstances imho.

        But, according to Nicky Hager in DP, Key and Slater commiserated in very ugly terms about how the mother had addressed Key at a Pike River meeting.

        But why on earth did Slater single out this young man’s death and call him ‘a feral’ in the very first place ? Why was it important to Slater ? Makes no sense to me at all as he seems not to be random in anything he does ?

    • vto 17.3

      Those who know families such as the Halls on the West Coast, and know families like Slaters and Keys, know full well where the higher qualities of humanity lie … there aint no doubt about it

      always so
      always been so

  18. Bearded Git 18

    The government admits it is using ACC levies to fiddle the books. This is dumb. ACC levies should be set at the level needed to sustain the ACC scheme. General taxation (Income/Company/GST) should be used to achieve the the desired budget outcome.

    The Herald explains it here:

    “It is not to the Government’s credit that the $297 million surplus has been achieved by denying workers and employers a cut in accident compensation levies. ACC minister Judith Collins has admitted the reason the Government has ignored ACC’s recommendation for bigger cuts for the third year running was, “because we need to get to surplus.”

    The whole article is here:

    Another Minister (soon to be ex-minister) Collins screw up, though probably under instructions from the devious Bill English.

    • Draco T Bastard 18.1

      Fiscal rectitude and false books

      Assuming of course that they aren’t dealt a BNZ-scale surprise by National fiddling the books. Campbell Live reported last night that EQC had failed to file financial projections for next year (in violation of the Crown Entities Act), and that this could have a significant effect on the government’s balance-sheet. No-one from the government would front up to explain this, which suggests they’re hiding something (namely, a billion dollar budget hole). Meanwhile, the government published its Pre-Election Fiscal Update, showing they’d meet their surplus target. But given the government’s refusal to front on the EQC news, I’m not sure that we can trust it.

      National seems to be trying to find any way to show a surplus – especially when it’s unlikely that there’ll be one.

  19. Enough is Enough 19

    What has happened to Roy Morgan…There hasn’t been a poll published for coming up 3 weeks.

    • alwyn 19.1

      Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.
      There is a new Roy Morgan poll out (The usual favourite of this website).
      The last one they had appears to have been a rogue.
      Todays figures were
      National 48% (Plus 2)
      Labour 27.5% (Down 2.5)
      Green 11.5% (Down 0.5
      New Zealand First 6.5% (Plus 1.5)
      All together now
      Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn

      • McFlock 19.1.1

        no, it means that the one at 23.5%, which tories loved, was the rogue.

        At this time in 2011, RM was routinely polling national above 50%.
        They got 47%.

        Now national are polling 48%.

        No need for the opposition to panic just yet.

      • wtl 19.1.2

        All those changes compared to the previous Roy Morgan Poll (except maybe NZF) are within the margin of error. So I don’t see how it can mean that the previous poll was a ‘rogue’. You don’t seem to know much about statistics.

        In any case, we are continuing to see polls from different companies conducted over similar periods with differences well outside the margin of error – strongly suggesting that at least some of the polls are biased in some way. Gloating about the results of a single poll is therefore pretty pointless. Let’s just wait for 20 Sept and see the result of the only poll that really matters.

      • Hurley 19.1.3

        Interesting shift to Mr Peters. Looks like he may have benefited from staying out of (not getting caught) Dirty Politics.

  20. North 20

    Cunliffe on TV3’s Firstline this morning……..looking and sounding prime ministerial. In contrast what’s the other guy doing ?

    Night after night now……..shakily flailing away in the increasingly Monty Pythonesque amalgam persona of ‘Emperor-Canute-No-Clothes’.

    While lurking in the shadows ‘The-Vindictive-Bully-Weeping-For-Herself ‘. Whom the guy’s shielding. Is this TheGodKey myth/construct unravelling ?

    The National Party Conference is only a few days off. The faithful inside and outside caucus are gonna be ‘required’ to stamp and cheer, present all adoring. Suspect there’ll be a goodish number whom for their embarrassment simply won’t be able convincingly, or be prepared even, to play that game. Key embraces an arrogant, unrepentant, ‘double-down’ bully ahead of them – ‘them’ being the self-perceived, Bill English personaed, decent, consummately reasonable folk. Not good !

    And when the media rats who’re partially responsible for the remarkable durability of the now choking myth/construct…….when they sniff blood……..well who knows ?

