Open mike 21/06/2012

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 21st, 2012 - 135 comments
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135 comments on “Open mike 21/06/2012 ”

  1. Logie97 1

    Dear John

    Five years ago you announced to New Zealand that you were “tired of the negativity” and ambitious and passionate about the country.

    Well thank you and congratulations for the part you are playing in demoralising the total work force in one once-proud-and-successful section of the economy, the teaching profession.

    Your singular championing and positive statements about all that is good in teaching have been deafening in their silence.


    • ianmac 1.1

      Dear Logie97,

      I can understand your concerns but you must realize that we in the Power House of New Zealand have an over-riding imperative and that is to stay in power. If that means throwing children and teachers onto the rubbish heap in order to garner support from the voters then so be it.

      Yes I know that NZ has a highly motivated and successful teaching force in spite of very low funding by international standards, but we need to paint them as wasters, bludgers and whiners. This is Steven’s plan and it is having the effect of causing doubt and fear amongst the parents and pupils. Just what we want!

      So Logie97, join the ranks of the gullible NZers and stop whining!


  2. dd 2

    I’m trying to list the pro’s and cons of asset sales. In particular the sale of Might River Power.

    Anyone care to give me a few.

    The cons are far easier to compile. The pros are pretty much make some money to pay down future debt.

    • tc 2.2

      That’s not a pro argument if you analyse the cost of debt versus what the assets return, that argument is full of very big holes but don’t expect any accuracy or honesty from the Nats on this as they’d sell their grandmother given half the chance.

      These are one off irreplaceable assets that generate an essential service, electricity, wake up to the bs before we end up filling foreign owners coffers to keep warm and run our homes etc

      • Pete 2.2.1

        The New Zealand government 10 year bond rate is 3.4%. If the returns from the SOEs are better than that, then it makes more sense to borrow and service that debt from the SOE dividends. If SOE returns are worse than 3.4%, then it’s not an attractive investment for anyone interested.

        • aerobubble

          Having rich people own good returning assets means that National gets back in power.
          However, dealing with the distorted incentive of our tax system, that means profits are
          plowed back into poorly performing assets (like houses) means that Labour/Greens stay out
          of power.
          Its pretty clear what matters to NZ, and its not profits, or a better economy, its holding
          on to loopholes for the wealthy because they will one day also be wealthy.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.3

      What is an Asset

      State owned assets aren’t assets because of their monetary value – neither ongoing income from production, nor one-off profit from sales. State owned assets are assets because of the value they enable the rest of society to accrue. Roads, public transport, freight rail, ports, power companies, water, telecommunications – all these things enable society to communicate, transport, trade, produce, engage, invent and develop, efficiently and effectively. They are the grease on the cogs of civic machinery. To demand an ever increasing profit from such services is to add sand to the bearings – and eventually we all will grind to a halt, burdened by the cost of necessities.

      That about sums it up. There are no pros to selling state assets – ever.

  3. muzza 3

    “I have the majority to form a long-term government of stability and hope,” said Samaras, a US-educated former foreign minister.”

    –Why the effort to mention he is US educated. what is the relevance, as if that is an asset to the people. Being US educated is to have been indroctrinated, and being in politics simply the way to progress openly destructive agendas around the globe – No I am not anti -american, I am anti anyone who seeks to impart suffering, war , death, austerity, corruption and the like upon humanity. It seems that the MSM seek to push the USA as some bastian of light, when those who are in control of it, are the polar opposite!

    “New Democracy won a narrow victory on Sunday against the radical leftist anti-austerity Syriza party which has refused to support the coalition and is bitterly opposed to the terms of the bailout”

    –Radical left is now when you oppose the establishment for the benefit of your sovereign nation. Opposing the EU/Banking cartels etc, is now “radical left”. Notice the narrative, and watch it happen around the globe as the financial systems deteriorate further, and more wars manufactured in an attempt to cover up the crimes over coming years. When NZ is strung up by the TPPA/NATO, will we be labelled “radical left”, for opposing out bankrupcy austerity, and kiwis being sent to die for others agendas, you bet we will….what might be the punishment for such nationalistic thinking by then…

    • prism 3.1

      Yes. Now we’ll get our dose of indoctrination and be dragged into USA mainstream thought now we have cosied up to the USA. The NACTs are always trying to tie us to the USA, I imagine they think of it as that great, powerful place that is a bully so appease them, we have already ignored them a bit. And besides it’s where many people have lots of money and great houses and baubles of wealth and power. .

    • Vicky32 3.2

      When NZ is strung up by the TPPA/NATO, will we be labelled “radical left”, for opposing out bankrupcy austerity, and kiwis being sent to die for others agendas, you bet we will….what might be the punishment for such nationalistic thinking by then…

      I fear that if Key and co are still in power then, NZ will not oppose such things! After all, aren’t asset sales one of the things the IMF prescribes?

  4. The NZ Herald criticises the Green (mis)use of parliamentary funding.

    Editorial: Greens’ use of public cash for petition wrong

    On the strength of its election result, the Green Party has been given a great deal more public money to spend at Parliament. It needs to be careful how it spends it. Taxpayers might be surprised to learn the party is spending $76,000 of its allowance to hire people to collect signatures on a petition for a referendum on asset sales. This is not a proper use of the money.

