Open mike 21/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 21st, 2024 - 31 comments
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31 comments on “Open mike 21/10/2024 ”

  1. gsays 1

    The White Ferns win the T20 World Cup.

    Apart from a brief period when South Africa were batting in the first power play, they were never troubled. Accurate bowling, massive improvement in catching and defending a slightly imposing total.

    Great mix of senior and young players (the grannies and the girls) that bodes well for the future.

    • SPC 1.1

      The outgoing captain getting out and Halliday coming in was the key moment of their innings. Devine and Kerr building an innings at the same time was unwise.

      In their innings the Tahuhu over stopped them keeping up with the run rate and then Kerr invited them to self-destruct.

  2. Mike the Lefty 2

    Nothing like a couple of good wins to get the confidence up and confidence is a big ingredient of success in cricket.

  3. aj 3

    Andrew Coster interview on Q&A reminded me of how well this country has been served by top public servants. In the same mould as Ashley Bloomfield.

    • AB 4.1

      No sign yet of journalists questioning Luxon over the "downward pressure" on rents that the landlord tax giveaways were supposedly going to "deliver".

      • Tiger Mountain 4.1.1

        Landlords have basically “trousered” their windfall and are laughing in the face of the poor sods renting their overpriced dumps, and or paying off their mortgages. Plus there are now less accessible tenant rights as the CoC lot suspend Kainga Ora builds, even structures not closed in yet.

  4. SPC 5

    The C of C policy changes in favour of landlords are starting to have impact.

    The latest CoreLogic Buyer Classification data showed that first-home buyers remain a strong presence in the market, with around 26% of property purchases in September. By contrast, activity by relocating owner-occupiers (movers) is still a little quiet (25%) by past standards, but perhaps the group to keep an eye on is mortgaged multiple property owners.

    That group has been edging higher in the past 4-5 months (rising to a 23% share in September), presumably driven at least in part by interest deductibility being back at 80% for all properties from April 1 (and 100% next April) and reduced deposit requirements from July 1.

    • AB 5.1

      Yep, that was always the intention – crank up demand from investors with tax breaks while stifling Kainga Ora's house-building programme. Thereby engineering a supply shortage and inflating both house prices and rents. (i.e. increase the wealth of the National Party's base supporters.)

    • tWig 5.2

      What's surprising in the investor comeback? Predictable, I would have said.

  5. Chris 6

    Very unlucky to get the biggest establishment lackey High Court judge there is. She had no chance with this guy, none at all.

    • Cricklewood 6.1

      Dont think she had a chamce with any judge tbf.

    • Jimmy 6.2

      The correct decision by the (any) judge. It wasn't a 'one off moment of madness' it was several times. If you or I shop lifted several times, we would not expect to get let off.

  6. Hunter Thompson II 7

    Damn, we've won the America's Cup again. Another bill looming for the long-suffering taxpayer.

  7. mpledger 8

    With Elon Musk virtually taking over Trump's electioneering and Thiel setting up JD Vance as the vice-president nominee (R), it will be interesting to see which puppeteer wins out post-election if the Republicans win. Maybe Musk until Thiel can organise an incompetency vote for Trump.

  8. thinker 9

    Health NZ managers ate $9000 of canapés as financial crisis loomed

    …I heard from David Seymour that a decent lunch should cost no more than $3. Apply that to breakfast you get $6 per delegate per day. Times 700 delegates you get $4200 total. However it seems the food budget was $9200 for canapes, $32000 for lunches plus $12000 for breakfasts, all told $53200.

    Food for a conference to highlight the need to cut back on service delivery.

    Definitely through the looking glass now!!

  9. tWig 10

    Debunking conspiracies discuss a Herald article on the Wright family.

    They made their child-care business a charity a few years ago, and attract almost a quarter of a billion dollars in childcare payments from the NZ government. Last financial year, the charity made $32 mi in tax-free profits, with an extra $37 mi payout to the charity directors.

    Because one of them thought Jessica and Tova cosied up to Ardern too much, he started, and funds, The Platform, with that plonker Plunkett. Because the mainstream media cannot support a Labour Prime Minister, only a National one.

    • Descendant Of Smith 10.1

      If these companies are so profitable how come the workers are so poorly paid?

      As I've noted previously the loan scam is exactly how a friend of ours pays no tax on his income. Just borrows more against the increasing capital value each year. Repay when you die and farm, etc is sold. Has no income – gets a community services card. Gloats about it. Perfectly legal system designed by capitalists to benefit themselves.

    • Mikey 10.2

      It does seem … odd … that 'charities' can pay their ceos and directors so handsomely.

      • Incognito 10.2.1

        I think a common misconception (aka a manufactured myth) is that charities run on the smell of an oily rag and all staff work pro bono.

        Many NZ charities are corporate-like with KPIs and all the bells & whistles with PMC leadership and return of dollar-donated is negatively affected by large overheads and opex costs.