    Will Patrick Gower chase the clucking Bill English and/or weak-link, shitting themselves, List MPs into the dunnies ? If that occurs it’ll be what they DON’T say and how they DON’T say it that’ll be telling……

  21. Tiger Mountain 21

    Uneffingbelievable dept.
    Just as one gets the sniff of a Labour win David Parker gets the firehose out yet again; super age to rise to 67 under Labour. Nats will retain current age.

    a) Yes there is an aging population bubble that must be dealt with, but super is affordable if we want it to be.
    b) Yes, Nats are bullshitting they know a) has to be dealt with they are just not saying so.
    c) For the purposes of winning this election why scare the horses? Surveys show the older bloke sector are bloody touchy about this and are still clinging to Key on it, 1 or 2% in it imo.

    So; is Parker just trying to eager beaver and justify his figures and appear reasonable to soft electors or intentionally putting a passive aggressive spanner in the works?

    • Bearded Git 21.1

      Tiger-you may find, having softened the electorate up last time along with the CGT, that the retirement at 67 issue plays a little better this time around and may even be neutral. It does show that Labour is fiscally responsible.

      Hopefully they will include some flexiblity for manual workers.

      • Tiger Mountain 21.1.1

        Hope you are correct Git, if people flogged out at 60 can get early super or some form of income support not involving third degree from WINZ that is good and needs to be well publicised. If others want to and can work till mid 70s and not pick up full super good on them.

        I am just talking short term electoral tactics.

      • left for dead 21.1.2

        {Hopefully they will include some flexiblity for manual workers.}
        Breaded Git,they have.Go back to when DC was last here at the Standard,he made some good points on that,but,yes it does need to be teesed out a bit more.

      • Colonial Viper 21.1.3

        It does show that Labour is fiscally responsible.

        With all due respect but FUCK OFF

        How is pulling billions of dollars out of communities and keeping people in an excess labour pool where there are not enough jobs to go around “FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE”

        Did Labour’s TV ad not say something about putting people first, instead of putting book keeping entries first?

        Think before repeating neoliberal moneterist bullshit PLEASE

    • crocodill 21.2

      Yeah if Labour want to avoid losing to openly active criminals, really all they need to do is shut the hell up for a few weeks, then rehash the “first 150 days” stuff and nothing more. Unfortunately, someone near the power circle is authorising terribly timed sound-bite media releases that paint Labour as self-sabotaging out-of-touch idiots. And of course the media lap it up. It’d be all good for the Greens etc, if there was any chance of a miracle event where voters actually voted them the leading coalition partner.

    • Kiwiri 21.3

      Really really hate to say this: the Red Team is getting it wrong in terms of the super age rise policy.

      Winston is right:
      – failure to run a sound economy is the problem, not superannuation
      – at 4.1% of GDP, this is way below other countries

      Bill English and Nats win the public argument that they are better financial and political managers as shown by leaving the super age unchanged, while keeping it all fully costed and affordable.

      If Labour is fixated with an argument that something needs to be done to get back into surplus by 2018, or to brag about their fiscal credibility, the super age rise policy is N.O.T. that argument. Find another one.

      If National wants to talk policy and win more votes, this is one of them.

    • Enough is Enough 21.4

      That is why progressive voters must give their party vote to Green.

      This country desperately needs Russell Norman as Finance Minister.

      David Parker represents the status quo. There will be no real change if Parker has control of the cheque book.

      Only a strong Green party can deliver the fairer society we all crave.

      Make sure you vote Green

      • Kiwiri 21.4.1

        Status quo on super age is Nats’, as well as Winston’s, position: no age rise.

        Parker is hardly status quo on the super age. Check out ACT.

        • phillip ure

          parker has also said today that third parties will only have $200 million to carve up between them..(!)

          ..and that if unable to make the supluses they have promised..

          ..that promises made at election time will have to be broken..(he refused to detail which wd go first..)

          ..i am fast coming to the conclusion i wd like the greens to be the biggest party..labour second..and a strong int/mana in third..

          ..give parker the job of hunting down/prosecuting the big tax-dodgers..

          ..set him on the trail of that pile of money ripped off from the govt every amount..depending on who you talk to..between $3 billion – $7 billion each/every year..