    The country pays for a Parliament that has been set up to resolve public issues and Parliament provides elected parties with funds to ensure they can research issues, question ministers and contribute to legislative debate.

    The law provides a separate procedure for citizens outside Parliament to petition for referendums when they are so moved. The citizens’ initiative, as it is called, is supposed to be exactly that. It is not a second chance saloon for those who have the privileges of Parliament.

    I agree, this isn’t a good look for the Greens. They are strong on democratic processes within their party but risk alienating potential increased support by this sort of cynical misuse of parliamentary funds and CIR.

    • dd 4.1

      I don’t see any problem with it.

      But, did the actual editor of the herald write that piece? Why is there no author listed for the opinion piece?

      • deuto 4.1.1

        Apparently, the Herald editorials are not written by one person, eg the Editor. They use a pool of their columnists and others to write the editorials and do not identify the writer. Depending on the writer, the editorials can take quite different stances on the same subject.

        • dd

          It just seems odd to me that they can run a story with such a strong opinion with no names attached to the said opinion.

          • deuto

            They do it all the time and it bugs a lot of people, but apparently it is part of their editorial policy or whatever. Sometimes you can guess who it is from the writing style and views expressed.

          • Te Reo Putake

            There is a name, dd. It’s ‘the editor’. This is common practice in every large newsroom in the world and has been for since there have been newspapers. It’s to identify the stance of the newspaper itself, not that of an individual. The writer speaks for the paper, not for him or herself.
            However, in recent years, it has been more common on provincial papers to have the actual editor write and sign the editorial, often under the byline of ‘from the editor’s desk’ or similar. Probably won’t matter soon, if the changes across the ditch are any indication, because there won’t be any newspapers of substance left anyway.

    • Socialist Paddy 4.2

      This was thrashed out 3 days ago Petey.  Trying to get a bite?

      While you are on the subject how about you detail how the follicled one uses UF’s Parliamentary funding.  Then we can have a real debate.

    • Te Reo Putake 4.3

      Yeah, Pete, there’s a real chance that the Greens may drop to being only 20 times more popular than United Failure. The tens of thousands of people signing the petition suggests the Herald, and you, have got it completely wrong. Keeping our assets is core Greens policy. What could possibly be a more useful use of their allocated funds than campaigning for that policy, which is extremely popular amongst voters?
      There is another difference between the Greens and UF, as you know. The Greens were open and honest about their position on asset sales. Peter Dunne wasn’t.

      • yeshe 4.3.1

        Tom Scott says it all, again … perfectly, as always ! Don’t look Pete, you won’t enjoy the honesty of it ….

        • Pete George

          That’s quite funny, but it’s a shame the cleverness was a bit wasted on a fairly vague point.

          What amendment was he referring to?

          • Jackal

            There will be a loss of public transparency because the companies will no longer be subject to the Official Information or Ombudsman Act’s. Do try to keep up PG.

            • Bored

              If they fall under commercial law then they are very vulnerable to whoever has a clear majority shareholding….I contend that the incoming government buy back 2% of the shares from the market then sell off the sub companies to themselves for zippo….crash the share price then buy the rest of the shares at an extreme discount.

              Its all legal, its an inverse asset strip so beloved of our corporate kleptocrats.

              • prism

                Brilliant – use business jousting for our own benefit.

              • yeshe

                Brilliant ! and if NACT read this, maybe it will encourage them to legislate the loophole and protect against asset stripping …

                ” You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one …… ” sigh …

                • McFlock

                  yeah – I suppose there’s always the possibility that they could do that competently. They have to get something right some time…

    • prism 4.4

      PG You would agree. The fact that the Greens are trying to give NZ a chance to demonstrate their opinion about a very undemocratic policy seems a correct use of their funding.

      But people and organisations who are totally or somewhat under government umbrella and who criticse government actions that will have negative effects on the people, is unwelcome. The NACT government and I think Labour too, have taken funding from community groups who criticise gummints poverty-inducing behaviour. That ingrate attitude from recipients of ‘glad-handing’ from gummint are considered to deserve a withdrawal of support to them and their programs.

      • prism 4.4.1

        Oh dear I am awaiting moderation. I think I have been moderate in an exemplary way in my 9.39 am comment but I am not a machine so I couldn’t possibly know better.

        • felix

          I think there were some tr0lls a few years ago who were fond of the word “gumm1nt” so it was added to the list.

          Shits me no end as it’s one of my favourite words too.

      • Pete George 4.5.1

        Not really for me to explain, it shows most who submitted on the MOM Bill were against it.

        I can guess that some of the submitters felt strongly and want to have their say, and some would have thought they had something worthwhile to contribute.

        Do you think any submitters would have been semi-organised, or at least encouraged, as a part of an opposition campaign?

    • mikesh 4.6

      Petitions are a part of the democratic process, so why shouldn’t public money be spent on them if a political party is willing to allow part of its parliamentary allowance to so spent?