          ..he’d be good at that..

          ..currently he is just making labour look like clark-govt. redux..

          ..and that wd be no good for anyone..

          • Draco T Bastard

            .i am fast coming to the conclusion i wd like the greens to be the biggest party

            Came to that conclusion a long time ago. And I’m not sure if I want Labour in government at all as they’re now a hold over from the previous failed system.

            • phillip ure

              and like the previous labour govt…

              ..they have no plans/policies to help alleviate the miseries of the childless-poor…

              ..the difference between now and 2011..

     that everyone in poverty was ignored/not fucken 2011..

              ..(harawira was..but he was a media non-person then..(

              ..the word was not memtioned..esp. not by goff/labour..

              ..this time the children in poverty are being spoken of/attended to..

              ..(which is a good thing..with of course int/mana and the greens having the strongest policies in those areas..)

              ..but the childless-poor..?


              ..this time out…they are still the invisible people…

              ..and memories of the nine long years of the clark govt just ignoring/marginalising/not ever helping the poorest..

              ..those memories are flooding back..

              ..the more i think about it..the more i want the labour vote to collapse to int/mana and the greens..

              ..i want int/mana and the greens to be in the majority..

              ..i am now convinced this is the only way we will get real/meaningful change..

              • esp as parker cites the need for surpluses as being the reason to be break just-made election-promises..

                ..whereas the greens’ plans..audited/ticked off by infometrics..promise to fix poverty..and to get bigger surpluses than labour..and to pay off the outrageous debts wracked up by key..sooner than labour..

                ..w.t.f. is not to prefer about that..?

       norman said:..’this is what progressive govts do’..

                ..labour is still too sodden with neo-lib..

                ..with parker the bright-eyed boy/advocate for those neo-lib beliefs/policies..

                ..and if the toxic clouds/sludge around national continues..(and i can’t see why they won’t..)

                ..then i cd see many national voters choosing peters and/or the greens…

                .the conservatives cd do well too..from that spillage from national..

                ..and of are over there carving out their own path..

                ..this is shaping up to be the election of the minor parties..

                ..with labour losing support because of fear of/boredom with clark redux..

                ..and the national vote collapsing under the weight of all the scandals…

                ..(and we still have the dotcom/greenwald spook-shit drop five days before the election…to look forward to..whoar..!

                ..’holy showers of shit..!..batman..!’..)

                .i repeat..this is the most interesting election i can remember..

                • The Al1en

                  Newsflash: Anti labour bullshitter in anti labour bullshit spouting shocker.

                  Are you cameron slater’s even more retarded alter ego?

    • JanMeyer 21.5

      Parker is a real asset to Labour; we right leaning types are quite fond of him. He was very clear this morning that whatever deals might be required to achieve a “majority” there will be no deficits under his watch. If necessary promised government expenditure will be trimmed accordingly. Given the proposed CGT and minor increase in the top marginal rate will generate relatively modest extra revenue anyway, looks like real squeeze on wriggle room going forward. He also has the guts to increase the age of entitlement under “super”; what’s not to like?!

      • Chooky 21.5.1

        probably why some “right leaning types” are also fond of the Greens!

        ….because the Greens too are fiscally responsible! ( and they look after the retired!)

        ….unlike John Key’s NACT who squander NZ for the benefit of their mates

        • JanMeyer

          Many economically literate people would be seriously interested in the Greens if they just stuck to their knitting on proper “green” issues and not stray in to the left wing nonsense; “green” should not be left or right. Massive lost opportunity for real political leverage.

          • karol

            The Greens ARE a left wing party. It’s in their founding values and origins with the Values party. If it weren’t left wing, many of us would not vote for it.

            • JanMeyer

              Understand that. My point is that that excludes a large percentage of the population who might well give their party vote to the Greens. It also means that the Greens would not be beholden to Labour (as they still are), and have achieved far more from being part of Governments of the left and right. You may not support them but the rivers might be cleaner.

  22. marsman 22

    Students are fighting back. The link to the Daily Blog below is a speech by students at Auckland University given directly to Steven Joyce who was about to give a speech. It’s a must read, it details all the nasty tinkering Mr Fuxit has done to Tertiary Education and they demand free education. Well done those students. We all pay for Universities so why should only the rich be able to afford to go.