      • Pete George 4.6.1

        It gives parties an unfair financial advantage over citizens who have to fund any petition costs themselves – this unfairly slants things in favour of parties and politicians when CIR are supposed to be a means for citizens to tell politicians what they think and want.

        • ropata

          National and their dreary cohorts want to flog off $1 billion+ of NZ wealth
          And dickwads like PG complain about a few thousand spent on opposing it

          How anti democratic are you?

  5. muzza 5

    Keeping TPPA visible, as this will make asset sales seem insigifigant, thats how bad this potentially looks!

    EDIT: Actually its easy enough to see what might happen if assets end up in the hands of offshore owners….which I would say is 100% likely!

    • Carol 5.1

      Thanks for the link to an important article. I’m glad Jane Kelsey is keeping on the case, and also, as mentioned in the article, that The Greens and Mana oppose anything that threatens NZ sovereignty, and that Peters wants the government to withdraw from the next round and to arrange a select committee on the TPP.

      And suddenly I can see another reason (apart from undermining teaching unions) why NAct are so keen on Charter schools.

      They also allow overseas investors to seek compensation if government regulation substantially affects the value or profitability of an investment. Local investors won’t have that power.

      An investment can be anything from shares and real estate to mining or casino licences and contracts for public-private-partnership schools.
      But a raft of other policies could also prompt investor complaints. Imposing a capital gains tax. Slashing Sky City’s pokie numbers, especially if National guarantees more in a Convention Centre contract. More stringent mine safety laws, a ban on fracking, iwi approval for drilling in wahi tapu, or tighter regulation of mining by companies the government has invited to tender. Capping electricity price increases. Tighter alcohol retail laws. Reversing ACC privatisation, as Labour did before. Stronger finance sector regulation, such as capping a bank’s market share or banning crossover retail, investment and insurance activity.

      Especially scary, given the Eurozone meltdown, is that New Zealand has agreed to US demands not to use capital controls to stop hot money flows that play havoc with the currency and exports.

      • yeshe 5.1.1

        And Monsanto and Dow will use it to ram their hazardous substances into our environment …. imagine if they can sue us for refusing to allow access to GMOs. Worse than any fictional scenario and so very scary …

        • freedom

          the most troubling and perhaps the most genuine line kicks off the final paragraph …
          “The minister is adamant the text will remain secret until the deal is done. Alarmingly, he says neither he nor the Cabinet have seen the text. ”

          maybe i am thick but that reads as the people negotiating this deal have not read the deal they are negotiating ???

          • prism

            That’s Gross-er.

          • Draco T Bastard

            This entire government is looking more and more like a front for the corporations. They certainly aren’t doing anything that’s good for NZ.

            • yeshe

              Searching yesterday for the doco Someone Else’s Country, the Commentary page on the Hollow Men website presents these 2008 links well worth a re-read today ..

              Who is John Key?
              29 July, 2008
              On Saturday July 26th July the NZ Herald published the second part of an in depth study of John Key. Buried towards the end of the main article in this coverage we find what the three journalists assigned to research and write these stories concluded about the central question of who the man is and what he would like to do if he became prime minister.
              >> More

              Controversial figure gets top Nats list spot
              28 July, 2008
              Steven Joyce: The campaigner named as the key go-between in meetings between the Exclusive Brethren and former leader Don Brash during the 2005 election campaign has been given a plum national list spot.
              >> More

              “From the Left” by Chris Trotter
              4 July, 2008
              Why Crosby/Textor? That’s the question I’d like John Key to answer.
              There are plenty of public relations firms and advertising agencies right here in New Zealand, Mr Key, to which you could have turned to for political advice. Plenty of former politicians and conservative academics who would quite happily have donated their best thinking to you free, gratis and for nothing. And the people employed by your own party, and in you own office, what are they – chopped liver?
              >> More

              The master of the dog whistle
              27 April, 2008
              Lynton Crosby’s negative tactics for the Tory campaign represent a serious threat to British democracy
              >> More


              • Vicky32

                Searching yesterday for the doco Someone Else’s Country, the Commentary page on the Hollow Men website presents these 2008 links well worth a re-read today ..

                I am finally reading that book (Hollow Men), (I ought to have done so years back) so thank you very much for that site… Awesome!

      • prism 5.1.2

        And with TPP NZ financial bleeders can have a bob each way. They can operate in NZ and then from a foreign country and force whatever laws are useful, if they don’t make squids in NZ because of some change in the law then they can harrass the country from their overseas entity.

        There are a number of NZ dairy farmers in other countries, and kiwifruit is grown overseas for instance. The complexity of business under these new measures will be only limited by burn-out of fevered brains of the skilled law manipulators and number crunchers.

        • muzza

          Its not about money, not really anyway, its about using money, which is privately controlled, to corner all required aspects of humanity, through corruption of systems, and of people. What happens after that is potentially up for debate, but the debate about cornering humanity and trying to steal entire counties is a discussion which was over decades ago, but is right in front of your eyes!
          Now we have the NZ “democratically elected” government, selling NZ on multiple fronts, blatantly!

          No idea what it may take for folk to realise what is at stake here, but its much more than money, and if secret treaty negotiations are not what quintessential conspiracy is made of, then there is nothing to see here, just run along!