    GUEST BLOG: Reclaim UoA – Students’ Message to Steven Joyce « The Daily Blog

    • crocodill 22.1

      I find it really hard to support naïve but well meaning students in endless protest. Aren’t they supposed to be smart self-aware people? In ten years they will be the same people they protest against now, they will have to be, to pay off their loans or make careers in an economic system that demands that:

      “The current government has made it impossible for people from lower income backgrounds to enter higher education. Excluding marginalised peoples from the benefits of higher education wastes potential. It keeps the rich wealthy and the poor in poverty.”

      There is so much ignorance in that statement, as if a magical government using the systems we have now, could or would make the changes necessary without serious cost to the educated classes, that I can only guess that either there are no students of UoA at that protest or the lectures there deal only with how to bake cakes and dream dreams.

      If they were really concerned, they’d leave UoA or wherever they are and “make their own way in the world”, reshaping it with their obvious intellects. Wake up students, you will become the people you target now unless you make a change in yourself. Do something real about it, or shut up.

      • Colonial Viper 22.1.1

        You started your comment by saying that the students shouldn’t protest and be politically active. Then you finished by saying that students should take action and change the world.

        That’s what they are doing, dickhead.

        I find it really hard to support naïve but well meaning students in endless protest. Aren’t they supposed to be smart self-aware people?

        BTW I’m pretty sure that the yoof are going to say: Fuck John Key. And Fuck You Too.

    • Chooky 22.2

      +100 marsman…and GO STUDENTS for a FREE high quality Tertiary Education for all New Zealanders! Young New Zealanders have been sold short by John Key ‘s NACT government for too long

      …I like this comment from Wild Katipo ( could NOT say it better myself)

      You students jolly well that push that to the hilt, …it has been PROVEN that student loan systems are not needed…..the origins of this malaise hark back to the neo liberal efforts during the Lange govt years…the vehicle was Roger Douglas..
      This was fully endorsed by the Business Round Table , the whole concept was not for the future generations…but to milk them for all they can get.
      These same vicious individuals who never payed a cent during the 60′s and 70′s when they were at university….. now lumber the young with insufferable debt.
      A good resource to understand this is the documentary ‘ Fortress New Zealand’ by Ian Fraser…those political scientists among you will be well aware of it Im sure.
      In tandem with this..was the deliberate destruction/dismantling of the trade unions…such acts as the Employment Contracts Act…specifically designed to end collective bargaining in favour of employer -biased individual contracts. And this directly pertains to the shoddy wages and working conditions of SO MANY of our workforce.
      Divide and conquer…as old as Rome itself.
      When the voice of dissent is no longer heard… we then know democracy is dying . The very act of having that freedom to oppose, dissent, protest is a hallmark of a functioning, vibrant democracy when truly led by the citizenry.
      It demonstrates active participation and the absence of arbitrary , autocratic rule.
      For a long time..we have not heard much from the students …possibly due to minimizing by mainstream media , but when the learned , the academics , the intellectuals , those voices opposing unpopular govt legislation are silenced , bullied , lied to…we are well on the way to fascism . Be it passive or aggressive in nature , The aim of that style of govt is always the same .
      Power and control. That is not democracy.

  23. yeshe 23

    this from a fresh comment by ‘Tigger’ under Brian Rudman’s oped this morning:

    “The United States government plane landing for a few hours in NZ, seems a bit odd, the reason given suspect, are they helping NZ elections, hmmm, not a good look.”

    Is Key flying in a support team ???

  24. minarch 25

    Very disappointing to see a copy of Dirty Politics (epub) on Pirate Bay this morning

    off course I have reported this to the FBI 😉

  25. yeshe 26

    anyone know what would happen constitutionally if Key were forced to resign before the election ?

  26. aren’t the greens doing well..?

    ..having their full-fiscal/economic-plans audited/confirmed as infometrics..

    ..was a stroke of genius..

    • Bearded Git 27.1

      +1 phillip. Clever. Not sure how they (the Greens) got their numbers out so soon after the prefu though.

      Labour (Parker) said it would be a week for them to update their numbers after the prefu. Then they should copy the Greens and get their numbers professionally reviewed.

  27. North 28

    Hard case accidentally tuning in to Sean Plunkett on Radio Live this morning – my gosh he can be a hectoring fellow – hard case because as much as he keeps pushing the business that ‘ordinary people’ know nothing and care less about the issues inherent in “Dirty Politics”, these ‘ordinary people’ will insist on ‘phoning in. Reflecting quite the opposite of Plunkett’s somewhat hubristic tosh. Maybe the heartland he bawlingly claims as his is a little pissed off at it being implied they’re amoebic idiots when it comes to those issues. Take note commenter Ad re no penetration beyond The Beltway and the Commentariat.

    Well done Sean !

  28. Herodotus 29

    I thought policy was important, lately not a great deal of discussion on policy, look at Kiwibuild and sourcing from Labour detail …
    Given that there have been announced 18,000 SHA’s and another 21,000 to be announced where are the 7,000 Kiwibuild properties to be built over the next 3 years to be situated,? Answer :”Much of the land will come from HNZC buying new land or building on existing developments ” Try and buy raw unzoned land within Auckland for under $500k/ha.
    Why not use this valuable govt asset of existing HNZC land and build …. State Houses, not sell our assets as we have with power coys.
    So Labour believes that “Estimates of the cost of a modest entry-level home suggest they can be built for less than $300,000” so we build them then there is the land component- still get a cost exceeding $450k that will help most of us. Well perhaps those who are contributing to the existing housing affordability problem 🙁 !!!

  29. geoff 30

    Andrew Geddis is being completely naive

  30. Chooky 31

    ‘Cameron Slater: Zionist and political pundit’

    By Chloe King / August 20, 2014

    “As New Zealanders begin to learn the full extent of Slater’s corruptions, smear campaigns and how much he and his Whale Oil blog have influenced elections in the last six years, he is being paid, as I type this, to also pedal Israeli propaganda…

  31. Zorr 32

    To all those that think John Key is an affable guy…

    Can you imagine him with the Twitter picture in this story?

    Nice to see some positive coverage there 🙂

  32. Chooky 33

    ‘Dear Toby Manhire. Bad call on backing Farrar’

    By Martyn Bradbury / August 20, 2014

    “I say this as someone who regards Toby Manhire as one of the smartest journalists/commentators/columnists this country has…

    • minarch 34.1

      this Cehill Pienaar character sounds like a very nasty piece of work

      how the hell did a man associated with SADF death squads ( The CCB ) get into the country ?

    • Pete 34.2

      And now we can see the importance of Hager taking care to only use material that’s in the public interest. It doesn’t feel right to read about private individuals’ health problems.

  33. karol 36

    Inquiry announced in response to Green Party request about release of OIA documents by SIS to Cameron Slater:

    The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS), Cheryl Gwyn, announced today that she would be instituting an inquiry concerning allegations that the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) might have released official information to Mr Cameron Slater, regarding briefings provided to the then Leader of the Opposition, for political purposes.

    More at the link.

    But is this just going to be the SIS investigating itself?

    • Tiger Mountain 36.1

      yes minister, will the minister responsible please stand up and speak for his department at some stage if that is not too much trouble

    • Tracey 36.2

      and what is the timelime and TORs

    • Tracey 36.3

      and the privacy commissioner wont investigate colins giving pleasants name to slater. article didnt say why not.

  34. ianmac 37

    OOps Morgan Poll:
    “National (48%) holds its lead over Labour/ Greens (39%) as ‘Dirty Politics’ revelations provide a new challenge for PM John Key”
    “Support for Key’s Coalition partners has fallen slightly overall with the Maori Party 1% (down 0.5%), Act NZ (0.5%, unchanged) and United Future 0.5% (unchanged).”

    “Support for the Labour Party is 27.5% (down 2.5%), the Greens are down 0.5% to 11.5%. Potential ‘king-makers’ NZ First looks set to return to Parliament with 6.5% (up 1.5%) – the highest support for NZ First since September 2013, the Internet-Mana Party alliance is 2.5% (unchanged). Support for the Conservative Party of NZ is 1% (unchanged) and support for Independent/ Others is 1% (unchanged).”

    I can’t find the actual dates when this poll was taken though it is dated today.

    • Roflcopter 37.2

      I see you conveniently left out the “National (48%, up 2%)”.

      It’s H-Fee all over again… the left backed themselves to the hilt that JK had something to hide, and the left got punished for it.