          Anyone feel like they need to do more than just blog about it, or is it a case of cant stop it, will just give up!

          I’d say getting very vocal, visibly, and fast is what needs to happen..

    • DH 5.2

      What I’d like to see is where Labour stand on this now, they’ve been keeping pretty quiet over it. These negotiations began when Labour were in power so they do know a lot about it.

      • Draco T Bastard 5.2.1

        I’ve seen a few complaining about them on Twitter and I think a post or two over at Red Alert but nothing more than that.

    • Draco T Bastard 5.3

      The TPPA is another policy that the opposition should be saying that they will drop as soon as they regain power. This negotiating in secret makes the entire agreement illegitimate. We are not a dictatorship no matter how much NACT+UF+MP want to think that we are.

  6. Carol 6

    *Sigh* So there’s not enough money for unemployed and injury benefits, for education for the young, but we can afford to write a blank cheque for a royals visit. If they want to come here to celebrate the latest era in English (or is it British?) imperialism, let the wealthy royal bludgers pay for themselves.

    Ministerial Services, the organisation in charge of logistics and funding for the trip, appeared before a select committee yesterday but said it was too early to say how much the visit would cost taxpayers.

    No extra funding has been allocated to cover it. It is understood that the cost of the royal visit would be high because Prince Charles refuses to fly on scheduled commercial flights.

    General manager Janice Calvert said the programme and costings were yet to be finalised.

    • freedom 6.1

      I’ve got a mate with a single prop Cessna . . cheap as and we’ll throw in the sausage rolls

    • Bored 6.2

      If the buggers want to come as freeloading feudal relics courtesy of us for Shonkeys photo op they can stay at home.

      If however they send Charles, he comes through customs and security at his own cost like the rest of us sheep, then Mr and Mrs Bored would love to invite him to share the wisdom of his gardening expertise over a cup of tea.

      • prism 6.2.1

        What’s with you vinegary types over the royals’ visit. As Bob Dylan wrote –

        You may be an ambassador to England or France,
        You may like to gamble, you might like to dance,
        You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,
        You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls

        But you’re gonna have to serve somebody
        Yes, indeed You’re gonna have to serve somebody,
        Well it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
        But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.

        • Carol

          Now, a very great man once said
          That some people rob you with a fountain pen
          It don’t take too long to find out
          Just what he was talking about
          A lot of people don’t have much food on their table
          But they got a lot of forks and knives
          And they gotta cut something.

          • prism


          • fender

            Bob knows where its at….

            “High water rising, rising night and day
            All the gold and silver are being stolen away
            Big Joe Turner looking east and west from the dark room of his mind
            He made it to Kansas city, twelfth street and Vine
            Nothing standing there
            High water everywhere

            High water rising, the shacks are sliding down
            Folks lose their possessions and folks are leaving town
            Bertha Mae she shook it, broke it, and she hung it on the wall
            Say: “you dancin’ with whom they tell you to, or you dont dance at all”
            Its tough out there
            High water everywhere”

    • freedom 6.3

      Stuff poll steady at 80% against taxpayer money being spent on a Royal Gravy Train

  7. FYI.

    21 June 2012

    URGENT: (‘OPEN LETTER’ ) To Members of the Commerce Select Committee.

    RE: Petition of Penelope Mary Bright and 307 others
    That the House conduct an urgent inquiry into the decisions regarding prosecutions relating to the Huljich Kiwisaver Scheme registered prospectuses dated 22 August 2008 and 18 September 2009.
    Petition number: 2011/5
    Presented by: Phil Twyford
    Date presented: 29 February 2012
    Referred to: Commerce Committee

    As the initiating petitioner – it is of considerable concern to myself, as an ‘anti-corruption’ campaigner, to find that the Commerce Select Committee has yet to report back on this Petition 2011/5 which was presented to the House on 29 February 2012.

    It is now 21 June 2012.

    I am at a loss to understand why members of the Commerce Select Committee have yet resolved to uphold the principle of ‘ONE LAW FOR ALL’ and conduct an urgent inquiry into why fellow former Directors Of Huljich Wealth Management (NZ) Ltd, Don Brash and John Banks were not prosecuted by any of the following’ regulatory bodies’ for signing the above-mentioned registered prospectuses which contained untrue statements.

    It is a FACT that neither the former Securities Commission, the Finance Markets Authority (FMA), the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) or the New Zealand Police have charged former Directors Of Huljich Wealth Management (NZ) Ltd, Don Brash and John Banks for signing the above-mentioned registered prospectuses which contained untrue statements.

    Only fellow former Director of Of Huljich Wealth Management (NZ) Ltd, Peter Huljich, was ever charged.

    s.58(3) of the Securities Act 1978 is a ‘strict liability’ offence.

    58 Criminal liability for misstatement in advertisement or registered prospectus

    (3) Subject to subsection (4), where a registered prospectus that includes an untrue statement is distributed, every person who signed the prospectus, or on whose behalf the registered prospectus was signed for the purposes of section 41(1)(b), commits an offence.

    If John Banks or Don Brash wanted to rely upon the defence provided in s.58(4) – in my considered opinion, they should have argued that in Court, after having first been CHARGED, but all the above-mentioned regulatory bodies to date appeared to have acted as ‘gatekeepers’ to effectively stop this happening?

    (4)(4) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (3) if the person proves either that the statement was immaterial or that he or she had reasonable grounds to believe, and did, up to the time of the distribution of the prospectus, believe that the statement was true.

    I am very concerned that the failure to even charge fellow former Directors Of Huljich Wealth Management (NZ) Ltd, Don Brash and John Banks, can be’ perceived’ as an arguably corrupt form of political protection, particularly given how politically reliant this National Government is on the vote of coalition partner John Banks, Leader of the ACT Party.

    At this time, the Mixed Ownership Model Bill is being rushed through the House,dependent upon the pivotal vote of the Minister of Regulatory Reform, the Hon. John Banks, whom arguably couldn’t properly run a Kiwisaver Scheme?

    Is it because the majority of members of the Commerce Select Committee are National Party MPs that no progress is apparently being made on this Petition 2011/5 as an ‘Item of business’?

    Because National, with only 59 out of 121 MPs, politically cannot afford to take any action which could potentially result in John Banks being forced to resign from Parliament?

    Because – that is how I for one ‘perceive’ it.

    Commerce Member Bakshi, Kanwaljit Singh National Party, List
    Commerce Deputy-Chairperson Cosgrove, Clayton Labour Party, List
    Commerce Member Cunliffe, David Labour Party, New Lynn
    Commerce Member Curran, Clare Labour Party, Dunedin South
    Commerce Member Lotu-Iiga, Peseta Sam National Party, Maungakiekie
    Commerce Member Mathers, Mojo Green Party, List
    Commerce Member Mitchell, Mark National Party, Rodney
    Commerce Member Smith, Nick National Party, Nelson
    Commerce Chairperson Young, Jonathan National Party, New Plymouth

    This matter is already in the public domain, and on the streets (particularly in the Epsom electorate) I have found there is increasing public interest.

    Also, further information on this matter, and other complaints about the Hon. John Banks are available for public perusal on – for which I take full personal responsibility for content.

    In my considered opinion, the lack of action to date on this matter (and other complaints against the Hon. John Banks) helps to prove why New Zealand needs to urgently ratify the UN Convention Against Corruption and establish a genuinely Independent Commission Against Corruption.

    Yours sincerely,

    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption campaigner’

  8. Red Rosa 8

    Now we are ‘allies’ of the US, you can bet Coleman didn’t raise questions like this in DC…

    but we may have to bear the consequences.

    • Vicky32 8.1

      but we may have to bear the consequences.

      Drones are horrific, no question. There is absolutely no excuse and no reason for using them, especially as an assassination tool to attack the rest of the world.

      From Red Rosa’s link: ” is the last guy in the room with the president, I’m comfortable, because Brennan is a person of genuine moral rectitude.”

      Lolwut? There is no moral rectitude in using drones. 

  9. prism 9

    The morning news carried the item that a NZer one Marshall, who fell out of a window in Australia through inadvertent help from someone. Turns out that he was a cousin of the Scott family. What an unfortunate coincidence that it was from this family. Or perhaps there is inbreeding in some green regions of NZ.

    • Colonial Viper 9.1

      Or perhaps there is inbreeding in some green regions of NZ.

      Yeah that comment is helpful how?

      BTW The inbreeding which is undermining this country is happening in Wellington.

    • grumpy 9.2

      …so, it’s the victim’s fault eh?

  10. prism 10

    When searches are made for errant people on land or sea. What monetary share of the cost are they expected to return to the country’s or search organisations’ coffers?

  11. Te Reo Putake 11

    Some interesting articles in the Guardian about Julian Assange’s attempt to avoid being questioned by Swedish prosecutors. This one is from a former Wikileaks staffer and there are others that cover other aspects of the asylum bid. One thing is for sure, it doesn’t pay to lend Assange money; by breaching his bail, he is potentially going to cost some of his closest supporters the thick end of a million bucks.

  12. Carol 12

    I’m pretty sure that I heard Jane Furlong referred to in last night’s TV3 news headlines as a “prostitute”. Did I remember wrong?

    If my memory is correct then TV3 have had second thoughts and cleaned up the reports. The headline has been cut out from the front of the video:

    And in the rest of the report she’s referred to as a “street-walker”.

    Good on RNZ for just labeling her by age (way too young to die) at least in their headline:

    But still the focus on her being a “sex worker’.

    She was a teenager who had ambitions to be a psychologist:

    Had Jane Furlong’s teenage dreams come true, she would now be a child psychologist in her mid-30s.

    But the most newsworthy aspect of her death seems to be that she was a victim of older criminals, and she was about to give evidence in court against some of them.

    “prostitute”, “street walker”, even “sex worker” don’t define her, especially as, when reported sensationally in the media, they carry a negative connotation.

    • grumpy 12.1

      …also had serious drug issues – the cause of so many broken dreams. Remember, this was before prostitution was legalised. She was also due to give evidence in a gang related drug trial – a sad end to a sad life.