      Another election year, another supposed “scandal” the left have latched on to. The public see right through the bullshit the left are up to, and will punish them again.

      So much for “Vote Positive”.

      • Colonial Viper 37.2.1

        You really should update yourself with where things have been going over the last 72 hours.

        • Enough is Enough

          They are going the same place as Oravida. Disgraceful corrupt and really enough for the witch to be sacked. And hopefully those from outside the Beltway will recognise that.

          But are they getting us any closer to the election result we need?

          Our positive story is being drowned out by Whale and Collins. My observation is this is turning people off politics. It is not converting people from right to left.

          We need to get back on track.

          Labours ad today was fucking brilliant. More of that please

      • mickysavage 37.2.2

        This is a medium term gradual undermining of Key’s veneer of authority type development. Don’t expect instantaneous change.

        • Enough is Enough

          We have don’t have much time Micky – Are you focussing on this election or 2017?

          This poll is a fucking disaster for the left given the one story that has been in the media for the past week.

          Look at the dates…………………..

          • BM

            The latest release apparently has lots of personal stuff about Slaters Mum as she battled cancer.

            Can’t see that really helping the left, can you?

          • tricledrown

            Enough is enough Roy Morgan state that most of the polling was done around the time of the burning effigy and anti Semitic nasty comments which are totally unacceptable hence the bounce !
            RM also state that the Hager book had come out late in the polling period and wouldn’t have made much of a difference to earlier trends!

      • alwyn 37.2.3

        Hey, give him a break.
        It is in the first line after the OOps comment.
        “OOps Morgan Poll:
        “National (48%) holds its lead over Labour/ Greens (39%) “

      • ScottGN 37.2.4

        The polling timeframe doesn’t catch any of Key or Collins’ shambolic responses to the book. Also I reckon the rise for NZ First can be attributed to Winston’s long term ownership of all the issues around the Lochinver sale which would have been the biggest issue during almost all of the polling period.

      • tricledrown 37.2.5

        Rolflcopter Roy Morgan Said the polling period was coming to an end when scandal broke so didn’t affect figures but they claim the bounce was caused by burning effigy and anti Semitic behaviour which is totally abhorrent to all New Zealanders !

    • ianmac 37.3

      Funny that my copy does not have the dates but”…both landline and mobile telephone, with a NZ wide cross-section of 809 electors from August 4-17, 2014.”
      End of survey Sunday 17 August. Therefore possible effects of dirty politics yet to show.
      Never mind. David Farrar will have updates from his constant polling. He will let good news be known and clamp tight on bad news.

      • Chooky 37.3.1

        Quite apart from all that NEVER TRUST the POLLS or POLLSTERS! ( unless of course it is in your favour…lol…but even then be wary)

        Polls like statistics are very dependent on the sampling( and the mood of the sampled)…and too often can be swung one way or another and used as political propaganda imo

        The Left is going to win this election…Great Policies!… and John Key and NACT are damaged beyond redemption

  35. a herald editorial-writer..(roughan..?..o’sullivan..?..) has dropped a whopper.. an editorial slagging the greens poverty-busting policies..

    ..he/she claimed this:..

    ..’Six years after becoming a sole parent, Ms Turei graduated from Auckland University and began work with Simpson Grierson. Her experience suggests that the welfare system as it exists is not necessarily a poverty trap..”

    said editorial-writer failed to mention that ‘ladders’ bennett has since removed access to the allowances etc. she used… the editorial-writets’ assertions are a pile of fresh/stinking bullshit..

    ..and that begs the question..didn’t he/she know that bennett had axed the training incentive allowance for those sole-parents that followed her..

    ..and if they didn’t know..such ignorance in an editorial-writer is inexcusable..

    ..and if they do know..?


  36. Tom Bradford 39

    While the sad and tragic fate of Flight MH17, and its potential for sparking a major war in the Ukraine, has disappeared from New Zealand media concerns an apparently detailed and extensive review of the event and subsequent developments appears here:

    I still maintain an open mind as I don’t believe everything I read on the Web any more than I (now) believe what I read in the MSM or hear issuing from Governments with agendas, but the only way one can hope to form even a provisional opinion is to get as much info as possible from as many sources as possible and hope to find consistant threads and narratives that strike one as at least having the ‘ring’ of truth.