    • deuto 12.2

      The labelling of this poor young woman has really annoyed me. Radio NZ National have been guilty of this as the other news media as they have referred to her as a sex worker etc in almost every actual news bulletin over the last 24 hours or so – and apart from those in the middle of the night I have heard most of them.

      • Carol 12.2.1

        Ack! and TV3 is at it again tonight. In the first couple of minutes of their report they gave her the label “prostitute”, as if that summed up her identity.

    • joe90 12.3

      I found the interview with the former police officer who was liaising with Jane Furlong disturbing.

      Along the lines of “she had no concerns for the safety of the young woman” who she was going to be used to secure convictions.

      A seventeen year old out and about and vulnerable to the career criminals, who I’ve no doubt knew that Jane was going to be used by police, but Ms Candy had no concerns for her safety?.

      • joe90 12.3.1

        Along the lines of “she had no concerns for the safety of the young woman” who she was going to be used to secure convictions.

    • prism 12.4

      I think I heard Jane Furlong’s son’s name referred to. He has missed out on all the good things from his mother through her early death, and now his privacy and persona is being brought to the fore, not kind or helpful or needed to know by us.

      Something very irritating is the way that people use phrases such as “She didn’t need to die” or “deserve to die” instead of an unambiguous “She had a sad and early, sudden death”.

      • grumpy 12.4.1

        Very true, tough for a young guy – hope he has plenty of support……………..

  13. Seti 14

    Strong growth in March quarter

    The economy grew an unexpectedly strong 1.1 per cent in the first three months of the year, mainly boosted by strong growth in manufacturing.

    • grumpy 14.1

      So much for manufacturing being wrecked by the high dollar – looks like we are getting somewhere, boost in manufacturing AND a high dollar.

      • bad12 14.1.1

        Ummm not quite, the 1.1% rise in GDP is a measurement of goods PRODUCED but not necessarily SOLD,

        Who would have thunk it, the major reason behind the unheralded and unforcast GDP growth is accounted for by the weather of all things,

        It rained more and the Sun kindly shone down upon all of this, thus dairy production was far greater than forecasts imagined they would be,

        With such a boom in the white wet stuff, milk that is, dairy company’s had to do something with it so production of milk into other products is up 1%,

        The downside to all of that of course is that a buyer or buyers have to now be found for all this overt production in a market that has fallen price rise because of the rise in production of dairy products Worldwide,

        This raise in production Worldwide has had the result of along with a softening of demand, depressing the international price gained for dairy products,

        Given that the price is going down as production goes up the 1.1% rise in GDP off of the back of dairy production will have very little effect in the New Zealand economy vis a vis actual dollars earned,

        it’s just another dead cat bouncing in the totally f**cked Neo-Liberal economic ism and the Dullard from Dipton can puff up His chest and mouth the usual meaningless weasle words over the latest GDP figures insinuating that all is well in the jungle, but, the Finance Minister will be talking the usual pile of effluent as seems to be His norm these days…

        • prism

          The rise in dairy production worldwide will impact on NZ where dairy production has just won the top prize from that other high wage industry, tourism (sarc/ for those who don’t recognise it when they fall over it). And our dairy producers are setting up farms overseas, and setting up too as advisors selling our methods and technology. Is there a flaw here?

          Didn’t we let go of the kiwifruit industry by not buying the rights off Hayward? Of course we did, lose our initial advantage that is?
          We wouldn’t have enough nous to pay out to protect our brand. Think Kiwi shoe polish and I think aeroplanes.

    • Enough is Enough 14.2

      This growth has absolutley nothing to do with government policy. If they try to take credit for this they are nothing more than faudsters.

      There is demonstrable evidence that they are destroying the economy.

      This rise is due to hard working kiwis and the policies of the last Labour Government. Not John Key

      • Rob 14.2.1

        Enough is Enough, Labour destroyed manufacturing in NZ, the ammount of manufacturing closures and off shored productions lines that left under the radar during Labours reign was almost as poisenous as their inability to control the finance sector. 

        I am in a manufacturing business here, we have struggled through and finally we are seeing some light,  we are just shiting ourselves that someone like you will come in and fuk it up again.

        • bad12

          Yeah sure you are, the light you are seeing is Sunlight shining down upon higher rainfalls and increased milk production leading to rising DAIRY MANUFACTURING, nothing more nothing less,

          You are seeing one of the dead cats of the Neo-Liberal economic ism bouncing as the ism itself staggers in slow motion through another of the phases of its inevitable total dissolution…

  14. How is this for a headline in the normally supportive Herald:

    PM’s stance on super mostly specious spin

  15. aerobubble 16
    Sorry, but why didn’t the criminal breach his curfew by trespassing Police????

    • McFlock 16.1

      Because he hadn’t left his house to do it. 

    • Draco T Bastard 16.2

      He didn’t breach his curfew but it sure as hell seemed that the police were abusing that family. The scary thing about that article is this line:

      But Greg O’Connor, president of police union the Police Association, says the law may have to be changed, or police may have to ask for defendants to promise not to revoke the implied licence if bail terms include a curfew.

      Yeah, just get the law changed so as to allow the police to continue to abuse people.

      • Vicky32 16.2.1

        Yeah, just get the law changed so as to allow the police to continue to abuse people.

        That’s what my son had got from the headline which he saw on his way to downtown Welly! (We were on the phone, and he asked me if I knew anything about it)…

  16. William Joyce 17

    How many generations do we have to go back before we find a more economically incompetent government?

  17. Does Asset sales equal Fascism? It depends on the form but the shared ownership model clearly does according to James E Miller from the Mises institute.

    • Te Reo Putake 18.1

      A curious link. It’s to the Mises Institute, a museum of failed libertarian economic models. In the article, an unevolved right wing purist bags PPP’s as being insufficiently right wing enough. And it is PPP’s he’s railing against, not MOM ownership models, so I’m not sure of the relevance to asset sales anyway. 
      In essence, his argument is that PPP’s suck because the state should just let private enterprise run everything. In reality, PPP’s suck because the state takes all the risk, pays twice for the projects being built and the profits, if any, are privatised.

  18. The value of being a world leader in the protection of the environment and global advocate for social justice has been misjudged by this government. There will be economic as well as human consequences of being known as a supporter of modern slavery:

  19. According to Mussolini Fascism is not the correct term for what ruled Italy in his years in power. It was more aptly termed Corporatism because it was government for and of Corporations.

    Here is what Naom Chomski had to say about it and believe it or not the first sentence has been for a very long time my blog’s tagline.

    “Privatization does not mean you take a public institution and give it to some nice person. It means you take a public institution and give it to an unaccountable tyranny. Public institutions have many side benefits. For one thing they may purposely run at a loss. They’re not out for profit. They may purposely run at a loss because of the side benefits. So, for example if a public steel industry runs at a loss it’s providing cheap steel to other industries. Maybe that’s a good thing. Public institutions can have a counter cyclic property. So that means that they can maintain employment in periods of recession, which increases demand, which helps you to get out of recession. Private companies can’t do that in a recession. Throw out the work force because that’s the way you make money.”

  20. ianmac 21

    The Listener has published an interview by Espiner with Key. Don’t you get sick of Key’s unending optimism, or is it blind faith?

    His stories often have a touch of the Boy’s Own adventure about them. Key loved hanging out with the SAS in Afghanistan. He enjoys the Diplomatic Protection Service security detail. It’s not hard to see he grew up without a dad. He’s just been to a ceremony for bootcamp graduates.

    • freedom 21.1

      First line first error
      “With John Key in the middle of his tricky second term as Prime Minister ”
      I know maths has been suffering in NZ but aren’t we still only six months into year one of the second term?

      with a faceplant leaving the gates, the rest of the article should be interesting

  21. ianmac 22

    And this will come up in Question Time today, Q3 Kevin Hague. That will be fun.
    In the Herald : “Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) staff are receiving financial incentives to kick long term claimants off the corporation’s books official documents show, the Green Party says.”

  22. freedom 24

    do not bother reading this
    was reply to ianmac -re listener
    attempted deletion failed
    this text-edit is just replacing what would have been a duplicate post and is pointless to read, i did warn you

  23. joe90 25

    Yup, sanctions, they’ll work.

    Japan’s parliament approved government guarantees on insurance for crude oil cargoes from Iran on Wednesday, paving the way for it to become the first of Iran’s big Asian oil buyers to get round new European Union sanctions.

  24. fatty 26

    This public display of punishment is a return to medieval logic where torture is carried out in front of a crowd. Its a denial of enlightenment…this is why Tolley is no longer minister of education.
    How long before we start burning beneficiaries at the stake?

    • Uturn 26.1

      Interesting to see the car was already undriveable. Inspect the right side damage before it is picked up to be “crushed”. The owner just had their removal and disposal costs subsidised by the state. Still, it kept Tolley busy for one rainy afternoon where she would have otherwise been ruining stuff that mattered.

    • prism 26.2

      Oh fatty – are you a boy racer? If not, it was a lovely rant anyway.

      • fatty 26.2.1

        Nah, can’t afford a car, and don’t really want one. My transport is free/cheap, keeps me fit, is environmentally friendly, and is enjoyable…I’m a cyclist – and from Chch. I am often biking at night and have never had an issue with ‘boyracers’ even before the quake. I see the boyracer issue as nothing more than a moral panic, designed to spread fear and gain the votes of the elderly.
        I find middle aged men in fancy European cars to be far more dangerous, they seem to assume that indicating as an optional choice.
        The public execution of a car is a bit over the top, probably only done to get votes. The spectacle will do little more than turn the car owner into a hero amongst his/her culture. They’ll become a ‘martyr of the munters’.
        Foucault examined the logic behind this kind of visual, public exhibition. Most of the West stopped doing this by the 19th Century.

  25. prism 27

    fatty I think much of what you say is true. But there was an issue of people in motels on the favoured strip having their sleep disturbed. And it is annoying for visitors who have paid big money to get to a city, then buy a place to sleep and relax, then be kept awake by noisy madmen and women and roaring cars.