    • Chooky 39.1

      Tom Bradford +100…thanks for that link….certainly comprehensive ….and i am afraid terribly damning ( if it is true, which from what I have read elsewhere, it could well be….scarey! )

    • Tracey 39.2

      thanks tom

    • NickS 39.3


      Except it’s mostly from Russian sources and hasn’t been mentioned anywhere else it seems and scanning over the content on the site it’s making FOX look professional in comparison T_T

      i.e. they published this bullshit:

      And google searches on “21st century wire” “climate change” are most illuminating, along with other searches and the owner of the site is also “interesting”.

      In short, it’s a rather fucking clear conspiracy site, which like it’s brethren only useful as an illustration of how insane otherwise sane people can, and if I were as incredulous as you I’d argue the site’s paid for by CIA/NSA to spread disinformation T_T

      Bonus bit – they also like claiming russia has no laws on the books that impact LGBT people negatively, spinning them instead as preventing a colour revolution.

  37. Weepus beard 40

    Still uneasy about this Whaledump thing.

    The point has been made by Nicky Hager himself that he was not comfortable with publishing the personal details of Slater and his confidants, and in doing so maintains a level of professionalism.

    That’s the thing here, the black ops of Slater, Ede, Lusk, Batnagar, Kate, and Collins are just plain unclean, but through the publishing of Dirty Politics, Nicky Hager has run the stuff through his own character filter and it’s come out washed and on message. That message being the unethical inner workings of the current government.

    Whaledump runs the risk of undoing the professionalism that Nicky Hager has brought to the subject and provides a means with which John Key and his ministers can attack the message.

    • Tracey 40.1

      if that happens it needs to be put at keys door for saying none of it was true

      • Weepus beard 40.1.1

        Guess so, and the other side of the argument, I suppose, is that the middle voter IS SO STUPID that they either can’t see or don’t care about dirty politics and they need to have the message constantly forced down their throat at carefully managed and paced junctures, and that is what Whaledump intends to do.

        • Zorr

          If WhaleDump are who they seem to be, then they are going to do nothing to Nicky Hager’s professional image. Nicky stated that he gave all the information back to his source and that he has no control over what they do with it.

          There, done and dusted with that one.

          Second point being that I am loving the fact that WhaleDump effectively means that the Dirty Politics issue won’t disappear under the next set of headlines because there will constantly be new information for the media to process – and it is guaranteed that they will as they can’t afford their competition getting an exclusive scoop.

          If Key isn’t a lovely shade of sickly green by election day, I would be surprised. I’m tempted to think that this is truly going to come down to the leader debates because it is going to be JFK v Nixon all over again where if Key is having the same difficulties on stage next to Cunliffe as he is having now in interviews…

    • karol 40.2

      I am not happy about th inclusion in the whale dump, personal information that is not inthe public interest. And it’s not doing their cause any good.

      They show that Hager was more principled in how he used the material.

      However, MSM journos, are still taking an interest. Corin Dann said, the personal info wasn’t necessary, but today’s whaledump was important because of the background it gave to the SIS OIA issue.

  38. key on 3 news looked both hunted and haunted..

  39. karol 42

    Campbell takes on WH supporters.

  40. CnrJoe 43

    just watched this standup w key and journos
    1. Is that shaving nick on his cheek calculated?
    2. Most Nzealanders will be interested that wearing a wig
    Edit could be comb over But! Nzealanders deserve to know the truth!

    • karol 43.1

      How long is Key going to get away with saying most New Zealanders will see it as an orchestrated left wing smear campaign – blatant BS-ing?

      • emergency mike 43.1.1

        He’s been telling ‘most New Zealanders’ what they think for years why stop now?

    • Tiger Mountain 43.2

      Stop me if you’ve heard this one before; but Key is the first NZ PM to wear a reasonable quality rug, or any rug.

      Toupee´s are rather 70s American and quaint in these days of shaved bonces like Jamie Whyte’s. Would I criticise someone for employing a high tech replacement limb or dental plate? No they are obviously of some use.

  41. felix 45

    Sorry if this has already been bought up, but did everyone catch the bit near the start of this clip?

    Gower asks Key, will he do anything about Collins if new information comes out about her.

    Key says no, because he’s pretty sure that there will be more information coming out.

    Um, not really sure what more I can say about that.