    I once stayed in a motel that backed on polytechnic hostels. One had a party on the ground floor. Each time someone finished a can they threw it into the steel rubbish bin outside – ‘crash’. Then someone was retching outside, and then someone got a hose and sluiced it away. I couldn’t sleep so watched this out of the window. Your contention that the ‘racer’ agitation was just from spoilsports is not likely to be correct.

    • fatty 27.1

      Here’s research from Hamilton to how the boyracer issue is a moral panic:

      And more from Scotland:

      There was some research done about boyracers in Chch…the media response depended on a lack of other news, the panic would grow and the subside, depending on what else was going on.
      Leaders, in the form of National, or Bob Parker in Chch have perpetuated this myth to their own advantage. Bob Parker built his whole personality on the back of boyracers…until the nation got a boner for his orange jacket.
      The problem with loud cars is easily fixed…introduce the law, fine them, then confiscate their cars if they do not de-modify. Simple. Loud cars are easy to find.
      Your second issue seems to be concerned with alcohol, rather than cars.
      The desire to turn this into a public war is a scam, just like the war on terror or the war on drugs, it is a manufactured, non-issue brought into the public arena to display ‘leadership qualities’.
      In terms of political points scoring, the best wars to start are non-existent wars which can be easily won, or ignited when poll numbers drop.

      “Your contention that the ‘racer’ agitation was just from spoilsports is not likely to be correct.”

      My point is not that anyone is a spoilsport…my point is that if this problem exists, then it can be easily sorted. I believe the problem was minimal, and any instances of ‘boyracerism’ is a creation of the authorities, and also perpetuated by the media.
      My other point is that this public crushing will only make the problem worse, crappy cars are a-dime-a-dozen, and I bet the boyracers think this car crushing is one big joke, they are probably all trying to be car number two…so the moral panic will continue….its either that or more debate about the asset sales.

      • prism 27.1.1

        What has been the effect on Christchurch’s problems with boy racers since the new law? If it has improved it may be said to have worked. And while it is interesting to intellectualise every social action it’s useful as a restraint on public feeling.

        • fatty

          “What has been the effect on Christchurch’s problems with boy racers since the new law?”

          Its pretty much impossible to tell because I think the law came in around the time of the quakes, and a large percentage of boyracers in Chch lived on the esatside, and that part of the city was undriveable for a normal car, let alone lowered vehicles. So they have pretty much gone, but whether it was god, or Chch’s god in the orange jacket is anyone’s guess.

  26. prism 28

    Have you got involved in the Save TV7 group?
    Meetings on in Auckland start tomorrow Friday and Bomber Bradbury is involved plus various pollies etc so should be interesting.

    This Friday 22 June on the NORTH SHORE, 7-9pm
    Milford Bowling Club, 20 Commodore Parry Rd, Castor Bay, North Shore.
    Bomber Bradbury moderates with Andrew Williams (NZ First), Julie Anne Genter (Greens), Phil Twyford (Labour) and Trisha Dunleavy (VUW).

    This Sunday 24 June in OREWA, 4-6pm
    Orewa Community Centre, 368 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, (in centre of Orewa).
    Bomber Bradbury moderates with Darien Fenton (Labour), Julie Anne Genter (Greens), Tracey Martin (NZ First) and Wayne Hope (AUT).

    Monday 25 June in MANUKAU, 7-9pm
    Wiri Community Hall, 11 Inverell Avenue, Wiri.
    Bomber Bradbury moderates with Clare Curran (Labour), Julie Anne Genter (Greens) and Dr Peter Thompson (VUW).

    And Tuesday 26 June, 7-9pm ORATIA
    Oratia Settlers Hall, 569 West Coast Road, Oratia.
    Bomber Bradbury moderates with Phil Twyford (Labour), Wayne Hope (AUT) and Barry Wilson (ex-BBC and TVNZ).

  27. Te Reo Putake 29

    Uruguay decides the war on drugs ain’t working and moves to licence ganga. Sensible response to a failed policy.

    • fatty 29.1

      Their gangs will be devastated…we in NZ are stupid enough to have pro-mongrel mob policies

  28. randal 30

    Just met DS.
    He will win the next election hands down.
    Anyway there were lots of people at his meeting but the message is clear.
    You have to start talking to people and telling them why these things are unfair.
    and why they want our power prices to go up in the middle of a very clod winter.
    who are these guys?

    • Honesty is important with any leader (and politician).

      …they want our power prices to go up in the middle of a very clod winter.

      I’m not aware of anyone wanting power prices to go up in the middle of winter. Who are “they”?

      • McFlock 30.1.1

        power company investors, for one.

        • Pete George

          Name one. Or are you making sweeping assumptions? It’s quite possible I’ll be a power company investor soon, and it’s not I want.

          • Te Reo Putake

            You’re already a power company investor, Pete 😉 But soon you going to have 49% of your investment taken away from you.

          • McFlock

            as an investor you don’t want to maximise profits? 
            Better rewrite the companies act then.
            Oh, and you are already a shareholder. Dunne is just giving you a near certainty that your shareholding will be halved.

          • fatty

            “It’s quite possible I’ll be a power company investor soon”

            thanks for being part of the problem…