    About 50 seconds in:

    • felix 45.1

      Oh and p.s. there is a beautiful moment a 4 mins where Paddy makes an announcement and you can actually see Key’s soul leave his body.

      • karol 45.1.1


        Reminds me of this guy.

        He’s not convincing the likes of Gower and Sabin, but Key’s pushing on with the spin for the people.

        • felix

          Haha yes! He popped into my mind the other day and I couldn’t explain why, but now it all becomes clear.

        • emergency mike

          Yes Karol, he’s not talking to journalists anymore, he’s talking to the true blue Nat voters for whom hearing him say, “There’s nothing to see here, it’s all bollocks,” is all they need to hear to keep on ticking the blue box.

    • karol 45.2

      Well, I guess it just means Key is braced for more damaging info. His answer was about damaging info about Collins. Key backtracked saying the more info wasn’t necessarily going to be about Collins. But clearly he does expect something more to come out about her. How does he know?

      • felix 45.2.1

        I think it’s just a fairly safe bet. That’s what makes it such a bizarre defense.

        Do you think Key might have tabs on the leaker?

        • karol

          The Hacker/s? is in whaledump?

          I would be surprised if some security services are not trying to find them. Cat & Mouse.

          • yeshe

            oh, the sweet irony that if Kim Dotcom’s original company had not been forcibly closed down by FBI etc, then the new Mega with its sublime and unbreakable encryption might not have happened .. it is wonderful that Whaledump is using it. Oh, the irony is delicious.

            also, I wondered how Nicky Hager avoided all the spy systems to keep his book details totally undisclosed until he publication date ? Maybe our spooks are not really very clever at all. Would that be such a surprise to discover ?

        • Chooky

          I think Key is faking ( watch his eyes)….Key knows it ALL!…EVERYTHING! ….but is pretending he doesn’t and pretending he is completely ignorant about what has been happening with Collins, Slater and Ede

          …Key is trying to bluff his way out but he knows the game is up for a NACT win ( he just wants to get outta there)….question is how close the shit gets to covering him?

          imo Ede is the missing link( the invisible man who goes through the fire wall) ….and the key to KEY….but who is the key turning in whose lock?…who is the puppet master?

          Key doesnt know who the leaker is or they would have nabbed him

          (imo…Gower did a good job….didn’t let Key off the hook ….and kept pressing with the questions despite the fob offs)

  42. Chooky 46

    ‘Why Cunliffe will be the next PM’

    By Martyn Bradbury / August 20, 2014

    “The latest Roy Morgan Poll was being conducted when the majority of the news media still hadn’t read the book and were still trying to defend National with the ‘this is politics as usual’ mantra

  43. Penny Bright 47

    Is New Zealand’s former Minister of Police, and current Minister of Justice Judith Collins a ‘psychopath’?

    Definition of a psychopath:

    A better definition of ‘Psychopath’

    By RICK NAUERT PHD Senior News Editor

    Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on July 3, 2006

    Are some corporate CEO’s, doctors, lawyers, politicians and scientists psychopaths? The answer could be “yes” if you use a definition which labels individuals who are often intelligent and highly charismatic, but display a chronic inability to feel guilt, remorse or anxiety about any of their actions. Tack on the use of violence and intimidation to control others and satisfy selfish needs and the label expands.

    How to Identify a Psychopath

    One Methods:Identifying Psychopaths with the Hare Checklist

    The Hare Psychopathy Checklist was initially developed to assess the mental condition of people who commit crimes, and it is commonly used to diagnose people who may exhibit the traits and tendencies of a psychopath. Most mental health professionals define a psychopath as a predator who takes advantage of others using charm, deceit, violence and other methods to get what they want. Identify a psychopath by using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist and trusting your own intuition.

    Penny Bright

    • Hanswurst 47.1

      I’m more than a little tired of these recurring attempts to safety-pin terms like “psychopath” and “sociopath” on members of the government. Why can’t they just be adjudged particularly nasty on the basis of their visible actions, rather than requiring some sort of spurious remote diagnosis?

  44. Penny Bright 48

    I’m interested in trying to work out why people do what they do.

    The next observation is that if ‘birds of a feather flock together’ – if Judith Collins can accurately be described as a ‘psychopath’ – what does that make John Key?

    Penny Bright

  45. redfred 49

    Essential Watch on Inequality and Society